Message From The Lord Through 2008 For Mailing

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Messages From The Divine Father The purpose of prophecy is to wake people up, shake people up, and cause them to examine their lives. I will give dates and years that these messages were given to me. These dates are when I received the messages, and not when they are to be fulfilled. I believe that I have been commissioned by divine intervention to give these messages to our world of what is going to happen in the future and how there is going to be a way to escape all that is going to happen. I am not a futurist I am just a messenger to give a warning to the world. Things can change if you listen to what the message is saying to you and your future. Keep in mind these things will happen sooner than you think without notice. Look at what is going on right now in the world. Just look around, you can see it is coming like a freight train down the tracks. We are destroying the land that is all around us. We need more and more power. We are a power hungry world and we do not care whom we run down. Whoever gets in our way we will run over. Listen with your hearts not your ears to what is happening all around us. Your children of this world you can change things if you want to. The trains are coming to the intersection. Are you going pull the switch to change things and stop those trains from hitting each other? The warning signals have gone out. Are you as children of this world going to heed the warnings or are you going to turn your backs on them and walk away. These messages are giving to you as a warning. Are you going to listen? 1/20/94 That with which is the spirit is of me, listen with your heart not your ears. I am all power. I am all mighty God. I am everlasting life. I am the beginning and the end. All things come from me that love the Lord all things come to them that love the Lord. I will come in the clouds of glory for all to see. My glory will rain forever. All Christians........get excited; it will be sooner than you think. Keep a watchful eye on the sky I will come in a twinkle of an eye. Be prepared and strong in your faith. Bad things are coming to this earth. Hold tight to your faith and be strong. I am with you in all things. Things are coming upon the earth that the earth has never seen. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 2/16/94 There is going to be great devastation on the earth. The reason this is going to happen is my people will not listen to me. If my people will turn from their evil ways their wrong doings, sinning, partying, drinking, sexual sinning...I will heal their lands. I shook the earth in California as a warning. This was just a little warning of what is going to happen. At the edge of the Pacific Ocean are the Pacific plates, which is a fault line in the sea. This fault line is going to be were the devastation will happen. There will be a great earthquake in the Los Angeles basin area. Homes, schools industries built on the fault will be lost. There will be a great tidal wave that will hit the shoreline. Buildings will fall like sand castles. Many people will die. This will happen without notice. The devastation will be as bad as two nuclear bombs. The resulting shock wave will reach across the United States. Scared people will fall to their knees. The economy will be devastated. Simi Valley will be destroyed where most of the computer chips are made; also Hollywood will be destroyed. I have warned my people with fires, floods, tornadoes, green rain and landslides. My people will not listen. They just keep on sinning. So now my wrath will be put upon them. 2/18/94 The Lord told me more about the pacific plates and the earthquake. He has told me to watch the news on TV. There is going to be an eruption on the pacific plates. This is a sign of what’s coming and how the plates are moving. He also told me there are going to be problems in Bosnia and that the Serbs are not to be trusted. 2/23/94 Watch the pacific plates, the next volcano eruption will be Krakatoa. There will be a tidal wave from this eruption that will hit California. Then the earthquakes will begin. The Lord also told me to watch the sleeping bear. 2/24/94 The volcano will erupt on Krakatoa in the month of May. The Lord is going to lift the veil off Jerusalem and pour out his spirit on the world. But devastation has to come first. He told me to fear not for He is with me. It would be the worst devastation the world has ever seen. People will die from heart attacks, and fear; people will fall on their knees as they cry out for help. Many people will find Jesus as their Savior. He told me to keep close and to hang onto him and to not let go, or I could be devoured. This is going to be the year of strong faith. Be still for I am with you. Thy rod and thy staff shall comfort you. I shall never leave you or forsake you.” Rev. 3: 6 - 14 To all that can hear,..listen, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. This message is sent to you that is Holy and true and has the key of David. 2/25/94 I was having a dream. I am not sure what it is I saw but a huge crane with a big chain and hook on it. There was a pit with a steel cover on it. The cover was being lifted off. Down inside was brightly colored lava that was rising up to the top. The Lord told me the Beast is going to come out of the pit. The Beast is going to be set loose upon the world. [ Hebrew 12 - 12; Rev. 11:7, 11:13]

3/2/94 There will be signs in the sky. Do not be worried and keep your eyes on Jesus. The unbelievers will be fearful and you will rejoice. 3/10/94 As I walk around the universe display, I look down on earth and I feel a lot of shame and pain because they do not obey. Oh, if they would just obey and turn from their evil ways, I will heal their land. Let my Holy Spirit guard you and guide you as you walk with me day by day.” The Lord told me He is going to break that old dirty window that has been getting dirtier and dirtier and that he is going to pour His spirit upon the earth. For those who will not listen and obey my words and turn from their evil ways, I will shoot fire and smoke from the belly of the earth. I will show them I am God and if they still will not listen I will bring mass destruction upon them and grief. I will pour hot coals on their heads. Oh, listen...oh listen...the time is coming for great sorrow and pain. There will be grinding and gnashing of teeth. Oh, children of the Almighty, listen with both ears to what I am saying. Be still in your spirit and hear with your heart. I will pour my wrath upon earth like a two-edged sword, awake, awake wrath will come swiftly. I am Almighty God everlasting life, the beginning and the end. Oh, that I stand at the door and knock. But you do not hear me. You lock the door, you welded it shut. You nailed it shut. But you do not hear me. I knock and knock...but you still do not hear me. All my children, brothers and sisters, come together as a family as I have meant it to be. Flock together. You need each other. Come closer and closer. I have meant for you to be a family. But you have broken away and gone on your own. Now it is time for you to come back and be a family of God again because you are going to need each other; because grave times and restless times are coming, and your faith will be tested in these last days. My beloved...what I am telling you comes from me. See I John 4. These things come from me and from your Father and the Holy Spirit.” II Corinthians 4:13 - 18 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken. With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak, because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence. All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 3/13/94 I had a dream about Egypt. There is a room or temple called the “crying room” where God hears all our cries. All the names of people crying out are archived here and are written in gold letters with blue background framed in a gold border. The room is getting full and it is running out of space and soon there will be no more room for cries. This room will be found soon during digging. When the seal surrounding the room is cracked open thousands of cries will be heard. The discovery of this room and the names within will be the greatest discovery in history. Writings on the wall in Hebrew will tell about this crying room of God’s ears. This discovery will change the world’s thinking about God and that he does hear our cries out to him. The room is going to be found in the front of the left paw of the sphinx. 3/16/94 Last night I had a dream where God told me that there was going to be an earthquake in Japan that will reach 8.3 on the Richter scale. Rev. 11:13; 12:1-7 SEVEN IS A VERY IMPORTANT NUMBER TO GOD Seven Stars Seven leaders of churches Seven candlesticks Seven churches Seven Judgments Seven horns Seven days in a week Seven Spirits Seven trumpets Seven angels Seven crowns

Seven branches Seven seals Seven eyes Seven thunders Seven years of tribulation Seven thousand yearsSeven heads on red dragon

THE WINDOW OF HEAVEN God looks out the window from heaven to earth. Earth’s people should be praying, having fellowship, loving one another, caring about each other, being good friends, loving and caring for their children, having prayer not allowed in schools and pledging allegiance to their country. When God looks out the window he sees people not caring, moms and dads not having time for their children, laws against prayer in school, people hating one another, lack of friendships among people, marriages failing, no one having time for God, mostly they are concerned with making money to buy more things. Some mothers having more babies to get more welfare. The view from the window used to be clear but now the window is dirty. Soon he will not be able to see the earth at all. If people would just start caring for one another and turning from their wicked ways back to God, get on their knees and pray, to God to help them, then God would be the greatest “window-washer” and make his view clear again and pure. But so far people have said “no”, and do not even care for themselves, let alone others so why should they care about what happens on earth. So the window remains dirty and grimy. It may crack and break soon from the weight of the grime and dirt of sin and evils on the earth. There will be much crying, gnashing of teeth and pain that compares to a mother giving birth, loud noises, crackling, falling, thundering, rumbling, water rushing in on people, people dying, fire and smoke, coming out of earth. There will be spitting, spewing, rumbling, signs in the heavens, great devastation of things, injuries, going down, down, down, the greatest disaster the world has ever seen. This comes from your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, son of holy, holy and God in heaven, the holiest. I am your God. I am all power. I am the beginning and the end.

I am everlasting life. I created, I can destroy. I am all. I am almighty God, everlasting life. Zion - Rev. 14; Zechariah 9. Ezekiel 5; Micah 3, Daniel 8, Rev. 6, Rev. 20-8 (Gog)...also Ezekiel 38-39; 38, 8-9. 3/16/94 The Lord just gave me this scripture to read: I John 3:21-23; But dearly loved friends, if our consciences are clear, we can come to the Lord with perfect assurance and trust and get whatever we ask for because we are obeying Him and doing the things that please Him. And this is what God says we must do...believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ and love one another. Those who do what God says are living with God and He with them. We know this is true because the Holy Spirit He has given us, tell us so. I John 4: 1-4; Dearly loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God; test it first to see if it really is. For there are many false teachers around, and the way to find out of their message is from the holy Spirit is to ask: ‘Does it really agree that Jesus Christ, God’s son, actually became man with a human body?’ if so, then the message is from God. if not, the message is not from God, but from one who is against Christ, like the ‘Antichrist’ you have heard about who is going to come and his attitude of enmity against Christ is already abroad in the world. God told me, “I come as a shepherd to the door of your heart to offer you a free gift of eternal life. I tell you about all the wonderful things you could have and the wonderful gift of eternal life if you would just turn to me, your heavenly Father.” Only Jesus can give gift of eternal life. In all of the world, where else could you get a free gift like this. If you could know how the Lord feels how his heart is sorrowful and full of pain....the tears that are in his eyes, how he feels when his people reject him when he is knocking at the door of their hearts. They did the same thing when he was crucified on the cross, yet he died for us to give us eternal life. Oh, what pains he had, what pain to be put on a cross and nailed to it and then to be spit upon and mocked and a spear put into his side. God said, Oh, people of the world, I am giving you a chance to turn to me. Time is running out. I have warned you many times with devastating storms, floods, earthquakes, winds and fires. Yet you still do not close your ears to me when I call. My children have tried to talk to you but you just keep turning your back on me. You think the world is going to make you rich and you just keep on getting in deeper and deeper. Oh, how I pity you for what awaits you. Because of your evil doings, and that you do not listen to me, and you make fun of me. Oh, but the day is coming when things will not be so happy and wonderful, when money and food is not there. Just look at what is taking place in the world today. This is just the beginning of what is to come to the world. I send out my messengers to tell you the good news of having eternal life. They are telling you to turn from your evil ways and let me into your life to see the wonders that await you in heaven. But you still turn your backs on do not care about others. You try to get ahead and run them off the road, because you are in too big of a hurry to get somewhere. You are also pushing your Lord off the road, to the world that is ahead. Yet the warning signs have been posted. You cry out in terror about what is going on in this world and ask who will save us. Is there an answer? But yet, I am right in front of you with my hands outstretched and I tell you that I am the answer to the world problems. You do not heed the warnings and keep doing things your way. So now I am coming swiftly like a two-edged sword with vengeance on this world. I will take my children home and then I will devour and destroy this earth and all its evil in it. Woe to you who will not listen, woe to you. This is your Lord Jesus Christ, your God in heaven speaking to you. Will you listen? I have warned you yet you will not listen, so now you will have to pay for not listening. I will destroy your cars, houses, boats, planes, your casinos, your idols that you worship more than you do me. You will see I am a jealous God. I created everything and I can destroy everything. I will strip your lands and towns of power. I am watching you and I know everything---the evils---you do in the nights and in the day. I know the cheating you do to one another. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? People there did not listen either. Many great sorrows await you. Bad things are coming that the world has never before seen. You just do not listen, remember Sodom and Gomorah did not heed the warning either. (Jeremiah 16:9-19) 3/17/94 Oh, people of the think everything is all right. You are living comfortably and have good jobs, money coming in, and food to eat. Your children are doing well in school. You have a new car and a boat, nice house to live in and just got a raise in salary. You are getting ready to take a vacation and have a good time. And just as fast as it comes, it will be gone and then disaster will hit and everything will disappear. It would be like thieves coming in and taking everything you own. You will go here and there and you will not find them. You will go to the food store and there will be no food, to the banks and there will be no money. You will try to get gasoline and the pumps will not work. There would be no electricity. It would be a nice clear and sunny day, but off on the horizon you will see lightening and think just a storm is coming, so you won’t worry about it. You go off to your parties, going to bars, sexually sinning, having a grand time of it all when the sky is getting darker and darker. And then it strikes with a vengeance. The wind howls and the lightning hits and huge hail stones fall from the sky hail stones as big as cars and they smash your cars like pancakes, putting big holes in roofs, destroying your fancy boats. They smash power stations and cut the power. Vehicles are destroyed on the road. Then there will be a tremendous shaking of the earth and the worst earthquake the world has ever known. The noise will damage your is louder than any jet airplane you have ever heard. You will see cracks from the opening in the earth and they will begin to swallow things. You will be fearful and scared with nowhere to turn. Then you will remember what you heard on the radio...beware, I come swiftly as a two-edged sword...oh, you wretched people, you scoffers, you unbelievers. Now feel my vengeance, said the Lord. I keep hearing the Lord telling me that the Beast is coming. Beware of the Beast. Be ready as if you were riding a bucking bronco. The ride is going to get bumpy storm clouds are gathering. Beware, Beware. Fear not, for I am with rod and staff shall comfort you.” I will drain your rivers and your lakes. There would be no fish to eat. They will dry up and blow away. Your water will become scarce and what there is will be polluted and not fit to drink. You will have to drink bottled water from wells deep

inside the earth. You will have to learn to eat off the land, for that day is coming. I will destroy your wells. Beware, beware the chains that have held the Beast are going to be unlocked. The angel of the Lord has the keys to unlock him. When disaster comes, it will come in the calm of the day. When it comes there will be no hiding places for the world. It will be like an eagle swooping down on its prey. You have nowhere to run. The eagle will get you. All these wonderful buildings you are building like the Tower of Babylon will melt away with a fervent heat. Oh, pray to the Lord that you are saved by Jesus’ blood when these days come. You will all be branded like cows and herded into corrals. All these wonderful cars we travel in will be part of an auto graveyard, years of steel and rubber. Fire will rain from the sky and smoke will billow into the sky. Your bodies will turn into ash. Your machines will be no more. Your swimming pools will turn to mud. It will pour down fire and brimstone upon your heads. I will set loose giant locusts on your land and turn it into a wasteland. Oh, rich man that has all your money stored away in gold. Some day you will go to get your gold and it will be gone or worthless and you will be left out in the cold. You think you can buy your way into heaven. Oh, the day is coming when you will see the Lord face to face and he will say, “Go away, I do not know you.” The day is coming that will be full of sorrow and pain. On that day we will run to and fro and have nowhere to go. You will have to gather into groups to stay warm. The weatherman will not be able to predict the weather. There will be storms upon storms and strange things happening in the sky. Things we have never seen before...strange weather formations, strange winds. You will say, “I have plenty of time.” But the Lord is making your days shorter and shorter. 3/22/94 The Lord told me to stock up on food, water, dried foods like beans, rice food we can stay alive on. Something is coming. I was told to read the book of Revelations. A big meteor is going to fall and pollute the waters of three great rivers that run into one. There will be crop failure and dry weather with no rain. The Lord reminded me to remember Noah, who was told to build an ark and listen to what God was saying. The Lord has told me that great troubles are coming upon this world. There is going to be a collapse of the economy. Power will be shut off and our food sources will stop. This is not going to last but a little time. It is another sign for people to wake up to what will happen on the earth. Little things are going to happen all over to give people more time to wake up and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God is saying to you. Turn to him or else bad things are coming to the earth. Stop, stop your sinning, like greed, jealousy, backstabbing each other, not caring about one another, sexual sins, drunkenness and killing one another. The sign of things to come will be great calm in the world’s weather. There will be no wind, clouds, rain and plants will not grow. These are going to be signs of what is coming in this world. I am told to get this warning out to the world. In the last days God will turn your rivers bitter and the seas into blood. He will kill one third of the creatures in the sea and destroy one third of your ships. Think what it is going to be like to live in true, true darkness....without television, radio, lights, or heat to keep you warm. This is what the last days will be like. Because you will not turn from worldly things and your ways of idolatry, you will not turn to God and let him into your life or heart. Now these things are going to come upon us to show you that he is God and that all of these messages come from your Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. Jesus died on the cross for your sins to give you everlasting life in heaven. God said, “I am everlasting life, I am all power, I am the beginning and the end. All those who come to me will have everlasting life. All those who don’t will lose it.” 3/25/94 The Lord talked to me and showed me the following: I saw North Korea becoming angry because we are sending artillery and attack helicopters to South Korea. Something that looks like a dart that is pointed on the end, like a missile, was being fired. The missile was green in color with a red sickle and a red star. It turned into a sword and plunged into South Korea’s heartland and exploded and many people were killed. Then I saw missiles being fired from each side across barbed wire and heard sabers rattling. The armed forces were being put on “red alert.” I saw ships coming with tanks, helicopters, aircraft carriers and C-130’s land in South Korea. I don’t like to tell you what I saw next....a mushroom cloud hitting South Korea, turning the sky orange in color. Thousands of troops were heading towards each other. Both armies wore green uniforms, one side with berets with a red star in the middle. I saw North Korea burning. A giant rose up with a sword in his hand. He had a red star on his hat. There were large ships firing and blood covered the land. 4/4/94 The Lord has told me I am his messenger, as was Noah. Who was told to build an ark because a great flood was coming to the Earth. He was told to warn others that a great flood was coming. The people just laughed at him and said it was a big joke, that there would be no flood. As they watch him build the ark they sad, “look at this man building this ark where there is no water; look, he builds his ark on dry land!, What a fool! Then God was ready to make it rain and told Noah to close up the door of the ark. There was another man named Lot. God told Lot that he was going to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah for its evil ways. Lot asked God if he could find fifty good people would God refrain from destroying Sodom & Gomorrah. Lot tried to convince the people to change their ways but they would just laughed at him. So God told Lot and his family to leave Sodom and not to look back and they left the city. God destroyed the cities with fire and brimstone. Today the world seems to be heading in the same direction as Sodom and Gomorrah. I feel God has made me a messenger like Noah and Lot, to give a message of warning of what is about to happen soon. People say there is not going to be disaster happening here on earth. God has warned us many times in the bible of what could happen for instance like he did in the book of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelations. Things are coming, like the world has never seen before. The judgment is coming to this world. People keep turning their backs to Jesus. There will be warnings. The storm clouds are gathering and soon will be upon us. In 1993 there were ten thousand fish washed ashore in Texas and hundreds of dolphins, which cannot be explained. 5/1/94 He’s coming! The great deceiver is coming out of Zion....the world dictator. Beware of this great deceiver. He will deceive the world with trickery and magic. Stay on guard, stay on guard. And do not worry. God loves you and will protect you from what is coming. The deceiver will deceive many. Keep watch! Keep watch. Lots of worry, pain, anarchy and sorrow is coming. The glory of the Lord is coming with more power than the world has ever seen in history. Much happiness and joy is coming to all that love the Lord. Do not fear; the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ the son of the living God is coming to protect his flock from the evil one that is coming. Gog is coming. Beware of Gog. He will do wonders in the air and on earth. Many people will think he is their lord the messiah they have been waiting for. He is coming from Zion; Gog is coming... hang on tight... stay close like a mother hen with her chicks. There is going to be a great out-pouring over the U.S A. The greatest outpouring of joy, peace, happiness,

lots of singing, and praising the glory of the lord. Many knees well bend down and cries will be heard. The greatest outpouring of joy, peace, happiness, lots of singing, praising, the glory of the Lord. I keep hearing that the Holy Spirit is going to be poured out on the world May 15th, which is during Pentecost I also heard that there will be great ripping and tearing of the earth on June 9th. The Lord told me when all these messages are given to me from the Lord Jesus Christ, the people will say these messages are not from the Lord that it is in my mind or that I heard it somewhere else. People have been saying it is the end times for a long time now. I was warned in God’s word that this would happen and the Lord told me listen with my heart, not my ears and to trust in Jesus in all things, as He is with me in all things. Daniel 12 :11 “From the time the daily sacrifices is taken away and the horrible thing is setup to be worshipped there will be 1290 days. Blessed are those who wait.” Daniel 9:27; 11:31 Matthew 24:15 Mark 13:14 Revelations 11:2 12:6 13:5 Daniel 12:12 8:14 5/16/94 I just had my eyes opened to something the Lord told me to read, in Daniel 9, about the temple. Also read Ezra 2-3. I am amazed how the Lord talks to me and shows me things. Ezra 3:7, talks about the temple! God told me they are going to start rebuilding the temple in July. If this is so, Hallelujah! Plans are being made right now to rebuild the temple, now that the peace treaty has been signed. Here is something to think about. There seems to be more natural disasters this year than the year before. Notice how many movies there are on prophecy we have had this year and about the end times. Things are falling into place like a puzzle, Things in the world are not going to get better, they are going to get worse because people will not turn back to God. I feel the power of the Holy Spirit speaking to me. Something is going to happen this year. Storm clouds are gathering. 6/8/94 I keep hearing the ripping and tearing of the earth on June 9th. The Lord revealed to me that there is a herd of wild horses being held back, by his hand at the gate and he’s going to let them loose. Two men from different states said on Christian television that they had a message from the Lord that on June 9th there will be ripping and tearing of the earth. One man from Los Angeles believes that the Holy Spirit is going to be poured out on the earth. There is a gray cloud that has been over the United States. It is going to tear in the middle and the Lord is going to pour his glory down the center of it. That is his Holy Spirit. You know there were miracles and things happening in the bible days. We have no idea what God’s power can really do. We were not around when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, so we don’t know of his power, but I have a feeling we are going to know soon. God has warned us for a long time and now the Lord is going to turn his fury upon the earth. You have to remember that God created this earth and what God created, God can also destroy. God is very displeased with us. He has been warning us for years. But we just will not listen, so the storm clouds are getting closer and closer. The Lord just gave me this from Isaiah 24 and also in Jonah 3. It shows that God does give times and dates of things that can happen. The Lord told me to read Joel 2: 28-32, the day of the Lord. 6/9/94 Well, today is June 9th and there was a massive earthquake in Bolivia, 8.2 on the Richter scale, but this quake was very deep in the earth, about 350 miles under the earth. On this day the quake was felt as far away as Minnesota. A quake did happen on June 9th, just like the Lord said it would. Also on June 9th there was the biggest hailstorm in history in the state of Iowa. In Montana they had a freak snowstorm. These things do not normally occur in June. The Lord said there would be signs in the sky. The Lord gave me a glimpse as I was walking today, of what is coming to the United States. The Russians are going to invade us by using tankers off the sea of the coast of Oregon. They have learned how to put submarines under these tankers so we cannot detect them. Then I saw thousands of troops coming in rafts along the coastline. The Lord revealed to me that the devil wants to disarm us so then we cannot defend ourselves. We have lowered our military power. We have banned rifles. The Lord told me all along that the Russians been the great deceiver and has a lot to do with what is going on in North Korea. This is why a message was given to me about north Korea, where I saw the star and sickle on the missile being fired. The Lord revealed to me that our military will be very busy. The biggest part of our military will be fighting in North Korea and our country will be left defenseless. This will be when they will invade us. There will be a big battle. Now I know why the Lord has told me to beware of the “sleeping bear,” because of all the cutting back of our military power we not as strong as we once were. God help us! 6/18/94 I was walking and talking with the Lord today and he revealed to me that we are like little children. When we do wrong, sometimes the Lord punishes us and sends us “to our room.” When we do something really bad, he grounds us. 6/20/94 The Lord told me his judgment is on the earth. He told me to read Isaiah 23, 24 and Joel 3, and Amos 2 Jeremiah 2, Rev. 7:1-12 I keep hearing the Lord saying, “My judgment is coming, put on the whole armor of God and prepare ye the way. Beware of the deceivers.” The Lord told me to tell his people he is getting ready to open the gates to the worst judgment the world has ever seen. The Lord said, “My people will not listen to me, so let them now feel & see my fury and my anger. Buildings will fall and crumble and my people will know that I am God. Oh.....the pain and sorrow I feel for my people. I died for them to save them from eternal Hell and to give them everlasting life, but my children will turn their backs on me. There will be rumbling and spewing and crackling of the earth. There will be wonders and signs in the sky. There will be smoke and fire.” 6/28/94 The Lord told me to read Daniel 7 & 8 about what is coming to the world. I was shown a big wave moving across the U.S. from the west coast moving east. This was a giant heat wave. People were crying for water. Rivers were dry. Produce was dying on the vines, grass was turning brown

and the temperature on the west coast is 120 degrees. I was told to store water because there will not be any for three months. This is just another warning of what is going to happen. He has told me that his wrath comes swiftly. The worth of the dollar is not looking good and there is talk of the interest rate being raised 1%. This could cause a collapse of the economy. Somewhere in California the people are going to put up pagan idols of a golden snake, to be unveiled in July. This will not make God very happy. Remember what the Lord showed me about the asteroids hitting the planet of Jupiter. The Lord said that in the last days there would be such signs in the sky. Something does not feel is too calm, like the calm before the storm. The world is kind of calm now. Today I saw the most beautiful rainbow. It as vertical and one of the largest I have ever seen. It was there for about 30 seconds. And then the Lord told me that his judgment is on the way. 7/11/94 The Lord God told me to beware that the deceiver will rise soon with massive and great devastation upon the world. An economic collapse will happen very soon. There will be sorrow and pain and gnashing of teeth, much heart failure and people falling down. There will be a great spiritual movement on the world. He said, “I am your Lord, I am your Savior. I am the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the living God that sits at the right hand of God in heaven. I am preparing a mighty army of true believers. Time is running out. I have warned my little ones -- my people -- for years and decades that this day would come and it has arrived. I am going to pluck the tree out of the ground and pull its branches from it and burn them up. Be strong in your faith and hold tight to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Stay in the word; do not linger. It is time to be serious about Jesus. Listen to what your father Jesus is saying. I come swiftly as a two edged sword. Vengeance is mine,” said the Lord. Beware, beware of the devil’s henchmen and their trickery. The storm clouds are rolling and rumbling and thundering and churning. Storm clouds are approaching. Soon it will be too late. Be careful of false prophets, where people will say that here is Jesus or the Messiah or tell you when Jesus is going to return. You will know them by their fruits. The real fruits will be from the holy word. If what they say is not true, walk away from them. Beware of people with false faces, they will try to deceive you. Do not hold onto the world with all its riches it can offer you. Instead, let go and take my hand and I will comfort you and provide all your needs. Let go of this world we live in. Just let go. I, your Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God am waiting for you to come home. I say again that pain and sorrow and devastation will come. It will be like in the day of Noah, when people did not listen to me. The Lord told me to read Isaiah 24, 25. There are terrors in the pit waiting for you. Heavy rain will pour down from the sky and earth’s foundation will shake. The earth will crack and split open and sway like a hut in a storm. The time of sorrow has come. There will be much agony and pain, more than the world has ever seen before. It would be like in the days of Noah. The Lord told me when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying to his Father that he would take the cup from him. The Lord said, “My father would not take the cup from me, but I know what I had to do, what my father told me to do. Much sorrow and pain shall come upon this world. 7/13/94 The Lord said today this world is becoming a bigger and bigger garbage dump. The nations are being pulled apart like taffy. I heard on the radio today the U.S. is going to have a national identity card. This would be the beginning of the mark of the beast. Everything is falling into place now just like Jesus said it would. And things are moving a lot faster now. I feel our Lord will be coming sooner then we think. Read Daniel 8. 7/16/94 I was out walking today and talking with the Lord. My faith was low, as what the Lord told me would happen to the planet Jupiter did not happen. He told me that Jupiter would look like it was on fire. I felt I was being tested by the devil. The very next I heard there was a big asteroid that hit Jupiter that made it look as if it were on fire. It glowed 50 times brighter then the planet. God told me this would happen. I am praising the Lord for making me his messenger. Then Jesus told me what is happening to this world we live in today. I was shown a boat full of people on the sea of life and I saw Jesus on the shore with his hands outward calling to the people in the boat for them to come to him. Then I saw a big storm approaching, but the eyes of the people in the boat could not see it coming and their minds could not comprehend the storm. The people of this world would not listen so they just kept rowing out to sea. The big storm came and took the people of world under the sea, deeper, and deeper to the bottom of the sea. Jesus was sad because he warned them but they just would not listen. 7/28/94 The Lord said, My rod and my staff shall comfort you, all the days of your life. I will see to all of your needs. Have courage and fear not for I am with thee. The great deceiver will arise. I say again, as I have said before, listen with your heart, not your ears, to what I am saying to you. Prepare for great glory of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on the sky. Remember when I said that when people say ‘peace,’ then death and destruction comes. Oh, people of the world, you enjoy your life sitting on your chairs and not hearing what my messengers are saying to you. You don’t help people in need, you turn your backs on them. You only look out for yourselves. So now you will feel the way the needy feel. My wrath comes swiftly as a two-edged sword. It will come when you least expect it. Beware. The Lord told me to read Rev. 10 and Daniel 8. The Lord said, I have given you all of these wonderful things, and I can take them away. This is a message to all my little saints, to keep your candles well lit at all times. Do not let them go out, you could be devoured. The light is the light of Jesus. You are to keep your eyes Jesus at all times. When you take a light into a cave, the less oxygen it receives, the less it glows. Outside of the cave the light becomes brighter again. Keep your light well lit and your eyes on me, not the worldly things going on around you. It is time for my little ones to re-ignite the light and let it shine with the love of Jesus or you will fall and never get up. 7/29/96 The Lord has revealed to me that we are like little flames. Inside our hearts is a flame called the Holy Spirit burning brighter and brighter. But when we turn away from God and turn our backs on him, the flame gets dimmer and dimmer. That is what is happening to the saints today. The flame is getting dimmer and dimmer. Think about this......we are children of the light, the love of Jesus. He guides us like a beacon in the sky. He is like our lighthouse in the sky and keeps us from running into the rocks. He helps us in bad and good times and keeps us away from dangers that lie ahead of us. He is the brightest and most glorious light that shines and tears down The Lord has revealed to me that we are like little flames. Inside our hearts is a flame called the Holy Spirit burning brighter and brighter. But when we turn away from God and turn our backs on him, the flame gets dimmer

and dimmer. That is what is happening to the saints today. The flame is getting dimmer and dimmer. Think about this......we are children of the light, the love of Jesus. He guides us like a beacon in the sky. He is like our lighthouse in the sky and keeps us from running into the rocks. He helps us in bad and good times and keeps us away from dangers that lie ahead of us. He is the brightest and most glorious light that shines and tears down the darkness and brings on his glory for all to see. Soon the glory of Jesus will come to take us home. Jesus says, I am the light of the world. I am the morning star. I am the way to heaven, the truth and the true power, the life eternal. I am the everlasting love, the glory of glory and eternal life for all my children, for all to have as an eternal gift from me by dying on the cross for all sins. All things are given and received from me, your Lord Jesus Christ with my blessing. Remember, I am your heavenly father that watches over you day and night and protects you and guides you all the days of your life. The ungodly people today are walking around like dried bones. They are already dead and don’t know it. Because all ungodly people who are not walking with Jesus are dead, the bible is to be used as a road map to guide us day and night. It is truly the word from God’s own mouth and we as true believers are to read and listen to what he has to say is going to happen in the future. Believe in the Lord Jesus with all your heart. 11/3/94 The Lord said it would be like in the days of Noah. The Lord is preparing a place for us. He is building the ark in heaven and then he will call us home. When we are all at home, he will close the door of the ark in heaven and the judgments will fall upon the earth. It will truly be like the day of Noah, you see, it is getting to be like Noah’s day now, people are saying there is no God and they make fun of him. They have no time for him in their busy lives. 11/10/94 I had a dream in which I saw Padre Island off the coast of Texas having an earthquake with a tidal wave hitting the Texas coast. Then I saw California and New York having earthquakes with buildings falling down. I saw the Empire State Building breaking in half. Then I saw the Potomac River in Washington D.C. rocking and rolling back and forth. I saw the Washington Monument fall down. Then the Lord told me these things would happen in the time of joy. 12/10/94 I was given glimpses of what is going to happen in California’s earthquake known as “the big one.” First there will be rolling of the ground like a wave upon the ocean. This time the bridges will not fall down, they will be thrown like sticks into the air. Freeways themselves will be split open and be thrown into nearby homes. The ground will explode open revealing miles of fire in its long cracks and make big explosions as long as five miles of fire. Three nuclear plants will explode, as will mountains also explode as if they had put dynamite inside them. Hollywood is on fire and buildings are crumbling down in Los Angeles like sandcastles. Then I saw the ground blowing up under California in an upward thrust. This ground is spewing upward and exploding. This is not the quake, however, that puts Californian and other states into the ocean. 3/30/95 The Lord told me that something earth-shaking is coming this summer. People will be afraid and have heart attacks. Do not fear what is coming. He said he knows it has not been an easy life here on earth, but that is going to change. God says he is coming soon, very, very soon to take us all home. 3/31/95 The Lord told me that the little ones will lead the way. The Lord has given me wisdom and a glimpse of this. I saw thousands of people on their knees crying out, praying to God to help them from what is happening here on earth. I saw mountains with huge black clouds behind them. I see the sunrise starting to beam to the heavens and the sun getting brighter with its rays flowing down the mountains like honey being poured. It flows down to the people below who are praying and crying. Then I hear them saying that Jesus is coming. Praise God! He is coming for you and me. The Lord says, This is from your Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins to give you eternal life and salvation in heaven. This is a word of knowledge...prepare, prepare for me. 7/14/95 The Lord showed me a sphere of light with beautiful colors coming from it. This sphere is full of love, kindness and joy, hope and caring. Then I saw another sphere approaching with lightning flashing from it. It is very dark and it is coming closer to the beautiful sphere. The dark sphere is full of hatred, jealousy and lack of love, and as it gets closer to the beautiful lighted one, the lightning bolts hit the other sphere and begins to suck the power from it. We in this world are letting the dark sphere suck the love from the light sphere with our hatred and jealousy,and not caring for each other’s needs. We constantly seek more and more power. 8/16/96 The Lord said, Hurry now, hurry now, for time is running out. Go tell all you can about me. Time is running out. I am coming, coming very soon now. Hold on tight to me. Don’t let go....disaster is on its way. Be watchful watchful. I am coming. I will come in the clouds of glory and with a shout, and call you home. Major disaster is coming with a massive earthquake and many shall die. I love my people, but they will not hear my voice when I call. I say again.....many shall die. 8/25/95 This is from your Lord and must get the word out. The day of hope is coming, coming on the horizon, coming in the clouds of glory hold on to your beliefs. The day you have been praying and waiting for is coming, coming now. Tell everyone I am coming, coming in the clouds of glory. Zephaniah 3:9-20 Romans 8 Nothing else matters. Forget about what to wear, what to eat, where you are going this week, get the word out about my love and how I died on the cross for my people’s sin. Get the word out. I am God, I am your Lord Jesus Christ that came to the earth in the flesh and sacrificed myself for you, died and rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven and will come again the same way in the clouds of glory. I am, I am the glory and the peace; the love, the way and the only way to eternity. Go out and tell the people the judgment day is approaching. Come to your Lord Jesus

Christ and be saved. I will come in the clouds of glory and snatch you away like an eagle does with it prey. Be watchful now. I am coming in the clouds of glory. Time has run out. Go now tell every brother and sister about this message from your Lord and father Jesus Christ. Someday soon we will look at each other eye to eye. 5/1/96 Jeremiah 8-10 The Lord is saying, Tell my people I am coming soon with great glory and anger. I am very displeased with my people and the things they are doing. Soon my fury will come upon my people in Israel, and this nation in the U.S. I grieve in shame and pain the way you turn your backs on me. Your riches, etc. are more important than I am. You have been warned for years of what is coming, and you just turn your backs on me. Now let the nations feel and see my fury. The lost souls are crying out and no one will help them find the way home. We are not fulfilling what we must do by bringing the lost into the kingdom. We are too busy doing for ourselves and not fulfilling what the Lord wants use to do. We are pushing away the lost and thinking only of ourselves and stepping on others like ants under our feet. I hear their cries in the darkness. But no one will help so they just fade away into the darkness, never to see the light. We care only about ourselves and not what we should be doing to help the lost ones. So now you will feel despair and helplessness. In the beginning you think you are doing just fine and then something happens to upset everything. You think that all is well you don’t need anyone’s help. But you have been warned. You will not listen and you go on your joyous ways and say everything is fine and then comes disaster. God told you long ago this day will come and it is coming now. You will have to help one another or you will not make it. We have had it good here on earth. But now it is coming to an end. I see through the power of the Holy Spirit, the pain Jesus feels, disappointment, despair, anger, shame, broken-heart, sorrow, and agony about his children and how they have disappointed him by turning their backs on him. I see Twin Towers falling like sand castles, ships being thrown from harbor into the city, the U.N. crumbling, bridges crumbling, water boiling, U.N. being stripped of its armor. 7/9/96 John 12:35-36- 44-50 Jesus has replied, My light will shine out for you just a little while longer. Walk in it while you can, and go where you want to go before the darkness falls, for then it will be too late for you to find your way. Make use of the light while there is still time. Then you will become light bearers. If you trust me, you are really trusting God, for when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a light to shine in this darkness of the world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness, if anyone hears me and doesn’t obey me, I am not his judge, for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. But all who reject me and my messages will be judged on the dayof judgment by the truths I have spoken. But I have told you what the father has said to tell you. His instructions will lead to eternal life, so whatever I tell is the truth, for I have said it. 7/14/96 The Bible is a road map with signs on it showing us the way to go on the road of life. There are bumps and dips and signs of warnings, speed and detours. There are mountains and dangerous curves. On this road we can travel the narrow path to salvation or the wide path to death to and destruction. There is a sign post up ahead saying, “This way to salvation...” Are you going to turn off the wide road or are you going to keep on going down the road of this world? There’s another sign coming up saying to keep going faster for happiness, riches, wealth, power, parties, and drunkenness. All you need is just ahead, so you in your fancy speed cars keep on going down the highway of life even faster. Look out, here comes another sign post this one says “peace, joy, love.” Are you going to turn off or keep going down the road? You pass everything in front of you. Look, here comes another sign. This sign says you are going the wrong way.... go back before it’s too late! This is your final warning! Danger ahead! You just do not pay attention and keep going. You see another sign, this time bigger with brighter lights on it saying that this is your last warning and to get off now! This is the way to eternal life and happiness, it is up to you. What will you do? Keep going faster down the road of life to everything you always wanted, riches, wealth, power or turn off and take the narrow road that leads to happiness, real happiness and eternal life? Or will you just keep going even faster? It is up to you. At the end of the wide road is death, eternal damnation and destruction. Which road will you take? The Lord Jesus has shown me something very interesting in Genesis (2). Now, at last the heavens and the earth were completed. So on the seventh day, having finished his task, he ceased his work and rested. God planted beautiful trees in the Garden of Eden. One of the trees was the “tree of life,” and another the “tree of consciousness.” The tree of life was for Adam and Eve to have eternal life enjoying a permanent relationship as children of God. The tree of consciousness was of knowledge of good and bad. A river from the land of Eden flowed through the garden. In Genesis this was the beginning. This was Alpha. In Revelations we see almost the same thing, with the beginning and the tree of life. In Revelation (22) it states that there is another Garden of Eden in heaven and also a river flowing of pure water of life where the throne of God is and the Lamb of God. On each side of the river are trees of life. This will be called “omega.” You see what God created in Genesis, in Revelation he will rest and end creation and start a new heaven and new earth. The tree of life is no longer on is in heaven. Many more trees of life are there with new fruit. 8/9/96 The Lord told me there is going to be more terrorist attacks over the oceans at major airports where planes take off over the sea. The 747 that was brought down near New York is only the beginning of terror in the skies. This attack was a warning of what is coming to the United States. There is going to be an attack in Los Angeles with a fully loaded 747 on the way to Hawaii. There will be more attacks at airports that fly out over the seas. These attacks will cripple our airline industries and affect our economy. The FAA and FBI will not be able to stop them. There is also going to be a nuclear attack on U.S. ships in the Middle East seaway by Iran. Many ships will be destroyed. This will cause a great conflict between the Middle East and our country. All of this has to do with the holding of the terrorist who blew up the twin towers and the warning the U.S. has given Iran. They are using stinger missiles, stolen from the U.S. to bring down these planes. There will be more attacks in the U.S. this year when we are least expecting it and more innocent people will die. We will not learn how to love one another. The Lord said, I will step aside and let this great evil happen because of the hatred you have for each other in this world, and you will not listen to what my messengers are saying to you. You have been warned for decades what is coming. Be prepared for what is coming upon your world. 8/15/96

The Lord created this world with his hands. He put all kinds of animals on this earth for us to enjoy and to take care of. Then he created the greenness of this world for us to enjoy in all its beauty. He knew when we needed water to keep us cool and to refresh us so he created all the lakes and streams and oceans to feed us. Then he created man and woman and breathed life into them. God was proud of what he made and he let things grow on their own. There became men and women of all races and creeds. God watched as a father watched his children grow stronger. Soon they were not satisfied with what they had, so they had wars to gain more power and possessions. They put down their fellow man which God had created that they would love one another and help each other grow. The water He gave us to drink and refresh ourselves is now being destroyed by pollution. God gave us the beautiful greenery and we are pulling it out by the roots and killing what God gave us to enjoy and sustain us. Instead we destroy it to have more space to live our earthly lives. God sent his only son, full of joy and love and peace. He let him die on the cross in pain and sorrow. He died for us all. But once again we are nailing him to the cross. We as his children are letting him down by not learning to love one another. God put us here on earth to see if this generation could learn to get along with each other. Long ago God was displeased with a generation so he sent a flood to wash evil from the earth. From the generation, only one family survived…the family of Noah. It was like starting all over again with this family on earth. Now, once again, God is displeased with what this generation and what they are doing on earth. God feels pain, sorrow, remorse and disappointment about his people who he has created. God is going to send his only son to come and clean up this mess that has been created. He is once again going to purify the world, only this time with fire. He is going to create a new heaven and new earth from the burned up world. God asks one question, “Why are you destroying this world that does not belong to you? Why? Why?” 11/11/96 The Lord talked to me today and told me there is a powerful message coming soon, down from the Father of Lights. It is coming with great joy and happiness for his children and with great terrors for those who do not believe. Watch and keep your eyes on Jesus. The message that will be revealed is partly in the song, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” O Soul, are you weary and troubled, no light in the darkness you see? There’s light for a look at the Savior, and life more abundant and free!” Chorus: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” “Through death into life everlasting he passed, and we follow Him there. Over us sin no more has dominion---for more than conquerors we are!” “His words shall not fail you He promised; Believe Him, and all will be well: Then go to a world that is dying, his perfect salvation to tell!” He also gave me a glimpse of what he really looks like. He has white hair and a beard as soft as can be. His eyes are as blue as flowing spring water. Around his waist is a golden sash, gold as gold can be. On his arms were the words, “King of Kings,” and “Lord of Lords.” Over his chest was an ephod with twelve stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel, white, bordered in gold. There were four rows of three stones each. In his right hand were many stars. His robe was soft as chiffon and it looked like every part of him was blowing in the air. He was radiant and glowing magnificently, the most refreshingly beautiful sight I have ever seen. The colors were as vivid as nothing ever seen before on earth. Jesus has so much love for this world that he is now holding back the devastation. His eyes are so blue because he has so much love for this world now. This is why his eyes are not yet full of fire, because of his love for this world. But he will not hold back much longer because he is not pleased with this world. His love will turn to anger when more people turn their backs on him. He then told me to read Exodus 13. 12/17/96 This is the last message the Lord has given to me. My people, My people why hast thou forsaken and my word? You have turned your backs to me. We have foresaken God with our human compassions. We have been putting God in the closet and have not listened to His messages. God is telling us to repent and believe in Christ, receive Him and you will never know the sorrow and loneliness and the agony of Hell. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” ( Romans 10: 13 ) September 10, 1998 The Lord told me and I pass this to you: In 1999 the world is going to be going through turbulent times. There will be people killed, disasters, terrible things are coming. War is going to happen in the Middle East in 1999. This very well could be the last Christmas for us as true believers. We will not go through the great tribulation. We will be taken out of here before it starts. Great evil is coming upon this world. Great Evil. The Lord is going to allow it to come because of our weakness. it will all begin by the end of 1999. The vats are over-filled and overflowing. Stand tall, look up, stand tall, look up. Jesus knows we have had a hard time on this Earth. He too had a hard time. Stand tall, the time is short, the time we have been waiting for is upon us.

September 12, 1998 The Lord told me further, “Peace be still.” When the quietness comes we will all be able to hear what he has to say. But now it is so noisy all around us we cannot hear him. When the quiet comes we will not know how to handle it. Some will freak out. We will be able to hear the birds sing their song, the wind blow, the birds talk to us - they have been trying to talk to us, but we cannot hear through the noisiness. Try going outdoors now and hear what the birds are saying. They are speaking a heavenly song. If only we could hear them. The church has become silent and too scared to speak out the true word. They are falling at the wayside. In the light and the darkness the Lord will outshine all. When the Lord returns everyone will know it, everyone....everyone. The rewards will be given at the time of the arising. Some rewards will be greater than others. Stand tall, your redemption draws near. September 13, 1998 The Lord told me that true believers have better hearing than unbelievers do. The real true believers are the ones who will hear the trump. The year 1999 will be the beginning of it all, it is going to be a very turbulent year. The Lord is telling me to listen to the great prophets of long ago....Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah. Russia is no longer sleeping. Russia is no longer sleeping. The rising of the great tyrant is coming from Russia. The Lord is building an ark now and preparing for departure. He is building the ark now. February 1, 1999 Time is short and thin, very thin. I will provide all of your needs just like I provided for the Israelites. Keep in the Word; do not worry what is coming upon this Earth. Great disaster is coming this year. Keep reading about the old prophets in the Bible. Read through Vern McGee with the Bible. These books are from me…I am, I am…I am. Do not forsake what I am saying to you. Keep on doing what I have given you to do. Keep dropping the messages. They are brining lost souls to the kingdom. Your mother will be like a new woman. Just hold on a little longer. I am coming for all the saints who believe. Your daughter is in my hands, so let go. I will show you what is true and what is not. Be careful of the net; a lot of falseness is there. I will show you what is true. Do not forsake the group…keep going. Get even closer. They need you as much as you need them. You are growing together. Do more together. Take more outings and listen to each other carefully. The time is very close. You will see the light real soon. More, more glory…keep your heart open and listen. Go where there is quiet and listen. Look up; your redemption draws near. I am almighty God, the beginning and the end. Great wonders and miracles are coming this year. March 7, 1999 This is what the Lord has revealed to me about the eagle. The wings are Washington D.C. They are molding and the feathers are falling off with all that is happening. The eagle can no longer fly. We have turned our backs on God so much that we don’t care about our fellow Americans. Disaster is coming to the heartland of America. The worst disaster the world has ever known. We have lost our sensitivity to others. Read Ephesians 4:1732. America no longer cares…we are number one, not God. Look out for the West. Dark days are here. Don’t stop doing what you are doing. Look up. It is closer than you think. – God P.S. The number 7 is very important. March 20, 1999 Adam Zion 4 letters each A – Z; begaining– End Creation New City Jerusalem Creation = God New Jerusalem = God Sanctuary Sanctuary When Jesus was born there was a star. When he gets ready to return there will be a very bright star in the eastern sky, night after night, and it will get brighter as he gets closer to his return. That is why he said to watch the skies and to “Look up, your redemption is near.” He is the morning star. He was born in the morning. Morning; new day, light dawning of new day. May 12, 1999 I had a vision from the Lord. I was sitting in my chair one evening and saw a vision of a missile coming out from the ground. The missile was green in color with a red star and a sickle on it. The missile will fly over the mountains and swoop down onto the Heartland undetected. They won’t know it is will swoop down like an eagle looking for its prey. The Lord revealed to me why this must happen. It must happen because the world has turned its back on him. 5/22/1999 Missiles in Bible Psalms 11:2-3, 5 God tests the sons of man….justice of God For Look! The wicked bend their bows, they make ready their arrow on the string, that they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart [heartland]. If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence, his soul hates; upon the wicked he will rain coals, fire, and brimstone and a burning wind; this shall be the portion of their cup. Psalms 64:4 A prayer for protection That they may shoot in secret at the blameless; suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear. Psalms 91:3-11 Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lay waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the rewards of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the most high, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwellings, for He shall give His angels charge over you.

June 3, 1999 Another vision from the Lord: I saw in this vision thousands of men with green uniforms coming to our shores. They had green berets on their heads with a red star. They were coming on a moonless night. First thing they went after was our communication systems and our energy source. The missile in the previous vision had false markings. The red star and sickle is not from Russia. It was sent from somewhere else to get us angered at Russia. When the uniformed men come they will come undetected. No one will know they are here. They will blow up all of our communications and our energy sources all at the same time, all over the USA. We will not know what hit us. without energy we are hopeless. They will sneak in like ants. A lot of them are already here planting their bombs. Think about how much fear there is right now about Y2K. This is a false screen from the enemy. They will hit all the coastlines. The Lord said, “Do not fear, my rod and my staff will comfort you.” June 7, 1999 The Lord talked to me that there will be real true believer churches, lukewarm churches and dead churches. The real true believing churches will light the way like candles or like a lighthouse in the darkness. The lukewarm ones will be going on with their ceremonies, keeping up with handed down traditions. The dead church is all out for itself and thinking about how much money it can drain from their people. (1) The true believers church will outshine them all (bright candles) (2) The lukewarm ones, God will spew out of his mouth. (dull candles) (3) The dead church is dead, dead, dead and they don’t even know it. Their light is out; may they rest in peace June 9, 1999 The Lord told me, “Prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way, for the coming of the Lord.” He told me there is going to be a submarine off the coast of California. This will be a sub that is not from Russia. There is a terrorist named Bin Ladin, that has purchased this sub from Russia with the missile still on board. They still have the red star and sickle on them. Bin Ladin is going to fire this missile on the heartland of America to try to get us mad at Russia. That is why it is called a false missile. It is not FROM Russia. When it hits it will not do that much damage. It is a warning how vulnerable we are. The Lord told me to read about Olivet Prophecy. June 23, 1999 The Lord told me that I am a messenger and I give out little messages. I give some messages to others. Other people may get similar messages. The Lord said: “Prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way.” We as messengers are preparing the way for the Lord’s return. We are cleaning up the pathways for Jesus’ return and we are laying down the golden carpet for His feet. As we hand out the messages, some will listen, some won’t. Some will throw them in the trash and some will put them in their pockets and some may share them with others. The messages that we are laying down are like the parable of the seeds. The Lord told me that there are dangerous times upon us, very dangerous times. Now is the time to put on your full armor, strap on your shield and raise your sword for the battle that is coming. Prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way for Jesus is coming. Jesus’ heart is broken; the pain that He is feeling is because of what He must do to the world. He said that if only the people would listen and open their hearts and pray, he would hear their prayers and heal their land. He said that the people will not listen and have passed the point of no return. It is too late now, it is too late. All we can do now as God’s children is to prepare the way for His return. He told me that time is about ready to fold into itself and disappear. Then He said, “Stand tall, my children your redemption draws night. Open your ears and listen to the quiet that is coming. Listen with your heart to what the Spirit is telling you.” He told me that for all believers in Jesus to stand in the holy place. June 24, 1999 The Lord told me how the attack will happen from the missile from the submarine. They will come in under one of our super tankers off the west coast, drop down deep and wait until dark to fire their missile. I was told that they have Russian advisors helping them with the missile and Bin Laden paid them big money for this task. The attack will happen late at night. They will arise from the depths of the ocean in their submarine and prepare to fire. After they fire the missile they will drop back down to the depths. They are high tech missiles. The reason this may happen is that the Lord is allowing it due to the people’s wickedness in not listening to his messengers. He wants the people to pray for safety for what is about to happen to the United States. He loved and died for the people and will protect His children from the evil that lurks. The government will tell the people that there was a misfire from one of their own missiles from a submarine. The missile will hit in an isolated area and does not do much damage. When the missile comes our Air Force will try and shoot it down. But supernaturally, they will not be able to stop it and it will hit Kansas. The government will cover it up and lie to the people and there will be more attacks form terrorists on the USA. We have been warned for years and years about what is coming and we do not heed the warnings. Instead we disarm ourselves and lower our guard and have very little protection. The only protection is the Lord Jesus Christ -- he is our shield and our protector. Again the Lord said to stand in the holy place; that He is returning real soon and to stand tall. July 1, 1999 I just ask the Lord about a missile and he told me it is still coming. “I am going to plunge my sickle into the earth.” The Lord told me the enemies are coming to our shores; the enemies be prepared, the Lord told me what it means about plunging the sickle into the earth. It means it is time for wrath and judgment to come to the earth. “Vengeance is mine,” said the Lord. “I am very displeased with my people,” said the Lord. “Now I say again,” said the Lord; “stand in the Holy place, now is the time to stand in the Holy place.” The Lord has said, to not look to the riches of this world, look to God instead for the wealth he has to offer. There is more wealth in Jesus than anything in this world. All the wealth we need is in Jesus. The Lord told me he has prepared a resting place and a safe haven, which He is going to bring soon, sooner than you may think. Listen with your heart what the spirit is telling you, listen with your heart. The Lord has told me that a gate is about ready to be opened and will let the evil loose upon this earth. The Lord has said he is very proud of his children for standing tall, and that their rewards await them in heaven. The Lord said that soon we will see Him in all His glory and splendor and more beauty than your eyes can behold. The great battle is on the horizon. Pray for your safety, for what is about to happen. Do not be deceived in this day of deceiving wrath that is upon us. Where He told us it was too late, was not for his children, it was for the world…for the evil they have done. It is time to sing the song: “I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back; no turning back…where he leads me, I will follow.” 7/20/99

So shall the day of the Son of Man be. Y2K might be a joke to a lot of people today. They’re laughing and saying that nothing is going to happen. And they are not preparing for this thing to happen. Because they think everything is just great. Peace and safety. Think about how it was in the day of Noah when he was building the ark. They laughed at him, they made jokes of him, spit on him... “...ha...ha....look at the idiot building an ark.” But what are they doing today about Y2K? They’re laughing and making jokes. It’s not going to happen, nothing’s going to happen...we’re going to have a glorious time in the year 2000. And then came sudden destruction. Wake up America. Wake up! Jesus is trying to tell you that I am the light, the way and the truth. He is the light and the life, the life of eternal life and salvation. There is only one way to heaven....only one way. And that’s through Jesus who died on the cross for our sins to give us eternal life. Wake up America, wake up. Listen to the prophets and the messengers and what they have to say. Do not turn your backs on them. Listen to what they have to say. Your strength relies in the Lord, not in this world. Your strength relies in the Lord, not in this world. 9/23/99 Dark days are coming; the hoof-beats are approaching; the darkness is close. Prepare the way of the coming of the Lord; prepare the way of his coming stand tall he is coming stand tall the light well out shine them all. Great mercy and pain well come but the light well bring happiness. Do not worry or fear, for I have complete control,” he said; I AM…I AM. Do not sway time is short the books are being unsealed the books are being unsealed it is time to sing the song. Keep your eyes open. Do not sway there will be signs in the stars and the moon; do not sway. Now is the time to come together walk close now do not sway away nothing else matters now. The light is getting closer hold on a little longer the day you have been waiting for is coming, coming soon with great glory for all to see; coming now with great glory……… Isaiah 60-1-2 10/28 /2001 The UN is going to crumb within. The great deceiver and tyrant in the UN well cause the terrorist to attack America. I am opening the door in heaven and coming to bring my children home to where there is great glory and peace. The windows to the universe are being opened. Great evil & destruction is coming on Israel. Do not take your eyes of Yeshua. I here all the cries and I am answering them. Keep your eyes on Yeshua. Soon I well come and take back the deed from the evil one and make peace on this world again. The evil that is going on now is within us….. Come to me for peace and safety. I am the true door to salvation. See how fast time is moving look at your clocks. I AM the bright and morning star that out shine them all. Now is the time for all believers to stand in the holy place and come together. The strength of the spirit is in the believers. We must stand in the holy place there is strength there for all to come nothing else matters. Now is the time to stand in the holy place…………….. August 9, 2005 I had a dream last night. I saw three plumes of nuclear blasts over the United States…over New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada. Also a devastating earthquake will happen in California. This will happen three days after Tim Conway dies the devastation will happen. It will start in September and last into December. I saw a nuclear blast in Albuquerque New Mexico, I saw a nuclear blast in Phoenix, Arizona, I saw a nuclear blast in Las Vegas, Nevada. Then I asked, “how will these things happen.” A nuclear device will be brought in with the balloons at the balloon rally in October at Albuquerque, NM. I don’t know if it’s to happen in September or November, but there is a nuclear bomb already planted in Phoenix, and another bomb is coming in an airplane to the air show in Las Vegas. Another nuclear bomb will be placed into the San Andreas Fault somewhere in California to cause the devastating earthquake. In the time of joy, perhaps in December, it will happen. I saw a wave of evil, darkness, devastation, and death moving across the southwestern United States, after these disasters. Like the wave or plague that swept across Egypt in Moses’ time. Like a set of dominoes, all going down. I was watching all of this happen from above, looking down at the United States. I was told not to travel to the southwest. I don’t know which year this all will happen, but I was told that Minnesota is a safe haven, due to the jet stream, which is like a protective shield around us. The disasters will greatly affect our economy. I then saw a bright light in the sky above me after the devastation happened. It was coming from the heavens towards earth. There is no way to stop this devastation. We have been warned for years to turn back to God, to get rid of our evil ways. So now it will come. God is going to remove his hand from these areas and let it happen. It will happen in the time of peace and safety, when we least expect it. Look how quiet it has been in the United States since 911. This was the most frightening dream I have ever had. August 26, 2006 I had a dream how terrorists are going to attack the USA. They are going to use transportation like trucks, to carry nuclear devices in. Also trucks can go inside tunnels with their bombs. And they will use blimps that fly overhead carrying nuclear or dirty bombs. They can fly them over power stations and nuclear power plants carrying nuclear bombs. They will fly over airports and destroy runways. They hate the USA and they are coming soon, when we least expect them. Be prepared. At one time Hitler was going to use blimps to destroy and gain control over the world. Pray hard to Jesus to protect us...we are unprotected without his shield. This is just the beginning! September 23, 2007 The shield (our protection) is being removed because we have turned our backs on God. Darkness awaits those who will not turn to Jesus. Great darkness. Hard times. God will help us through all things and through the darkness that is coming to the world. Be prepared. It is on its way. Stand in the light, the light of Jesus will protect us. Keep your eyes on Jesus and everything we do. It is coming very fast now. Hold on to Jesus. March 21, 2008 America is dying and we the people are dying with it. Because we will not listen to what the Lord is saying. The blood is on our hands. The blood of America is our fault, time has run out. There is no other answer but JESUS…………………..GLORIOUS SAVIOR……….

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from there wick ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. MESSAGE FROM THE LORD TO THE WORLD – JANUARY 25, 2009 God is telling all of us to pull together and stop trying to destroy each other. All of us have the power and resources to change what is happening to our world, by helping one another, and not trying to destroy a country or government and achieve more and more power. It is time for us to pull together with God’s help, no matter what our race, color or creed. We are all in this together and we need to stop thinking, “Woe is me,” and start thinking about each other and how we can fix our economy and our world. Instead of figuring out how to destroy one another, start helping each other find a way to pull ourselves out of the mess we are in. We can do this together with God, the creator’s help. Or we can just blow each other off the face of the Earth. Stop having pity parties and let’s get to work and do something about this mess. We could sit on a rock with our greed and power, our ships, planes, tanks and our missiles pointed at each other until someone pushes the button and destroys everything we have hoped for and built with our own hands. Get away from the thought of having to be a super power and destroying others. We need to save our world and bring it back to life again, so that we can all live together and enjoy what a beautiful gift God has given to us. “Hello World,”…it is up to you to change this world and make it a better place to live in. The clock is ticking, what is your answer? Your creator has spoken and the answer is right in front of each and every one of you if you open your eyes. If we would cry out to God, he will hear our cries and heal our land. The word has been given. Scripture the Lord has given me in His word: I John 4:1-21 God tells me these gifts are from Him and the Holy Spirit Romans 4:1-9 I Corinthians 14:1, 3-5; 14:22, 23, 29-34 The gift of prophecy Hebrews 6:1-5 Once you are born again you are there to stay Hebrews 6:9-13 Hebrews 12:2, 5-10, 12-28 Keep your eyes on Jesus; hold onto Him Revelation 3:6-15 God told me about the great tribulation Proverbs 3:6-35 Call walking with God Proverbs 4:27 A lifelong quest Matthew 6:19-20, 25-26, 31, 33 Matthew 7:1, 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 24 Matthew 19:25 Matthew 24:7,11,14,36-45 Things that are going to happen at the end Luke 21:10-12 Signs John 3:3-9, 13, 15 I Corinthians 12:3-4, 8-10, 12-13, 28-29 Spiritual Gifts I Corinthians 13:8-9 I Corinthians 14:1,3-6, 12, 22, 24, 29, 32, 37 Gift of Prophecy I Peter 1: 13-15 Be holy I Peter 2:4-12 Chosen people II Peter 1:19-21 Holy Spirit speaks Revelations 11:7, 13

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