Messages From The Mountain, December 2009

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First Light — Friday, December 11

December 2009/Tishrei-Cheshvan 5770

Number 607

Happy Chanukah! On Sunday, December 13, Temple Mount Sinai‘s Religious School and B‘nai Zion‘s Talmud Torah will come together for a Chanukah Family Event. We will meet at Congregation B’nai Zion beginning at 9:15 am for a morning of family fun! There will be Chanukah games, crafts, learning and music. Middle schoolers (sixth through eighth graders) and their parents will have special, separate programming with Rabbi Bach and Rabbi Leon.

Join the Women of Reform Judaism for a Chanukah Celebration and Dinner (bring your own chanukiah and candles!)

Friday, December 11 6:15 p.m. Shabbat/Chanukah Service at Temple Mount Sinai followed by a dinner of seasonal comfort food (chicken and latkes)! Prices and reservation information on page 10.

At 11:15 am we will all be treated to a performance of ―The Chanukah Candle Caper‖ produced by the EPJA drama club. Following the performance there will be a latke competition to see which men prepared the most tasty latkes. To end the morning, everyone will enjoy a latke luncheon and decorate their own Canukah cookies. As part of this community event we are conducting a holiday mitzvah project. Each family is asked to bring a new, wrapped gift for a needy El Paso child. Please label the gift with the intended gender and age. Families will receive one raffle ticket for each gift they bring, with a drawing to be held at the end of the morning. This Chanukah family event is open to all families – please bring your friends. To RSVP contact Alanna Bach at [email protected] or 532-5959.

Chanukah blessings, stories, songs, and a play, here:

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Worship Schedule December 4-5 Parashat Vayishlach Friday, December 4 Candlelighting, 4:44 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Family Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Camp Shabbat, with participation from mini-MSTY Saturday, December 5 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

December 11-12 Parashat Vayishlach Friday, December 11 Candlelighting, 4:45 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm WRJ Chanukah Dinner to follow Saturday, December 12 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

December 25-26 Parashat Sh’mot Friday, December 25 Candlelighting, 4:44 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Saturday, December 26 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

January 1-2 Parashat Va’era Friday, January 1 Candlelighting, 4:44 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Saturday, January 2 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

December 18-19 Parashat Vayechi Friday, December 18 Candlelighting, 4:47 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

January 8-9 Parashat Bo Friday, January 8 Candlelighting, 4:44 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Family Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm

Saturday, December 19 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

Saturday, January 9 Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am

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Two Kinds of Chanukah Miracles The Rabbis speak of two different kinds of miracles that the menorah proclaims. We must decide whether to believe in and propagate either.

In the Exodus from Egypt, God initiates the miracles for a passive, despairing people of slaves. However, on Hanukkah, first the martyrs like Hannah and then the zealots and the warriors initiate the redemptive process. In The Miracle of the Oil a world where God seems eclipsed, where there The miracle recalled in the Talmud speaks of a are no supernatural signs and no prophets, cruse of oil that burned for eight days instead of where the leading priests accepted Hellenism as one. That is a supernatural miracle violating the a boon, the Maccabees bear witness to another laws of nature. Taken literally, it promotes a dimension. They evaluate the world differently belief in supernatural intervention. It may even and they believe in a Divine power whose denigrate human effort… hidden will becomes manifest. The Rabbis However, David Hartman argues that the celebrated the political and military miracle of oil is only a symbol that arouses manifestation of God's miracle in the human faith. When human beings are willing to Maccabees' victory. believe that more is possible than meets the eye, Personally, I prefer the miracle of the few then they will invest in historical projects like against the many. I need to reject the the Maccabean Revolt and the Declaration of miraculous long-burning cruse of oil lest I be the Independence of Israel in 1948 even against understood as an anti-rationalist or passive Jew. all odds. Our presupposition that a cruse of oil But perhaps beyond my polemic against the cannot burn for eight days, that it is a natural childish legend, I need to mature and to impossibility, is only a symbol of the mistaken reinterpret both kinds of miracles as opening belief in the historical impossibility of change. me up to other dimensions, to possibilities in The Miracles of the Few Against the Many myself and in my world that I have too quickly foreclosed. Believing in miracles is another way Even if we cannot embrace the miracle of the cruse of oil, the Rabbis offered a different kind of learning to keep my options open and letting of miracle to celebrate. The Rabbinic prayer for myself be surprised. Canukah, Al Hanisim, ignores the miracle of the oil and speaks of a general phenomenon possible in every generation whereby God helps human beings to bring about miraculous rescues from historical oppressors. This belief in God's miracles does not undermine human effort but causes it to redouble. The miracle is "natural" within the realm of historical possibility, yet inconceivable and unattainable by oppressed peoples who don't believe in its possibility.

Noam Zion

Noam Zion is the Director of Shalom Hartman Institute's Resource Center for Jewish Continuity. He specializes in teaching Jewish Holidays, Bible and Art, and has edited several educational books for the Shalom Hartman Institute. Reprinted with permission from A Different Light: The Big Book of Hanukkah published by the Shalom Hartman Institute and Devora Publishing.

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December Birthdays December 1 Joshua Kallman * Aaron Velasco December 2 Donna Munch Irvin Nadler December 3 Marci Karch * Jason Marcus Lillian Silberman * December 4 Bob Brannon Heather Chapman Julian Horwitz Shana Levin Sylvia Levin December 6 Eva Pearlman Honey Phelps December 7 Harold Ettinger Linda Fruithandler Ashley Mansfield

December 8 Jason Zehden

December 14 Eric Saks Scott Schwartz *

December 9 Bernadine Belkin Rebecca Krasne December 10 Ann Louise Leeds * Abrielle Meyer

December 15 Joseph Horn December 16 Frances Litt *

December 21 Ian Mobbs December 22 Leah Gluck * Miriam Goldfarb Arlene Levenson David Marcus

December 23 December 17 Allan Goldfarb Annette Goldberg December 11 Joshua Meyer * Shayna Mickenberg Philip Alpern * Stephanie Calvo December 24 December 18 Chester Frame Edward Feldt Damon Crossland Norman Gordon Lucy Garcy December 12 Ruth Taber Carrie Snow Jack Bargemann Melanie Blumenfeld December 25 December 19 Terren Klein Judy Lauterbach Daniel Hirsch Sig Rosen Matthew Papa December 26 Phil Rothstein Norma Levenson December 20 Ross Rotwein December 13 Kaylen Duran Norma Aaronson Christopher John T. García December 27 Holderman Matthew Bowman Martin Kern * Allyson Holland Barbara Given Kenny Ley *

December 28 Keeley Burton * Carolyn Feinberg Molly Goldman Merrill Krupp Mark McCoy December 30 Constance Finke * December 31 Arnold Bowman Michelle Ducorsky Irving Schecter

December Anniversaries December 5 Bert & Bert Blackburn

December 20 Ron & Judy Blumenfeld *

December 6 Sig & Olga Rosen *

December 21 Aaron & Sylvia Wechter

December 15 Tom & Sandy Dula *

December 23 Jay & Marilyn Mendeloff

December 17 John T. & Elaine García

December 26 Milton & Joan Cherno Harry & Suzanne Nagler *

December 19 Lou & Laura Alpern

December 27 Marty & Bonnie Colton Nancy Laster & Ross Dahman Jon & Arlene Sonnen December 28 Keith & Becky Myers December 30 John & Karen Ivey December 31 Bob & Edi Brannon

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Hamakom Y’nachem—May God Bring Comfort... to Elaine Krasne on the death of her friend, Jill Kreitman. to Neal Axelrod, Wendy Axelrod, and Iris Sauermilch on the death of wife and mother, Evelyn Axelrod. to Bob & Shirley Washer on the death of their brother-in-law, Louis Edelman. to Lloyd Mark and Janet Keeton on the death of wife and mother, Anita Mark.

Mazel Tov! Congratulations... to Randee & Lyndon Mansfield on the marriage of their daughter, Melissa, to Shane Poteet. to Nancy Schwartz on the marriage of her daughter, Jerami Shecter, to Nir Peled.

B’ruchim Haba’im! Welcome New Members... This month we welcome Andrew Proyect to membership at Temple Mount Sinai. Andrew is an attorney, and is stationed at Ft. Bliss.

Leaves and Stones on the Temple’s Tree of Life Do you know that you can honor or remember a loved one with a leaf or a stone on the Tree of Life? This beautiful work of art is displayed on the wall in the foyer at Temple just outside the Sanctuary. For a minimum donation of $300 for a leaf or $3,000 for a stone, the brass will be engraved according to your instructions and will remain on the Tree of Life forever. Your donation becomes part of the Foundation Trust and benefits Temple Mount Sinai in perpetuity. For more information, contact Sally Parke at the Temple office at 532-5959.

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FAÇADES AND FACES – Our ‘Mitzvah Month’ in the Republic of Belarus by Rabbi Ken and Sue Weiss

During a weekend visit in Vitebsk some 200 miles Nine time zones away from West Texas, a 15-year- from Minsk, we led Kabbalat Shabbat services. We old state still echoes Soviet values…in The Repub- also searched the Jewish cemetery and local arlic of Belarus there is an American embassy but no chives for signs of Ken‘s maternal grandfather who ambassador – he along with 90% of U.S. employees was born in this area in 1887 and migrated to the U.S. around 1900. Nothing regarding his life has have been expelled. Belarus: it‘s west of Russia, yet come to light, but a search in the state historical north of Ukraine, east of Poland, south of Lithuaarchives in Minsk continues. nia and Latvia…until 1939 it was home to many schools of Jewish learning and centers of Jewish Impressions and Reflections… population: Minsk, Babruysk, Gomel, Grodna, …Belarus‘ Jewish worship melodies are (90%) the Vitebsk, Mir, Pinsk, Lida, Mogilev…once the ‗Pale same as ours; the Jewish people we met are warm, of Settlement,‘ it was the point of departure for welcoming and dedicated to Judaism; there are countless Eastern European Jews who made their Jewish kindergartens but the law dictates that they way to America between 1880 and 1920… must classified as secular, not religious…the chilMinsk, the capitol of Belarus, was our ‗home‘ for dren are gorgeous; there‘s a teenage youth group the month of October 2009. We served the Procalled NeTZeR (Reform Zionist Youth) possessing gressive (=non-Orthodox) Jewish communities of so much spirit, so much music. They‘re NFTY, BelBelarus in the absence of the only liberal rabbi in arus-style… the entire country. While Rabbi Grisha …very few people we met speak any English. Abramovich (ordained at London‘s Leo Baeck Seminary) spent a month of sabbatical in the U.S. – …there are official memorials all over Belarus, actually in our Boston area condo – we stepped in most recalling deaths at the hands of the Nazis, yet none mention that most Belarussians before the to provide rabbinic coverage. war were Jewish(!) Our Activities …via email, we worked closely with two AmeriServices…teaching…conversion and b‘nai mitzvah cans (a rabbi and a rabbi‘s widow) who are planlessons, English language assistance; Sukkot… ning to bring Torah scrolls to two Belarussian comSimchat Torah…Shabbat. munities – Gomel and Lida; the Progressive Jewish We participated in a retreat bringing together lead- communities in these cities have never had scrolls ers from 10 of the 15 progressive communities …Belarus Jews love to ‗toast‘ and do so often – around Belarus (3 of the 15 are in Minsk, the capiwith vodka and thoughtful, moving words tal; the others are in 12 smaller communities, all of which were predominantly Jewish prior to World …an irony that struck us: we thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful public concert (presented by the Israeli War II and now are home to a few Jews who are Embassy!), featuring an Israeli husband-wife duo determined to re-grow Jewish life in their homewho played piano magnificently…yet the Belarustowns). We participated in ‗Hevruta,‘ an annual sian Jews we met told us they would not wear kipdaylong educational gathering of Minsk‘s Jews held on the JCC campus. (Continued on page 7)

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pot in public…nor did we see a single mezuzah OUTSIDE any door (inside – in private – yes)… …the streets of the cities are filled with beautiful people – young, slim, long-legged (LOTS of very high heels!), blond; everyone walks – I think we covered at least 60 miles in our 28 days; the Metro (=subway) is so efficient – trains every 2-7 minutes, fast, terribly crowded; 4 escalators were recently installed in the central Metro stop and, despite huge crowds, we never saw more than 3 (usually 2!) operate at the same time. Façades and Faces In Belarus, public facilities – boulevards, parks, government buildings, shopping centers, even the outer walls of virtually every building – are well maintained, beautifully tended: the first impression is overwhelmingly positive. But the private places – inner stairwells, office building hallways and restrooms – are neglected, decrepit; many of the places where people live and work are threadbare, the buildings neglected. So many ‗officials‘ watch (and record?) as you enter every public building; so many others rake falling leaves…and

Messages from the Mountain

then rake them again; Façades – while appearing genuine – only glosses over the inner decay…we‘re reminded of Hollywood movie sets. What IS genuine in Belarus are the people…their faces are candid reflections of the very kind and generous people they are. The Belarussian Jewish people whom we met – of all ages – returned our love and feeling of connection. Their faces, their eyes, are windows on what is REALLY inside them…no façades there at all! We KNEW they appreciated our presence and our efforts. Our hosts in Minsk were Michael Kemerov, Executive Director of the World Union for Progressive Judaism in Belarus (age 42) and his wife, Irina (Ira) Belskaia (age 31). Ira shared this wisdom with us: ‗Yesterday is history, ‗Tomorrow is a mystery, ‗Today is a gift…and that‘s why it‘s called ―the present‖‘ While we were with the Jews of Belarus, every ‗today‘ was a gift; we knew we were among our cousins, our people.

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Lunch and Learn, December 15 at 11:45 am Take the opportunity to learn with friends as our Lunch and Learn series continues on December 15. We‘ll begin at 11:45 am as lunch is served; Rabbi Bach will teach from shortly after noon until 1 pm.

which the holiday has been shaped in the image of those who celebrated it, ―in those days‖ and ―at this time,‖ ―over there‖ and ―here‖ as well.

Future dates are: December 15, 2009; January This month‘s session takes place during 19, February 16, March 16, April 6 and May 4, Chanukah, and our learning will focus on ―the 2010. Festival of Lights...for Grownups.‖ Best-known Lunches are $10 each. Please send in your as a ―kiddie‖ holiday of dreydls, gifts and gelt, check if you want to prepay or call Buddy Chanukah has been mined for meaning by Schwartz at 532-5959 or email him at Jews in every age. We‘ll explore the ways in [email protected]

Interested in celebrating an Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Give Rabbi Bach a call!

Temple Gift Shop Holiday Hours TAX FREE DAY: Sunday, December 6, 2009—9:30 am to 1:00 pm —- Also, 30% off selected Fashion Jewelry Tuesday, December 8, 2009 — 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Wednesday, December 9, 2009 — 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Thursday, December 10, 2009 — 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

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NFTY-SW Leadership Training Institute Wrap-Up by Thomas Krapin

chance to experience new ways to make our

After more than six years, El Paso once again played host to a NFTY-SW regional event: Leadership Training Institute (LTI) from October 23-25, 2009! During LTI, the activities

TYG absolutely amazing. This weekend was totally worth missing school!‖ Nate Benjamin states, ―Great Success. Programs were well thought out, and helped to develop the TYG

mostly consisted of trainings on how to be an awesome leader. At the beginning we did a Mixer, which gave us an opportunity to introduce ourselves to the group and tell everyone who we are and what position we serve within our Temple Youth Group. We also got to hear some of our regional board members‘ leadership advice on topics such as, ―Words to Use in Articles,‖ ―How to Attract New Members,‖ and of course, ―How to Be a Great Leader!‖


board. Social activities lightened the mood. Oh, and the food was great!‖ And Melanie Shapiro says, ―The activities were fun! Friendship circle is the best! And the Native American drum circle was an educational

So to wrap this up I have to tell you that this event was the best! Not only the leadership training but also the social activities were phenomenal! Getting soaked and playing

MSTY members who attended this event were: Nate Benjamin, Kaylen Duran, Leah Gluck, Thomas Krapin, Carly Levin, Melanie Shapiro, Daryl Stein, Alex Stein, David Yates, Meredith Heins, Maddie Goldfarb, and Ben Puschett. According to all of our members who attended, ―LTI was a blast and a new

laser tag at Bob-o‘s was great, and learning about how different our cities are was a very interesting experience. LTI was a great success, and of course, we couldn‘t have done this without the great help of Temple Mount Sinai, Alison Westermann, Stacy Berry, Greta Duran, Lori Gaman, Rabbi Bach, all our incredible host families and the NFTY-SW advisors!

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WRJ News In November, WRJ members enjoyed a wonderful mikveh tour and talk event cohosted with B‘nai Zion Sisterhood. Thirty-one women toured the newly renovated mikveh at the synagogue, where Rabbi Rebecca Rosenthal taught the group what the ritual bath can mean to modern Jewish women and how it can be applied to our contemporary lives. This tour provided a new experience for many of the women who had not see the mikveh before this event. Rabbi Rosenthal explained that this transformative body of water can symbolize closure and new beginnings and encouraged us to use the mikveh ritual throughout our lives at significant events.

imagery. Thank you to Rabbi Rosenthal and everyone who participated in this event and helped make it a success.

Our tour was followed by a creative watercolor keepsake art project led by event coordinator Jenny Meyer, which reinforced the meaning of the mikveh practice. Our event ended with a meditation and relaxation session led by Ellen Goodman, focused on water

In January WRJ will hold its annual game night at the home of Becky Myers on the first Tuesday of the month, January 5, at 7:30 p.m. We hope you will join us for dessert, Mah -Jongg, and other games, as well as help us plan our social action projects scheduled for

WRJ has several events in the coming months, beginning in December with the Canukah Celebration and Dinner on Friday, December 11, at Temple Mount Sinai. WRJ members will serve a delicious Canukah dinner after services. The cost is $18 for adults and $5 for children 5 to 18 years old (under 5 are free), for reservations made before December 4. Reservations made after December 4 will be $24 and $9 respectively, so don‘t wait! Contact Buddy Schwartz at Temple at 532-5959 or [email protected] to make your reservations today.

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February. Social action is an important part of Jewish life and WRJ members will be preparing dinner for families living in the YWCA's Transitional Living Center on Tuesday, February 2, beginning at 1:00 p.m. at Temple, and participating in El Paso's Race for the Cure supporting breast cancer research on Sunday, February 21. More information regarding these events will be sent in the mail to members; for any questions, please email [email protected].

MRJ World Series Pool Results Here are the results of the 2009 Worlds Series of Baseball Fundraiser! A 3-way tie for 1st place! Ruth Braun, Terren Klein, and Adrienne Mansfield! A 5-way tie for 4th place! Mark Fenenbock, Jay Druxman, David Mansfield, Tess Mansfield, and George Elias! Lyndon Mansfield sold the most tickets. Steve Spivak guessed the total runs. Bill Spier, David Mansfield, and Scott Feldt each sold a winning ticket. Congratulations to all the participants, as well as the winners. Through your efforts, another child has the opportunity for a camp scholarship. Thank you for your support of MRJ.

Young Adults of Mount Sinai (YAMS) Temple‘s newest Chavura (―affinity group‖) is YAMS — Young Adults of Mount Sinai. Several energetic members in their twenties and thirties have begun planning monthly social gatherings combining Jewish learning and socializing. So far, they‘ve gathered for ―Torah at Toro‖ in September, ―Challah and Kabbalah‖ in October, and ―So You Think You Can Dance?‖ in November. Each event has had more attendees than the last, and they‘re just getting started! This month, the YAMS will gather at TMS Trustee Hal Marcus‘s Studio/Gallery on

December 8 at 7 pm for an evening of ―Art, Wine, and the Divine.‖ Hal will speak about his own work as well as the currently-hanging exhibit, ―Paint the Town Red,‖ featuring twenty- eight local artists. There is no cost for this event. And while the YAMS are hosting and organizing, those of us who’ve reached forty are cordially invited to join for art, wine, and bit of the divine. Please RSVP to Hedy at 903-244-7989 or: [email protected]

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December 2009/Kislev 5770

Mitzvah Day, a Huge Success On Sunday, November 8, we gathered in the Chapel at 9:30 am. Rabbi led us in T‘filah and Grace gave an overview of the Mitzvah Day program. A special treat was a visit from Gloria, a representative from La Clinica Guadalupana. Gloria spoke to us regarding the hardships people in the colonias face on a daily basis, and which she faced earlier in her life. After T‘filah, Morim and Madrichim (teachers and teaching assistants), as well as some parents, helped take items donated to the clinic from the Chapel to the Resource room to be sorted until pick-up time. Our donations included: Latex gloves (grades preK-1), Kleenex (grades 2-3), hand sanitizer (grades 45) and computer paper (grades 6-8). Additionally students and their families

donated numerous items (toys, clothes, games, books, etc.) for our "HiddenTreasures" project. In addition to the mitzvah of giving to Clinica Guadalupana, our students took on projects during the morning. These projects were fun and meaningful. ·

The pre-kinder, kinder and first grade students (lead by Monica, Shana, Angela, Carly, Valerie and Mia) worked on ―Get Well Bags.‖ The students decorated twenty cloth bags for children that visit La Clinica Guadalupana. They put crayons, a coloring book, a pencil, lollipops, a mini pinball game, stickers, and biscotti in each bag.


The second grade students (lead by Amissa, Susan Bargemann and Maddie) learned about ―Staying Healthy‖ and prepared thirty ―Staying Healthy‖ bags for TMS families. The bags included tips for staying healthy, signs of the flu, and tips for getting better from the CDC, a small container of tissues, three disposable thermometers, and small bottle of sanitizer. The second grade students created three posters which included some tips on proper handwashing, tips on staying healthy, and tips on getting better. Three students were selected to present the information during the Mitzvah Fair in Schwartz Hall.


The third and fourth grade students (lead by Ellen, Carly Robalin, Leah and (Continued on page 13)

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Nate) learned about ―Going Neutral.‖ The students watched a video from JNF, made posters about planting trees in Israel to offset carbon emissions, and set up an educational table in Schwartz Hall. Three students were selected to present the ―Going Neutral‖ information on their posters. The students handed out JNF boxes at the Mitzvah Fair. ·

The fifth and sixth grade students (lead by Josh, Pinni, Kaylen and Ethan) met in the parking lot next to Zielonka Hall and began washing the white chairs we all use throughout the year.


The seventh and eighth grade students prepared awesome Bar/Bat Mitzvah project displays and presented their information during the Mitzvah Fair. The displays included Bar/Bat Mitzvah Wolfe, Simon Bir, Amissa Burton and JoAnn projects done in the past and projects Farley for all their help in the kitchen, Greta planned for in the near future (Alison Duran and Buddy Schwartz for helping out and Sammy Holaschutz supervised). during the sale and Meredith Heins and Erhen At 11:45, students, parents, morim and Weiner for creating all the posters for the madrichim enjoyed learning at the Mitzvah Fair Mitzvah Fair/Taco Sale. As always, we are and had a great time socializing and eating in grateful to Frank Hernandez for his help Schwartz Hall. We raised a total of $485 at the during all of our Religious School projects and Taco Lunch (for tacos, salsa, drinks and events. yummy treats). The money collected at this Please take a moment to read the thank-you fundraiser is in reserved for a ―Special note from Gloria, on the next page. They were Religious School Tzedakah Project.‖ The overwhelmed with our school‘s generosity and recipient for this project will be announced very appreciative for all of our help. during our Cultural Celebration on March 7. A very special "THANK YOU" to everyone for their generous donations of time and resources: we thank the Intebis for donating 48 boxes of surgical gloves, Susan and Cory Bargeman, the Feldts, Shana Levin, David

More pictures from Mitzvah Day...

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B’nai Shabbat — December 18, 5:15 pm You and your children are invited to welcome Shabbat at Temple Mount Sinai during our special B‘nai Shabbat services once a month. B‘nai Shabbat is an experiential (touch, smell, see ...) Shabbat service conducted on the bimah in the main sanctuary. At the service we have candle lighting, singing with Rabbi Bach, and joyful praying. This month...all eight candles of Chanukah! B‘nai Shabbat families are invited to join the rest of the congregation at 5:45 pm for our delicious oneg prepared by Simon Bir. Simon always serves snacks that the children enjoy. Following the oneg, childcare will be available. Parents are invited to enjoy an adult service beginning at 6:15 pm. Please join for B‘nai Shabbat Services on Friday, December 18, at 5:15 pm in the main sanctuary. To RSVP for the services or for more information please contact Alanna Bach at 532-5959 or [email protected].

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Shalom Hartman Institute in El Paso “Leadership and Crisis” The Jewish Federation of El Paso is thrilled to announce that the new Hartman Institute Lecture Series on DVD "Leadership and Crisis: Jewish Resources and Responses," a study program for adults with a thirst for substantive Jewish education will be presented in El Paso.

7. Donniel Hartman: Response to Crisis: Reestablishing Moral Awareness 8. Donniel Hartman: Moving Beyond Crisis: Reclaiming the Primacy of Ethics

Bringing the multi-denominational Hartman Institute‘s world-renowned faculty ( to our community, this program will enhance your knowledge and ability to respond to key questions facing the Jewish people and contemporary society. 2009-2010 Study Theme and Scholars 1. Donniel Hartman: Introduction to the Series: Jewish Responses to Crisis 2. Micah Goodman: The Crisis of Destruction: The Biblical Prophet Jeremiah 3. Micah Goodman: Personal Crisis and Theological Audacity: The Book of Job

The program will meet for eight-two hour sessions on selected Monday evenings, beginning January 4. Micah Goodman: The Sages of the Talmud and 18. Rabbi Bach, an alumnus of the Hartman in Jerusalem, will serve as rabbinic facilitator, guiding the Crisis of Authority the conversations that follow each video lecture. 5. Melilah Hellner-Eshed: Individual and Tuition is $36 per person and includes study texts, Collective Responses to Crisis: Zohar and supplementary readings and havruta study guides Hasidut and a one-year subscription to Shalom Hartman 6. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi: God After Institute‘s Havruta journal Auschwitz: Jewish Theological Responses

Please remember to use your key tag each time you shop for groceries at Albertsons. All you need to do is have the card scanned when you check out. Temple will earn 1% of your shopping total each time you scan the card. If you have a card from another organization, you may scan more than one card and thereby benefit both organizations. If you need an additional key tag, contact the Temple office.

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Tributes — October 6-November 19 Rabbi Bach Discretionary Fund in appreciation of Rabbi Larry Bach by Janet Crowe, Lyndon & Randee Mansfield, Marc & Pam Bernat, Marty & Bonnie Colton in memory of David Goodman by Jim, Liz & Leah Levy in memory of Donald S. Klein by Marty & Jody Klein in memory of Evelyn Axelrod by Eric & Rochelle Saks in memory of Joseph Mansfield by Sara Mansfield Campership Fund in appreciation of Sis & Jay Druxman by Steve & Eve Riter in honor of Jim Schwartz's Birthday by Skip & Teresa Schwartz, Lee Schwartz & Edi Brannon Caring Community Fund in memory of Bluma & Sam Hoffman by Larry & Joyce Anenberg in memory of Jane Friedman by Larry & Joyce Anenberg Choir Fund in honor of Albert Schwartz's Special Birthday by Lee Schwartz in honor of Herbert Schwartz & Chanukah by Lee Schwartz Syd Dictor Memorial Fund in honor of Rona Dictor's Special Birthday by Marty & Jody Klein

in honor of Sara Mansfield's Special Birthday by Rona Dictor

in memory of Tama Bloom & Hy Rothstein by Jerry Bloom

in memory of Bruce Litt by Rona Dictor

in memory of Jane Friedman by Jeff Jacobs

in memory of Dorothy Schonberger by Rona Dictor

General Fund

in memory of Syd Dictor by Rona Dictor

in appreciation of Temple Mount Sinai by Douglas Waters

speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Rona Dictor

in appreciation of Temple Mount Sinai by Raquel Aldama

Falk Youth Fund

in appreciation of Sis & Jay Druxman by Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky

in honor of Harvey Falk's Special Birthday by Bill & Anne Spier, Marty & Bonnie Colton Floyd Fierman Religious School Fund in honor of Ann & Phil Rothstein's Special Anniversary by Ron & Judy Blumenfeld

in honor of Ann & Tibor Schaechner's Special Anniversary by Edward & Evelyn Schwartz in honor of Jean & Dick Scherotter's Anniversary by Irene Oppenheimer in honor of Ken Given‘s Special Birthday by Mildred Marcus

in honor of Sara Mansfield's Special Birthday by Bill & Marcia Dahlberg

in memory of Bruce Litt by Irma Oppenheim, Bud & Kathie Amstater Harris

speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Ruth Oppenheim & Family

in memory of Jane Friedman by Arthur & Rhoberta Leeser, Mark & Dori Fenenbock, Lowell & Shirley Nussbaum, Bob & Sara Shiloff

Freidman/Bloom/Rothstein Outdoor Chapel Fund in honor of Becky & Keith Myers' daughter engagement by Phil & Ann Rothstein in honor of Phil & Ann Rothstein's Special Anniversary by Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky, Rick & Leslie Otis in honor of Sis & Jay Druxman's new home in New Mexico by Idell Rothstein

in memory of Jeffrey Howard Weiss by Arthur E. Weiss in memory of Leslie Levy by Sylvan & Margie Landau in memory of Nell J. Schnadig & Benjamin O. Oliver by Isabel Schnadig in memory of William Bromberg by Joyce Davidoff (Continued on page 18)

Messages from the Mountain

Page 18

December 2009/Kislev 5770

Tributes — October 6-November 19, continued... speedy recovery to David Metrikin by Irene Oppenheimer speedy recovery to Julie Berroteran by Jo Witkoff speedy recovery to Martin Kern by Stanley & Dina Marcus

in honor of Ken Given's Special Birthday by Marty & Bonnie Colton

in honor of Jean & Dick Scherotter's Special Anniversary by Jeanne Moye

in honor of Marcia Rubinett's Special Birthday by Tibor & Ann Schaechner

in memory of Cornelius O. Ryan by Carl Ryan

speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Jeff & Wendy Siegel

in memory of Jill Kreitman by Bill & Anne Spier, Marty & Bonnie Colton

L.A. Goodman, Jr. Book Fund

in memory of Tham Friedman by David & Cindy Metrikin

in memory of David Goodman by speedy recovery to Jay Mendeloff Eleanor Goodman by Bob & Elaine Krasne in memory of Leonard Goodman speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by by Jim, Elizabeth & Leah Levy Bob & Elaine Krasne Isadore Kahn Memorial Fund in honor of Albert Schwartz's Special Birthday by Bill & Anne Spier in memory of Jane Friedman by Stuart & Frances Kahn

Landscaping Fund in honor of Jean & Dick Scherotter's Special Anniversary by Marty & Bonnie Colton, Ed & Lory Oppenheimer, Dick & Toni Harris, Joyce Jaffee

Ruth Kahn & Andrew Kahn Rose Mazon: a Jewish Respose to Garden Hunger speedy recovery to Rick Deragisch speedy recovery to Richard Katz by Jo Witkoff by Charlie & Sue Zaltz Krasne Discretionary Fund

Novick Campership Fund

in honor of Albert Schwartz's Special Birthday by Marty & Bonnie Colton

in memory of Ruth & Julis Novick by Robert Novick

in honor of Ann & Tibor Schaechner's Special Anniversary by Bob & Elaine Krasne in honor of Jean & Dick Scherotter's Special Anniversary by Bob & Elaine Krasne

in memory of Frank Parker by Jim & Carol Parker in memory of Harold Soule by Arthur Weiss in memory of Hilda Weinstein by Arthur Weiss in memory of Jerry Cohn by Bruce & Shelly Gopin in memory of John Crohn by Gloria Crohn in memory of Olga Bowman by Arnold & Lila Bowman in memory of Phyllis & Herbert Shecter by John & Kristine Shecter in memory of Sam Balk by Bob & Shirley Goldfarb in memory of Silvana Assael by Assael Family speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by Jeanne Moye Perpetual Care Fund in memory of Elayne Bernat by Marc & Pam Bernat Jo Ann Rothbardt Petersen Healing Resource Center

Ethel Oppenheimer Flower Fund in memory of Bruce Litt by Ed & in honor of Ann & Tibor Lory Oppenheimer Schaechner's Special Anniversary in memory of Jane Friedman by by David & Susie Novick Ed & Lory Oppenheimer

December 2009/Kislev 5770

speedy recovery to David Rothbardt by Bill & Marcia Dahlberg Special Oneg or Kiddush in memory of Lazar & Lillian Kopilowitz by Bob & Blanche Brown in honor of Jo Witkoff's family visiting by Jo Witkoff in honor of NFTY LTI by David & Alison Westermann in memory of Evelyn Axelrod by the Axelrod Family in appreciation of the Choir by Judy & Leon Feldt in memory of Fan & I.B. Goodman and Haim Ettinger by Gershon & Barbara Ettinger in honor of Marcia Dahlberg's Special Birthday by Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky in honor of NFTY LTI Group by Stacy Berry Tree of Life Fund In honor of Judy & Ron Blumenfeld‘s 50th Wedding Anniversary by Joyce & Larry Anenberg, Bonnie & Marty Colton, Carolyn & Shelly Gopin, Elaine & Bob Krasne, Shirley & Lowell Nussbaum, Jean & Dick Scherotter, Sara & Bob Shiloff, Anne & Billy Spier, Anne & Jimmy Spier, Dixie & Tommy Wicker. Rabbi Ken & Sue Weiss URJ Campership in honor of Sue Weiss' Special Birthay by Marty & Bonnie Colton, Peggy Kligman Zork Memorial Library Fund in memory of Bruce Litt by Eleanor Goodman, Rick & Leslie Otis

Page 19

Messages from the Mountain

Coming next month... A special Torah Study session with Rabbi Bach and Fr. John Stowe, exploring Jewish-Christian Relations through Dabru Emet. This class is held in memory of Rabbi Michael Signer on the occasion of his first yahrzeit. January 2, 9:30 am. The Bar Mitzvah of Edward Feldt… Mazel Tov, Edward! January 16, 10:30 am. Lunch and Learn, with the topic: ―You mean I can be an atheist and still be Jewish?‖ January 19, 11:45 am. Our annual ―Syd Dictor Sing,‖ bringing together Syd‘s friends for Havdalah and an evening of folk music. January 23, 7 pm.


Please return your 2010 financial commitment forms to the Temple office at your earliest convenience. Your prompt, fair, and generous assessments allow us to maintain a high level of program and service.

Temple Mount Sinai 4408 North Stanton Street El Paso, TX 79902 Phone: 915-532-5959 Fax: 915-533-0092


Mailing Address

Staff Rabbi .................................................................... Larry Bach Rabbi Emeritus ..................................................... Ken Weiss Administrator ...................................................... Sally Parke Administrative Assistant ........................... Buddy Schwartz Religious School Director....................................... Grace Bir Outreach Director............................................... Susan Jaffee Family Educator ................................................Alanna Bach Youth Advisors ..........Stacy Berry and Alison Westermann Building Manager..................................... Frank Hernandez House Keeping ............................................ Ramona Pinales Accompanist .................................................. Linda McClain

Officers David Kern ............................................................. President Shari Schwartz ............................................... President-Elect Marian Daross ................................................ Vice President Greta Duran .................................................... Vice President Ellen Goodman............................................... Vice President Jon Sonnen ...................................................... Vice President Tommy Goldfarb ............................................ Vice President Stephanie Calvo...................................................... Secretary Marcia Dahlberg.......................... Immediate Past President Trustees Rick Amstater, Olivia Chavez, Joyce Davidoff, Scott Feldt, Lori Gaman, Susie Goldman, Jack Heydemann, David Leffman, David Mansfield, Hal Marcus, David Novick Debby Robalin, Nancy Rothschild, Phil Rothstein

Temple Mount Sinai is the Reform Jewish congregation serving El Paso, Texas. We are a congregation of supportive, caring and diverse people with a rich history. Temple is a place for prayer, ritual, spirituality, education, wholeness and healing, social action and celebration. Join us as we explore, through these elements of sacred living, the richness of Jewish faith and tradition.

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