Mars Colony-2

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,502
  • Pages: 21



Introduction Earth is the most abundant planet in the solar system. However, with years of pollutions, global warming, natural resource depletion and overpopulation, Earth is heading for an environmental collapse. This urges scientists to find a new planet for inhabitant and Mars is the most suitable candidate for that purpose. Mars is the closest neighboring planet to Earth with habitable environment. With the findings showing that there is carbon, a fundamental element of life, existing on Mars, more scientists decide to deepen the knowledge and understanding of Mars. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun with red tint color, caused by iron oxide on its surface. There are several similarities between Earth and Mars. First of all, same as Earth, Mars has both South and North polar ice caps which are made of frozen water. Scientists, therefore, believe that life could have existed here. Secondly, the length of day is almost identical to the Earth with 24 hours and 39 minutes long. Therefore, it would not be that different to live on Mars. Thirdly, Mars’ soil contains of water. In other words, we will be able to get water from it if we extract them. Mars furthermore has its atmosphere. Even though the atmosphere is significantly thin compared to Earth, it can protect us, humanity, from Sun’s radiation. Another factor is that Mars’s gravity is at 38% of the gravity on Earth which scientists believe to be the level that is adaptable to human. However, there are still some conditions that needs to be further adjusted to suit such human’s needs as oxygen to breath, food to eat, water to drink and housing to live. In this report, we will explore possible ways in which human can inhabit Mars by considering the resources on Mars and adapt them to fit human needs.

Background Information Condition on Mars: Mars’ atmosphere is approximately 100 times thinner than earth’s. Its atmosphere is made up of 95.32% of Carbon dioxide, 2.7% of Nitrogen, 1.6% of Argon, 0.13% of Oxygen, 0.08% of Carbon monoxide and the other 0.13% is composed of minor amounts of water, nitrogen oxide, neon, hydrogendeuterium-oxygen, krypton and xenon. It was theorised that about 3.5 billion years ago, Mars’ atmosphere is dense enough for water to be on its surface without evaporating. There are many evidences found that support the theory. First, the discovery of a water-soaked rocks on the surface of Mars, slabs of CO2 ice and vast lands that are large enough to once be an ocean. Nonetheless, the atmosphere of Mars has thinned down from some unidentifiable condition, leaving the surface with only ironinfused dust. Now, the atmosphere of Mars is thinner than Earth’s by approximately 100%. Due to that reason, sandstorms that occasionally occurs on Mars isn’t as dangerous as its force is only 10 mph because of its thin atmosphere. Because of Mars’ thin atmosphere and its distance from the Sun, it is cold and lifeless. The temperature on Mars is much lower than Earth’s, comparing to an average of -80 degrees Fahrenheit or -60 degrees Celsius to Earth’s average of 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit or 14.6 degrees Celsius. Mars temperature ranges from -125 degrees Celsius in the poles during winter to 20 degrees Celsius in the midday near the equator. 20 degrees Celsius is still a manageable temperature, so temperature is not a prominent factor to consider. However, unbreathable air becomes a problem, as organisms need air in order to survive. The major component of the air in Mars’ atmosphere is carbon dioxide (approximately 95%). With this small amount of oxygen (0.13%), humans and other living creatures, including plants, will struggle to live comfortably on Mars. Mars’ thin atmosphere allows the coronal mass ejections that are released by the collision of prominences on the Sun, which is called solar flares, to enter Mars’ atmosphere. The solar materials that are released during solar flares is radioactive, thus, it causes radiation on Mars. Albeit the radiation level on Mars does not exceed the limit that human body can withstand, prolonged exposure to radiation on Mars can cause long term effects on the human body, and this can become one of the concerns to settle a colony on Mars.

Magnetic field Mars has no inner dynamo to create the major global magnetic field. However, there is still magnetic field on Mars, but with a lower strength than Earth, and it only spread within a small scale. This simple magnetosphere of Mars help prevent charged particle from solar wind to reach the planet’s surface. Mars also gain additional layer of magnetosphere from solar wind. Solar wind carries with them the magnetic field lines from the Sun. These lines are not able to go through Mars as Mars is an electrically conductive object, therefore, these magnetic field ended up wrapping around the planet and creating more magnetosphere to Mars.


Similar to Earth, Mars has four seasons. However, due to its tilted axis, the period in each season varies among different hemisphere. According to Universe Today, the Martian year is twice as long as an Earth year, which is about 1.88 years. Since the year on Mars is longer, the seasons are also longer as well. Spring is the longest season which lasts for 7 months, then summer for six months, then follows by fall and winter descendingly. As mentioned above, the average temperature on Mars is much lower than Earth’s, even during summer. The temperature in the northern hemisphere can range up to -20 degree celsius while the temperature in the southern hemisphere can range up to 30 degree celsius. Due to the difference in warmth among each hemisphere, it can cause dust storms which varies in size according to the area.

Structures and Materials Model: Glue Cleared tape Duct tape Card boards Foam Plastic sheets Bagasse paper Paints/ watercolor/ acrylic color Cutter Scissors Rulers News paper Straws Sticks

Real Structure: Radiation resistant glass → to make dome Aluminium/ metal → build robots Aluminium/ metal → housing Aluminium/ metal→ station Carbon-fibre plastics/ glass fibre →wind turbine Concrete → raised level for planting Aquaplate and galvanised steel → water tank

Working Process

Working Process

Working Process

Working Process

Danger & Challenges Low/negligible magnetic field on Mars> cannot deflect radiation Lacks of ozone layer Air composed of more than 95% of carbon dioxide, only 0.13% is oxygen The temperature is significantly colder than Earth’s (16.8 degree celsius) Soil composed of mostly iron oxides, making it unplantable Thin atmosphere causes high amount of radiation Difficulty in finding water because there is no water on the surface of the planet as it will quickly evaporate due to the thin atmosphere

Coping Methods Magnetic Field With low magnetic field, an array of particles from the Sun will continually bombard the surface of Mars, causing Mars to not be a safe place to live. Because there is no shield of magnetosphere to deflect out the electrically charged particles from solar wind. Therefore, come up with the thought of creating artificial magnetic field. The artificial magnetic field can be created by placing a satellite equipped with technology to produce a powerful magnetic field at Mars L1. Mars L1 is an area around Mars where gravity from the Sun balances gravity from Mars. With this procedure, the magnetic field can be created on Mars. By creating artificial magnetic field, the surface of the planet will be safer with less radiation and charged particles from solar wind.

Radiation Even though the amount of radiation on Mars is not exceeding the limit that human can withstand, it is still be a problem in the long term effect. Being experienced in radiation for a long time causes depletion to humans skins and body. It can cause cancer and radiation poisoning, which will be dangerous to human and lead to fatal. To prevent over exposure, we build a dome that made of radioactive resistant materials to cover up the living area. People would also have to wear their proper suits before going out of the dome.

Coping Methods Planting on Mars - Removal of Perchlorate in martian soil > Perchlorate is a compound that is abundant on Martian surface. Albeit the concentration of perchlorates on Martian surface is between 0.5 to 1 percent, it is still considered toxic to living organisms (David, 2013). While perchlorate can be hazardous to living organisms, it can also be resourceful to living things if the compound are decomposed into Chlorine and usable Oxygen gas. - Create nutritious soil > To be able to successfully plant crops, nutritious soil and appropriate condition is needed. Because the Martian soil mostly consisted of iron oxide and perchlorates, it is unsuitable for plants as it is toxic. In our first flight to Mars, we will bring with us the nutritious soil from Earth. > Fertilizer can also help to improve nutrition of the soil. - Create planting environment > Create a raised zone to put nutritious soil on > Build a glass dome to protect plants from harmful ultraviolet and prevent them from exposing extremely low temperature of Mars. Dome also make it easier for us to control the surrounding conditions to suit our plant best. For example, amount of water, temperature and oxygen. > Due to the distance of the Sun to Mars, it reduces the amount of sunlight that reaches Mars’ surface. Thus, Artificial lighting will be installed in order to grow plants on Mars - Water > Water will be saved in another dome and goes to this planting dome through the vessels. - Plants > Plants on Earth will not grow well on Mars, so it is more rational to use a synthetic biology to develop crops only for Mars. GMO plants specifically designed to fit the condition on Mars is more suitable. > During the first stage, small plants and vegetables can be experimented to cultivate to determine whether our regulated condition is suitable for plant growth or not, otherwise, new methods can be experimented to suit the needs.

Coping Methods Robots After landing on Mars on the first time, we as astronauts will drop robots on the land. > Types of robots >> Observatory “Oppa” This type of robots is required to observe an overall environment, including the temperature, atmosphere, level of radiation and the amount of perchlorate and iron oxide in the soil. Then, send all information to the astronauts on Earth to process the next step. >> Digging “Diggy Diggy Doo” This type of robots is required to spot the water and dig it in order for humans to drink and use. >> Constructor “Pioneer” Their job is to create the dome from the materials we brought from Earth. In case the materials are not enough, there will be a signal to tell us to bring more materials. After landing on Mars on the second time, we will see whether “Diggy Diggy Doo” finish their job on finding and digging for water or not. We furthermore will bring more materials; in case it is needed.

Coping Methods Remove Carbon dioxide - create more oxygen First of all, the removal of carbon dioxide will be done by exchanging carbon dioxide on Mars into an usable energy in which the robots can use to do things during the absence of human. Canned oxygen supply and tank oxygen supply will be brought with the spaceship to Mars. Oxygen in the container will be released into the dome area with shelters and planting. Some canned oxygen will be stored to use in the case of emergency. Oxygen generator machine will also be brought with us. They will be located inside each dome station to provide sufficient need of oxygen for human and plantation. Oxygen will be renewed through the process of photosynthesis in plants. By planting a lot of trees and crops, we will be able to supply both food and maintain the amount of oxygen. Another method is to use chemical process to decompose the perchlorate (ClO4-) into Cl-and O2.

Coping Methods Wind turbine generate electricity We will use wind turbine to generate electricity and create electrical supply on Mars. Because of Mars’ thin atmosphere and strong wind, the occurrence frequency of sand storm on Mars is high, meaning that there must be enough wind to use as the electricity generator. Wind turbines will be located up on places with high terrace like mountains or hills.

Solar cell alternative way to generate electricity Solar energy is an alternative way to generate electricity apart from wind energy. By generating electricity using both ways, we will be able to generate sufficient electricity, despite the fact that there is less sunlight on Mars. We will use sunlight as efficient as we can by using three-layered solar cells instead of a single-layered solar cells. These three-layered solar cells are able to absorb more sunlight than the single-layered one. With more sunlight absorbed, more energy can be made and can be used on Mars. We will use this energy to run the factories, firms, lighting and robots. This solar energy can also be stored and used in case there is no wind to generate electricity from wind turbine.

Coping Methods Mars’ observation and exploration Robots will be used to observe the area and territories on the planet. With this exploration, we are looking for fuel sources and water sources. By using robots instead of human, we can save more time to do other things such as doing research and staying in the lab. Robots can also deal with the condition better than us people as robots don’t need oxygen for breathing and robot can deal with radiation from the Sun. Robots can also deal with extremely cold or hot temperature, and they don’t get tried.

Finding water

Studies have shown that there are indeed liquid water on Mars. However, the perchlorate content in the water body is unsuitable for humans and plants to consume. Thus, we have researched for alternative ways to synthesis water. The first solution is to use the Zubrin method. Zubrin has suggested that the carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere can be used to react with hydrogen that is brought along from Earth to produce methane, which will eventually  result in the by product of clean water according to the chemical process: CO2 + 4H2 CH4 + 2H2O However, the Zubrin method is not sustainable in long terms. The synthesised water would only last for a few days without recycling. Thus, a more sustainable way to synthesized water is to extract water from soils on the Martian surface. Studies have shown that about 4-20% of water can be extracted from martian soil depending on the area. There are two methods of extraction that have been proposed. The first method is to compress carbon dioxide in the martian atmosphere, and release it into martian soil. The compressed carbon dioxide gas will react with the water locked inside the soil which will, in turn, release it to be collected. The second method is to heat up the martian soil to 500 degree celsius. The water will be released in the form of steams, which can then be condensed, and resulted in desalinated water.

Steps 1. First, we need to create an artificial magnetic field by placing a satellite equipped with technology to produce a powerful magnetic field at Mars L1. After achieving this process, we are then able to proceed to the next step. 2. After landing on Mars for the first time, we as astronauts will drop three types of robots on the land. One will work on observation and analysis of the land and atmosphere. Then, the data will be sent to Earth for analysis and to see the probabilities of the plan. Also, the data will be needed to see whether the information above is accurate and can be used as a reference. One type of robots will scan the land for water and dig far down towards the water sources. The last type of robots will work on constructing the domes for living, planting, checking before entering the living dome and the last dome for keeping water sources. 3. In case the materials for constructing the domes are not enough, the robot will send the signal to Earth so that we can know and send more materials from Earth. To save time and money for travelling many times, we will estimate the process and how many more materials will be needed before sending them. 4. We need to ensure that the process of constructing domes is completed before digging down for water since water will be evaporated if it exposes to the thin atmosphere of Mars. However, according to BBC news, it is stated that researchers have found liquid water about 20 kilometers across under Mars’ south polar ice caps. 5. The house will be made using aluminium and metal inside the dome. It will be made in a rectangle shape similar to a container. These structures will be built using ‘Pioneer’ robot. 6. After getting some basic needs which are water, shelter and air, astronauts and volunteers will be sent to Mars to experience their lives there.

Steps 7. During the experimental settlement, astronauts will be doing research, searching for ways people can live comfortably on Mars. Perchlorate removal and cultivation experiment will be carried out in order to test whether the proposed solution succeed or not in order to make Mars as suitable for human as possible. 8. The water will be stocked in the water tank and through the vessels under the land, water will run down to the domes for living and planting through piping system. 9. After 5 years, wind turbines and solar cells will be installed to generate electricity. 10. Later on when things get in place, other facilities and building will follow, and then we will be able to create a colony of human living on Mars. 11. Later on, if people can live comfortably on Mars, place similar to helipad will be built so that it will be easier for spaceship to land and takeoff.

Conclusion In conclusion, to settle a colony on Mars, we have to consider many factors and complete many challenges. First of all, we decide to cope with the low magnetic field occured in Mars by creating an artificial magnetic field. Second, a radiation resistant glass dome will be implemented. Third, in order to be able to cultivate on Mars, the perchlorates in the martian soil must be removed. This can be done by decomposing perchlorates into chlorine and oxygen gas. Then, create an environment that is suitable for plant growth by installing an artificial light, and regulate the temperature inside the radiation resistant glass dome to the optimal level for plant growth. Different types of exploration robots will also be used to collect datas and samples, and locate water bodies for usage. Then, due to the high percentage of carbon dioxide content in the martian atmosphere, the carbon dioxide gas will be converted into usable oxygen gas. However, oxygen tank will also be brought along during the first stage of inhabitant and also in case of emergency. As for electricity, wind turbines and solar cells will be installed in order to generate electricity. Regarding the synthesis of water, there are three methods suggested. First method is to use the carbon dioxide in the martian atmosphere to react with hydrogen gas from Earth, which will create methane and clean water as byproduct. The second method is to compress the carbon dioxide and release it into the martian soil, which will result in the release of water that is stored inside the martian soil. The third method is to heat up the martian soil, which will result in the water being released as steam, which can then be compressed into desalinated water.


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