May 2009 Blue & Gold Malden High

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‘Swine Flu’ Coverage page 5

See Images of the Blue & Gold Art GAllery on

Senior One Acts Steal the MHS Spotlight on page 14

pages 10 and 11 Manuoshka Kenizan, Collage

TRACK profiles: David Freni and Joseph Cirnigliaro Page 18

The Blue and Gold

Malden High School Volume 94 Edition 7

Our 94th Year May 2009

SPRING SPORTS SEASON Update on Renovations An Holmqvist Copy Editor Ayoub Kourikchi



Head Copy Editor


Page 4


Malden versus Lynnfield, top: Angela Han, bottom: Marina Kem Photos by L. Tran

faculty follies FUNNY AS ALWAYS

Brittany Foley

Mr. Sean Walsh with the mic Photo by E. Chiavelli

Copy Editor


OR THE SECOND YEAR in a row, partying principals and singing staff brought echoes of laughs to MHS with the 2009 Faculty Follies. The Follies, a fundraising comedy show starring members of the MHS faculty, was hosted by and benefited the Trip to Costa Rica club. The event was held at 7 p.m. in the Jenkins Auditorium on Friday, May 1, 2009. Last year the Faculty Follies were held in the fall, but were moved to the spring season this year for reasons involving time and preparation. Even now, time and

preparation appeared to be a slight issue, but the show still went on. “Even though it was kind of rushed, everything came together,” sophomore and Costa Rica club member Andrew Terenzi explained.

The funds raised by the event will be used to help the 20 or so students involved in the Costa Rica trip, during which they will spend time at a turtle preserve in Costa Rica as well as a day with the native Bri Bri Tribe. Kristen Kirby and Debra Kumar, who ran the entire scene, made this year’s Follies a likely success, with the help of health teacher, Arlene Ceppetelli and paraprofessional Paul Famiglietti and, of course, the students going to Costa Rica next April. The crowd was immediately continued page 15

ALDEN HIGH SCHOOL is preparing for a complete makeover. The URS Corporation, Flansburg Architects, and Gilbane Co. – the same team that did the K-8 elementary schools in 1999 – will be designing and creating a brand new look for the high school over the course of the next few years through the spring of 2012. The design will feature new safety measures, a restoration of the Jenkins Auditorium, and new programs meant to enhance the learning process on all kinds of levels. As part of the City of Malden’s campaign to rebuild its schools, the high school’s renovation will cost a total of $77 million, of which the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) will be covering 90%. The city will be spending a total of $7.7 million to the project.

Tech-savvy Malden Along with construction, the team is planning to update the school’s classrooms with state-of-the-art technology. Now, more than ever, teachers will be equipped with new quality tools to use in the classroom, including new computer and science labs, projectors, more laptop computers, and a new fiber optics system for the school’s computers. To the chagrin of some students, a new security system involving keycard identification will also be implemented in order to keep students and the construction staff safe. continued on page 12



The Blue and Gold May 2009

Malden High School

The Blue and Gold 77 Salem St. Malden, MA 02148

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Nicole Dhruv Malisa Saksua MANAGING EDITOR Cynthia Rodriguez HEAD NEWS WRITER David Riemer HEAD ENTERTAINMENT/ OPINION Ashley Ngo HEAD SPORTS WRITER Paul Collins ASSISTANT SPORTS WRITER Alfonse Femino HEAD COPY EDITORS Tzivia Halperin Ayoub Kourikchi COPY EDITORS An Holmqvist Brittany Foley Nidale Zouhir HEAD PHOTOGRAPHER Emily Chiavelli ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER Lynn Tran HEAD OF BUSINESS Kimberly Lombard BUSINESS TEAM Brandon Knight Cera Nolan ONLINE EDITORS Kimberly Lombard Brandon Knight REPORTERS Haley DeFilippis Michael DiGregorio Jacquelyn Dillon Alexander Gennigiorgis Dan Holmqvist Shannon Howe Barbara Jerome-Athis Omar Khoshafa Erica Marangos Alexandra Mathieu Patti McClenthen Brittany McFeeley Paul McWhinnie Joan Morabito Linda Nguyen Paula Suarez Salamanca ADVISOR Ryan Gallagher Established in 1915 Check out our online edition:

The Social Networking Phenomenon


he other day I was going through my Facebook inbox, cleaning out the overwhelming amount of messages I’d never gotten around to deleting. I’d never realized the extent to which my brother and I communicate via Facebook. I also never realized that, despite the fact that we formerly lived in the same house for 14 years and that we presently have a 576 mile radius between us, my brother and I communicate more frequently now than we ever have before. Baffled on why it wasn’t the other way around, I posed a query: how is it possible to be incredibly connected and communicative with someone despite the utmost distance of separation? The conclusion I drew from the question wasn’t quite as ridiculous and ironic as what I originally thought it would be; it actually turned out to be a unique revelation (and oddly enough, the answer I found was firmly steeped in the scheme of today’s generation). Let me clarify— Initially, I referred back to the starting point of the query to begin my research: Facebook. Searching for “Facebook articles” on Google introduced me to an entirely new perspective pertaining to the social aspects of the internet: Facebook, like some other moderately known social networking websites, originally began for social networking certain demographics (in Facebook’s case, the networking of college students). Over time however, Facebook “hit it big” when it became more like other popular social networking sites, such as Myspace, when it became accessible to anyone who wants to use it. Although statistics show that Myspace’s popularity has gone unmatched in the last five years and Facebook has been said to have “bad public relations,” claims that the latter “jumped the shark” this year and took the place of world’s number one social networking site (as measured by visits per unique visitor and time on site). “Technologies really are emergent nowadays,” I thought to myself, still appalled at the fast and spontaneous progress Facebook has attained in the past five years. Furthermore, my research suggests that history may repeat itself; statistics from ZDNet News & Blog show that soon, the

Editorial Policy

The Blue and Gold is an open forum for student expression. It is produced by students for the school and the community. The views presented in this paper are not necessarily those of the advisor or the school administration. The views presented in the editorials are those of the editors-in-chief or guests. The goal of The Blue and Gold is to inform and entertain students as well as the community regarding issues that we feel are important. We strongly encourage readers to respond to material printed in the form of signed letters to the editors. No libelous, malicious, defamatory, obscene, or unsigned material will be printed. The Blue and Gold reserves the right to edit the letters. Names may be withheld upon request. Not all letters will be printed. Although The Blue and Gold appreciates the support of advertisers, we may refuse any advertisement that violates the above policy or that promotes products questionable to student use. Any correspondence concerning this publication should be directed to Mr. Ryan Gallagher’s room in C333 or to his mailbox in the main office.

The Blue and Gold c/o Malden High School 77 Salem Street Malden, MA 02148

young social networking site Twitter is to make a legendary surpass of Facebook, nearly identical to that Facebook made of Myspace. Searching “Technology Timeline” revealed that the foundations for the spontaneous progress in technologies spurred off in the 1990s — beginning with the stimulation of modern mobile

phones in 1991 and the subsequent launch of the worldwide web in 1992, advances in phones, computers, and other significant technologies began to boom at incredible rates that still continue now. My shocked state was replaced abruptly by an epiphany; like the technologies’ foundations, 1991 marked the beginning of my very own foundations of living. Because technologies nearly boomed at the same occasion as those of us born in the 1990s, we’re essentially a “tech savvy” generation; we have grown up in the presence of these maturing technologies as we mature ourselves. We were born when the foundation of these advanced technologies were constructed, so these technologies are literally rooted in every occurrence we’ve ever experienced. And due to the fact that nowadays, most of the world is already so rooted in the idea of a world based on exponentially growing technologies, not even a 576 mile radius between two people can interrupt the regularity of how communicative they are.

Nicole Dhruv Corrections The author of ‘Rodriguez Strikes Out’ article on page 19 was written by Alexander Gennigiogis, not Alfonse Femino. Several pictures were credited to Emily Chiavelli though they were actually taken by Lynn Tran. Some of the Sports’ Schedules were wrong/or missing games. In the wrestling article Craig Ramsey actually placed 8th. The Noam Chomsky image was taken by Matt Holmqvist.

The Blue and Gold May 2009



murder madness have people become desensitized to these shootings, or are they out of touch with their reality? Nidale Zouhir Copy Editor


ARCH 10, in Samson, Alabama, a gunman shot and killed ten people before taking his own life; police believe he was upset about not finding work. March 22, in Oakland, California, a gunman shot and killed four officers before taking his own life; relatives say he was upset about not finding work. March 29, in Santa Clara, California, a gunman shot and killed his two children and three other relatives before taking his own life; police do not yet know what his motive was. In Carthage, North Carolina, a gunman shot and killed seven nursing home residents; investigators say he was angry at his wife. April 3, 2009, in Binghamton, New York, a gunman shot and killed 13 people before

These stories share a common theme: not only is the troubling state of the economy causing people to lose money, it is also seemingly leading to the complete demise of certain members of the American workforce and their families. taking his own life; police say he was upset about losing his job and the abuse he received because of his broken English. April 4, 2009, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a gunman shot and killed three police officers; police say he was upset about losing his job. In Graham, Washington, a man shot and killed his five children before taking his own life; police do not yet know what his motive was. These stories share a common theme: not only is the troubling state of the economy causing people to lose money, it is also seemingly leading to the complete demise of certain members of the American workforce and their families. As people lose their continued pg 4

H1N1: Pandemic or Mass Hysteria? Alexandra Mathieu Reporter


ITH ITS FIRST US outbreak since it took the life of a Wisconsin woman in 1998, the H1N1 flu, more commonly known as the “swine flu”, seems to have stretched its influence throughout the US. As of May 3, 2009 there have been 245 reported and confirmed reports of the flu in the states and one reported death. With the death toll so low it makes one consider the following question: How serious is this swine flu? Prior to the swine flu outbreak, the most notable influenza outbreaks are the Russian Flu (1889-90), Spanish Influenza (1918-20), Asian Flu (1957-8), and the Hong Kong Flu (1968-69). Pandemics are rated on a Pandemic Severity index which ranges from one to five. Besides the Spanish Flu, which was considered a category five pandemic, these flues were category 2 and managed to kill at least one million people. The 2009 swine flu, although still in its beginning stages, has only one death to its name and that of a 23-month old child visiting from Mexico, the outbreak’s place of origin. In comparison to flues of the past, the 2009 Swine Flu is clearly lacking in strength. The World Health Organization (WHO) has begun considering the infectious disease a “global pandemic”. Taking a look at one of the many “Swine Flu Outbreak” maps that are rapidly popping up on the net, it is clear to see that the flu is spreading. 18 countries are claim-

ing that the infectious disease has hit their soil, infecting almost 900 people in the rest of the world, but no deaths have been declared anywhere except in Mexico as of today. However, one should not blow a gasket over this declaration made by WHO; all it means is that the swine flu is widespread, not severely deadly. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates on its website that there are antiviral medicines that can ease and even prevent the symptoms from occurring. Therefore, mass panic is uncalled for since the flu can easily be prevented with the right treatment. So why are schools closing at rapid speed across the US? If the swine flu can be treated by antiviral medicines and there has been only one reported death, why do Americans seem almost terrified of this flu? The best answer is that people are in hysterics. Hysteria itself is like a disease: it is contagious and it spreads rapidly from person to person. Try this: Begin to scratch yourself and complain about being itchy in a room of people. Chances are the people around you will begin doing the same, claiming that they are feeling itchy as well. This phenomenon is called the spread of hysteria and it seems to have affected the US population. Yes, younger children are more prone to sickness due to their weaker immune systems; however, that does not mean that all of them are going to catch the flu. Even so, millions of Americans each year are subject to a strain of the flu and they come out of it alive. People seem to

DESIGN CONTEST for new bike racks @ MHS Malden High will be getting brand new bike racks funded by MHS students next year. But the racks need a plaque. If you’re interested in submitting a design, please contact the MHS Graphic Design Team or An Holmqvist at [email protected] for more details. Submission due by: May 15, 2009

forget that the swine flu is, in fact, the flu, and not something as serious as cancer or HIV/AIDS. This swine flu hysteria is not exclusive to the US in the least. Mexicans that arrive to China are first asked to identify their nationality and will be isolated from the rest of the travelers .The Chinese government has quarantined 113 passengers and 13 crew members who were on last Thursday's Mexico City to Shanghai flight, due to fear of the flu spreading. "Mexican citizens showing no signs at all of being ill have been isolated under unacceptable conditions,” said the Mexican Foreign Minister, Patricia Espinosa in an interview with Espinosa is right to show some concern; these people who are not even infected are being isolated and discriminated against over the flu. Despite the growing global hysteria, many Malden High School students are becoming disillusioned with the swine flu. Sophmore Harout Khodaverdian states, “Swine flu is all scare tactics,” expressing his apprehensiveness over the infectious disease. Junior Keith Newman shares Khodaverdian’s sentiment. “I think it’s stupid. People get so scared by the flu which we all get.” Many people would say that it is better to be overcautious than not cautious enough considering any situation, but looking at all of the facts, Americans are just overreacting. Take the proper measurements in order to not get sick and then get over it. After all, what does not kill you will only make you stronger.

Top Ten Movies of April and May 2009 courtesy of

X-men Origins:Wolverine Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Obsessed 17 Again Monsters v. Aliens The Soloist Earth (2009) Fighting Hannah Montana The Movie State of Play



Saving the Earth, One Hour At a Time Omar Koshafa Reporter


The Blue and Gold May 2009

The number of people participating in earth day reaches one billion.

T WAS DARK, desolate, and terrifying. There is no TV, no PS3, not even an iPhone 3G that was left on. These experiences are common for the average teenager participating in Earth Hour. From 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 28th, 2009, millions of people worldwide turned off all of the electricity in their homes for about an hour. Although this one, lonely hour seems microscopic out of the 8760 in a year, it is the sacrifices people make and the global effort is what really matters. “The true power of Earth Hour can be seen in the tremendous opportunity for individuals, communities, businesses and governments around the world to unite for a common purpose, against a common threat which affects us all,” stated the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) President, Carter Roberts. This common threat is global warming, and it is injuring our earth, day after day. April 22, 2009 was Earth Day, a chance to make up for those who did not turn off their lights. Earth Day originated in 1970 to help increase awareness and appreciation for our home planet. US Senator Nelson presented the idea with “environmental teach-ins,” and since then this day officially marked the launch of the modern environmental awareness movement. The first

Earth Day had “only” 20 million participants. Today, the number is about one billion people, about 50 times the original. On Earth Day, people are encouraged to engage in earth-friendly activities, such as recycling and planting new trees. These “green” events intended to establish environmental awareness on global warming, which is now a serious threat, not only to animals and to our environment but also to humans, and it is imperative that people begin to realize this. The recurring heat waves, hurricanes, famine, and wildfires are only a few forewarnings of global warming. Unfortunately, at Malden High School, “students are aware of global warming but are not trying to reduce it,” stated Environmental Club member Patricia Aguinaldo. There are many measures that students, as individuals, can take to help decrease global warming. One is by decreasing energy consump-

Earth imprinted on light bulbs. tion, whether it is at home or at school. One can do this by turning off electronics that are not in use. MHS teacher Jamie Green suggested that “we need to use more florescent light bulbs.” Additionally, recycling is another path we could take. If you look at it, there is an infinite number ways an individual could aid this earth in the battle against global warming. Ultimately, it depends on the amount of effort every individual puts in, and when individuals come together as one, united community, it is then we can change to overcome any challenge, even this threat to our Earth.

parker’s world

Parker Stallworth

shootings cont. from page 3 jobs, they become more and more desperate; this desperation seems to lead to something almost like insanity. The obvious statement is, the economy is a factor of these shootings and more importantly the community does not offer support, but perspective. At first, news stations discussed the stories, asking questions about gun control. People felt bad for the families of the dead Now, however, many of these stories are barely touched upon on local news channels, and are avoided in order to discuss more important breaking news, such as Bristol Palin’s break up with her boyfriend. None of them have received nearly the amount of attention as 1999’s Columbine High School massacre or the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, yet it is quite obvious we are beginning to have a dangerous trend on our hands. 53 people have died from

...Americans are attracted to fresh news stories; to prevent people from saying, “Oh, another shooting? I’ve heard all this before...” shootings the recent past. 14 people died during the Columbine massacre; 33 died during the V-Tech massacre. So why did they receive so much more publicity? Is it because the crimes were committed by students and not grown men? Or is it because they seemed like such new news stories that Americans just had to pay attention to them? As with new electronics, movies, and music, Americans are attracted to fresh news stories; to prevent people from saying, “Oh, another shooting? I’ve heard all this before,” and changing the channel (or, horror of horrors, switching off the television), local news stations must keep their stories fresh. Discussing mass shootings at length on a weekly (or, sometimes, daily) basis would quickly get boring for viewers, terrible as that may seem. Therefore, Americans continue to enjoy the local news every night, despite its tendency to avoid some topics to keep its lineup fresh. Meanwhile, the economy drives people to insanity, leaving dozens of people dead. Unfortunately, with the foreseeable future looking just as bleak as the past few months, this likely will not change any time soon.

The Blue and Gold May 2009


World news

WHEN PIGS FLY A correspondent’s account of his experience with the Swine Flu breakout in Mexico City.

Swine flu strikes mexico and spreads across the globe

Alberto Montero, Estado De Mexico, Mexico

Shannon Howe Reporter



HURSDAY NIGHT. I was studying for my math exam when my grandmother called me. She said there wouldn't be classes on Friday. I did not believe her. I told her that that would not apply to my school since its system is different from every other school in this country. She said the president had said that so that got me confused. I got on MSN, asked some people, and yes there would not be classes in any school on Friday: swine flu was attacking the city. I was happy about it until I started listening to the news: lots of people infected, and lots of people killed... I realized it was not a situation to celebrate after all. The situation got more serious the next day. More than 1 million vaccines against influenza had been applied and there were none left. Then I went to the pharmacy to buy a mask, but they were sold out. The streets were not full of people but at least there were some people still walking on them. Sunday we went to Wal-Mart. It was shocking and amazing to see the place full of people wearing masks, with their carts full, all in a rush to get food and water as if they were preparing for quarantine. Fortunately that day we had some friends that came over to have a good time together. That night in the news the images were about how empty the city was, just like a ghost town. On Monday while I was having breakfast I watched the news report. Suddenly there was a tremor that shook the entire city and some other parts of the country. We certainly have no luck. It was like if we were being punished. That day I got out too, and this time I almost cried, everything was so different, so empty, people all wearing masks... it feels like being in a movie, like “Blindness” or “Resident Evil.” Many people around me, friends, family, and neighbors are scared about getting infected or someone close to them getting the infection as well. Some are so frightened about this that they do not even step out of their homes. I am concerned about the situation, but not scared because I believe there has been a good response from all the population to the government’ warnings and thus this will end soon. Life at this moment is quite different and boring, especially when one is forced to take this “vacation”. Hopefully the cure will be given to those that need it and we will all go back to normal life.

H1N1 Sweeps The Nation

Otelio Cerda, right, and Gerardo Vega disinfect items at Universal Academy in Irving, Texas, Wednesday, April 29, 2009 after the Texas charter school was closed. (G.J. McCarthy/The Dallas Morning News/MCT)

Swine flu is a virus that infects pigs; ...but neither contact with pigs nor eating pork has been linked to the spread of the flu.

World map locating recent swine flu outbreaks and confirmed and suspected cases. MCT 2009 Major Countries Affected: - Mexico - United States - Canada - Spain - United Kingdom - Germany - New Zealand

Malden High School Students React to the Swine Flu Outbreak H1N1 influenza–more commonly known simply as “swine flu”–reached Lowell, Massachusetts after two students from the Immaculate Conception School went on a trip to Mexico. Later, five more Massachusetts residents were confirmed to have the virus. Despite this, MHS students feel that the pandemic has been blown out of proportion. Nidale Zouhir Copy Editor “I think the swine flu is serious in some cases, but everyone is making a way bigger deal about it than they should be. I mean, it has spread, but it’s not that hard to keep washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough... The swine flu is just another way to get America all worked up.”-Sophomore Kristina Katz “Swine flu is all scare tactics.” -Junior Keith Newman “It was just another matter of time before another pandemic came up again. I think it’s

HE WORLD’S FIRST FLU pandemic since 1968 may be declared. The first confirmed death from swine flu was a 23-month-old baby in Texas. The World Health Organization classifies this virus as a Phase Five pandemic. Swine flu is spreading rapidly, and the state is in a current alert. The virus has sickened at least 257 people in 11 countries, including Mexico, the U.S., New Zealand, Canada and the U.K. Several more cases are suspected to occur around the countries. Swine flu is a virus that infects pigs; there are many different types of flu’s that have the ability to exchange genes with one another. Swine flu was started like any other cold, but neither

fate doing it’s checks and balances.” -Sophomore Melisa Cadet “I think they are overreacting about the swine flu - people die from the flu every year. What is so different about this one? “ -Susan Smith, parent of sophomore Deanna Smith “At first I thought that everyone was blowing it way out of proportion. I mean, it’s just the flu. But when I found out that people were dying, I got a little frightened. At work, there were hand sanitizers put in everywhere.” -Senior Katie Lopes-Raftery

contact with pigs nor eating pork has been linked to the spread of the flu. In 1976 there was an outbreak but it was not declared a pandemic and it did not cause any deaths. President Barack Obama said Monday that the swine flu outbreak is a "cause for concern and requires a heightened state of alert," but is not a "cause for alarm." The European Union's health commissioner reported that people should avoid traveling to Mexico or the United States because they could be the main sources of the outbreak. As the virus passes and started growing larger nearly 300 schools scattered around the country have been closed. People have been asked not to travel or leave their houses if it’s suspected that they could be infected. There is not a vaccine proven to care swine flu but scientists are working to find that key ingredient. The symptoms to the swine flu are much like the common flu virus; it consists of a fever, lethargy, and lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Like most viruses this one spreads when a person infected with the swine flu coughs or sneezes around someone else, another possible way to become infected is by touching something with the flu virus and then coming in contact with your mouth, eyes or nose.

6 national bank crisis update Dan Holmqvist Reporter


HEN PRESIDENT Barack Obama named his cabinet about a month ago, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was the man given the job of “fixing the economy” during the United States' worst economic recession in decades. Over the next couple of months, America will see whether or not he will be able to do just that. The root of America's bank problems lie with the subprime mortgage crisis. The problem started when banks began to give out enormous loans to Americans who weren't able to afford them. These mortgages, unfortunately for some, were bundled up together and sold to other banks. However, now American homeowners are defaulting on their mortgages in record numbers because the value of their homes are plummeting. This creates major problem for these banks because the assets that consist of these bundled home mortgages have essentially lost their value. What the government is trying to do is buy these "toxic assets", so that these banks can once again return to business as usual. Now details of Geithner's new "Financial Stability Plans" have been made public. The original plan, devised by former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson, proposed buying toxic assets from major financial institutions like Citigroup and JP Morgan with taxpayer money. Geithner’s plan, however, proposes pairing up with a select group of private investors to buy the toxic assets. The hope is that banks will be able to start lending again after these toxic assets are bought. Many economists have heavily criticized this new plan. Joseph Stiglitz, an economist from Columbia University, claims that the government is “socializing losses and privatizing gains.” He explains that the government is essentially loaning money to private investors and in the event that these toxic assets are worth nothing, these investors will not have to pay back the government. In the event that these assets are worth something, the government will split the profit with the investors. He says, "This isn't really about letting markets work. It's just an indirect, disguised way to subsidize purchases of bad assets." Geithner, however, seems to believe that his plan, so far, has produced mixed results. In order to achieve economic prosperity once again, Geithner stated that he needed “to make sure that the system as a whole, has the ability to provide the credit that recovery requires.”

The Blue and Gold May 2009

World news

gm bailout denied Joan Morabito Reporter


General motors unsuccessfully appeals for more bailout moneyObama commented during

ENERAL MOTORS again asked for a bailout to keep the automotive company from going out of business. Unlike the company's previous request, which former President Bush permitted, President Barack Obama declined. This resulted in the president requesting CEO Rick Wagner to step down from his position in March of 2009. In November of 2008, former President Bush loaned GM $9.4 billion and $4 billion to Chysler. This year they were asking for another bailout, this time being $26 billion. Rick Wagoner with his 30 years experience with GM, eight of them as chief executive officer, was requested to leave his position by the current president for specific reasons. Those reasons mostly related to his poor decision making for the company. Wagner is responsible for concentrating on the company's costly truck and SUV models, instead of the more contemporary

hybrids. These hybrids are much more popular than larger vehicles such as trucks and SUVs. They are safer for the environment and are more gas efficient. In addition, the president made this decision to prevent the bailout request from becoming a much larger problem than it already is. Otherwise, nothing would have changed for GM, eventually going completely bankrupt. This pattern could produce a problem as it seems when they ask for a bailout and receive one, they fall back into the same hole. This time, however, President Barack Obama showed that he has the power to step into a business like GM and reassign a new CEO. It is inevitable that this company will have to sacrifice a great deal, along with countless people who will be affected by it. "Everybody's going to have to come to the table and say it's important for us to take serious restructuring steps now in order to preserve a brighter future down the road,"

G20 discusses ailing economy

an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation" broadcast. As Wagoner's successor, Fritz Henderson will have to resolve some critical problems within the company. Of GM's 244,000 employees, in order for the business to have a chance to stay afloat, the new CEO has planned to cut 47,000 employees. Henderson reported five of the GM factories would have to be shut down and possibly claim bankruptcy to try to start up again. GM's vehicles include Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, Saab, and Saturn. Until the future reveals, the fate of these car makers are undecided. However, to get back on track they are planning to make the right decisions now to fix their difficulties in order to to put their negatives behind them, excel in the future, and break the pattern of repeatedly running out of money.

North korea pushes forth missile agenda

Paul Collins Head Sports Writer

Paul Collins Head Sports Writer


HE GROUP OF 20 (G20) hosted its most recent conference on April 2, 2009, in London, England, to discuss the economic recov- Members of the G20 lined up for a photo ery of the world’s business and trading population. The group decided to meet during or at a time period where financial edifice of the world trade is effectively stationary. One main goal of the meeting is to find a way to help stabilize the financial markets, and to restart economic growth. The G20 was founded on Aug. 20, 2003, during a meeting in Cancun, Mexico, of the World Trade Organization. The G20’s goal when it was first instituted was to fight tariffs on their nation’s agricultural products. However, today they still anticipate to lower barriers of international trade Several nations were present at the meeting including Brazil, Canada, the People’s Republic of China, the United Kingdom, and the United States. At the meeting, the nations discussed a plan to use about 1 trillion dollars in new spending through the course of the International Monetary fund. At the meeting, it was unanimous that at least 100 billion dollars is to be pumped into the World Bank, and others associated with it, like African Development Bank, according to the online The Wall Street Journal. World Bank President, Robert Zoellick stated (according to The Wall Street Journal, online) that the 50 billion dollars will be bestowed upon the Global Trade Liquidity Program, which will, “provide trade finance to support businesses across the developing markets.” On another note, France’s Finance Prime Minister Christine Lagarde, and President Nicolas Sarkozy hinted at leaving the G20 meeting, if no advancement was made on the subject of global financial regulations.


ORTH KOREA, according to South Korea and Japan, is violating the United Nations resolutions if the nation attempted to launch a satellite into space, which occured several days before North Korea planned a rocket launch, in which South Korea and Japan both see the rocket as a disguised missile test. Three nations consisting of the United States, Japan, and South Korea do not approve of the launch of the satellite because they feel there is not a difference between a satellite and a missile launch because both employ a long-range rocket, the Taepodong-2, which was created to carry a warhead as far as Alaska. The United States is very concerned about the whole satellite ordeal that their spy planes regularly fly in South Korea’s airspace near the border to keep an eye on North Korea’s troop movement. North Korea also made an intimidating statement, saying that if any nation against the satellite launch attempted to shoot down the satellite, it would be seen as an act of war.

The Blue and Gold May 2009


world news

Obama’s Cabinet- Who are they? U.s Reacts Patti McClenthen Reporter

President Barack Obama and his administration have finally finished their first hundred days in the white house. In his Cabinet are some very impressive profiles; here is the low-down on who they are and what they do for our country.

Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden- Biden was a U.S senator in Delaware from January of 1973 until January of 2009. He was also a chairman in the Foreign Relations Committee, and provided great assistance during the Bosnian War. Later, he was a chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues such as drugs, civil liberties, and domestic abuse. Biden has run for Presidency twice, in 1988 and in 2009, and dropped out early both times. Obama picked Biden as Vice President because the President wanted someone with experience in foreign relations, as well as national security. Department of State Hilary R. Clinton- Clinton was a U.S senator for New York from 2001 to 2009. She is also the wife of former President Bill Clinton, and therefore was first lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001. She had run for President in 2008, and was runner-up. When Obama had offered her the Secretary of State position, she was wary, saying that she was reluctant to leave the Senate. However, she eventually accepted. Her approval rates skyrocketed to 65 percent, which was higher than it had been in years. Department of Defense Robert M. Gates- Previous to being head of the Department of Defense, Gates was involved heavily in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as well as the National Security Council. He also served as Director of Central Intelligence for President George H.W. Bush. Gates has said that he would not be Obama’s head of the Department of Defense for his whole first term. Department of the Treasury Timothy F. Geithner- Geithner, before being head of the Department of Treasury, was head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Much of Geithner’s job is to direct the nation when it comes to the economic crisis. There was controversy when Obama first nominated Geithner, because the nominee had been accused of cheating on taxes. When Geithner’s name was finally cleared, however, Congress voted him as head of the department. Department of Justice General Eric H. Holder, Jr.- Holder is the first African American to hold this position, and was previously a judge on the Supreme Court of the District of Colombia. He was actually selected by Vice President Joseph Biden. He had also been a senior advisor on Obama’s Presidential Campaign. Secretary of Health and Human Services With over 20 years worth of government experience, Kathleen Sebelius now leads the Department of Health and Human Services. She will presumably be pressing and coordinating the President’s new but crucial effort to implement universal healthcare coverage in the U.S. White House Chief-of-Staff Former House Representative of Illinois Rahm Emanuel has one of the toughest and most influential jobs in the administration. After having taken numerous government positions, Emanuel is uniquely suited to his job, leading the White House as their Chief-of-Staff. Photos from

dolphins play hide and seek Alexandra Mathieu Reporter

Irrawaddy dolphins discovered in bangladesh


LMOST 6,000 Irrawaddy dolphins were found in the Sundarban mangrove forests of Bangladesh, a tremendous discovery since the Irrawaddies are considered the world's rarest species of freshwater dolphins. Prior to the find, conservationists and environmentalists had believed that the Irrawaddy population had decreased to about 450. The New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is excited by the find because of the possibilities it presents. “Our best estimate, given the science, is that there are 6,000. It sounds [like] a lot, but the Sundarbans cover a huge area,” said Howard Rosenbaum, the director of WCS's Ocean Giants Cetacean program, in an interview with a British newspaper. “When you look at the areas that have been surveyed before the populations are low as they are in areas impacted by human development. But this area had never before been surveyed.” This

An Irrawaddy dolphin found near Bangladesh. increases the chance of WCS members discovering more Irrawaddies in the surrounding area. After discovering the dolphins, the WCS plans on ensuring the Irrawaddies’ survival in Bangladesh. In 2008, the Irrawaddy dolphin was becoming increasingly endangered as the population in known environments declined; today, fishing nets threaten the dolphins along with dams that decrease freshwater flow to many areas in Bangladesh. Also, rising sea levels due to climate change is a danger to the freshwater

Photo from

mammals. The New England Aquarium in Boston, MA has a conservation team dedicated to the protection of endangered animals. Although the team is not focused on the Irrawaddy dolphin, it has already designed alarms for rare dolphin species called Hector's dolphin to prevent entanglement in fishing nets. Environmentalists dealing with Irrawaddies are following suit, cooperating with the Bangladesh government to create a protected area for the dolphins.

to Threat From Pakistan Jacqui Dillon Reporter


N THURSDAY, March 26, 2009, the United States drone, or unmanned aircraft system, fired missiles into Islambad, Pakistan, days after Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud threatened to attack the White House. The US drone fired two missiles at the alleged hide-out of one of his commanders on Thursday, in a remote area of northwest Pakistan near the Afghan border, leaving at least 12 people dead, including seven policemen. Mehsud poses one of the greatest threats to President Barack Obama's plan to stem Pakistan’s slide toward instability and turn around the war in Afghanistan. For years, the US considered him a minor threat compared to other members of the Pakistani Taliban, Afghan counterparts and Al-Qaida, due to the focus of his attacks. Eric Rosenbach, a terrorism expert at Harvard's Kennedy School, believes "Mehsud poses a very real threat to stability and security in Pakistan and Afghanistan.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claimed that the organization was not aware of any imminent or specific threat to Washington, and that Mehsud has not carried any attacks outside the region. MHS junior Heba Khurram, although born in America, has family living in Pakistan. Despite the attacks, she believes “Pakistanis in America aren't as worried as they should be because they all have faith in Obama.” Her parents were born and raised in Sialkot and Gujranwala in Pakistan. Along with many others, she believes that “America’s attempt to ‘aid’ Pakistan is only making the lives of Pakistanis worse, and taking innocent lives.” Police officials suspect Mehsud of continuing the covert war run by the Central Intelligence Agency inside Pakistan since Obama took office in Jan., 2009. More than a dozen young men from Sora Rogha have killed themselves in suicide attacks against targets inside Pakistan in the last two years, causing more violent outbreaks within the cities. Since the attack and the threats, security officials have stepped up to make sure citizens both here, and in Pakistan, stay safe from danger, such as offering a $5 million reward for Meshud.


Gates opens Gates for MHS Senior Angela Han Tzivia Halperin Head Copy Editor THE PRESTIGIOUS Gates Millennium Scholarship (GMS), given to only 1,000 of 20,000 finalists, of which thousands more apply, made a ripple at Malden High School when it was awarded to senior Angela Han this past April. The Gates Scholarship “support[s] the cost of education by covering unmet need and self-help” according to the GMS website, which is renewable each year of the student’s schooling. For Han, this means close to $10,000 covered yearly at Northeastern University, where she will be attending next fall, for anything from tuition to books to room and board. Han had been familiar with the scholarship from a young age, as her parents frequently “lectured” her “on how great it was,” according to Han through a web interview. Having fit the qualifications of financial need, minority nationality, and USA residence, Han opted to apply for the scholarship although she remained realistic, commenting, “I decided to give it a shot although I really didn’t think I’d get it.” The application process proved to be more arduous than initially anticipated, consisting of multiple sections and upwards of eight essays, in hopes of unearthing what precisely made the applicant a Gates Scholar. Topics of discussion included discrimination, leadership roles, strongest and weakest subjects, extracurricular activities, background, and academics, among many others. For her part, Han opted to focus on her own personal growth, especially how her actions have allowed her to “improve” herself. However such efforts did not prove in vain and when Han finally received the jubilant news, she could only describe her reaction as a rush of “relief.” After finding out that a friend of a friend had received the scholarship in Maryland, Han knew the news, either good or ill, had arrived and was simply waiting in her mailbox. Unfortunately, “my dad took the mail when I got home and I couldn’t find my cell phone so I had to wait until my family got back from the restaurant so I was feeling really anxious. [Naturally], I was so relieved when I found out I got it.” Receiving the scholarship quickly presented a release from stress and worriment, both in terms of finally knowing the status of her application and more notably, having security in her college tuition. Not all were so reserved by the news of Han’s great success. Her family was described as being “ecstatic” and close friend, senior Daniel Pimentel commented, “I was honestly blown away when she became a finalist...I’m just really proud of her.”

laps for leslie continues to change lives Patti McClenthen Reporter


N MAY 12TH, hundreds of people will show their support for the Laps for Leslie event, where students, teachers, and other members of the Malden community walk around the track in MacDonald Stadium in order to raise money for a scholarship that will be given to Malden High School senior girl at the end of the year. This is the fourth annual Laps for Leslie fundraiser, and the school is overall optimistic that it will have a great turnout. “Upwards of 300 people have participated each year,” says MHS teacher Karen Razzino, “it’s always been a beautiful day.” For the many loyal attendees of the event, however, rain would hardly be an obstacle. Laps for Leslie was created by Razzino after her daughter, Leslie, died of cancer shortly after graduating high school. Razzino knows that the event had touched the hearts of many when it first started, but will be harder to continue due to the fact that the majority of MHS students today didn’t know Leslie. “I would like to keep the event active as long as possible,” says Razzino. “It’s harder, but even though kids did not know her, I hope that they will still stay interested.” This event was created in order to benefit senior girls at MHS through a scholarship. The recipient will be chosen if she has a genuine love for track and poetry, like Leslie had. “Leslie loved track. She loved everything about it,” remembers Razzino. She believes that the scholarship was the best choice when it came to the money that the walkers would raise. “It is a way to give back to many people who have not had the opportunities that they might need. [The scholarship] touched many people, and keeps the event close to home, in Malden.” Razzino knows that Laps for Leslie has touched the hearts of many in Malden, and will continue to do so, because of the people here that keep Leslie’s memory alive. “It is wonderful to see the care that the people at Malden High School show. They give time and get sponsors for something that they can relate to.” Do not miss the event on May 12th, at MacDonald stadium.

MHS Band Boasts Bronze at MICCA Festival Brandon Knight Reporter


ALDEN HIGH SCHOOL took home the bronze medal this year, despite last year’s score. The MHS concert band attended the 33rd annual Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) Festival on April 3, 2009. Last year, the concert band attended the event hosted at Lexington High School. They performed three songs, in hopes of getting a high score from the judges; unfortunately, they only received a medal of merit for their participation in the competition. Although this was not exactly what they expected to obtain, they remained positive, refer-

The Blue and Gold May 2009

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ring to this merit award as the “Best Bus Award,” for the fun and exciting time they had on the bus ride back from the festival. Still optimistic and eager for a higher award, the MHS concert band returned to the MICCA Festival this year at Hopkinton High School. The band played three different songs; “Ride,” a very fast and upbeat song; “An American Elegy,” a slow song with smooth notes; and “Brighton Beach”, a fun cheerful march. Although they were striving to win the gold medal, they were still proud to earn the bronze. MHS concert band member, sophomore Julie Ringdahl, believes that their teacher, Matthew Tava-

res, deserves many thanks for their achievement. Ringdahl said, “Mr. T is confident in us…he tells us over, and over that we deserve the gold medal.” She also believes that the band’s amount of practices and determination is a big reason why they were able to come in third place. The band practiced in the auditorium every day during periods six and seven, and accumulated hours after school between 6-8 p.m. Overall, Ringdahl is happy with the band’s teamwork and ability to work together. Ringdahl stated, “The whole experience is exciting. [I enjoyed] getting to work as a team, playing as best as we can, and having that feeling of confidence.”

MHS senior internships Kimberly Lombard Head of Business


HERE HAVE BEEN a significant number of absences from the senior class since the start of fourth quarter at Malden High School. These absences are not due to dozens of cases of the flu, malaria, or even senioritis; 122 seniors have broken out of MHS and found themselves in the real world. In its third year at MHS, the senior internship program is once again providing students with the opportunity to work alongside professionals at various locations throughout Massachusetts. 65 organizations are helping seniors find their calling and everyone from the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office to the Boston Opera Company have been showing these seniors the ropes of the work environment. In addition, multiple MHS teachers have been volunteering their time to serve as student mentors throughout their internship. Despite a commitment to AP or performing arts courses, senior internship coordinator Michele Magner was “pleasantly shocked” by the amount of students who still decided to pursue the program. Those students who did decide to leave high school behind have been taking the workforce by storm, showing everyone that they are ready to graduate and capable of working. Senior Stephanie Grossi, who has been interning at the Forestdale School as a second grade teacher’s aid, claims that she “is learning so much from this experience.” Although 30 hours a week is a big commitment and the internship is unpaid, she easily found the silver lining and shared how beneficial the internship program has truly been. “The internship is a great opportunity; I think every senior should just do it if they have any idea what they want to do when they’re older- or even if they don’t know what they want to do. It is such a great way to see if a career [choice] is right for you.” Some seniors have been lucky enough to find themselves right at home at their internships. Seniors Stephanie Tran and Nicole Dhruv are interning at the Red Cross organization and Community Servings respectively, and are extremely pleased with the experience they have been getting. The two seem to have found their passion in such non-profit organizations Other interning seniors, such as Nicholina Gioiosa, are not sure if they see a suitable future at their locations, but are still glad they are part of the internship program. These interning seniors will be showcasing all that they accomplished on May 21, 2009 in the Finn Gym from 9:00-12:00.

The Blue and Gold May 2009


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End the Word Nidale Zouhir Copy Editor

mhs joins movement to “spread the word to end the word”

“Retard” is a very commonly used word in the United States. People use this word literally hundreds of times a day without ever considering how hurtful it might be—which is why Special Olympics, Incorporated runs a worldwide campaign, whose goal (and name) is to “Spread the Word to End the Word.” Special Olympics Inc. traveled internationally on March 31, 2009; one of its locations was Malden High School. In MHS’s Jenkins Auditorium, representatives from Special Olympics Massachusetts (SOMA) spent an hour explaining the campaign to MHS students. The assembly began with MHS principal Dana Brown professing words like the “rword” hurt him because of the pain that they cause others. He explained to the diverse group of students— mainly athletes and students with mental disabilities—that words like these are demeaning and unacceptable, despite the nonchalant manner in which they are spoken. Brown, along with SOMA, urged MHS students to pledge to stop using the r-word and asking them to help change the world “one person at a

nhs serves community Paul McWhinnie Reporter Cera Nolan Reporter


Students Jessica Debassio and Anna Kuznetsova.

time.” The Special Olympics’ motto, “Let me win, and if I can’t win, let me be brave in the attempt,” is a rule that they hope to apply to the campaign. This was expressed in perhaps the most moving moments of the presentation, particularly during the speech of a young man introduced as “Tyler.” Trained in public

Photo by E. Chiavelli

speaking, Tyler is an athlete with a passion for track and basketball who can golf 18 holes with a score of 79 on a points system. Tyler has won twenty Special Olympics medals so far, fifteen of which have been gold. Diagnosed with autism when he was three years old, Tyler resents the label that mentally handicapped people are given. He refuses to allow himself to be called “autistic,” stating that “I am a person who just happens to have autism. There are many more aspects to my personality.” The audience was rapt with attention as Tyler expressed his disgust over use of the ‘r-word’. He declared that “using the ‘r-word’ is just plain wrong...and quite frankly, ignorant...[it] shows a complete lack of respect.” Tyler later added that people with mental disabilities “have souls, just like every [other] human being.” Tyler concluded with some of John Lennon’s most memorable lyrics: “You may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one,” he said. “Barriers can be overcome.” SOMA hoped to use this as a “town meeting” to both convince the audience not to use the r-word and to discuss ways to stop others from using it. This worked, albeit with a few awkward silences; the question-and-answer session gathered powerful responses such as “People shouldn’t be categorized,” from senior Annie Wilcox. Hoping to spread this message to all of MHS and, later, the world, SOMA Vice President for Programs Terry Keilty urged the audience to “always take advantage of trying to educate someone.” Keilty, along with the rest of SOMA, emphasized the ability of students to make an impact. Find out more and pledge online to stop people from using the “r-word” at

N THE WORLD TODAY, a startling abundance of problems confronts us, but each small act could help solve them one step at a time, which is exactly what the National Honor Society (NHS) has set out to do. NHS members at Malden High School created projects to help touch or inspire others. With each service project, members of NHS do their part to help out the community, which could positively affect the world as a whole. Each service project is comprised of a few NHS members. There are a handful of different projects, and all are very helpful to the community in their own way. As the world is very much aware, global climate change is a serious issue, but with the service project Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle, seniors Maggie Leung, Kari Phan, and sophomore Alison Nguyen are encouraging students to do their part in saving the planet. The project involves Leung, Phan, and Nguyen going to Ferryway School and informing the younger students about how serious global climate change is and why taking care of our planet is so important. The purpose of these efforts is to show that every single person can make a difference. “This year’s projects go far and above the call of duty. It never ceases to amaze me just how much effort the NHS students put into everything that they do,” explained NHS advisor, Paul Marques. The service project “Food for Friends,” organized by senior Jennifer Delacey, collects food and helps feed the hungry. Every Thursday, Delacey goes to Panera Bread in Everett and picks up the extra bread, rolls, and bagels leftover, which usually fills up seven large bags. She then gives half of the food to the Bread of Life in Malden, and the other half to the shelter Pine Street Inn in East Boston. These two meaningful projects are among many others that serve a purpose within Malden. “It is impressive to see people that I am in class with on a day-to-day basis demonstrate the care they have for the community,” stated NHS president, Kevin Vasquez. “People have taken on projects that have great potential to aspire serious change in our community,” he concluded.


The Blue and Gold May 2009

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Nina Ho, Acrylic

Ngoc Doan, Cubism

Raul Villanueva, Still Life

Thayotha Yogendran, Pen and Ink

Maryann Seager and Sidney Smith enjoy the show

Jessica Ma, Pencil Drawing

Photos by E. Chiavelli and L. Tran Page design by L. Tran

Huy Nguyen and Sean Benson admire the art

The Blue and Gold May 2009


local news



Yulin Wu, Pastel

All photos by L. Tran Clarissa Rippy, Pastel Barbara Jerome Athis Reporter “To imagine is everything,” was the theme given by the Fine Arts Club for the 10th annual exhibition of student artwork presented by the Fine Arts Department on April 15, 2009. FAC advisors, and Malden High School studio teacher Mary Ann Seager thought that this theme was appropriate for this gallery as she said, “imagination is the key to all human progress.” This event took place at a lobby owned by John Preotle on 350 Main Street, Malden near the Bank of America and started at 6 p.m. The Blue and Gold Gallery started 10 years ago when students from the fine arts department wanted to make the celebration for the City of Malden’s 350th anniversary special and memorable. The group also wanted to thank Rosalie Sidoti, who was the former art department advisor, for everything she had done. Students from Malden High School’s Studio I–III and AP portfolio classes exhibited their original artwork for everyone to come and view them. The purpose of the event was to showcase the talents of MHS students in the Art Department. Helping themselves to appetizers and sweets, visitors walked through the halls observing the wonderful work of each student, taking pictures left and right. This year the art department made the students work with oil painting, a more time-consuming

technique. Throughout the whole year, students worked on their paintings for this event, and the FAC also had to work on the gallery before the opening. The club had to bring all of the paintings to get frames, make the brochures, and the flyers. “That night might seem easy and simple because everything is nicely set up, but it takes a lot of preparations,” stated Seager. Around 6:45 p.m. there was an award ceremony where all students from the AP Portfolio classes received awards for their incredible paintings. Everyone who exhibited received an award. Raul Villanueva received the Best of Show ribbon for his portrait, Long Ma received the Artist Choice award which is picked by the studio students, and senior Jessica Ma received the Special Award ribbon for her painting of Costa Rica. After this event, the artwork will remain in the lobby for one month. Afterward, some of the pieces go to the mayor’s office for the summer and the students get them back at the beginning of school. The students hope that this year they will be able to display them in the library. The Blue and Gold Gallery improves every year as the FAC learns more. The club would like to thank Preotle who allowed this gallery to happen by letting the students display their artwork.

To See a Slideshow of the images, check out our website:

Rose Nguyen, Self Portrait

Raul Villanueva, winner of the Mayor’s Choice Award

The crowd at the gallery


local news

The Blue and Gold May 2009


continued from Page 1

NEW TECHNOLOGY - Fiber Optics - New Projectors and Computers per Classroom - Improved Sound System (Jenkins Auditorium - New Fire Alarm and Security Keycard System - Further Replenishing of Teaching Tools

The Make-over There is no doubt that Malden High School will look different after the summer. The bridges and the school corridors are going to be redesigned and repainted. The Salem and Holden Street entrances will be redone; a handicap ramp will be installed on Holden. Classes will be moved temporarily out of C and D house to make room for an improved house system. There is also a plan to redesign the courtyard. Inside, the Jenkins Auditorium and the Finn Gym will be completely renovated. The Jenkins will feature a new sound system and more will be invested in the Fine Arts Program. New and improved elevators and handicap ramps will be implemented with accordance to the Americans’ with Disabilities Act.

Student Reactions Unlike the middle schools, the high school will undergo construction on the spot throughout the school year. Many may wonder whether this can work for the students. Even so, the construction team has assured that construction at the school will be minimally disruptive. “People need to concentrate and it is not going to be helpful when someone is taking a math test and there is drilling going on outside,” expressed junior Laura Botero. Additionally, MHS principal Dana Brown confirms that during the 2009-2010 school year classrooms will be constantly moving. Although some students are apprehensive about the upcoming renovation graduating senior Sean Michael Benson feels that “if [he] were in the school next year it is something that [he] would personally want;” ultimately it will “bridge the gap between C and A house.” In the years to come, will we all look back on the school with pride swelling in our hearts? Will we still be able to identify with the MHS we knew before the changes were made? This extension of the city’s ambitious 1990s new school agenda has some great things in store for the future. Should the construction run smoothly, perhaps Malden High School will rise to become one of the finest high schools in the region.

EXTERIOR/INTERIOR RETOUCHES - New Windows - New Holden St. Entrance -New Salem St Entrance -New Ferry St Entrance -Complete renovation of Jenkins Auditorium -Renovation of the Finn Gym -Remodeling and Addtion of: oLocker rooms oBathrooms oClassrooms oOffices oMeeting rooms -ADA standard editions oElevators oRamps oHandicap accesible technology

Front view vision of the renovated bridge between the Brunelli and Boyle houses. NEW FEATURES - Updated Science Labs - State-of-the-art Computer Labs - New Equipment Throughout the School - Expanded Programs (such as Engineering and Biotechnology) - New Security and Fire Alarm Systems - New Roof - Restoration of Jenkins Auditorium - New and Improved Layout of the “House” System

Images from Malden High homepage.

Vision of MHS’ lobby.

To See a Slideshow of the Ready, Set, Rock event, check out our website: mhs/

Before and After images of hte Jenkins Audiotorium

GOT BOOKS? If you have any used books that you would like to donate, please drop them off at Mr. Gallagher’s room (C333). Thank you for supporting Cynthia, Jenny, and Tzivia’s National Honor Society Service Project.

ALAMO Roast Beef & Sea Food 21 Salem Street Medford, MA 02155 (781) 396-2434 4.5/5 Stars!!! Overview of MHS following renovations.

The Blue and Gold May 2009


local news

MHS Bulletin May 6 - Choral Concert May 7 - Malden Special Olympic Day Games May 11 - Late-entry May 12 - Laps for Leslie, Supplementary folders open May 13 - NHS Ceremony, Rotary Book Awards May 14 - MHS Retirement Party May 15 - AP exams end, Supplementary folders close May 18 - Ask the Principal Evening May 19 - MCAS-Math May 20 - MCAS-Math May 21 - Drama Production May 22 - Senior Internship Exhibition, Drama Production May 25 - Memorial Day-No School May 27 - MCAS-History May 28 - MCAS-History May 29 - Senior Prom at Park Plaza June 2 - Awards Night June 4 - Science MCAS, Senior Assembly and Barbecue June 5 - Science MCAS, Graduation Rehearsal June 6 - SAT at Malden High School June 7 - Graduation June 8 - Rain Date for graduation June 9 - 4th quarter attendance ends, Rotation 7,1,2,3,4,5,6 June 10 - Finals Periods 1 and 2, Grading folders open June 11 - Finals Periods 3 and 4 June 12- Finals Periods 5 and 6 June 13 - ACT at MHS June 15 – Finals Period 7 and make-ups June 16 - Grades due June 17 – Last Day

Living under $20 at MHS Brittany Foley Copy Editor Nidale Zouhir

in the midst of a financial crisis, two brave

mhs students try living off of a bare $20 a week

Copy Editor


ESPITE THE WORLD'S miserable economic state, one generation continues to splurge on everything from clothing to lunch— American adolescents. Two Malden High School students proved this statement true when they attempted to stick to a strict $20 budget for a five-day school-week. After carefully planning out the week's expenses, sophomores Brittany Foley and Nidale Zouhir proceeded to almost go over budget on the first day. Their most expensive purchases? Food. For Foley, late-entry Monday morning began with a breakfast outing that cost her approxiamately $12, followed by a $3 school lunch. Zouhir bought $5 worth of coffee and $6 worth of lunch before remembering the budget she was supposed to be following. Total Spent So Far: Nidale: $11; Brittany: $15 On Tuesday, both Zouhir and Foley were more economic. Zouhir mooched off friends for lunch and chose to buy a small coffee instead of a medium, while Foley tried to stick to her budget by making tea at home rather than paying for a morning caffeine boost, and spent only about $4 on lunch.

Total Spent So Far: Nidale: $12.50; Brittany: $19 By Wednesday, Foley realized that her breaking her budget was inevitable. On Starbucks alone, Foley spent about $15. In addition, she spent $3 at lunch; Wednesday's purchases effectively brought Foley over the budget. Zouhir, meanwhile, was still hoping to stay under $20, convincing her mother to buy her lunch and paying for only an ice cream cone on her own. She resisted the urge to buy a set of greeting cards at the Blue & Gold art gallery, but allowed herself a large cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Total Spent So Far: Nidale: $16.50; Brittany: $37 Foley’s Thursday was slightly more economic. She made a sincere attempt to spend as little as possible, downsizing food orders and passing up sales, in preparation for a not-so-wallet-friendly-Friday. She only spent about $5. Zouhir likewise started to grow apprehensive about her Friday night, which promised to be relatively mundane due to the amount of money she could not spend. She drank an extra cup of coffee at home to save herself the necessity of buying it at Dunkin Donuts later and made herself lunch at home, buying only a bottle of water

during the day. Total Spent So Far: Nidale: $17.50; Brittany: $42 Friday, which was sure to be the day Zouhir went over her budget and Foley tripled the initial limit of $20, was almost unbearably long, as most Fridays are. Trying ever-sohard to observe the budget, Zouhir bought only a cup of coffee and spent her night playing Monopoly and Wii Tennis. Meanwhile, Foley almost quintupled the original budget; coming to terms with her lack of money-saving ability, she spent the most money on Friday, paying $20 in movie rentals with friends, $13 at Fudruckers, and another $20 on new shoes. Total Money Spent: Nidale: $19.50; Brittany: $95 As Zouhir singlehandedly keeps the Malden Square Dunkin Donuts franchise on its feet and Foley spends money on everything imaginable, it seems that between food and senseless spending, teenagers in the twenty-first century are likely one of the economy's strongest crutches. Do you think you could do better at the $20 budget than Foley? Try it out; it's harder than you think!

Ready, Set, Rock!! rocks mhs Nidale Zouhir Copy Editor


N MAY 2, 2009, the sound of drums and the scent of steamed hot dogs filled the air as the American Red Cross Club’s first ever Ready, Set, Rock!! concert exposed Malden High School students to local musicians Casey Sullivan and Fourth Wall Fiction, along with California native and YouTube celebrity AJ Rafael accompanied by Andrew Rhim. Profits went to the American Red Cross Disaster Services. The Ready, Set, Rock!! concert was a collaborative effort; it was sponsored by MHS’s Red Cross Club, along with that of Saugus High School. It was also the National Honor Society project of seniors Danny Pimentel, Stephanie Tran, and Angel Han. “The Red Cross Club is relatively new to MHS; it’s great that we’ve been able to support independent musicians and collaborate with other schools this early on,” explained advisor Kristen Kirby. Casey Sullivan opened the show with a cover of Outkast’s “Hey Ya” in her mellow, folksy voice, causing slight confusion among the audience. Whispers of, “Wait, what

song is that?” traveled through the crowd until the chorus. Sullivan continued on, playing three original songs before continuing to a cover of Bright Eyes’ “Landlocked Blues” featuring Fourth Wall Fiction’s Mark Damon. Following this, Sullivan played a memorable cover of Britney Spears’ “Gimme More” that drew disgusted faces from MHS principal Dana Brown and D-House principal Thomas Mahoney. In response to this, Damon announced, “They can try to kick us out, but we ain’t going nowhere,” drawing laughter from the audience. Sullivan finished her set with a chillingly beautiful song entitled “The Smallest Matter.” Sullivan was loved by many; MHS sophomore Geneva Decobert called her “amazing,” going on to state that she was “glad that the people here got to experience such great music. It was also really cool that MHS got to support local bands.” Following Sullivan, MHS alumni Fourth Wall Fiction took the stage; they began by ordering the audience to stand for their entire set. Despite technical difficulties involving their microphones, they then progressed to play several new songs, along with old favorites “The Invitation,” “Leaving Home,” and “Lost Cause.”

MHS alumni Kenny McKeen plays guitar They managed to keep the set balanced, playing the somber “Keep Smiling” before a tongue-in-cheek cover of Sean Kingston’s “Beautiful Girls.” Once Fourth Wall Fiction’s performance was over, the muchanticipated Rafael (jokingly dubbed “Asian Mraz” by MHS junior Keith Newman) and his friend/guitarist Andrew Rhim arrived, instantly drawing screams from those who had been eagerly anticipating them. They started their set with two original songs, called “Showstopper,” and “Scarlet Night,” before progressing to a Disney medley. He continued to dedicate a song called

Photo L. Tran

“Strong as a Soldier” to a fan of his whom recently underwent the third open-heart surgery ever done in Germany. The show ended with a song created by the audience; for one dollar, people could buy one line of a song that Fourth Wall Fiction, Casey Sullivan, and AJ Rafael improvised at the end. This drew laughter from everyone, including Kirby, to whom a line was dedicated. The show attracted dozens of people, but not as many as were originally anticipated. “If we’d had a bigger turn-out, it would’ve been great, but we still had lots of fun,” explained senior Danny Pimentel.



The Blue and Gold May 2009

SeNior one Acts Exhibit excellence

Various acts from the night featuring (clockwise from far left to right, top to bottom): Patrick Keough, Rita Cote, Thanh Nguyen, Keith Newman, David Barrows, Bahar Baharloo, Tayla Damon, Barrows, Richard Wood, Anthony Cuscuna, Newman, Baharloo, Taf Kahn, and Newman. Photos by M. Saksua (To the right) Casey McCoughlin and Sam Warton

Ashley Ngo Head Entertainment Writer


HE ANNUAL Malden High School Senior One Acts added several more acts to its traditional regime, but no one was complaining on the night of the performances. The brilliant show that took place on Apr. 9, 2009, consisted of nine student directed plays, four of which were written by MHS students themselves. Senior One Acts gave MHS students an opportunity to see their hard work displayed for audiences and to be celebrated for their efforts. The process of putting on and writing the acts proved to be difficult, but rewarding. “It was a neat experience; I originally wrote it for a ten minute play festival for The Boston Playwrights’ Theater…so the day before the Senior-Directed One Acts I had seen the cold read,” said junior Keith Newman who had a part in two of the nine plays, “but in the cold read, the actors didn’t know the twist ending and so it was really interesting seeing the different interpretations of the show back to back.” The highlights of the night were “An Actor’s Nightmare”, “Beneath the Beauty”, and “Dear Mom”; equally superb acts were “Solomon: a Life “ by Shawn O’Malley, which featured senior Casey McLaughlin and junior Sam Warton, directed by senior Tainara Candido; “F.B. High” written by Warton and directed by

senior David Barrows, including junior Anthony Cuscuna and seniors Barrows and Richard Wood; “Breaking Up” by Newman, with juniors Martin Doan and Tracy Martocchio; “The Decision” by sophomore Jenna Delaney, with junior Samantha Power and senior Nicole Fowler; “Bye, Bye Boss” written by Warton and presented by sophomores Geneva Decobert and Maya Rogers and Eulogy for Archibald Kugel, written by English teacher Sean Walsh, directed by Candido and performed by sophomore Patrick Keough. “An Actor’s Nightmare” was written by Christopher Durang, who also wrote “Dentity Crisis,“ which the play production class put on last year. The play revolves around an actor who was hastily thrown around into “Hamlet”, “Private Lives”, and “Checkmate.” He unfortunately does not know his lines and is trying to figure out what is happening just to endure through each play. “[Durang] usually writes confusing crazy things like that, I personally can’t even write or act in straight comedies anymore. Walsh has sort of subliminally trained us to like his crazy plays,” stated Newman. “Dear Mom” by Stephanie Heckle was directed by seniors Andrea Kelly and Jessica Melanson. The tragic story starts off with sophomore Charlene Ricci as an

adult Rachel, who is seen writing a letter to her mother, remembering both the bad and good times they had together. Sophomore Rita Cote portrays Rachel through her stages of growing up and with junior Thanh Nguyen as her mother, they interpret the struggles the mother and daughter had with Rachel’s drug use, her father’s death, and the strained relationship between the two. The act builds up to Rachel leaving her mother and living alone with her boyfriend and woefully dies down to the adult Rachel mailing the letter to her mother’s grave. “It was cool that I got to work with Rita,” Ricci stated. “Beneath the Beauty” is based off of a story written by Rogers, directed by Power and Fowler. The dramatic reading focused on conceited woman, Loni (Candido), who by chance bumps into a blind

artist Vince (Rogers) in a coffee shop. Loni soon after visits Vince’s gallery where a hideous sculpture is displayed; it is perceived that the sculpture is Vince’s portrayal of Loni. He explained that because of his disability, he sculpts things as he hears and feels them. Loni is disturbed by this depiction and isolates herself from her peers. The Senior One Acts were a bittersweet almost-farewell to the seniors in the Play Production class.

The Blue and Gold May 2009



Faculty Follies Bring Springtime Sillies to MHS cont. from page 1 fired up by the first performance by the pseudo-band, Iron Vanilli. With Evan Mauser as lead guitarist, Sean Walsh on the keyboard, Bernice Diaz on drums, and Christine Grillon playing rhythm guitar, their MHSstop on the “OMG It’s Iron Vanilli Tour” got the audience pumped for the show, not to mention incredibly amused. After Vanilli’s intriguing concert was a less-exciting, but still funny performance. David Holland shared with the audience a “dramatic reading” of Katy Perry’s “Hot ‘N Cold.” Between his peculiar interpretation of the song and his wizard costume, what would have been figured to be inferior to its preceding performance turned out to be enjoyable nonetheless. Jen Eby and Dawn Frim stole the stage next with “Freby Razzle Dazzles You,” impressing the audience with their tap-dancing and baton-twirling skills. The audience inarguably got greater amusement from the following performance, though, starring three figures of authority that gave out just as many cases of laughter as they did warnings. MHS Principal Dana Brown belted out Ricky Nelson’s “I Will Follow You” alongside Fred Feldman and Thomas Mahoney, altering the lyrics on occasion to better fit the focus of their many students

in attendance. Ever-popular, Famiglietti took a break from working the controls offstage to get front and center with a few of MHS’s seniors in “Fam’s World.” This fraction of the Follies featured a cute rendition of an average day in C-House study, and an unexpected twist involving Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.” A 20-minute intermission ensued, during which those attending could purchase affordable refreshments, which, like the show’s $7 admission fee, went to benefit the Costa Rica club. Act Two, like Act One, began with a most entertaining routine. Shauna Campbell, Jason Asciola, and Paul Marques’ live reenactment of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” music video was undoubtedly one of the most popular parts of the show. The throwing of Ring-Pops© into the crowd, cleverly pertaining to the song’s line, “If you like it then you should’ve put a ring on it,” only made the routine more popular. Following was “Poppin’ Stompas,” including Diaz, Eby, and Grillon, as well as Amanda Alpert, Hava Daniels, Alicia Fine, and Beth Kershner. The idea of the skit/dance was an American Idol-style Junior Varieties Audition. Viewers did not seem as enthused with the performance as they did with certain others, but the performance did not seem to receive

a trace of negative feedback. “Two Pink and Fabulous,” returning from last year’s Faculty Follies, was another that did not gain quite as much of a reaction. However, with Nancy Martin, Victoria MunozLepore, Karen Razzino, Maryann Seager, Cathy Strum, and Veronica Janowicz, like the previous performance, the crowd still seemed to have a good time. It was not long before another crowd-pleaser hit the stage. “Teacher Party” featured a great medley of faculty members, including previous performers Daniels, Eby, Fine, Kershner, Marques, Mauser, and Walsh, as well as newcomers to the stage Shannon Votaw and Paul Degenkolb, among others. The humorous teacher-meeting-turneddance-party skit mocked the lives of teachers until Walsh appeared, in attempts to save the teachers from being “lame.” Another not-as-thrilling “Professor Ferris Von Bueller” dramatic reading came afterwards. Even though Holland switched to a clown wig this time, the performance was not as entertaining to the audience. The Follies closed with a bang, though, when Principal Brown returned to the stage and began a musical performance of Bill Withers “Lean On Me.” Before the tune’s end, he was joined by the entire cast

in a most enjoyable finale. Although there were some mixed opinions of this year’s Faculty Follies, the entire audience seemed to take pleasure in the performances. Even those involved with the show had a splendid time with the fundraiser. Sophomore Rita Coté shared that she felt the show was “a lot of fun” for everyone, and was filled with “lots of surprises and laughs.” A very enthusiastic spectator, sophomore Kevin Joyce, even made a sign supporting the show, primarily Walsh. Walsh showed support, too, proudly stating how the students of the Costa Rica club involved “were always resourceful, helpful, kind, and obedient.” What makes the Faculty Follies such an MHS favorite? “The teachers” was the common answer amongst the many students who watched the show. “I think it’s fun for the kids to see the teachers in a different light,” elaborated Kumar. Without doubt, the not-so-common fun-loving behavior of MHS staff exhibited mixed with the hard work all of the students involved put in makes the Faculty Follies like nothing else. “I thoroughly enjoyed the spirit of our staff and the enthusiasm of the students,” Principal Brown expressed. “What a show!”



The Blue and Gold May 2009

LILY ALLEN Performs in boston Kimberly Lombard Head of Business


VER SINCE BOSTON’S House of Blues reopened with its new location on Lansdowne St, their stage has been blessed with appearances by very impressive artists; everyone from Lady Gaga to New Found Glory has performed for loyal fans from the New England area, and have wowed audiences consistently. April 19 progressed this new tradition of excellence when British pop sensation Lily Allen charmed the audience with her witty, wellperformed songs from her latest album It’s Not Me, It’s You. She began the show in a fashionable red onesie, a Red Sox hat, and red knee highs, which she referred to as her “Red Sox.” She immediately connected with the Boston audience and held that connection throughout the night with her sarcastic remarks, sweet voice, and meaningful lyrics that often point out imperfections in the world. At one point, she complained her “Red Sox” would not stay up and had them duct taped to her legs;

later on in the show she had a bean eating competition between two members of the audience, attributing a favorite Boston cuisine. Her antics revealed a goofy personality that charmed the audience all night and left them wanting more. Not only did Allen charm the audience with her sarcastic sense of humor, more importantly she did an amazing job performing her

new album. In addition to the lineup of songs from It’s Not Me, It’s You, she also performed “Everything’s Just Wonderful” and “Smile” from her first album Alright, Still. In between songs, Allen was sure to give a background story so that the audience could relate to the lyrics more. For example, her song “Who’d Have Known” was attributed to “all the new lovers in the audience,” Allen said. As she went on, her sarcastic, witty personality shone through, when explaining that “this song is about that beginning stage when you still like each other- that won’t last very long.” Allen exposed her more sensitive side with her song “Chinese.” She told the audience how much touring makes her miss her mother, and went on to dedicate the song to her. This background story touched the audience, with lyrics such as, “You wipe the tears from my eye/ And you say that all that it takes is a phone call/I cry at the thought of

being alone and then/I wonder how long it will take till I'm home again.” At the end of the show, she did an encore performance and showed her Boston spirit when she came on stage dolled up in a lobster dress. She performed her two biggest hits “Smile” from Alright, Still and “The Fear” from It’s Not Me, It’s You. She pleasantly shocked the audience by closing the show with a cover of Britney Spears’ “Womanizer,” the perfect, fun ending for a perfect, fun night. Allen certainly gave Boston’s House of Blues a night to remember. E moment of her insults toward society, world leaders, and everyone in between not only entertained the audience, but gave them some food for thought, showing everyone that the world is going crazy over material objects and that no one should have to be anything that they are not. As she says in “Everything’s Just Wonderful”, “Do you think everything, everyone is going mental/ It seems to me that it’s spiraling out of control and/ It’s inevitable…Don’t you want something else, something new than what we’ve got here?”

Miley Cyrus “Climbs” to the Big Screen Brandon Knight Reporter


ILEY STEWART (Miley Cyrus) and her alter ego, Hannah Montana, left sitcom life and took a leap into theaters on Friday, April 10, 2009. The Stewart family left their Californian Disney set and filmed on location in both Los Angeles, California and Columbia, Tennessee. This film adaptation of Disney’s “Hannah Montana” revives the roles of already known characters from the show, but also introduces new characters and songs. Stewart attempts to embody the famous life and a normal life creating her alter-ego of Hannah Montana. As Hannah, Stewart has fame, but she lets it get to her head. After

forgetting about her brother, Jackson (Jason Earles), humiliating her best friend Lilly (Emily Osment) at her own party and getting into a brawl with Tyra Banks over a size six and a half pair of pumps, she decides to go back home for her grandmother’s birthday party. Her father Robby Ray (Billy Ray Cyrus) tricks her into going back home to Tennessee, and Miley, who thought she was on her way to New York, gets angry with her father. He feels that her time as Hannah is up, but Miley reminds him that, “Hannah is everything to [her],” and that he cannot keep her from being Hannah. Ray wants his daughter to once again become acquainted with country life and give the fame a break and tells her that she cannot be Hannah for two weeks. Miley pretends to enjoy the country in order to get back to her fast-paced life, but ultimately realizes she truly does love it there. Her time on the farm takes a turn when Miley’s childhood friend and newfound crush Travis (Lucas Hill) tells the town that Miley is friends with Hannah Montana and that she may be able to stage a concert in order to raise money for their town which is in debt. Lilly,

disguised as Hannah, arrives to see Miley in order to help out with the complicated situation. For the most part, Miley is able to fool the people of Crowley Corners, but inadvertently reveals her identity when Lilly rips her wig off in public. Travis immediately breaks up with Miley, for he feels that she was lying to him, but despite this burden, she still performs at the concert in order to raise money. In the middle of her performance, she gets overwhelmed with guilt and does the unthinkable. Although the movie differs from its series on the Disney Channel, it still stays close to its roots when necessary. One thing that did not change were the antics that the characters go through, like Lilly and Miley stealing a security cart along with various other crazy acts. During its first opening weekend, Hannah Montana: The Movie made over $34 million, and earned

Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana in her new film now in theaters the spot as the number one movie for the weekend. This movie is a great film for all ages and holds true to a great message: follow your dreams, but keep your feet on the ground. Since the television show started, this story evolved greatly and has a more mature edge, but unlike the show where the biggest burden Miley faces are trivial, Miley has real problems that people can actually relate to. Famous or not, everybody ultimately deals with who they are and who they want to be.

The Blue and Gold May 2009


17 Junior Linda Nguyen hits ball


Lynn Tran



ENNIS IS NOT another sport dominated by seniors. When tryouts began, more people than ever showed up and tried out. Shockingly, equal numbers of underclassmen made the cut which becomes a detriment to the girls and gives the boys a chance. The boys and girls tennis teams have been doing well this spring season with a record of 5-5 for the

boys, and 6-2 for the girls. Captains on the girls’ side include seniors, Tayla Damon, Jennifer Delacy, and Jessica Ma. The captain on the boys’ side is senior Jason Hu. The newcomers of the team perform as well as the veterans, like freshman Wilson Hu who won his first match. The boy’s tennis team is not afraid of underclassman playing, and winning, where it seems to be the case in other sports. Although the freshmen girls on

the team lack experience, the team is still performing well as evident by their record. Sophomore Huy Le, does not think that age matters, a good tennis player is “calm under pressure, and plays well.” Boys’ Coach Joshua Titcomb must believe the same, for putting a fair amount of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors on the team. There is no seniority. Le says that in tennis

2009 Varisty Lacrosse Team

Varisty Tennis Players Lily Pham and David Riemer

Boys Lacrosse checks in as official varsity sport Haley DeFilippis Reporter


HE JUMP FROM being a club to becoming known as a sport for the first time at Malden High School , the boys’ lacrosse team is facing difficult opponents. Although most rules and general ideas remained the same from being a club to varsity sport, the team takes the game more serious in order to learn and improve their techniques. They now face strictly varsity teams such as of St. Mary’s High School, Saugus High School, and Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School . In prior seasons, boys’ lacrosse mainly versed junior varsity high

school teams along with one or two varsity games. With a current record of 0-10, the team’s been off to a rough start, however, it’s becoming clear that the players have begun to improve based off of mistakes. It is in the players favor to have Coach DePlacido, who’s very experienced when it comes to coaching lacrosse. Junior Xavier Leo stated, “I’m sure I speak for the team when I say his efforts are appreciated.” This years’ 2009 team is the first to play at a full-time varsity level, concluding that they are setting the foundation for the more successful teams of the future.

“there is always room for improvement,” and that is why he “wants to go to practice everyday.” He knows he has a lot of improve on, but is glad of the opportunity to be on the team, and others would agree when he says he would play tennis in the rain anytime. The enthusiasm and actual talent of the underclassmen and upperclassmen, gives the boys’ team hope.

All photos by L. Tran

Girls lacrosse Update An Holmqvist Copy Editor Teamwork is really what counts. On more than one occasion, the players on the Malden girls’ lacrosse team have said that their efforts to unite the team have paid off immensely. With their joint efforts, this season has been one of their most rewarding ones so far. The team has progressed well through their first league switch, with a record of 4-7. Among their most intense competitors are Wakefield, Cambridge, Lynnfield, and Matignon. Pulling together their offensive and strengthening their defense has been their main objective. As the year draws to a close, the girls are glad to finish their season well, especially for the eleven seniors who will be graduating and leaving in just over a month. “This is definitely the best season we’ve had so far,” explains an excited Caitlin Abber, who is also team captain. “It’s only such a shame that the seniors will be leaving so soon after all of the hard work we have done so far.” Despite the fact that many are leaving this year, some underclassmen stand out as great players such as freshman Commie Ayuk and sophomore Patricia Aguinaldo. Both senior captains Stephanie Tran and Caitlin Abber praised the team’s progress and have high hopes for next year’s team.


The Blue and Gold May 2009


freni JOE RUNS TO SUCCESS tackles Tzivia Halperin

Emily Chiavelli

Head Copy Editor

Head Photographer



TANDING 6'1 TALL and weighing 195 pounds, senior football co-captain David Freni has been one of Malden's most notable student athletes throughout his high school career. Freni took to the sport when he started playing Pop Warner over ten years ago; not only did his talent show immediately, but he gained a lot of support from his family. "Me and my dad always talk about whatever game I've had. I just remember him keeping me up, keeping me wanting to play," Freni told The Boston Globe in a recent interview. Freni has been recognized countless times by local businesses, newspapers, and organizations for his success both on and off the football field. Freni was even named "player of the week” by The Boston Globe in October of 2008, for a game in which he ran 221 yards and scored three touchdowns. If Freni's achievements in football do not speak highly enough of him, his academic achievements certainly do. Freni has managed to maintain a spot on the high honor roll for four years, and has always pushed himself to enroll in honors classes. This year, he is taking Advanced Placement Biology and Calculus and honors English. Wesleyan University honored Freni with a full scholarship for his first year at the school, providing he joins their Division III football team. Freni's dedication to the sport extends into his personal life even after the season ends; he continues to excercise on a regular basis off-season, doing weight training and cardio workouts, and even joined the track team to stay in shape. Also indicative of his love for football is Freni's Facebook page; the only thing written for his personal information is "football" under the area allotted for his interests.

EIGHING IN at an unassuming 164 lbs for his 6-foot frame, senior Joseph Cirnigliaro compensates with his commanding presence on the 2009 boys’ track team. Serving as co-captain along with senior Huy Nguyen and junior Malik Blue, Cirnigliaro has been running on the track team since his freshman year of high school. Initially joining to “stay in shape” for soccer, Cirnigliaro had few intentions initially of remaining on the team or even becoming as dedicated as he did. Cirnigliaro’s dedication to the team grew proportionally with his skills- as he garnered faster times and became more competitive, his stake in the team intensified. Beyond that however, Cirnigliaro also noted that the sheer “physical challenge” of the sport was a significant factor in his remaining on the team. “It’s the only sport where I can be satisfied after my performance. Running allows me to push myself to the point of collapsing, that is the indication that I raced as hard as I could,” Cirnigliaro noted in a phone interview. And physical challenge it is- the track team runs everyday according to Cirnigliaro, varying between rigorous speedwork, weight lifting, and frequent 200-meter runs. With a current record of 3-1, the track team

Anna McGuire runs the 1 mile, Alesandra Pham with the baton, and Andrew Terenzi in 1 mile, and Craig Ramsey sprinting

owes much of its success to the team camaraderie that has developed this past year. Since Cirnigliaro’s freshman year, the team splintered into specific groups, i.e. the sprinters would cloister with the sprinters, the throwers with the throwers and so on. In fostering greater interaction between track’s subgroups this year, the team has become much more unified. “I remember the last race I was in,” began Cirnigliaro after being questioned about the track’s level of teamwork, “I was at the last mark, 200 meters, and I could hear the words of support from Ayoub [Kourikchi] and Lena [Nguyen], screaming from the sidelines. When you feel people believing in you, you push yourself harder and faster.” For Cirnigliaro, track is the cohesion between team and personal goals and team and personal successes. Despite the little recognition that track receives, Cirnigliaro stressed its greater physical exertion over the other sports. “So many people join track thinking it’s easy” commented Cirnigliaro; but it is apparent that many just can not hack track and quit the first week. Members quickly learn that track is in fact a “real sport,” or drown in the undertow.

All photos by L. Tran

The Rowing Continues

MHS Crew team is back for another season Alex Gennigiorgis Reporter


OWING THEIR WAY TO another successful season, the Malden High School’s crew team has been working diligently to have a spring season, with a victorious

ending. Led by coaches and MHS science teacher, Shauna Campbell, and MHS math teacher Sarah Jones, along with senior co-captains Kristen Tran, and David Barrows, the team strives to work their hardest, so they can be eligible to participate in the competitions that transpire in the late spring. Practices are held five days a week, and consist of row-

ing, and running to keep in shape. Returning Crew member Samantha Power stated upon questioning about their fall season, that the “fall season doesn’t really affect the spring season, now the difference is that we row with two other cities in the fall.” “This year, our goals include medaling in States, and raising a great novice team to take

the place of our leaving seniors,” Power commented on the subject of team goals for the spring 2009 season. The team is short players, so anybody that would like to sign up for the crew team (no experience necessary), should go to Jones’ room at C224.

The Blue and Gold May 2009



Getting Back Into the Swing of Things MHS Baseball Team Off To A Slow Start But Hopes To Make States

Brittany McFeeley Reporter

Prices Rising For the Sox Alfonse Femino Reporter


Freshman Brad Applin pitches the ball Photo by J. Valente


HE MALDEN HIGH School Varsity baseball team opened up their season with a loss against Lawrence on Wednesday, April 08, 2009. The Varsity team is making progress with a current record of 2-5 with plenty more games to go. This year on varsity, there are four freshmen on the team. Adam Lucey, Austin Teal, Bradley Applin,

Senior Lucas Ingemi turning a double-play. and Ricardo Mendez have earned their spot on the team for their hard work and determination. The upperclassmen have been good sports and have been encouraging the freshmen to do well. Second baseman Adam Lucey stated, “The upperclassmen were supportive.”

Photo by J. Valente

The freshmen have really stepped up to the plate, contributing to the baseball team. “Every freshmen on the team has a lot to do with how the team’s doing,” stated Lucey. They are proving themselves to be just as determined and focused as the upperclassmen.

March Madness

Paula Suarez Reporter


The march madness college basketball tournament finishes with north carolina as their 2009 state champion

VERY YEAR 65 college teams competed in a tournament that grips America throughout the nation from the first week of March through the first week of April. This College Basketball Tournament is known as March Madness, though the tension continues in April. The term was not always used to describe this tournament but another basketball tournament (the annual Illinois High School association Tournament) until in 1939 when Henry V. Porter came up with the phrase in his article for the Illinois Interscholastic magazine. It was not until 1982, when Brent Musburger, a CBS reporter used the term during the telecast of a tournament game that the phrase has been used ever since by college basketball fans and the media. As mentioned before, the excitement of the tournament begins in March and finishes in April. The teams go through a series of games before they make it to the championship game. The first game is considered as the 1st round and is continued with the 2nd round, the Sweet 16, the Elite Eight, the Final Four, and finally the Champion. For the Men’s tournament the 1st round was played in March 19-20, the 2nd round was played in March 21-22,

the Sweet 16 was played in March 26-27, the Elite Eight was played in March 28-29, the Final Four was played in April 4, and the champion was played April 6. For the Women’s tournament the 1st round was played in March 21-22, the 2nd round was played in March 23-24, the Sweet 16 was played in March 28-29, the Elite Eight was played in March 28-20, the Final Four was played in April 5, and the Champion was played in April 7. Once a team reaches the Final Four, they have a high chance of making it to the championship and possibly become the national champions. A team that reaches this point in the tournament is already envisioning the hanging of the national championship banner from the rafters of its home arena, which is a common tradition. All the team has to do to receive that banner is win two more games. Although the Final Four games are played in April they are still full of the March syndrome. Typically the men’s semifinal games are played on the first Saturday of April, and the women’s are played on the first Sunday of April. The winners of those games then move on to face each other in their respective championship games which are played on the first Monday of April.

Michigan State, Connecticut, Villanova, and North Carolina were the final four teams for the men’s tournament. In the Michigan State vs. Connecticut game the score was 82-73 and Connecticut had to leave the tournament. In the Villanova vs. North Carolina game the score was 69-83, and Villanova had to leave the tournament as well. The Monday championship game with Michigan State against North Carolina ended with a result of 72-89, and North Carolina became the 2009 Champion. Connecticut, Stanford, Louisville, and Oklahoma were the final four teams for the women’s tournament. In the Connecticut vs. Stanford game the score was 83-64, and Stanford left the tournament. In the Louisville vs. Oklahoma game the score was 61-59, and Oklahoma also left the tournament. The Monday championship game with Connecticut against Louisville ended with a result of 76-4 and Connecticut was the 2009 Champion. Although the tournament may be over, for the fans it still continues. Until next year they will be watching their favorite team play in other games and hope that they can have a successful tournament such as North Carolina and Connecticut.

HE GREEN MONSTER rising up in left field, the smell of Fenway Franks filling the air, “Sweet Caroline” blaring through the system during the seventh inning stretch… these are a few things that come to mind when thinking about the Red Sox and their historical Fenway Park. However, due to astonishing price increases for tickets, parking, souvenirs, etc., many people won’t be able to experience the thrill of watching their beloved Red Sox play. Since major renovations took place at Fenway Park in 2003, tickets have nearly doubled in cost. During the 2002 season, a bleacher ticket for a game was around $2030, while a bleacher ticket to a game now is a whopping $50, which is if you can grab the ticket from the box office weeks in advance. When compared to the cost of tickets at other major league ball clubs across the country, it is obvious that Red Sox tickets are extremely expensive. For example, a single ticket for a seat at a Florida Marlins game is about $33, while a ticket for a seat by the dug out at Fenway can range anywhere from $120-180, not including the overpriced parking, or $8 sausages that can be found on Yawkey Way. The team’s high prices are mainly due to their success in previous seasons. It is evident throughout the MLB that the more success a team has, the higher the price of a ticket will be. The Chicago Cubs are a very popular team that plays at Wrigley Field, which is just as historical as any other park, and, not surprisingly, ticket prices there are eerily similar to Fenway. Even though the economy is plummeting, while the cost of pretty much everything else is increasing, faithful fans of Red Sox nation always seem to deal with the heavy prices. Unfortunately, it is getting to the point where the average family has to ask, is it really worth it to spend nearly $300 to see a game?


The Blue and Gold May 2009


Sophmore Renee Santo hits the ball

Junior Casey Willcox on third base

Girls’ Softball Showing No Signs of Letting UP Alfonse Femino Reporter


HIS YEAR, THE GIRL’S softball team is off to an incredible start of 10-2. The team is sitting in a familiar spot at the top of the Greater Boston League, and is way out ahead of any competition as second place Medford High School has a record of 3-6, showing Malden’s domination over the league. Much of the team’s success is due to their hard work and determination on the practice field, as well as a good mixture of veteran players as well as some great new talent. Freshman pitcher Kiara Amos has played a pivotal role for the team, throwing two no-hitters, and playSophmore Jenna Delaney batters up ing hard every game. Also, the leadership of Captain Jen Tamindzija and coach Richard Cullen has been All photos by L. Tran an important factor in the team’s accomplishments. Although the team has played nearly perfect this far, they know that they still have much hard work in front of them, especially come playoff time, however, each member of the team is more than willing to put the sacrifice and effort in to win a state title.


From top to bottom (left to right): Freshman Commie Ayuk goes for the lacrosse ball, Junior David Riemer celebrates his win, Senior Huy Nguyen starts the 1 mile, Hurdlers David Verdieu, Simon Chu, andHenry Wong,

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