May 3

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SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Sr. Sheila Whelan GSIC Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663 E mail: [email protected]

Web Site:

“St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.”


MAY 3 2009 PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: We pray for our loved ones who have died recently, especially Anita Hanniman and Mary Hanniman. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: “Let us raise up in prayer those who seek God’s healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home. May your struggle be consoled by Christ’s love“.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: Each year the 4th Sunday of Easter is dedicated as a day of prayer for Vocations. This Sunda Sunday, y, May 3rd, please pray for vocations, that we may all be faithful to our calling to the single, married and religious life. Yo You u are asked also to pray for vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood. May those called by God be open to God’s call and responsive to God’s guidance in their lives. Youth who are in High School or older are invited to come to the Cathedral on Sunday, May 3rd at 5:15 p.m. to cel cele ebrate Pentecost with Bishop Mulhall. After mass you are invited to supper and a talk by our Bishop.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH BURSARY: The annual recipient of a bursary presented to any high school student who is going on to further their education is chosen by the Pastoral Council at their June meeting. A student from either high school in Renfrew may apply by picking up the necessary paperwork from the parish office. Applications must be st returned to the office by June 1 .

LET‘S JOURNEY TOGETHER — Mary the mother of God – The human Mary – Her role in today’s church. Please come and join us. Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the parish hall.

CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK IN ONTARIO Our Catholic schools were, are and will continue to be an important part of parish community life. With our parents and the parish community, our Catholic schools play an essential role in nurturing the faith of our students. Our parish Catholic schools invite parishioners to join them in celebrating Catholic Education Week 2009 from Sunday, May 3rd to Friday, May 8th, 2009. The theme for this year is “Catholic Education: Good News for All“. During this week, the Catholic community celebrates the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community, to our society and to the Province at large. Catholic schools, in response to their authentic mission, strive to integrate Gospel values into every aspect of the school’s life and curriculum. All parishioners are encouraged to participate in prayer celebrations and activities at our parish schools during Catholic Education Week 2009.

S T. F R A N C I S X AV I E R PA R I S H L O T T E RY 2 0 0 9 We had another successful ticket distribution last weekend. Thank you to all who are helping us to reach our goal of a sell out of all 2500 books of tickets. To date over 1850 books have been distributed, and some monies returned. If you have not picked up tickets yet to buy or sell please consider doing so as this is a major fundraiser for the Parish. If you require more tickets please call one of the Lottery Committee members and we will deliver them to you. Tickets are also available at the Parish office during office hours.

~ Ken Harris 432-3961

Diane Dillon 432-3443

Richard Laxton 432-3861 ~

BAPTISMS: We welcome to the Christian Community the child baptized at St. Francis Xavier last weekend. As the Parents and Sponsors made a commitment to share with this child our Catholic faith, we as a faith community offer our on-going support to: * CLAIRE YVONNE RICHARDS, daughter of Sean & Liz

LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies MON TUE WED THU

May May May May

4 7:00 p.m. 5 9:30 a.m. 6 4:15 p.m. 7 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. FRI May 8 8:00 a.m. SAT May 9 5:00 p.m. SUN May 10 10:30 a.m.

Helen Valliquette – Elaine Turner Jack Sherlock – Barry & Eve Yantha Sister Mary Bernard – Michael Sulpher Bonnechere Manor: Tom & Pat Bolger – Mary Mask Mom, Dad & Grandmother – Darlene & Fay Darlene Kennelly – Shirley Kennelly M.P. & Catherine Kusluski & Dec’d Family Members – The Estate Ambrose Kluke – The Estate Intentions of the Parishioners – Father Proulx

LITURGICAL ROLES 5th Sunday of Easter May 9th/10th, 2009 SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD – J. Cuff; J. Lemay MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – E. & G. Boose; C. & D. Sulpher MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST – R. & N. Connors; C. Sulpher; G. Blanchette; T. Lemenchick SERVERS – K. Dowdall; B. Kingsbury; H. & M. O’Neill SUNDAY MORNING MASS - 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD – S.J.H.S. Students MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – S.J.H.S. Students EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – D. Varrin; T. Fiebig T. & K. Mann; D. Yemen SERVERS – S. J. H. S. Students CHILDREN’S LITURGY: A. Ryan; C. Humphries

THIS WEEK AT S.F.X.: *Mon. Bereavement Grp. (Mtg. Rm #1) *Mon. P.P.C. (Mtg. Rm. #2 ) * Tues. Finance & Property Cmte. (Mtg. Rm. #2) *Tues. Adult Faith Discussion Group (Large Hall) *Sun. Confirmation Prep. Mtg. (Large Hall)

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.

C.W.L. RUMMAGE SALE: Donations of clothing, small household items, books, jewelry, toys small household appliances will be gratefully accepted Thursday, May 21st, 10 – 4 and Friday, May 22nd, 9 – 6 at the Parish hall. Rummage Sale ALTAR SERVERS, HOSPITALITY Saturday, May 23rd from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. MINISTERS, READERS, COMMENTATORS Pick-up available. Gladys Curry 613-432-3864 or & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: current Marilyn Campbell 613-432-5735. Proceeds to charity.

schedule runs until June 14. The next schedule will cover the period of June 20 to September 27. If you have any plans to be away during that period please contact Anne Smith at [email protected] or by phone at 613-646-2250 before May 31. Thank you for volunteering, it is much appreciated.

CONGRATULATIONS: to Amanda Limlaw, winner of the Altar Server draw for April.


Columbus Hall, Wednesdays, at 7 p.m. For info call Elsie Coulas (432-2584) or see posters.

♫Musical performance♫: Any performers – vocalists, musicians, dancers – interested in participating in a musical performance at the Parish Supper, Sunday, June 14th are asked to contact Mary Hass at 613-432-5104. ♫ ♫

SUNDAY OFFERING: $3,874.59 $3,719.59 [245 postings] + $155.00 [9 EFT postings]).

SHARE LENT : $11,446.05 May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.

MA-TE-WAY AQUATIC CENTRE COMMITTEE presents Senator Wilbert Keon with his presentation onth“Health, Well-Being and Productivity” at Ma-te-way Commmunity Hall on Tuesday, May 5 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $2/per person in advance at Dahl‘s Convenience Store & Aikenhead‘s Drug Store; $5 at the door. Proceeds to The Heart Institute. MARCH FOR LIFE: The annual March for Life on Parliament Hill will be held on Thursday, May 14th. Calabogie/Renfrew Pro-Life will have a bus travelling to Ottawa that morning leaving the Best Western Renfrew Inn promptly at 8 a.m. There will be a brief stop for pick up at No Frills in Arnprior. All are welcome. For more info or to reserve a seat on the bus, please call Jackie at (613) 433-9284 or Gertie at (613) 432-4719). HIGH SCHOOL AGE SUMMER YOUTH CONFERENCE (Grade 9 – 12): The Diocese of Pembroke is organizing a bus to “Journey to the Father” conference July 17th – 19th in the Diocese of Alexandria/Cornwall. Don’t stay at home bored! This is an incredible weekend of fun, faith and friends. Chaperones required for large groups. Deadline May 15th. Registration info available at the parish or contact FLYMO 613-732-7933 ex. 208

PILGRIMAGE TOUR TO OBERAMMERGAU, GERMANY: Passion Play (staged once every 10 years) in 2010. Info meeting with COLLETTE VACATIONS Representative. Tuesday, May 19th @ 7:00 7:00 p.m. at the Diocesan Office, 188 Renfrew Street, Pembroke. For more info, please contact Paul J. Morris at [email protected] or 613-732-7933 ext. 207.

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, BRAESIDE: Parish Supper on Sunday, May 24th from 2 – 6 p.m. } BBQ chicken and sll the fixings } Adults: $12; Children under 12 – $5; Children under 6 – Free. Please see posters.

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