Name of drug
Generic name: cephalexin Brand name: cefta Classificati on: •Antibiotic •Cephalos porin (firstgener ation)
Dosage and frequenc y 1–4 g/day in dividedd oses; 250 mg PO q6 hr usual dose.
Mechan ism of action
Bacteric idal: Inhibits synthesi s of bacteria l cellwall, causing celldeat h
Respiratory tractinfections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, group A beta-hemolytic streptococci Skin and skinstructure infectionscaused by staphylococcus,str eptococcus Otitis media caused By S. pneumoniae,Haem ophilusinfl enzae,streptococc us,staphylococcus, Moraxella catarrhalis Bone infectionscaused by staphylococcus,Pr oteus mirabilis
Contraindicated withallergy tocephalosporins or penicillins. Use cautiously with renal failure,lactation, pregnancy.
Side / adverse effect
Nursing responsibilities
CNS: Headache,dizzine ss,lethargy,parest hesias
Assessment History: Penicillin or cephalosporin allergy,pregnancy, or lactation
GI: Nausea,vomiting,d iarrhea,anorexia,a bdominalpain,flatul ence,pseudomem br anous colitis,hepatotoxicit y
Physical: Renal function tests,respiratory status, skin status;culture and sensitivity tests of infected area
GU: Nephrotoxicity Hematologic: Bone marrow depression Hypersensitivity: Rangingfrom rash tofever toanaphylaxis;seru msicknessreaction Other: Superinfections.
Interventions Arrange for culture andsensitivity tests of infectionbefore and during therapy if infection does not resolve. Give drug with meals; arrange for small, frequent meals if GI complications occur. Refrigerate suspension,discard after 14 days. Teaching points Take this drug with food. Refrigerate suspension;discard any drug after 14days. Complete the full course of this drug even if you feel better.
GU infectionscaused by Escherichia coli, P.mirabilis, Klebsiella.
This drug is prescribed for thisparticular infection; do not self-treat any other infection. You may experience theseside effects: Stomach upset,loss of appetite, nausea (takedrug with food); diarrhea;headache, dizziness. Report severe diarrhea with blood, pus, or mucus; rash or hives; difficulty breathing;unusual tiredness, fatigue;unusual bleeding or bruising. Avoid alcohol while takingcephalexin.