Materials 2

  • May 2020
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Material Used in my second Unit!


about (#) number of years old middle-aged young teenager senior infant

WEIGHT 1. chubby 2. heavy 3. overweight 4. not fat 5. not thin 6. average-weight 7. slim 8. skinny 9. big 10.small 11.fat 12.obese 13.really thin 14.very thin HAIR Length:

1. long 2. shoulder length 3. not long 4. not short 5. short 6. straight 7. wavy 8. curly 9. black 10.dark 11.brown

12.light brown 13.blond 14.blonde 15.grey 16.white GENERAL APPEARANCE MEN 1. handsome 2. good-looking 3. attractive 4. cute 5. sexy 6. not very handsome 7. not very good-looking 8. not very attractive 9. not very cute 10. not very sexy

WOMEN 1. gorgeous 2. beautiful 3. attractive 8. pretty 9. not very sexy 10. sexy 4. not very beautiful 5. not very attractive

6. not very pretty 7. not very cute 11. cute

MEN AND WOMAN 1. strong 2. athletic 3. graceful 4. neat

5.elegant 6.weak 7.non-athletic 8.clumsy 9.sloppy “Really” and “Very” are used to intensify these adjectives e.g.: He is a very strong man She is a very elegant woman TRY AND MAKE YOUR OWN EXAMPLES 1. HE___________________________________________ 2. SHE__________________________________________ 3. WE__________________________________________ 4. THEY________________________________________ 5. CHARLES____________________________________ 6. SONIA_______________________________________ 7. MARCELA___________________________________ 8. I____________________________________________ 9. IT___________________________________________ 10. YOU_________________________________________

11.CARLOS AND JOHN___________________________ 12.MAX_________________________________________ 13.HE___________________________________________ 14.THEY________________________________________ 15.WE__________________________________________

USEFUL VOCABULARY FOR PERSONALITY AND FEELINGS 1. polite 2. generous 3. nice 4. friendly 5. outgoing 6. intelligent 7. smart 8. interesting 9. rude impolite 10.stingy 12.not nice 13.mean 14.unfriendly 15.shy 16.timid 17.stupid 18.dumb 19.not very intelligent 20.boring 21.not very interesting 22.optimistic 23.funny 24.cheerful 25.snobbish 26.snobby 27.sweet 28.kind 29.pessimistic 30.serious 31.obnoxious 32.grouchy 33.angry 34.happy 35.loved 36.sad

37.lonely 38.angry 39.frustrated 40.disappointed 41.proud 42.afraid 43.worried 44.surprised 45.friendly 46.excited 47.unhappy 48.stressed 49.ashamed 50.sorry 51.helpless 52.pleased 53.scared

Adjectives handout Describing people! I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Complete the sentence with the appropriate adjective. Mary is not tall so she is________ A person who is sad is not________ Homer is ________ because he eats a lot March is ________ because she does not eat very much I go to the gym to be ________ I need to be ________ to go the amusement parks I think you have _________ because you have short hair I love your_______ eyes

• • • • • • • • •

Make sentences with the adjectives given

1. good _____________________________________________________________ 2. bad _____________________________________________________________ 3. handsome _____________________________________________________________ 4. beautiful _____________________________________________________________ 5. intelligent _____________________________________________________________ 6. sad _____________________________________________________________ 7. short _____________________________________________________________ 8. brown hair _____________________________________________________________ 9. long hair _____________________________________________________________ 10. medium height _____________________________________________________________

Tall Fit Long hair Blue Thin Old Short Happy friendly

Adjectives Find the words in the list hidden in the puzzle grid below.

d w s r j n f c h l u f i t u a e b f

a x x f f o c r l t l u c i f f i d s

n h h h r i a l i e c c r a z y q l b

g n i c e s w y e e v q v r d c p g o

beautiful boring broken cheap clean clever complicated crazy

e t v x x y a s s a n e a j w o w a r

r t e r r i b l e w n d r s n m e l i

o g n i t s e r e t n i l q d p m e n

curious dangerous delicious difficult dirty easy empty excellent

u t h i r s t y h a p p y y e l p x g

s f l b y h t l a e h u m u l i t c d

d i t h i c k o d e r i t p i c y i i

e w s i m p l e s o o y x s c a r t t

exciting expensive favorite friendly funny happy healthy hungry

f x o n e k o r b p y s a e i t x i m

c a p n i m p o s s i b l e o e b n y

s u v e d v j n k m m c p y u d c g o

impossible interesting nice noisy quiet simple sleepy spicy

l f r o n e t y t r i d y w s m h b u

e t u i r s r e x c e l l e n t e s n

e u h n o i i f h w r t e i u q a o g

p i y i n u t v u g n o r t s t p b f

strong terrible thick thin thirsty tired wonderful young

y r t v n y s e e l i h u n g r y f y

COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES PART A: Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words in the list. big easy important bright expensive intelligent cheap fast large cold high small comfortable hot sweet 1.

An elephant is _________________________ a cat.


A lemon is sour. An orange is ____________________ a lemon.


The weather today is ____________________ it was yesterday.


A diamond costs a lot of money. A diamond is ____________________ a ruby.


I can afford a radio, but not a TV set. A radio is ____________________ a TV set.


An airplane moves quickly. An airplane is ____________________ a train.


A lake is ____________________ an ocean.


A person can think logically. A person is ____________________ an animal.


Hills are low. Mountains are ____________________ hills.

10. The sun gives off a lot of light. The sun is ____________________ the moon. 11. Texas is a large state, but Alaska is ____________________ Texas. 12. Sometimes my feet hurt when I wear high heels. Bedroom sleepers are ____________________ shoes with high heels. 13. Arithmetic isn’t difficult. Arithmetic is ____________________ algebra. 14. Good health is ____________________ money.

Remember! • •

What DOES HE/SHE/IT look like? = ¿Cómo luce él/ella/eso? (APPEARANCE) What DO YOU/WE/YOU/THEY look like?

• •

What IS HE/SHE/IT like? = ¿Cómo es él/ella/eso? (PERSONALITY) What ARE YOU/WE/YOU/THEY like? Some Adjectives for you to learn.

AGE 8. about (#) number of years 9. old 10. middle-aged 11. young WEIGHT 15. overweight 16. fat 17. thin 18. medium-weight 19. slim HAIR 17. long 18. medium length 19. short 20. straight 21. curly 22. black MEN 1. Handsome 2. Attractive 3. Sexy WOMEN 1. Gorgeous 2. Beautiful 3. Pretty 4. not very pretty 5. Sexy

Personality Adjectives: 12. teenager 13. senior 14. infant 20. skinny 21. big 22. small 23. fat 23. dark 24. brown 25. light brown 26. blonde 27. grey 28. white 4. 5.

not very attractive not very sexy

1. polite 2. generous 3. friendly 4. intelligent 5. interesting 6. mean 7. unfriendly 8. shy 9. boring 10.optimistic 11.funny 12.cheerful 13.Brave 14.pessimistic 15.serious 16.angry 17.happy 18.sad 19.surprised 20.friendly

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