Mepipes8_adnoc_news 2008 Khaled Participation

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  • Pages: 4
Exhibitions & Conferences

ADNOC attends 8TH annual Oil and Gas Pipeline in the Middle East Conference Mr. Omar Suwaina, Onshore Division Manager, Exploration and Production Directorate, ADNOC set the tone with his opening and welcome address for the Eighth Annual Oil and Gas Pipelines in the Middle East Conference convened in Abu Dhabi 12-14th May 2008. The 2008 Conference, organized by The Energy Exchange Ltd. with the full support of ADNOC and its Group of Companies, attracted over 180 senior executives from the Middle East pipeline industry, reinforcing its



2nd Issue - 2008

position as the leading event in its field for senior decision makers from all aspects of the region’s oil and gas pipeline industry. Interactive discussions and networking opportunities during the conference enabled

(From left) Mr. Khalid Malallah Al Awadi, Emarat, Mr. John Roberts, Platts, Mr. Hassan Al Marzooqi, ADGAS and Mr. Omar Suwaina, ADNOC

attendees to familiarize themselves with the latest information on all the developments and activities in the pipeline industry with detailed analysis, expert opinions and case study presentations of major projects underway in the Middle East region Panel members who provided strategic and technical cutting edge presentations came

from local, regional and international companies such as Adnoc, Takereer, Adco, AdmaOpco, BorougeE, Borealis, Gasco, Adgas, Emarat, Dolphin Energy, Saudi Aramco and Bapco. Ilf Consulting Engineers, JP Kenny, Canusa, Conoco Phillips, Penspen and others, provided technical presentations complementing the majors.


2nd Issue - 2008


Exhibitions & Conferences

The Conference provided the audience with an overview of the Middle East pipeline sector and current projects. In particular, Arun Gopal Madaswamy, Senior Pipeline Coordinator, Takreer provided an updated on the second phase of the inter-refineries pipeline project and the challenges and opportunities provided by the network. In contrast, Abdullah Al Darei, Maintenance Department Superintendent, Gasco, presented an overview of Gasco’s strategic approach to managing its current pipeline network and plans for future expansion.



2nd Issue - 2008

Attendees of the Conference heard speakers addressing issues such as Integrity Management and Pipeline Inspection. Mohammed Daoud, Team Leader Quality Control, Engineering and Major Projects Division, Adco, detailed how they optimise pipeline project management by setting and implementing assurance plans from the early stages of execution. On discussions regarding pipeline construction and inspection techniques, Mr. David McGlone, Senior Inspection Engineer, Projects Engineering, Bapco, spoke about the

Mr. John Roberts, Platts

Ms. Claire Pallen, The Energy Exchange Ltd. delivering opening remarks

challenges of designing and installing high pressure gas pipelines through inshore shall waters in Bahrain. Pipeline Rehabilitation and On-Site Repair Technology presentations explained the importance of protective coating standards to ensure pipeline reliability challenges and implementation. Dr Fikry Barouky, Chairman, Protective Coating Standards and Engineering Specialist, Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco presented his findings in the field. The Engineering and Major Projects Division of ADCO led roundtables discussions focusing on failure analysis on oil and gas pipelines and pipeline project management.

A host of informal networking opportunities including lunches hosted by ILF Consulting Engineers and Canusa complimented the formal presentations. New for 2008, ADNOC hosted an evening reception aboard the Shuja Boat for all Conference attendees who thoroughly enjoyed a relaxing evening of socialising, forming the social highlight of the event. New for 2008 was also the introduction of the dedicated Middle East Pipeline Corrosion Control Workshop designed to provide participants with an overview of the corrosion issues of the Middle Eastern region. Speaker panels from Saudi Aramco, DNV, Borealis and Adco provided useful presentations.


2nd Issue - 2008


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