
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 862
  • Pages: 2
Mary. One of the questions that many Christians may ask themselves may be what role did Mary play in the live of Jesus? Or was she submissive and weak? Let’s began by telling some about the background of Mary based on the little information that we can find in the bible or other sources. In the bible we find that Mary comes from a very Jew family that respected the law of their time. In other words, it is believed that the parents of Mary were a pious family with a very high reputation and devoted to God. As a result, Mary was a good girl and faithful to God as well. According with some theologians, state that people at that time used to mature earlier than this time and women used to get married at the age of 14. It is important to emphasize that women at that time were much mature than today and there is no way that we can compare women of the both periods. If you are 15 and are reading these don’t think that it is time for you to marry, no way! Moreover, in this society man had a lot of power and women were supposed to be loyal and to serve their husbands It was kind of ridiculous because a man could complained of their wives just if they did not prepare a good meal and kick then out to the street. In this case women were abandoned and despised by society. The only thing that they could do is become beggars or of course the prostitutes. Another remark of this time is that women could not even been around a man, not even come close or talk. For a woman to become pregnant without been married it was like a sentence of dead. These kinds of women were not allowed in this society and were sentence to be stone to dead without pity. After this brief background about Mary’s family and culture, let’s examine very briefly the role of Mary in Christianity. Let’s began by recalling the greeting of the angel Gabriel to her:”Dios te salve María llena eres de gracia el señor es contigo y bandito es el fruto de tu vientre” Mas adelante el ángel le pregunta a María si acepta ser la madre de Jesús. Es importante notar que le pide, no le obliga, In other words, it is in Mary’s hands to say yes or not. What would you do, if you are 14 and an Angel ask you the same? AS I mention above Mary’s time was difficult to be a single mother. I mean it was a disgrace. Mary was not married yet, and if people had found out that she was pregnant, Mary would have been stone to dead. Moreover, she was engaged with Joseph! What would he say if she tells him that she is pregnant, when they never had sex…Mary’s family reputation was also in risk to be put on the floor and criticized by their whole community… I can tell more things but these are only a few huge challenges that Mary had to think over before saying yes…… However, she said yes! Yes to the lord. “ let it be done to me according to your will” she replied to the angel. In other words, she was willing to defied anyone and do whatever is necessary to follow God. To be the mother of Jesus was for someone who really knew who she was, was secure of herself and never had fear of doing what she wants and believe….. She went against the tide and fulfill her desires! After this she had to face the challenge of raising Jesus. Before Jesus was born she went to Belen in which she and Joseph did not found a place to stay.. The only place that they found was a manger…. Yeh this wass the place in which Jesus s was born…. The son of God the king of kings was born in a manger surrounded by animals. Is it not an example of humility? One thing I assume is that they were poor, but very happy that even three Kings visited them. Making a long history short, Mary’s heart was broken into pieces when she saw Jesus being beaten by the solders, crowned with a crown of thrones , carried a cross while bleeding and lastly seen Jesus’ hands and feet nailed to the cross. However, she was there until the

last moment of life of Jesus she never let him down or gave up being a faithful mother. To... conclude, Mary is an example for any person either female or male how a person should act in their lives. Mary’s knew what she was doing, stood strong in her believes and never stopped loving Jesus and was with him until the end. Definitely Mary is an example especially for any women at any time who want to achieve their goals. She shows women that fear do not exits in her vocabulary, teaches them how to cope with their difficulties and is an example how a woman have strength enough to accomplishes her desires.

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