Martha And Mary

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  • Words: 660
  • Pages: 23
Mary and Martha: Finding Balance in Work and Worship

How many of you had to do a little work before you were able to come worship with us this weekend?

I’d like to introduce you to Mary and Martha, two sisters who learned a lesson from Jesus about the balance of work and worship.

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister (Mary) and Lazarus.” John 11:5 Obviously, Jesus had a special relationship with this family.

• They lived in the small village of Bethany, easily within walking distance of Jerusalem. • Jesus and His disciples visited their home on at least three occasions. • It is spoken of as Martha’s house; the three siblings lived there together.

• The siblings seem to be young. • Martha appears to be the oldest, although Scripture does not specifically say.

Three major passages about their interactions with Jesus…

John 11 • John 11 is the passage on the death of Lazarus. • In a discussion with Martha about Lazarus’s death, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”

John 12 • This passage begins the preparation for Jesus’ death. • "Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." John 12:3

Our focus passage tonight is Luke 10:38-42

How many of you hosted Easter dinner earlier this week?

• It is estimated there were at least fifteen people at this meal. • Martha wanted everything to be just right. She was a thoughtful hostess. Much in her behavior is commendable.

Martha’s problem was not what she did, but how she did it. As women, we know that work is necessary. But Martha allowed her work to distract from her worship.

• Martha probably huffed and puffed in the kitchen, and banged a few pots. • Mary was so focused on Christ she was oblivious to Martha.

• Martha publicly rebuked Mary, “telling on her” to Jesus, in front of the guests. • Instead of agreeing with Martha, Jesus gently rebuked her.

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

Martha had the wrong priorities: • Priority of self over others • Priority of service over worship • Priority of works over faith Adapted from an outline by John MacArthur

Because she valued self over others… • Martha either didn’t think about how her words would hurt Mary, or didn’t care. • Martha showed how pride can corrupt the best of our actions. • This made her susceptible to other sins.

Because she valued service over worship… • Martha missed out on the opportunity to worship Jesus. • We must be careful not to become so focused on serving Christ, that we neglect worshipping Him.

“Mary’s humble, obedient heart was a far greater gift to Christ than Martha’s well-set table.” John MacArthur

Because she valued works over faith…. • Martha was thinking too much of what she could do for Christ. • It’s like someone saying, “I want to prove that I love Jesus more.” • What we believe is more important than what we do. What we believe motivates what we do.

Conclusion • Both women loved Jesus. • We should not be harder on Martha than Jesus was. • God uses all kinds of people. • If we blend the two together, we get a wonderful example of the balance of work and worship.

from Brother Lawrence

“Lord of the pots and pans and things, since I've no time to be a saint by doing lovely things… make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates. …accept this service that I do-I do it unto thee.”

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