1-goal To Go Pilot

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GOAL TO GO Pilot/”Messiah” by David Polk

Contact: David Polk 176 Dusty Rose Court Simi Valley, CA 93065 805.428.5775 [email protected]


TEASER FADE IN: EXT. MEMORIAL STADIUM - NIGHT A heavy rain-snow falls past bright Klieg lights into the half-empty stadium. ON THE FIELD A FOOTBALL spirals toward us in SLOW MOTION. A PAIR OF HANDS reach out to catch it. WHACK! Tight end JABARI COLVIN (20) is clotheslined by a Boise State LINEBACKER. The football pops out of his hands and hits the turf. An OFFICIAL rushes in and waves his arms: “Incomplete.” Jabari slowly gets to his feet and shakes his head, which has to be ringing after that hit. A TEAMMATE pats him on the ass and they head back to the huddle together. Alright, Jabari. one, baby.

JAKE Hang on to the next

Quarterback JAKE RANDALL (20) gives the big tight end a helmet smack then turns to the sideline for the next play. An ASSISTANT COACH sends it in with hand signals. JAKE (to huddle) Okay, girls, listen up: strong right, 33 Tomahawk, on two. Ready... They break the huddle and come to the line of scrimmage. Jake scans the defense, barks the signals, takes the snap. An explosion of violence as massive linemen collide. Jake hands off to his TAILBACK, who breaks a tackle and rushes a few yards before being hammered into the muck. WHISTLE BLOWS. A MARKER flips to “Third Down.” SCOREBOARD Boise State 39, Washington Tech 34, 1:21, fourth quarter


3. ON A PAIR OF EYES ice blue, intense and staring at a LAMINATED PLAYSHEET. Washington Tech’s head coach, BILLY DONAHUE (40), covers his mouth with the playsheet as he talks into the mouthpiece of his headset. His accent tells us he’s from Texas; his tone tells us it’s put up or shut up time. Alright, Bull.

BILLY Whatcha got for me?

BULL (V.O.) Free safety’s been biting on play action all day. Time he ate the whole damn thing. Ninety Cadillac, up n’ go. BILLY Big players make big plays. the rock in Burner’s hands.

Let’s get

ON THE FIELD Jake takes the snap, drops back, looks downfield and... gets DRILLED from behind by a blitzing linebacker. ON THE SIDELINE Coaches and players react to the impact of the sack. Billy, an Irish temper to go with his rugged good looks, is livid. BILLY Where was the goddamn left

Jesus! tackle?!

Then he notices that Jake is still on the turf. And he’s not moving. The REFEREE waves for a timeout. A couple of Washington Tech TRAINERS rush onto the field. Elliott!

MAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Saddle up!

PHIL PHIL (21) drops his clipboard, tosses off his ball cap, revealing a thick shock of curly hair. He starts throwing a football, warming up fast.

4. ON THE FIELD – A FEW MINUTES LATER Phil (wearing number 9) stands behind his center, tries to read the defense over the crosstalk and chatter. We read the uncertainty in his eyes. The linebacker who jacked Jake and Jabari is practically foaming at the mouth. LINEBACKER Oh yeah! Fresh meat! It’s your turn now, backup! Your turn now, baby! Blue eighty!

PHIL Blue eighty!


On the snap Phil drops back, feels the rush, spots an open receiver, steps up and throws the ball just as he’s hit. We follow the ball as it spirals through the air... SMASH CUT TO: EXT. GIANTS STADIUM – NIGHT ...a spiraling FOOTBALL comes down from the night sky towards us and into the outstretched hands of a RECEIVER, who steps out of bounds after the catch. WIDER ANGLE to reveal thousands of CHEERING FANS in the freezing Meadowlands. A BANNER: “Go Jaguars Go! Two in a Row!” SCOREBOARD East Orange 34, Montclair 39, 0:39 fourth quarter ON THE FIELD The receiver trots back to the huddle, where his QUARTERBACK, wearing number 9, calmly gathers his troops. The Quarterback is black, like all of his teammates, but we can’t make out his features because of the tinted visor over his facemask. One thing is clear: he’s in command. QUARTERBACK Line, keep my pocket tight. Receivers get off those chucks and create some space. The ball will be there, you will catch it? Feelin’ me? (they do) Alright, trips left, All Jags Go, on me. Ready...

5. He steps behind the center, takes the snap, rolls right. With a flick of his left wrist the ball flies 30 yards and is caught by a receiver who is tackled at the Montclair 20. The PLAY CLOCK ticks down - 0:30, 0:29, 0:28... The offense rushes up to the line of scrimmage but their Quarterback strolls up, almost casual. He barks out the call and takes another snap. Looks left then right. Nobody’s open so he sprints up the middle, juking one defender out of his jock strap and plowing over another before sliding at the 9-yard-line. ON THE SIDELINE East Orange coaches shout onto the field – “SPIKE IT! Players nervously hold hands, bite towels, pray... The PLAY CLOCK keeps ticking – 0:17, 0:16, 0:15... THE QUARTERBACK stands in the shotgun, reads the defense, locks eyes with a Montclair cornerback, sees... Fear. ACHILLES Check! Check! Razor! Razor! Razor! Receivers adjust for the audible play. The ball is snapped, the Quarterback drops back, pump-fakes then fires a bullet to a receiver on a slant. TOUCHDOWN! SMASH CUT TO MAIN TITLES. END OF TEASER

6. ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. PRESS CONFERENCE – NIGHT Billy sits stone-faced behind a bouquet of microphones staring into the harsh glare of television camera lights. REPORTER #1 (O.S.) Coach, Phil Elliott obviously had trouble reading the defense before throwing that interception. Why not take a time out? He’s a backup who’s taken maybe 10 snaps all year. BILLY Phil’s one of the smartest guys on the team. He made the right read and threw a good pass. The safety got a good jump on the ball. It happens. REPORTER #2 (O.S.) Coach, this is your third straight loss to Boise State, and you’ve also been bumped from bowl contention again. Is your future at Wa Tech in jeopardy? BILLY (beat) A loss like the one today is tough no matter who it’s against. As for what it means for me, well... I’m sure you can understand why that’s not what’s on my mind right now. REPORTER #3 (O.S.) Coach, about Jake, any updates? BILLY It’s too soon to say how serious it is. Good news is he’s in stable condition and his folks’ll be here by morning. REPORTER #1 (O.S.) Coach Donahue, of course we all want the best for Jake. But I’d like to get back to the program for a minute.

7. Billy’s eyes bore into the reporter. He’s SANDY SANDERSON (mid-20s), Bob Costas looks, Mike Wallace tactics. BILLY Go ahead, Sandy. SANDY If you do return for the final year of your contract, can you fill the team’s gaps? The Sea Devils rank near the bottom of the WAC in offense and defense. Now quarterback is a big question mark. You’ve got a lot of holes to fill, Coach, and you haven’t had much luck recruiting top talent. OFF Billy... EXT. GIANTS STADIUM – NIGHT Attractive television reporter SHERI WILLIAMS interviews the East Orange Quarterback near mid-field. He’s still wet from the Gatorade poured over him by teammates. With his helmet off we see that he’s Hollywood handsome and brimming with charisma. His name is ACHILLES ADDAMS (17). SHERI What better way to cap a brilliant high school career than with a come-frombehind victory to earn your secondstraight MVP and back-to-back state championships?! Achilles, what are you feeling right now? ACHILLES Sheri, I can’t believe it! Right now, I just feel blessed to have played with great teammates and for great coaches. We fought hard all year long, stuck together and never gave up. It’s like a dream come true all over again. SHERI Achilles, USC, Notre Dame, Miami. They all want you. Have you decided where you’ll be playing next fall? OFF Achilles’ Golden Boy smile...

8. EXT. TRUDY’S SOUL FOOD RESTAURANT – NIGHT Snow is falling. Christmas lights TWINKLE on the one-story cinderblock building. We hear SOUL MUSIC... INT. TRUDY’S SOUL FOOD RESTAURANT – NIGHT A recorded Al Green croons “Let’s stay together” as we follow FLO, a big-hipped waitress, across the crowded dining room. FLO stops at a booth. FLO How you kids comin’? Achilles, his twin brother ULYSSES (17), CARLOTTA MOORE (17) and Achilles’ gorgeous girlfriend PORTIA ROBESON (16) enjoy heaping helpings of ribs and macaroni and cheese. PORTIA It’s all good Flo. Thanks. Flo happily refills their glasses and swishes away. ULYSSES (to Portia) You’ve got the grades for Princeton, Portia, but little brother over there couldn’t get into Sylvan Learning Center without a football in his hand. ACHILLES Last I checked my GPA was higher than yours, Gomer. ULYSSES Only because Portia does your homework for you, Goober! PORTIA Now Les, stop it. I don’t do Lee’s homework and you know it. ULYSSES Yeah, right. ACHILLES (winks at Carlotta) Maybe if you got a smarter girlfriend you’d get better grades.

9. CARLOTTA No you didn’t just say that! Boy, I’ll slap that grin right off your face! ULYSSES Whoa, Baby! You know he’s just kidding... So, Bro, what’s it gonna be, Notre Dame, S-C or Miami? ACHILLES Indiana’s too damn cold and USC’s got too many QBs. I’ll decide after my unofficial visit to Miami next week. ULYSSES Miami will probably be ranked in the top ten again. And the shawties down that way know how to treat a brother. Ulysses grins at Portia.

Her look says, “I’m not worried.”

CARLOTTA What you know about Miami? The farthest south you’ve been is Philly. (to Portia re: Achilles) Listen, girl, don’t let this boy go to Miami without you. Those skanks down there are certified freaks. Achilles cuts Carlotta a playful glance. the skunk eye.

She shoots him

ACHILLES (grins) Don’t hate, Carlotta. CARLOTTA Don’t screw up, A. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT A high-rise view of Miami.

The SOUNDS of passionate sex.

LATINA BEAUTY (O.S.) (Spanish accent) Aye, Poppi! Si! Si! A LATINA BEAUTY (20s) comes hard. bed we see Achilles, exhausted.

When she rolls onto the

10. LATINA BEAUTY (Spanish accent) Mmmm, Baby, that was sooooo good! Achilles stares at the ceiling, dazed. INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL – DAY PADDY AGNEW (40s), gold chain-wearing Good Ole Boy, walks with Achilles. AGNEW I hope you enjoyed your “unofficial” visit to The U, Achilles? ACHILLES (covers his embarrassment) Um, yeah... Thanks, Mr. Agnew. AGNEW Call me Paddy, everybody does. Don’t mention it, son. And I mean that.

Yes sir.

ACHILLES (great, more guilt) I understand.

AGNEW When you come back for your official visit, I know you’ll be just as impressed with the ‘Canes as they are with you. ACHILLES I can definitely see myself at Miami. AGNEW That’s real good news, son. Coach Wagner built his offense especially for a quarterback like you – fast, strong and deadly accurate. Wouldn’t surprise me none to see you starting your freshman year. And you could win a BCS Championship. Maybe even two! ACHILLES That’s what I hope to do, Mister – Paddy.

11. EXT. DONAHUE HOME – SUNSET A light snow falls on an expansive, modern home. INT. DONAHUE DINING ROOM – SUNSET Billy is arguing with his son, J.R. DONAHUE (15). J.R. What?! What?

BILLY You don’t listen is what!

J.R. I heard you the first time, Dad. don’t have to repeat everything.


BILLY You sure about that? I told you to stay away from that Malcolm character. And three days later I catch you with him at the mall. We hear a TELEPHONE RING. J.R. “Catch me?” Oh, so now you’re spying on me too? What’s the big deal, Dad? You don’t like Mal because he looks like he’s from the hood? News flash: most of your players are from there. BILLY My players don’t have criminal records! J.R. Don’t go postal on me because everybody in this dinky town wants you canned! BILLY Listen, you little! – J.R. is saved when GALE DONAHUE (40), stunningly beautiful, sexy without trying to be, enters. She holds out a CORDLESS PHONE for Billy, speaks with a sweet Texas accent. It’s Charlotte.

GALE Said it’s important.

12. Gale smiles supportively. Are we done? minutes ago.

Billy takes the phone.

J.R. ‘Cause this is so thirty

Billy ignores the boy, puts the phone to his ear. BILLY Charlotte. Billy.

CHARLOTTE (V.O.) I hope this isn’t a bad time.

BILLY Gale said it was important.

What’s up?

CHARLOTTE (V.O.) Billy, you know I don’t like to beat around the bush. Achilles Addams is coming to Wa Tech. BILLY What?! B-But we didn’t even recruit him! Why would he come here?! CHARLOTTE (V.O.) Your guess is as good as anybody’s. BILLY But didn’t he give Miami a soft verbal? CHARLOTTE (V.O.) I’m holding a signed letter of intent. BILLY Charlotte this... this is great news! Billy and Gale share a look. J.R. rolls his eyes and leaves unnoticed. Then Billy’s face clouds as quickly as it brightened moments earlier. BILLY Charlotte, what’s this mean... For me? CHARLOTTE (V.O.) It means you’ve got a quarterback. And it means you’ve got a chance, Billy.

13. EXT. CAMPUS – DAY Establishing a stately, Ivy League-like campus. At the main gate, a SCHOOL CREST reads “Washington Polytechnic Institute, Est. 1929” EXT. CAMPUS (VARIOUS SHOTS) - DAY It’s July. Achilles, in cargo shorts and a t-shirt, crosses the nearly deserted campus. As he checks out the buildings and statues, we realize that he’s never been here before. We sense the weight of his loneliness. He might as well be on Mars. We also notice the SCAR on his cheek. we met him in our Teaser.

It wasn’t there when

EXT./INT. HOSMER FOOTBALL COMPLEX – DAY Achilles approaches a modern glass, steel and brick building – Hosmer Hall. He passes a bronze STATUE of Drew Hosmer, wingback, Class of ’62, on his way into the big glass doors. The “Hoz” is home to Washington Tech’s football program and is adjacent to Pennebaker Hall. Inside, Achilles walks past empty offices and meeting rooms, the training and rehabilitation center, the players’ lounge and the locker room. He follows signs directing him to an adjacent dormitory for underclassmen athletes. INT. PENNEBAKER HALL - DAY As he enters the dorm, we hear MEN LAUGHING. BREWSTER (O.S.) I’m telling you, that girl was FUGLY! I wouldn’t have banged her with your father’s dick, Kindler! It’s moving in day and a group of FOOTBALL PLAYERS are shooting the shit in the hallway. KINDLER Hey, Brewster, it was a long summer and your mother was out of town. Besides, you know what they say, “Ugly girls come harder.”

14. BREWSTER Then “Brunhilda” must’ve come like a freaking freight train! The players bust up laughing again but stop abruptly when they notice Achilles standing there. They recognize him immediately. One of them, a six-foot-six mountain with red hair and rosy cheeks, greets him with a shit-eating grin. This is WARREN SITREN (18), who we’ll soon learn will earn a new nickname. WARREN You’re Addams, right? Say hello to your new security blanket, Q.B. Warren raises his hand for a high five. Achilles just stares and leaves him hanging. He’s seen enough. Without a word he turns and walks away. The players react, “What the f**k?” Warren checks to make sure hair isn’t growing on his palm. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE

15. ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. DONAHUE BACKYARD – DAY We hear HAMMERING, DRILLING, and MEN’S VOICES. CAMERA PANS and we see more than a dozen WORKMEN laboring in the July heat. They’re transforming what was obviously a beautiful yard into something that resembles a dude ranch. MATHILDA “MATTIE” WEISS (34), prim, pretty, with a German accent, is walking across the yard and talking into her Bluetooth phone with Teutonic efficiency. MATTIE First thing Saturday, Gerard. And first thing means when the sun rises, not when you rise. Is this clear? A WORKMAN hands her papers.

She signs, keeps moving.

MATTIE (taps the earpiece) Mathilda Weiss. Tracy! Where are they? That’s wonderful! Right on schedule! GALE (O.S.) But don’t you think it could be twice as big, Darryl? MATTIE ...Call me the instant they land. Mattie taps the earpiece to hang up, stops beside Gale. MATTIE Gale, is there a problem? Gale and DARRYL (34), the black foreman, look at Mattie. GALE Mattie, Darryl and I were wondering if the dance floor is big enough. Darryl pleads to Mattie with his eyes. DARRYL Ms. Weiss, it’s as big as the one last year. That held 200 people.


Exactly, Darryl. 250 this year.

GALE And we’re expecting

DARRYL But, Mrs. D., do you really expect all 250 people to dance at once? (to Mattie) Like I was telling Mrs. Donahue, to make the floor bigger we’d have regrade. For that we’d need another permit from the city. You’re looking at another 12 hours at least. MATTIE And? Darryl reacts. Mattie’s raised eyebrow says, “Just make it happen.” He turns and walks away, muttering as he goes. GALE Thank you, Mattie. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you. Mattie warms at the compliment. It’s clear that pleasing Gale brings her great satisfaction. MATTIE I hope you never have to good news! I just spoke They left Austin an hour land in Vancouver around

find out. Oh, with Tracy. ago and should six tonight.

GALE That’s marvelous, Mattie! You’re marvelous! Billy’s had a crush on Natalie for years. He’ll be thrilled! J.R. (O.S.) Mom!


Gale and Mattie turn to see J.R. storming out of the house. GALE Yes Sweetheart, what is it? J.R. confronts Gale with a piece of paper. J.R. What’s this about, Mom?!

17. Gale takes the paper and begins to read. J.R. How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t want to play football. And I don’t want Dad pulling strings at the high school to get me on the team. MATTIE I’ve got to call the Fire Marshall... Mattie excuses herself. GALE Honestly Sweetheart, I don’t know why you’re carrying on so. J.R. I could say the same thing about you and Dad. Why can’t you both get it through your heads, I don’t care about football. It’s a stupid game. Beat. She stares at him. His words are so absurd it’s hard for her not to laugh. Then – GALE J.R., don’t be ridiculous. J.R. Look, Mom, I’m not Dad and I’m not Granddad. Why can’t you just accept that I’m not going to carry on the allimportant “Ryan-Donahue Legacy?” She’s not Jewish but Gale’s bags are always packed for a guilt trip. GALE Alright, John Ryan Donahue. Your father and I had hoped you’d try out for the team – just a tryout, mind you, nothing more – but if you can’t bring yourself to do that one, small thing for us... For me. J.R. (here we go!) Mom...

18. GALE I understand. We shouldn’t push our expectations on you. I know it’s wrong. Daddy’s gone and it’s selfish of me to hope that his namesake and only grandchild might want to honor his memory by playing a “stupid game.” J.R. Mom, come on, please don’t do – GALE Your father has his players. Who knows, maybe he’ll become as close to one of them as Daddy was to him. J.R. (oh, screw it!) Okay, Mom! Okay! You win. I’ll try out for the damn team. Happy now? She smiles.

Pats his cheek like a “good little boy.”

INT. J.R.’S ROOM – MOMENTS LATER J.R. slams the door and locks it. He’s still fuming: “Why do I let her get away with this shit?!” He crosses the cluttered room to a walk-in closet, steps inside, comes out with a FIREPROOF BOX, finds the key in his desk drawer, unlocks the box and pulls out a gallon-size ZIPLOCK BAGGIE filled with POT. He rolls a fat JOINT, lights up and plops on his bed. He turns on the stereo with a remote control and REGGAE MUSIC blares. He takes a huge drag on the joint and calms down. INT. WEIGHT ROOM – SUNSET THREE PEOPLE work out separately. One of them is CARA “CAT” TRZCINSKI. A tomboy with Peter Pan red hair and a smoking hot body, she’s wearing a NOSE STUD, NAVEL RING and a few TATTOOS. Aerosmith is blaring in her earbuds. She reclines on a bench and grips a barbell with gloved hands. She might be cute if she weren’t scowling at the weight she’s pushing. Sportscaster Sandy Sanderson reports from a wall-mounted television.

19. ON TV SANDERSON (V.O.) ...We all remember the devastating sack that ended junior quarterback Jake Randall’s career last year. Not only did the Sea Devils lose their signal caller, they lost a shot at their first bowl game in a decade. As if that weren’t bad enough, third-year head coach Billy Donahue was on the verge of being sacked himself after a seven and five season. That all changed last February when Blue Chip quarterback Achilles Addams shocked the college football world by committing to Washington Tech. VIDEO MONTAGE of Achilles’ high school heroics... SANDY (V.O.) For months Tech fans feared the news was a hoax. Well, it’s no joke folks. The wait is finally over. The 6-foot2, 200-pound gunslinger from East Orange, New Jersey arrived on campus earlier today and... CAT blows sharp bursts of breath through pursed lips as she struggles with the barbell. Just as she loses control a PAIR OF HANDS grab the bar. WIDER ANGLE and we see the hands belong to Achilles. Cat takes the earbuds out of her ears and looks up at him. CAT Thanks. No problem.

ACHILLES I’ll spot you if you want. CAT

Sure, okay. Still on her back, she glances at the television, then up at Achilles. She recognizes him.

20. CAT So you’re the Messiah? ACHILLES The what? She sits up. He doesn’t see the huge chip on her shoulder but does scope the rest of her. Not too shabby. CAT I thought you’d be taller... To hear them talk you’re going to lead us to the Promised Land. ACHILLES (charming smile) Wasn’t that Moses? CAT (a look that says, “Asshole”) So why are you here at Murphy’s Gym? There’s a brand new training facility just for the football team on campus. He finally clocks the attitude. Before he can answer he glimpses a familiar image on the television. Billy is doing a live interview from Memorial Stadium. ON TV SANDY (V.O.) Coach, the question on everyone’s mind is how did you land one of the nation’s top recruits without, well, actually recruiting him? BILLY (V.O.) Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good, Sandy, and in this case we definitely got lucky...Seriously, Wah Tech is a great university and Achilles and his mother told us that academics was a major factor in his decision. ACHILLES covers well, but we read his resentment. ACHILLES I needed a change of scenery.

21. INT. BILLY’S OFFICE – HOURS EARLIER (FLASHBACK) The head coach has a nice office: leather and mahogany everywhere, thick carpet and a floor-to-ceiling window with a great view of the football field. MEMENTOS and PHOTOS pay silent praise to Billy’s career: a Sports Illustrate cover, newspaper clippings of college bowl and NFL playoff games, autographed football helmets from Texas A&M Aggies, the New York Jets and the Chicago Bears. But the HEISMAN TROPHY – backlit and encased in glass behind his desk – says it all. JIM FLYNN (0.S.) Achilles, it’ll be like a one-yard dive into the end zone. Wa Tech’s unctuous press officer, JIM FLYNN (50s), smiles at Achilles. They’re sitting across from Billy, who is behind his massive mahogany desk. ACHILLES (ignores Flynn) But Coach, I don’t know anything about dealing with reporters. BILLY Relax, Achilles. I know it sounds like a lot to handle your first day on campus, but there’s nothing to worry about. Jim’s done hundreds of press conferences. Right, Jim? FLYNN Right, Coach. Achilles, it’s a friendly group of reporters and nobody expects details. Just smile a lot and let me handle anything unexpected. Flynn produces a piece of paper. FLYNN I’ve prepared some simple talking points for you... INT. MURPHY’S GYM – DAY (RETURN TO PRESENT) CAT You ditched your own press conference?!

22. Achilles nods, somewhat smugly she thinks.


CAT (gets off bench) Not too bright, but ballsy.

Achilles bristles at “Not too bright.” CAT And here I was buying into the hype about you starting this season. After an “Einstein” stunt like that, you’ll be picking splinters out of your ass till next spring. ACHILLES Say what? CAT (seeing she’s struck a nerve) Guess it’s time I put my money on Elliott. ACHILLES Elliott? CAT You don’t know who Phil Elliott is? Senior quarterback. Good arm, knows the offense cold. And, well, smart. She turns and walks away. He whispers “Lesbot” under his breath. She bends down to pick up a water bottle and he glimpses the BLACK KITTEN TATTOO on the small of her back. His expression says, “Nice!” ACHILLES What’d you say your name was? She faces him, takes a swig of water. with him. A challenge.

Locks eyes

CAT I didn’t. But since you ask, it’s Cara. Cara Trzcinski. Everybody calls me Cat. ACHILLES Well Cara, I’m not everybody.

23. CAT Right, I forgot, you’re the “Messiah of Maitland.” ACHILLES You’re pretty on top of what’s going on in the football program. (sarcastic) Let me guess. Cheerleader? CAT Hardly. I’m on the soccer team. I also read a newspaper occasionally. Reading – you should try it sometimes. ACHILLES (losing patience) Maybe you’ll read about your boy Elliott picking splinters out of his ass when the season starts. CAT (egging him on) Somehow I doubt it, Einstein. ACHILLES You said it’s time you put your money on Elliott. How about you put your money where your mouth is? CAT What did you have in mind? ACHILLES A hundred bucks says I’m under center when the season starts and your boy Elliott is standing on the sideline holding a clipboard. OFF Cat’s impish grin... INT. DONAHUE BEDROOM - NIGHT Billy is shirtless on the four-poster bed flipping through the College Preview edition of Sports Illustrated. GALE (O.S.) (calling out) Not even close! Guess again, Honey!

24. BILLY C’mon, Babe. You know I don’t like guessing games. Just tell me. Gale comes out of the bathroom in a well-worn Texas A&M tshirt. It may be a familiar sight, but it’s still enough to raise Billy’s tent. He smiles at her. GALE Now where’s the fun in that? BILLY Okay, you’ll just surprise me again. Gale climbs into bed, slides underneath the covers. GALE Fun killer. I’ve got some good news. J.R.’s going out for the team. BILLY Really? I thought he was done after the infamous Pee Wee League fiasco. GALE Don’t be silly, Honey. Football’s in his blood. It’s our family business. BILLY You know, Babe, he may not be cut out for it. GALE He’s your son, Billy. Daddy’s grandson. Besides, it’s just a tryout. If he doesn’t make it, he doesn’t make it. The important thing is he’s putting in the effort. BILLY I just hope he’s not doing it to prove something to me. GALE He wants to do it, Billy. He’ll try out and we’ll see what happens. She gives him a peck on the lips, turns off her lamp, lay down and closes her eyes. He flicks off his lamp then looks at her. He wants to make love to her.

25. Feeling eyes her, Gale looks up at him and smiles. But it’s a “Not tonight, Honey” smile. She turns away. GALE Goodnight, Billy Honey. INT. DONAHUE BEDROOM – LATER Billy rolls over in bed. Gale is gone. nightstand reads 2:03 a.m.

The CLOCK on the

INT. MASTER BATHROOM Billy comes in, not at all surprised by what he sees. Gale is sitting in front of the vanity mirror, staring trancelike at her reflection. She touches a “blemish” underneath her left eye with the tip of her finger. Like Lady Macbeth, it’s a spot that only she can see. Billy looks at the package of ZOLOFT on the vanity. leans close, speaks soothingly. BILLY Gale, there’s nothing there. perfect, Babe. Perfect.



She doesn’t even know he’s there. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO

26. ACT THREE FADE IN: EXT. DONAHUE BACKYARD – SUNSET A Texas-style barbeque is in full swing. The yard has been transformed into an authentic-looking cattle ranch with chuck wagons and COWPOKES as servers. The only thing missing are the Longhorn steers. A COWBOY CHEF flips ribeye steaks; GUESTS shimmy on the crowded dance floor to the DIXIE CHICKS, who are jamming on stage. We find Billy and Gale holding court with a small group of guests, among them the MAYOR (50s) and his WIFE (50s). BILLY She’d turn the place into a rodeo if the city’d give her a permit for the bulls. MAYOR Knowing Gale, it’s only a matter of time with or without the permit. This shindig just gets bigger and better every year! GALE (a bewitching smile) I’ll remind you of that next year, Ed. MAYOR’S WIFE Gale, I think it’s wonderful how you bring some of Texas to Maitland every year for Billy’s birthday. BILLY Birthday hell! She does this for the boys. Just like her Mom did for us years ago back at A&M. GALE It’s their last chance for a good time before camp starts. Billy’s so nasty to them in summer camp, just like Daddy was to his teams.

27. EXT. THE PATIO – SAME TIME Phil finishes his LONE STAR. He’s headed for another when he’s intercepted by a tall, athletic, dark-skinned black kid. RICKY “BURNER” TURNER (20) is wearing his usual funloving grin. He also sports a thick gold chain and a diamond stud in each ear. Hey, Burner.

PHIL Where you been, man?

BURNER Out in the car. Yo, Q.B., what’s it gonna take to get Mrs. D to bring some real music up in here? This country crap is making my ears bleed. Phil smiles at the star wide receiver. differences, they’re best friends.

Despite their many

PHIL I like Country music. Burner flicks the Izod logo on Phil’s shirt. BURNER Yeah, and you like Garanimals too. your Momma pick this out for you?


PHIL No, Mia did after I rolled off of her this morning. BURNER (laughs loudly) Even in your dreams you couldn’t handle my girl. That ride’s just for the big boys, son. At the bar Phil orders a beer. The bartender hands Burner a plastic cup of Coke. Burner frowns. PHIL So you seen him yet? BURNER Nope. Heard he showed up at the Hoz and blew off some of the fellahs. Hasn’t been there since.

28. CUTAWAY – ACHILLES STARING STRAIGHT AHEAD In front of apartment “2-C.” He glances down at the CLASSIFIED LISTINGS in his hand. Several are circled in red ink. Achilles knocks on the door. RETURN TO SCENE BURNER Maybe he was expecting to get a special invitation tonight. PHIL If he thinks I’m going to lay down a red carpet for him like everybody else, he’s got another thing coming. INT. DONAHUE FAMILY ROOM – NIGHT – (FLASHBACK) A comfortable, rustic room. An NFL PLAYOFF GAME plays on TV. Billy and Phil sit across from one another on leather sofas, nursing Lone Stars. BILLY Phil, I know you’re thinking, “Why shouldn’t I just graduate in May and get on with my life?” Well, nobody would blame you if you did, least of all me. You’ve done everything we’ve asked you to do. You red-shirted to get your chance at starting, and when Randall beat you out, you pushed him to be better by making him look over his shoulder every day in practice. PHIL I just wanted to contribute the best way I knew how, Coach. BILLY I know, Phil... Look, son, we drew a blank recruiting a quarterback. Hughes is decent, but he’s no starter. Not yet anyway... Whether I come back next season or not, if you stay for your fifth year, you’re this team’s quarterback, Phil. With or without me on the sideline, it’ll be up to you to lead this team on the field.

29. Phil checks his emotions. He always believed he could be a Big Time college quarterback. Now it looks like he’ll get his chance. He’s about to say “Thank you” when Gale comes in, smiling, holding a tray of appetizers. GALE Are you boys... EXT. PATIO – NIGHT (RETURN TO PRESENT) GALE (O.S.) ...hungry? Phil and Burner turn to see Gale holding a tray of appetizers. The boys instinctively straighten. Phil lowers his beer. Burner grins, takes one of the morsels. BURNER Thanks, Miss D. Phil tries to decide which appetizer to take, even though they’re all the same. She smiles at him, which makes it even harder for him to make up his mind. He takes one. PHIL Thanks, Mrs. Donahue. GALE You’re welcome, Phil. You boys having a good time? BURNER Righteous party, Miss D, as always. And this music’s off the hook! I gotta download me some Dixie Girls. Chicks, Burner.

GALE Dixie Chicks.

BURNER Yeah, they’re slammin’! GALE Well, speaking of slammin’, be sure to make that your last one, Phil. He looks down at his beer.

30. PHIL Alright, Mrs. Donahue. And I’m you had

GALE Burner, you might want to find Mia. pretty sure she wouldn’t appreciate spending time with that blond you out in your car earlier.

She smiles at them, turns and walks away. sexy body as she melts into the crowd.

They admire her

BURNER (as in “How’d she know about the blond?”) Damn! PHIL (as in koo-koo-ka-choo Mrs. Donahue) Damn. INT. BILLY’S HOME OFFICE - NIGHT PARTY SOUNDS can be heard outside but it’s relatively quite here. Billy is talking with smooth-talking black booster HAROLD PENNEBAKER (60). HAROLD Billy, what’s to figure out? He ran a spread offense just like yours. He hasn’t lost a game in two years. BILLY That was high school, Harold. The college game is a helluva lot tougher, especially for quarterbacks. HAROLD (reminiscing) I remember when I first saw you 20 years ago. The way you ran Wolf Ryan’s offense was a thing of beauty. You tore Wa Tech to shreds almost singlehandedly, and I knew right then and there that you were going to be something special. I felt it then, Billy, just like I felt you were the right man for this job four years ago.

31. BILLY And I’ll be forever grateful to you, Harold – HAROLD Listen, Billy, Achilles falling into our hands is like Franco Harris’ Immaculate Reception. Who cares if it was luck? All that matters is that we caught him. It’s a PR coup that you should take full advantage of by naming him our starter when camp opens. BILLY Whoa, Harold! Believe me, nobody’s happier than I am that Achilles fell into our lap, but naming him the starter before he sets foot on the practice field? That’s nuts! HAROLD Is it, Billy? You read the papers. You watch television. As far as this town’s concerned Achilles Addams is the Second Coming in shoulder pads. The media call him the Messiah of Maitland. BILLY Those meatheads in the media don’t know shit from shine-olla. HAROLD Maybe, maybe not. But you’ll be answering a lot more questions if you don’t name him the starter. EXT. BACKYARD - LATER MARIA VARDALOS-PENNEBAKER (29), Harold’s trophy, wife stops talking to ROULON JONES (22) abruptly and greets her husband with a peck on the lips. MARIA Harold, Baby, where have you been? fireworks are about to start.


32. HAROLD Sorry, Kitten, I was inside talking with the Coach... Hello, Roulon. How are you doing tonight, son? The Sea Devils’ sexy, powerful tailback grips Harold’s hand tightly and they shake. Maria smiles nervously. I’m good, Mr. P.

ROULON How you doin’?

EXT. ANOTHER PART OF THE YARD – SAME TIME As the Dixie Chicks finish their last song of the night, DALLAS MORALES (20), handsome, shoulder-length hair, TATTOOS running down his arms, drains a Lone Star. He’s looking for a place to toss the bottle but finds Gale staring at him instead. GALE Who served you that? DALLAS Ma’am? She walks right up to him, stares him down. GALE I know all of the returning players and the freshman recruits. So you’re a transfer or a trespasser. Either way, you shouldn’t have been served that beer. DALLAS I’m sorry, Mrs. Donahue, I – GALE (pointedly) Well, which are you? Flummoxed, he awkwardly holds out his hand to shake. He lowers his hand. She looks at him, waiting for an answer. DALLAS (nervous) Um... I’m Dallas. Dallas Morales. I’m a transfer. I play safety. That’s defense.

33. GALE I know what a safety is, Dallas. I’ve known since before you were born. This makes him smile but he quickly wipes it off. DALLAS Yes ma’am, I know. You’re Wolf Ryan’s daughter... You were Miss America too. GALE Save the flattery for the cheerleaders. So, Dallas, are you going to tell me who served you that beer or do I have to get Coach over here to ask you? Dallas looks across the yard at Billy, who’s talking to Maria. Then he looks at Gale, who’s waiting for an answer. OFF Dallas’ nervousness... INT. CLASSROOM – DAY FOOTBALL PLAYERS in street clothes sit nervously at desks. We recognize some of them – Warren, Kindler, Brewster, Dallas and of course Achilles. In front of each player is a sealed three-ring BINDER. The door swings open and the players immediately straighten in their seats. FOUR COACHES file into the room: offensive coordinator BULL HEFFERNAN (50), defensive coordinator JOE MERCER, (45) quarterbacks and special teams coach BOB GARCIA, (32) and Billy. BILLY Gentlemen, welcome to Washington Tech. You remember my top assistant coaches. The coaches stand motionless, arms folded, like a firing squad waiting for the order to shoot. BILLY First day of camp, I like to spend some quality time with you first-year guys. It’s my way of fulfilling my commitment to your parents to take “special” care of you when arrived on campus... Consider the next five minutes that special care.

34. Nervous laughter that dies down quickly. BILLY We were all nice and accommodating during recruiting. Well, starting today that all changes. Starting today you’ll get to know who we really are and – more importantly – we’ll get to know who you really are... Show of hands: how many of you won a state championship in high school? HANDS go up all over the room.

Achilles doesn’t bother.

BILLY That’s real impressive... Now forget about it! Completely! Who you were, what you did, all the press clippings, none of it counts for dick here. Over the next 5 weeks you’re gonna get the snot kicked outta you by players who are bigger, stronger, faster and just plain better than you are. And when it’s over, most of you “superstars” will be picking splinters out of your ass... That’s if you make the team. He pauses to let this sink in.

Seeing that it has...

BILLY You have talent. You wouldn’t be here if we didn’t believe that – A RAP RING TONE interrupts Billy. Players look around, knowing its bad news for somebody. The Warren Sitren pulls out a CELL PHONE. BILLY Sitren right? Yes, Coach.

WARREN Sorry, Coach.

Billy holds out his hand and Warren passes the phone to the front of the room. Another player hands it to Billy. BILLY (admiring the phone) This one of those iPhones?

35. WARREN My grandmother gave it to me last week. Billy grins malevolently, drops the phone and crushes it under his heel. Warren winces. Players stifle laughs. BILLY As I was saying, you’ve all got the talent to be here. But to be a part of this team means completely committing to the program. Anything less than 110 percent, 100 percent of the time is unacceptable... Now, open the binder in front of you. I don’t care what religion you were before you got here, that book’s your Bible as long as you stay. Violate any one of those Commandments you’ll answer to me... (looks at Warren, smiles) Thank you, Sitren, for helping us all remember page 21. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE CLASSROOM – LATER Players file out. Warren walks past us, holding what’s left of his iPhone. Bull Heffernan stops Achilles. BULL Coach wants to see you in his office before you hit the locker room. INT. BILLY’S OFFICE – DAY Achilles steps in, closes the door behind him. ACHILLES You wanted to see me, Coach? BILLY Achilles, come in. Sit down, son. Achilles sits across from him.

An awkward silence before

BILLY So you’re all settled in? ACHILLES Yeah, pretty much.

36. BILLY Good. Look, Achilles, about the press conference the other day. Maybe it was wrong to spring it on you like that. ACHILLES Sorry, Coach. I guess I just freaked. It won’t happen again. BILLY That’s good to hear. Dealing with the media is probably the worst part of a college quarterback’s job. Worse than a defensive end bearing down on your ass. They both smile.

Finally a connection between them.

BILLY What’s this about you moving into an apartment off campus? All first-year players room at the Hoz. ACHILLES Well, yeah, I know, Coach but I... BILLY “But?” Where’s the “but” Achilles? The university has invested millions in the Hosmer Complex so football players have state-of-the-art amenities on the field and off. Living there will help you bond with other recruits and – ACHILLES But I’m not a recruit. I mean, you didn’t recruit me, Coach. Beat.

Billy doesn’t like the attitude but keeps his cool. BILLY Why did you come here, Achilles? I know, I know – (mocking the line) “Washington Tech is the Stanford of the Pacific Northwest.” Save the PR bullshit for the media.

Achilles is at a loss.

37. BILLY Look, what I told that reporter the other day is true. We got lucky when you showed up out of the blue, and I’m damn glad as hell you’re here. But I’m not about to flush the rules down the crapper for you or anybody else. ACHILLES I don’t expect you to, Coach. But I’m not ready to talk about why I came – to you or anybody else. I’m here to get an education and to play football. As long as I’m doing those two things, I don’t owe anybody any explanations. A long beat.

It’s a standoff even though they’re sitting.

BILLY Okay. That’s your prerogative... Look, Achilles, a coach and his quarterback don’t have to be best friends. Hell, they don’t even have to like each other – most of the time they don’t. But they have to be able to communicate, man to man. Can we do that? ACHILLES (beat) We can do that, Coach. INT. LOCKER ROOM – DAY ON THE SEA DEVILS LOGO woven into the carpet at the center of the room. NEW ANGLE and we see the locker room is comfortable and spacious, with solid oak lockers lining the walls. Players are dressing in jerseys, shorts and helmets for the first day of summer camp. ON RED JERSEY NUMBER 10 REVERSE ANGLE to see Achilles standing in front of his locker staring at the quarterback’s red practice jersey. He’s not happy.

38. BURNER (O.S.) Problem? Achilles turns to see Burner’s perennially smiling face. No problem.


BURNER You’re looking at that jersey awfully hard, Rook. Thought maybe something was wrong with it. ACHILLES It’s fine. BURNER See, I knew that’s what you’d say! But some of the guys, they figured you’d be all bent out of shape. You know, taking a new number and all. You wore 9 all through high school, right? Phil walks up to them, wearing number 9. exchange a long look.

Phil and Achilles

PHIL Burner, ready to go to work? BURNER I’m always ready, Q.B. Just ask Jess. Phil smirks at the reference to his girlfriend. PHIL What about you, Addams? Achilles pulls on his practice jersey. ACHILLES I’m always ready. INT./EXT. TUNNEL – MOMENTS LATER Burner and Phil walk out of the tunnel into the bright sunlight of Memorial Stadium. Achilles is a few feet behind them. When he exits he pauses and looks around. The significance of the moment is not lost on him or us. One day this will be his stadium.

39. EXT. MEMORIAL STADIUM – DAY MONTAGE – SUMMER CAMP Players go through the rigors of summer training camp, initially in shorts and helmets (shorts and shells), then in full gear; Through it all Billy seems to be all over the field, jawing with coaches and players, shouting criticisms, studying his players’ every move; we also sense his love for the game; Boosters mingle in the stands; satellite trucks and news crews are omnipresent; in interviews Achilles reluctant; Phil assumes the mantle of leadership; and Burner’s just entertaining; In a full contact scrimmage, Burner catches a pass then streaks to the end zone where he breaks into a dance. He’s a showboat but everyone loves him; Dallas DRILLS Jabari and knocks the big tight end’s helmet off. Billy and other coaches react to the ferocious hit. END MONTAGE EXT. MEMORIAL STADIUM (SCRIMMAGE) – DAY WHAM! Middle linebacker COLE SEAVERS (20), homicidal on the field and mean as hell off of it, plants a devastating hit on a RUNNING BACK. As he’s getting up, Cole snarls and shoves the running back’s helmet into the turf. ACHILLES calls the next play in the huddle. ACHILLES Strong right 787 check swing switch. On two. Break! He walks to the line and scans the defense. and linebackers are showing blitz.

The safeties

ACHILLES Purple 87. Purple 87. Hut-hut! On the snap he drops back and zips a tight spiral that’s INTERCEPTED by Dallas, who runs it back for a touchdown.

40. BILLY reacts on the sideline. Behind him, Phil looks on impassively, spits through his facemask. COLE slaps Morales’ helmet when he reaches the defensive huddle. COLE Nice read, Chico! ACHILLES unfazed by the pick, steps into the huddle. IN THE HUDDLE BURNER (grinning) Hey, Rook, try hitting one of us in white jerseys this time. Achilles ignores him. He calls the play, they break the huddle and he walks to the line of scrimmage. He scans the defense. Their motion and chatter is confusing. Black 33.

ACHILLES Black 33. Hut-hut!

The blitz comes hard. He easily side steps a defensive end, steps up in the pocket and zips a pass just over Cole’s outstretched fingers... and into Dallas’ hands. BILLY slaps his CLIPBOARD against his thigh. BILLY GODDAMNIT Addams! What the hell are you looking at?! Achilles lowers his head, exhales deeply. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE

41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: INT. SHOWER ROOM – SUNSET Only a few players are left in the shower. Defensive ends WALTER “BRICK WALL” HENDERSON (21) and EVAN MITCHELL (21), both bald, powerful 260-pounders, could be twins except Henderson’s black and Mitchell’s white. MITCHELL You tellin’ me you actually saw it? HENDERSON What? Hell no! I ain’t trying to look at no other man’s Johnson! MITCHELL So how do you know it’s twelve inches? HENDERSON Shaw’s banging the nurse who does the team physicals. She told him. MITCHELL And who decides who comes closest to getting it right? HENDERSON Damn, Pete, who are you, Sherlock Freaking Holmes? I ain’t running the pool, I just need to know are you in or not? It’s fifty bucks. They stop talking abruptly when Dallas enters the shower. Mitchell steals a glance at Dallas’ genitalia. Grinning, Henderson raises his hands about a foot apart. Dallas is the subject of the secret pool. In another area of the shower Achilles is underneath a stream of hot water, head down, eyes closed, trying to recover from his worst day ever on a football field. INT. COACHES’ MEETING ROOM – NIGHT From the empties scattered all over the table, it’s clear Billy and his coaching staff have lived off of TAKEOUT FOOD and DIET COKE for weeks.

42. BULL The kid can hit, I’ll give him that. MERCER And I haven’t seen a better ball hawk since Seavers suited up. BILLY (to Mercer) So Morales is your strong safety? Okay, put him on the board, Bob. Coach Bob Garcia writes “Morales” on the whiteboard. the other defensive positions are filled in.


MERCER I swear Morales reminds me of somebody I’ve seen play before. Just something about him, the way he carries himself. BILLY Remind me again, where’d he come from? MERCER Transferred from a JUCO outside Los Angeles last spring. Said Wa Tech was the only place he wanted to play. BULL If that’s about it on defense, can we turn to the Oh? Coach, who’s our Q.B.? Bull runs the offense but everyone in the room knows this is Billy’s decision alone to make. Off Billy... INT. PRESS ROOM – DAY Billy calls on ESPN’s GABRIELLE WOODS (30), a smokin’ hot, Mocha-skinned, African-American beauty. GABRIELLE Coach Donahue, you’re a week away from the start of the season and both Elliott and Addams are taking snaps with the first team. Why the secrecy about who’ll get the start at Q.B.?

43. BILLY Gabrielle, I’m not in the business of giving out information to my opponents. We’ve got a starting quarterback. You guys – and Portland State – will just have to wait to see who it is. GABRIELLE So you’ve decided, you just won’t tell us? BILLY (smiles) You sure you’re not working for “60 Minutes”, Gabrielle? Good-natured laughter.

Gabrielle takes it in stride.

GABRIELLE Have you at least told Elliott and Addams who will start? BILLY Look, Gabrielle, you can ask me the same question a hundred different ways and I’m gonna give you the same answer a hundred different times. GABRIELLE (a pretty smile) Okay, so let’s say this is question number 101. Who’s done better in camp this summer, Elliott or Addams? In their laughter, the reporters don’t seem to notice the chemistry between Billy and Gabrielle. They exchange a look. Billy’s wry smile says, “Nice try.” BILLY Next question... INT. MALL – DAY Teens in Back-to-School mode crawl the mall. Burner and Phil check out the girls. A cute one checks Burner out as she approaches. He smiles. She giggles and keeps walking. PHIL You think Coach is serious?

44. BURNER (still smiling at the girl) As a heart attack. PHIL C’mon, man. It’s all a bunch of PR. He’s not ready. Not after only five weeks in camp. BURNER (now focused on his friend) Look, Q.B., it’s just like at my old man’s rib shack. You gotta sell the hell outta the “Special of the Day.” Like it or not, Addams is the Special. Ricky!

MIA (O.S.) I need your credit card.

Burner looks over at MIA CARTWRIGHT (20), runway model looks, Compton attitude. She’s in front of a boutique, hands on her hips. BURNER All right, Baby. Here I come. Phil’s grin says, “Whipped.” BURNER (under his breath) Screw you, Q.B. INT. FOOD COURT – LATER Burner and Phil are at a table. Mia comes toward them with JESS WHIRLWIND (20), an adorable Native American with black hair down to her ass. They’re carrying trays of fast food. PHIL (taking a tray from Jess) Thanks. JESS I got you the fajita salad. The stuffed pizza was too greasy. Phil and Burner exchange a look.

Burner grins: “Whipped.”

45. MIA Guess who was ahead of us in line? Achilles Addams. BURNER Did you get his autograph? MIA (caustic) No, I got his phone number. What’s so funny? Phil stops laughing immediately. could knock you out.

Mia’s a knockout who

MIA You don’t need to be laughing, Phil. What you need to do is keep getting the rock into Ricky’s hands. Do that and you might have a shot at being drafted. PHIL C’mon, Mia. Everybody knows Burner’s gonna declare early after this season, but I’m not kidding myself... JESS Don’t sell yourself short, Phil. BURNER She’s right Q.B. Tom Brady was a sixth-round draft pick. Look how that worked out. EXT. CAMPUS - DAY It’s the first day of classes and students move briskly across the quad under a light rain shower. INT. BRADLEY HALL – DAY Achilles is checking the number on each classroom door. Students steal glances at him, some of them smile. He ignores them. He didn’t come here to make friends. Finally he stops, totally lost, and looks down at his COURSE SHEET. ELYSSE (O.S.) Lost?

46. He looks up at ELYSSE JOHANSSON (30), cool, blond, pretty. ACHILLES I thought 103 would be on the first floor but I can’t find it. She moves close to him to read the course sheet. ELYSSE It is on the first floor, but it’s in Wyndham Hall. This is Bradley Hall. ACHILLES Oh f – ! ELYSSE (smiles to interrupt him) It’s not hard to get to from here. Go down this hall, out the main doors, take a right and go past the Admin building. Wyndham’s the red building next to the Van Helsing statue. ACHILLES Thanks. He starts down the hall. ELYSSE (calls after him) See you tomorrow night, Achilles. He turns, puzzled. She motions to his course sheet with her eyes. ELYSSE Ethics 101. I’m Professor Johansson. This building, second floor. And Achilles, try not to be late. INT. LECTURE HALL – LATER Over 60 STUDENTS listen as GREG NORRIS (40) reviews the Western Civilization syllabus. A THUMP gets everyone’s attention. The door is stuck and someone’s trying to force it open. The door is JERKED open and Achilles comes in.

47. NORRIS Ah, Mr. Addams, so glad you could join us. And if the news reports are to be believed, now that you’ve arrived, Western Civilization can begin anew. Cat Trzcinski, seated several rows back, smiles to herself, enjoying Achilles’ latest Einstein moment. EXT. CAMPUS QUAD – DAY Achilles is walking in the rain with his head down. His first day of college has been a bitch. A cell phone RINGS. He pulls it from his pocket, checks the caller I.D. Finally something to smile about. ACHILLES Hey. Hi, Lee.

PORTIA (V.O.) How are you doing, baby?

ACHILLES (lying) I’m fine. How are you? Loving Princeton I’ll bet. PORTIA (V.O.) I’d love it more if you were here loving on me right now. ACHILLES Yeah and when they start letting brothers like me in it won’t be Princeton anymore, will it? PORTIA (V.O.) (a sweet laugh) Stop it, Lee. You’re not just some dumb jock. You remember that, okay? Baby I miss you. Do you miss me? Achilles looks up as a SEXY COED approaches. says she’d do him right there on the quad. SEXY COED Hi, Handsome!

Her smile

48. He smiles and turns to admire her after she passes. She glances over her shoulder, knowing he’d check her out. ACHILLES Yeah, of course I do. PORTIA (V.O.) Do you love me? He stops in his tracks. The question hits him like a blitzing linebacker. He answers from the heart. Yes, Portia.


INT. CHARLOTTE WEBB’S OFFICE – DAY CHARLOTTE WEBB (50s), classy but tough as nails, sits behind her desk. Washington Tech’s athletic director is comfortable wielding power in a man’s world. VALERIE KIM (20), pretty Korean-American sorority president, sits across from her. In the dictionary, Valerie’s picture is next to the entry for “Stuck Up Bitch.” A KNOCK on the door and DEBRA THROWER enters. DEBRA He’s here, Dr. Webb. CHARLOTTE Thank you, Debra. Show him in, please. Charlotte and Valerie stand to greet Achilles. ACHILLES Sorry I’m late, Dr. Webb. CHARLOTTE So am I Achilles. You’ve got practice in 15 minutes, so we don’t have as much time as I’d hoped. This is Valerie Kim. I’ve asked her to be your tutor. Achilles and Valerie shake hands and hold it a beat. Neither of them wants to be here but there’s a vibe between them when they touch and look into one another’s eyes. VALERIE Hello, Achilles.

49. ACHILLES Hi, Val. INT. BILLY’S OFFICE – SUNSET Billy’s standing with his back to us, looking out the large window down onto the field. CAMERA COMES AROUND and we see him from outside the window. He’s deep in thought. INT. LOCKER ROOM - SUNSET Players are in various stages of dress after a hard practice. We follow Dallas’ BARE ASS from the showers. Teammates discreetly steal glances at his Johnson as he approaches them. CAMERA DROPS OFF on Achilles, in front of his locker. GARCIA Elliott! Addams! Both of you, Coach’s office! Now! Achilles and Phil look at Coach Garcia, then at each other. Coach Donahue has decided on his starter. EXT. MEMORIAL STADIUM (VERSUS PORTLAND STATE) – DAY The stadium is only half-full but the ZEALOTS in the “Pit” – the fan section near the tunnel – do their damnedest to generate excitement. Quite a few FANS wear replicas of Achilles’ number 10 jersey. INT./EXT. TUNNEL – DAY The Sea Devils move through the tunnel like 80 warriors ready for battle. Wall Henderson, their captain, is at the front of the pack. When he steps out of the tunnel he transforms into a wild man, stomping his feet, tearing at his jersey and slapping his helmet, Ray Lewis-style. His teammates catch the fever. HENDERSON What time is it?! TEAM Go time!

50. HENDERSON I said, WHAT TIME IS IT?! TEAM GO TIME! P.A. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) And now, here come your SEA DEVILS! Canons BOOM and white smoke BILLOWS into the air. HENDERSON WHOOOOO-AAAAAH! The team storms en mass through a blazing fire ring, past shimmying cheerleaders and onto the pristine field. EXT. MEMORIAL STADIUM - DAY The kickoff is high and deep. 15 yards before he’s tackled.

Dallas catches it and runs

ON THE SIDELINE The Sea Devils offensive unit trots onto the field for their first series. Billy checks his laminated play sheet. BILLY (into headset) I feel good about today, Bull. BULL (V.O.) That’s because we’re still in first place, Billy. IN THE HUDDLE A nauseous, sweaty faced Warren Sitren is about to toss his cookies when he looks up at – PHIL PHIL (to Warren) Calm down “iPhone.” You throw up now and you’re gonna be that defensive end’s bitch all day. And trust me, nobody wants to see that.

51. The huddle cracks up.

The opening day edge is off.

PHIL (all business) Here we go. Slot right, 33 Stretch Cadillac. On two. Break! THE VIP SECTION OF THE STANDS Gale and J.R. are with and Maria Pennebaker. walking to the line of sweetly to assuage him

Charlotte, her HUSBAND, and Harold Harold frowns at the sight of Phil scrimmage. Gale smiles at him on behalf of her husband.

ON THE SIDELINE Achilles stands a few feet from Billy, holding a CLIPBOARD and wearing a BALL CAP. He’s miserable. Off his sternfaced expression... EXT. MEMORIAL STADIUM (AERIAL VIEW) – DAY The crowd erupts in CHEERS as the Sea Devils score their first touchdown of the season, a 40-yard pass from Phil to his best friend Burner. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BIG AL’S SPEAKEASY


Establishing, over which we hear ROCK MUSIC. INT. BIG AL’S SPEAKEASY – NIGHT Maitland’s college hot spot is packed with PARTIERS celebrating the Sea Devils’ victory. Phil, Jess, Burner, Mia, Roulon, Dallas and other players are there with pretty coeds. A ROCK BAND jams onstage. We follow a MAN from the bar as he takes TWO BEERS through the crammed dance floor, where the CAMERA DROPS OFF on CAKE D’AGOSTINO (18), a sexy, raven-haired beauty with all the right moves. She smiles invitingly at the LUCKY GUY she’s dancing with, then glances over at Cat. Cat’s looking pretty tempting herself in black jeans and a slinky tank shirt, dancing with another YOUNG MAN. He moves up against her. She deftly nudges him away.

52. Cake gets Cat’s eye and looks toward the band. Cat follows her gaze to THE LEAD SINGER, the Bad Boy your mother warned you about. Cat smiles lasciviously. INT. FILM ROOM - NIGHT Achilles hits REWIND on one of his practice interceptions. He doesn’t hear JOSE the night watchman until he’s standing right next to him. JOSE (whispering) Achilles. Achilles. ACHILLES Oh, hey, Jose. What’s up? JOSE It’s almost one my friend. ACHILLES (misunderstanding) Yeah, I’m almost done. He jots notes on a LEGAL PAD.

Jose turns to leave.

JOSE (over his shoulder) Okay, just make sure you put everything back where it belongs. DISSOLVE TO: INT. ACHILLES’ BEDROOM – NIGHT We hear a couple having very intense sex. WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Yeah, baby! Yes! Do me, baby!


Achilles wakes up to the sounds of the porn session next door. WIDER ANGLE to reveal he’s lying on the bed, fully dressed. The lights are on and his PLAYBOOK is open next to him. He looks at the CLOCK on the nightstand. It’s 1:15 a.m. Achilles stares at the ceiling and drifts back to sleep.

53. EXT. STREET – NIGHT (A DREAM) A light snow falls. There is no sound as Achilles and Portia walk arm-in-arm, talking, laughing, clearly in love. An ANGRY BLACK MAN appears and threatens them. Achilles and the man argue. Portia tries to calm them both down. Suddenly, the man hits Portia with a vicious backhand that knocks her to the ground. There’s blood on her mouth. Achilles charges and tackles him. They tussle on the ground. A GUN appears. Then we hear PORTIA SCREAMING. END OF DREAM INT. ACHILLES’ BEDROOM – NIGHT (RETURN TO SCENE) Achilles wakes from the dream with a start, tense and sweating. He gets his bearings and realizes that it’s quiet now. Achilles gets up and heads out of his room. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT It’s dark. Achilles walks quietly. Just as he reaches the kitchen the REFRIGERATOR LIGHT comes on. ACHILLES’ POV – A NAKED WOMAN standing in front of the fridge, looking inside. It’s the Porn Queen. Achilles is admiring her tight body when he spies the BLACK KITTEN TATTOO on the small of her back. RETURN TO SCENE Cat turns around, drinking from a BOTTLE OF GATORADE. wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. CAT (mischievous grin) Want some? He tries not to look at her small but perfect tits. ACHILLES (confused) What?



Juice, Einstein. Umm.


CAT What do you think?


She shrugs and takes another swig. Their clothing difference doesn’t faze her at all. She puts the bottle in the fridge, closes the door and brushes past him on her way back to the Lead Singer’s bedroom. She stops suddenly and turns to face him. CAT Hey, don’t you owe me a hundred bucks? EXT. AFFLUENT NEIGHBORHOOD – DAY It’s a quiet Sunday morning. Dallas leans against a tree, staring at a PHOTO in his hand. INSERT – PHOTO A blue-eyed TEENAGE BOY holds a BABY. Next to them is the baby’s mother, a pretty Mexican-American TEENAGE GIRL. DALLAS looks up and stares hard at something in the distance. INT. MORALES APARTMENT – DAY (FLASHBACK) Dallas and his mother, CECILIA MORALES (38), sit in their living room, dressed as if they’ve just returned from a funeral. She’s the Mexican-American girl from the photo, still lovely 20 years after it was taken. They’re going through PHOTOS of her husband. CECILIA Your father was a good man, Dallas, and I loved him very, very much. DALLAS I know he was, Mom. So did I. She looks at him and smiles sadly. DALLAS What is it, Mom?

55. CECILIA Now that he’s gone, I think it’s time you knew something. DALLAS Time I knew what? She takes a PHOTO ALBUM, flips through pages. When she finds the picture she wants, she hands it to him. It’s the one of the blue-eyed teenager, the baby and Cecilia at 18. Dallas studies it intensely. EXT. DONAHUE HOME – DAY (RETURN TO PRESENT) Dallas is now at the front door of a large, expensive home. He rings the bell and waits. He puts the photo back in his pocket. When the door opens, REVERSE to see he’s standing face to face with J.R. Donahue, his half-brother. FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE GOAL TO GO

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