Mba Brochure 20062007

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London experience. World impact.

Welcome to London Business School

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>> Contents Why London Business School? Our promise. Your future. Excellence Global Big city. Small world. Who does an MBA? The flexible MBA Year one Year two Student diary Beyond learning Partners London Realising your investment What should I do now?

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Surround yourself with inspiration, achieve excellence and make your dream become your future.

Why London Business school? It’s a big decision. Any significant investment demands substantial return. Choose London Business School, and you can be sure your investment will pay off. We are a leader in the field of business education. Our MBA is consistently ranked amongst the best in the world for its scholarship and calibre, and has a unique combination of benefits to help you develop the capabilities and connections you need to succeed in global business today. We choose the very best, and make them better. Join our global classroom for a life changing experience. Surround yourself with inspiration, achieve excellence and make your dream become your future.


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London Business School. Get the London advantage. 1,000 students from over 70 countries 25,000 alumni in more than 100 countries 54 languages spoken in a single MBA class 88% international students in MBA 2008 Faculty from over 30 countries

Our Promise. YOur Future. Excellence. Flexibility. Leadership. Develop the capabilities to lead and succeed in global business. Realise the knowledge, skills and attributes found in a top MBA programme, and make our reputation work for you. Career Advancer, Career Changer or Entrepreneur - be the very best you can be.

Global. Opportunities. London. Establish the connections to lead and succeed in global business. Experience the benefits of an international student body and global alumni force, and use the most powerful business centre in the world to your professional and personal advantage. With the right capabilities and connections you can take on the world. The London Business School MBA. It all starts here.


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1. Excellence

2. Global

3. leadership

A top business school is built on excellence. An excellent faculty to challenge and excite you. An excellent peer group against which you can compete, and with whom you can collaborate. At London Business School, you’ll find both. Our world-class professors and visiting business speakers include the very best thought leaders from around the globe today. We expect our exceptional student body to be filling their shoes tomorrow.

It’s no secret that success in today’s business environment relies on the ability to thrive in an increasingly complex world. At London Business School, when we say we’re global, we mean it.

From the first demanding module in our curriculum to the world leaders who regularly speak on campus, leadership is integral to the London MBA. There are numerous opportunities for you to step up and be heard - take the lead in organising one of our many successful conferences, head up a student club, or join the Student Association.

4. Flexibility

5. opportunities

6. london

We recognise that everybody has different learning styles, different needs, different goals, and different pressures whilst studying. That’s why our MBA is one of the most flexible in the world. Summer options, international exchange, programme length, electives – tailor our programme to suit your requirements.

Get connected. The right connections will help you create, and take, the opportunities life throws at you. The London MBA will plug you into a phenomenal network of global business contacts, expanding your personal network, and ensuring you maximise your investment.

Work hard, play hard. Our MBA involves a lot of hard work, but it also involves a lot of play. London is one of the best cities in the world in which to study business – and a fantastic city in which to live. Whether you want to take advantage of the 75% of Fortune 500 companies located here, whether you want to enjoy the abundance of culture, sport, nightlife and parks, or whether you simply want the opportunity for your spouse to work, London is the place to be. 07

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Excellence Reputation matters. We strive for excellence across our community, and we’re justifiably proud that after just 42 years we are rated as one of the leading business schools in the world. Our MBA is consistently ranked amongst the best in the world, and the School is at the forefront of global business research. We boast a pre-eminent faculty. London Business School professors offer consultancy to global businesses around the world, and have between them authored countless critically acclaimed research publications. Our students, already success stories in their own right, benefit from a challenging classroom mix of intellectual capital and quality teaching. They also have access to our many cutting-edge research institutes across a variety of subject areas.

Post-MBA, you need to know that your degree can open the right doors for you. Our reputation relies on overall excellence – of faculty, of research, and of our student body. You can rely on it too. *London Business School has twice been awarded the highest research rating of 5* by HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England). We are accredited by AMBA, EQUIS and the AACSB.

Sir Martin Sorrell Chief Executive, WPP Governor, London Business School



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‘The beauty of an MBA is really the general management overview it gives you and the way you interconnect all the parts of the business. I think there is a great value in taking a couple of years out to understand these academic and practical disciplines. London Business School’s MBA produces smart and well-rounded graduates, globally aware business people, who can adapt to different situations and who demonstrate strategic know-how. It takes potentially good leaders and makes them better.’


Faculty Excellence:

Research Excellence:

Student Excellence:

A global authority on human resource strategy, Lynda Gratton (pictured top-left) is Professor of Management Practice, Senior Fellow of the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM), and recently appointed Co-director of the newly opened Lehman Centre for Women in Business. Dr Gratton writes, teaches and consults around the world; currently researching the co-operative advantage, she has been working with companies including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Reuters and Unilever.

London Business School’s Aditya V. Birla India Centre serves to catalyse a twoway research and teaching flow between Indian business and the global business community. The Centre participates in the activities of the India Business Forum, a hugely popular initiative undertaken annually by our MBA students. Current research includes Assistant Professor Phanish Puranam’s investigations into how different firms are using partnerships in India for strategic advantage.

Our students are second to none. Recent success includes the top prize in an international case competition. The London Business School team beat seven other top MBA programmes during the three-day event in Barcelona, winning a case about market strategies for luxury goods portfolio giant Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH). A London Business School team also competed in the Venture Capital Investment Competition Regional Finals at Stern School of Business in New York and returned home with the Entrepreneur’s Prize.

Elroy Dimson, (pictured bottom right), London Business School’s BGI Professor of Investment Management, and Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, is author of over 90 publications. His research interests include investment management, strategies for foundations and endowments, and together with Professors Paul Marsh and Mike Staunton, he is co-author of the annual ABN AMRO Global Investment Returns Yearbook. The most comprehensive and authoritative work of its kind, the yearbook examines total returns since 1900 for stocks, bonds, cash and foreign exchange in 17 major markets. With Paul Marsh, he was jointly responsible for the research that underpinned creation of the FTSE 100 Share Index. Read more from our faculty in Business Strategy Review (BSR). BSR provides a forum for the very latest research, ideas, and issues animating the global business environment. It contains original research, global case studies and cutting-edge insights from the top thinkers in business today.

GEM UK (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor UK) is the largest single country study of entrepreneurial activity. It is part of the GEM Global Project, a major survey-based study of entrepreneurial activity across the world co-ordinated by London Business School and Babson College. GEM calculates the TEA index (Total Entrepreneurial Activity in the UK); the sheer size of the survey means individual factors such as social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture can be assessed. London Business School’s Private Equity Institute is the pre-eminent private equity research centre in Europe. Seeking to advance the understanding of private equity and venture capital, it provides an independent forum for productive debate, and provides new insights into the issues and challenges facing the various constituencies of the private equity and venture capital community. The institute is also a hub for the Private Equity Club, and supports the annual Private Equity Conference.

“The London Business School classroom is an unparalleled patchwork of different personalities, cultures, backgrounds, experiences and dreams. This amazing behavioural microcosm makes Managing Organisational Behaviour an exciting and imaginative learning space for mastering the knowledge and skills to effectively lead individuals, groups, organisations, and one’s own career.” Babis Mainemelis, Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour (pictured top-right) 11

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London Business School. Get the London advantage. 65 International Alumni Clubs A global student body 310 students IN MBA 2008 52 nationalities Speaking 54 languages



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“I prefer to call it ‘global interdependence’ rather than ‘globalisation’.” Bill Clinton speaking at London Business School, 28 March, 2006.

Big City. Small World. Ready for a new challenge? Throw together a Korean R & D engineer from Samsung; a British public health official; an Indian from KPMG; an Italian consultant from IBM; an American options trader; a Honduran previously employed with his President’s strategy group; then ask them to work together to produce 50% of their first year grade. Tough? Yes. Life-changing? Yes. A typical London Business School study group? Yes.

It’s not just our student body that’s international. Our entire community – including faculty, alumni, staff and corporate partners – is truly global. London Business School is a mix of smart and talented people from all over the world, from astonishingly different backgrounds, with markedly differing opinions, and who speak numerous languages. The statistics say it all. Make the diversity of our MBA work for you. Go global.

It’s no longer enough just to be businesssavvy on your home turf – to succeed in today’s environment you need to be able to eat, sleep and think globally. You must be able to differentiate yourself by your ability to create success, either independently, or as part of a multi-cultural team, anywhere on the planet. Our MBA gives you the global business capabilities to achieve this success, and provides you with a lifechanging learning experience along the way.

Worldwide Alumni Celebration Nothing demonstrates how global we are quite as well as our newly established Worldwide Alumni Celebration. From breakfast in a beer café in New Zealand to barbecued souvlaki in Greece, from wine tasting in Ireland and Chile to dinners in India, Hong Kong, and France, this is the day when alumni gather around the world to celebrate the London Business School experience.

Regional background (MBA 2008) UK Rest of Europe Asia USA/Canada Latin America Africa/Middle East Australasia

12% 27% 24% 21% 8% 5% 3%

UK Rest of Europe Asia USA/Canada Latin America Africa/Middle East

67% 14% 8% 7% 2% 2%

Median weekly salary = £1000 15

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Finance 26% Consulting 20% Technology 13% Manufacturing/ 7% Engineering Marketing/ 6% Publishing/Media Healthcare/Pharma 5% Energy 4%



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The entrepreneur ‘My London Business School MBA (or MSc as it was then) gave me the confidence to see new possibilities, and was a great springboard for my entrepreneurial interests. The curriculum gave me a sound grounding in business fundamentals, both at a theoretical and a practical level. I’m delighted to see that as the School has continued to grow, its focus on entrepreneurship remains a priority. I graduated from the School in 1985 and went on to co-found US based Capital One Financial Services in 1994. In just over a decade, Capital One has grown from a credit card industry newcomer into a worldclass, diversified financial services company. The company’s success has been driven by innovative thinking and an entrepreneurial ideal built on a vision of finding the best people and providing them with the tools to be great. At the same time, it has embraced a corporate culture that measures success, not only by the company’s bottom-line, but also its positive impact, both in the community and in the workplace.

London Business School has always instilled a similar sense of community and entrepreneurial spirit that has kept me engaged and involved with my alma mater. As well as being a School Governor, I visit campus regularly for guest lectures and am also a member of the North American Regional Advisory Board. If you are interested in starting your own business and desire a global MBA to help you see the possibilities, then this is the place for you.’ Nigel Morris (UK, MSc19 – 1985) Co-founder, Capital One Financial Services

Wherever you end up, and whatever you choose to do, the reputation and global reach of our MBA will support you.

Who does an MBA?

UK Rest of Europe Asia USA/Canada Latin America Africa/Middle East Australasia

12% 27% 24% 21% 8% 5% 3%

UK Rest of Europe Asia USA/Canada Latin America Africa/Middle East

67% 14% 8% 7% 2% 2%

Median weekly salary = £1000 You aren’t progressing up the promotional ladder quite as fast as you want to. You have a once in a lifetime business idea which won’t let you sleep at night, and a burning desire to know how to put it into practice. You love your job, but think you could do it better armed with a more strategic perspective. You hate your job, and the thought of staying in that same industry until you retire is driving you crazy. You’re destined to take over the family business but aren’t quite convinced you have the necessary skill set. You’ve enjoyed a career in the armed forces but now want to make a shift into business. You work for a multinational that is sponsoring its fast-track high achievers to graduate school. You have a start-up already, but want to understand how you can grow your business more successfully.

The reasons for doing an MBA are many and varied. Whatever your motivation, it’s likely that you will eventually fall into one of three broad categories: Career Advancer, Career Changer or Entrepreneur. Throughout your working lifetime you may even become all three. Wherever you end up, and whatever you choose to do, the reputation and global reach of our MBA will support you.


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Industry prior to MBA (MBA 2008) Finance 26% Consulting 20% Technology 13% Manufacturing/ 7% Engineering Marketing/ 6% Publishing/Media Healthcare/Pharma 5% Energy 4% Public Sector/ 4% Not for Profit Automotive/ 4% Aerospace FMCG/Retail 3% Other 8%


‘In the late 90s, the Italian Defence Minister selected a few officers from the Italian Navy to be trained to lead innovative projects within the armed forces. Fulfilling my dream of completing a full-time MBA, I chose London Business School because I needed the best. With its strong international element and subject expertise in everything from finance to not-for-profit, I also wanted somewhere that had strong connections to business and a balanced but competitive environment. There is no experience like an MBA. It has a dramatic and global impact on your way of thinking, solving problems, making decisions and leading people. The opportunities in London were fantastic. Selected as an Equity Analyst in the Defence sector by a major London firm, my Summer Internship enabled me to put in place the finance skills learned during the first year. I was actively involved in the Sailing and Soccer Clubs, and was one of the founders of the Italian Club. I travelled to Boston to participate in an E-Posium, and also went to Sydney to work on my second year project with Oracle Asia-Pacific. It’s interesting to note that the link with Oracle was established through one of my study group members. Since leaving business school and returning to the navy, my career has gone from strength to strength. I’ve found courses like Change Management and Strategic Innovation particularly useful in my navy roles. In 2004 I was appointed Head of Operational Planning and Training; recently promoted to Captain, I am now Head of Political Affairs for NATO and EU relations. I’m currently involved in some internal consulting projects with the Chief of the Navy, and am capitalising on my MBA studies and experience. My MBA from such a high ranking institution has given me huge credibility. The London MBA overloads you – with readings, classes, commitments, social events and more. But it’s only by operating at what you think are your limits, that you understand you can go beyond them.’ Aurelio de Carolis (Italy, MBA 2000) Italian Navy, Head NATO EU Political Affairs


‘I was working as a designer when I decided to do my MBA. I realised that the key issues facing my clients were strategic in nature, and that I lacked the business frameworks to be able to assist them. London was the obvious choice as I’ve always seen myself operating in a global environment, and it was the only truly global programme available. I also wanted a two year course because I lacked a standard business background. One thing that stands out from my School experience is that there was an enormous amount of give and take in class. Because of the international diversity, everyone was a minority. This meant there was an unusual level of support and co-operation among the students; I believe that this eventually helps London Business School graduates become very balanced business people. The skills and abilities I learned during the MBA allowed me to make a major career shift. Immediately after graduation, I moved back to the US to work for CSC Index as a Managing Associate. I stayed there for four years before joining Morgan Stanley Investment Management as Manager of the Global Y2K Program. I have been selected for increasingly senior roles, none of which existed previously, and all of which are global in scope, cross-functional and strategy-setting in nature. My current position is Head of Alternatives Product Management. I believe London Business School is a pioneer in integrating Leadership Development thinking throughout its courses. I’m now delighted to be able to give something back as a member of the International Alumni Board. If you have any interest in operating successfully in a global environment, you will never have a better opportunity than to choose this MBA.’ Mona Marquardt (USA, MBA 94) Executive Director, Morgan Stanley

*The youngest Captain in the Italian Navy, Aurelio was

recently nominated by Class magazine as one of 200 Italians identified as having the education and abilities to drive forward the country’s future. 19

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Whatever your specific study needs, we enable you to tailor your MBA.

The Flexible MBA A really successful MBA is academically outstanding. It challenges its students throughout, and provides practical opportunities to implement classroom learning. It provides easy access to a first-class recruiter base, both through its location and its business connections. It utilises its alumni network fully, as part of a strong and energetic community. The London Business School MBA is all these things. In addition, we recognise that every effective business leader develops from a different starting point. Recent curriculum innovations focus on supporting these individual development needs through increased choice, flexibility and speed.

Frontload your study, waive out of a Core Course, take advantage of flexible credit options, consider reciprocal elective study with another University of London college, keep your curriculum choices broad or choose a concentration, complete as early as December in your second year or take advantage of the full two year programme. Whatever your specific study needs we enable you to tailor your MBA. Put a truly versatile and hugely practical programme to work for you, and fulfil your personal requirements in the most effective way possible.


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The popular Global Leadership Assessment for Managers (GLAM) kicks off the early Leadership Module. This course helps you bridge the gap between your understanding of new countries and cultures and your ability to lead others in culturally sensitive ways. Designed to ensure you make a positive impact wherever you go, GLAM identifies key interpersonal and teamwork skills needed in successful global business management, and helps you develop a personalised action plan for your MBA. The first year develops core knowledge and skills. Our Core Courses are designed to give you a thorough grounding in business frameworks and general management concepts, and to help you begin to make connections between and across the subjects that you study. They are academically rigorous, stimulating and practical. In addition to larger lectures, students work very closely in small and carefully selected Study Groups, with peers who are internationally diverse and from a wide variety of backgrounds. Achieving around 50% of your first year grade together means a steep learning curve, but one that is invaluable in today’s global workplace. Students in the first year may also take a selected number of electives, including languages. This type of frontloading is particularly useful to those wishing to complete their degree early.

Developing Entrepreneurial Opportunities Our new Core Course, Developing Entrepreneurial Opportunities, develops the mindsets, tools, and frameworks – as well as skills in qualitative and ethnographic research methods – for discovering new and previously latent opportunities for innovation. Discovering or assessing opportunities is central to the task many newly graduated MBAs encounter in their first job when (as entrepreneur, financier or consultant) they may be thrown into a troubled or stagnant division, a new initiative, an uncertain market, or other taxing situation. Students are placed in decision-making case settings that require a whole-firm perspective, but at the relatively accessible level afforded in start-ups. MBA Language Programme Managers who are fluent in one or more languages are an increasingly important asset to their companies. Knowledge of foreign languages plays a vital part in promoting communication and establishing contacts, and can be key to securing a deal. As part of our commitment to developing truly global business leaders, the MBA Language Programme requires that every London Business School MBA graduate has some competency in one language other than English by graduation.

Year one Summer

There are three ways in which you can spend the summer break. Most students choose to do a Summer Internship, many with the aim of securing a post-graduation job offer before they return to campus. The 8-12 week paid placement gives you the chance to try out a new industry or job function, or to pursue a specialist interest. Six students each year are selected to work as a team for the London Business School Summer Consulting Programme, while others learn what it takes to turn a great idea into a fundable business as part of the Entrepreneurship Summer School.


UK Rest of Europe Asia USA/Canada Latin America Africa/Middle East Australasia

12% 27% 24% 21% 8% 5% 3%

MBA 2006 Summer Internship (Location) UK Rest of Europe Asia USA/Canada Latin America Africa/Middle East

67% 14% 8% 7% 2% 2%

Median weekly salary = £1000

Finance 26% Consulting 20% Technology 13% Manufacturing/ 7% Engineering Marketing/ 6% Publishing/Media Healthcare/Pharma 5% Energy 4% Public Sector/ 4% Not for Profit Automotive/ 4% Aerospace FMCG/Retail 3% Other 8%


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‘The faculty make an effort in every class to apply theory to the real world, to make each formula relevant, and to prepare us for life as managers and business leaders. For example, my course in Managing Organisational Behaviour required our study group to conduct an internal audit of a London based company. We made our proposal to Arsenal Football Club and spent the term interviewing their senior management team about the challenges faced by the club ahead of its move to a new stadium. I even spent an hour with the Managing Director discussing his vision for the club and his views on management. I believe that type of experience is unique to London Business School, and one great example of the London advantage.’ Will Harbaugh (USA, MBA 2007)


RELEVANT ‘I came to business school to change industry and break into media and entertainment. I’ve been very focussed on pursuing a media strategy position. I worked on bringing a number of speakers to campus and did a great deal of networking to learn as much as I could about the sector and reposition my experience. The work has paid off. For my Summer Internship I will be working for Emap, a large UK based media company that owns digital TV channels, numerous top ranked radio stations, and 100+ magazines. My project is geared around the digital strategy for the consumer media team including screening potential acquisitions.’ Vinay Gupta (USA, MBA 2007)


Year two

In Year Two the flexibility of our MBA really comes into its own. To add to the skills and knowledge developed in the core management disciplines, you can now choose a minimum of nine and a maximum of 12 electives from a large and varied portfolio. You can study electives that run for a full term, or load up on courses taught in our demanding Block Week format. You can also choose elective streams that run in the mornings, afternoons or evenings. This versatility gives you the ability to plan your second year around an early finish date if you wish – particularly useful if you have a job offer with the potential for an early start. International Exchange It is also helpful to have this type of elective flexibility if you are one of the many students who choose to study a term abroad on our International Exchange Programme. Over one third of our MBA class take advantage of this superb opportunity each year, travelling as far afield as China, India, South Africa and Australia. We partner with many of the top US schools, and with over 30 institutions to choose from, we offer one of the biggest exchange programmes in the world. Your choice of location can depend on anything from elective availability at the exchange school to a desire for a specific second language immersion experience. International Exchange is an invaluable opportunity for anyone wishing to move their career to a particular country post-graduation.

In Year Two you can opt to keep your subject study broad, or specialise in an area of particular interest. Current concentration areas include Entrepreneurial Management, Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Technology Management, International Business, Private Equity and Change Management. Our students are also able to take advantage of a wide range of science and technology electives at University College, London. The Second Year Project is the culmination of your degree, giving you the opportunity to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom. Offering valuable commercial experience, students work in pairs on a paid consulting basis. Projects are extremely wide-ranging, but all participating organisations must have a tangible business problem. Shadowing Project Unique to London Business School, the Shadowing Project is an elective that gives you an opportunity to source and ‘shadow’ a manager for a week. The deliverable is a report read by the manager, and graded by London Business School Faculty. This year produced one of the most unusual projects yet. Nick Wai (MBA 2007) crossed the Atacama Desert in Chile whilst shadowing Mary Gadams, London Business School alumna and founder and CEO of RacingThePlanet. Nick combined his Summer Internship position at Reuters in London with his week-long expedition on the Atacama crossing - a seven-day, 250kilometer footrace across the driest place on Earth.

Year two ‘My Second Year Project was ‘Bottom of the Pyramid Business’. We were working for the Shell Foundation (the charity arm of Shell) and investigating the delivery of services and products to the world’s poor. At the conclusion of the project we presented as keynote speakers at the Energy Access Forum. The audience was huge, and included energy ministers from across Africa, and CSR Vice Presidents from a number of major multinationals and NGOs.’ Tara Schmidt (USA, MBA 2006) Manager, Accenture.

ENTREPRENEURIAL supply chain management. I remember a classmate (an ex-accountant) running informal catch-up sessions before our accounting exam for people who struggled. I’m not sure you could find that anywhere else.

I was looking for a global programme, and in my opinion, London Business School is much more diverse than its US competitors. It’s amazing to hear the experiences of classmates from Israel, Russia, Nigeria or Azerbaijan – it really contributes to your learning. Another difference I valued at School was the collegial atmosphere on campus. Even with such a talented peer group, people are very cooperative. You can always find someone to help you out if you are trying to crack a difficult valuation problem or trying to understand

My greatest achievement was finishing the last term of the second year with my nonsleeping newborn daughter in one hand and my laptop in the other. I still managed to get decent marks and a great job at Bain at the end of it!’ Jana Siber (Czech Republic/UK, MBA 2005) Consultant, Bain & Company.



‘Our Second Year Project was called Building the Creative Business. We worked for the Centre for Creative Business (affiliated with the Entrepreneurship department of London Business School) in order to assess and quantify the impact their ‘Building the Creative Business’ course had on participating companies (small companies in the creative industries). We enjoyed it enormously because we worked with small entrepreneurial companies; it was a great opportunity to better understand this kind of environment before heading back into the corporate world.’ Ioana Ionescu (Romania, MBA 2006) Associate, McKinsey & Company.

‘Having previously worked in consulting, I had developed knowledge in a number of distinct areas, but was missing a solid business background as a framework. I decided that an MBA would provide me with just that.


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‘Understanding Entrepreneurial Management was one of the most influential courses for me. It succeeded in tying up all my learning from the first year, and brought it into one framework with which to judge the feasibility of new business ideas. The takeaways were indispensable in my Summer Internship (I chose to work in Marketing for Flextronics in Silicon Valley) and I’ve used the thinking a great deal since.’ Simon Longbottom (UK, MBA 2006) Product Manager, Skype.


“Every year the School chooses six people to start a consulting business and allows them to use the London Business School brand. We had three months to decide on a strategy for our business, find clients, convince them to hire us, agree a scope and mandate, and actually do the work. We eventually trebled revenues from the previous year. As I’m now working for one of our clients - WPP - my summer experience also resulted in a great job offer.” Caspar Schlickum (Australia/Germany, MBA 2005) MBA Fellow, WPP. 23

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Sunday morning: Leisurely start after a late night in a Cuban bar in Kensington organised by some of the Latin Americans. Restorative coffee and breakfast in Marylebone High Street

Late morning: Rugby practice in Regent’s Park blows away the previous night’s cobwebs

Lunch: Work through this week’s set Finance problems

Late afternoon: Study group meeting at School to discuss this week’s group deliverables in Finance and Managing Organisational Behaviour

Evening: Dinner at study group member’s flat – we finish the Finance write-up on the Airbus A380 case


Before school: Read through the group write-up on the Airbus case… relief that it still makes sense

Morning: Managing Organisational Behaviour [MOB] class, focussing on building highperformance teams

Lunch: Meeting with study group about progress on the brief for our MOB company audit, for submission on Wednesday

Afternoon: Finance class on company valuation, including a case study of Warren Buffett’s valuation of Gillette; submission of group case write-ups

Evening: Reading and preparation in the library for tomorrow’s class


Student Diary

Before school: Early start for a weights session in the School gym with the Rugby Club; turnout’s good in advance of the tour to Madrid this weekend

Morning: Managerial Economics [ME] class on competition and cooperation, with an introduction to game theory, explicit/implicit collusion and a case study of De Beers

Lunch: Attend a CV and cover letter workshop, organised by Career Services

Afternoon: Optional finance tutorial a chance to find out how the set Finance questions submitted yesterday should have been answered, followed by preparation for tomorrow’s class and for the group write-up of the MOB Datavision case, due next Monday

Evening: Attend a wine-tasting event at Vinopolis, organised by the Wine & Cheese Club

A week in MY First Year, Emerson Roberts 24

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Morning: The group meets with our MOB professor to discuss our brief for the company audit. We’ll be conducting a survey of the effectiveness of the change management process, and communication mechanisms, in a division of 3M, and we receive feedback on our strategy and approach to date. We will visit the client next week

Afternoon: Understanding Financial Analysis [UFA] class on the drivers of industries’ financial structures; case study of the UK food retail industry

Late afternoon: Preparation for tomorrow’s class and Friday’s examination

Evening: Impromptu dinner with a group member at his flat; with both of us away this weekend, we make good progress on the Datavision case


Morning: Strategy class on resource analysis and competitive advantage; case study on the Swiss watch industry

Lunch: Most of the Stream joins our Stream Manager for an open Q&A session; the Rugby Club enjoys a muddy training session instead

Afternoon: Optional UFA tutorial on ratio analysis, with solutions to the non-assessed set questions. The group has a brief preliminary meeting about the Thousand Trails UFA case write-up due next Wednesday

Evening: Attend a presentation by the Snow Club about the two trips planned for this winter, followed by Sundowners in the Mbar; less crowded than usual, and no one carries on the party at a nightclub this week

Late evening: Read through five weeks of Managerial Economics notes and pack my bag for the weekend


Morning: Spent with my group mate finalising our work on the Datavision case for review by the rest of the group over the weekend

Lunch: Managerial Economics mid-term exam

Afternoon: We take taxis to Heathrow to ensure we make the plane to Madrid

Evening: We are shown round town by the Spanish Club members


Morning: Big breakfasts and paracetamol all round

Lunch: En route to the local club’s ground for the match

Afternoon: A resounding victory over the School rugby captain’s former club

Evening/Night/Early Morning: Memorable 25

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Our reputation and location bring some of the most inspirational and thoughtprovoking leaders in the world through our doors.

Beyond Learning London Business School is abuzz with opportunities to be inspired. It’s a place where exciting things happen. Conferences, forums, lectures, summits, speaker series – the list of events on campus is endless. Our reputation and location bring some of the most inspirational and thought-provoking leaders in the world through our doors. Our students and alumni listen to, learn from, and are challenged by speakers from industry, government, finance, and media. They forge global business contacts which will last them for life. And nowhere is the dynamism and energy of our School community more evident than in the passion with which our students initiate, run, and participate in, more than 70 professional, cultural and sporting clubs.

Esprit de corps. A pride in belonging to something. Belong to one of the most vibrant and pro-active business school communities in the world.


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Global Leadership Summit Our annual Global Leadership Summit brings top business and industry leaders from around the world together on campus for London Business School’s largest conference. Hugely motivational and growing year on year, the most recent summit, ‘Achieving Extraordinary Results’, attracted over 600 guests. As well as a wide-range of breakout sessions and a Gala dinner, keynote sessions this year included Extraordinary Leadership, Global Leadership in Global Markets, Extraordinary Interviews, and Extraordinary Individuals.

Speakers on campus: Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft; Sir Richard Branson (pictured above), Founder, Virgin Group Ltd; Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, Prime Minister; Honorable Al Gore, former US vice-president; Sir Martin Sorrell (pictured top-left), CEO of WPP; Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric (G.E); Helen Alexander, Chief Executive, The Economist Group; Peter Brabeck, CEO, Nestlé; Rose Marie Bravo, Chief Executive, Burberry; Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Barbara Cassani, Chair, London 2012; Ken Chenault, Chairman and CEO, American Express; John Connolly, Senior Partner and Chief Executive of Deloitte in the UK and Global Managing Director; Douglas Daft, CEO, Coca-Cola;

Jim Donald, CEO, Starbucks; Greg Dyke, Director General, BBC; Keith Edelman, Managing Director, Arsenal Football Club; Niall Fitzgerald, Chairman, Unilever; Stephen Green, Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc; Baroness Hogg, Chairman, 3i; Franz Humer, Chairman and CEO of Roche Holding; Phil Kent, CEO, Turner Broadcasting Systems; Tim Koogle, CEO, Yahoo; Eric Nicoli, Chairman, EMI Group; John Sunderland, Chairman, Cadbury Schweppes; Arun Sarin, CEO, Vodafone Group Plc; Benjamin Zander (pictured bottom-left), Conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra; and Bill Clinton, Former US President …just some of the inspirational leaders who have spoken at London Business School in recent times. 29

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Beyond Learning

The breadth of global experience in our community generates a unique combination of knowledge, cultures and interests. Over 55 clubs lead on an extraordinarily wide range of professional, social and sporting activities, including industry events such as the Private Equity Conference and Media Summit. Maximise your potential both inside and outside the classroom, as part of the most dynamic business school community there is.

SAILING CLUB: In April 2006 London Business School’s Sailing Club hosted the inaugural Global MBA Trophy in Piraeus, in conjunction with the Yacht Club of Greece.


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Marketing CLUB:


Entrepreneurship CONFERENCE:

The 2006 Marketing Conference featured some of the most important names in marketing, including Richard Hytner, Chairman and CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi EMEA. The theme, ‘Positioning for Power: Global Marketing Strategies’ focussed on growing global profitability, communicating across cultures, and discussing success stories and failures. Organised by the fast-growing Marketing Club, sponsored by Deloitte, and supported by London Business School’s Centre for Marketing, this conference is quickly becoming one of the highlights of the School events calendar. The club has just secured sponsorship from L’Oreal to sponsor a series of events to be known as the ‘L’Oreal Lunch ‘N’ Learn Series’. Each event will focus on different elements of the marketing mix.

In late 2006 the inaugural Global Security Challenge will take place on campus. The competition, to find and select the most promising security technology start-up in the world, is supported by Siemens Venture Capital. Founder Simon Schneider, MBA 2007, and member of the Technology Club hopes that through the Challenge, entrepreneurs, scientists, and security professionals will work together to identify the most promising new companies developing security technologies.

The London Business School Business Plan Competition is a highlight of the Entrepreneurship Conference, with up to £15,000 awarded to help fund the winning venture. This immensely popular annual conference is a significant campus event, run by the Entrepreneurs’ Club, and catering to over 220 industry executives, academics and business school students. This year’s topic, ‘The Changing Face of Entrepreneurship’ addressed the issues that entrepreneurs face in their evolution as global businesses.


Women in Business CLUB:

Gay and Lesbian Network:

Dame Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, kicked off the first Sustainable Careers day in April this year. Organised and chaired by the Net Impact Club, the event investigated how business needs to change to accommodate sustainability pressures in a globalised society, what sort of skill sets will be required to sustain competitive workforces in the future, and how business leaders can take advantage of opportunities emerging from social, environmental and economic sustainability pressures. Other campus innovations by the Net Impact Club include a ‘Top-up’ Fund which helps to supplement the salaries of students working in nonprofit, social entrepreneurship and charity organisations, and the ‘Organic Milkround’ – helping those interested in socially responsible careers.

Our annual Women in Business Conference is hugely successful, and is now in its seventh year. Keynote speakers in 2005 included Amelia Fawcett, Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley International, and Celia Atkin, former International Marketing Director and Co-owner of Cannon Avent Group. Run by the Women in Business Club (WIB), one of the most influential clubs on campus, the upcoming conference this October will be examining ways of creating opportunities in an evolving business world. The club supports the self-development of women, promotes female role models, and works closely with the School to provide additional opportunities for the development of leadership skills.

Since its inception, the London Business School Gay and Lesbian Network (GLN) has built solid relationships with some of the world’s most prestigious employers, hosting a wide range of presentations and sponsored dinners. Citigroup, Bain, McKinsey, UBS and PWC have all participated in GLN networking events. London is widely recognised as one of the gay capitals of the world, and with fabulous events like EuroPride featuring in the city each year, there is a strong social element to the club.



MBA Tournament (MBAT):

The global nature of our community is highlighted by high profile campus events led by regional clubs. The Africa Day Conference, run by the Africa Club, aims to raise awareness of business conditions and opportunities on that continent. This year’s conference focussed on the role that entrepreneurship and innovation must play in empowering Africans to drive forward the necessary socioeconomic changes the continent needs to realise its potential. The topic of this year’s Latin American Forum was ‘Latin America at the Crossroads: the path forward?’ Discussions centred around Latin America’s place in the global economy. The Latin America Club which organises this event is one of the most active regional associations on campus.

In May 2007, a team from London Business School’s Rock and Mountain Club plans to undertake a gruelling 72-day assault on Mt. Everest’s South Face. In doing so, they will put climbers from China (first woman to climb the seven summits), Egypt (first Egyptian), UK (first Welsh woman and youngest British female) and South Africa on the roof of the world. The team plan to climb several big mountains in the run up to Everest, including Cho Oyu (8,201m), the sixth highest mountain in the world and Aconcagua (6,950m), the highest mountain in the Americas.

One of the highlights of the School year is the MBA Tournament (MBAT) for European Business Schools, where sports teams fight to be the best in everything from beach volleyball to salsa dancing. After a narrow defeat last year, London Business School was thrilled to emerge victorious in 2006. Sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton, the event involves the entire School community, and includes students from all of our degree programmes, partners and staff. 31

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“Being able to work while my partner was studying for his MBA was hugely important to me. Before moving to London I was working at SAB-Miller, as a specialised professional in economics. Now I’m working as a consultant for WPP Research International, so my professional life has kept moving forward. I’ve also been part of the Partners’ Club 2006 Employment and Education committee, which helps partners with CVs, cover letters and so on.” Jimena Romero (Colombia)

Partners An MBA is a huge personal and financial commitment. That commitment is far greater when your decision also impacts your partner and children. For you to be happy in your choice of business school, you need to be sure that those around you are happy, too. Partners will have many questions. Can I work? Will our family really be part of the School community? Will I be able to study? Where can we send our children to school? There’s no doubt that uprooting your loved ones to begin an MBA can be a challenge. But in the right environment it will also be a truly exciting and memorable experience, and a chance for you and your family to broaden your cultural horizons together. Make sure the right MBA for you is also the right MBA for your family. London offers a great deal to partners. Here are some of the reasons why.

Professional Opportunities Just because you are studying for an MBA, doesn’t mean your partner’s professional life should grind to a halt. One of London Business School’s key advantages is that the married spouses of international MBA students have full working rights whilst in the UK. This can provide huge financial relief, but also means that your spouse’s career can move forward whilst you study. Unmarried professional partners may also be eligible for a Highly Skilled Migrant Worker Permit. Educational Opportunities London is the international centre for higher education. With 42 universities, ranging from established, multi-faceted institutions to highly specialised business, art, drama, design and music academies, partners wishing to study are spoilt for choice.


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Partners’ Club Partners and families are a highly visible and integral part of the School community. Supporting your transition to London life, the Partners’ Club offers support and guidance in several key areas: • Searching for employment • Providing advice and help to those wishing to study • Running language classes for those wishing to improve their English, or learn a new language • Arranging children’s activities • Organising entertainment.

‘London as a cultural and cosmopolitan hub was a major factor in our decision to come here. This city has everything to offer, and a wonderful quality of life. It enriches the experience for both students and partners, and is perfectly located for travel across Europe and beyond. Life as an MBA partner is busy, fun, and occasionally challenging, but you get the best of both worlds – a great community of people at the School, and the time and opportunity to discover what London and Londoners have to offer. The Partners’ Club is a fantastic way to meet people on arrival. Everyone can identify with what you’re going through, from figuring out how to get Internet in your flat to your student’s many meetings, binders, and late nights. Fellow partners I’ve met will remain lifelong friends.’ Bethany Pappalardo (USA)

‘It was crucial I remained employed during my husband’s MBA - both for financial peace of mind and to keep myself intellectually stimulated. Fortunately I was able to get a job in the UK office of my American employer, so I’ve managed to further my own career while my husband has been furthering his. Living in a vibrant city was top priority, and in London we’ve enjoyed everything from operas to gastropubs to farmer’s markets. We’ve found the city a true global crossroads; we constantly hear from old friends passing through or even relocating here. It has also been a fantastic base for exploring Europe - whether it’s a studentled trip to Dublin or the Alps, weekend getaways for two to Paris or Venice, or my own adventures in Barcelona or Stockholm. There’s also quite a bit to be seen right here in the UK - be it a day in Cambridge or a week in Scotland.

The Partners’ Club jump-started my London social life and keeps me involved in activities outside of work. The club exposes new partners to countless other people, all facing the same issues of navigating a new, shared hometown. Life as a partner is what you make of it. There are so many ways to get involved, meet new people, or try something new. It can be very rewarding if you make the effort to become engaged with the people and the opportunities available to you.’ Emily Smith (USA) 33

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London Business School. Get the London advantage. 27 million visitors each year 40,000 shops 300+ languages spoken 264 foreign banks 233 nightclubs 137 public parks 92 major carnivals and festivals 83 local markets 75% of Fortune 500 companies 53 different country cuisine styles 43% of the global equity market 40% non-British population 17 free national museums and galleries 12 professional football teams 5 international airports One global MBA.


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“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

London Live. Work. Play. A global powerhouse, the City of London is the world’s leading centre for international finance and business services. It is a gateway to new and emerging markets, it is at the heart of entrepreneurial activity, and it has access to more venture capital than anywhere else in Europe. Our MBA offers you a unique business advantage – a world-class programme with superb access to global banks, top consulting firms and major industry players; proximity to Europe and a myriad of capital cities across the continent; and five international airports serving more destinations than any other city in the world. And when you’ve finished with studying, you can enjoy the vast array of cultural, entertainment and leisure opportunities that only a business school in this most exciting of cities can offer. Hugely cosmopolitan and an exceptional business centre, London is, above all things, a city of choice.

‘What do I like about London? I like that the news is international, I like that the tube goes everywhere, I like that you can escape to an amazing park for a few hours, I like the Indian food, I like how obsessed everyone is with football and rugby, I like the pub culture, I like the low-cost airlines, I like that every major company has an office here, and I like the city’s respect for culture and history. Most of all I like the fact that London is dynamic, fast-paced, and truly a hub to the rest of the world.’ Dana McNabb (Canada, MBA 2007)

Diversity 37

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Realising your investment A reputation for excellence. A global learning environment. A curriculum that adapts to your individual requirements. And an unrivalled location that puts one of the largest recruiter bases in the world at our doorstep. It’s no wonder our graduates are sought after. Make your investment work for you. London Business School MBAs seek, and find, careers that take them around the world. If you want a programme that will help establish you in an international career, we offer you an alumni network stretching through more than 100 countries. If you want a programme that guarantees superb access to employers, we offer you the close links that you would expect with traditional MBA recruiters in finance and consulting, excellent relationships with over 50 private equity firms and connections with 100 major corporations in other sectors. We are also proud of a well-established and highly

visible Corporate Partnership programme, and a Career Services team fully committed to helping you secure the job you want. The London Business School MBA provides the skills, opportunities and global connections for you to achieve your career goals. Put these benefits to work for you and the return on your MBA will be lifelong. Career Services Right from point of offer, our Career Services team helps students prepare and implement a carefully designed career strategy. Over 200 workshops and events are held annually. Career Services markets CVs, works to develop your career management skills and provides and strengthens links with potential recruiters. With a new team in place to help alumni through times of career transition, Career Services is a lifetime commitment from London Business School to its students.


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Highly Skilled Migrant Programme Early in 2006, the contribution of topquality MBAs to the UK economy was recognised by the UK Government with the Chancellor’s decision to extend the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) automatically to all of our graduates. This makes our MBAs even more attractive - the visa allows them to work freely in the UK without the need for any further paperwork on behalf of their employer. *All figures based on median pre and post MBA salaries for the class of 2005.

Our Recruiters (2005) 3i, 3Sixty Group Holdings Limited, 4future, AT Kearney, ABN AMRO, Accenture, Actis Capital, Aerium Properties, Alpstar, Amadeus Capital Partners, Amazon, Amdocs, American Express, Amgen, Amnesty International, Apax, Arc Financial, Arcapita Private Equity, Arch Convergence, Areva T&D, Arthur D Little, Aubach Holding Limited, Aureos Capital, Avaya, Axon, BAA Plc, Bain & Company, Banco Santander Central Hispano, Bank of America, Barclays Capital, Barclays Global Investors, BBVA, Bear Stearns, Bedminster Capital, Benfield, BNP Paribas, Booz Allen Hamilton, Boston Consulting Group, BP, Brazzi TWS Limited, Bread Factory, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Brookfield Properties, Brompton Bicycle Limited, Brynild Group, BT, C7 Plus, Cadbury-Schweppes, Cadwyn Capital, Cantillon Capital Management, Celtel International, Central Bank of Mexico, Centres of Clinical Excellence, CFRA, CFS Partners Limited, CIBC World Markets, CIFG, Citigroup, Coalition Development, Coller Capital, ConocoPhillips, Credit Suisse, Creditanstalt Securities, DeBeers, Deloitte, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Post World Net, DHL, Diageo, DiamondCluster International, Discovery Networks, Disney Consumer Products, UK 12% UKKleinwort 12% Doosan Group, Dresdner Rest ofofEurope RestTrade Europe 27% Wasserstein, Dubai World Centre,27% Asia Asia Associates,24% 24% EADS, Economics Research USA/Canada 21% Ecosecurities, Eli Lilly, USA/Canada EMAP, Embiricos 21% Latin America 8% Latin America Agency 8% Shipbrokers, Envisional, European Africa/Middle East Africa/Middle East 5% 5% for Reconstruction, European Technology Australasia Australasia 3% Ventures, Expedia, Experian, Extreme 3% Group, Fendi (LVMH Group), Fidelity Investments, Financiere de L’Echiquier, Flextronics, Foda Consulting, Fridays Property Lawyers Limited, Future Pipe, General Electric, General Motors, Generation Investment Management, Gillette, Goldman UK 67% UK 67% Sachs, Google, Grascoe Limited, GSC 14% Rest RestofofEurope Europe 14% Partners, HAL Investments BV, Hardy Oil & Asia 8% Asia 8% Gas Plc, Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc, HG USA/Canada 7% USA/Canada 7% Capital, Honeywell, Houlihan Lokey Howard Latin 2% LatinAmerica America 2% & Zukin, HSBC, Hyperphar, IBM, East IC-Vec Africa/Middle Africa/Middle East 2% 2% Limited, Ifex Limited, Industry Corporate

Finance Limited, Inova Capital Sacr. Venture Capital, Integrated Finance Limited (IFL), International Trade Centre, Intrawest Corporation, Investec, Investis, IPC Media, Islandsbanki, J Alix Partners, JanssenCilag Limited, Japan Business Federation, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Lang LaSalle, JP Morgan, Kensington Technology Group, KrollZolfoCooper, Kykon Limited, Land Masters Trust, Langham Capital, LaSalle Bank, LDC (Lloyds Development Capital), Lehman Brothers, Lek, LEK Consulting, Level 3 Communications,, Lindbergh SRL, Lloyds TSB, London Business School Finance Department, London Business School Summer Entrepreneurship Programme, London Business School Summer Consulting, LongAcre Partners Limited, L’Oreal, Loyalty Management Group, Luckbox Entertainment, Marakon Associates, Marubeni Corporation, Mattel, McKesson Corporation, McKinsey & Company, Media Planning Group, Medtronic, Mercedes Benz, Mercer Oliver, Oyman, Merrill Lynch, Millward Brown Optimor, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited, Mittal Steel, Morgan Stanley, MTI, MUJI, Murphy Exploration & Production Co International, Natura Brasil, NBGI Private Equity, Nestle, Neurtek, News Outdoor Group, NEXANS, Nippon Ericsson, Northern & Shell Network Limited, Novartis, Numico, OC & C, Ocado, Orascom Telecom Holding, Orca Deco, Oregon Capital Partners, O’Sullivan Pullini, Ovum, Pauric Sweeney Bags, Pepsico, Petrofac Limited, Pfizer, Philip Morris International, Pitney Bowes, Placement Consulting, PRTM, Rabobank, Regent’s Park Heart Clinics, Resolution Life Group, Rio Tinto, Roland Berger, Royal Bank of Scotland, Samsung Securities, Saudi Aramco, SEI Investments, Serabi Plc, SG Cowen, Shell, Shirron Investments, Siebel Systems Limited, Skinkers Plc, Skype, Sonaecom, Sony, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, Sony Pictures Television International, Standard Chartered Bank, TRowe Price International, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, Terra Firma Capital,

Median Medianweekly weekly salary salary==£1000 £1000

*Companies highlighted are London Business School Corporate Partners.

‘I was attracted to London Business School by the top-class faculty. Easy access to the job market was also key. I’d been working at KPMG, and I decided to do an MBA in order to arm myself with a toolkit for an international career. I undertook several leadership positions during my time at School. As well as being a Stream Representative in my first year, I was Treasurer of the India Club and Academic Representative on the Student Association in the second year. I had to learn to prioritise early on, because I also took an active part in the Consulting, Energy, Cricket, and Rowing Clubs, and helped organise the India Business Forum. There is just so much to do on campus. I got exactly what I wanted from my MBA – an international position with a leading strategy consulting firm, working for McKinsey in the USA. But I also got more than I had anticipated – an international perspective that can only develop from the opportunity to meet and work with accomplished individuals from all over the world.’ Deepak Jayaraman (India, MBA 2006) Associate, McKinsey & Company.



Job location by region (MBA 2005) UK UK Rest RestofofEurope Europe USA/Canada USA/Canada Asia Asia Africa/Middle Africa/MiddleEast East Australasia Australasia Latin LatinAmerica America

Tesco Plc, The Hunger Project-UK, The Parthenon Group, TK Maxx, Treajean, UBS, Unibanco, United Nations Development Program, UPS, UnLtd, UTStarcom, Valuentis, Virgin Unite, Vodafone Group, Warden International Ags P Limited, Water Industry Commission of Scotland, Watson Wyatt, Wharton Asset Management, Willis Group Limited, World Bank, WPP Group Plc, Yahoo!, Zodiac Maritime Agencies Limited, ZS Associates, Zurich Municipal.

64% 64% 14% 14% 11% 11% 7% 7% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Finance Investment Banking Sales and Trading Asset Management Corporate/Commercial Banking Venture Capital/Private Equity Capital Markets Retail and Private Banking Services

19% 7% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2%

Industry Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Telecommunications FMCG, Food and Beverage Technology Energy and Utilities Other

5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 6%

Management Consulting 25% 2005 was a great year for

our MBA graduates, with increased opportunities and salaries across all sectors, functions and geographies. 96% had accepted permanent offers WITHIN three months OF graduation. 39

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London Business School. London experience. World impact.

What should I do now? Take Action We are looking for talented achievers seeking to immerse themselves in a rigorous and challenging MBA. We expect our applicants to demonstrate first-class intellectual capacity, a track record of success, leadership potential, energy and integrity, and a global outlook. In return we offer a top-ranked academic programme with a world-class reputation, a truly international community and curriculum, superb links to recruiters, and an extraordinary business school experience in one of the finest cities in the world.

Financing your MBA An MBA is a big financial investment; we advise you to research all avenues of funding as early as possible. Tuition for the London Business School MBA Programme beginning August 2007 is £43,490. The London Business School Scholarship portfolio has some outstanding scholarships available to help offset fees, and you should ensure you apply in time to be considered for these awards. Current corporate scholarships include large awards from Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Vodafone, Avent and Merrill Lynch. We have a number of regional scholarships, including awards for British, North American, Latin American, Indian, German, Chinese, Australian, sub Saharan African, and Brazilian students. London Business School also offers Financial Needs Bursaries of up to £20,000 each to deserving students who would not otherwise be able to participate in the programme.


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In addition to the Scholarship portfolio there are also some excellent loan schemes available. Students accepted to our MBA programme are eligible to apply for the HSBC-London Business School Loan Scheme, which will allow borrowing up to £50,000. Please note that this is not a guaranteed loan, and the bank will expect to see some personal financial contribution to your study costs. US citizens and residents have access to the Stafford loan system, and can also apply for private MBA top-up loans. Other countries may have a variety of funding options available to them. There are a number of external country specific loans and scholarships listed on our website, but students should investigate all possibilities in their country of origin. For a complete list of London Business School scholarships and more information on loans, please see our website.

Learn more online Learn more in person Meet us at one of our many global events, or here on campus. Learn more by telephone Speak with an Information Officer about your personal circumstances Telephone: +44 (0)20 7000 7500 Email: [email protected] Apply 43

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