Me & Mrs. Jones Pilot

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  • Words: 11,098
  • Pages: 59
ME & MRS. JONES Pilot by David Polk

Contact: David Polk 176 Dusty Rose Court Simi Valley, CA 93065 805.428.5775 [email protected]

2. TEASER FADE IN: EXT. MICHELSEN ESTATE – NIGHT An ultra modern steel and glass mansion like something you’d see on the cover of Architectural Digest. INT. VAN - NIGHT We’re looking at a laptop COMPUTER SCREEN. On it, four quadrants of surveillance video: an art gallery, an ante room, bored SECURITY GUARD #1 seated behind monitors, and a corridor where SECURITY GUARD #2 is making his rounds. In the lower corner of the screen a DIGITAL CLOCK counts down. CRAIG RICHARDS, twentysomething techno-geek, types on the keyboard as he speaks into a high-tech com-link. CRAIG Five seconds to black. On the screen, security guard #2 opens a door, leaves one quadrant of video and walks into the ante room. CRAIG (in synch with clock) Four, three, two, one... He hits “ENTER” and all four quadrants go black. On a SECOND COMPUTER SCREEN, next to the first, we’re looking down at the art gallery from the ceiling. The image is in the green-black of NIGHT VISION. INT. GALLERY - NIGHT Covered head-to-toe in black, wearing sleek NIGHT VISION GOGGLES and holding a JOYSTICK, a CAT BURGLAR is suspended from the ceiling. CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) The motion sensors will reactivate once the power cycle is regenerated. You have thirty seconds. Starting now.

3. The Burglar presses a button on the joystick, descends silently from the ceiling, presses the button again to disconnect from a cable, and goes to a glass case. Inside the case: a DIAMOND TIARA. The Burglar works fast – sprays the case with an AEROSOL, whips out a GLASS CUTTER... INT. ANTE ROOM - NIGHT Security guard #2 punches buttons on a CONTROL PANEL. SECURITY GUARD #2 (into lapel mic) Looks like another surge. I thought the electrician fixed those last week. SECURITY GUARD #1 (V.O., FILTERED) So did I. Rebooting the system now. Back online in ten seconds. INT. GALLERY - NIGHT The Burglar bags the real tiara, replaces it with a FAKE then deftly replaces the glass cutout. CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Seven, six... INT. VAN - NIGHT Craig types on his laptop. On the second laptop screen, we see WHAT THE BURLAR SEES through the night vision goggles. BURGLAR’S POV – ART GALLERY as the Burglar quickly crosses the gallery, grabs the suspension cable with a gloved hand – RETURN TO SCENE CRAIG Five, four...

4. INT. GALLERY – NIGHT The Burglar clicks on the cable, presses the joystick button and ascends silently to the ceiling as – CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Three, two, one. BURGLAR’S POV – SUSPENDED FROM CEILING an array of LASER TRIP WIRES crisscrossing the room. INT. CORRIDOR – NIGHT Security Guard #2 closes the door of the ante room and starts down the corridor. SECURITY GUARD #2 (into lapel mic) System rearmed. Moving to gallery. INT. VAN – NIGHT On the first computer screen, we see Security Guard #1 check his video monitors. Craig hears his transmissions. SECURITY GUARD #1 (V.O., FILTERED) Ten-four. I have you in sight. CRAIG (O.S.) Rent-a-Cop in five, four, three... INT. GALLERY – NIGHT Security Guard #2 swipes his badge on a wall pad... CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Two, one. ...deactivating the laser sensors. He enters the gallery and looks around, does a double take at the diamond tiara. Stares at the glass case for a long beat as the Burglar floats 10 feet directly above. No evidence of tampering. The guard shrugs and walks out of the gallery. He swipes his badge, reactivating the laser sensors. The Burglar swings to an air duct, opens it and climbs inside.

5. INT. VAN – NIGHT Craig types on his keyboard. Three of the four surveillance images switch from indoor to outdoor: the lawn of an estate, a guard kiosk at an entry gate, and the ESCAPE WINDOW surrounded by shrubs. On the second computer, the Burglar’s night vision goggle POV shimmying through the air duct. CRAIG (O.S.) Okay, when you hit the south ante room we’ll have our second surge. That’s five seconds. Any longer and the failsafe kicks in and all hell breaks lose. Here we go...Black in four, three, two, one. He punches the “Enter” key and... INT. CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS The hallway goes dark again. under his breath.

Security Guard #2 CURSES

INT. AIR DUCT – CONTINUOUS The Burglar pops the vent off and scans the dark, empty ante room... sees the ESCAPE WINDOW... INT. ANTE ROOM – CONTINUOUS ...climbs out of the air duct, jumps down and lands on the floor like a cat. SUDDENLY a searing WHITE LIGHT shocks the night vision goggles! INT. VAN – CONTINUOUS At the same time the computer screen with the Burglar’s night goggles POV goes BRIGHT WHITE. CRAIG Holy Sh ! – SMASH CUT TO:

6. INT. ANTE ROOM – CONTINUOUS The bright light in night vision goggles is searing. BURGLAR AHHHHHH!!! A SWAT TEAM surrounds the Burglar, each of their assault rifles fitted with a HALOGEN LAMP. A SWAT member rips the mask and goggles off the Burglar’s head. A shock of blonde hair falls down. The Burglar is a YOUNG WOMAN. SWAT LEADER Assume the position! Now! The Burglar is roughly forced to the floor. INT. VAN – CONTINUOUS On the first computer screen, all four quadrants show POLICE and SWAT officers moving in. The second computer screen shows only white fuzz, but the audio feed from the night vision goggles is still live. SWAT LEADER (V.O., FILTERED) Cuff her! This is blue leader, target one secured. BURGLAR (V.O., FILTERED) Go! SWAT LEADER (V.O., FILTERED) Shut her up! Locate target two! CRAIG No!



GO! NOW! INT. VAN – CONTINUOUS Craig, in full panic, stumbles into the driver’s seat, fumbles with the ignition, starts the engine... SMASH TO MAIN TITLES. END TEASER

7. ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. SECOND BANK OF TOPEKA – DAY Establishing a rundown branch bank in a poor part of town. SUPERIMPOSE: 18 months later. CRAIG (V.O.) Mitzi always told me you never know where life’s going to take you. “Craigy,” she would say, “you could explore Deepest Darkest Africa or find a cure for cancer in the Brazilian Rainforest, or be the first man to set foot on Mars even.” I admit I may have dozed once or twice during those conversations with Mom – she’s a real talker - but I’m pretty sure Topeka, Kansas never came up as one of the places she had in mind for me. But then I’m sure she never imagined her only child would have to beat it to Topeka to avoid the Feds. Don’t get me wrong, Topeka’s not a bad place – the steaks are great and the tornados are nothing like the one that nabbed Dorothy and Toto. But I’m guessing there won’t be any cures for cancer discovered here any time soon – though this could definitely be a great place to study the effects of high cholesterol. I was also hoping it’d be the last place the Feds would come looking for me... INT. SECOND BANK OF TOPEKA – DAY Craig, a bank teller, counts out $500 in cash for an OLD BLACK WOMAN. She carefully puts the cash in her purse. CRAIG Is there anything else I can help you with today, Mrs. Collins? OLD BLACK WOMAN No thank you, honey.

8. CRAIG You have a nice day now. She returns his polite smile and walks away from the window. Next a stunning woman of Middle Eastern descent, about thirty years old, steps up to his window. This is MITRA. Craig is momentarily stumped by her beauty. CRAIG How may I help you?


Her warm, friendly smile puts him at ease. MITRA I would like to open an account with your bank. CRAIG Oh...yes, well, you want to talk with one of the assistant managers. I see one of them is free right over there. He gestures to a young woman seated across the bank. MITRA Thank you very much – (glances at his nameplate, “Richard Jones”) Mr. Jones. I see.

Craig watches her walk across the bank. A THROAT CLEARS and he tears his eyes off Mitra and looks at his next CUSTOMER. Hello.

CRAIG How may I help you?

INT. CRAIG’S APARTMENT – NIGHT An efficiency apartment so small you have to go outside to change your mind. Local news is on the television. A microwave DINGS and Craig takes his dinner out. He’s just about to open the fridge when there’s a KNOCK on the door. Caution immediately registers on his face. He considers ignoring it but realizes the television is too loud. Another KNOCK. He goes to the door, looks through the peep hole. He’s surprised and puzzled. He opens the door to Mitra.

9. MITRA Hello, Richard. I’m sorry to interrupt at the dinner hour. CRAIG Hello... Wow, this is a surprise. need to apologize, Miss...


MITRA Mitra. CRAIG Miss Mitra. MITRA Just Mitra. CRAIG I’m Richard.

Okay, Mitra. Richard Jones. (off her smile) Oh, right, you know that already. So, Mitra, what are you doing here? Are you new to the building or something? MITRA Yes. (looks inside) May I come in? Oh, I’m sorry.


She steps into the apartment, looks around. MITRA Nice place you have here, Richard. CRAIG I apologize for the mess. Can I offer you something? A diet Coke? MITRA A diet chai iced tea would be lovely. CRAIG Right... um, well, I should have mentioned that by “something” I meant all I have is diet Coke. Sorry.

10. MITRA That would be lovely, Richard. As he goes to the refrigerator, CRAIG When I saw you at the bank today I figured you were new in town. When did you move into the building? He opens the fridge, reaches inside and – freezes. INSIDE FRIDGE empty except for a BOTTLE OF DIET CHAI TEA.

Craig turns.

CRAIG Who are you?! MITRA I told you, Richard, I’m Mitra. He bolts past her out of the apartment. INT. HALLWAY – NIGHT Craig starts down the stairs but stops halfway when an AGENT in a dark suit appears at the bottom. He reverses direction, heads up to the next floor. A SECOND AGENT is at the top. Mitra steps out of his apartment. MITRA I think we should talk. Craig?

Don’t you...

INT. PRISON GYM – DAY The Burglar, attractive, athletic, mid-twenties, is pounding the shit out of a heavy punching bag. Her name is RACHEL RICHARDS. PRISON GUARD (O.S.) Richards, you have a visitor. Rachel stops and shoots the female PRISON GUARD an incredulous look.

11. RACHEL What? INT. VISITOR’S ROOM – LATER Rachel walks in wearing orange prison togs. She sees her visitor and we glimpse joy in her eyes. But in a blink it vanishes, replaced by a mask of cold indifference. She sits at a thick glass partition, puts a PHONE to her ear. RACHEL (terse) Are you out of your mind?! take you in!


REVERSE to see Craig on the other side of the glass. CRAIG No, Rache, they won’t. INT. RACHEL’S CELL – SUNSET Rachel is on her cot. A KLAXON sounds, the cell door opens automatically. INMATES file past. A PARCEL is tossed into the cell. Rachel reacts, “Here we go.” INT. OUTSIDE RACHEL’S CELL – THIRTY SECONDS LATER Rachel, dressed as a prison guard, steps out and falls in line behind the last of the inmates. INT. PRISON – LATER Rachel splits off from the line of prisoners and we TRACK with her as she makes her way through the prison, passing inmates and guards who don’t seem to recognize her. At a checkpoint, she swipes a BADGE, covers her relief when the electronic LIGHT TURNS GREEN and the gate slides open. INT. PRISON EXIT - CONTINUOUS Rachel is 20 yards from the exit when she sees the female guard from the gym, walking straight toward her. Rachel pulls the brim of her cap down and keeps walking. The

12. female guard right looks at her. She has to recognize her. But they pass shoulder-to-shoulder without a word. EXT. OUTSIDE PRISON – SUNSET Rachel goes through the main gate, casually walks next to the exterior wall of the prison – just another employee getting off work. She looks up, sees a red PONTIAC GTS at the far corner of the prison. Her pace quickens the closer she gets to the car. Craig gets out of the Pontiac, walks around and opens the passenger door. Rachel’s fast walk turns to a jog; the guard cap flies off and her hair spills down. She runs to Craig, throws her arms around his neck. They kiss. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM The room is Spartan, sterile looking. Craig and Rachel sit in metal chairs at a metal table. Mitra is across from them, sipping chai iced tea from a glass. MITRA I have to hand it to you Craig. That little scam you engineered at the bank. Skimming infinitesimal amounts from corporate accounts into a numbered offshore account, then redistributing the funds as capital gains in a legitimate brokerage account. It will be years before anyone at the Second Bank of Topeka catches on. Of course, you would never have gotten rich. But that wasn’t your intent, was it? No, I don’t imagine it was – where’s the joy in pulling off the perfect heist if there’s nobody to share it with? Mitra looks at Rachel, who is focusing on the large mirror behind Mitra. MITRA (re: mirror) Standard protocol. I assure you, there’s nothing to fear in there, Rachel.

13. INT. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE ROOM, OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR AGENTS monitor the conversation with an array of HIGH-TECH EQUIPMENT. One gadget, a BIO-IMAGER, indicates stress: blue (relaxed), orange (nervous) red (high stress). The bio-imager shows Rachel, like Mitra, is relaxed. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM Rachel shifts her attention from the mirror to Mitra. RACHEL Who says I’m afraid? What do you say we cut the chitchat and you tell us what you want? This isn’t about Craig skimming from the bank and you people aren’t with the FBI, Treasury or ATF. MITRA That’s very astute of you, Rachel. As ingenious as Craig’s little caper was, it certainly wasn’t the impetus for our springing a convicted felon from a federal prison. Rachel cocks her head as if to say, “So?” Mitra opens a file folder. She speaks without looking down at it. MITRA Craig and Rachel Richards, cat burglars specializing in high-end jobs – jewelry, high art, the occasional museum quality artifact. You’ve pulled off heists from Monte Carlo to Beverly Hills, fenced millions of dollars of merchandise in your two years together. Unfortunately, in your last job you tried to lift a priceless heirloom from the Michelsen Collection. Though the job was on the Michelson estate, the piece was on loan from the U.S. Museum of Art. So technically, you were caught stealing government property. INT. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE ROOM, OTHER SIDE OF THE MIRROR Craig’s bio-image goes from orange, turns red.


Wait a minute.

MITRA Also very astute, Craig. I’m beginning to feel better about our selection. RACHEL Your selection? MITRA You and your husband possess a set of talents that we find most desirable. We believe those talents will complement our operations. “We?”


RACHEL Who are you people?

MITRA “We” are the U.S. government, Rachel. And Uncle Sam wants you. CRAIG Wait a minute. If you’re the Feds, why go through the trouble of breaking Rache out of one of your own prisons? Why not just grant her a pardon? RACHEL Because spies can’t give pardons. MITRA Precisely. CRAIG Look, Rache is no Mata Hari and I’m sure as hell not James Bond. We’re not spies, we’re thieves. RACHEL Burglars, Sweetie. CRAIG Burglars.

15. MITRA We don’t want you to spy, Craig... We want you to steal. (off their puzzled looks) We belong to DS6, a top-secret counterterrorism unit within the NSA. We were formed after Nine Eleven to gather intelligence to eliminate terrorist threats in the U.S. We’re authorized to gather that intelligence by any means necessary. Foreign governments and individuals, both outside and inside our country, possess assets and information that, if in the wrong hands, could be detrimental to our national interests and security. CRAIG Hold up. You mean our government wants us to steal from other governments and our own citizens? But isn’t that against the Constitution? Mitra takes a sip of iced tea. INT. DS6 OPERATIONS CENTER – DAYS LATER Agents and staff busy themselves at workstations in this spacious, high-tech situation room. It could be anywhere, but we have a sense that the center is far underground. We are drawn to a glassed-in room a level above. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM The operations center can be seen through a glass wall. another wall – a video screen – the image of a DASHING, DARK-HAIRED MAN. MITRA (O.S.) His name is Evan Slade, forty-four years old, founder and CEO of Slade MicroTech, the world’s largest maker of nano-technology components. According to Forbes magazine – and the Internal Revenue Service – he’s worth about two billion dollars.


16. Mitra, Craig and Rachel watch as a VIDEO MONTAGE of Slade flashes on the screen: at a trade show unveiling his company’s newest product; posing with two Asian scientists; in the White House Rose Garden shaking hands with the President; at a charity event with a gorgeous redhead on his arm. MITRA In four weeks, Slade is set to travel to Tel Aviv for meetings with Israeli defense manufacturers to discuss terms for supplying them with his nextgeneration nano-technology subsystems. The components are so small that they can only be viewed through a microscope, but one subsystem contains enough computing power to run a space station for a year. RACHEL And you want us to steal the plans for these nano-technology subsystems? MITRA Something like that. Yes. CRAIG If the U.S. doesn’t want Slade to sell to the Israelis, why not just ban the sale of the technology to non-U.S. companies? The government does that all the time with defense technologies. Or just buy the technology ourselves? MITRA staunchest ally in the To ban the sale of such them would create waves Nobody wants that.

Israel is our Middle East. technology to politically. Of course not.

RACHEL It’s an election year.

MITRA It’s refreshing to see that sixteen months in a maximum security prison hasn’t dulled your interest in current events, Rachel.

17. RACHEL Pity that some things never change. MITRA (to Craig, ignoring Rachel) As for locking up the technology for ourselves, Slade’s prices are, quite frankly, too rich for our blood. RACHEL So the old “Uncle Sam wants you” pitch wasn’t enough? MITRA If only there were more patriots like you and your husband. Patriots?

RACHEL Try indentured servants. CRAIG (trying to keep the peace)

Rache... Rachel and Mitra lock eyes for an uncomfortable beat. clear this is the beginning of a rocky relationship. MITRA You’re looking at this all wrong, Rachel. RACHEL How should we look at it, Mitra? MITRA Try this: instead of spending the next fifteen years rotting away in prison – where I’m sure a woman of your obvious attributes would make plenty of friends – you can spend five years in service to your country. Not only will you earn your freedom, you’ll get your old lives back, high-end heists and all. RACHEL Freedom. Service. Country. You make it sound as if we’ve “volunteered” for the Peace Corps.


18. MITRA We all do our part, Rachel. Mitra slides a DVD across the table to Craig. MITRA Everything you need to know about Slade and his operations: personal habits, schedules, finances – including what he hides from the IRS – blueprints and security system plans for all of his plants, offices and homes. CRAIG Big Brother’s always watching, huh? MITRA Yes, Craig, he is. On cue, TWO AGENTS, each with a silver INJECTION GUN, come in. Before Rachel and Craig know what’s happening, they’ve been injected in the arm with something that hurts like hell. They react. “Ow!” “What the –?!” CRAIG What the hell is this?! MITRA Insurance. RACHEL Insurance? MITRA Bio GPS. RACHEL You put tracking devices inside of us?! MITRA On the off chance you decide to become less patriotic. Yes. RACHEL Slade leaves for Israel in a month. We normally spend two or three months planning a job as complex as this. We can’t just case a location for a week, waltz in and walk out with the goods. We don’t even know where the files are.

19. MITRA We’ve taken that into consideration and established a cover for you that guarantees fast access into Slade’s inner circle. You’ll get close enough to him to acquire the files before he leaves the country. CRAIG So you’ve given us covers? Who are we, a jet setting couple from the Hamptons? MITRA Not quite... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE

20. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. BALCONY OF SLADE’S OFFICE – DAY EVAN SLADE stands on the balcony enjoying the magnificent view of Seattle. He’s even more handsome in person in a $10,000 handmade suit and silk shirt. His personal assistant, MAI-LING, twenty-seven years old and sexy, steps out from the office. MAI-LING Evan, the Joneses are here. Excellent.

SLADE Please ask them to join me.

She heads back inside. When she comes out again she’s with Craig and Rachel, who is now a redhead. In contrast to Slade, they’re dressed from the rack at Target. Slade turns to greet them. SLADE Miss Jones, Mr. Jones. Welcome. Rachel speaks with a flawless Australian accent. RACHEL G’day, Mr. Slade. Veronica Jones. This is my brother, Rhys. SLADE Rhys. He gives Craig a firm handshake. Craig nods and smiles. RACHEL Rhys doesn’t talk, Mr. Slade. Been that way since he was a small tyke. Reads lips perfectly though. SLADE (slowly) Pleased to meet you, Rhys. RACHEL Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us on short notice, Mr. Slade.

21. SLADE Miss Jones, I would clear my schedule for Aquamarine International any time. RACHEL As Aquamarine’s new sponsorship chairwoman, I wanted to thank you personally for your generous support whilst I’m here in the States. Your two million dollars will allow us to complete renovation of our third vessel, the Arctic Warrior. SLADE Doing what I can to help safeguard our environment is one of my most fervent passions. Which is why I’m holding a fund-raiser for Aquamarine that will double my personal donation. Craig’s eyes widen in mock astonishment. the girlish admiration.

Rachel lays on

RACHEL Mr. Slade, I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to meet a man of your stature who is so genuinely interested in our cause. Slade’s rakish smile reveals that his interest in Rachel goes beyond his commitment to the environment. SLADE Of course you’ll be my personal guest at the fund-raiser. (to Craig, an afterthought) Both of you. An ATTENDANT wheels out a tray, uncovers a sumptuous lunch. SLADE Now please, I hope you’ll stay and join me for lunch. EXT. SLADE MICROTECH HEADQUARTERS – DAY Craig and Rachel walk out onto the sidewalk. immediately puts a cell phone to her ear.


22. RACHEL We’re in for the fund-raiser on Thursday. He’s also invited us on a tour of a MicroTech plant. INT. DS6 OPERATIONS CENTER, MITRA’S CUBICLE Mitra is seated at a desk with a glass of chai iced tea. Very good.


MITRA Which plant?


Thursday morning.

MITRA MicroTech’s newest plant. It’s the most likely one for the manufacture of the next-gen nano-tech subsystems. Mitra takes a sip of tea, crosses her sexy, long legs. On her computer screen we see a Google Maps view of downtown Seattle. Two BLINKING RED DOTS represent Craig and Rachel. RACHEL Once inside, Craig and I can confirm with our own eyes that your plans for the plant are up-to-date. Not that we don’t trust our government completely. MITRA I understand, Rachel. As they say, the Devil is in the details. RACHEL And in the government. INT. SLADE’S OFFICE – LATER Slade is at a massive mahogany desk looking at a sleek computer monitor. Mai-Ling stands over his shoulder. MAI-LING We’ve confirmed our initial findings. The Joneses check out.

23. Slade taps a button on his keyboard and IMAGES of the redheaded Rachel and Craig snap onto the computer monitor. MAI-LING Veronica Jones, twenty-seven – goes by Ronnie – and her brother Rhys Jones, twenty-five, both born in Adelaide, Australia. Rhys lost his hearing and speech at age six after a bout with meningitis. Both graduated University of Sydney and attended graduate schools in England and the U.S., Rhys at Oxford, Ronnie at Princeton. Their parents, Steven and Roberta, were both drowned in ninety-six when their trawler sank in high seas off the coast of Japan during a protest of commercial whaling operations. Like their parents, Ronnie and Rhys have devoted their lives to environmental causes. Though considered radical in college, they have taken a more moderate stance in recent years, becoming more active in mainstream environmentalist organizations, such as Aquamarine International. SLADE (impatient) Yes, yes, Mai-Ling. Now tell me something I don’t know. MAI-LING Yes, of course. Miss Jones has never been married and we found nothing to indicate that she’s had a serious relationship in recent years. SLADE Is she a lesbian? MAI-LING Nothing registered on my gay-dar. I’d say she’s straight... And dreadfully boring. SLADE Then I’d say Miss Jones is long overdue for a little excitement.

24. INT. PONTIAC GTS – DAY Craig and Rachel are in the car. engine,

Before he starts the

CRAIG Did you see the way he looked at you? Guys like that really piss me off. RACHEL Forget it, Sweetie. It’s just a job. CRAIG What’s with this brother-sister crap anyway? They couldn’t come up with a cover where we’re married, Mr. and Misses Jones? RACHEL Next time, okay, Sweetie. Now let’s go. We’ve got a lot to do – CRAIG I know exactly what it is, Rache. They don’t think anyone would believe you would marry a guy like me. That’s it. RACHEL Well that just goes to show how wrong they are... INT. SEDAN – SAME TIME TWO MOSSAD AGENTS listen to Rachel and Craig on the RADIO. Between them is an open FILE FOLDER on which we can make out the blue Mossad emblem. Clipped to the folder are passport-sized PHOTOS of Craig and a blonde Rachel. RACHEL (V.O., FILTERED) ...doesn’t it? CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Right... But next mission I’m going to insist that we be a married couple. RACHEL (V.O., FILTERED) Please don’t call them missions, Sweetie. We’re not spies.




We hear the start of the Pontiac’s engine through the radio. The Mossad agents watch the Pontiac, parked several spaces ahead of them, pull into traffic. MOSSAD AGENT (in Hebrew) Subjects are on the move. The agents pull their car into traffic and follow. EXT. BOTHELL PLANT – DAY The plant is just another building in a corporate office park – modern, shiny with tinted glass. But unlike the other buildings, this one is behind an eight-foot fence. A black LINCOLN SEDAN pulls to a stop next to the guard kiosk. The window of the Lincoln rolls down. A GUARD leans out of the kiosk and takes a look at the badge offered by the DRIVER. INT. LINCOLN SEDAN – DAY The driver rolls up the window, pulls the car through the gate. Craig and Rachel are in the back seat, in character as Aussies Rhys and Ronnie. DRIVER Here we are. You’ll go through those doors to the reception desk. They’re all ready for you inside. I’ll be right outside when you’re done. RACHEL Thank you. INT. BOTHELL PLANT, RECEPTION - DAY Rachel and Craig are greeted by Mai-Ling and DR. ROGER GOODALL, brilliant, late thirties.

26. MAI-LING Good morning, Miss Jones, Mr. Jones. Welcome to the Bothell R-and-D and manufacturing facility. This is Dr. Roger Goodall. Dr. Goodall. He’ll be our tour guide today. Goodall speaks so that “Rhys” can read his lips easily. DR. GOODALL Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Jones. It’s an honor to have you with us today – RACHEL Oh, it’s Miss Jones, Dr. Goodall. is my brother.


DR. GOODALL Oh... So sorry about that. Craig reacts.

Rachel shoots him a look.

MAI-LING Shall we get started? She hands each of them SAFETY GOGGLES and a high-tech VISITOR’S BADGE. INT. BOTHELL PLANT – DAY We go along with Rachel, Craig, Mai-Ling and Dr. Goodall on the tour of the high-tech “clean” facility. On the walls are blowups of computer chips and photographs of the production process. Rachel and Craig case the joint with trained eyes, recording every detail as SNAPSHOTS in their heads – air vents, fire and motion detectors, alarm boxes, computer workstations, the number of windows in each lab and workspace, etc. Along the way SCIENTISTS and TECHNICIANS offer tutorials – each speaking slowly and clearly to ensure that “Rhys” can read their lips. It’s during these moments that Rachel discreetly makes precise mental calculations of their surroundings. INT. BOTHELL PLANT, RECEPTION – LATER The tour ends where it began.


DR. GOODALL We’ve covered quite a lot this morning. I hope we didn’t bore you to tears. RACHEL Not at all, Dr. Goodall. It’s all been fascinating, simply fascinating. Wouldn’t you agree, Rhys? Craig smiles. MAI-LING Your car is waiting outside. The driver will be at your disposal. RACHEL That won’t be necessary, really. MAI-LING Mr. Slade insists. INT. HOTEL LOBBY – DAY Rachel and Craig enter and cross to the elevators. They’re being watched by Mossad AGENT #1. He speaks discreetly into a cuff microphone. INT. 24th FLOOR HALLWAY – MOMENTS LATER The elevator doors open. Rachel and Craig get out and walk to their room. They pass a MAID, early twenties, who smiles courteously as she prepares to clean a room. MAID Good afternoon. RACHEL Good afternoon. Craig swipes a keycard in the door, they enter. INT. HOTEL SUITE – DAY Craig and Rachel go straight to work. He pulls out a laptop computer, she grabs a pad and paper, begins jotting notes from memory. A cell phone RINGS. Rachel answers it.

28. RACHEL Yes. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) What do you have? RACHEL The master files for Slade’s nano-tech subsystems are not at the Bothell site. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) What? But our Intel suggests strongly that that’s where they’ll manufacture the subsystems. RACHEL Just because they’ll eventually make them at Bothell doesn’t mean the master plans are kept there. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) What do you mean? Rachel puts the phone on the desk, hits “speakerphone.” Craig has pulled up a schematic of the Bothell plant’s IT systems on his laptop. CRAIG The master file serves not only as a blueprint but also as the central nervous system for controlling every aspect of the manufacturing process. Based on the schematics you provided and what I observed this morning, the IT systems in place at Bothell, while impressive, are not Slade MicroTech’s most advanced. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Bothell’s their most technologically advanced facility. If it’s not there, where is it? CRAIG The most likely places to keep the files would be where the most advanced security systems have been installed. (types on laptop) Those would be Slade’s corporate headquarters and... his yacht?


On the laptop screen we see a photo of Slade’s gorgeous 72foot yacht. The DOORBELL RINGS. Craig and Rachel react. Hold on.

RACHEL Someone’s at the door.

Rachel goes to the door, looks through the peephole. She opens it to a young woman, the CONCIERGE. CONCIERGE Good afternoon, Miss Jones. Sorry to disturb you and your brother. RACHEL No worries. CONCIERGE Compliments of Mr. Evan Slade. The Concierge holds out a garment bag.

Rachel takes it.

CONCIERGE (offers her card) Should you need anything else for this evening’s affair, please don’t hesitate to contact me at this number. RACHEL Thank you. The Concierge leaves.

Rachel unzips the bag.

MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) What was that all about? RACHEL Looks like I don’t have to worry about what to wear tonight. She begins to pull the dress out of the bag. ANGLE ON Craig’s face. His expression tells us that he likes Slade less and less. INT. HOTEL SUITE – NIGHT Craig, in a wash-and-wear suit, is on the speakerphone.

30. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) How much time will you need for a thorough scan of the mainframe? Twenty minutes.

CRAIG Twenty-five tops.

MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) You’ll find a laptop for the interface in the Men’s Room two floors below the reception. Can you get there without being noticed? RACHEL (O.S.) We’ve done this before, Mitra. Craig turns and is awestruck by the sight of his wife coming out of the bedroom. She’s absolutely stunning in the little black number that Slade sent for her. RACHEL (smiles at Craig) Time to go to work, Sweetie. INT. ELEVATOR Craig and Rachel are alone in the high-speed elevator, going up to the top floor. She taps an unseen transmitter in her ear. RACHEL Can you hear me? Yes.

MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Video is also crisp and clear.

Rachel gently touches the tiny JEWELED NECKLACE around her neck, and as she does... INT. DS6 OPERATIONS CENTER, MITRA’S CUBICLE – SAME TIME On a computer monitor we see Rachel’s hand as she touches the necklace. When she lowers her hand, we see the inside of the elevator. Then Craig’s face looms into view. He’s moved closer to admire the technology.

31. CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Sweet. The government really does have all the best stuff. INT. ELEVATOR Rachel reacts.

She’s unimpressed.

RACHEL Too bad they won’t use it to help the poor or find a cure for cancer. DING.

The elevator doors open up to:

INT. RECEPTION – NIGHT The rich and powerful of the Pacific Northwest are grazing on smoked salmon, foie gras, caviar and shrimp cocktail. More than a few heads turn to check Rachel out as she and Craig move across the room. Mai-Ling spots them, signals their arrival to Slade, who stops talking to MAYOR SULLIVAN, turns and smiles. Miss Jones!

SLADE Mr. Jones!


RACHEL (pretty smile) Please, do call me “Ronnie.” He kisses her cheek, shakes Craig’s hand firmly. SLADE Ronnie it is. Rhys, Ronnie, allow me to introduce you to Mayor Sullivan. MAYOR SULLIVAN Good evening Miss Jones – oh forgive me, Ronnie, Rhys. You know, with friends like Evan, Aquamarine could put an end to commercial whaling by just buying all of the companies that do it. SLADE That may be an expedient solution, Mr. Mayor, but it’s one my shareholders would take issue with.

32. Laughs all around. Then Slade gestures to Mai-Ling, who disappears into the crowd. SLADE (to small group) Now that our guests of honor have arrived... On cue, white-jacketed WAITERS with silver trays filled with flutes of champagne fan out among the GUESTS. Slade takes a flute, hands one to Rachel. SLADE If I could please have everyone’s attention? ... As many of you may know, environmental stewardship is one of our core values at Slade MicroTech. Ours is a forward-thinking company that places a high value on finding innovative solutions to many of today’s challenges. One of our greatest challenges is ensuring that Earth, the one common denominator for us all, remains clean, safe and capable of sustaining all forms of life far into the future. That’s why I personally support Aquamarine International, which has done an amazing job of giving Mother Earth a voice by protecting our oceans, defending the rainforests and educating millions around the world about the dangers of climate change. Tonight we are honored to have with us two representatives from Aquamarine International, up from Down Under, Miss Veronica Jones and her brother Rhys Jones. Please join me in welcoming them to our fair city... and please be generous with your donations tonight. Applause all around. INT. HOTEL SUITE – NIGHT The door of the suit opens and the Maid we saw earlier comes in to perform turn down service. She turns down the beds, leaves chocolates on the pillows, fills the ice buckets. Then she slips on white gloves...

33. Working quickly she finds Craig’s expertly hidden laptop, turns it on and copies the Slade MicroTech files onto a JUMP DRIVE. When she’s finished, she replaces the laptop, removes the gloves. She’s about to leave the room when she remembers something. She goes to the bed, pulls a FOLDED CARD from her pocket. Puts it on the pillow. She leaves the room and we STAY on the card. INSERT - CARD “Serving you is our greatest pleasure. with us.”

Enjoy your stay FADE OUT.


34. ACT THREE FADE IN: INT. RECEPTION – NIGHT Slade has found a moment alone with Rachel. SLADE I hope I didn’t embarrass you and Rhys earlier with that speech of mine. RACHEL Not at all, Mr. Slade. Truth be told, I think Rhys rather enjoys being the center of attention for a change. He follows her eyes to Craig, who is being doted on by a cadre of MILFS. SLADE I have to insist that you call me Evan. RACHEL Alright. I suppose it’s only fitting – I’d be naked tonight if it weren’t for you. By the way, thank you for the loaner. It fits perfectly. SLADE (rakish smile) It’s yours. And have I told you how fabulous you look in it. Of course, had I known the alternative, I doubt I would have sent it over. She smiles coquettishly, intentionally leading him on. Meanwhile, Craig has managed to ease away from the sexy MILFS. Before he leaves the room, he turns to see Slade slide his hand down the small of Rachel’s back and rest it just above her derrière. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) The notebook is in place, Craig. Now’s your chance. Time to move. CRAIG Fine!

On my way.

35. He ducks out of the room. MOSSAD AGENT #2, dressed as a waiter, watches him leave, then offers a GUEST horse d’oeuvres. INT. HALLWAY – NIGHT Craig walks down the dark hallway, the NOTEBOOK COMPUTER in his hand. He pulls a high-tech SECURITY BADGE from his pocket, swipes it on a WALL PAD. The light goes GREEN, he opens a door and goes inside. INT. OFFICE – NIGHT We’re looking at a desk. No one is sitting behind it, but we hear TYPING. MOVE CLOSER to the desk. Go around it. Craig is underneath, cross-legged, typing furiously. INT. HALLWAY – SAME TIME A SECURITY GUARD is on his rounds. He swipes his badge on the same wall pad as Craig did earlier. Goes through the door and enters a suite of offices. INT. OFFICE – SAME TIME Craig is running diagnostics on the Slade MicroTech mainframe. On his laptop screen the GRAPHIC READOUT indicates the test is 80 percent complete... INTERCUT: SECURITY GUARD/CRAIG The Security Guard opens the door of each office in the suite. The lights pop on when he enters – motion sensors. Meanwhile, Craig taps a finger on the side of the laptop. Waiting. The readout indicates 95 percent complete... MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) The pulse check is due any second now. If that diagnostic isn’t complete by then, the pulse will alert security that the mainframe’s been compromised. Really?


CRAIG I didn’t know that.

36. The Security Guard opens the door of Craig’s office. The lights pop on, he scans with his eyes. Underneath the desk, Craig holds his breath as the diagnostic readout hits 100 percent! The Security Guard exits and closes the door. Right afterward the notebook softly DINGS. Craig peeks over the desk. The coast is clear. CRAIG We got bupkis. What?!

MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Are you sure?!

CRAIG As death and taxes. The master files aren’t here. INT. LADIES’ ROOM – NIGHT Rachel is at the mirror next to ROXIE, a very attractive socialite in her mid-thirties. She’s one of the MILFS. ROXIE Your brother is just yummy, Ronnie! could gobble him up!


RACHEL He does have a certain charm about him. ROXIE Listen, Ronnie, I know I’m prying here but, well, is Rhys seeing anyone? RACHEL Excuse me?! ROXIE I’m going to ask him out. doesn’t create a problem.

I hope that

RACHEL Um... Well, no, I guess not – ROXIE I know you probably think this is just some sort of “cougar” thing, Ronnie, but I really felt a strong vibe between your brother and me.

37. Rachel reacts. Roxie smiles at her in the mirror then leaves, excited and ready to pursue her prey. Rachel still can’t believe her ears when Rachel.

MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Rachel, do you read me? RACHEL (recovering)

Yes. INT. DS6 OPERATIONS CENTER, MITRA’S CUBICLE We’re looking at Rachel’s reflection in the mirror through the camera in her necklace. MITRA Sounds like Craig’s found a playmate. INTERCUT: RACHEL/MITRA RACHEL I’m not amused, Mitra. What is it? MITRA The master files aren’t on the headquarters mainframe. RACHEL Are you sure? MITRA “Yummy” seemed quite sure. RACHEL Then it’s on Slade’s yacht? supposed to get it there?

How are we

MITRA Slade bought you a six thousand dollar Yves Saint Laurent just to charm you out of it. I’m sure he’d like his chances even more with a bikini. EXT. YACHT – DAY A beautiful sailboat slices through Puget Sound. Rachel, in a bikini, suns on deck, hot in more ways than one.

38. SLADE (O.S.) Looks like it’s time for more sunscreen. Slade makes his way to her from the stern cockpit. RACHEL Thank you. She sits up and he rubs her back and shoulders, admiring the sensuous curves of her body. SLADE You know, I was surprised when you asked to come sailing with me. RACHEL Really? SLADE Yes, considering... RACHEL Losing our parents to the sea hasn’t dulled Rhys’ or my love of the ocean. It’s so rare that we have a chance to enjoy sailing. Most of our time spent on the water these days is in protests of one sort or another... Evan, I hope you don’t think it presumptuous of me, asking you to bring me out on your boat so willy-nilly. SLADE (smiles) Not at all. I was hoping we’d have a chance to get better acquainted. INT. HOTEL SUITE – DAY On the computer screen we see Slade smile at Rachel. image is being transmitted via her necklace.


CRAIG I really, really hate you, Slade. Craig is watching the billionaire make a move on his wife. On a second laptop computer we see 3D schematics of the yacht and its various high-tech systems.

39. RACHEL (V.O., FILTERED) Too bad Rhys is feeling under the weather. He would’ve loved to join us. SLADE (V.O., FILTERED) Yes, it’s too bad. Another Mai-Tai? EXT. YACHT - LATER Rachel, now in a fashionable cover up, is at the helm with Slade close behind her, his hands on her waist. SLADE Very well done, Ronnie. the sailor.

You’re quite

RACHEL We practically lived on Gulf St. Vincent when I was growing up. Dad and Mom were rarely home, but when they were we were on the water together. Of course, we never sailed anything quite as spectacular as your Zephyr. SLADE (close to her ear) And I’ve never sailed anything quite as spectacular as you, Ronnie. She smiles, allows his embrace from behind, then SUDDENLY TURNS THE WHEEL, throwing him off balance onto the deck. Oh, Evan!

RACHEL Are you alright?!

INT. BELOW DECK – LATER Rachel is coming downstairs. RACHEL (calls out) I won’t be a moment, Evan. Rachel crosses the cabin, pulls a tiny com-link earpiece from her bikini top and sticks it in her ear. RACHEL Okay, I’m below deck. Now what?


CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) I don’t know, how about you slip into something a little more comfortable for your new boyfriend. RACHEL Stay focused.

Not now, Craig.

CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) The computer’s in Slade’s stateroom. INT. YACHT, SLADE’S STATEROOM - CONTINUOUS Rachel makes a beeline to Slade’s stateroom. She quickly scans the area – a massive round bed is the centerpiece of the luxurious cabin. RACHEL Where is it? INT. HOTEL SUITE – CONTINUOUS Craig sees the bed on his computer screen and reacts, “Oh great!” He punches keys. A blinking dot pinpoints the exact spot of the hidden computer. CRAIG Figures. INTERCUT: SLADE’S STATEROOM/HOTEL SUITE RACHEL Well? CRAIG Behind the headboard of the bed. RACHEL (sighs) Of course. She climbs on the bed, moves pillows aside, feels around for a crease and eventually finds it. She hears something and spins around just as – SLADE Hi there.

41. Slade is in the doorway with an enormous grin on his face. He’s holding two MAI-TAIS. SLADE I thought we’d get comfortable down here with a couple of cocktails, but it looks as though you’re way ahead of me. Rachel relaxes, cool and sexy on the outside, mind racing on the inside. CRAIG You have GOT to be kidding me! RACHEL Well, Evan, it has been a long time since... the last Mai-Tai. Slade smiles devilishly, crosses the cabin, hands her a Mai-Tai and sits on the bed. They clink glasses. Oh, hell no!


Rachel tugs at her ear gently, palms the earpiece. To Slade it looks like an inviting gesture. Craig, seeing it all through the necklace camera, is apoplectic. He gets to his feet and paces like a caged tiger! Rachel takes a sip of her cocktail to buy time. the same. She stares into his eyes.

Slade does

RACHEL Evan, there’s something you should know about me. (beat, lowers her eyes) I’m a virgin. Craig stops pacing. His jaw drops. astonished, believing the lie.

Slade is equally

SLADE I have to say, those are the last words I expected to hear you say. (off her reaction) What I mean is, for a woman as beautiful as you to have saved yourself... Well, it’s truly amazing in this day and age.

42. RACHEL It’s not that I haven’t had strong feelings for men before. I certainly have. But I’ve just been so committed to our cause that there’s never been enough time for, well... love. He touches her cheek gently.

Looks into her eyes.

SLADE We have time now, Ronnie. you need.

All the time

He leans in to kiss her. She “accidentally” pours her cocktail on his lap, dodges yet another bullet. RACHEL (blushes) Oh, God, I’m such a klutz! Craig smiles at Rachel’s quick thinking.

That’s his girl!

EXT. YACHT – SUNSET A bikinied Rachel comes out of the water, climbs up the ladder of the yacht. Slade climbs out after her. As she rings out her hair, he drapes a towel around her. Thank you, Evan. I needed.

RACHEL A swim was just what

The expression on Slade’s face tells us he needed something else. Rachel admires the setting sun. RACHEL It’s beautiful, isn’t it? SLADE Like gazing upon the face of God himself. Beat. She looks up at him and for the first time sees the man, not just the mark. RACHEL You are a curiosity, Evan Slade.

43. SLADE I’ve been called a lot of things, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one. RACHEL You’re a technological genius who has built your company and your fortune on the strength of cold, hard logic, yet you speak of God as though you are a true believer. SLADE I do believe, Ronnie. RACHEL But most people like you would say science and religion are at odds. SLADE I believe God imbued man with the power of higher thought for a divine purpose - to create and harness the power of technology for the good of mankind. RACHEL Is that why you’ve given millions to protect the environment? SLADE Yes... and to fight famine in Africa and fund disaster relief in Micronesia. Ronnie, most of the world’s great tragedies are manmade; I believe that man can right his wrongs with the proper application of technology. Her sympathetic smile reflects her knowledge of the world. RACHEL That’s a very noble sentiment, Evan. But I believe simple human kindness would help to avoid most of the world’s great tragedies. Unfortunately, unlike technology, it’s always in short supply when we need it most. There’s a moment of agreement between them; we see that she genuinely likes him.

44. EXT. PIER – SUNSET A middle-aged EUROPEAN-LOOKING MAN strolls along the pier. He’s in sailing togs and carries a tumbler with a cocktail umbrella sticking out of the top. THREE PRETTY GIRLS approach him; he smiles woozily, tips his ball cap. The girls roll their eyes and laugh after they’ve passed him. PIER – MOMENTS LATER The European-looking Man is in a dinghy. the sailboats anchored in the harbor.

He rows toward

INT. YACHT, BATHROOM/BEDROOM – NIGHT We start on Slade in the shower. He’s humming a tune as he lathers up. Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Rachel, in a white dress, is on the bed trying to open the compartment behind the headboard. RACHEL (whispers) I can’t find a mechanism for opening it. Don’t want to force it... CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Maybe he’s got it rigged to open when you bump it with your head later. RACHEL Very funny. Not. And don’t think I don’t know about you and Roxie. CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Roxie? RACHEL So now you’re playing dumb? Maybe you remember her as Mrs. Taylor, that fifty-year-old floozy from the reception the other night. INT. HOTEL SUITE – SAME TIME CRAIG Hmmm. Roxie Taylor? I’m drawing a blank, Rache.

45. INTERCUT: RACHEL/CRAIG RACHEL We’ll talk about it when I get home, Mister.... Wait a sec. CRAIG You got something? Rachel presses something behind a pillow and the headboard opens up, revealing a hidden compartment of dials, readouts and computer graphics. Rachel smiles like only a thief who’s found the loot can. Then we become aware that the shower has stopped. Rachel does too and starts pressing the headboard to close the compartment, trying desperately to find the spot again... INT. YACHT, BATHROOM/BEDROOM – CONTINUOUS Slade checks his face in the mirror, likes what he sees – as always. He wraps a towel around his waist, heads out of the bathroom. In the bedroom, he stops, senses something. INT. YACHT, OUTSIDE STATEROOM – CONTINUOUS Rachel is pressed against a wall right outside of the bedroom. She breathes a sigh of relief. CRAIG (V.O., FILTERED) Rache, you alright? RACHEL Yeah. INT. HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT Craig is monitoring two laptops, munching on CHEETOS. A DOORBELL RINGS. The LIGHT for hearing impaired guests also FLASHES next to the door. He considers ignoring it but realizes the hotel staff will just come in anyway. He quickly hides both laptop computers, goes to the door, looks through the peep hole. The Maid. He opens the door a crack. Craig looks at her, deafly questioning with his eyes. She speaks clearly and distinctly so that he can read her lips.

46. MAID I have fresh towels for the room, Mr. Jones. May I please come in? I’ll just be a moment. She’s holding fluffy folded TOWELS. He opens the door, ushers her inside. She nods politely. He turns to go about his business then stops cold. The Maid has dropped the towels and pressed the SILENCER of a WALTHER PPK to the back of his head. MAID Please don’t do anything stupid Mr. Richards. We don’t want to harm you. Mossad Agents #1 and #2 slip into the suite and close the door. Craig turns slowly and raises his hands. Off his “Uh-oh” expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE

47. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. HOTEL SUITE – NIGHT Craig is on the sofa, surrounded by the Mossad Agents. CRAIG You mean you never believed the U.S. would allow him to sell you the technology? Whatever happened to being friends and allies? MOSSAD AGENT #1 This from the man hired to steal the next gen nano-tech master files so that our government couldn’t get them. CRAIG Hired?! Look, Rachel and I never asked to be mixed up in this mess. We’re not being paid for this job. Believe me, there’s nothing in this for us. MOSSAD AGENT #2 Really? I wouldn’t call fifteen to twenty in Allenwood for the Misses and a life of nickel and diming for you nothing. CRAIG You seem to know a lot about us, so you should know we didn’t have much choice. (ref. the Maid’s gun) What’s the game plan here anyway? MAID After your wife has secured the master files, we’ll contact your handlers to arrange a swap: you for the files. CRAIG Maybe you don’t know as much as I thought you did. Rachel’s the HDTV, I’m the geek squad. They need her and that file a lot more than they need me.

48. MOSSAD AGENT #1 Your government may not value you, Mr. Richards, but I believe your wife will consider her options more carefully. After all, she wouldn’t want you to spend the next ten years detained in an Israeli political prison. CRAIG Well in case you haven’t been paying attention, she seems to be working on a few new options. He gestures to the computer screen, where... EXT. YACHT – NIGHT ...Slade pours another glass of wine for Rachel. RACHEL This day has been like something from a fairy tale. Simply marvelous, Evan. You’ve been so kind... and patient. SLADE Keep talking like that I’ll forget that I’m supposed to be the big bad wolf. RACHEL (blushing) And I’m Little Red Riding Hood? Their eyes lock; she really has gotten to him. SLADE It’s late. I should weigh anchor and get us headed back in. RACHEL I’ll clear away dinner and secure things below. SLADE I want to see you again, Ronnie. you’ve returned to Australia.


She fights the twinge of guilt building inside of her.

49. RACHEL I’d like that too, Evan.

Very much.

Before he leaves, she allows him to kiss her softly on the cheek. She watches him go forward. Then her eyes narrow: time to go to work. INT. HOTEL SUITE – SAME TIME The Maid stands over Craig’s shoulder watching the scene play out on the computer screen. MAID She’s good. Craig works on both laptops under the watchful eyes of the Mossad Agents. MOSSAD AGENT #1 What are you doing? CRAIG Hacking into the yacht’s computing system. Rachel will upload the nanotech master files to my laptop. At the same time I’ll be replacing them with alias files that contain a virus. MOSSAD AGENT #2 So without knowing it, Slade was going to sell us tainted goods? CRAIG Happy Hanukkah. INT. YACHT, SLADE’S STATEROOM - NIGHT Rachel has opened the secret compartment in the headboard, plugged in the TRANSMITTER DRIVE, watches the files upload. INT. HOTEL – SUITE – CONTINUOUS Craig monitors his laptops. The first screen shows WHAT RACHEL SEES; the second shows the PROGRESS OF THE MASTER FILES BEING UPLOADED AND THE VIRUS-INFECTED FILES BEING DOWNLOADED. Both are...

50. CRAIG Sixty-five percent complete. RACHEL (V.O., FILTERED) Can’t you speed it up? The boat’s moving. He’ll be down any minute now. Craig glances at the silencer pointed at his head. and the Maid’s eyes say, “Not a word.”

The gun

CRAIG Going as fast as I can, Rache. INTERCUT: YACHT/HOTEL SUITE Slade, at the helm, lays a course into the automatic pilot. Below deck, Rachel, her face illuminated by the glow of electronics, watches coolly as the uploading continues. In the suite, Craig’s eyes are glued to the computer screens. A bead of sweat rolls down his face. In the b.g., Mossad Agent’s #1 and #2 stand around casually. MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Craig... Craig reacts to Mitra’s voice in his ear.

Keeps his cool.

MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Craig, we know there are three agents in the room with you. Listen to me carefully, Craig. They are not Mossad. We have to take them out before the upload of the files is complete. Do you understand? CRAIG Alright... Upload eighty percent complete. Craig smiles thinly at the Maid. Wipes sweat from his brow. Slade leaves the helm, goes below, moves through the yacht, forward to his stateroom. SLADE (O.S.) (calls out) Ronnie. Rachel looks at the bedroom door! The upload is only 80 percent complete! Slade is getting closer.

51. SLADE (O.S.) (calls out) Ronnie, you okay down here? She’s off the bed, crossing the room. Slade comes into the stateroom, sees Rachel at the bedroom door.


RACHEL (covering) I was just on my way up. SLADE

What’s going on? She loops her arms around his waist and smiles sweetly. RACHEL Nothing, Evan. WHAM!

They’re knocked to the floor by a sudden impact. SLADE What the hell?!

In the hotel suite, the Mossad Agents are just as startled as Slade and Rachel are. MAID What the hell happened?! MOSSAD AGENT #1 Did they hit something?! A whale?! On deck, Slade and Rachel – and through her necklace-camera Craig and the Agents – see what’s happened. They yacht has collided with another, smaller sailboat. Both are dead in the water. The European-looking Man from the pier (RUSSIAN) is on the bow of the smaller craft, examining the situation. He’s clearly drunk. He speaks with a thick Russian accent. Oh.

RUSSIAN Ahoy there, my friends!

Idiot! boat?!

SLADE (anger rising) What the hell did you do to my

52. RUSSIAN (cheerfully ignorant) Sorry about that, my friend! Must’ve turned port when I should’ve turned to starboard... Or was it starboard when I should’ve turned port? SLADE Are you insane?! Have you been drinking?! RUSSIAN (looks over the side) This doesn’t look too bad. Believe me, friend, I’ve seen lots worse! Slade leans to look at the damage.

Rachel’s behind him.

RACHEL We’re not sinking are we? RUSSIAN (O.S.) WHOA! SPLASH!

The Russian has fallen overboard! Oh my!

RACHEL Evan, do something! SLADE

Jesus! Slade peels off his shirt and shoes and dives in after the Russian! In the hotel suite, the Agents are astonished. MOSSAD AGENT #2 Are they for real? Craig watches his computer screens. On screen number one, we see that Rachel has left Slade’s side and is headed below deck. On screen number two, the upload continues: 96 percent complete. The Maid’s FINGER TIGHTENS on the trigger of her Walther PPK. BAM! The door of the suite BLOWS OPEN and the windows SHATTER as an ASSAULT TEAM crash in. The Mossad imitators barely have a chance to react, mowed down instantly by the black-clad assault team. A stunned Craig looks up at the Maid – a single bullet hole through her forehead – just as she keels over and falls to the floor.

53. Mitra removes her assault helmet. She shot the maid. Craig looks at Mitra, his jaw drops. “Whoa!” In Slade’s stateroom, Rachel kneels on the giant bed, waits impatiently for the upload/download to finish. RACHEL Talk to me, Sweetie. Where are we? MITRA (V.O., FILTERED) Any second now, Rachel. RACHEL Where’s Craig?!


What’s going –

CRAIG I’m fine, Rache. In the suite, Craig is mentally pulling it together as the DS6 agents work at clearing bodies and the rest of their mess away. On the computer screen, the readout indicates the upload/download is 100 percent complete... CRAIG It’s done! Rachel pulls out the transmitter, closes the compartment and re-fluffs the pillows. EXT. YACHT – NIGHT The Russian is on the forward deck. Slade stands over him, fuming. Rachel comes up from behind with blankets and a First Aid kit. She puts the blankets over the Russian. They exchange a look: do they recognize one another? RACHEL Are you alright? RUSSIAN Thank you, pretty lady. I suppose I’ll live, thanks to your husband. SLADE Damn drunk fool. He’s lucky he didn’t kill himself or somebody else. Rachel looks up at Slade, turns on the girlish admiration.

54. RACHEL Oh, Evan, you saved his life! saved a man’s life!


Rachel stands and hugs him tightly and gives him a big kiss on the lips. Slade’s ire melts away. SLADE I’d better go hail the Coast Guard. When Slade leaves, the Russian winks at Rachel. DISSOLVE TO: INT. PRIVATE JET – IN FLIGHT - NIGHT Mitra is debriefing Craig and Rachel, a blonde again. MITRA Slade’s people won’t discover the virus until he’s in meetings with Israeli defense executives. A tad embarrassing, but his scientists will undoubtedly correct the problem. RACHEL So in addition to violating our Constitution by stealing from an American citizen, we’ll also tarnish the reputation of a good man. MITRA I wouldn’t shed too many tears for him, Rachel. Slade will make a sale within the year and net several hundred million dollars. The important thing is now that we have the master files, our own scientists can keep pace with whatever new developments Slade’s R and D team make to his nano-technology. CRAIG What about the phony Mossad agents? MITRA At one time they were legitimate operatives, but they went rogue about a year ago. They planned to sell the technology to the highest bidder, most (MORE)

55. MITRA (CONT’D.) likely the Chinese. From there, it’d only be a matter of time before it found its way to a cave in Afghanistan. CRAIG Mitra, I never got around to thanking you... for saving my life. Thanks. MITRA I do my job, you do yours. part of the plan, Craig.

It’s all

She stands to go to the front of the plane, pauses. MITRA We caught a break when that drunken buffoon rammed into Slade’s yacht. Without that distraction we may not have achieved total surprise. Things could’ve gotten messy. RACHEL Just goes to show, not even you super spooks can control everything. Mitra considers this. Unconvinced, she leaves. turns to Craig and caresses his face. RACHEL Oh Sweetie, that had to be a horrible experience. You sure you’re alright? CRAIG I’m fine now. I never thought I’d be glad to see Mitra show up. RACHEL We’re just “assets” to them, Craig. Don’t ever forget that. CRAIG Yeah, I know. You know, I did some digging into this DS6 and on Mitra. RACHEL And?


56. CRAIG Bupkis. These guys must be the spookiest of spooks. But I did learn one thing. RACHEL Yeah, what’s that? CRAIG “Mitra” is the Persian word for “Friend.” INT. CRAIG & RACHEL’S BROWNSTONE - NIGHT A comfortable, tastefully furnished apartment that reflects the on-the-go lifestyle of a young, urban couple. Rachel and Craig are preparing for a dinner party. RACHEL Let me get this straight. You told Mitzi and Cliff that you left me? CRAIG (uncorks a bottle of wine) Yeah. RACHEL For another woman? CRAIG Mmmmm-hmmm. RACHEL And that I quit my job, followed you all the way to Topeka and spent the last year trying to win you back? CRAIG Yep. She was an older, undersexed woman with lots of money. RACHEL And they believed you?! He smiles. She rolls her eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding!” The DOORBELL RINGS. When he opens it...

She watches him cross to the door.

57. MITZI (O.S.) Craigy! MITZI and CLIFF RICHARDS come in. Both in their early fifties, she’s the exuberant real estate agent type; he’s a career civil servant. Mitzi throws her arms around her son’s neck, kisses him hard on both cheeks. CRAIG Hi Mom, Dad. CLIFF (slapping Craig’s back) Son, it’s great to have you back in town! Rachel comes up, a lovely smile on her face. Mitzi breaks away from Craig and flings her arms around her. MITZI Thank you, thank you, dear! (to Cliff) Didn’t I tell you, Hon?! Our Craigy couldn’t go wrong with a girl like this... A woman who loves her man and will go to any lengths, do anything to keep him! Oh Rachel!

Rachel smiles ironically and shares a look with Craig. Yes, Mitzi.

RACHEL Anything.

INT. LIVING ROOM – MINUTES LATER The foursome sits around the cocktail table. MITZI Believe me, it’s a story you’ll tell your grandchildren, dear. Risking everything – your career, your home, your heart – to save your marriage! (then scolding) And you, Craigy! I could just slap you silly! Going off after some hussy – really, dear, anyone named “Roxie” has got to be bad news! Craig reddens with contriteness.

Rachel conceals a smile.

58. CLIFF Now Mitzi, enough of that. The kids are back together now and that’s all that matters. They even managed to get their old place back. MITZI Yes, how’d you two manage that?! A brownstone in Georgetown is almost impossible to get in this market. I have clients who would kill for a place like this. RACHEL “Craigy” has a new friend with connections, don’t you, Sweetie? Oh.

MITZI I’d love to me him, Craigy. RACHEL

Her. MITZI (suddenly suspicious) Ohhhh. The DOORBELL RINGS.

Craig and his parents react.

RACHEL Speaking of friends. I hope you don’t mind, I invited Uncle Benny to join us. Faces drop. Uncle Benny is not a favorite. Rachel goes to the door, opens it to reveal that BENNY is the drunken Russian sailor. His smile is larcenous. His accent is gone. Rachel!


BENNY Welcome home!

INT. DS6 OPERATIONS CENTER – SAME TIME We’re looking at a glass of diet chai iced tea. WIDEN ANGLE to show the family reunion in Rachel and Craig’s living room is being viewed on a computer monitor. Mitra picks up the glass of iced tea, takes a sip.

59. DS6 AGENT Benjamin Baxter, aka Ben Bannister and Benny the Lip. Born Dmitri Romanov in Grozny. Rap sheet a mile long. Mostly small-time burglaries. MITRA Is he really her uncle? DS6 AGENT Yes. Her father’s brother. Her only living relative. Taught her the art of the con and how to steal when she was a kid. But she’s upped her game over the years... Shall we tag him? Mitra stares thoughtfully at Uncle Benny on the screen. MITRA (beat) No... Let’s allow our Mr. and Mrs. Jones to believe there is still some part of their lives we don’t control... For now. FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE ME & MRS. JONES

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