Mcq Cns Anatomy

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  • Pages: 7
1 • The sacral segment of the spinal cord may be crushed : by the fracture of a. first lumbar vertebrae b. third lumbar vertebrae c. sixth lumbar vertebrae d. first & second vertebrae e. none of the above :Note Sacral segment of the spinal cord is the last segment in . the spinal cord . The spinal cord ends in L1 .So, the right answer is A :• Basilar artery gives the following branches ,except .posterior inferior cerebellar a .1 .posterior cerebral artery .2 .Pontine arteries .3 .Anterior inferior cerebellar artery .4 .Superior cerebellar artery .5 :Note :The branches of the basilar arteryare anterior inferior cerebellar a .1 .posterior cerebral a .2 superior cerebellar a .3 .labyrinthine a .4 .pontine a .5 :• Medial limeniscus carries a. pain & temperature sensation from trunk & limb b. Proprioceptive sensation from the trunk & limb . c. proprioceptive sensation from the head d. auditory sensation e. A&B :• Regarding spinal cord , the following are true except a. it has cervical & lumbar enlargement

b. it ends at the lowe r border of third lumbar vertebrae c. it's transverse by the central canal d. its lower end , it's called conus medallaries e. it's begin at the level of foramen magnum as a .continuation of medulla oblongata • Regarding Corticospinal tract . all of the following true :except a. Most of the fibers decussate at the lower end of the .medulla .b. it arises from the motor area of the cerebral cortex .c. it passes through the cruss cerebri of mid brain .d. it ends in the anterior horn cells IN: Proprioceptive sensation from the head carried .byTrigeminal limeniscus 2 e. its lesion at the level of pons produced paralysis of muscle on the epsilateral side (same (side Note: its lesion produce paralysis on the contralateral side because at the level of the pons .dicussation are not happen yet :• destruction of lateral spinothalamic tract result in a) epsilateral loss of pain & temperature b) contralateral loss of light touch & pressure c) contralateral loss of the pain & temperature d) contralateral loss of proprioceptive e) None of the above :• Which of the following fibers is acommissural fiber . a. Corpus callosum .b. Internal capsule .c. Optic radiation d. Cingulum .e. Uncinate fasciculus

• Obstruction of cerebral equeduct of the medbrain will : distention of .a. Latral vertricles only . b. Both lateral & 3rd c. Both 4th & 3rd d. Entire ventricular system .e. None of the above • Regarding the lateral spinothalamic , all of the :following are correct except .a. It carries pain & temperature sensation b. Pain fiber is deeper in position to temperature fiber . c. It ascends in spinal limenscus . d. Substation gelatinosa of rolandi , it is 2nd order neuron :• Motor & sensory area of the leg occupy a. Precentral gyrus b. Postcentral gyrus c. Temporal gyrus d. Posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus e. Paracentral lobule • Sensation carried by posterior white column of spiral :cord are a. Pain b. Temperature .c. Position of joints d. vibration ‫ ) )الجابه الصح‬e. 2 points discrimination . Pain fibers in superficial position 3 ‫الدكتوره قالت ده السؤال صعب ما يجي سيو‬ ‫ ممكه يجي كلو صح ما عدا و‬A&B ‫في بوينت واحد و يكون ىو الغلط‬ ‫يذكزوا‬ • Regarding to the thalamus , all of the statements are :correct except

a. It is situated on the side wall of the third ventricle b. Connected to the opposite thalamus c. External medullary lamina diveids it into 2 halves .d. Pulvinar is situated anteriorly e. Its ventropostrolateral nucleus receive medial lemniscus :Note . Pulvinar is situated posteriorly • Regarding to the Primary motor cortex , all of the :following are true except a. It lies posterior to the central sulcus .b. Extend to medial surface of hemisphere c. Receives fiber from postoventrolateral nucleus of .thalamus d. It linked by the association fibers with sensory cortex e. Give Origen to pyramidal tract • according to the interpeduncular fossa , all of the :following structure are present except .a. optic cisma b. Anterior pe rforated substance .c. Posterior perforated substance .d. Tuber cinereum .e. Mammilary body The following cranial nerves are attached to the medulla :except a. Hypoglossal b. Glossopharyngeal c. Vagus d. accessory .e. Trigeminal N • Regarding the Main sensory cortical area., all are true :except a. It lies infront of the central sulcus

b. It extend to the medial surface of the cerebral .hemisphere c. It is linked by association area with cortical motor .area .d. It supplied by the anterior & middle cerebral a e. Its lesion lead to contralateral loss of sensation • Regarding to the development of the central nervous :system . all true except .a. It is develop from ectoderm dorsal to the notochord b. The lateral edges of the neural plate elevate to form .neural folds c. The hindbrain forms medulla oblongata & the cerebellum d. Failure Of closure of the anterior neuropore results in .anencephaly .e. Cranial part of the neural part form spinal cord :• Following tract present in lateral white column except a. Lateral spinothalamic b. Rubrospinal 4 c. Ventral spinocerebellar d. Dorsal spinal cerebelar .e. Fasciculus gracilispresent in dorsal column :• Regarding to the spinal cord , all true except a. It ends in adult at the upper border of the second .lumbar .b. The cord is covered by 3 meninges . c. It shows 2 enlargements , thoracic & lumbar .d. 31 pairs of spinal nerves are attached to it .e. Gray matter occupy its central part a. Internal arcuate fiber are axons of second orderneurons : of the b. Anterior spinothalamic c. Lateral spinothalamic

d. Gracile & cuneate tract e. Anterior corticospinal f. Lateral corticospinal : • Lateral corticospinal tract terminate at .a. Clark’s column b. Suspentia glatenosa .c. Anterior horns cells of spinal cord d. Ventropostolateral nucleus of the thalamus .e. Ventropostomedial nucleus of the thalamus • Medial surface of cerebral hemisphere has the :following sulci , except a. Cingulate sulcus b. Callosal sulcus c. Collateral sulcus d. Pritooccipital sulcus e. Calcarine sulcus • Basilar artery gives branches , all of these are branches :of it except Repeated  • Floor of 3rd ventricle formed by all of the following :except .a. Fornix .b. Optic chisma c. Tuber cinerium d. Infundibulum e. Mammilary body • Regarding to meninges , which of the statement is :incorrect .a. The pia adheres to the surface of the spinal cord b. The dura extend to the second sacral vertebrae c. The arachnoids matter lies against the inner surface of the dura matter d. The subarachnoid space lies between the arachnoid .& dura

e. The dendiculate ligament extend from the pia matter

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