Mass Communication

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  • Words: 1,369
  • Pages: 33

Mass communication is the process that mass communicators use to send their mass messages to mass audiences, they do this through mass media.

COMPONENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION Mass communications have five components

Mass 2) Mass 3) Mass 4) Mass 5) Mass 1)

communicators messages audiences media communication

FUNCTION OF MASS COMMUNICATION Surveillance and information 2)Interpretation and correlation 3)The cultural transmission 4)Linkage and mobilization 5)Entertainment 1)

Function of mass communication Surveillance and information

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Of all the media function ,this one is the most obvious. Surveillance to what we popularly call the news and information role of the media. The have taken the place of sentinels and lookouts. These individuals collect the information for us This function can be divided into two main types.

Warring surveillance II.Instrumental surveillance I.

The cultural transmission The cultural transmission function means that the media reflects ,values, and norms. LINKAGE & MOTIVATION Mass media are able to join together by interpersonal channels different element of society that are not directly connected For example mass advertising attempt to link need of buyers to the products of sellers.

Entertainment Another obvious media function is that of entertainment. even though most of newspaper is devoted to covering the even of the day.  comics, puzzles, horoscopes,games,advice and general entertainment features are there to entertain us 


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includes newspapers, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books and pamphlets. NEWSPAPER:-A newspaper is a publication containing news, information and advertising. published on a daily or weekly basis focus is on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live. MAGAZINES:-Magazines are publications, generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles. generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions.

BROCHURE: A brochure is a leaflet advertisement. Brochures may advertise locations, events, hotels, products, services, etc.  usually COMPACT in language  eye-catching in design.  Use:-hotels,amusement parks. 


Electronic media is media that uses electronics or electromechanical energy for the end user (audience) to access the content. E.g.:-radio,television,internet etc.

RADIO It is a medium of mass Oral communication. News , notices, advertisements r transmitted to public It allow only one way communication.


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Television (TV) is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, either monochromatic (black and white) or color, usually accompanied by sound. common communications receiver in homes, businesses and institutions, particularly as a source of entertainment and news. powerful and attractive medium for advertisers. Many television networks and stations sell blocks of broadcast time to advertisers sponsors in order to fund their programming.


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Internet allow greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially with the spread of unmetered high-speed connections and web application. Easy to access low-cost advertising fastest way to spread information to a vast number of people.


For much of human history speech and body language were the only available forms of communication. This changed when writing was developed, probably in the area of the world which we now call the middle east.


Mass communication media make it possible to deliver messages to millions of people at roughly the same time. The telephone speech: without walls. The phonograph: music without walls. The photograph: museum without walls. The electric light: space without walls. The movie, radio and TV: classroom without

Mass communication message are produced by organizations. • The medium for these message permits accurate duplication. •The message are distributed to large audience at roughly the •

IMPACT OF MEDIA RESPONSIBILITY Media effects means different things to different people.  As the psychological effects in mind when talking about media effects & the sociologist have the social effects.  Influence of media also varies from short, middle & long term in the form of fashions, mannerism & lifestyles. 


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Fighting and other violence used as a way to “handle” conflict. Cigarettes and alcohol shown as cool and attractive, not unhealthy and deadly. Sexual action with no negative results, such as disease or unintended pregnancy. Use of cigarettes and alcohol. Fatty food and thin bodies.


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To develop the skills to question, analyze, and evaluate them. It is called media literacy or media education. No two people experience the same media message in exactly same way. These can include age, values and memories. Media message have their own values and points of view. Teleconferencing. Open university. Online examination.

MEDIA & POLITICS Political news.  Elections.  Campaign. 


Responsibility has to do with defining proper conduct accountability with compelling it. Responsibility should be done in such a way that it would not harm the others. Relationship with the other specific responsibilities should be of three types:Assigned. Contracted. Self imposed.

ASSIGNED In some human relationships, obligations and responsibility are simply assigned by party A to party B. In an employer-employee relations of an ; for example, the employer determines the responsibility of an employee. 

Military hierarchy is the clearest example of responsibility assigned by a superior to an inferior.

CONTRACTED Some relationships, however, are between two parties who share more equally in power and authority. And for this they enter in a mutually binding contract. There are two types of contract: Formal : The parties to the contract are essentially equal in power. Informal : No specific obligation should be there. As marriage relationship.


The third way people come to have responsibilities to others is by selfimposition. Individual journalists can, (the best ones do), develop a sense of excellent performance. they can commit themselves to their highest standards by dint of will, for the sake of principle and in service to others.

NATURE OF MEDIA RESPONSIBILITY The question of media responsibility can be approached at three levels. First, we can inquire into the possible function or social roles appropriate to journalism.

Second, we can ask what are the principle that must guide the press if it is to perform those functions well, that is, ”responsibly”. 

Third, we can look for the kinds of actions journalists should and should not take if they would be obedient to those principles. 

Mass: media regulating and censorship Countries around the world are following suit in regulating their own communication industries as they race to build communication network that they hope will give them a competitive advantage in the global economy of the information age. New media content such as internet pornography, violent video games and cyberhate contend with television violence as the leading focus of concern about the media’s effects on society.

Many are using the internet as their telephone network too, talking advantages of internet telephoning services that make it possible to place calls all over the world.

Conditional access system(CAS) 

conditional access system(CAS) is a method by which a broadcast feed is encoded by an algorithmic logic through encoders which renders the signal intelligible. ELEMENTS OF CONDITIONAL ACCESS SYSTEM a typical CA process involves following basic elements

(1) The broadcast equipment:- Generates the encrypted programmes that are transmitted to the subscribers.  (2)The set top box:- filter out the transmitted signal and checks whether the customer has subscribed to view the channel. The programmes are taken decrypted in real-time. 

Benefits if CAS     

Consumers Cable operators Broad casters Advertisers Government

Within a conditional access system, the following modules are there 

Subscribers management system(SMS):-the SMS is a sub-system of the CA system that manages the subscriber’s information. Subscriber Authorisation system(SAS):-the SAS is a sub-system of the CA system the ensures the subscriber’s security module receives the authorisation needed to veiw the programmes. Set top box(STB):-the STB house the security module that gives authorisation for decrypting the transmitted programmes.

Censorship and right to information    

Right to know and inform Right to privacy Trespass Copyright

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