Mayday - A Call To Action And Preparedness

  • April 2020
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MAYDAY – A Call for Preparedness and Action

Preface: I have pondered even sending this out as everyone seems to immediately consider my activism to be a “conspiracy theory.” However, my moral being requires me to warn people when being aware of such dire situations. Take my commentary how you want, but let me assure you of one thing, everything I have talked about before either has come true or is coming true. The purpose of this Mayday alert is a call to action to stand up against “the powers that be” and to warn you to prepare for a future pandemic.

The latest swine flu “pandemic” has serious implications of what is happening to our country and what is to come if we sit idly by and do nothing. Why is the media hyping the swine flu as an apparent “pandemic” when the regular flu kills more people daily than what this swine flu has killed? Where did this swine flu come from? After all, it is not flu season right now. Finally, what does this mean for you and me? First, let’s look at the first question.

Either way you look at it, the media appears to be lying about the current swine flu outbreaks. In one case, a leaked memo from a Texas doctor seems to confirm that this is a legitimate concern.1 In other cases, scientists have found the swine flu strain to be very weak, and the ratio of those killed and infected doesn’t appear to be those of pandemic levels.2 , 3 And then you’ve got the World Health Organization retracting the number dead from swine flu in Mexico. So which one is it? There appears to be evidence of this flu not being deadly, so why is the media hyping this “pandemic?”Based on my research, let me tell you what is going on.

The global elite have always strived for world government.4 Over time they have failed time after time until they were finally able to gain control of our banking institutions. Over the past century the “elites” have become not only bankers (i.e. Federal Reserve), but also the founders of big think tank institutions that yield immense power in presidential administrations. Also, within the last half of the last century and with the push for globalism, major global corporations have also joined the elite. From these groups, we get lobbyists who have paid off administrations and have thus gained control over most countries worldwide; however, as a top senate democrat said recently, “the banks…frankly own the place [Capitol Hill].”5 Presidents have confirmed this in the past as well, so we know who ultimately runs things. So with all these special interest groups exerting power over Washington, it is simple to see what their ultimate plan is by reading their documents. How does this tie together with the swine flu you ask? I’ll tell you how.

In order to attain a manageable world government, the global elite need total control (martial law) and a smaller population (pandemic). Elites, including Prince Philip, have expressed their desire for this publicly,6 State Department Memorandum 200 calls for population control and to use food as a weapon,7 the Rockefeller Foundation brags about being eugenisists,8 and don’t forget about the Georgia Guidestones.8 Couple this with the intentional distribution of HIV in vaccines and Baxter recently getting caught intentionally putting deadly avian flu virus in

seasonal vaccines10,11 , I think you get the picture. The elite intend to release a pandemic to reduce the world’s population.12

When I initially heard about this swine flu pandemic, and given that they have publicly announced the New World Order to be run by a global central bank,13,14 I immediately thought they were making their move for depopulation now. One thing seemed wrong though; their modus operandi usually is to incrementally carry out their plan. “So why were they making their move now,” I asked myself. Like most terrorists, dry runs are usually done before the real thing. This is what appears to be happening with this pandemic hysteria. Furthermore, evidence has emerged suggesting that they may be “priming” the population for a real pandemic.15,16 Whatever the case may be, there is strong evidence to suggest that this is a dry run for a more deadly pandemic, a new pandemic is in the works, and that this current outbreak is an inside job. Evidence: 1. Janet Napolitano announced in her press release that even if this pandemic were to fizzle out, that we should expect a deadlier one in a couple months.17 What in the world does Napolitano know that we don’t? 2. How was Veratect Corp. able to warn officials of a flu outbreak 18 days before the World Health Organization issued their alert?18 3. This flu outbreak happened in the wrong hemisphere at the wrong time. 4. Scientists agree this version of the flu would take a decade to mutate into its current form. The “deadly” strain of flu virus is made up of swine, avian, and 1918 Spanish flu. Where’s the pedigree for a natural occurrence? 5. Everyone seems to be conveniently “learning” from this outbreak.19 6. As mentioned above, evidence suggests this to be “priming” the population as suggested by the NISBC to the World Health Organization. 7. Mexican President Calderon claims they have a vaccine for this flu already though scientists admit it would take 6 months to develop a vaccine. Some pharmaceutical companies have also said they have a vaccine ready (I forget the name of the specific company). 8. The CDC was experimenting with swine flu in 2004.20 Furthermore, the news keeps hyping how we may need martial law to take control of this outbreak.20 The CDC sees this as a positive thing for “the global community”21 Latest reports from the mainstream media still don’t know where the virus came from (though we do know that swine flu comes from Asia) and U.S. authorities have expressed their need to vaccinate all Americans by fall.22 Many different strains of the so-called swine flu exist.23,24 North Carolina residents have been forcibly quarantine. Through the WHO, the UN has full control of us under a level 6 emergency. Finally, the government is talking about force vaccinating Americans, sending you to a prison camp if you refuse the vaccine, and declaring martial law under NorthCom if need be. Does something seem fishy to you?

Something sinister is definitely going on and it is up to YOU to do something about it! The criminal elite are planning a big attack soon. They have incrementally introduced us to a flu pandemic in preparation for a more deadly pandemic, in which they will declare martial law under national emergency executive orders. Once martial law is declared, the U.S.A will have officially gone into receivership by the NWO. If we don’t stop them now, our life, and way of life, will end, literally. It is up to every single American that loves liberty to stand up and say NO. Call the Whitehouse at 202-456-1111 and let them know that we are aware of their tricks and that you will not take a vaccination. Call your congressmen. Discuss this with others; the NSA monitors our calls and email and they know if the people won’t stand for their crap. Focus on your health so you won’t need their vaccines, for if you do take their vaccines, you will die as did happen with the 1976 flu outbreak. Finally, prepare for the real pandemic they are planning. With this dry run comes the warning that you may need several months of food, water, and sanitation. Have this ready at all times. If and when the real pandemic occurs, you won’t have time to prepare!

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