June 2009 Blue & Gold Malden High

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The driven ten

over 400 graduates For 2009

The Blue and Gold http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

Malden High School Volume 94 Edition 8

Dario Sava: Valedictorian

Our 94th Year June 2009


David Riemer Head News Writer

Mr. Feldman through the years. Joanie Morabito Reporter


RED FELDMAN, after his 35th year working in the Malden Public School System, is happy to announce that he is retiring this year. A Class of 1967 graduate of MHS, Feldman is proud to have attended the 151 year-old school. Feldman taught math from 19741982, at the Lincoln Junior High


Photos from Ms. Kumar School. After that he taught math at MHS until 1989, then for a year he worked at the Beebe School as an assistant principal. In 1990 he was an assistant principal at the Malden Middle School. Then he returned to MHS in 1992 once again, as a math teacher. He has been an assistant principal since 1993; he became assistant principal of the Boyle House in September of 2001. “I have a real

high degree of satisfaction from my experience of Malden High School going into retirement,” stated Feldman. Feldman is excited to retire, having worked every summer and almost never calling in sick. He hopes to reconnect with his love for horses. “I always enjoyed riding horses.” When he

“THERE AREN’T A LOT of people at Malden High School who don’t know the name ‘Dario Sava,’” fellow senior and top ten member Stephen Cheung stated. Indeed, during the past year Sava’s name has been heard in sentences containing “Harvard,” “Yale,” and “MIT,” names which reflect the character of a dedicated, driven, and highly esteemed student. continued on page 4


continued on page 11


Ayoub Kourikchi Head Copy Editor STANDING AT 5’1, Tzivia Halperin’s animated persona can be felt throughout the corridors of Malden High School. The lively salutatorian claims that during her freshman year a teacher added “needs to be more social” in the comment section of her report card. “I didn’t even know that that comment existed,” continued on page 4


Analu Da Silva and Raul Villauueva ‘Laps for Leslie’ Story on page 17.

The firetrucks that came to the rescue. Photo by Barbara Jerome-Athis Omar Khoshafa Reporter

O Parker’sWorld

Page 3

N A GLOOMY MONDAY morning, nobody expected this “tragic” event to happen. At exactly 8:55 A.M. on May 18, 2009, several Malden High School students were

involved in a deadly accident that took the life of MHS senior Matt Zunitch. Sirens were wailing, along with the student that killed him, and it later became evident that those incontinued on page 14

story on page 5


The Blue and Gold June 2009

Editorials http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

Malden High School

The Blue and Gold 77 Salem St. Malden, MA 02148

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Nicole Dhruv Malisa Saksua MANAGING EDITOR Cynthia Rodriguez HEAD NEWS WRITER David Riemer HEAD ENTERTAINMENT/ OPINION Ashley Ngo HEAD SPORTS WRITER Paul Collins ASSISTANT SPORTS WRITER Alfonse Femino HEAD COPY EDITORS Tzivia Halperin Ayoub Kourikchi COPY EDITORS An Holmqvist Brittany Foley Nidale Zouhir HEAD PHOTOGRAPHER Emily Chiavelli ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER Lynn Tran HEAD OF BUSINESS Kimberly Lombard BUSINESS TEAM Brandon Knight Cera Nolan ONLINE EDITORS Kimberly Lombard Brandon Knight REPORTERS Haley DeFilippis Michael DiGregorio Jacquelyn Dillon Alexander Gennigiorgis Dan Holmqvist Shannon Howe Barbara Jerome-Athis Omar Khoshafa Erica Marangos Alexandra Mathieu Patti McClenthen Brittany McFeeley Paul McWhinnie Joan Morabito Linda Nguyen Paula Suarez Salamanca ADVISOR Ryan Gallagher Established in 1915 Check out our online edition: http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

To My Fellow Seniors... H ere’s to the nights we felt alive. The nights we stayed up late doing homework, the nights we stayed up late studying, the nights we stayed up late just for the sake of staying up. All the hours spent online chatting, reminiscing about the past that happened either several hours ago, several months ago, or several years ago. All the energy drinks consumed in order to finish that paper at four in the morning. All those matches, meets and games that we played that resulted in the exhilaration of competing, the joy of winning, or the sting of losing. All the accomplishments we’ve earned, the aced tests, the spots on the varsity team, the music, art, and theatre competitions we’ve competed in. They will never be forgotten. Here’s to the tears you knew you’d cry. And here’s to the tears you didn’t know you’d cry. The tears that were the result of an awful test or class grade, the tears that resulted from utter exhaustion that you experienced after cramming for midterms or finals. The desperation you felt at the possibility of doing badly or failing a class, or the loneliness that you felt after a

bad breakup; the despondent feeling that you would get when you’re tempted to just give up. Then there are the tears that you didn’t know were coming, the tears that you couldn’t ever foresee or control. Tears that resulted from the loss of a friend who was snatched away too soon in life, or tears that were shed at the loss of a mother or a father or a sister or a brother that was preventable or, unpreventable. Those tears are the ones we’ll remember. Here’s to goodbye. Here’s to a senior year that’s come and gone. A year that has grown from the events and experiences that occurred throughout past several years that finally accumulated into a four year experience that is the chaos and insanity known as high school. No more four segment lunch rotations, no more scrambling to get a look at the absent teacher list, no more praying and begging for a snow day that we know probably won’t happen. No more looking forward to late entry MCAS days or late entry in general. No more Faculty Follies, Junior Varieties, Spirit Week, Fear Fest, or Faculty vs. Student basketball games. Here’s to goodbye to high school, hello to college, the military, work, and life. Tomorrow’s going to come too soon. Too soon we’ll be at this same position again, looking at our graduating class with wonder and awe, wondering how we managed

to do it again. Too soon we will be thrust into work, into war, into life as a whole. We’ll look back on high school and laugh at our arguments, at our personal “the-world-is-goingto-end” problems because they’ll seem so insignificant when they’re compared to wondering how we’ll pay a car or a mortage, or wondering if you should have children with someone you love. The problems we’ll be facing in the future will be so much more meaningful as a whole, because as cheesy and clichéd as it may sound, we are the future. If any graduating class can accomplish something great, it’s our class, from our high school, from our town. Malden High School has been such an amazing melting pot of cultures, orientations, ideas, and personalities that there is nothing that we cannot do, nothing that we cannot accomplish. To echo the sentiments of past editors before me: high school has gone by so fast. All the memories and events from the beginning of high school to the end seem as if they happened yesterday, and currentl we just see a countdown until our graduation. In reality however, when we stand up on that platform and take our diploma, time means nothing. Time means nothing, because we’ll have all the time ahead of us to do something.

Malisa Saksua

The Seniors From Top Clockwise: Malisa Saksua and David Riemer, Joanie Morabito, Nicole Dhruv, Cynthia Rodriguez, Cynthia Rodriguez, Emily Chiavelli and Malisa Saksua, Nicole Dhruv, Tzivia Halperin, Kimberly Lombard

Editorial Policy

The Blue and Gold is an open forum for student expression. It is produced by students for the school and the community. The views presented in this paper are not necessarily those of the advisor or the school administration. The views presented in the editorials are those of the editors-in-chief or guests. The goal of The Blue and Gold is to inform and entertain students as well as the community regarding issues that we feel are important. We strongly encourage readers to respond to material printed in the form of signed letters to the editors. No libelous, malicious, defamatory, obscene, or unsigned material will be printed. The Blue and Gold reserves the right to edit the letters. Names may be withheld upon request. Not all letters will be printed. Although The Blue and Gold appreciates the support of advertisers, we may refuse any advertisement that violates the above policy or that promotes products questionable to student use. Any correspondence concerning this publication should be directed to Mr. Ryan Gallagher’s room in C333 or to his mailbox in the main office.

The Blue and Gold c/o Malden High School 77 Salem Street Malden, MA 02148

To The Blue and Gold Senior Staff Members: Thanks for the great year. You will all be missed. Ryan Gallagher

The Blue and Gold June 2009


Opinion http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/


ALDEN HIGH school’s senior internship program is based on the principle of exposing seniors to a field which they plan to pursue. This unique opportunity enables students to get a true grasp, a real exposure, and a real experience with subjects in their future line of work. Leaving the high school scene to begin the arduous trek into the harsh working world, the program helps students learn first-hand the obligations they will encounter. At first, I was not personally interested in pursuing an internship project because I highly doubted I’d find an organization which satisfied my interests in nutritional sciences, psychology, and journalism. However, my sudden discovery of the nonprofit organization, Community Servings, adequately provided me with an assortment of tasks that were relevant, exciting, and challenging. This humble institution was the impetus which helped me to identify and refine my future career path. If it wasn’t for this internship experience, I would have never reached the revelations I have about my future pursuits. My story begins with an introduction to Community Servings by director Rosario Dominguez, who I met at a program hosted by another nonprofit. After some conversation, she handed me a business card saying, “Nicole if you’re interested in psychology, nutrition, and journalism then Community Servings is the place for you.” Community Servings provides its clients with information regarding nutrition. As I took part in the nutritional cooking class (headed by the registered dietitian Heather Tsatsarones and her two college interns) I was exposed to an endless amount of nutrition facts. Just by simply being in an environment filled with an (mostly nutritionally based) array of staff members (with skill in cooking, food sciences, nutrition, deictic sciences, etc.) I was bound to learn a new nutrition fact through every conversation I took part in. I felt like I had found my ultimate zeal. Because of this zeal, I am bound consider nutritional science as my career path. Psychology-based learning all relates back to the massive banner of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in the nonprofit’s orientation room. I realized that this pyramid exemplifies the needs that Community Servings fulfills for its clients. Despite the fact that Community Servings’ replica of the hierarchy of needs doesn’t blatantly state this, I’ve come to this revelation. My evidence lies in the fact that, over the course of these five weeks I’ve learned and seen that Community Servings literally

provides a large assortment of those essential basic needs on Maslow’s pyramid: foods (not just foods, but nutritious meals), drinks (not just drinks, but nutritious drinks), (gives clients connections to) shelter, (gives clients connections to) doctors and professionals to aid problems related to sleeping, sex, breathing, and living. This ultimately provides clients an order, a limit, a sense of stability, a sense of affection, a network of social relationships, and work groups. First and foremost (in respect to Community Servings’ volunteers) the nonprofit provides its volunteers with a sense of personal growth and fulfillment by enabling them to help ill clients. I’ve honed my mind to be more intellectually aware and it has provided me with a broader perspective of psychology which has now enabled me to firmly continue learning and expanding on the field of psychology in my future academia.

Internship helps senior realize her hierachy of needs. Below is Abraham Maslow’s Hierchy of Needs:

Nicole Dhruv

Parker’s World Parker Stallworth and Parker’s World Graduates FROM MHS

Left: Sketch for Mural. Above: Stallworth in front of his mural; Photo by Emily Chiavelli. Bottom Left: Sketch for tee-shirt. Below: Stallworth; Photo by Bianca Stallworth.


Local news

All articles continued from page 1

The Blue and Gold June 2009


A dedicated and Driven Valedictorian

Every senior class produces exemplary students. These top ten graduates are recognized annually in The Blue and Gold for their outstanding academic achievements.

Dario Sava at the Senior internship Exhibition

Photos by E. Chiavelli and L. Tran Sava’s academic schedule this year contains a baffling four Advanced Placement classes, including AP physics, AP English Literature and Composition, AP statistics, and AP chemistry. To be sure, Sava’s rigorous course load is reflected in his phenomenal academic record which has earned him the title of the Valedictorian in the Class of 2009. With such an immensely challenging group of classes, it would seem unlikely that Sava would have time to do anything other than eat, breathe, and perhaps chalk up a few hours of sleep, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Sava’s drive transcends mere academic prowess, extending into the realm of service as well. “He can tackle mountains of work, but can still find time to answer a Key Clubber’s questions,” Cheung also commented, marking Sava’s commitment to the educational development of underclassmen. For the one period of the day he is not immersed in his studies, Sava is tutoring kids in computer programming with Paul Marques. It is easy to believe that an academic fervor like Sava’s could be altogether consuming, but he makes a pointed effort to relax and hang out

with friends and family as well. Having to adjust from honors class to AP class work was the greatest challenge that he has had to face in this endeavor, but has managed to maintain a happy and healthy social life while still acing his classes. “Though my senior year has been the most academically packed, even with college applications and all, it has been by far the most fun,” Sava remarked. Though largely the result of an internal desire to succeed, every success story needs a catalyst, and Sava attributes his position of merit to his family and friends. “My family has always been there for me,” Sava stated, “and my parents have instilled in me the importance of getting an education and being a good person.” With such big-name college acceptances like Harvard, Yale, MIT, Tufts, and Boston College, it is no wonder that he is the product of a supportive family. In the fall, Sava will head off to Cambridge, Massachusetts for his first semester at Harvard University, yet his choice was not an immediate one. After some flip-flopping between Harvard and MIT, Sava chose Harvard for its capacity to provide a world class education in whatever major he decides on. Determined not to forget his preparatory experience here at MHS, Sava is proud to have come from a school that his given him “such great opportunities.” “To sum it up in two words,” Sava stated, “my time at MHS has been incredible and unforgettable.”

Photos of Tzivia Halperin by E. Chiavelli and L. Tran

Lively and Animated, HALPERIN Will Continue to Write she exclaimed. However, from then on she began participating in school activities that were “confidence boosters.” Currently, as the president of the Literary Society, she recalls tentatively handing in her application, unaware that she would begin to hone her writing talents and “be forced to contribute and speak.” However with English teacher Ryan Gallagher’s encouragement, and an entirely different group of people, she immediately broke through her shell, and became a regular. Coming from a family of two other successful sisters, she always felt “pressured to excel in school.” However, both of her sisters were able to leave lasting impressions on her. Robin, her 24 year-old sister, contributed to her “creativity;” Haleprin specifically remembers ‘doing art projects with dolls when Robin babysat [her].” Furthermore, she also gained her “sarcastic banter” from her beloved father and “her love of reading” from her mother who is a librarian. Although her family has profoundly impacted her development through the years, she aspires “to carve her own niche in the world,” and not conform to societal norms. After a moment of pondering when asked which word best represents her she exclaimed, with her forefinger raised, “a filament.” True to her word, Halperin characterizes the gleaming, lively wire that is essential to the inner workings of the bulb. Next fall, Halperin has her eyes set on Emerson College, depending on whether she remains on the waiting list at Wesleyan University. She is unsure of her respective major; however she hopes to pursue a degree in English in which she could incorporate her love for journalism that she fostered during her two years on MHS’ newspaper, the Blue and Gold. Among journalism, Halperin also enjoys photography and “hopping on the train and going to Kendall square to watch a good movie.” Her refined taste in movies includes such favorites as “Amelie” and “Stalag 17;” additionally, she “loves” Alfred Hitchcock.

The Blue and Gold June 2009

Local news http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

Stephen Cheung, More than Just A Success Story An Holmqvist Copy Editor THE TOP STUDENT and success. How does it happen? He is self-driven yet relaxed, hardworking yet social. Balanced, resourceful, and inspired. Exceptional. Orator and third-ranked student in the graduating Class of 2009, Stephen Cheung will be attending the long-revered Dart-

Stephen Cheung at the Senior Internship Exhibition. Photo by L. Tran mouth College in the fall. As the first in his family to graduate high school, Stephen Cheung has more than just exceeded expectations. With a relaxed demeanor, he takes on arduous studies with a bright and whimsical attitude. His dedication to his studies has taken him through seven Advanced Placement courses while his charisma has led him to become an active member in the Interact Club and on the Civil Rights Team. A well-rounded student, Cheung has taken everything from AP English Literature and AP Language, to calculus BC and physics. But what is it that brings him to the forefront? Cheung was most inspired by his family. With an upbringing where parents, sister and brother alike value education, he rose to the challenge. “I come from a disadvantaged family with respect to education. My parents haven’t even graduated from high school. We’ve always believed that education is essential as a key that can open doors,” he explains. Cheung has exceeded expectations by being the first Malden High School student to be accepted to Dartmouth in years. And what is his secret? Nothing less than being driven; “the great secret to getting a wonderful education really is no great secret at all. It’s motivation.” How does one define success? Does breaking top three mean more than breaking that raw

pressure to succeed? Although he maintains that motivation and consistency are important factors in getting an excellent education, he concedes that success is not everything. “Now I’m not talking about slacking off and failing all your classes. While schoolwork is important, don’t, by any means, let it rule your life.” If the motivated and hard-working student is consumed by academics, then what is left? His advice to future students is to take high school as it comes. If you’re already a fullyfledged student, then “instead of [taking] that 5th AP class that you think you need, take the art class that you love. If you like programming, take computer programming instead of that 2nd VHS class that you don’t like all that much. Take a business class. Take chorus. Take ‘Blue & Gold’ …You won’t regret it. I promise.” Now headed to college, Cheung says he will open his opportunities as much as possible – he doesn’t want to limit himself to one major. Dartmouth was his first (and, ultimately only) choice for college. Applying Early Decision, Cheung knew that this was the school he most wanted. As one of the first Ivy League institutions in the country, Dartmouth College is one of many very selective schools on the East Coast. But beating the odds, inspired and exceptional, Stephen Cheung has reached his goal.


Jenny Lam Races To The Top Brittany Foley Copy Editor “MY LIFESTYLE in general is very fast,” senior Jenny Lam shared. At fourth in her class, it is unlikely she is referring to her season on the Malden High School track team. At the end of her senior year, it was not difficult for Lam to take a few moments to reflect upon her high school experience. Quite possibly, one of Lam’s most noticeable parts of her MHS experience is her successful high school career. In her four years, Lam was able to build up a resume to envy. Aside from taking six AP courses (US history, calculus, studio, literature, economics, and chemistry) and an array of honors classes, she was very involved with sports and clubs. Undoubtedly, her work ethic had to be rather fastpaced. “I procrastinate a lot,” Lam declared. “[I am] excited to not have to stay up into the early A.M. hours to finish my homework.” Despite her procrastination flaw, however, Lam’s success was never tainted. “I like to work under pressure,” she said. “So [that is] why I procrastinate.” When asked about her inspiration, Lam did not hesitate in replying that her parents inspired her to work so hard. “[They have] always encouraged me no matter what.” Lam spoke of her inspiration: “They would always accept me, despite any of the mistakes [I have] made.” Outside of class, Lam took part in the Fine Arts Club, Key Club, Interact Club, Red Cross Club, and Math Team. On top of that, she was also a part of MHS’s Indoor Track team for a time, as a sprinter. Inarguably, Lam had an intense schedule. “It was definitely hard,” Lam confessed about her AP courses and heavy involvement. “But I [can not] say that I regret it, because I feel like [it has] prepared me for college.” Lam will not be straying too far from home when school starts up in the fall; she will be attending Boston’s own Northeastern University. Lam will be majoring in the medical field, and is enrolled in Northeastern’s pharmacy program. As much as she loves the sciences, however, Lam revealed her enthusiasm for both ends of the spectrum, when she spoke of her other passion: art. “As long as I can remember, [I have] always been interested in art,” Lam shared. As a student taking AP studio, it is obvious that Lam loves the expressive subject. Recently, Lam was a contestant in the Boston Globe Show. Despite her zeal and dedication to the arts, however, Lam simply refers to it as “a hobby.” Amongst art, Lam’s other hobbies include spending Jenny Lam at the Senior Internship Photo by L. Tran time with friends and going Exhibition. to the beach. Not long ago, these were both pulled into a day that sticks out in her mind. When asked about some of her favorite MHS memories, Lam explained, “I have a really bad memory.” Accordingly she went on to tell about “the most recent memory that is [her] favorite:” a day spent at the beach with fellow seniors. She then continued to say she cherished memories of “all the spirit days [MHS has] had.” What is the next landmark in Lam’s life? “A significant milestone to come is graduation,” Lam commented. She is relieved to be going to school close to home, and feels that it will make the new experience easier. Although she said she would not have minded a school far away, Lam wanted a local campus. Alongside her many academic preparations, she feels a recent summer program with Phillips Academy also prepared her for college. Through it, she was able to meet people from all over the world, and is eagerly anticipating a similar experience when school starts up next year. There is a lot Lam claims she will miss about MHS; “The people, the atmosphere, the hallways, everything.” She also spoke of some of her favorite teachers, including Dr. Perito, Mr. Bowers, Mr. Bezubka, and Mr. Gallagher. Lam wanted to make it known that she wishes everyone “good luck for next year” and what lies ahead. “It was a quick four years,” Lam reflected. With her near-perfect GPA of 3.9 and a rather attractive transcript, Lam should feel beyond confident as she departs from MHS. Still, as she moves on to the next chapter of her life, Lam feels a bit “nervous about starting fresh next fall.” She explains her excitement for the summer, but remains reminiscent of the memories and friends made at her home at MHS. “My friends, they have always been there,” Lam looked back, “just to listen to me, and to help with my problems, big or small.” A member of the graduating Class of 2009, Lam has had an exceptional high school career. Although moving on may prove one of her most difficult challenges yet, Lam is ready and waiting for the exciting experiences that await her. “I do not like to have repetition in my life,” she stated.


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The Blue and Gold June 2009


Abber has It All, Athletically, Mentally, and Academically

Tang Will Double the Effort with a Double Major

Alex Mathieu

Brittany McFeeley



KNOWN BY A FEW as “The Great One,” Anne Abber is an accomplished Malden High School senior, fully deserving of her position as fifth in the 2009 Senior Class with a GPA of 3.905. Equally impressive to Abber’s high rank is her exemplary status as co-vice president of the senior class, coeditor of the yearbook and captain on MHS’ varsity soccer, basketball and softball teams. However, these accomplishments do not go to Abber’s head, in fact, she is quite modest about them. “I never thought I would do so well both athletically and academically, but I do think that people don’t always realize how close the two things are related,” Abber stated. “Sports are as much mental as they are physical. I am certainly not the most physically talented athlete; Mr. Brown has even called me the best worst athlete he has ever coached, [but] I would like to think that what I lack physically I make up on the mental side.” Abber’s enthusiasm for athletics was fueled by her family. She credits her interest in sports to her brother with whom she used to play with as a child. It also seems that family played a big role in Abber’s academic career as well. She says that due to the encouragement and support from her family, accompanied by her pride in her work, she was driven to try her best. “I guess it just shows that my hard work for the last four years has paid off.” Abber’s hard work is also shown by her acceptance into Boston College, which accepts a little over one-fourth of its applicants. When asked if her GPA made the college application process any less stressful, Abber replied, “I wouldn’t say I was confident but I knew I was going to get in somewhere. So much of the college admittance process is out of my control that I could only hope that

Annie Abber, personal photograph.

my academic record and extracurricular [activites] would help me get into a good school.” Abber’s hopes were realized once she got her acceptance letter from BC. Despite being recognized on occasions by The Malden Observer and The Boston Globe for her impressive athletic ability, Abber doesn’t plan on playing sports at the varsity level in college. However, BC will not be without Abber’s skill. “I plan to play at either the club or intramural levels for soccer and basketball,” Abber said. Abber, whether she knows it or not, is a role model in the eyes of many; her accomplishments amaze those who do not know her, but don’t surprise those who do. In response to the request of any advice for underclassmen, Abber offers, “Do not underestimate the power of working hard take pride in [your] schoolwork. and Also, getting involved in extracurricular [activities] is just as important as the academics.” Although she is leaving MHS, Abber will always be a part of the MHS community and will be missed by many. Abber has left a mark at the high school that cannot be removed due to her achievements and through her strong personality. She will always be remembered as one of the best.

ALLEN TANG GRADUATED sixth of his senior class. His teachers and friends are proud of the success he has made throughout high school. Doctor Diane Perito stated, “Allen is a very serious, determined and self-motivated student.” Mr. Brian Morrison also had some nice things to say about Tang, “Allen Tang was a great student to have in class. He was always very polite and exceptionally motivated. “ Tang was a hard-working and determined student with outstanding grades. Tang stated, “I feel honored to be ranked sixth in the Class of 2009. It’s probably one of the most competitive classes to have ever passed through MHS.” In order to achieve such high expectations, one must be ready mentally and take on high leadership positions such as Tang did throughout his four years at Malden High School. At MHS, he was treasurer of the Chemistry Club and Vice President of the Math Team. He graduated with a GPA average of 3.8862. Getting good grades such as his requires a lot of time and effort and many challenging classes. At MHS, he took AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Studio II CP, and English 12 H. Not only did he take these classes, but he also participated in an online course of AP Physics C. Tang also participated in Summer Search, a program for students who display leadership qualities. Even though this hard course selection looked good on college resumes, he wished that he did not overload himself with enormous loads of work, taking two AP classes, AP US History and AP Environmental Science, during his junior year. Tang suggests, “take courses that you are really interested in and can envision yourself succeeding in. I fell into a pit when I registered for several courses in my junior/senior year for no reason other

Tang at the senior Internship exhibition.

Photo by L. Tran

than the fact that they were AP.” After his senior year, Tang plans on attending The University of Massachusetts Amherst. At college he plans on double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. “I have always been interested in sciences, and I really appreciate/credit Dr. Perito, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Charles Bowers for all their work in developing me academically,” Tang states. Perito stated, “Doing a double major is tough, no matter what the subject areas are. I have seen Allen juggle multiple AP classes and succeed. With this in mind, I do believe he will also succeed with the double major endeavor.” Sad to be leaving his friends at MHS, Tang states, “I’m ready for a whole new beginning, and college life looks appealing to me.” Tang also mentions that high school was tough and he will miss his friends and teacher as he heads off to Amherst. Perito also mentioned, “I have known Allen since he was in seventh grade. I have seen him grow and mature over the course of these years and I am truly amazed at his dedication and commitment to his schoolwork. It is these qualities that will serve him well in his future science career.” Saying goodbye to high school was difficult because of departure from friends, teachers, and principals , but Tang will always have them in his memories as he sets off from a promising future attending college. “I expect to hear good things about Allen in the next few years and I am sure he has a very bright future ahead,” stated Morrison.

The Blue and Gold June 2009


Local news http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

Han Graduates with Gates in hand Barbara Jerome-Athis Reporter “I WAS GENUINELY SHOCKED; when I found out I made it to the top 10,” said Angela Han who placed seventh in the top 10. Due to the hard–working and intelligent students in her class, Han did not think she would make it to the top 10 with an estimate of 3.85 GPA. Han, for a long time was known as Angel Yuhan because a “fool smushed my last and middle name together,” stated Han. However, when she was around 3 years old, her baby sister, Hillary Han, told her parents that Angela was a prettier name than Angel “so my parents called me Angela and it just stuck with me,”

Photo by L. Tran

PHAN steers towards science Lynn Tran Photographer

Photo by L. Tran explained Han. For her senior year, Han took classes which consisted of Advance Placement Literature and Composition, AP Chemistry, AB Calculus, Concert Band, and Honors Latin. Although she put school first, Han still had time for other personal things. Throughout her career at Malden High School, she did a lot of volunteering; she played lacrosse ever since her freshman year. She also was involved in clubs such as the Red Cross Club, Environmental Club, Interact Club, and was part of National Honor Society. Outside of school, she would go to kung fu classes because “it gets me active and after a good workout I feel so much less stressed,” said Han. The most challenging part of high school was to manage her time through her AP classes, honors classes, and her extracurricular activities. However, her little sister kept her going and still keeps her going everyday. “I don’t know if I would have gotten this far in life without her support,” stated Han. She had a lot of mental falls throughout high school where she had break downs from stress but “remembering that [my] little sister looks up to me, helped me to get my act together and accomplish what I needed to do so that she learns to do the same when she gets older.” Han is one of the many students who did not always have a clear picture of what she wanted out of high school. She did know, however, that she needed to do well in school and wanted to go into the medical field to earn a large salary of

when she gets older. However, through high school, “I realized that the point in life is not to collect the most money but to live contently and with the feeling of success,” explained Han. Han admits that she will miss the immense diversity and how great the faculty was at MHS. She enjoyed every teacher she had throughout high school but the teachers she had for multiple years and kept in touch with were Diane Perito, Bradley Gelling, Margaret Pettit, and Kristen Kirby. After applying to several colleges which included Harvard, Brown, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Boston College, Northeastern University, and University of Massachusetts of Amherst, Han decided to attend Northeastern. She was planning on going to BC but since it was vague on what her financial package would be in terms of the Gates Scholarship that she received, she thought that Northeastern would be best. She plans on going to graduate or medical school using this scholarship. She will major in Biochemistry, maybe in the pre–med track. Science is her favorite subject and she feels that the world is in need of scientific research and doctors. Han would like to leave MHS telling all lower classmen, “Don’t slack off!” She then continued by saying “find something that motivates you or that you’re passionate about.” She also gave a quote from Carl Gustav Jung which states “I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become.”

ON HALLOWEEN, the Jack Sparrow that was walking through the halls was really senior Kari Phan. Sophomore year, Phan discovered her newfound infatuation with pirates, after watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. She was drawn to the adventurous plot and its comedic touches. Students consider her personality to be “really refreshing” and say she is always “bright and kind” to everybody and no one was hesitant to mention her love for pirates. Ever since she was little her parents pushed her to do all of her homework before anything fun. In pre-school, they were already teaching her mathematics, giving her an advantage. Today she said, “it worked” because she finished all her homework on time and senior Andy Vo claimed that, “she does not procrastinate.” Like the movie, Phan is a silly person, but her chosen major proves that she is ready to take risks. During her younger years, she was always interested in math and science, which prevailed throughout high school. Now that she is older, her parents are not involved in her studies since they trust her and give her the freedom to learn whatever she desires. Primarily Phan was interested in radiology, but during her sophomore science class, she was given a project about skeletons which interested her. Her excitement for that project reflected on her excitement in her classes. Phan claimed she “enjoys all her classes,” and that they “motivate her to learn,” especially her math and science classes, which are both AP. Some of her favorite classes were her sophomore and senior biology classes, which explains why she is planning to major in a pre-medicine. Next year, Phan will be attending University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she will be studying a type of science major, unless she gets into Brown University which she was wait-listed for. Her desire to become a pre-med is a result of her interest in skeletons, pirates, biology and math. Her dedication and passion has definitely paid off and she is now ranked eighth in the Class of 2009.

Class Portraits of the top ten are provided by Lincoln studios


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The Blue and Gold June 2009


Hu hears his calling at Georgia tech Cera Nolan Reporter

Kevin Vasquez at a senior event

Photo by L. Tran

Leadership Lands Vasquez A Spot At Cornell Paul Collins Head Sports Writer


EVIN VASQUEZ has achieved a prestigious place among Malden High School graduates in the Class of 2009. He placed ninth in a class of over 400 students. With a GPA of 3.74, Vasquez plans on attending Cornell University starting next fall. During his time at MHS, Vasquez was enrolled in AP Calculus BC, AP Spanish V, and AP United States History. Vasquez has left his mark at MHS, with his involvement in the Math Team, Crew Team, Latino Club, Peer Tutoring, Green Room Theatre, Fine Arts Club, and the Freshmen Mentoring Program and the Summer Academics program at the Harvard Medical School for incoming freshmen. Not only has Vasquez been immensely involved for the last 4 years, Vasquez was a leader among the Class of 2009. Vasquez was the Section Leader for the school Marching Band from 2005-2008. He was also the Secretary of the French Club, Delegate to the InIt Convention for the Civil Rights Team, Secretary of the Class Government, Team Manager for the Girl’s Varsity Volleyball Team, Student Ambassador of Summer Search, President of the National Honors Society, and the Vice President of the Class Government, Choral Arts Society, and the Asian-American Club. Due to Vasquez’s involvement throughout his years at MHS, it’s no wonder he was honored with six awards between 2005 and 2009; from the Interact Club he was awarded Member of the Year from 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, the 2007 Open Roads Scholarship was bestowed upon him from the Global Leadership and Documentary Immersion Program, the Excellence Award at Harvard

Medical School from P.R.I.S.M., the AP Scholar Award was presented to him from College Board, and the Outstanding Essay Award from Summer Search ‘for reaching out and reflection.’ Along with being involved in high school, Vasquez also has some unique qualities that he learned when he wasn’t leading one of the many clubs present at MHS. Vasquez is an advanced speaker in French, he is effortless in Spanish, and talented in Thai and Portuguese. He can also write and read some Cantonese and Mandarin. Along with having knowledge in six different languages, Vasquez can play the piano, the tuba, the flute, and he can sing Tenor. Vasquez is a dedicated student and this dedication reflected in his College Essay entitled “Purpose”, in which he spoke about his life, attentively. The last sentence of his essay stood out in particular due to its sophistication and high-quality writing in which he said, “In reflecting about my own life experiences, I now realize that I am a battle-tested and loving individual and there is a purpose to who I am.”

MAKING THE TOP TEN of the class is a great achievement that is accomplished by working hard and staying dedicated. Jason Hu made number 10 on the list, which is not an easy task. Being in the top ten comes along with a great deal of hard work. Hu’s schedule consisted of three Advanced Placement classes: chemistry, physics, and calculus AB. Throughout high school, Hu consistently kept up with honors courses, and took an AP world history course junior year. Hu plans to attend Georgia Institute of Technology in the fall, and after college he plans to search for a company or organization that works to build machines to help the environment. If three AP courses seem like enough work, Hu is also the captain of the boy’s tennis team, and an active member of the Interact Club. Being historian of the Interact Club allowed Hu to “emerge as a leader.” Although most people would find it difficult to participate in sports and clubs with such an abundance of school work, Hu did not consider it an obstacle in the way of being successful. “I’d usually get things done on time, but I was never afraid to pass things in late,” said Hu. “Yes, there were times when I pulled allnighters, but that’s part of the high

Hu posing in the Finn Gym.

school experience!” he continued. Unlike a lot of over achievers who are influenced to do well in school by parents, Hu explained how he was on his own. “My sister dropped out when she was in 7th grade, and my parents did not contribute much to my learning. I just wanted to keep challenging myself and try to be the best I could be” explained Hu. Hu is deeply inspired by what Dr. Steve Sobel once said: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss,

you’ll land amongst the stars.” Hu explained how it kept him inspired. “That was the most inspirational thing that I have ever heard anyone say. Set your goals high, reach further than your hands allow you to reach. Even if you don't get there, you will have still succeeded knowing that you tried so hard and [gone] so far. Never give up, dream big, and keep moving forward,” stated Hu. Hu explained how his biggest accomplishment was not related to being on the top ten or greatly achieving in school work, but making the great friends he has in school. “To me, my greatest accomplishment was being able to make the true friends that I have now. These friends are the people that I have come to love and will forever cherish in my heart.”

Photo by L. Tran

Hu’s advice for students: “take high school seriously from day one.” Students throughout high school commonly believe that they can slack early on in high school and pick it up around their junior year, but according to Hu, they should do their best from the beginning. “Work hard when it is time to work hard, but be sure to give yourself plenty of time to lay back, relax, hang out with friends, and just have fun” commented Hu.


The Blue and Gold June 2009 http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

Oh, The Places We Will Go!


Anne Abber BOSTON COLLEGE Caitlin Abber BRANDEIS Joshua Acevedo SALEM STATE Pamela Marie Adjibodou NAVY Stephanie Aguinaldo SALEM STATE Jose Aguirre SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Nikita Alexandre WORK Ashley Allen TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Ashley Alvarenga MIDDLESEX C.C. Anthony Alvarez UNDECIDED Suelen Miranda Amaral BUNKER HILL C.C. Gabrielle Aquino UMASS LOWELL Jonathan Arias UNDECIDED John Armstrong BUNKER HILL C.C. Marcus Armstrong HARTWICK Elizabeth Asongwed SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Sovita Atis BUNKER HILL C.C. Amandeep Badwal BUNKER HILL C.C. Emilio Baez UNDECIDED Bahar Baharloo BENNINGTON COLLEGE Donnell Bailey BUNKER HILL C.C. Victor Banor HAMILTON (POSSE) David Barrows UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Jonathan Bastos BUNKER HILL C.C. Marize Batista WORK Sean Benson U MASS - AMHERST Michael Berry BENEDICT COLLEGE Daniel Bitew UNDECIDED Steve Blanc WENTWORTH Scott Borbas U MASS - BOSTON Jean Borgella UNDECIDED Alex Borges ARMY Michael Boudreau BUNKER HILL C.C. Ashley Bourett BUNKER HILL C.C. Kelly Bourgea FITCHBURG STATE Christian Brewer UNDECIDED Molly Brickman BUNKER HILL C.C. Randolph Brisbon BUNKER HILL C.C. Zackary Byard BUNKER HILL C.C. Katelyn Callahan UNDECIDED Tainara Candido UNDECIDED Amanda Caristinos BUNKER HILL C.C. Rose Carrenard BUNKER HILL C.C. Woodley Carrenard NORTH SHORE C.C. Carla Castillo U MASS - BOSTON Joe Celecien UNDECIDED Nandy Celony UNDECIDED Marie Cesar UNDECIDED Houssein Chamseddine BUNKER HILL C.C. Eva Chan SALEM STATE Herve Charles JOHNSON & WALES Michael Chase BUNKER HILL C.C. Pascale Chataigne COLBY-SAWYER Megan Chau UNDECIDED Wai Cheang U MASS - AMHERST Da Chao Chen BUNKER HILL C.C. Jason Chen NORTHEASTERN Jia Chen UNDECIDED Wen-Hao Chen UNDECIDED Stephen Cheung DARTMOUTH Emily Chiavelli NORTHEASTERN Sally Chu U MASS - AMHERST Joseph Cirnigliaro WORCESTER POLYTECH Jennifer Cochran U MASS - BOSTON Christa Consoletti BUNKER HILL C.C. Rachel Coppla SALEM STATE Devin Corbett AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Trisha Cornet BAY STATE COLLEGE Briana Crawford UNDECIDED Nathan Crescenzo UNDECIDED Ariana Crosscup UNDECIDED Julie Crowe SALEM STATE Kimberly Cruikshank ANNA MARIA COLLEGE Steven Cuartas-Cano N.E. INSTITUTE OF ART Randy Cuevas Betances WORK Joseph Cuneen UTI - NORWOOD AUTOMOTIVE AND DIESEL Angela Cunningham UNDECIDED Analu Da Silva SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Sodaba Dadrass SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Erik Dahlinghaus UNDECIDED Tayla Damon BUNKER HILL C.C. Hai Dang UNDECIDED Belen Daniel UNDECIDED Alinne De Oliveira SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Gregory Deangelis N STAR/ BUNKERHILL Jennifer Delacey BABSON COLLEGE Ariana Dellagatta U MASS - AMHERST

Clifford Delsoin UNDECIDED Laura Depriest NORTH SHORE C.C. Nicole Dhruv HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE Mindy Dinh U MASS - BOSTON Amanda Dipietrantonio NORTH SHORE C.C. Robert Jr Diserio BUNKER HILL C.C. Ginny Tam Do HOLY CROSS Annabel D’oleo Ledesma SPARTAN COLLEGE Michael Domenici NAVY Jeffrey Dorsey U MASS - LOWELL Nerica Douarin BAY STATE COLLEGE Rebecca Douarin SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Anthony Dragonetti UNDECIDED Cayla Dupont UMASS - AMHERST Josue Dureny UNDECIDED Monique Dusablon MIDDLESEX C.C. Cassandre Dutrevil NORTH SHORE C.C. Paul Ebai NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE Anass El Haloui UNDECIDED Nicholas Eliopoulos BEN FRANKLIN INSTITUTE Carlos Escobar U MASS - LOWELL Farah Esperance UNDECIDED Rachel Eustis SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE Belanove Exilhomme BUNKER HILL C.C. Sara Fanchaouy WORK Yan Feng BUNKER HILL C.C. Laura Ferguson MASS BAY C.C. Fernanda Ferraz Pires UNDECIDED Amy Fillebrown SALEM STATE David Freni WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Anthony Gabriella WENTWORTH INSTITUTE Kathleen Gannon LESLEY COLLEGE Daisha Garner-Ellerbee JOHNSON & WALES Vanessa Gaston UNDECIDED Marie Gedeon UNDECIDED Jack Generazio PLUMBING John Geraci JOB CORP Gregory Gignac BUNKER HILL C.C. Michael Gilardi SALEM STATE Theresa Gilbert UNDECIDED Nicholina Gioiosa U MASS - BOSTON Kristi Gjikondi U MASS - BOSTON James Glennon UNDECIDED Ahmed Gohari UNDECIDED Felicia Goicuria MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Samuel Goldstein UNDECIDED Kyle Goodman BUNKER HILL C.C. Robert Goodwin ARMY Meaghan Gould SALEM STATE Jonathan Gray SALEM STATE Patrick Greenberg SALEM STATE Samantha Grinnell NORTHSHORE Stephanie Grossi SALEM STATE Hintsa Hagos BOSTON UNIVERSITY Tzivia Halperin EMERSON Angel Han NORTHEASTERN Cameron Harris U MASS BOSTON Noel Hasberry UNDECIDED Cindy Herrera Aguirre UNDECIDED Johnny Hien SUFFOLK Monet Hodges BAY STATE COLLEGE Christopher Hopkins WORK Yin Yin Htwe BUNKER HILL C.C. Jason Hu GEORGIA TECH Brian Huang SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Jiayun Huang SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Ray Hughes UNDECIDED Tiffany Hughes BUNKER HILL C.C. Wing Yan Hung UNDECIDED Justine Hunt MIDDLESEX C.C. Willliam Hurley MIDDLESEX C.C. Andrew Infante U MASS - AMHERST Lucas Ingemi BUNKER HILL C.C. Michaela Ironuma U MASS - AMHERST Gustavo Jaiman BUNKER HILL C.C. Alexander Jannuzzi LE CORDON BLEU Foulishia Jean LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY Fredelin Jean UNDECIDED Pedro Jean NORTHSHORE C.C. Samie Jean BUNKER HILL C.C. Samantha Jean-Charles SALEM STATE Jeffry Jean-Pierre BUNKER HILL C.C. Matthew Jerome UNDECIDED Spencer Jerome-Athis UNDECIDED Irvin Johnson UNDECIDED

Andrea Joseph BENEDICT COLLEGE Kettena Joseph SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Lukins Joseph UNDECIDED Belky Jovel WORK Colleen Joyce BECKER COLLEGE Sidikibah Kaba UNDECIDED Peter Katulege BUNKER HILL C.C. Andrea Kelly WORCESTER STATE COLLEGE Marina Kem U MASS - BOSTON Tafarruz Khan SALEM STATE Igor Khuzeykin UNIV OF NH Grant Klein ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE (Maine) Brittany Klingerman SALEM STATE Adele Sylie Komguep WENTWORTH INSTITUTE OF TECH Aleksandra Krasteva BUNKER HILL C.C. Jenny Ku SIMMONS Karl Laguerre Dieudonne UNDECIDED Jenny Lam NORTHEASTERN Ernst Larochel UNDECIDED Dave Laurore SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE Anne Marie Le NORTH SHORE C.C. Kim Le MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Nhat Le U MASS - BOSTON Son Le HOLY CROSS Jordan Leavitt BUNKER HILL C.C. Brandon Leblanc BUNKER HILL C.C. Rongliang Lei U MASS - AMHERST Jeffrey Lejentus NORTHSHORE C.C. Maggie Leung MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Steven Lewellyn UNDECIDED Man Liang SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Eddie Liao U MASS - AMHERST Caroline Linden SALEM STATE John Liu BUNKER HILL C.C. Jessica Lockshire UNDECIDED Kimberly Lombard U MASS - AMHERST Taylor Lombard BRANDEIS Kathleen Lopes-Raftery BENTLEY Berline Louis UNDECIDED Rose Louis ATLANTIC UNION PHYSICAL THERAPY Tiana Ly U MASS - AMHERST Jessica Ma THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Long Ma U MASS - AMHERST Sandy Mac MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Alyson Macdonald FITCHBURG STATE John Macmillan WORK Everton Mandelli U MASS - LOWELL Kamilla Marinho Da Silva Courtney Martin MASS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Milton Martin UNDECIDED Ruth Martinez UNDECIDED Zineb Mastouri MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Kethia Mathieu NORTHEASTERN Devon McIsaac UNDECIDED Casey McLaughlin UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Samuel McNary U MASS - LOWELL Shu Qing Mei UNDECIDED Jessica Melanson THE CORDON BLEU CULINARY Josue Melara Ramirez UNDECIDED Daniel Melo BOSTON UNIVERSITY Kristen Melo U MASS - BOSTON Laura Metellus COLBY-SAWYER Steven Meuse UNDECIDED Lumine Michel SALEM STATE Eric Miranda U MASS - AMHERST Tathiana Moise UNDECIDED Thomas Moore UNDECIDED Joan Morabito BUNKER HILL C.C. Saul Morales UNDECIDED Carlos Morales Montanez NORTHSHORE C.C. Thaisa Moro UNDECIDED Georgeanna Morton SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Kasey Motherway BUNKER HILL C.C. Andrea Munoz UNDECIDED Daniel Musker UNDECIDED Linda Nabawanuka SALEM STATE Travis Nally HARTWICK Stephen Neves UNDECIDED Ching In Grace Ng SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Jannie Ngauv UNDECIDED Jessica Ngo BENTLEY

Michael Ngo U MASS - AMHERST Vincent Ngu MARINES Huy Nguyen BOSTON UNIVERSITY Jimmy Nguyen BUNKER HILL C.C. John Nguyen MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Lillyan Nguyen U MASS - AMHERST Mary Nguyen U MASS - AMHERST Trong Nguyen U MASS - BOSTON Melchi Noel DENNISON (POSSE) Daniel Noori U MASS - BOSTON Marrisa Noori BOSTON UNIVERSITY Matthew Nunez WORK Michael O’Brien WORK Mikaela O’Brien BUNKER HILL C.C. John O’Leary UNDECIDED Thaiesha Olivier BUNKER HILL C.C. Jiana Onessimo BUNKER HILL C.C. Peterson Orelus BUNKER HILL C.C. Chad Ortiz ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Osvaldo Ortiz SALEM STATE Nancy Otalvaro UNDECIDED Brittany Otis BUNKER HILL C.C. Angela Pagliccia BUNKER HILL C.C. Erik Paiva BUNKER HILL C.C. David Palencia BUNKER HILL C.C. William Palma BUNKER HILL C.C. Daniel Pang SALEM STATE Cody Parsons N STAR - BUNKER HILL Logan Patten BUNKER HILL C.C. Justin Patterson WORK (CARPENTRY) Kelly Payne UNDECIDED Tessa Pellegrini U MASS - BOSTON Alexandra Perry WHEELOCK Kayla Peterson EASTERN NAZARENE Kim Pham AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Kari Phan U MASS - AMHERST Nhi Phan U MASS - BOSTON Tina Phan U MASS - AMHERST Mataya Phillips UNDECIDED Berlineda Pierre UNDECIDED Gardie Pierre U MASS - BOSTON Irvin Pierre BUNKER HILL C.C. Jean Denis Pierrette NORTHSHORE C.C. Daniel Pimentel BOSTON COLLEGE Tayla Plunkett UNDECIDED Alyssa Poon MITCHELL COLLEGE Mario Portillo UNDECIDED Colin Power FRAMINGHAM STATE Daylen Ramos BUNKER HILL C.C. Craig Ramsey GORDON COLLEGE Joseph Ravagno UNDECIDED Mark Raymond U MASS - BOSTON Melissa Restrepo WENTWORTH INSTITUTE Ericka Ribeiro AIR FORCE Sherline Ridore UNDECIDED Clarissa Rippy THE SALTER SCHOOL Nora Rivera COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN CALIFORNIA Cynthia Rodriguez HAMILTON (POSSE) Amanda Rogers COLBY-SAWYER Jared Rogers WHEELOCK Oscar Rojas SEMINARY Stephanie Rossi MARIST COLLEGE Kyle Rufo EASTERN NAZARENE COLLEGE Sahil Saggar MERRIMACK COLLEGE Vanessa Saint Jean BUNKER HILL C.C. Gradey Saint-Hilaire UNDECIDED Malisa Saksua NORTHEASTERN Ramilo Santana UNDECIDED Dario Sava HARVARD UNIVERSITY Sharlyn Savain UNDECIDED Kaitlin Sears SALEM STATE Kinsey Sebeika SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Danielle Severino SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE Jessica Sickler U MASS - AMHERST Darylha Silva BUNKER HILL C.C. Rafael Silva WORK Mandeep Singh BUNKER HILL C.C. Stephen Siuda HARTWICK Anne Solano BABSON Jordana Solis U MASS - BOSTON Kristen Solomon UNDECIDED Lucas Souza UNDECIDED

continued on page 10

10 Oh. The Places We Will Go! TMcontinued from page 9 Audrey Spataro NEWBURY COLLEGE Bianca Stallworth FRAMINGHAM STATE Parker Stallworth BUNKER HILL C.C. Cymone Stanton QUINIPIAC Asia Stokes NORTHSHORE C.C. Murat St-Surin WORK Nicholas Sudano ARMY Amy Surette UNDECIDED Melissa Sylvain UNDECIDED Howard Szeto BOSTON UNIVERSITY Jason Tam U MASS - AMHERST Allen Tang U MASS - AMHERST Gary Tang BENTLEY COLLEGE Sean Tarencz UNDECIDED Brittney Taylor MARINES Alexander Teal FITCHBERG STATE Felicia Teixeira COLBY-SAWYER Samantha Telasco MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Sumayya Thajudeen BAY STATE C.C. Jennifer Tieu NOVA - WEST VIRGINIA Courtney Titus U MASS - BOSTON Zakaria Touati SALEM STATE Baldwin Tran U MASS AMHERST Christin Tran SIMMONS Johnny Tran MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Kristen Tran COLBY-SAWYER My Tran U MASS - AMHERST Stephanie Tran BRYN MAWR (POSSE) Sue Tran U MASS - AMHERST Tiffany Tran STONEHILL Daniel Truong NORTH SHORE C.C. Lily Truong MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Viviana Umana UNDECIDED Patrick Urban U MASS AMHERST Kevin Vasquez CORNELL UNIVERSITY Michael Veino HARVARD UNIVERSITY Alex Vien U MASS AMHERST Kevin Vien BOSTON COLLEGE Raul Villanueva MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS Jhon Vilsaint UNDECIDED Andy Vo U MASS - AMHERST Kristina Walker NEWBURY COLLEGE Jenna Ward NORTH SHORE C.C Charles Washington UNDECIDED Moses Wasswa SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Kristen White COLBY-SAWYER Annie Willcox BOSTON UNIVERSITY Justin Williams AIR FORCE Jennifer Willoth UNDECIDED Paulette Wong MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Carl Wood BUNKER HILL C.C. Richard Wood UNIV OF HARTFORD Bao Wu U MASS - BOSTON Yin Wu U MASS - BOSTON Yulin Wu NORTH SHORE C.C. Zhen Wu BUNKER HILL C.C. Jona Xhama SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Xinggui Xu BUNKER HILL C.C. Paul Yao HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE Henry Yau NAVY Sidney Yau U MASS - BOSTON Hannah Ye U MASS - AMHERST Josephine Yu UNDECIDED Aggnes Karine Zeferino WORK Ling Guang Zhang COLBY-SAWYER Wen Zhao U MASS - BOSTON Dian Rong Zhu U MASS - BOSTON Thomas Zhu MASS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Wen Jie Zhu SALEM STATE Matthew Zunitch BRANDEIS

The Blue and Gold June 2009 http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/

Jannie and Kayla: Go bravely down this new path of limitless inspiration and opportunity. Congratulations to you both! -Ms. Burtsell Mr. Feldman: Best wishes and good luck on a healthy, lengthy retirement. Class of ‘09: Reach all your dreams and ambitions. Good luck, Mrs. Razzino



Seniors! 2009! Patricia Femino

We know parenting is a difficult task. We’ve both been there, done that. But we watch our class of beloved seniors leave the nest!

Graduation is bittersweet. Paul Famigletti & Maureen Vona

We will miss you, Nicole Dhruv, Malisa Saksua, Cynthia Rodriguez, Tzivia Halperin, Emily Chiavelli, Kimberly Lombard, and Joan Morabito

The Brunelli House Faculty and Staff Congratulate

The Class of ‘09

Congratulations, Class of 2009! Your teachers and administrators are proud of your accomplishments. Dr. Jo Sullivan

Assistant Superintendent

The Blue and Gold June 2009


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photo by James Valente

continued from page 1

MHS bids farewell to mr. Feldman

Photos from Mr. Feldman’s family. Compiled by Deb Kumar. Page design by L. Tran

was younger he used to exercise horses for polo matches and owned them as well. He also plans to work on his house, vacationing and traveling with his wife with whom he has been with for 31 years.” Staff and students are going to miss the Boyle house principal, almost as much as Feldman himself is going to miss working here. “You have a sense of belonging in Malden High,” Feldman states, “I love Malden High school because it’s like a cross section of the real world also because of the diversity here.” Diane Klibansky, Jenkins House principal, who has worked with Feldman for 11 years states that, “It’s been a pleasure working with him,” Her first day on the job was memorable. “I can remember the first day he came to my office, and asked me how I was doing… he helped me set up my office [and] move furniture. I will never forget that.” Thomas Mahoney, Brunelli House principal, has been an acquaintance and good friend of Fred Feldman since 1982. However, Mahoney remarked in his usual joking tone, “I think Mr. Feldman has a lot more to offer MHS and he is leaving too early.” Mahoney also added that, “life will go on without him and we will pick up the pieces.” Brown is sad to see him go as well, however he believes that Feldman is retiring at the right time, because “He is at the top of his game.” When asked, the administration has not decided on a person to take that position, although when asked, Brown commented: “The first thing we have to remember is its going to be tough for anyone to replace him. So we really have to be fair to the new person coming in and not try to compare them to Mr. Feldman because he worked a long time and it took him a long time to get to where he is. [However] we are looking for a strong person… who has a sense of humor,… works hard, and more than anything we need somebody who really wants to work with Malden High kids because Mr. Feldman loves Malden High kids. [He] would anything for Malden High kids, and that’s what we are looking for.”

With Mrs. Sullivan. Photo by James Valente

“He is a wonderful human being. He has had a great career and he will be missed by everyone, particularly his B-House students.” Mr. Brown “He has been such a great mentor and role model for every teacher. I will miss him dearly and I hope he has a happy retirement.” Mr. Lightbody “He is the best.” Ms. Chan “Mr. Feldman is one of the most conscientious people I have ever known; so fair to teachers and students alike. he will be irreplaceable, and I for one will really miss him.” Ms. Nyman “Over the past seven years I’ve admired Mr. Feldman, he’s like a coconut, hard on the outside, but soft and tender on the inside. His good heart and his presence will be greatly missed.” Mr. famiglietti “It Is A Great Loss. He was A Wonderful mentor to me and students. I will Miss His Kindness and Help. Do not go!” Ms. Alexis “Mr. Feldman is the most kind, loyal and generous person I know. He is a true gentleman. Although I wish him much happiness in his retirement, I will miss him greatly.” Ms. Sullivan


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The Blue and Gold June 2009

The Blue and Gold June 2009

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All Photos by A. Kourikchi and Diana Tran Layout by L. Tran

Congratulations to Prom Queen and King Ginny Do and Son Le



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The Blue and Gold June 2009


Mock Car crash continued from page 1 voled were driving under the influence of alcohol. The police and fire department rushed to the scene, and moments later an ambulance came, but it was too late. Thankfully, the headline of this article reads “mock” car crash, and there is no actual student death. Members of the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) club prepared this whole performance, from obtaining the two mangled cars to requesting a hearse for the student’s “body” to be carried away in. The act was planned from beginning to end, and although the mock car crash is done every year before prom, this year’s performance was described as the most successful one yet. Senior Caitlin Abber, the president of the club, was delighted with the realistic quality of the performance, which came from long hours of rehearsing the skit. The SADD club “was designed to increase the awareness [that] students have [about] on Drunk Driving, DUIs … especially at this time of year, when prom is coming up, and students get a little too excited,” said SADD advisor Ju-

lie Briggs. Briggs has been the club advisor for “as long as she can remember,” and, as the seniors clearly observed in her speech after the crash, Briggs is passionate about this subject, treating every single MHS student as her own child. Principal Dana Brown also spoke on this subject during the assembly, stating that “[he] could not think of a more senseless way of dying than of driving under the influence.” With prom and graduation arriving, students occasionally think irrationally, leading to bad decisions. Two tragic deaths from MHS have already occurred during this school year alone, and Brown, along with everyone else, hopes that MHS will not have to suffer another disastrous accident.

Photos by Barbara Jerome-Athis

The Blue and Gold June 2009


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The National Honor Society Inducts New Members Dan Holmqvist Reporter


N THE JENKINS Auditorium on May 13, 2009, the John W. Hutchins Chapter of the National Honor Society held its 82nd annual induction ceremony. On a night filled with speeches, tributes, and tears, the NHS welcomed 36 new members and installed five new officers in front of faculty, family, and friends. The festivities began with a candlelighting service, where seniors Anne Abber, Jennifer Delacey, Daniel Melo, and Stephanie Tran spoke about the four quality students in the NHS are judged upon: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. This was followed by the presentation of certificates, cards, and pins to new members, each of whom were uniquely introduced to the audience. Junior Laura Botero, for instance, was introduced as a Summer Search participant, a student interested in numbers, and a person who likes to make people smile. Sophomore Huy Le was introduced as a shot-putter and intern at the Broad Institute who hoped one day to become “sick-nasty at Java.” Another new inductee into the NHS was sophomore Alison Nguyen, sister of former Malden High School graduate Antony Nguyen. Antony, who ranked third in the class of 2008 and is now an undergraduate studying at MIT, was never admitted into the NHS, unlike his younger sister. “This is a great accomplishment for me because I am the first person in my family to be inducted,” stated Alison. The induction of the new members was followed promptly by the installation of the new officers for the coming year. The new officers are president Ayoub Kourikchi, vice president Ngoc Doan, secretary David Riemer, and treasurer Alexandra Mathieu. During the ceremony, seniors were each given a copy of Dr Seuss’s Oh! The Places You’ll Go and special yellow sashes, to be worn at graduation. Each senior then proceeded to give a special tribute to someone who has made a difference in their lives. Everyone from chemistry teachers to coaches to moms and dads were

May 2009, 36 new inductees join malden’s chapter of the National Honor Society. given special recognition. Mary Nguyen, during a very emotional tribute to her mother, thanked her for “showing what being a powerful person really means.” Many of these, as MHS Principal Dana Brown appropriately put it, “heartwarming and stirring tributes” reduced both seniors and audience members to tears. Lily Nguyen, who dedicated her tribute to her faithful friends, could do nothing as the tears began to stream down her face. In trademark NHS style, she passionately declared, “My friends are not the wind beneath my wings, but the buoyancy under my boat.” NHS president Kevin Vasquez presented the Teacher-of-the-Year award to business teacher Charles Bowers. NHS vice-president Tzivia Halperin presented the Mentor-ofthe-Year award to B-House guidance counselor, Erin Craven. The ceremony was concluded with a series of speeches given by NHS secretary Mary Nguyen, Brown, and NHS advisor Paul Marques. After the conclusion of the ceremony, audience members were invited to the cafeteria, where posters detailing the service projects of

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From left to right, NHS new and old members, senior NHS president Kevin Vasquez at the podium, new and old NHS officers. Photos by Omar Khoshafa each NHS member were displayed. Along with volunteering during spirit week and helping send presents to disadvantaged families during Christmas, the NHS also contributes to the community by organizing service projects, which junior Keith Newman believes helps “students personalize and diversify the idea of community service.” These service projects have included everything from tutoring programs at middle schools to donating food

to the Bread of Life. NHS advisor Paul Marques believes that these service projects are what sets Malden’s National Honor Society apart from others. “The new inductees have already impressed me with their service projects and their enthusiasm,” expressed Marques. “I’m looking forward to their leadership in the coming year.”

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The Blue and Gold June 2009


Spring Concert Satisfies Nidale Zouhir Copy Editor


EFORE THE MALDEN HIGH SCHOOL concert band’s spring concert, members were feeling nervous and pessimistic as they moved their instruments around the school. Afterward, however, they seemed pumped full of energy, jumping around excitedly as they greeted their friends and family. T h e show began at 7:00 p.m. on May 12, 2009 with members of the band hidden throughout the auditorium playing Alanis M o r i s s e t t e ’s “Uninvited.” The surprise “surround sound” effect set the tone for the entire show, which members of the band seemed to enjoy. The band played six songs that varied in both difficulty and tone. Junior Keith Newman conducted the second number, called “Die Meistersinger,” a song from the opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. However, possibly the best pieces of the night were the last two; “An American Elegy” was a tribute to the Columbine High School massacre and took on a somber tone, while the more complex “Ride” was a lively song that ended the band’s performance in an exciting way. Both were enjoyed by the audience. “I liked both ‘Ride’ and ‘An American Elegy,’” explained sophomore Alison Nguyen. “‘An American Elegy’ really resonated inside of me because of its connection to the incident at Columbine. The piece of music reflects the overcoming of the sorrow of the massacre,” Nguyen later added. The entire show was punctuated with senior Kethia Mathieu’s loud cheering; she later screamed, “I loved it!” After sending the audience to the gymnasium, the majority of the band sat back and watched as the junior and senior color guards took

Above: MHS Color Guard shows off their skills. Below: MHS Chorus performs. Photos by Jacqui Dillon

over the show. The junior guard – made up mostly of young, prehigh school girls – cheerfully toted oversized lollipops and flags as they bounced over the floor. Following them, the senior guard danced to Etta James’ “At Last.” The show progressed to a performance from the MHS percussion ensemble, who proceeded to play “Joy,” a lively and energetic song that was much anticipated by freshman and marimba player Stanley Chan, who later called it the “most fun show in [his] whole career.” The percussion ensemble’s piece was loved by the audience, many of whom proclaimed marimba player Andrew Terenzi a “beast.” Meanwhile, freshman Eoghan Walsh enjoyed guitarist Dylan Sadowski’s performance. The spring band concert, meant as a goodbye to the concert band’s seniors, went off beautifully. Even those who had previously been nervous were proud of their performances. As instructor Matthew Tavares stated, “There is no accurate measure of quality, but that is what they do, and they do a fabulous job.” Sophomore flautist Jenna Delaney agreed, cheerfully declaring, “Band is really cool and I had a perfect season.”

MHS students playing xylophones. Photo by Jacqui Dillon

The Blue and Gold June 2009


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Clockwise from top: Devin Colon; Dimas Bardales; David Diplacido and daughter; Karen Razzino and MHS Principal Dana Brown; Andy Truong, Spencer Jerome and Matthew Rizzo Photos by Jacqui Dillon

Brandon Knight Reporter Patti McClenthen Reporter WHEN I FIRST STEPPED onto MacDonald Stadium on May 12, 2009, I was apprehensive. This was because walking for two hours in the hot sun in jeans and a tank top did not seem like that much fun to me. However, as time went on, I found the Laps for Leslie event to be much more fun and exiting than first expected. To be a walker at the event, I had to have enthusiasm about the cause. All of the money raised at the event goes to the Leslie Ann Razzino Scholarship, which is given to senior girls who love track and poetry, and do said activities with a positive attitude. Knowing that the reason for walking affects the people of Malden so directly made it easier and more fun to walk. Many Malden High School students and teachers participated in the event, whether they were walkers, runners, or sponsors. There was also support from many of the sports teams, such as the track and crew team, whose coaches had substituted the event for the normal team practice. Watching them run around the field made me suddenly glad that I had chosen to walk. At 3 o’ clock, a voice called over the loudspeaker, announcing the beginning of the 2 hour walk. Participants swarmed the field and began to circle around. Upon entering, there was a table where walkers could show even more support and buy a T-shirt in honor of Leslie and her love for track, which had a pair of purple running shoes with angel wings on the back. Water in hand, I began to stroll around the track with my friends, who were just as existed and eager as I was. We socialized with fellow classmates and teachers, including Mrs. Razzino, who cheered for us as we passed her on the bleachers. Other present teachers included, but were not limited to, Mrs. Ceppetelli, Mrs. Votaw, Ms. Briggs, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Santiago, and Mr. Hurley.


N MAY 12, 2009, many people participated in an event to raise money for The Leslie Ann Razzino scholarship. This event, called Laps for Leslie, is a walk which took place at McDonald stadium, in honor of Leslie Anne Razzino, a 2003 MHS graduate, who unfortunately passed away in 2004, due to cancer. At this event, walkers pledge and donate money, which goes to the “Leslie Ann Razzino Scholarship Fund.” During the event, food and snacks were sold, along with “Laps for Leslie” T-shirts. All of the donated money goes to the Leslie Anne Razzino scholarship fund, which is awarded to MHS senior girls, in accordance to some of Leslie’s skills, which include track, art, and writing poetry. MHS students of all grades came together during this event, both walking and running. Many of the schools clubs and organizations ran on the track, such as the MHS crew and track teams.

MHS sophomore Monika Bashllari stated, “I love the feeling of helping, knowing that I’m contributing to make someone’s life better with a scholarship. Plus, I get to enjoy the sunny day with my friends.” Along with students, MHS staff members attended as well. There were several teachers who walked the track at this event. English teacher Natalia Santiago ran the path, along with Biology teacher Shauna Campbell and members of the crew team. History teacher Rebecca Johnson also ran the track, additionally health teacher Arlene Cepetelli also walked during the event. When asked about her thoughts of Laps for Leslie, Cepetelli responded “I think it’s wonderful that so many people, kids and adults alike, come out to support this event. Leslie was a wonderful young lady, and I think it’s great that we keep her memory alive and continue to help others with scholarships.”


Local news

The Blue and Gold June 2009


Seniors take on the real world Linda Nguyen Reporter his year is Malden High School third year hold¬ing the senior internship program. Participating in the program is a great accomplishment for many of the students at MHS. This program was held from April 7 to May 15. There were ap¬proximately 121 seniors eager to leave MHS to follow their career path and to attain skills in their respective fields. This internship program consisted of first, finding an internship, then developing a presentation, and finally writing a paper about their experience and what their intern¬ship included. Due to the AP program, this pro¬gram was somewhat complicated for the seniors. They were required to work around their intense schedules and return to class on time, similar to last year. “I did this intern because I like art, and I want to share my skills with kids from Salemwood,” stated senior Jes¬sica Ma. At the exhibition, seniors were all prepped up and ready to go; they all felt it was rewarding and fulfilling to experience. “Once again, this internship was extremely rewarding for the interns; they were all energized and willing to share their experience with everyone who came by,” stated Computer teacher Magner.


All Photos by Alexandra Mathieu

Jen assisted Amy Famiglietti the owner and dance instructor for The Dance Studio. She also taught beginning dance classes. Additionally, she helped with the dance recital which is a major production for the dance studio.

Alex has enlisted in the Army already. He wanted to learn all he could before hand, so he decided to intern at the recruitment office. He was able also to train with other recruits to get ready for basic training in the fall.

Bahar loves acting. We all know Bahar’s voice as she did the MHS morning announcements. She took this internship to expand her abilities in acting by working with an adult theatre group. Bahar is appearing in their next performance which takes place after the internship period. She will continue to work with this group of adults actors until she heads off to college.

Sumayya wanted to perform her internship at a hospital, but do to a limited amount of slots she decided to intern at Glen Ridge Nursing Care Center. She was glad she did! Sumayya worked with the activities director to set up daily programs for the patients. After a short time, Sumayya was sought after by the patients who enjoyed her level of compassion and willingness to help them. Sumayya is eager to enter the nursing profession. She hopes to continue volunteering at Glen Ridge whenever she can.

Seniors, Vanessa, Rebecca, and Tiffany worked in the office at YWCA and assisted with numerous programs. They gained valuable administrative experience that they hope to utilize in real and life.

Analu is interested in Art and wanted to get experience working with young adults. She helped Ms. Wingerath with many art projects at the Salemwood Middle School. The students enjoyed working with her and were sad when the internship ended.

The Blue and Gold June 2009

Local news http://my.highschooljournalism.org/ma/malden/mhs/


Shepard’s Internal Story Sends Strong Message Haley DeFillipis Reporter

On May 21 and 22, Malden High School’s Play Production members proved their outstanding talent and effort in The Laramie Project, the story of 21-year-old Matthew Shepard, who was brutally beaten to death on account of being homosexual. The murder of the University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepherd became one of the nation’s most infamous hate crimes. Shepherd was in critical condition from the assault after he was kidnapped, severely beaten, and left on a fence to be found several days later. Moises Kaufman and members of the Tectonic Theater Project spent over 400 hours during a year and a half in the aftermath and trial of Matthew Shepard. More than 200 people within the town were interviewed in what would later be called The Laramie Project. As the play began, many cast members appeared on stage to provide context and exposition of the rich land of Laramie, Wyoming. Unlike previous plays, where the Play Production used an elaborate set design, the Laramie Project managed to capture the feel of the small town by using a simplistic fence, constructed with wood and wire. Additionally, on the fence were various pieces of clothing, in which cast members put on as they came out to act. Keith Newman who portrayed Sergeant Hing explained the distinct personalities that the town consisted of. Shortly after, Rita Cote, playing Jedadiah Schultz, explained her parents’ disdain for homosexuality, an obstacle she had to overcome as she aspired to gain a role that could get her into the University of Wyoming. As the play progressed, the audience was presented with a multitude of perspectives of to what had occurred prior and following the murder. Martin Doan as Doug Laws stated, “Family equals one man, one woman, and children.” Later, the interviewees began to relive the night of Matthew Shepard’s brutal beating. Keith Newman played Matt Galloway, a bartender at the bar where Matthew met the two young men who would later take his life. Anthony Cuscuna as Russell Henderson and Sam Warton as Aaron McKinney were the two men who pretended to be homosexual in order to attract Shepherd the night at the bar. From the bar, they kidnapped Shepherd and brought him into a prairie in which they would rob, brutally beat, and tie him to a fence. A real voice-recording of Aaron McKinney’s confession was played. Tracy Martocchio, Thanh Nguyen, and Nicole Fowler played news reporters that filled the media with as many stories about Matthew Shepard as they could. The saying

“live and let live” was used to emphasize some people’s perspective on the issue; live your life and let others live theirs, without any problems or confrontations in between. Warton also played the part of Aaron Kriefles, the Wyoming native one who found Matthew’s body. Kriefles was in shock and explained how quickly he had to act and how he had to decide where to go to get help. “I had to visualize the picture in my head in order to really feel it,” Warton explained. Tainara Candido particularly enjoyed playing Reggie Flutey, a female officer who also found the body of Matthew Shepard. “She seemed to me to be really bold, and she also really took pride in her work.” Candido expressed. The day of Matthew’s funeral was a very dynamic scene. The anti-homosexual propagandist Fred Phelps, also played by Warton, showed up with members from the Westboro Baptist Church. While they held signs that bore cruel remarks towards God, America, and homosexuals, Phelps stood above everyone, screaming about all the hate that was filled inside of him. To play the part of such a character, Warton said, “I basically just filled myself with hate. It takes so much out of you when you have to act out something you don’t really feel.” Meanwhile, people dressed as angels sang “Amazing Grace” as they hovered around Phelps, blocking out every word he was saying. Others opened white umbrellas to fill the extra spaces, resulting in a touching, emotional, and powerful scene. All outstanding performances came from Play Production members which consisted of Tainara Candido as Rebecca Hiliker, Reggie Flutey, Lucy Thompson and the baptist minister’s wife; Geneva DeCobert as Eileen Engen; Alison Mears, and Conrad Miller; Sam Warton as Doc O’ Conner, Jonas Slonaker, Baptist minister, Aaron Kriefels, Harry Woods, and Aaron McKinney; David Barrows as Philip Dubois, Moises Kaufmann, Matt Mickelson, Gov. Geringer, and Rob Debree; Casey McLaughlin as Zackie Salmon, Marge Murray, the Judge, and Murdock Cooper; Thanh Nguyen as April Silva, Kristen Price, and a newsperson; Tayla Damon as a reporter, Sherry Aanenson, and an email writer; Rita Cote as Jedadiah Schultz and Tiffany Edwards, Martin Doan as Andy Paris, Doug Laws, Bill McKinney; and Cal Rerucha; Patrick Keough as Stephen Belber, Gil Engen, Andrew Gomez, and Jon Peacock; Andrea Kelly as Amanda Gronich, Maya Rogers as Leigh Fondakowski and Sherry Johnson; Tracy Martocchio as a waitress, newsperson, and Shannon; Jessica Melanson as Barbara Pitts and Kerry Drake;

Nicole Fowler as Trish Steger and a newsperson; Jenna Delaney as Romaine Patterson, and anonymous; Bahar Baharloo as Catherine Connolly, Zubaida Ula and foreperson; Taf Kan as Father Roger Schmidt, Shadow, Dr. Cantway, and a priest; Samantha Power as Stephan(ie) Mead Johnson, and baliff, Anthony Cuscuna as Phil Labrie, Jeffrey Lockwood, and Russell Henderson,;Charlene Ricci as newsperson; and Jen, and Mataya Phillips as the Minister’s wife. With the help of the Gay Straight Alliance club, the Play Production was able to use projection displays during the play. Pictures of Laramie, Shepherd, and memorials were shown as part of the setting. Nidale Zouhir, president of GSA, expressed her opinion, “It was really powerful and moving. The funeral scene with Fred Phelps and the angels was definitely the most powerful. I was projecting and had to watch it over and over, but it was still always so powerful.” The Laramie Project allowed a complete and comprehensive understanding of what life was like in their community prior to and after Matthew Shepard’s murder. It was clear, Play Production members were not playing Shakespeare characters or a made up story. The character interviews were from real people, who were overwhelmed with emotion about Matthew’s death. Keith Newman stated, “It feels strange saying I played the characters since we’re really just trying to be real people. I mean, these people are real, most of them are probably still alive in Laramie today.” The play was also visually satisfying because of the real protesting rumors around MHS. Play Production members had a more formidable job with this play. They were challenged by not being able to interact with other characters during the performance. They had no opportunity to take in others energy and use it to develop their own part. Ultimately, The Laramie Project is the story of how one boy’s death altered the world and changed so many people. People rallied around this one situation, in hope for the end of such hate crimes. Photos by Sean Walsh and AP Photos



The Blue and Gold June 2009




After winning the GBLS with a record of 17-4, The Girls Softball Team lost in the first round against Beverly

s Greater Boston League (GBL) champions, the varsity softball team at Malden High School, was able to end a great season with a record of 17-4. Having won more than ten games, the softball team, lead by coach Rich Cullen, senior captain Annie Abber, and junior captain Jenn Tamindzija, also had a shot of winning the state tournament. Sadly, on Thursday March 28, 2009, in their first tournament game against Beverly, the softball team lost with a final score of 3-2. “Although it was upsetting to lose the game, I know that we all tried hard, and lost with our heads held high,” stated freshman, Rebecca Krigman, when asked what her thoughts were on the outcome of the game. This year, being Krigman’s first year, she was glad to know that when the MHS softball team sets their mind on doing something, they work hard to accomplish it, and if they can’t reach it, then they still hope for next year. As for Cullen, he thought that, “the improvement from the first game was a much bigger and faster step than previous years, because all of the upperclassmen

always showed a positive example, and their love towards softball rubbed off on the team, which made it better throughout the season.” The team, being composed of 3 freshman, 3 sophomores, 2 juniors, and 6 seniors, will lose half its team, after graduating. This, however, does not worry Cullen for he believes that the experienced lower classmen gained throughout the season, will pay off next year. Tamindzija, also agrees, and states that, “all of the varsity softball girls, and the ones coming back, have a lot of talent. We have a lot of potential waiting for us next year.” Disappointed for the lost game, she knows that the team worked hard all throughout the season, and has high expectations for the team next year. Although, she thinks that the team could have gone farther, she knows that, “it just didn’t go that way,” and that the team deserved what they earned and more. As for Cullen, “Winning the GBL championship was a big step. It was a goal that was set and accomplished, and just the fact that we won it makes it a very successful season.”

Rebecca Krigman in the field. Photos by Paula Suarez Salamanca

The Blue and Gold June 2009

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Vanquished Again! Nidale Zouhir Copy Editor


n Thursday, May 28, 2009, students and teachers were engaged in a sweaty battle to the death—or at least to the buzzer. The second annual student-faculty basketball game once again benefitted the class of 2010 while showcasing the skill of both the boys and girls varsity basketball teams as well as several of the more athletically able teachers. From the beginning, the teachers fought hard for their points, viciously using every advantage they had to score. “I half-expected [physics teacher Brian] Morrison to start calculating the force he needed to throw the ball with in order for it to get into the net,” joked spectator Jensine Ironuma as Morrison prepared himself mentally for a free throw. Meanwhile, students drew much less attention to themselves, playing a mostly clean game; both of the students’ teams beat the teachers, leaving the court with a final score of 55-50. The varsity teams accomplished this with many of their players missing, including girls’ captain Anne Abber. Despite their loss, the teachers appeared to haved enjoyed themselves; math teacher Evan Mauser was certainly pleased with All Photos by L. Tran Pat Urban, Brad Gelling, Zakaria Touati, Nathan Freni, Sean Walsh, Fillette Lovaincy, Shauna Cambell, Alex Teal, Travis Nally,Shakarus Semexant, Brad Gelling, Jeremiah Smith, Christine Grillon, Brittany Klingerman, Fillette Lovaincy, the back of Dana Brown’s head, Brian Morrison, Zakaria Touati, Joe Levine,Shakarus Semexant, Rebecca Johnson, Hava Daniels, Christine Grillon, Bernice Diaz, Evan Mauser, Sean Walsh, Brian Morrison, Brad Gelling

his team’s performance. “Even though we’ve been vanquished by a small margin both times, we are undefeated in spirit,” he declared. United States history teacher Benjamin Max seemed to agree with this, stating, “It’s a fun event, the students are really good and it’s a challenge to compete against them.” The students at the event were obviously rooting for the teachers. “Mr. Max rocks,” spectator Hong Chung proclaimed loudly several times. This was a sentiment shared by most of the crowd; every time Max made a shot, an almost deafening round of cheers filled the gym. Max seemed to realize this, later stating that “I’m disappointed that we couldn’t come through for the clearly pro-faculty fans. We’ll do our best next year.” Mauser likewise drew attention from the crowd; six of his students came to the game with his name painted on their chests after Mauser promised them extra credit for showing up to the game with a sign. As the game came to a close, the teachers lost for the second straight year, leaving the varsity basketball teams with a cheeky (although somewhat bittersweet, due to the lack of support from their fellow students) victory.



The Blue and Gold June 2009


Finally! After twenty years, The Boy’s Tennis team finally makes it to States. Jacqui Dillon Reporter


ALDEN HIGHSCHOOL Boy’s tennis team wraps up the season with a record of 8-8. Although some may not find this record impressive, the team achieved a spot in the tennis state tournament for the first time in over 20 years. MHS’s biggest challenge was Medford, who is a tough rival. With teamwork and perseverance, the team came through and defeated their rival, adding one more victory to their record. Sophomore Jeff Duong, or known to the team as “Furby,” has been playing tennis for five years,


two of which were on the MHS boy’s tennis team. With the majority of the players being unPhotos by L. Tran derclassmen, he believes Top Clockwise: Dellon Moy, that “the team could do Brian Huang better, but a majority of the players are not even juniors yet.” On a lighter note, Duong also believes that the feel that even their losss in team improves from year to year, the first state match was and is “proud of the tennis team no an accomplishment nonematter what record we have. We’re a theless, giving the team a big family that supports each other, chance to grow even more win or lose.” As the season wraps as a family. up, Duong, along with many others,

The Crew Team Rows To the Occasion

Shannon Howe Reporter


ALDEN HIGHSCHOOL Girl’s Tennis team finishes up this season with several accomplishments. The girls’s record was 6-10, which is much better than last year’s record, states sophmore Alison Nguyen “It’s all thanks to the varsity players and their tennis skills that have been refining for all their years on the tennis team,” claims Nguyen. This was a good year anf the team came together and worked hard Nguyen states again that “we’re winning more games and growing more as athletes in general. I guess we’ve got tons more underclassmen compared to last year.” This year’s rivals were Boston Latin Academy, North Reading, and Somerville; they were tough teams to beat. The girls started off in “good shape” explains Nguyen. The girls played very wellCoach Maggie Pettit says, “although we did not make it to states this year, we came together stronger as a team.” Overall, the girls were happy to finish up with a successful season, sophomore Phedorah Rosiclair explains. “This tennis season has been great in my opinion. I had the opportunity to be part of a great team and meet cool people. I found also Ms. Pettit has imprinted me with tennis because every time I play volleyball I quickly jump into tennis ready position!”

Michael DiGregorio Reporter



AKING THEMSELVES known in the sports world, Malden High School's crew team took first in GBLs for the second year in a row. Girls Varsity grabbed the silver, scoring the team major points. Samantha Powers, a junior at MHS, stated, "It felt great to medal and pull ahead of some of the best teams in Boston. It was a huge accomplishment for all of us. We're all really proud." With this medal and the first place medal from the boys varsity, Malden was once again able to out-wake the competition and bring home the plaque. Along with the success at GBLs, MHS crew showed true

strength and dedication at the states tournament on May 24 with the Boys Varsity A and B boats finishing the season with silver medals. "It was the best way to end a great season with the best rowers I have ever raced with. I am really going to miss the seniors that motivated me, both as teammates and friends," expressed junior Mathew Maggio. The Girls Varsity did not place in states, but still broke their record time for the season, pulling their race in 6 minutes and 16 seconds. "Although we were unable to place in the final heat, we were able to beat our past race times. I am proud of everyone for their hard work throughout the

season. We [have come] far from the beginning of the season, and none of this would be possible if not for our coach, Shauna Campbell," stated senior captain Kristen Tran. With another season come and gone, the team looks forward in preparation for successful season. Since MHS seniors David Barrows, Kristen Tran, Casee McLaughlin, Raul Villanueva, Wen Jie, and Son Le are moving on to pursue their futures, the team will train hard to fill their seats in the boat.

BOYS BASEBALL STRIKES OUT SWINGING Alexander Gennigiorgis Reporter


HE MALDEN HIGHSCHOOL baseball team ended the season without a GBL tournatment bid after losing five important games including a grueling 14-inning battle. Head Coach Kevin Carpenito stated that the team will need to try and “score more runs next year.” During the off-season, Carpenito stated that the team will be practicing a lot on batting so that each individual player will increase their batting average. Seniors Alex Teal, Lucas In-

gemi, Jared Rogers, Kyle Rufo and Pat Urban sadly have to conclude their last season playing for the MHS baseball team because they will be graduating this year and this will give all the underclassmen more chances to get valuable playing time. Carpenito wishes the best for all of them. He added that two of his star seniors that include Alex Teal and Kyle Rufo will play at Fitchburg State and at Eastern Nazarene College respectively. “I hope they have great success next

year,” he expressed. This season was a huge shock for them because they did not make it to the GBL tournament. Over the past years, the team made it to the tournament easily (last year’s record was 15-5). This season’s final record was 7-ll. Carpenito stated that next season will be like no other and the team will hopefully meet his expectation of making it to the GBL tournament, as well as, hopefully, winning it.

The Blue and Gold June 2009


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LACROSSE Patti McClenthen Head of Entertainment


ITH ALL OF THE games played and the season over, the girls lacrosse team has had a dizzying year. Having only 18 spots on the team, and 11 seniors, the transition from this year to next will be a tough one. These 11 seniors will be leaving MHS this year, and the leadership roles that they held on the team must be filled next year with the few sophomores and juniors that are on it. With all of the spots that will be open to incoming freshman next year, it is also up to this year’s freshman to set a good example. Freshman Shirley Wong, a player on the team, tells these incomers, “try your best, and have fun. It is okay to make mistakes, because everyone on the team is there to help you out.” Teamwork is really what counts. On more than one occasion, the players on the Malden girls’ lacrosse team have said that their efforts to unite the team have paid off immensely. With their joint efforts, this season has been one of their most rewarding ones so far. The team has progressed well through their first league switch, with a record of 4-7. Among their most intense competitors are Wakefield, Cambridge, Lynnfield, and Matignon. Pulling together their offensive and strengthening their defense has been their main objective.

Ashley Ngo Head of Entertainment


LTHOUGH MALDEN HIGH School’s boys lacrosse team had an early end they managed to persevere through their tough season with a record of 1-14. It was the team’s first year as an official sport instead of a club sport as it once was for the prior years. That meant that there would be new, tougher rivals, but never did the lacrosse team lose hope. “It was a different experience,” senior captain Grant Klein said, “There were a lot more matches, but that only meant that we got more time to play together as a team and build up relationships.” Led by seniors Klein, Cody Parsons and Eddie Liao the team attended grueling practices at Pine Banks everyday of the school week until 4:30 P.M and attended games in the early mornings of their Saturdays, despite the possible lack of sleep from Friday night activities. “We lost a lot of seniors from

Boys and Girls All Photos by L. Tran Right: Maggie Cheung Bottom: Nikita Ricci, Karen Benavidez, Katie Lopes Raferty, Patricia Aguinaldo

As the year draws to a close, the girls are glad to finish their season well, especially for the eleven seniors who will be graduating and leaving in just over a month. “This is definitely the best season we’ve had so far,” explains an excited Caitlin Abber, who is also team captain. “It’s only such a shame that the seniors will be leaving so soon after all of the hard work we have done so far.” Wong, as well as the three other freshman on the team, are going to have a difficult time dealing with the massive loss of players next year. Player and freshman Commie Ayuk explains, “losing all of the players is going to be tough, but what we have are the other great varsity players, and the junior varsity players that are learning to fill the team, so we are definitely going to do well next year.” Ayuk’s positive prediction mirrors the sadness that is felt by the seniors that are leaving. Captain of the team, Stephanie Tran, states “I’m going to miss the girls. They are a last year and there was a lot of new players this year,” explained Liao, “Which made it difficult in the beginning because we had to go over the basics, but hopefully, it established some skills for next year, if they decide to continue.” After a dispute between an opposing team for their second to last game, their season ended early which made it a disheartening end to the senior’s last season of lacrosse at MHS. Though, overall, they were satisfied. “We gave it our best, you know? And that’s all you really can do when you play a sport. The worst thing you can do to your team is not to miss a few goals, but to not try hard, and I can confidently say that our team this year tried our hardest,” Klein stated.

really good bunch of people. I am confident that the freshman that are coming in next year and the other players are going to balance the team out.” Next lacrosse season, the

school will find out if these hopeful predictions come true. The hopes of many on the team are that new players will rise to the challenge and literally, take one for the team.

Final R ecords Boys La

x 1-14 seas on cancele Girls Laxd 4-7 Baseball- 5 -13 Softball- 1 6-2 Boys Trac k- 4-2 Girls Trac k- 3-3 Crew- me daled bron ze, gold, a Boys Tenn nd silver is- 8-8 Girls Tenn is- 6-10



The Blue and Gold June 2009



The Track Team reaches the .500 Mark


oth the boys and girls track teams are having one of the best seasons in the past few years. The boys team has an impressive record of 3-1-1, with big wins over against Revere and Medford, as well as a nail-biting tie with rival Everett High School, which after review was awarded to Malden Highschool. The girls have also won many meets by a large margin against Medford and Everett. In past seasons, the team has struggled to reach the .500 mark for either squad, however this season proves to be different.. “Having the boys and girls with records over .500 at this point in the season is a huge accomplishment for us,” stated coach and English teacher David Londino. Much of both teamss success comes from the hard work that is done in practice, as well as some outstanding athletes. “We have athletes who do one or two events but place first on a regular basis, and we have those who place first, second, or third in each of their three events.” Although these athletes have been a vital part of the success, it is evident among the track team that it is a team effort, and everyone has contributed to the team’s success. “Those who don’t score as often but set positive examples at practice and meets are just as valuable to the team,” quoted

Alfonse Femino Assistant Sportswriter Londino. In recent seasons, the team has struggled at the league championship meet, while schools like Somerville and Cambridge have thrived, however this season, both teams fought until the end, finishing in third place. Though the coaches and players hoped to place first, they were happy to see great progress from recent seasons. In addition to having much success, both teams have a number of athletes who qualified for states. Seniors Kethia Mathieu, Junior Ariel Hurts, and Joe Cirnigliaro are among the athletes selected for the states. Throughout the season, they have worked hard to set a high bar for underclassmen, push their teams to victory, and accomplish some personal goals along the way. No matter what happens in the upcoming weeks, the players on both squads have made this outdoor track season one to remember for both the players and coaches. “The coaching staff couldn’t be happier with the efforts and success of both the boys and girls teams,” said Londino regarding his thoughts on the team this far.

From left to right: Junior Ngoc Doan, Junior Sam Warton and Senior Joseph Cirnigliaro, Senior Kethia Mathieu, Freshman Anna McGuire, and Senior Mary Nguyen, and on bottom senior Anthony Gabriella Photos by Alexandra Mathieu and Hong Chung

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