Media Campaign For Health Promotion

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  • Words: 1,354
  • Pages: 48
Using Media Campaigns In Health communication

Done by: AL-Joharah & Dina

Content:  Definitions  Types of MM  Positive , Negative influence of MM  Target audience  Advantages vs. Disadvantages of mass media  Media can vs. Cann’t do  Theoretical models underlying campaign strategies  Developing a campaign  Summary

Mass media campaign • Used to describe public communication campaigns, or public education campaigns. • The term refers to a form of advertising designed specifically for a target concept. • Campaigns “purposeful attempts to either inform, persuade, or motivate behaviour changes in a large audience within a given time period.”


Mass media is any written, printed, visual, electronic, auto-visual media developed to reach mass audience and the public.

The mass media used for:

• Communication • • • • •

Entertainment Dissemination of information Advertising Marketing Expressing and sharing views, opinions and ideas

Mass media is a double-edged sword which means that there are positive effects of media as well as negative influences of media.

The positive effect of MM: • Increase an overall awareness of the masses. • They enhance the general knowledge by providing us information from all over the world. • Contribute to the enhancement of our vocabulary • Contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses • Transformation in the way the masses think

The negative effect of MM: • The negatives in society are highlighted with an intent to awaken the people about the society. • Changing their mental setup and the declining quality of their lifestyle.( Children) • Effect the practices.(Youths)

Types of mass media: • Print Media:  (Newspaper, Magazines, Pamphlets)

• Electronic Media:  ( TV, Radio, DVD)

• New-age Media:  ( Internet, Mobile phone )

Advantages vs. Disadvantages Of Mass Media Advantages of MM: o Reaches many people quickly o Low cost per person reached Disadvantages of MM: o Difficult to make specific to local community o Fixed message o Can be easily misunderstood o Access often difficult o Lacks feedback

The Reality of the Mass Media“The Can Do”

The Reality of the Mass Media“The Cannot Do”

target audience:

This is the group of people that the media campaign trying to reach the message to them .

target audience characteristic

• • • • • • • • •

Age education level ethnicity/religion Attitudes /beliefs /values Size (how many people) Level of knowledge. Readiness to change. Skills level. Geography.

Questions to identify target audience • What skills, strengths and knowledge do they have that you can further develop?

• What skills, strengths and knowledge do they lack that can be developed?.

Things to consider about target audience • • • • •

Economic factor Social factor Cultural factor Environmental factor Timing.

Types of target audience

• Primary audience  is the group that needs to make the behavior change

• Secondary audience  are people who can help the primary target audiences

Educator’s Model: • For centuries, educators have assumed that if they provide students with information, that information will lead to new attitudes. • They have also assumed that these new attitudes will then lead to new behavior.

Educator’s Model


• 20th century research shows that the linkages between information and attitudes and,

even more importantly, between attitudes and behavior are not strong. • This age-old educator’s model is not really very effective at changing behaviors. • The biggest gap in human nature is between what

we know and what we do !

Advertiser’s Model: • Why? They found the educator’s model useless in selling products, especially in getting consumers to select their product over similar products.


Advertiser’s Model


• Ads usually start with an “attention grabber” that we may think of as an “irrelevant motivator.” • An irrelevant motivator is something that motivates the consumer to buy the product, but it is not related to the product. • This motivator is connected to a “need state” of the potential customer


• As powerful as these appeals to human needs states are, a single exposure to an advertisement rarely has much impact on the consumer. • Even after they buy the product, consumers may begin to question the link between the product and the need state.


• “Cognitive Dissonance.” • This is an uncomfortable state that most humans will seek to resolve so that their actions are in line with their beliefs and knowledge.

To resolve the situation :

• keep listening to the original message for reassurance that you are doing the right thing. • Thus advertisers typically repeat their message endlessly not only to attract new customers, but also to reassure current customers. • This repetition creates a direct relationship in our minds between the product and the fulfillment of our needs.


In fact most advertising is aimed at customers who have already made the decision to buy the product and is intended to reinforce that decision.

An Environmental Communications Model (Sandman’s model)

“Advertiser’s Model”

“Educator’s Model”


• Ex: children often nag their parents into doing something— such as recycling—that they learned about at school. At first the parent responds to please the child, but later will ask “Why am I really doing this? Is it really worthwhile?”


• Sandman’s model follows the advertiser’s model except that almost all environmental messages can use a relevant motivator that addresses a need state to get people to perform an initial small behavior. • Performing this behavior still induces some cognitive dissonance, as it does in the advertising model.


• Here the Sandman model departs from the advertiser’s model. Environmental communicators have something that most advertisers don’t—good reasons to continue the behavior that can replace the initial irrelevant reasons. • Rather than endlessly repeating the motivational message, environmental communicators can now switch to the real reasons for the behavior by providing information.


• Why not just provide the information in the first place? Because the audience wasn’t interested in it then. Now they are. They are interested in finding information that will support their new behavior.

• To creating and maintaining a behavior requires two messages : o 1 st message contains an irrelevant Motivator. o 2 nd message is designed to reinforce the behavior. (It contains the reasons why they are doing a good thing and builds on the behavioral commitment.)

Stages of a Campaign

oGoal, Audience and Medium • Formative research helps define which behaviors the campaign will attempt to change to achieve its broad goals. • It is important to explore what people already know, believe, and care about.


• Explore the media diet of the audience. Are they literate? Do they listen to radio? Do they read any publication regularly? This will help define the strategy and choice of media. • Organize funding and how to obtain access to Variety of media.



• Message content needs to be: o o o o

based in research. Realistic. credible. should be tailored to the social and psychographic profiles of the target audience.

• The style

should be attractive and entertaining.


• Furthermore, there should not been too many different messages in any one time frame, in order to avoid confusion among the target audience.

• Element of the campaign should be pretested with the intended audience.




• It is never easy, but if stages one and two have been done well, implementation should go smoothly.

o Monitoring and Evaluating • Evaluation should begin during implementation and be used to make mid-course corrections.

• Campaign can be evaluated in several ways:

o by recording the exposure. o by surveying people. o by observing changes in behavior or the environment that could be attributed, in part, to the campaign.

SUMMARY  Information alone is not enough to support behavior.  information can lead to a change in attitude that can lead to behavior  But, without a motivator and an initial action to create cognitive dissonance and start the information seeking process, there is nothing to trigger the uptake of the Information.  Positive attitudes support long-term behavior

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