Mars, Iapetus, Chemtrails, Coral Castle

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4 Articles by Andrew Johnson, Published on Phenomena Magazine’s Website.

Life on Mars? ²²²

A Moon, A Mystery ²²²

Sky Lines and Cloud Busters ²²²

A Lost Love, Coral Castle, and the Case for Anti-Gravity

Life on Mars? Andrew Johnson ([email protected]) Sept 2005 “But the film is a saddening bore” The conventional view of the solar system is, on the whole, somewhat dull to the average person. Certainly there are high points, such as Saturn’s incredible ring system, now being studied in superb detail by Cassini (the most complex robotic probe ever built) and items such as Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (which has been present for at least 300 years). For those people who move from the “science fiction worlds”portrayed in Star Trek, Star Wars and Babylon 5 to a study of our Solar System, however, unless they are excited by weird geology or extreme weather systems, there seems to be little to “write home about”. In recent months, however, I have begun to wonder if this “somewhat dull”view of the solar system is entirely justified. Certain people have pointed out a number of prominent anomalies – both on the Moon and elsewhere in the Solar System. These anomalies might indicate that there may be more to our “local neighbourhood” than the randomised rock structures and the exotic atmospheric chemistry, which are the “bread and butter” of those who study Astronomy and Planetary Science. I have now come to feel quite strongly that the pages of our Encyclopaedias and other reference books should include a more considered analysis of certain features, which have been photographed at sufficient resolution to show that they do not seem to fit into a “standard picture”of geology. “Take a Look at the Law Man Beating up the Wrong Guy… ” If there is one anomaly in the Solar System that people seem to have heard of, it is the socalled “face”on the surface of Mars, discovered by the Viking 1 orbiter in 1976. The focus of this article, however, will not be on the face, even though there are many interesting features that it possesses and, in my opinion, it should not merely be written off as a mesa or other “uninteresting geological feature”. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own further research. Unlike UFO or paranormal research, Mars Anomaly research gets the vast majority of its data from a well established and supposedly highly credentialed, government-funded organisation – NASA. So, this immediately should remove one of the stumbling blocks that are often used to criticise other research and researchers of anomalous phenomena. “'Cause I wrote it ten times or more” Another important consideration in a discussion of Martian Anomalies is the question of “Life on Mars”. I remember back in 1977 or 1978 the results of the Viking Soil Sampling Experiment (called “Labelled Release”) were announced – the experiment had successfully detected Microbes in the Martian sand. This seemed significant but not all that exciting. Great – there were some microscopic bacteria metabolising chemicals in the Martian soil or atmosphere. Then, NASA “unannounced” this discovery, about 1 year later, saying the chemistry behind the life-detection experiment was flawed and what had been detected was the result of some kind of inorganic oxidation effect. We were “back to square one” (or

should that be ‘quadrat’one). Mars was a dead world. What was not given wide exposure were the later statements of Dr Gilbert Levin, the man who designed and created the Mars Viking Life-Detection experiment, following what was probably simply the debunking of his results. "The Viking LR experiment detected living microorganisms in the soil of Mars," He added that after years of tests, and over two dozen non-biological explanations later, "none of the many attempts to establish the oxidant's mimicry of the LR data did so." ( Recently, there has been resurgence of interest in exactly this type of experiment, following the discovery of Methane and Formaldehyde by the ESA Mars Express probe. ( One of the Project Scientists, Prof Vittorio Formisano, has also gone on to state that the Formaldehyde is present in measurable quantities in the Martian Atmosphere. The significance of this is that if you were to put an amount of Formaldehyde in the atmosphere, say released from a bottle, it would decompose into other compounds, through the action of sunlight, in only a few hours ( This therefore suggests that something on the surface or in the atmosphere of Mars is producing formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is an organic compound –thought only to be produced as a byproduct of active biological processes. Its presence, then, could indicate existing life on the Red Planet. Scientists, at least publicly, seem keener to focus on the “lifeless”explanation of this chemistry – generally hinting that these so-called “bio-marker”gases could have formed due to another hitherto undiscovered process. In one sense, for a scientist, this is a sensible statement to make – the full details of the chemistry at work on the Red Planet are not publicly known, however, it is my opinion that Science never progresses very much when it has a cautious intellectual outlook. “It’s The Freakiest Show… ” Let’s now look at what I think are some unquestionably odd pictures from Mars. There are a number of Web Sites which have described these already such as and . However, these sites include a range of images, some of which, in my opinion, are difficult to “get excited about” – from vague outlines of a side view of a Nerfertiti-like face to apparent grid structures on the ground (which look to me more like JPEG image compression artefacts, although they could be something else).

MGS Image M1501228

In my deliberations on this topic, I initially focused primarily on 2 images that were taken by Mars Global Surveyor several years ago. It puzzles me why I never heard about these images on a Science programme (such as the BBC’s Horizon series) because, to me, they are truly, truly remarkable.


MGS Image SP2-43004

The first image was taken on 19th May 2000. The original image data can be found here In researching details for this article, I came across the same image posted on Malin Space Science Systems. The comparison is an interesting one – see From the information on these pages, I calculated the crater to be roughly 530 meters across. There are 2 things which are clearly very curious about this image. Firstly, there appears to be a well-defined dome structure and secondly there appear to be “ribs”on this dome. Can this be a natural formation? The second image was taken on 16th July 1998 and can also be found on Malin Space Science Systems. From the information on these pages, I calculated the line running in the "1 O'clock" position to be roughly 4.8km – over 3 miles - long! It then intersects at right angles with another feature about 2 miles long! Why has this incredible feature not been analysed more thoroughly? “Sailors Fighting in the Dance Hall” To try and get a qualified opinion about how some of these features may have formed, I sent an e-mail to someone on the Beagle2 team (the ill-fated UK-built Mars Lander) and I included the original links to the dome structure, shown above and a fairly comprehensive analysis I had read elsewhere ( I asked could they explain the features of the Dome Structure, or even provide a model (briefly) for how it may have formed. First, I got this response: “They look like longitudinal dunes to me. It would be nice to get the topography, but Mars Express will only have about one third of the resolution at this latitude.” Then I got this response: “… these are natural features, as with 'the face', which was subsequently shown to be a collection of hills. The human mind is of course pre-programmed by evolution to identify patterns and assimilate them in to 'pictures' we recognise. More data is required of such features to fully identify.” It seemed to me that there was not much information in these responses, so I persevered a little more. I sent these pictures to 42 geologists picked at random from University Geology departments in the USA and the UK. 3 of them actually were kind enough to respond. This response came from an Associate Professor of Geology: These two images from the surface of Mars are certainly puzzling and have been floating around UFO web pages for some time. I am sorry but I do not believe in big conspiracy theories and that the government is trying to -4-

1979 -Viking - Water Ice Frost on Mars

hide something from us concerning Mars or any other planet. I believe that we still have a lot to learn from Mars and that we should keep our minds as open as possible for interpretations that do not necessarily conform with what we are used to on Earth… I do not regard the above as being an explanation –it does not make any arguments based on points of data, or science, so was rather disappointing in this regard. A friend suggested that the dome may have formed from some kind of lava tube. Clearly, this is not an explanation that is based on a rigorous analysis of the available data – but then again, my friend is not a professional scientist (and neither am I). However, it is at least an idea - a starting point on which a model could be built – possibly taking into account that vulcanism on Mars is, according to existing models, much different than that at work on Earth. (On Mars, there is no visible evidence of plate-tectonics. This has allowed the highest volcano in the Solar System to form - Olympus Mons, which is approximately 27km high!) “It's about to be writ again” In researching other anomalous Mars images, I came across a number of separate analyses of NASA image data which seem to strongly suggest that the colour of the Martian Sky could be quite different from the murky red colour which appears in the vast majority of the photos we have seen from the surface of the planet. One of these analyses was co-authored by Dr Gilbert Levin – who developed the Labelled Release life detection experiment mentioned earlier. (See Another analysis, by Holger Isenberg, draws similar conclusions ( Isenberg’s page has another fascinating image (whichever colour palette it is rendered with) which shows something that NASA describes as “a thin layer of water ice frost” ( One begins to wonder why there has been such a debate about the presence of surface water (liquid or frozen) on Mars in the 26 years since this photograph was taken. Further questions about both the amount of water and the colour of the sky on Mars are raised by an ESA photo published on 28th July 2005. (See 08BE_0.html) Why is the ice blue in colour? Could it be reflecting the colour of the sky on Mars? “Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know” Even some of the most recent Spirit and Opportunity pictures seem to show yet more anomalies. I had always thought, like most people, that Mars was a cold, desert world. I was then intrigued to read this report in January 2004, on the BBC News website: -5-

Rover Tracks on the Martian Surface

Scientists are intrigued by the marks Spirit's airbags left on the surface. The soil shows an unusual cohesiveness, almost as if the soil grains were stuck together like mud. Jim Bell says that they see "scratch marks from where the airbags were retracted and there are places where rocks were actually dragged through the soil and the soil was kind of stripped up and folded in some places in very interesting and quite alien textures". Steve Squyres is also puzzled: "The way in which the surface has responded is bizarre. It looks like mud, but it can't be mud. We're going to have a real interesting time trying to figure this stuff out." (

Later images from the rover (e.g. seem to show there is another puzzle here. If you examine the image closely, you can see ridges in the sand. If you were to consider the impressions left by a child’s toy (which had caterpillar tracks) on the dry, sandy portion of a beach, you may be given to wonder “how could the ridges seen in the photograph form in dry, dusty sand?” It would be nice if, in helping us all to figure the mystery out, NASA would provide us with more colour images – the rovers can produce them, as shown by the back drop in various press conferences and some of the other rover pictures. “Look at those Cavemen go” Further photo anomalies have been highlighted by Sir Charles Shults III, a US Scientist and researcher. He worked at Martin Marietta Aerospace for 10 years on software for Cruise Missiles. He has spoken at length, several times, on the US Coast to Coast talk show about his analysis of a number of photos from the Mars Rovers. (e.g.

Martian Fossilised Sea Shell?

and He seems to have found what look like small, fossilised sea creatures. He has not been able to get anyone at NASA to publicly engage in the debate about his findings, and he states he was recently “bounced” from a scheduled conference appearance, where he would have presented these findings. Sir Charles has also documented evidence of image tampering, and other image evidence for liquid surface water on mars being shown by noticeable changes in Martian Fossilised Sea Urchin? surface features during a sequence of rover images. “Is there Life on Mars?” In summary, then, I have tried to present evidence which shows: 1) There are non-natural structures on Mars. 2) Surface water ice was photographed 26 years ago, in some detail. 3) Dr Gilbert Levin, creator of the Viking Life Detection Experiment says his experiment worked. 4) There is evidence of bio-marker gases being present in the Martian atmosphere. -6-

5) There is some evidence that photos that NASA have presented to the public have not always shown appropriate colours. 6) A number of the recent rover pictures show evidence of soil moisture. 7) Some rover pictures appear, following some close analysis, to show fossils. There is also a fair amount of other additional evidence which strongly supports the view that things on Mars do not seem to be quite as we have been lead to believe by our standard reference works. The reader may wish to peruse articles on which give a further analysis and information about data presented in this article, along with a substantial amount more. Readers can then draw their own conclusions about what, if anything, seems to be happening with the data coming from the various Mars probes. In a follow-up article I hope to present more evidence, from another part of the solar system which seems to indicate, again, that the “cold-dead-and-never-was-alive” view that we are used to may not be entirely appropriate. For an Online Version of this Article and more pictures., visit


A Moon, A Mystery Andrew Johnson ([email protected]), Sept 2005 To Coldly Go… For some people, the unmanned Space Exploration Programme has been far more interesting and exciting than the manned space programme. In the last 35 years, those who have taken an interest in the Solar System have witnessed the discovery of new Planetary Ring Systems, many new moons orbiting Saturn and Jupiter, active volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io, Neptune’s dark spot, Aurorae in the polar regions of Jupiter and Saturn and hundreds of bewilderingly beautiful images from the Hubble Space Telescope. One of the objects in the Solar System that the Hubble Space telescope does not appear to have photographed in any detail, however, is Iapetus – the third- An Early Sketch of Saturn by Cassini largest moon of Saturn. In Greek mythology, Iapetus was a Titan – a God - the son of Uranus and Gaia and the ancestor of mankind. Saturn Moon - Light / Shadow From the time it was discovered in 1671 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Iapetus has Orbits of Other always been something of a mystery. One of Moons the amazing things to consider is that Cassini observed Iapetus, over 740 million Orbit miles distant, using a 17th century refracting of telescope whose main lens was only two inches in diameter! (A refracting telescope Orbits of Saturn’s Moons (Size of Moons not to Scale) is one in which only lenses are used, rather than a combination of lenses and mirrors.) When Cassini observed Iapetus over a period of time, he was puzzled – every 40 days or so, it seemed to disappear from view, then re-appear 40 days later. He suggested that Iapetus had a light side and a dark side, and that it always kept the same face turned to Saturn (in the same way that our moon always keeps the same face turned to the Earth). The orbit of Iapetus around Saturn is somewhat unusual –all but one of Saturn’s other moons orbit “at the same level” as the Ring System (i.e. “in the same plane”) – Iapetus orbits at an angle inclined to the ring system of about 15º. (Phoebe’s orbit is inclined at about 5º in the opposite direction).

Voyager 2 Composite Image August 22, 1981

The reason for such an orbital inclination is generally assumed to be because the object has been “captured”by the gravitational attraction of the body that it orbits. In other words, it is -8-

thought that the object (Iapetus in this case) did not form out of the same cloud of material as the rest of the system. (Similar theories are used to explain the orbit of Pluto, which is also inclined to the plane of all the other planetary orbits). “Fly Me to That Moon” Just over 300 years after the discovery of Iapetus - on August 20th, 1977, Voyager 2 blasted off from the Kennedy Space Centre at Cape Canaveral, Florida. A 4-year journey of fabulous discoveries took the probe to the Saturnian System. In August 1981, we got our first close-up view of this orbiting oddity. Not surprisingly, little fanfare was made of this event, because Iapetus is a relatively obscure object. As Cassini had predicted, Iapetus’s surface was half dark and half light – the dark half was about 10 times darker than the light half. No explanation was found or given for this. Voyager pictures seemed to show that the other features of the moon, however, were “run of the mill”–just consisting of cratered rocky features. The Voyager Spacecraft was used to make more accurate measurements of this unusual moon – to calculate its mass and density. Certain optical measurements were also made and these seemed to indicate that there was another potential mystery – the moon was not a perfect sphere – or at least, it was less spherical than it should be, when compared to other large Saturnian moons such as Titan and Enceladus. The relative density of Iapetus was also calculated – and found to be about 1.1 or 1.2 (This means it is about 20 or 30% heavier than a similar sized body made of ice). The consensus of opinion is that Iapetus, and many of the moons of similar density, is/are made mainly from water ice. Cassini Image - July 2004 After taking about 18,000 pictures in the Saturnian system, Voyager was bound for Uranus, and it would be over 20 years before we got our next “eyeball on Iapetus”.

Moon Safari Following the priceless data gathered by the Voyager probes, more spacecraft were designed, built and launched to both Saturn and Jupiter to get higher resolution pictures and better data. The Galileo Mission launched to Jupiter in 1989, was a huge success and featured a pod which was ejected into the Jovian Atmosphere. In the latter days of this mission, the probe flew through sulphurous clouds only about 200 miles above the surface of the Equatorial Ridge - Cassini Image Jan 2005


volcanically active moon, Io. In 1997, an advanced new probe, Cassini (named after the person who discovered Iapetus) was launched. By July 2004, Cassini had reached Iapetus in the Saturnian system. The picture it sent back showed the same elliptically-shaped dark region on the surface of Iapetus (, but later, on December 31st 2004, Cassini had a much closer encounter –passing at a distance of 40,000 miles. Dark Side of the Moon The high resolution pictures returned were posted on the JPL Cassini Mission Website on 7th Jan 2005 ( and they included an astounding discovery: The most unique, and perhaps most remarkable feature discovered on Iapetus in Cassini images is a topographic ridge that coincides almost exactly with the geographic equator. The ridge is conspicuous in the picture as an approximately 20-kilometer wide (12 miles) band that extends from the western (left) side of the disc almost to the day/night boundary on the right. On the left horizon, the peak of the ridge reaches at least 13 kilometers (8 miles) above the surrounding terrain. Along the roughly 1,300 kilometer (800 mile) length over which it can be traced in this picture, it remains almost exactly parallel to the equator within a couple of degrees. The physical origin of the ridge has yet to be explained. Only the following explanations of this extraordinary feature were suggested: It is not yet clear whether the ridge is a mountain belt that has folded upward, or an extensional crack in the surface through which material from inside Iapetus erupted onto the surface and accumulated locally, forming the ridge. So they are suggesting that it is either an extensive mountain range or a long crack, from which material has been ejected. At first glance, these ideas seem acceptable. However, a small amount of further consideration seems to show they are very unlikely as suitable explanations. The first “problem”is that the ridge is linear – it runs in a straight line for 800 miles. I can think of no other natural geological features either on Earth or elsewhere in the Solar System which are on this scale, and have such a regular structure. As with anomalies on Mars, it seems difficult to accept that features which exhibit some kind of regular geometry are wholly natural. Indeed, some scientists would agree that evidence of civilisation on a planet can be found in the geometry of surface features. Natural processes of planet formation are generally chaotic. Clearly, they do not always result in complete irregularity – planets are spherical, for example, and seem to have a layered structure of an atmosphere, a crust, a mantle and so on. But lifeless processes such as vulcanism and tectonic activity create, without exception, features which are irregular and random (on a scale of miles, at least). - 10 -

The other two oddities with this 12-mile-high ridge are that it runs round the equator and that it divides the darker region on Iapetus’s surface neatly into 2 halves. The equatorial positioning of the ridge could possibly be explained by some effect of centripetal (“spinning”) force as the moon was forming, but if this was true, why don’t we see a remotely similar feature on any other rocky moon of Saturn or Jupiter? Why don’t we see a light/dark colouration for that matter? According to

The pronounced ridge around its equator has no place in the theory of gravitationally collapsing clouds. In other words, assuming the accepted models of how planets and satellites form, there is no part of any theory (that I am aware of) that accounts for the existence of the ridge. So, the questions remain - how can a ridge form which is 800 miles long and 8-12 miles high and which runs almost precisely along the equator of this moon? What natural processes could cause this? Isn’t this a fabulous discovery? Why have NASA shown no public interest in it and decided not to try and photograph it again until 2007? It seems like there is a similar attitude to the data about Mars anomalies – NASA will not publicly acknowledge the extent of its strangeness and neither have they attempted to produce coherent models to explain how such features could form naturally. The discovery of the ridge seems to me to be one which demands a vigorous application of Science rather than a casual discardment of the data. There is still the 300-year-old mystery of the dark colouration of approximately half of Iapetus’s surface. What answers have NASA given for this? From “The origin of Cassini Regio is a long-standing debate among scientists. One theory proposes that its dark material may have erupted onto Iapetus's icy surface from the interior. Another theory holds that the dark material represented accumulated debris ejected by impact events on dark, outer satellites of Saturn. Details of this Cassini image mosaic do not definitively rule out either of the theories.” These statements do not mention the curious fact that the ridge bisects the dark region (called Cassini Regio) on Iapetus – this would seem an important observation if anyone wanted to explain one feature or the other. “Radar, Love” Another of the instruments which the Cassini probe is equipped with is a sophisticated radar system, capable of several modes of operation. This instrument was used to good effect to map the surface of Titan (which has a thick orange coloured atmosphere mainly of Nitrogen and Methane, which hides the surface) and in view of the discovery of the ridge could have been used to obtain more data about its structure.

- 11 -

Iapetus had already been “radar scanned” from Earth in 2002 using the newly-upgraded Arecibo Radio Telescope and the results obtained were described by Gregory Black, of the University of Virginia: It is known that the bright [trailing] side is mostly water ice, but we find it does not reflect the radar like other icy satellites that we've studied with the radar before. The ice on Iapetus appears much less reflective.

In June 2004, preliminary radar scan data for another Saturnian Moon, Phoebe, was discussed and a detailed Scientific Paper about it was released about 5 months later, for discussion at a Planetary Science Conference that November 2005. In this paper, reference was specifically made to intended future radar measurements of Iapetus during the December encounter. So where is this radar data? Doing a Google search of “radar Iapetus”reveals very little in the way of detailed information. A similar exercise for “Phoebe Radar”did produce a more meaningful set of information. Did some malfunction of the Cassini probe prevent successful operation of the radar equipment at the appropriate time when scanning Iapetus? A Rock and a Hard Place Whilst it would be quite difficult for ordinary people to interpret radar data and come up with any sensible questions, there are other glaring oddities in the Iapetus photos that are on the NASA/JPL Websites. A closer look at the Iapetus images reveals some highly unusual craters. 2 Craters in particular are clearly not round. At least one crater is hexagonal in shape, with a raised mound in the centre. Another has an irregular shape (arguably more angular rather than circular) but it too, has an extraordinary linear ridge, roughly in the centre of the crater. Whether this crater formed as a result of Unusual Crater Features on Iapetus an impact or through volcanic action, how can a linear ridge form approximately 24 miles (by my calculation) in length? Again, these extremely odd features are not addressed in NASA’s main description of the photograph.

Another question we can ponder is that if the density of Iapetus indicates it is mainly composed of water ice, wouldn’t this mean that the craters are more likely to be round, or at least, not hexagonal? Marquee Moon? Having looked objectively at the data presented here, it seems difficult, from a certain point of view, rather difficult to understand why NASA, and many scientists who work on the data that NASA gather on their behalf, are not more willing to answer questions about Iapetus in a more rigorous fashion. Simple questions such as “Why the linear ridge? Why so long? Why so high?” In everyday life, “political correctness” is something most of us experience or encounter at one level or another. With the failure to engage with the anomalous data from - 12 -

Iapetus (and Mars), it seems all too clear to me now that mainstream science is strongly influenced by a form of “Intellectual Correctness”. This seems to stifle honest debate and discourage curious people (like me) from asking serious questions. Richard Hoagland looks more deeply at the Iapetus mystery in a series of detailed articles, starting at He is often lambasted for his conclusions – more so than other commentators, perhaps, because he straddles the fields of what might be called “Alternative Astronomy” and its mainstream counterpart. Some criticise his conclusions, his style, or both. However, there seems to be no denying the anomalous nature of the data he presents. One has to consider carefully whether the data shows for sure that Iapetus is a wholly natural body, with features formed entirely by natural geological processes. The choice is a simple one. I believe that the data, even when taken in isolation, supports the idea that Iapetus is wholly or partly artificial in nature – is it this conclusion which gives NASA such cold shivers that they simply ignore the most interesting data and hope that no one will notice? It is my view that when the data from Iapetus is considered in a wider context, it is even less safe to assume that it was formed entirely by natural processes. As ever, you the reader, are left to decide this for yourself. For the Coral Castle Article: Other Sources of Anti-Gravity Information n

JL Naudin’ s marvellous site


Nick Cook’ s The Hunt For Zero Point (2002) (Available from Amazon etc)


American Antigravity


Jeff Rense sound archives


Flying Triangle Pictures from


UFO Casebook -


Fouche Presentation -


Thomas Townsend Brown –


Coral Castle –


Massive Collection here:

- 13 -

Sky Lines and Cloud Busters By Andrew Johnson ([email protected]), June 2005 Watch the Skies… Many people are very much concerned with their lives “at ground level” and so it is quite a rare thing for them to look at the sky. This is not all that surprising when one considers that meteorologists, pilots and astronomers only make up a small proportion of the total population. It is also not that surprising that people think little or nothing of the pollution of the air - it is an accepted, if unwelcome, part of modern life.

Borrowash, England. 29th April (Left) & 11th May (Right), 2005

Is it any wonder then, that when people actually notice trails in the sky, they automatically think “oh yeah –those are just aircraft trails”, and carry on doing whatever they were doing. However, when one actually stops, thinks and begins to study these trails more closely, a once clear “black and white”picture quickly fades from view. Winter Days If one studies the Physics of the vapour trails of aircraft, the basics would seem to be fairly straightforward. In fact, the basics are something we often personally experience, at least in the United Kingdom, on every cold winter’s day. On such days, when we breathe out, we can see our breath. It’s one of those signs that “winter is really here”. What causes our breath to become visible? Very simply, it is that our breath is warm and the winter air is cold. Tiny droplets of water vapour condense out of the warm air to form “clouds of visible breath”, before the warm air quickly cools and the “clouds”disappear again. It is a very similar process that is happening about 30,000 feet in the air, when hot exhaust gases from jet engines heat the air. Water droplets condense out of the cooler surrounding air and form a contrail – an abbreviation of condensation trail. I used to watch aircraft trails when I was a child and I remember seeing how the almost solid-looking lines of “stuff” would slowly fade into wispy curls, then disappear completely. Being as curious as I was, I probably observed this process through binoculars on more than one occasion. The trails would become invisible after perhaps 1 or 2 minutes. On the Trail of the Trails Looking at more recent aircraft trails, there seems to be a general trend that many of the trails no longer disappear in such a short time period. Indeed, in researching a little into these - 14 -

aircraft trails, I came across an observational study, which was done in 2002, by Amy Foy at Lancaster University (UK) ( Here, a classification of the type of Aircraft Trails observed was used: 1. “Persistent and Dispersed”(they hang around and spread out). 2. “Persistent and Non Dispersed”(they hang around but don’t spread out). 3. “Non Persistent and Dispersed”(they don’t hang around, but they do spread out). 4. “Non Persistent and Non Dispersed” (they don’t hang around and they don’t spread out). The Lancaster study does not attempt to explain why some trails should be persistent or seen when dispersed, but it does show that someone else has observed these trails enough to see that some of them do persist for more than 5 minutes. Aircraft Fuel –Burn, Baby, Burn Before we explore some of the chemistry of the burning of Kerosene (aircraft fuel), let us stop and think for a moment. If, on a cold day, we breathed out, and our clouds of breath hung around for several 10’s of seconds or even minutes, would we regard this as unusual? If aircraft trails are visible for several minutes, there must either be some component in them that is visible when cool or some visible compound must be forming in the atmosphere, following a chemical reaction of some kind. Let us explore this idea. Kerosene is classed as a “Hydrocarbon”–it mainly contains alkanes –which are made up of carbon (approximately 85%) and hydrogen (approximately 12%). There are some other compounds in kerosene which contain nitrogen and sulphur (approximately 1% or 2% each respectively). When Kerosene burns, therefore, it can only form compounds that contain elements that were originally in the Kerosene, or in the air it burns in. Not surprisingly, then, the main compounds that form when Kerosene burns are: • Carbon Dioxide (the infamous “greenhouse gas”, which we all breathe out) • Sulphur Dioxide (in small quantities – a toxic, greenhouse gas, which mixes with water to form acid rain –sulphurous and sulphuric acid) • Carbon Monoxide – a toxic, flammable gas, responsible for some deaths which happen when gas heating equipment is faulty. • Water. When we look at each of these compounds in turn, we find that they are all colourless. So, when kerosene burns, it would seem that the only visible thing we should see in the sky is the condensation – which, like our breath, should disappear in a few tens-of-seconds. Indeed, when a jet takes off, we can see that only colourless compounds come out of back – all that we see is “hot air”. There are no sooty or reflective compounds coming out as the jet races down the runway. Whilst these observations may not be true of all the jet engines that are currently flying, it should be true of all those used on regular flights, otherwise they are faulty. - 15 -

So, whenever we see a contrail lasting for more than a few 10’s of seconds, we should, at the very least, be curious, and wonder what is causing this to happen? When we see a lot of these trails together, we should become very concerned. They should not be there in the first place, but accepting the fact they are, we should realise they are a very visible form of pollution, which few people seem to be paying attention to.

I recently started observing these trails more closely and found that, like many of those observed in the Lancaster University study, they persist for quite a few minutes. They seem to be dissipated by air movements rather than just “fading away”. I recently had one of my photos of Contrails posted on a popular website (Figure 3 below) and I received about 30 messages in response to it! A few of these e-mails thought that the pattern in the photo was not that surprising - maybe just coincidence, but the majority of the messages were similar to those shown below:

“I live in Nebraska and this has become a familiar scene here. It boggles my mind how few people seem to take any notice.”

“In Los Angeles we get them more then 80% of the year. Wish I knew what it was all about because I, like many others, think I know what’s up but it’s like taking a stab in the dark.”

“We get these over our house in Rochester WA several times a year. I've taken pictures that look just like yours.”

“Those are chem. trails and you need to understand what they are. Please contact me unless you have already been contacted by the ‘educate yourself’website.”

The last message in the list above was one of several which referred to “Chemtrails” (presumably an abbreviation of “Chemical Trails”). Whilst some people seem reluctant to call them anything other than “contrails”, the name “Chemtrails” seems to be an appropriate one. Ordinary contrails from modern airliners should, as illustrated with the chemistry and physics outlined above, disappear in less than about 2 minutes, but Redding California-June 6th (Top) & June many of them persist for many minutes. Therefore, there 11th 2004 (Bottom). Photos–Steve Lint must either be some additive in the Jet fuel or, some compounds are being introduced into the air during the flights of certain planes.

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Trails on Trial Now that is has been deduced that these additional chemicals are being introduced (by accident or design) into air, it then makes sense to try and analyse what these chemicals are. This is rather a difficult task – because it is difficult to collect air from 30,000 feet and even when one has collected some of this air, one needs skill and equipment if you are going to complete an analysis which yields useful data. One might think that official enquiries could be made about such analyses, either through government organisations or environmental groups. However, as most people are not open to the idea that someone is either accidentally or deliberately spraying something into the atmosphere, those bodies and groups generally do not take such requests seriously – believing the problem to be illusory. The problem is real, as witness testimony tells us: “We used to routinely have what appeared to be very long single strands of spider web-like material hanging from the phone and electric wires and barb wire fences in the morning. They were everywhere and far too long and numerous to be made by spiders. Besides, you would see them in temperatures too cold for spiders anyway.” Fortunately, there are certain talented and tenacious individuals who have taken it upon themselves to do the collection and analysis tasks outlined above. Not only have they spent considerable time and money doing this, they have published their findings for all of us to inspect – for free. Clifford Carnicom, a self-employed Computer Consultant, has published voluminous data at His previous employment as a research scientist for the US Department of Defense, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service, coupled with his technical background in the fields of advanced mathematics and the physical sciences would seem to give him very strong credentials for undertaking such tasks. This seems to be evident on his Website. His analyses have shown that Chemtrails contain particles of Barium ( and that samples of air from Los Angeles, for example, contain increased levels of Potassium and Calcium ( Carnicom tries to establish the purpose of the presence of these ions and notes, among other things, the effect of metal ions on human health. Barium, Potassium and Calcium are, in their elemental state, fairly reactive metals, and form compounds easily. Another component of the trails that Carnicom has identified is biological (it grows on agar jelly) –and resembles human red blood cells (erythrocytes - see One instance where spraying of “biologically inert” gases into the air was disclosed in Okalahoma city 2003, in what could be called a "bio-terror simulation experiment" ( This experiment was conducted using a “combined budget from the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Defense - Defense Threat Reduction Agency and other participating federal agencies”of $6.5M. A Multi-Purpose Programme? We have established that someone is spraying something into the atmosphere accidentally or deliberately – this statement is not really one which can be debated, for the reasons given above. So what is the purpose of this spraying? The analyses of Carnicom above seem to - 17 -

suggest there is an attempt to adversely affect human health. This, too, seems difficult to refute when the data has been analysed. It has been difficult to pin down, but it seems that many people began to notice Chemtrails in the mid-to-late 1990’s. In the hundreds – possibly thousands – of Websites which feature information about Chemtrails, it is quite common to come across something called HAARP. This is the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ( The programme is described as “… a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.” The site that the HAARP facility is built on is owned by the US Department of Defence and a “2.5 MW diesel generator [which] will be used to power the HF transmitters.” That’s a lot of energy ( The reason I mention HAARP is that it is a very large project, whose purpose is to “inject” large quantities of energy into the atmosphere. No official link to Chemtrails is stated (this is obvious - Chemtrails do not officially exist) and maybe it is too easy a link to make between ionising energy and reactive metal ions being deliberately or accidentally introduced into the atmosphere. It is interesting to note, however, “The first HAARP research experiment was conducted in cooperation with the NASA WIND Satellite on November 16-17, 1996. The first comprehensive research campaign was conducted during early March 1997.” ( These dates seems to match quite well with the time when the trails started to appear.

Borrowash, 10th June 2005

If the purpose of the Chemtrail programme was just to affect human health, then it would not seem to matter what path the aircraft took relative to one another –they can just “dump the stuff on people”. However, if the purpose was “energy related”, and they were trying to experiment with some kind of “resonance effect” or “field effect” in the atmosphere, then it would make sense that the ion trails might be arranged in a particular manner. This is exactly what I saw – right outside my window - and what prompted me to write this article.

So, we then speculate about energy, resonance and field effects – what could be their purpose? Mind Control? Weather Control? Both? Like many things discussed in articles such as this one, many people dismiss them as a fantasy –usually because they are unaware of the evidence which shows these things are real. Mind Control is not so easy to define, but declassified CIA documents show that it has been employed on many occasions as part of covert programmes ( Dr Michael Persinger’s (mainstream) research has shown that he can influence what a person experiences when they - 18 -

wear a helmet and he switches on a magnetic field – “Persinger calls one of the common sensations a 'sensed presence'” ( Until quite recently, I myself was not aware of the evidence for weather control, which comes from radar images from weather satellites such as those at: and those documented by Idaho Weatherman Scott Stevens at Other information about Weather Control and “Scalar Weapons”is documented be ex-US Military Physicist Tom Bearden ( Like all of this sort of information, we cannot make good scientific deductions because in most cases, the exact nature of their use is not disclosed, even though their existence sometimes is. Therefore, we are left to try and make sense of it all by “zooming out” and “joining the dots”, once we have established the validity of the evidence that we do have. Once we have become aware of certain truths, however, it empowers us to act. Cloudbusting –“I still dream of organon” It is well known that Wilhelm Reich conducted experiments with Weather Control in the 1950’s (this was the inspiration behind Kate Bush’s “Cloudbusting” song) and Reich discovered something he called “orgone energy”, which has been demonstrated in the laboratory to be real. Some people have taken these ideas and developed them into a Chemtrail Buster, which it is said, can harness and direct orgone energy to dissipate the Chemtrails (http://educateFighting Back When I mentioned this to people that e-mailed me, one person said that he had built a small one and it does work. A Stand-up Comedian Some years ago, Billy Connolly, a now famous Comedian-turned-actor, was asked in an interview how he came to choose a career in comedy. He said that he had started cracking jokes while working as a welder in Glasgow shipyards, but then said that "well, comedy chooses you", meaning that he did not feel he made the decision by himself. The picture of the Chemtrail grid that I took appeared right outside my window at 9:45 pm on Friday 10 th June 2005. For this reason, I felt that I, too, was “chosen”– chosen to write about the issue and get people to look at evidence and facts, and ask their own questions. Only when this process is undertaken are we likely to find out the undisclosed reason – benign or malign for the deliberate pollution of our atmosphere. In certain ways, however, I found myself agreeing with the sentiments expressed in another e-mail I received: At first I got really mad and felt like taking aim at the Jets, when I first heard about what they could be spraying us with. But now I don't pay any attention to them and just affirm to myself ‘nothing can harm me, even the government’.

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A Lost Love, Coral Castle, and the Case for Anti-Gravity By Andrew Johnson ([email protected]) March 2004 For many of us interested in the paranormal, we may still be surprised to find there may be a link between the Ancient Egyptians, a Tourist Attraction in Florida and the Flying Saucer Phenomenon. At least, this was what I thought when someone sent me a web link to an article about Coral Castle - the work of a man called Edward Leedskalnin. A great name to conjure with already! Ancient Egyptians I was fortunate enough to enjoy a holiday in Cairo in 1997, and realised a life-long dream of entering the Great Pyramid at Giza, but we also saw other magnificent sites in the area. Like many sites in Rome, Egypt is a place where Ancient History is palpable. One particular site, about 10 miles from Cairo is called Saqqara. In Saqqara, there is an underground burial chamber complex called The Serapeum, where sacred Bulls were buried. Here is the entry from the diary I kept at the time: In one of these chambers, we view an enormous sarcophagus, made of basalt. Its surface is marble-smooth and on one side are etched hieroglyphics and pictures. The top of the sarcophagus rises about 6 and a half feet above the ground and the lid is about 1½ feet thick. I begin to imagine the work it took to carve out the chamber from the solid rock, then to make the enormous sarcophagus and then place it centrally in the chamber. My imagination fails me when I walk past the other 24 identical chambers and look upon their sarcophagi, looted long ago. As with the Pyramids and similar structures, one asks “how was this made?” Can it be correct that these things were constructed using only simple stone tools, rollers, piles of earth, huge numbers of men and brute force? Theories that this was not the case are never taken very seriously. But could a place like Coral Castle (which was originally called “Rock Gate Park”) ever be taken as proof that such theories about “brute force”methods of construction are not necessarily correct in all cases? Edward Leedskalnin Edward Leedskalnin was born on August 10th, 1887 to a farming family at Stramereens Pogosta, a small village near Riga, Latvia, but he emigrated to North America in about 1913. While working in a Canadian lumber camp, Leedskalnin contracted tuberculosis and, in 1918, moved to the warmer climate of Florida. There, he purchased an acre of land near Florida City, for $12. He had no formal education. - 20 -

Lost Love The reason why Ed emigrated seems to be related to the fact that, when he as 26 years old, he was engaged to be married to his one true Love, Agnes Scuffs. Agnes was ten years younger than Ed; he affectionately referred to Agnes as his “Sweet Sixteen”. Agnes cancelled the wedding just one day before the ceremony –apparently saying Ed was too poor and too old! Ed was heartbroken. After settling in Florida, some 5 years after this great disappointment, he began a “project”which is said to be the result of his will to create a monument to his lost love – to show her what he was capable of. Like the Taj Mahal, Coral Castle was built as a testament to his loved one. Coral Castle - A Tourist Attaction Coral Castle is now a tourist attraction and the story of its construction seems to be remarkable and mysterious. Unlike many other stories and phenomena we hear of, Coral Castle can be visited any day of the year. It opens at 7 am and closes at 9 pm. The current adult admission price is only $9.75 – I can’t wait to see it myself! The Website ( has directions and a map. Before this article begins to sound too much like one from a travel magazine, let’s look at some of the curious things about Coral Castle.

Ed started to build Coral Castle where he originally lived, in Florida City, in about 1924. It is called Coral Castle, because Coral is the material from which it is made. Ed had acquired some skills working in lumber camps and some stone mason’s skills whilst he was still in Latvia. His blocks were carved at the original Florida City site, as he constructed the place. The construction work continued until about 1936, when he found out that someone planned to start building housing (or at least some kind of building) next to him. Being intensely private and reclusive, Ed decided to “up bricks”and leave, and he transported the nearly-complete Coral Castle to a new site, which was 10 acres of land he had purchased at Homestead (still in Florida), 10 miles away from the original site. This move took him 3 years to complete. This story doesn’t sound so unusual, until you realise that Ed built the whole of Coral Castle himself, using only tools and equipment that he made. Ed was 5 ft. tall and weighed about 100 lbs – a diminutive 7 stone! This tale still doesn’t sound very unusual until you realise that the abode he constructed was no maisonette, bungalow or 3-bed semi. - the blocks Ed used to build Coral Castle weighed up to 30 tons! - 21 -

There are quite a number of intriguing structures at Coral Castle. One such structure called The Great Obelisk is over 25 feet high and weighs over 28 tons - taller than the Great Upright at Stonehenge. Carved on its surface is the year of completion, the year it was moved and the year and country of Ed's birth. The hole near the top is carved in the shape of the Latvian star.

Among its other oddities is a scattering of oversized chairs also made of coral, each one weighing half a ton. Although they look extremely uncomfortable, the chairs are said to be exceptionally restful and balanced into perfect rockers. Another unusual construction is a heart-shaped table –which is estimated to weigh about 5 tons. Always practical, even in romance, Ed decided it would be too difficult to keep fresh flowers on his feast of Love Table. His solution was to plant an Ixora bush in the centre of the table. Ed's original plant has been in place for almost 50 years. When Ed moved the site, many people saw the coral carvings being transported along the Dixie Highway, but no one had actually ever seen Ed loading or unloading the trailer. In 1940, after the carvings were in place, Ed finished erecting the walls. The coral walls weigh about 125 pounds per cubic foot. Each section of wall is 8 feet tall, 4 feet wide, 3 foot thick, and weighs more than 58 tons! It has been estimated that 1,000 tons of coral rock were used in construction of the walls and towers, and an additional 100 tons of it were carved into furniture and art objects, which adorn the site. These facts, then, present us with several puzzles. Firstly, how did Ed single-handedly carve out these blocks? Secondly, how on earth did he move them, and lift them into place without large cranes or other heavy-duty equipment? Even if you decide that he must have used some kind of crane, as a comparison, consider this story about a modern construction project: “My company recently installed a hydraulic press that weighed 65 tons. In order to lift it and drop it through the roof, they had to bring in a special crane. The crane was brought to the site in pieces and was transported from 80 miles away over a period of five days. After 15 semi-trailer loads, the crane was finally assembled and ready for use. As the press was lowered into its specially prepared pit, I asked one of the riggers about the heaviest weight he had lifted. He claimed that it was a 110-ton nuclear power plant vessel. When I related to him the 70 and 200 ton weights of the blocks of stone used inside the Great Pyramid and the Valley Temple, he expressed amazement and disbelief at the primitive methods that are promoted by Egyptologists.” Thirdly, how can he possibly have moved these blocks a distance of 10 miles? It is reported that Ed had the chassis of an old truck on which he laid two rails. Ed would load the trailer - 22 -

himself. He had a friend with a tractor move the loaded trailer from Florida City to Homestead. Ed lived a very simple life, and did not own a car. Instead, Ed would ride his bike 3½ miles into town, to do his shopping! So somehow, Ed managed to construct coral Castle and move it a distance of 10 miles, apparently with no special equipment at all! The details of how he did it are not clear. If it was done by some kind of trickery or as a “magician’s stunt”, then it must surely rank as the greatest (and longest) ever performed. It certainly does not seem to be possible that the blocks are hollowed out –unless someone has carefully replaced them one by one, as they must have crumbled over the years. Ed Leedskalnin worked in secrecy, after sundown - by lantern light, when he was certain no one was watching him. It was reported that some curious neighbours did see Ed move the stones. They say he placed his hands on the stone to be lifted... but what was in his hands? Somehow this levitated the blocks. According to an article in Fate magazine, "some teenagers spying on him one evening claimed they saw him 'float coral blocks through the air like hydrogen balloons,' but no one took them seriously. When he was personally asked how he managed the feat, Leedskalnin replied only that he understood the laws of weight and leverage. He is also quoted as saying, "I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids. I have found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan, and Asia, with only primitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons." The very stones of Coral Castle support his story - at an average of six tons, they are twice the weight of the blocks in Egypt's Great Pyramid at Giza. According to The Enigma of Coral Castle, Ed disagreed with modern science, and claimed that the scientists were wrong, 'that nature is simple.' What other evidence is there that he did not use cranes or other heavy equipment to build his masterpiece? The Case for Anti-Gravity At the castle, you can see the tool room where some of Ed’s equipment is on show. One item (pictured right) is said to be an AC generator he built, though how he used this is not really known. At one time Ed erected a massive grid of copper wire poised above his quarried stones – there is quite a lot of copper wire in his workshop. Pictures also show Ed working with tripods, though none of these are seen anywhere on the site. A man called Christopher Dunn suggests that the device shown above is not an AC (“alternating current”) generator, but an “alternating magnetism” generator. He proved this by holding a bar magnet near the device and setting the “generator”in motion and found that the North end of the magnet was alternately repelled and attracted. Dunn goes on to suggest that gravity may not be a “real” force – it arises due to an object’s own magnetic field interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field. He also suggests that Ed had devised a method for making the magnetic fields within the coral blocks line up in opposition to the Earth’s magnetic field. As a guess, Ed wrapped the blocks with a copper wire grid and then connected this wire to his magnetic field generator. Starting up the generator then had the effect of changing the magnetic field in or around the block in such a way that it was levitated. It is therefore suggested that the tripods were used merely as a way of supporting - 23 -

the wires and chains which were used on the copper grid – or maybe they were used in the photographs as a “decoy”, to throw people off the scent of how he actually did it (i.e. they may not have been used in the lifting procedure at all). Carrol A. Lake, a colonel in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, stated, "Leedskalnin proved for all the world to see today that he knew the construction secrets of the ancients." Vincent H. Gaddis, who wrote a number of articles for Amazing Stories magazine, said of the mysterious Latvian immigrant, "There is no doubt that he applied some principle in weight lifting that remains a secret today." Or is it just the case that no one has understood the articles Ed Leedskalnin wrote in 1945 about “Magnetic Current” and no one has developed them into a working method? ( greenfield/bp/16/leed1.htm). The idea of gravity and magnetism being inter-related is certainly not new. Wilbert Smith and, more recently, John Hutchison (the “Hutchison Effect”) have carried out experiments that seem to strongly indicate that a non-magnetic (or non-ferrous) object’s weight can be influenced by magnetic fields. It has been stated many times that this inter-relation is at least partly responsible for various phenomena associated with Flying Saucers – including propulsion. Thomas Townsend-Brown was also quite a prominent figure to have worked on theories such as these, and whose work has been reportedly developed into “ARV’s”(Alien Reproduction Vehicles) in “Black Projects”in the USA such as the TR-3B. Sightings, photographs and videos of strange objects over Area 51 and similar facilities do nothing to disprove these ideas. Such ideas are also supported by a number of witnesses who state they have either directly seen or been involved in such projects. Returning to the story of Coral Castle, in December 1951 Ed fell ill. He put a sign on the door of his Castle saying “Going to the Hospital”and bussed himself to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. Three days later he died in his sleep, of malnutrition and kidney failure, at the age of 64. After his death, his only surviving relative, Harry who lived in Michigan, inherited the Castle. In 1953, shortly before Harry’s own death, he sold the Castle to a family from Chicago, who gave it its present name. During the take-over, a box of Ed’s personal effects was found. It contained a set of instructions that led to the discovery of 35- $100 bills, Ed’s life savings - which he made by giving tours of the castle for 10¢ or 25¢, selling pamphlets and from the sale of the land where U.S. Highway 1 passes the Castle. One would have thought that because Coral Castle was built and still exists – a testament to “lost love” - people might take the theories of someone like Leedskalnin much more seriously. Perhaps people again have developed methods similar to Ed’s, but they have been suppressed. He was either onto something, or he pulled off perhaps the greatest civil engineering hoax in history. Sources:,,,

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