Mary As a young woman what would your reaction have been if an angel appeared to you and told you that you would be pregnant (as a virgin) with the Messiah? Mary‘s response was full of faith and she simply replied that it should happen as the angel reported to her. She learned that she would have to “treasure up all these things and ponder them in her heart” (Luke 2:8-19). Through much public humiliation, Mary gave birth to Jesus. Her reverent faith stands out along with her humility and submission to God as an example for all women to follow. There would have been many hard lessons for Mary to learn from her “son.” Mary loved her “son,” but as a human she would have to learn to love him as her Master. As a mother she would have to take care of Him, but as His disciple she would have to learn to rely on His provision. As His mother, she would sacrifice for Him, but as His follower she would learn what true sacrifice was all about. She would also have to humble herself and learn her true place was not as His mother, but as His disciple. In John 2:1; 19:26-27, she is never acknowledged as the “mother of Jesus,” but only as His disciple. We see (Mark 3:33-35) that Mary learned that the way to Jesus was not through her motherhood, but in her spiritual relationship with Him. In order to be in His family, she would have to be a member of His eternal family. Though she raised Him up naturally, He ultimately raised her up to become His disciple.