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Personality test We all see and act with the world around us in different patterns. This quiz will help you understand your inner self: why you behave or make decisions in certain ways. Whether you're doing research on career paths that match your natural inclinations, trying to understand your relationship with a differently-brained lover, friends, co-workers or family, or just trying to make sense of the world, I wish you all the best on your journey of self-knowledge! I am good at speculating about all the various options. I am good at working directly on something. I'm really in between. I am comfortable after having made a decision. I am comfortable leaving my options open. I'm really in between. Enjoy now, finish the job later. Work first, play later. I'm really in between. I desire achievement and accomplishement. I desire to be appreciated. I'm really in between. I am a mixer and mingler at parties. I prefer one-on-one conversations. I'm really in between. Some people may see me as overemotional, illogical or weak. Some people may see me as heartless, insensitive or uncaring. I'm really in between. I prefer to know what I am getting into. I like adapting to new situations.

I'm really in between. I think first, then act. I act first, then think. I'm really in between. I keep my enthusiasm to myself. I communicate with enthusiasm. I'm really in between. I am brief and businesslike. I am friendly and have difficulty remaining businesslike. I'm really in between. I believe feelings are valid only if they are logical. I believe any feeling is valid, whether it makes sense or not. I'm really in between. I am planned and structured. I am spontaneous and vague. I'm really in between. It is more important to be truthful than diplomatic. It is more important to be diplomatic than truthful. I'm really in between. I love to close my office door and enjoy quiet times. I love to be in the midst of the action. I'm really in between. I am mainly interested in human relationships. I am mainly interested in things other than human relationships.

I'm really in between. I value imagination and innovation. I value realism and common sense. I'm really in between. Principles and rules are important to me. Personal values and people are important to me. I see the exception to the rule. I'm really in between. If it works fine, then there is no reason to change it. I am experimental and like to find new ways of doing things. I'm really in between. I sympathize with people and would tell a white lie to avoid hurting their feelings. I tend to be unbiased and direct when I analyze people's problems, even if this might hurt their sensitivities. I'm really in between. I like to use and refine existing skills. I like to pick up new skills. I get bored easily after mastering skills. I'm really in between. If I go to the gym or the library, I find a place by myself and focus on my work. The gym and library are great places to interact with people. I'm really in between. I trust inspiration, insights, ideas and hunches. I trust facts, concrete examples and proof. I'm really in between. Before answering a question, I prefer to take the time to form an answer in my head. Ask me a question, and I will start talking to come up with an answer.

I'm really in between. I value empathy, harmony and forgiving. I value logic, justice and fairness. I'm really in between. I am rather easy to "read" and know. I am rather private and difficult to "read". I'm really in between. I take deadlines seriously. I see deadlines as elastic. I'm really in between. I listen more than talk. I talk more than listen. I'm really in between. I like to make a sacrifice in the present when I can see that it will improve things in the future. I truly enjoy living in the present moment. I'm really in between. I like to follow a practical approach. I like to figure things out on my own. I'm really in between. While I walk in the forest, I love to think about all kinds of things and ideas. When I walk in the forest, I love to smell the woods and the feel the breeze on my face. I'm really in between. I prefer to share personal information with a select few. I share personal information rather freely.

I'm really in between. I am sometimes accused of being too indecisive. I am sometimes accused of being too rigid. I'm really in between. I respond quickly and enjoy a fast pace. I respond after taking the time to think things through, and I enjoy a slower pace. I'm really in between. My work efforts are on-and-off. My work efforts are steady and sustained. I'm really in between. I tend to think out loud. I think things inside my head. I'm really in between. I like new ideas when they have practical applications. I fall in love with new ideas and concepts for their own sake. I'm really in between. Group discussions stimulate me and give me energy. I am energized by spending time alone. I'm really in between. I have many social relationships. I have a few deep, personal relationships. I'm really in between. I tend to be specific and literal. I give detailed instructions. I tend to be general and figurative. I use metaphors and analogies.

I'm really in between. I am often contented. I am often restless. I'm really in between. I like my desk to be neat and organized. My desk may seem disorganized at times, but I can always find what I am looking for. I'm really in between. I am product-oriented and want to get the job done. I am process-oriented and am especially interested in how the task will be accomplished. I'm really in between. I have strong analytical skills. I am caring, compassionate and tender. I'm really in between. I set and respect fixed goals and work toward achieving them on time. My goals are open-ended and subject to change as new information becomes available. I'm really in between. I work out ideas internally. I work out ideas with others' input. I'm really in between. I derive satisfaction from finishing projects. I derive satisfaction from starting projects. I'm really in between.

 Which is more of a compliment

"There's a logical person" "There's a sentimental person"  Is it worse to have your head in the clouds be in a rut  Do you prefer contracts to be signed, sealed, and delivered settled on a handshake  Do you more often see what can only be imagined what's right in front of you  Do you feel better about keeping your options open coming to closure  If you must disappoint someone are you usually warm and considerate frank and straightforward  Are you the kind of person who is rather talkative doesn't miss much  Are you swayed more by convincing evidence a touching appeal  Common sense is usually reliable frequently questionable  Do you prefer to work to deadlines just whenever  With people are you usually more

firm than gentle gentle than firm  Waiting in line, do you often stick to business chat with others  It is worse to be hard-nosed a softy  Are you more interested in what is possible what is actual  On the job, do you want your activities scheduled unscheduled  Are you more inclined to feel somewhat removed down to earth  Do you tend to notice opportunities for change disorderliness  Is it better to be merciful just  Do you consider yourself a good conversationalist a good listener  Do you see yourself as basically thick-skinned thin-skinned  Are you more frequently

a practical sort of person a fanciful sort of person  Are you inclined to be more leisurely than hurried hurried than leisurely  In making up your mind are you more likely to go by desires data  Does interacting with strangers energize you tax your reserves  Do you think of yourself as a tough-minded person tender-hearted person  Do you like writers who use metaphors and symbolism say what they mean  Are you prone to exploring the possibilities nailing things down  Are you drawn more to fundamentals overtones  Are you more comfortable after a decision before a decision  Are you more often a cool-headed person a warm-hearted person  Are you more

observant than introspective introspective than observant  Is it your way to pick and choose at some length make up your mind quickly  Are you inclined to take what is said more figuratively more literally  Would you say you are more serious and determined easy going  Which appeals to you more consistency of thought harmonious relationships  Do you think of yourself as an outgoing person a private person  Which seems the greater fault to be too dispassionate to be too compassionate  Do you find visionaries and theorists rather fascinating somewhat annoying  When finishing a job, do you like to tie up all loose ends move on to something else  Is it easier for you to put others to good use identify with others  When the phone rings, do you

hurry to get to it first hope someone else will answer it  Which rules you more your feelings your thoughts  Are you more ideational than sensible sensible than ideational  Are you more satisfied having work in progress a finished product  Are you more likely to trust your experiences your conceptions  Is it preferable mostly to just let things happen naturally make sure things are arranged  In a heated discussion do you stick to your guns look for common ground  At work do you tend to be sociable with your colleagues keep more to yourself  Which do you wish more for yourself strength of emotion strength of will  Children often do not make themselves useful enough exercise their fantasy enough  Do you tend to choose

somewhat impulsively rather carefully  Are you more comfortable in making value judgments critical judgments  At a party, do you interact with many, even strangers interact with a few friends  In hard circumstances, are you sometimes too unsympathetic too sympathetic  Do you tend to be more speculative than factual factual than speculative  Do you more often prefer final unalterable statements tentative preliminary statements  Do you prize in yourself a vivid imagination a strong hold on reality  Are you more routinized than whimsical whimsical than routinized  When in charge of others do you tend to be firm and unbending forgiving and lenient  Are you inclined to be easy to approach somewhat reserved  Is clutter in the work place something you

take time to straighten up tolerate pretty well  Do you speak more in generalities than particulars particulars than generalities  Do you usually want things settled and decided just penciled in  In sizing up others, do you tend to be friendly and personal objective and impersonal  Do you tend to say right out what's on your mind keep your ears open  Do you value in yourself more that you are devoted reasonable  Facts speak for themselves illustrate principles  In most situations are you more spontaneous than deliberate deliberate than spontaneous  In stories, do you prefer action and adventure fantasy and heroism  At work, is it more natural for you to try to please others point out mistakes  Your gender is:

Female Male

1. Socializing and talking to people energizes me. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 2. I feel uncomfortable at social events where I don’t know many people, but I enjoy talking oneon-one with someone I have a connection with. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 3. Generally I am a practical, realistic, and matter-of-fact type person. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 4. It can be hard for me to stay focused on the present because I often speculate about several ideas at once. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 5. I value my ability to think and make decisions logically and clearly. Rarely or Never Sometimes 6. I value my ability to be empathetic and compassionate.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never 7. I dislike having things undecided.

Almost Always


Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 8. I am relatively easygoing, adaptable, and flexible. When there are last-minute changes, I just adapt to them. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 9. I am relatively easy to get to know and most people find me friendly, outgoing, and enthusiastic. Rarely or Never 10. I like to spend a lot of time alone.


Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 11. I am more interested in facts and figures than in theories. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 12. I tend to use metaphors and analogies when describing or explaining something. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 13. I like to debate and defend my point of view. Sometimes, just to challenge my intellect, I argue both sides of an issue. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 14. I like to talk about interpersonal relationships and emotions. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 15. I find it hard to relax or concentrate if my environment is disorganized or cluttered.

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 16. It’s not that I lack focus, I just have my own way of going back and forth from one project to another. Rarely or Never Sometimes 17. I am comfortable being with and meeting new people.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 18. I tend to have a few close friends on whom I focus most of my attention, rather than a lot of acquaintances. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 19. I prefer tasks that have a practical application and produce tangible results. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 20. I rely on hunches, inspiration, and imagination for a lot of my information. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 21. I have been accused of not paying attention to other people’s needs and feelings. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 22. I make “to do” lists and feel satisfied when I check off a completed task. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 23. I like to start new projects; I’ll usually start the next one before finishing the one I’m on. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 24. In my decision-making process, how others will be affected carries a lot of weight. Rarely or Never 25. I enjoy being the center of attention.


Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 26. Instead of approaching others, I wait for them to approach me. Rarely or Never Sometimes 27. I tend to speak, hear, and interpret things literally.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 28. I like to think about new possibilities and focus on the “might be.” Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 29. People sometimes see me as impersonal and overly analytical. Rarely or Never Sometimes 30. It is important to be tactful as well as truthful.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 31. I have my particular ways of doing things. I don’t like it when others try to change my schedule, especially at the last minute. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 32. Being on schedule is not the most important thing in my life. Deadlines give me a general idea of when something’s due.

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 33. I am quite talkative and often prefer verbal over written communication. Rarely or Never Sometimes 34. People often perceive me as shy or aloof.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 35. I am a good observer. I notice my surroundings and often remember the details. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 36. I am oriented toward the future and like to do things in untried and innovative ways. I dislike routine and repetition. Rarely or Never 37. I can be blunt and outspoken.


Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 38. Being appreciated and approved of are very important to me. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 39. I like to have a place for everything and have everything in its place. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 40. I don’t usually make “to do” lists, but if I do, going back to check things off is not important. Writing things down is reminder enough. Rarely or Never Sometimes 41. I can find something to talk about with almost anyone.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 42. I take time to consider what I am going to say before I speak. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 43. I like hands-on projects such as making model cars, assembling things, or doing needlework. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 44. I look for underlying patterns and “the big picture.” I don’t like getting caught up in specific details. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 45. I tend to pay attention to others’ thoughts more than to their feelings. Rarely or Never Sometimes 46. I look for the good in people and things.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 47. I often wait until a deadline is near before concentrating on completing a task. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 48. Before beginning a task or project, I like to review what I’ll need and make sure everything’s on hand. Rarely or Never Sometimes 49. I have quite a few friends and acquaintances.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 50. I feel drained if I spend a lot of time with people. Even talking on the phone for too long can be exhausting. Rarely or Never Sometimes 51. I like utilizing and developing the skills I already have.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 52. I watch for, and pay attention to, implications and inferences. Rarely or Never Sometimes 53. I don’t like to put my emotions on display.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes 54. People tend to seek me out for warmth and nurturing.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 55. Being on time is important to me, and I don't understand when it isn't important to others. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 56. My way of organizing my room or work space can appear disorganized to others. Rarely or Never Sometimes 57. Being alone for too long makes me lonely and restless.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes 58. I prefer to work alone on projects and tasks.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 59. I have a great capacity for enjoying the here and now and am often content to let things be. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 60. I “read between the lines” and imagine or speculate about what is not stated. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 61. I usually make decisions based on the general principles of justice and logic more than on personal circumstances or concerns. Rarely or Never Sometimes 62. It is difficult for me to tell others what I want or need.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 63. I like to do things by schedules and time frames. Lack of a plan makes me uncomfortable.. Rarely or Never Sometimes 64. Even when I have unfinished work I can relax or play.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 65. I have to watch myself to make sure I allow others a chance to speak. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 66. I am very careful and discriminatory about who I will begin friendships with. Rarely or Never


Almost Always

67. I rely on my personal experiences to decide what is real and certain. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 68. I pay little attention to what is going on in my immediate surroundings. I can be very unaware of the here and now. Rarely or Never 69. Truth is more important than tact.


Rarely or Never Sometimes 70. I find it hard to tell people when I disagree with them.

Almost Always Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 71. I don’t like to leave work undone, and I like to finish one project before starting another. Rarely or Never Sometimes 72. I don't like to make a decision until I absolutely have to.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 73. I develop my ideas and reach conclusions by talking. I tend to think out loud. Rarely or Never 74. I evade being the center of attention.


Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 75. I concentrate on what is happening now rather than speculating too far in the future. Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 76. I like exploring abstractions and theories and sometimes find the details of everyday life boring. Rarely or Never Sometimes 77. I don’t hesitate to critique or correct people.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes Almost Always 78.Some think I am overly sensitive and take criticism too personally. Rarely or Never Sometimes 79. I cannot relax and have fun if my work is not done.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never Sometimes 80. I like being spontaneous. The unexpected is enjoyable.

Almost Always

Rarely or Never


Almost Always

DIRECTIONS: For each of the 70 questions below, pick the answers that best describe you. 01) At a party do you:

interact with many, including strangers interact with a few, known to you

02) Are you more:


philosophically inclined 03) Are you more intrigued by:

facts similes

04) Are you usually more:

fair minded kind hearted

05) Do you tend to be more:

dispassionate sympathetic

06) Do you prefer to work:

to deadlines just “whenever”

07) Do you tend to choose:

rather carefully somewhat impulsively

08) At parties do you:

stay late, with increasing energy leave early, with decreased energy

09) Are you a more:

sensible person reflective person

10) Are you more drawn to:

hard data abstruse ideas

11) Is it more natural for you to be:

fair to others nice to others

12) In first approaching others are you more:

impersonal and detached personal and engaging

13) Are you usually more:

punctual leisurely

14) Does it bother you more having things:

incomplete completed

15) In your social groups do you:

keep abreast of others’ happenings get behind on the news

16) Are you usually more interested in:


concepts 17) Do you prefer writers who:

say what they mean use lots of analogies

18) Are you more naturally:

impartial compassionate

19) In judging are you more likely to be:

impersonal sentimental

20) Do you usually:

settle things keep options open

21) Are you usually rather:

quick to agree to a time reluctant to agree to a time

22) In phoning do you:

just start talking rehearse what you’ll say

23) Facts:

speak for themselves usually require interpretation

24) Do you prefer to work with:

practical information abstract ideas

25) Are you inclined to be more:

cool headed warm hearted

26) Would you rather be:

more just than merciful more merciful than just

27) Are you more comfortable:

setting a schedule putting things off

28) Are you more comfortable with:

written agreements handshake agreements

29) In company do you:

start conversations wait to be approached

30) Traditional common sense is:

usually trustworthy

often misleading 31) Children often do not:

make themselves useful enough daydream enough

32) Are you usually more:

tough minded tender hearted

33) Are you more:

firm than gentle gentle than firm

34) Are you more prone to keep things:

well organized open-ended

35) Do you put more value on the:

definite variable

36) Does new interaction with others:

stimulate and energize you tax your reserves

37) Are you more frequently:

a practical sort of person an abstract sort of person

38) Which are you drawn to:

accurate perception concept formation

39) Which is more satisfying:

to discuss an issue thoroughly to arrive at agreement on an issue

40) Which rules you more:

your head your heart

41) Are you more comfortable with work:

contracted done on a casual basis

42) Do you prefer things to be:

neat and orderly optional

43) Do you prefer:

many friends with brief contact a few friends with longer contact

44) Are you more drawn to:

substantial information

credible assumptions 45) Are you more interested in:

production research

46) Are you more comfortable when you are:

objective personal

47) Do you value in yourself more that you are:

unwavering devoted

48) Are you more comfortable with:

final statements tentative statements

49) Are you more comfortable:

after a decision before a decision

50) Do you:

speak easily and at length with strangers find little to say to strangers

51) Are you usually more interested in the:

particular instance general case

52) Do you feel:

more practical than ingenious more ingenious than practical

53) Are you typically more a person of:

clear reason strong feeling

54) Are you inclined more to be:

fair-minded sympathetic

55) Is it preferable mostly to:

make sure things are arranged just let things happen

56) Is it your way more to:

get things settled put off settlement

57) When the phone rings do you:

hasten to get to it first hope someone else will answer

58) Do you prize more in yourself a:

good sense of reality

good imagination 59) Are you more drawn to:

fundamentals overtones

60) In judging are you usually more:

neutral charitable

61) Do you consider yourself more:

clear headed good willed

62) Are you more prone to:

schedule events take things as they come

63) Are you the person that is more:

routinized whimsical

64) Are you more inclined to be:

easy to approach somewhat reserved

65) Do you have more fun with:

hands-on experience blue-sky fantasy

66) In writings do you prefer:

the more literal the more figurative

67) Are you usually more:

unbiased compassionate

68) Are you typically more:

just than lenient lenient than just

69) Is it more like you to:

make snap judgments delay making judgments

70) Do you tend to be more:

deliberate than spontaneous spontaneous than deliberate

Pick a statement you believe in the most:

I would have no problem making a speech to a large audience. I would be very concerned if I had to make a speech to a large audience. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I prefer broad objectives and to be recognised for my achievements. I prefer clear instructions and to be praised for my efforts. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I prefer to be the one making the decisions even if I am criticized later. I feel stressed making decisions in case they turn out to be wrong. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? A person that travels alone travels fastest and twice as fast as two. I agree. I don't agree. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? The only person you can ever truly know is yourself. I agree. I don't agree. Which saying do you believe is most accurate? Too many cooks spoil the meal. Many hands make light work. Pick a statement you believe in the most: You usually make your own luck. Sometimes bad things just happen. Pick a statement you believe in the most:

If a restaurant meal is poor I usually send it back. If a restaurant meal is poor I usually try not to make a fuss. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I hate waiting in line and will jump ahead if I can. If you are patient then everyone will get their turn. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I exercise regularly. I rarely exercise. Choose the statement you believe in the most: You get out what you put in. The rich get richer – the poor get poorer. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I know what I want and have a plan how to get it. I don't know what I want but then again – who does? Choose the statement you believe in the most: People often stop and listen when I speak. People should listen more to what I have to say. Choose the statement you believe in the most: People usually believe me even when I tell lies. You shouldn't tell lies, people might believe them. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I have a small group of true friends. Lots of people know and like me.

Choose the statement you believe in the most: If I found a gold ring I'd keep it. If I found a gold ring I'd hand it in. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I’d sexually cheat on my partner if I was sure I would not get caught. I’d never sexually cheat on my partner – I just couldn’t. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I most often tell little lies to protect myself. I most often tell little lies to prevent hurting other peoples’ feelings. Pick the statement you believe in the most: I like to tell jokes when I'm in the mood. I don’t like to tell jokes whatever my mood. Pick the statement you believe in the most: I prefer comedy shows to documentaries. I prefer documentaries to comedy shows. Pick the statement you believe in the most: Life is a serious matter – you get one chance at it. Life’s a beach and then you fry. Choose the statement you believe in the most: Being mysterious keeps people interested. Being open builds relationships. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I have often wondered if my phone is tapped - bugged.

I have rarely wondered if my phone is tapped - bugged. Choose the statement you believe in the most: Most people would take something that wasn’t theirs if they were sure that they wouldn’t get caught. Most people are basically good and usually do the right thing. Choose the statement you believe in the most: It’s a hard world – only the strong survive. It’s a hard world – we should help each other survive. Choose the statement you believe in the most: People in prison should pay for their crimes. People in prison should be rehabilitated. Choose the statement you believe in the most: People who have problems should learn to help themselves. I like to help people who have problems. Choose the statement you believe in the most: I would rather be a successful Accountant than a successful Artist. I would rather be a successful Artist than a successful Accountant. Choose the statement you believe in the most: My handwriting is regular and easily readable. My hand writing varies and can be unreadable to others. Choose the statement you believe in the most: You should get to the point of a conversation quickly and clearly. Conversations should be interesting even if they’re unfocused. Pick a statement you believe in the most:

I would rather be with a variety of interesting friends in a large group. I would rather be in a small group of people that I know well and trust. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I often do things without thinking them through properly. I always think something through before doing it. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I like to be aware of everything that is happening but I get easily distracted. I’m most interested in what I’m doing and want to concentrate on it. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I like talking to others and I’m comfortable telling people about myself. I like listening to others and am quite slow to reveal things about myself. Pick a statement you believe in the most: It’s my party so I want to be where the action is. It’s my party so I want it to be perfect for my guests. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I like facts and believe in what I can see. I learn best through studying. I like theories and ideas. I learn better by doing it and through the experience. Pick a statement you believe in the most: For a new project to succeed, getting the systems and processes right are more important than new ideas. For a new project to succeed, creative ideas and innovative thinking are more important than the processes. Pick a statement you believe in the most: Tomorrow will take care of itself. It’s important to get things right today before moving on.

Today will take care of itself it’s important to think about what’s going to happen next and be prepared. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I’ve chosen what I’m going to do and now I’ll keep improving my methods until I’m good at it. I’d prefer to experience different work-related things and find out what I’m good at. Pick a statement you believe in the most: Relationships are about reliability and mutual understanding. I like to have long-term friends that I can get to know well. Relationships are about innovation and mutual self discovery. I like to meet new and interesting people. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I believe the way to understand something is to think it through. I believe the way to understand something is to trust your instincts. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I will make the right decision even if it hurts people. I don’t believe a decision can be right if it hurts people. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I want to understand the positives and negatives before I make a decision. I want to understand the ideals and values before I make a decision. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I prefer to help people by pointing out where they went wrong. I prefer to help people by praising their achievements. Pick a statement you believe in the most:

I believe that people should know the truth even if it hurts them. Facts are facts and that’s that! I believe that the truth is less important than hurting somebody. Facts quite often turn out to be wrong. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I like dependable rules and little risk even if it means less freedom in my choices. I like flexible guidelines and more freedom in my choices even if it means more risk. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I prefer planning every move and systematically use checklists. Work first – have fun later. I seek creative solutions and choose the most appropriate way at the time. Work should be fun. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I like to identify problems. I like to identify opportunities. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I believe it is important to finish what ever has been started. I believe that it’s important to start something even if it’s never finished. Pick a statement you believe in the most: I don’t like projects without plans or sudden changes – it makes me stressed. I feel constricted by too much planning and enjoy the way things change and evolve.

DisagreeAgree I am the life of the party. I am always prepared. I have a rich vocabulary. interested in people.

I feel little concern for others. I get stressed out easily. I don't talk a lot. I leave my belongings around.

I am I am

relaxed most of the time.

I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.

I feel comfortable around people. attention to details. imagination. others' feelings. blue.

I insult people. I worry about things. I keep in the background. I make a mess of things.

I am not interested in abstract ideas.

I pay I have a vivid I sympathize with I seldom feel

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