Marvel Not, You Must Be Born Again 6-7-09

  • May 2020
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“ Marvel not… You must be Born Again! (John 3:7) ” “

Passage: John 3: 1 – 16 June 7, 2009 (SUNDAY Bible Study)


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Ruling member of Pharisees. a Jewish religious leader He likely risked danger by meeting with Jesus at night secretly. Recognized the stamp of God upon Jesus because of the miraculous signs. Jesus must have a strong effect in him. He stood up for Jesus at the Jewish ruling council (7:50) and helped prepare Jesus’ body for burial (19:39)

Pharisees •

In Luke 10:31 – The Good Samaritan, The priest saw the robbery victim in a half-dead state. According to OT Law, a priest who touched a dead body made himself ceremonially impure (Leviticus 21:1-4). The priest and religious Levite decided not to go to get involved

Were a legalistic and separatist group who strictly, but often hypocritically, kept the law of Moses and the unwritten tradition of the elders. Most of them were opposed to Jesus.

Samaritan •

A racial minority despised in Israel.

A. The New Birth ( or Being “Born Again”) – vv. 1 – 12 1. Read vv. 1 & 2. By what means did Nicodemus recognize Jesus as Lord? – Nicodemus acknowledge Jesus’ name as Rabbi – meaning a teacher that comes from God. – He also believes in Jesus because of the miracles He had done, for without God in Him, Jesus can’t do these miracles. 2. Read v.3. Is there any exception on how we can see the kingdom of God? None. There is only one way, and it is to be Born Again.

3. Read vv. 3 – 7. In what specific verse did we

not a joke or just like any ordinary occasion held in our lives. So when we decide of being a born again Christian, we must take this seriously and do our “part” as a Christian.

see the difference of Pharisees being a teacher versus Jesus being a teacher to us? Verse 4 – Nicodemus spoke this ridiculous process of being Born Again and has shown his ignorance.

8. Nicodemus was confused in v.4. What is the 4. Jesus showing his transparency unto Nicodemus, do you think the topic Jesus shared to Him is just an accident? No. It’s not an accident. 5. Do you think Jesus knew what does Nicodemus really long for? Then what do you think was Nicodemus’ deepest need? Yes, Jesus knew what Nicodemus longs for. Jesus knew Nicodemus’ (and our) deepest need –to be born again - unless he is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (vv. 3, 5, 7). 6. How do you think did Jesus know of Nicodemus’ need? It is by Nicodemus’ curiosity and faith that Jesus is from God. Jesus was conversing with Nicodemus. For a man like him, the only requirement for entering the kingdom of God was to be physically born a Jew. To help Nicodemus understand His radical teaching, Jesus used a contrast: two kinds of birth. He said unless a person is born again, he cannot get into the kingdom of God (v.3). 7. Now reflect. Do you think when God spoke with you, wanting you to be born again is an accident? No. Everything has a purpose. God speaks in the right time. When God sees our earnest heart longing for Him, that is the perfect time when He wants you to be with Him, not just now, but forever. Being born again is never an accident to Christians like us; it’s

true meaning of “born again”? Why do we need this? During our first birth, we were born physically with a sinful nature. We need to have a new birth, so that God’s life, God’s nature will be in us. In v. 5 Jesus mentioned 2 kinds of birth (water and Spirit): a. “born of water” What is your interpretation of being/having “born of water”?  physical birth (re: water bag of the mother)  Baptism – the baptism of repentance practiced by John the Baptist. b.

“born of Spirit” What is your interpretation of being/having “born of Spirit”?

 Spiritual regeneration initiated by the Holy Spirit. Conclusion – Being born of water and Spirit is inseparable. * Outward rite was insufficient without spiritual regeneration Alban Douglas says in 100 Bible Lessons: “Conversion and regeneration are inseparable; conversion is the act of turning from sin to Christ; regeneration is being made a new creature by the Spirit’s power. It brings us into the family of God. The new birth is the door to salvation and consequently to heaven.

9. In v.3, Jesus mentioned that there is only one way to see the Kingdom of God. Why does having a new birth the only way? What is this thing that makes us so sinful that having this new birth is the only way? – this means that we have something in us that is so dirty… What is it? It is our sinful nature. It disqualifies us from entering the kingdom of God.

13. Read v.5, 6, 15. How can we be born again? i. Born of water and Spirit (v.5 & 6) The Holy Spirit is the one that indicates our new birth, not something we can do by ourselves.

ii.Believe … and have eternal life (v.15) Believe

The word “believe” here does not only mean mentally saying, “It is true.” (Satan also believes Jesus is the Son of God, but obviously he is not saved.)

To take God at His word, acknowledge His claim on our life, and say, “Yes, Lord, I surrender. I’m coming home (through the cross).” When we “receive” Jesus into our heart, we receive Him not as guest, but as the Lord and Master of our life. iii.Receive (Christ)… to become children of God (Jn. 1:12)

10. What is sinful nature? The deeds which we know are wrong, yet we still do them (like lying, cheating, hating, etc.) and We do not have the power not to do them. 11.Then, who has the power? Is there anything we can do to change this? We cannot do anything to change this in our own power. The only way is to be born into a new kind of life – the life of God. Sometimes we resolve to change for the better, especially during New Year’s Day, but after a few days we are back to our old selves. This is because of our sinful nature.

12. Aren’t you wondering why do we have this sinful nature? On how this thing came upon us? Actually, we were born with a sinful nature. When the first man, Adam, sinned (disobeyed God), his nature become corrupted and sinful. We inherited this sinful nature and have been following our own ways, our own desires, which actually are controlled by Satan. Because of our sins, we are separated from God. And being separated with God means that we are spiritually dead.

14. Satan believes in Jesus. The why is Satan not saved? It is acknowledging and receiving Jesus as our Saviour and Lord that Satan would not willing to do. It is believing in Jesus with all our heart, repenting of our sin, turning our lives to Jesus Christ to control, making Him the center of our lives that really matters. We are not of ourselves no, but of God’s. And Satan didn’t achieve these things.

15. Sometimes we meet non-Christians who live better lives than Christians. Do they need to be saved also? Yes. None of us are perfect in God’s sight. Since God’s standard is perfection, none of us are acceptable in God’s sight.

Then, we Christians are not also perfect in God’s sight. Are we acceptable or not? How can we explain this?

Think… who is the only creature who is perfect? It’s Christ, we come to God through Jesus Christ. Now, if we let Him control us, use us, do whatever He wanted to us – surrendering ourselves to Him. Then, it is just like we have our Superman in us, carrying us.

16. Read v.8. We may not know where the wind comes from or where it is going, but we can hear it, and see its effect on things. What does this mean? Similarly, we may not fully understand how the Holy Spirit gives us the new birth but we know he does it, by observing its effect on people 17.What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? It is the Holy Spirit who caused the yearning in our heart to come back to God. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin so we can repent. And it is the Holy Spirit who regenerates us. 18.What simple thing did Jesus want Nicodemus to do in vv. 11 & 12? Accept… Believe B. Why we believe in Jesus – vv. 13 – 16 1. Read v. 13. How could Jesus demand the faith and confidence of Nicodemus or any of other person? Jesus came down from heaven, so He is qualified and the only person who has the right to tell us of heavenly matters, because He has been in heaven. 2. Read v. 14.

This verse refers to an incident recorded in Numbers 21: 4-9. Moses did as the Lord says for

Israelites to believe that God sent Moses and that they may follow His servant. Jesus’ explanation and reference to Himself through this illustration speaks about the totality of His work: God becomes man, dies in cross and is raised again. Thus, Jesus’ death on the cross brings about reconciliation between God and man. Anyone who looks to Jesus by faith can be cured of the deadly disease of sin. “…so the Son of Man must be lifted up” – this is the body of Christ will taken up or lifted up to the cross. – that we may believe.

3. Verse 16 is called “the gospel in a nutshell.” “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God is the one who took the initiative to reach out to us, because we were hopeless and helpless to change the situation on our own. loved – God’s plan begins with His love and creates an eternal love relationship, not a fear relationship. world – everybody gave – salvation is freely given to us. We cannot work for it or pay for it. (Eph. 2:8,9) one and only Son – refers to Jesus Christ. Although believers are also called “sons of God” (2 Cor. 6:18, Rev. 21:7), Jesus is uniquely God’s Son. whoever – no discrimination. Salvation is offered to everyone who is willing to believe.

not perish– to have a new nature (God’s nature), a new life inside Him believes – not just head knowledge, but full faith and trust in God, acknowledging that He created us and owns us. eternal life – refers to a mode of life characterized by living fellowship with God – both now and forever. It is not simply a prolongation of our present life. If a person is not “born again”, his spirit will continue to exist even after he dies physically – but separated from God, and continually under God’s wrath (John 3:36). During the Last Judgment, he will be thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death (Rev. 21:8). Some people say that we do not know if we are “born again” or “saved” until the time when we are about to die, or after we die. This is not correct. See John 5:24. APPLICATION It is not possible for a person to be born again and yet his life remains unchanged. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “A tree is recognized by its fruit” (Matt 12:33). So examine your life. If there are no changes in your life ever since you claimed to be saved, what does it mean?

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