May 2008 Newsletter

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Steeple Ridge Scoop May 2008

Neighborhood Watch

Front Entrance Fund

Steeple Ridge Website

Below, please find a current listing of the Neighborhood Watch Block Captains. If you have any questions on any issues, would like additional information, need a participation form, and/or are interested in becoming a Block Captain or volunteering your services, please contact a current Block Captain listed below. We are happy to help in any way we can.

This is a reminder that your $50 yearly dues are due on June 1. Please drop them off to any Block Captain or mail them to Theresa Hampton at 8601 Saddle Ridge Trail. Please make all checks payable to the Steeple Ridge Front Entrance Fund.

Block Captain Derek Boyd has registered our Steeple Ridge Website. It is a content management website that allows us to post news, polls, etc. He is working on the theme but is not a website developer, so, bear with him. Please review the website at Please e-mail Derek if you have any suggestions, issues, interesting news articles, links, or concerns at [email protected].

Alan & Theresa Hampton 8601 Saddle Ridge Trail [email protected] (817) 428-1672

Derek & Amy Boyd 8612 Twisted Oaks Way [email protected] (817) 281-9699

Mary Jo Ward 8625 Saddle Ridge Trail [email protected] (817) 281-8714

John Kiningham 8612 Kensington Lane (817) 514-1563

Alan Schiller 8636 Shadybrooke Court [email protected] (817) 656-2038

John Hendrickson 8517 Steeple Ridge (817) 581-2796

Dave Johnson 8812 Ridge Run Drive (817) 514-1616

Ken Pitts 8825 Trails Edge (817) 709-8836

If anyone is interested in becoming a Block Captain, please contact Theresa Hampton. It is not time consuming and helps your neighbors.

We would like to thank many of you for the donations we received, especially for those households who contributed in excess of the required $50 per year. We hope to see continued support from the remaining homeowners.

Neighborhood Theft A few weeks ago someone stole many of the front entrance decorative stones used to border the front entrance flower beds on one side. This theft was reported. The North Richland Hills Police Department encourages all Steeple Ridge residents to be aware of their surroundings, especially while arriving to or leaving their residence. If you see anyone or anything that is suspicious, anyone hanging around, or something that does not look right, call the police immediately. They advise us to lock all cars, inside and outside of the garage; lock the entrance door to your home from the garage at all times; don’t keep garage door openers or any valuables in cars parked outside of the garage; and keep garage doors closed whenever possible. Be attentive to what is going on at all times. When you hear a noise, investigate what is making the noise. When you see a car that you do not recognize, watch where it goes. If you see a person unknown to you wandering around your street, pay attention to what they are doing. When these types of things occur and they seem out of the ordinary, call the police immediately. Without people getting involved and calling the police about things that look suspicious, many crimes may go unreported and unpunished. So, get involved. In case of an emergency, call 911; for other matters call (817) 4277000. Also, please contact a Block Captain so we can inform our neighborhood.

Speeding Summer is here and the kids will be out of school in the next few weeks. Therefore, in addition to all the preschool kids, school age children will be outside playing during the day and in the late afternoon. So, please watch for children when backing out of your driveway and your speed on the streets. Let’s make can effort to drive a little slower at all times in the neighborhood. The North Richland Hills Police Department has been in our neighborhood the last few weeks writing tickets for speeding on Steeple Ridge and Ridge Run. Please be aware and slow down or be prepared to receive a ticket.

City Information The City wants you to be aware that when you cut your grass or trim your trees and bushes, the proper way to dispose of the debris and clippings is to sweep, collect, and bag them and put them out for the collection on the proper days. You many also blow them back onto the lawn where they can become mulch and natural fertilizer, or put them into a compost pile where they can decompose. Blowing and sweeping grass clippings, tree/bush trimmings, fallen leaves, and other yard debris into the street or down the storm drain can cause flooding and pollute our creeks and waterways. The City encourages all residents to properly manage your yard waste. Citations can be issued to anyone who puts yard clippings and debris in the storm drains or otherwise fails to properly collect and dispose of yard waste. If you have any questions, please contact NRH Neighborhood Services at (817) 427-6650.

Mineral Rights Meeting On Thursday, April 14, 2008, the Steeple Ridge Mineral Rights Committee held our second committee meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. There were 13 members present at the meeting. There again has been some question about the formation of the committee and its actions. Again, at the Mineral Rights neighborhood meeting held on May 27, 2008, approximately 150 Steeple Ridge residents were in attendance and a committee was formed. Anyone who volunteered to sit on the committee was accepted that night and even weeks later after the meeting. No one was turned down to sit on the committee or volunteer their services. During this initial neighborhood meeting, it was determined by the residents in attendance that the best way to deal with the issues raised that evening about the oil and gas leases/offers was to form a committee to deal directly with the oil and gas companies for the subdivision and write/negotiate a customized lease for Steeple Ridge residents. This is NOT a “closed or secret” committee and all Steeple Ridge residents are invited to contribute their time and efforts to the issues concerning the oil and gas lease for our neighborhood.

The committee again discussed our goals, the processes to attain those goals, and a realistic time from within which we hope to reach our ultimate goal. We compared and contrasted different leases and determined what we wanted verses what was in each lease. We defined and discussed the following subjects in detail as they pertain to the lease: (1) The Granting Clause (2) The Term (3) Royalty (4) Bonus (5) Pooling (6) Continuous Operations (7) Release of Lease (8) Right to Assign (9) Regulatory Compliance (10)Warranty of Title – none (11)Force Majure (12)Surface Operations (13)Noise Abatement (14)Additional Regulatory Compliance (15)Indemnification of Lessor by Lessee from anything the Lessor does (16)Non-Reliance Provision (17)Option to Extend Lease (18)Pugh Clause (19)Counterpart Signatures (20)Deed of Trust Subordinations

Please notice the outdoor enclosed visual display board which was installed at the exit of the subdivision on the right hand side for all committee meeting dates. The new website may also be reviewed – You also may e-mail or call any committee member to ask questions, raise concerns, give suggestions, or obtain committee meeting information. We attempt to distribute information as soon as possible after a meeting based on our busy schedules. Anyone who wants to lead or contribute to this or any other neighborhood function is welcome.

Each committee member went away with copies of a current lease document from another subdivision and the above 20 issues detailed as they relate to the lease. Each committee member was to go home and research each issue, talk to their neighbors, and come back to the next meeting with revisions, additions, corrections, questions, concerns, etc. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 29, at 7:00 p.m. Each committee member will go over their list. From everyone’s input at the meeting, we will devise a formal draft lease for the neighborhood’s review. We plan to put the lease on the website for review. Each homeowner would have time to review the lease and talk to committee members about it or ask questions, etc. Next, we plan to present the lease to the three oil companies – Dale Property Services, Harding Company/Petrocasa Energy (DDJET Limited) and XTO. Both Dale and Harding have made the subdivision offers. XTO has not made the subdivision an offer to date.

The committee looks forward to working together as a group to develop the best respectable lease agreement for Steeple Ridge. Attached is a listing of members.

Other matters – We voted not to join any coalitions in the area. We voted to contact individual subdivisions through their HOA Presidents to inquire about their status and plan concerning the

Theresa Hampton 8601 Saddle Ridge Trail [email protected] (817) 428-1672 Kevin Dentzer 8556 Steeple Ridge Drive [email protected] (817) 428-5803 Derek Boyd 8612 Twisted Oaks Way [email protected] (817) 281-9699 Mary Jo Ward 8625 Saddle Ridge Trail [email protected] (817) 281-8714 Alan Schiller 8636 Shadybrooke Court [email protected] (817) 656-2038 Bob Willey 8509 Southmoor Court [email protected] (817) 514-6732 Hans Vrij 8621 Saddle Ridge Trail [email protected] (817) 605-1008 Daniel Caulkins 8608 Shadybrooke Drive [email protected] (817) 428-2605 B. B. Korb 8625 Shadybrooke Drive [email protected] (817) 527-9716 Charles Banner 8613 Twisted Oaks Way [email protected] (817) 581-8215 Jeff Rusdal 8537 Steeple Ridge Drive jeff [email protected] (817) 428-2610 Clay McGilvray 8609 Kensington Lane [email protected] (817) 788-2196 Bill Doucette 8524 Steeple Ridge Drive [email protected] (817) 788-4568 Ted Oldham 8632 Shadybrooke [email protected] (817) 514-7420 Bob Patton 8550 Twisted Oaks Court [email protected] (817) 428-1610 Roger Gilberg 8551 Twisted Oaks Court [email protected] (817) 427-3497

same issues now facing Steeple Ridge.

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