
  • June 2020
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Bentzion Abramovicz Sara Abramson

Pnina Adler

Feiga Adam Rika Auerbach Shabtai Augustowski

Chajm Awroblanski

Chana Oslerner Moshe Aranowicz Micheline Aaronson Sara Obstbaum Mose Ogurek Liba Ozerowicz


Hersch Ojcer

Bernhard Altman Menachem Amsterdamski

Avraham Ostfeld

Salom Ostrer

Isaac Angel Chaim Anderman Sendl Apelbojm Eti Akselrad

Joshua Oselkas Jospa Ostrzega Szmil Oskola

Frida Openheimer Chana O

These are my tools: stone, steel, concrete, wood, glass. And the challenge before me is to design expressive buildings - buildings that tell human stories - with Boruch Order Chaja Orenstein Mirjam Ungar Josef Iwanier Elizabet Itzikzon Shifra Ickovski Jeno Ickovicz Matilda Eisner Elena Eiderman Machla Eidelsztein Benzion Eisenbaum Hersch Eisenthal Aharon Aineshtain Rivka Ei theseEberson mute substances. Libeskind (BG, 216)Else Ermann Georg Brinnitzer Lowis Ten Brink Magarete Goldztein Yedl Guttmann Rachel Gelbart Jacob Dayan Efraim Va Estera Ajszenbojm Dawid Eifermann Eduard Felix Ephraim- Daniel Flora Ehrlich David Erlihman Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla Chrabolowski Esther Cohen

Bluma Kohn

Marie Cohen

Erzsebet Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum

Roland Cohen

Jcchak Kohn Lea Kohn

Jacob Tenenbaum

Chana Laub Neny Lazar

Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz

Erno Lautman Naftali Mehr Stefania Polak Mrisja Pikowski

Ester Pirovicz

Chana Choina Iankel Pirovicz Mayer P

Moszck Pirovicz Bluma Paist Yenta Paist Israel Paist Sara Paist Eva Peper Philip Peper Bertha Placzek Mejloch Placzek Minycha Prawidlo Tauba Pristin Movsha Pristin Genia Prenska Sua Pszygoda Israel Przygoda Aron F Bentzion Abramovicz Sara Abramson Pnina Adler Feiga Adam Rika Auerbach Shabtai Augustowski Chajm Awroblanski Bernhard Altman Menachem Amsterdamski Isaac Angel Chaim Anderman Sendl Apelbojm Eti Akselrad Chana Oslerner Moshe Aranowicz Micheline Aaronson Sara Obstbaum Mose Ogurek Liba Ozerowicz Boruch Order

Chaja Orenstein Mirjam Ungar

Estera Ajszenbojm

Dawid Eifermann

Josef Iwanier

Esther Cohen

Bluma Kohn

Moszck Pirovicz Bluma Paist

Marie Cohen Yenta Paist

Bentzion Abramovicz Sara Abramson

Elizabet Itzikzon Shifra Ickovski Jeno Ickovicz

Eduard Eberson Felix Ephraim

Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla Chrabolowski

Flora Ehrlich David Erlihman

Erzsebet Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum

Roland Cohen

Jcchak Kohn Lea Kohn

Pnina Adler

Feiga Adam Rika Auerbach Shabtai Augustowski

Chaja Orenstein Mirjam Ungar

Estera Ajszenbojm

Dawid Eifermann

Josef Iwanier

Eduard Eberson Felix Ephraim

Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla Chrabolowski

Flora Ehrlich David Erlihman

Mejloch Placzek

Hersch Ojcer

Benzion Eisenbaum Hersch Eisenthal

Aharon Aineshtain

Rachel Gelbart

Jacob Dayan

Rivka Ei

Efraim Va

Ester Pirovicz

Chana Choina Iankel Pirovicz Mayer P

Minycha Prawidlo Tauba Pristin Movsha Pristin Genia Prenska Sua Pszygoda Israel Przygoda

Bernhard Altman Menachem Amsterdamski

Avraham Ostfeld

Salom Ostrer

Aron F

Isaac Angel Chaim Anderman Sendl Apelbojm Eti Akselrad

Joshua Oselkas Jospa Ostrzega Szmil Oskola Benzion Eisenbaum Hersch Eisenthal

Georg Brinnitzer Lowis Ten Brink Magarete Goldztein Yedl Guttmann

Jacob Tenenbaum

Frida Openheimer Chana O

Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz

Matilda Eisner Elena Eiderman Machla Eidelsztein

Else Ermann

Erzsebet Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum

Joshua Oselkas Jospa Ostrzega Szmil Oskola

Erno Lautman Naftali Mehr Stefania Polak Mrisja Pikowski

Chajm Awroblanski

Elizabet Itzikzon Shifra Ickovski Jeno Ickovicz

Salom Ostrer

Georg Brinnitzer Lowis Ten Brink Magarete Goldztein Yedl Guttmann

Jacob Tenenbaum

Chana Laub Neny Lazar

Israel Paist Sara Paist Eva Peper Philip Peper Bertha Placzek

Avraham Ostfeld

Matilda Eisner Elena Eiderman Machla Eidelsztein

Else Ermann

Chana Oslerner Moshe Aranowicz Micheline Aaronson Sara Obstbaum Mose Ogurek Liba Ozerowicz Boruch Order

Hersch Ojcer

Frida Openheimer Chana O Aharon Aineshtain

Rachel Gelbart

Jacob Dayan

Rivka Ei

Efraim Va

Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz

He said that one needs only Stefania So in saying I think he is communion. Libeskind doesn’tIankel stop atPirovicz Zinc andMayer P WhenKohn libeskind the work Esther Cohen Bluma Kohn Marie Cohen Roland Cohen Jcchak Lea contracted Kohn Chana Laub forNenymaterials. Lazar Erno Lautman Naftali Mehr Polak this, Mrisja Pikowski Ester Pirovicz Chana Choina these unselfish ingredients from nature cating that architecture is its own steel to communicate with, he also the concrete he did not try to find the Moszck Pirovicz Bluma(1,2,4,6, Paist Yenta PaisttheIsrael Paist to Sara Mejloch Placzek Minycha Prawidlo Tauba Pristin Movsha Pristin Genia Prenska Sua Pszygoda Israel Przygoda Aron F (seen in figures and 8)of Extension thePaist Eva Peper Philip Peper Bertha Placzek to create architecture and that the best language which uses materials as the uses concrete and stone, not unlike in best in the world but instead he Isaac Angel Eti Akselrad Berlin Museum Sara is actually a historical material Bentzion Abramovicz Abramson Pnina roofing Adler Feiga Adam employed Rika Auerbach Shabtai Augustowski Chajm Awroblanski Bernhard Altman Menachem Amsterdamski Chaimfigures Anderman way to communicate through architec(3,5,7,Sendl and Apelbojm 9). My observaemotionally interpreted noise making local help in order to keep has been used in BerlinMicheline since K.F.Aaronson Schinkel,Sara thusObstbaum Libainvolvement Ozerowicz Hersch Moshe Aranowicz Mose Ogurek Ostfeld palette Salom Ostrer Ostrzega Szmilabout Oskolahis Frida Openheimer Chanathat Oslerner ture is Ojcer by way Avraham of your material particular designa-Chana O medium,Joshua words.Oselkas To me Jospa this form of tions the interaction of human galvanized justIwanier a shiny Elizabet (BG,Matilda 217).. Eisner Elena Eiderman Machla tions are that heAharon uses steel and metalRivka Ei conveyance more expressive intact,Itzikzon flaws and all Ickovski (BG, 237). Even Chaja Orenstein metal Mirjammore Ungarthan Josef Shifra Jeno Ickovicz Eidelszteinis Benzion EisenbaumanHersch Eisenthal Aineshtain Boruchmaking Order the This was aDawid respectful move Eduard to pay homage theEphraim visual, symbolic definitive thanGoldztein actual words because for thoughFlora there were David hardlyErlihman any flawsElse Ermann Georg Brinnitzer Lowis Ten Brink Esteraskin. Ajszenbojm Eifermann Eberson to Felix Ehrlich Magarete Yedl Guttmann Rachel Gelbartfunctional, Jacob Dayan Efraim Va Stone, glass, wood, light these are the reasons and concrete and stone to words can never fully divulge what we because of diligent workers like local houses, which bear the same material on their Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla Chrabolowski Erzsebet Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum Jacob Tenenbaum Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz roofs. The material is meant to age appropriately so Andrzej. Libeskind was fascinated with humble ingredients architects can use are really feeling or trying to express. So display structure, path and place. Esther Cohen Bluma Kohn Marie Cohen Roland Cohen KohnheLea Chana Laub Nenyfor Lazar Lautman Naftali Mehr Polak itMrisja PikowskithatEster Pirovicz Chana Choina Iankel Pirovicz Mayer P higherErno purpose, to express ideas and Stefania as architects is important we say way that andKohn the material communithat the Extension to the Berlin Museum may blend Jcchak emotions, to Placzek tell stories and chartPrawidlo histo- what Figures & 5 are scenes from the Aron F need Movsha to say be it byGenia use of onePhilip another. ThisBertha was also Moszck Pirovicz Pristin Prenska Sua3Pszygoda Israel Przygoda Bluma Paist ofYenta Paisthistorical Israel Paist Sara Paistcated Evawith Peper Peper Placzek Mejloch Minycha Taubawe Pristin into its environment existing residences ries (BG, 217).” - Daniel Libeskind materials, lighting conditions, and so exterior garden which is where the part of libeskind’s philosophy about Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla buildings Chrabolowski Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz and surrounding government (BG,Erzsebet 217 & Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum Jacob Tenenbaum Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel underground exhibits and circulation Esther218). Cohen Bluma Kohn Marie Cohen Roland Cohen Jcchak Kohn Lea Kohn Chana Laub Neny Lazar Erno Lautman Naftali Mehr Stefania Polak Mrisja Pikowski Ester Pirovicz Iankel openChana up to Choina the world. The Pirovicz verticalityMayer P Moszck Pirovicz Bluma Paist Yenta Paist Israel Paist Sara Paist Eva Peper Philip Peper Bertha Placzek Mejloch Placzek Minycha Prawidlo Tauba Pristin Movsha Pristin Genia Prenska Sua Pszygoda Przygoda of concrete forms Israel remind me of Aron F TheAbramovicz simple greySara of the zinc, in Pnina a controlled manner, Eti Akselrad Bentzion Abramson Adler Feiga Adam Rika Auerbach Shabtai Augustowski Chajm Awroblanski Bernhard Altman Menachem Amsterdamski Isaac Angel ChaimEisenman’s Anderman Jewish Sendl Holocaust Apelbojm Memorial also located in Berlin. I don’t have emphasizes the surrounding parkland and nearby Chana Oslerner Moshe Aranowicz Micheline Aaronson Sara Obstbaum Mose Ogurek Liba Ozerowicz Hersch Ojcer Avraham Ostfeld Salom Ostrer Joshua Oselkas Jospa Ostrzega Szmil Oskola Frida Openheimer Chana O proof that if this was his intension, but ocre- colored plaster facade of the baroque supreme Aharon Aineshtain Boruch Order Chaja Orenstein Mirjam Ungar Josef Iwanier Elizabet Itzikzon Shifra Ickovski Jeno Ickovicz Matilda Eisner Elena Eiderman Machla Eidelsztein Benzion Eisenbaum Hersch andEisenthal educated assumption would beRivka Ei court (BG, 218). The surface is not smooth but theGelbart memorialJacob was Dayan an inspiraEsteramarked Ajszenbojm Rachel Efraim Va Dawid Eifermann Eduard Eberson FelixofEphraim Flora Ehrlich David Erlihman Else Ermann Georg Brinnitzer Lowis Ten Brink Magarete Goldztein Yedl Guttmann that and perforated by a hieroglyphic series tional piece. Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla Chrabolowski Erzsebet Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum Jacob Tenenbaum Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz

L i b incisions, which are reminiscent to the memory of the e EstherJews Cohen MarieBerlin Cohen(BG,Roland Chana Choina Iankel Pirovicz Mayer P whoBluma wereKohn driven from 218). Cohen Jcchak Kohn Lea Kohn Chana Laub Neny Lazar Erno Lautman Naftali Mehr Stefania Polak Mrisja Pikowski Ester Pirovicz Figure 7 displays the structural conMoszck Pirovicz Bluma Paist Yenta Paist Israel Paist Sara Paist Eva Peper Philip Peper Bertha Placzek Mejloch Placzek sF Minycha Prawidlo Tauba Pristin Movsha Pristin Genia Prenska Pszygoda Israeltogether Przygodato Aron creteSua beams that work So Abramovicz by his use ofSara materials he hasPnina managed create a Eti the Akselrad Bentzion Abramson Adler toFeiga Adam Rika Auerbach Shabtai Augustowski Chajm Awroblanski Bernhard Altman Menachem Amsterdamski Isaac Angel Chaimhold Anderman Sendl Apelbojm the museum together for k contemporary piece Micheline that still Aaronson remains true seem to tieChana O Moshe Aranowicz Szmilexpanses. Oskola They Fridaalso Openheimer SaratoObstbaum Mose Ogurek Liba Ozerowicz Hersch Ojcer Avraham Ostfeld Salom Ostrer Joshua Oselkas Jospa Ostrzega open Chanalasting Oslerner into the exterior move of the windows i its site, and I don’t just mean its containing lot, but the Boruch Order Chaja Orenstein Mirjam Ungar Josef Iwanier Elizabet Itzikzon Shifra Ickovski Jeno Ickovicz Matilda Eisner Elena Eiderman Machla Eidelsztein Benzion Eisenbaum Hersch Eisenthal Aharon Aineshtain Rivka Ei which bear the same linear consiswhole of Berlin. This moral standard is to me one of Estera Ajszenbojm Dawid Eifermann Eduard Eberson Felix Ephraim Flora Ehrlich David Erlihman Else Ermann Georg Brinnitzer Lowis Ten Brink Magarete Goldztein Yedl Guttmann tency Rachel Jacob Dayan ofGelbart the deconstructed Star Efraim of nVa aspects in Libeskind's work that gives him the leading Klara Weinstein Feiga Weisberg Bejla Chrabolowski Erzsebet Teufel Hedwig Teutsch Hinda Kirschenbaum Jacob Tenenbaum Jonasz Tenenbaum Nathan Triebfeder Judith Joskovicz Samuel David. Kats Samuel Katz Shandor Katz d edge in competitions. Esther Cohen Bluma Kohn Marie Cohen Roland Cohen Jcchak Kohn Lea Kohn Chana Laub Neny Lazar Erno Lautman Naftali Mehr Stefania Polak Mrisja Pikowski Ester Pirovicz Chana Choina Iankel Pirovicz Mayer P

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