Marsh Pt 1 Of 3

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 267
  • Pages: 1
+ 15 Ssll"{J+,clrn L r9..X,*The articlesof incorporationforthe associationshall provide that the associationhasthe power to do the following: a. Own and convey property. b. Operateand maintain the surfacewater managementsystem facilities, including all inlets, ditches,swales,culverts,water control structures,retention and detention areas,ponds, lakesofloodplain compensationareas,wetlands and any associatedbuffer areas,and wetland mitigation areas. c. Establishrules and regulations. d. Assessmembersand enforseassessments. g.

Sueand be sued. f. Contract for servicesto provide for operation and maintenanceof the surfacewater managementsystemfacilities if the association contemplatesemploying a maintenancecompany. 0 D'

Requireall the lot owners,parcel owners,or unit ownersto be members. h. Exist in perpetuity; however, the articles of incorporation shall provide that if the associationis dissolvedothe control or right of access to the propsrfy containing the surfacewater managementsystem faoilities shall be conveyedor dedicatedto an appropriategovernmental unit or public utility and that if not acceptedo then the surfacewater managementsystemfacilities shall be conveyedto a ncn-profit corporation similar to the association. i. Take any othor action necessaryfor the purposesfor which the associationis organized. The articlesof incoqporationof a masterassociationin existenceas of July 28,1999 shall not be amendedto includethe provisionsrequiredby sectioniffieed if the masterassociationis proposedas thi operation and main$enance entity for a new phaseof a multi-phaseproject. However"a copy of the association'sarticlesof incorporationshall be s*bmitted rvlth th* perrnit applicationfor constructionof the new phase. 2"6"22-5 The declarati*n of prctective covena*ts, deedrestricti*ns *r d*elaratia* *f condominiurnshali provide ali af the following: ,} A defiriition for the tcrm "surfacewater fiianagsmenisystem fuciliti*s" substa*tially es fcl lo*e: The surfucel','*terfflanegement systernfacilities shall include,but ara**t lirnitsd t*: afiltlets, dit*.hcs,$lvales"e*lv*rts, E'sirr ++i':ti-+! iii-:,;ii:1;r-i15, rstcn€i*nand dstc*ti*n srcasop*rrdsolekes,fioodplairT**r?1p{r*s::t!*:r -ti€€s

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