Pigs Might Fly

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  • Words: 884
  • Pages: 3
If there’s a Swine Flu “Pandemic” around the corner, here’s some information which you may be grateful of knowing… (For more, either see www.drmercola.com or google “swine flu press release mercola”)

The Hyped up 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Never Materialised! •

On his website, Dr Mercola points out that the last time the public has been warned about swine flu was in 1976 - it resulted in the massive swine flu vaccine campaign. Within a few months, claims totalling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the vaccine. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths.

Who knew it was coming? •

Almost 1 month before the outbreak, on 19 Mar 2009, ‘Medical News Today’ reported that a French Pharmaceutical Company, Sanofi Aventis ‘Invests 100 Million Euros In New Facility In Mexico To Produce Seasonaland Pandemic Influenza Vaccine’.

On 6 Apr 2009 - 11 days before the first Mexico case appeared - Derby Telegraph held an article entitled ‘Flu pandemic could kill up to one in 80’. This article discusses the stock piling of surgical masks and gowns. It almost seems like someone knew this was coming!

Is this Swine Flu Natural? Comments by a WHO Official indicate that the current strain contains both Avian and Swine Flu characteristics. Some would say this was only possible if the virus had been genetically manipulated in a laboratory. •

Dr. Len Horowitz urges an investigation of Dr. James S. Robertson, England’s leading bioengineer of flu viruses for the vaccine industry, and avid promoter of U.S. Government funding for lucrative bio-defence contracts, along with collaborators at the US Centres for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).

Is the Swine Flu Even a Real Risk? •

Some are saying Swine Flu is a hoax as the symptoms of supposed swine flu are indistinguishable from regular flu or from the common cold. It does NOT cause death anymore often than the regular flu causes death.

Did it appear at a particular time? Is anyone to blame? •

It was reported in the Toronto Sun on 27th Feb 2009 that Illinois-based company Baxter Pharmaceuticals, one of the companies producing vaccine, have admitted that they “accidentally” placed live avian flu virus in vaccine materials which were sent to 18 countries!

An Austrian Journalist, Jane Burgermeister (who has previously written for the UK Guardian Newspaper) has filed criminal charges (in Austria and the USA) against Baxter Pharmaceuticals (and others) for Bioterrorism.

Who makes the Tamiflu, one of the Suggested “Remedies”? •

Tamiflu only treats the symptoms, it does not get rid of the virus. In 2005, CNN ran a story “Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu” – Rumsfeld is former US defence secretary. Researchers have also noted that the “shelf life” of Tamiflu - one of the so-

called treatments for those who have supposedly succumbed to the Avian virus – is 3 years…

Is the treatment, Tamiflu safe? •

Numerous reports from Japan and other countries are showing that Tamiflu (and a related drug Relenza) can cause devastating, tragic side effects, such as hallucinations, delusional behaviour, loss of contact with reality, convulsions, nausea and vomiting, psychosis, suicidal behaviour, death of both adults and children.

Are Vaccines Safe? •

Each person should have the choice as to whether they will be vaccinated or not. Most doctors believe that vaccination is a good way to deal with diseases and they claim that it reduces the risk of a pandemic. The basic principle is, that the virus fragments in the vaccine are injected into the blood to stimulate the production of anti-bodies However, what doctors don’t normally tell you is that most vaccines contain other toxic substances (sometimes even mercury). Sometimes they contain other animal organ tissue and blood cells and other viruses, mercury and antifreeze!

Alternative Treatment •

Isn’t it sensible to suggest that it is better to ensure you have a fully functioning immune system, so that it is ready to fight off all infective agents without the need to introduce toxicity?

Substances such as Colloidal Silver, Oxygen Therapy can help to fight infections. Also, nutritional therapies and some diets or foods aim, for example, to keep the body’s PH slightly alkaline, which helps to boost the immune response. None of these treatments are toxic and they encourage the body to heal itself.

Sites such as Dr Mercola’s suggest “treating yourself” by optimizing your vitamin D levels, avoiding sugar and Processed Foods, getting enough rest, considering using an “energy psychology” tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), make sure you exercise, wash your hands and eat garlic regularly.

The intention here is not to give medical advice – as there are laws against that – such as the Cancer Act of 1939, which makes it illegal for anyone outside the medical profession to claim they have cured cancer. This ties in with a pattern of how people who have successfully treated illness using alternative or non-pharmaceutical methods have consistently been victimised and on occasion forced to leave there home country (google Harry Hoxsey).

WHY Is someone doing this? Control of the population: terror, giving up one’s rights, quarantine - Further destruction of the economy by the enormous fraudulent “costs” that will be claimed to “control” the “epidemic”.

Further information www.drmercola.com

www.drcarley.com www.cancertruth.info www.checktheevidence.com

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