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Sameunderneath has evolved from an educational concept, to shirts sold out of a backpack then concerts, to a successful, socially responsible highend clothing company. These shifts have all centered on Sameunderneath’s founder, Ryan Christensen and his hands-on passion for change. Ryan has been the heart of Sameunderneath from its inception and he has instilled it with the values that hold up the brand today and the philosophy that is behind the message of the brand.

Knowing Sameunderneath’s values, philosophy and business goals, Kiwi has developed a plan of action utilizing two main strategies that will focus on the online and in-person consumer experience to address these objectives:

Sameunderneath is more than a clothing company. Instead of being defined by the products it sells, Sameunderneath is defined by its philosophy and those who support it. Sameunderneath is about taking a stand for what you believe in and making informed choices. It’s about people who look beyond their differences and instead see ways to bring people together. It’s about believing that small choices and ideas can help change the world.

• Elevate brand awareness to drive interest in the brand and the movement of Sameunderneath by reaching the trend setters and leaders of the community and converting them to brand evangelists.

Ryan has developed Sameunderneath and has essentially been the face of the brand up until this point. The Sameunderneath brand is expanding at a rate that Ryan cannot support himself. This is why Sameunderneath needs a new approach that will develop the brand nationally while maintaining the characteristics that make it unique. Sameunderneath needs a presence that will reach Enlightened Rebels in ways that overlap in their day to day lives. With a new brand strategy, Sameunderneath will attract people on a national level and give those people a platform from which to speak.

• Sharpen the Sameunderneath brand to a razor sharp edge, while keeping the brand flexible enough to evolve as a business.

• Develop the Sameunderneath brand so that it stands on its own, through a comprehensive campaign of outdoor, experiential and online advertising. • Create opportunities for people to interact with Sameunderneath that can be scaled to a local or national level.

strategy 1 Increase and enrich Sameunderneath’s online presence to be inclusive and supportive of its followers and customers through: • Website Re-design • Promotions • Documentary Series • Providing Local Information • Blogger Outreach • Banners Ads • Wallscapes • Search Engine Marketing and Optimization

strategy 2 Successfully expand Sameunderneath stores beyond Portland by thinking global but acting local, utilizing the following to create a strong bond between local communities and the brand: • Community Directors • Promotions • Support local community • Sameunderneath Branded Magazine • Wallscapes • Sponsorships


RESEARCH To gain a deeper and more thorough understanding of the Sameunderneath target, we searched the Internet to find people talking about Sameunderneath to find out more about them. Through our primary research, we found a wide variety of individuals. We met face to face with them to hear each of their stories and determine who they are, what they stand for and what they think about Sameunderneath. We spoke with: • Sameunderneath Sponsored Musician • Sameunderneath Marketing Coordinator • Sameunderneath Fashion Designer • Sameunderneath Graphic Designer • Sameunderneath Store Manager • Sameunderneath Customers • Business partner • Mississippi Street Neighbor • Hip Hop DJ

What We Found • Many like the clothing but cannot afford to regularly shop in Sameunderneath • The Sameunderneath logo is memorable and closely associated with the brand • The Sameunderneath brand values and message are attractive, but not as clear as they need to be • Online and in-person is the best way to reach the target • There is a desire for an outlet to interact with the brand • Success has altered the perception of the Sameunderneath brand

Sameunderneath is an intricate brand that is comprised of multiple characteristics: community involvement, environment, education, politics and sponsorships. Sameunderneath is best known for its basic, but quality clothing line made from bamboo, an environmentally low-impact plant. Sameunderneath is a clothing company – but so much more. Sameunderneath is a clothing brand, but more importantly it is a lifestyle brand. The concept behind Sameunderneath is to be a brand of the people – people who do not judge others merely based on religion, race, hobbies, color, sex or creed. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of these great attributes, and our shared stories. Our campaign will not only clarify Sameunderneath’s brand message, it will invite people to be part of their brand both online and in their communities.


its competitors. It can differentiate itself from t tha ge ssa me nd bra e utiques g core values and a uniqu distributed in high-end bo Sameunderneath has stron The clothes are currently le. nab hio fas ly cal ssi cla spread of its ly clothes that are community that enable the the to ties produces quality, eco-friend al loc at gre has erneath erneath stores. Sameund and two Portland Sameund vement. the momentum of the mo message and encourages

weaknesses The brand message is complex and often is confused with only being “green” . People that do understand the brand message and subscribe to the Sameunderneath movement don’t know how they can interact with the brand. The clothes have a high price point that can act as a barrier to entry for many people. Currently Ryan is too much the face of the brand. As Sameunderneath looks to grow nationally, the brand will need to evolve beyond Ryan.

opportunity Sameunderneath has tremendous opportunity to grow to be a strong international brand that produces clothes in addition to accessories and household items. By supporting local communities, Sameunderneath can develop a loyal consumer base that will help to strengthen the brand. Sameunderneath’s social responsibility and core values offer many ways that Sameunderneath can further its contribution to communities and increase interaction with its audience.

threats Sameunderneath must not try to expa nd nationally before it has a strong enou gh consumer base locally. Although com brands do not offer the same experienc peting e as Sameunderneath, if the brand mes sage rem ains vagu e, consumers will confuse Sameunderneath with companies like Edun. For investment and expansion purp oses , Rya n can no longer be the sole face of the brand. He needs to play a supporting role and let its audience become the face instead.


COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Although Sameunderneath currently competes with these brands, none of these companies have a similar brand message or potential to be a movement. Sameunderneath offers a full spectrum position on social responsibility by being actively green, supporting education and political involvement. Our campaign will clarify Sameunderneath’s brand message and will help it move beyond its competition.

James Perse

Gilded Age







Celebrity Owned Good Publicity Clear Message Socially Responsible Quality Products Partnerships w/Non-profits

Bono High price point Economic challenges Partial focus on sustainability More trendy style clothes  

“Luxe casual” design, Southern Cal style Strong roots in the fashion industry Brand has expanded into baby clothes, home and accessories

No cause/story High price point  

Based in “old world” hand-made clothes All natural dyes Classic styles High quality Creative brand idea

Very high price point No story or cause    

All organic Observes factory regulations for environ. Blog

No social cause other than promoting organic No story 

Focused (only denim) Celebrity appeal Strong brand narrative

Limited product line Price Distribution

High fashion look and brand Feels like high-end Urban Outfitters Unique pieces

Feels like high end Urban Outfitters Brand doesn’t promote sustainability, merely fashion

Organic Cotton Basic, foundational apparel Attractive, intuitive web site Direct sales on site Lots of mainstream press

Not a well defined brand Nothing stands out Not much personality  


s a movement core because it represent its at ate on ssi pa is h eat Sameundern r, passion is a necessity. inspire change for the bette

and way of life. To

emphathy Sameunderneath understands what it means to be human. By leaving your comfort zone and reaching out to all people, life is enriched through new experiences and understanding.

perserverence For Sameunderneath to succeed, it must push through difficult times, and negative ways of thinking. The movement is worth every effort.

unity The simplest understanding of Sameund erneath is we are all humans living our lives. Our individuality should be celebrated, but so should the commonalities that unite us.

responsibility and environmentally. To remain authentic, Sameunderneath must practice responsibility socially Accountability is paramount for the success of Sameunderneath.

BRAND VALUES Sameunderneath has a strong set of values that will remain the foundation of the brand, even as the company evolves over time. These five values are intrinsic to Sameunderneath, and each is an important element to the brand. The values must be understood and adopted by all who work with Sameunderneath, and those who take on its lifestyle. These values shine through Sameunderneath’s dedication to education, political involvement and the environment. In reality, the clothes Sameunderneath sells are meant to be the vehicle for the brand message and values. Again, Sameunderneath is not just selling clothes; it is selling a value system. It is Sameunderneath’s goal to involve all people in its movement to strive to live in a socially responsible manner.

BRAND POSITIONING STATEMENT “a socially responsible lifestyle brand that encourages people to look beyond their differences and see they are essentially the same underneath.”

BRAND PERSONALITY true: Sameunderneath must be consistent in the values that it portrays. charismatic: Through storytelling and audience involvement, Sameunderneath conveys a charisma that is authentic and inspiring. thoughtful: Sameunderneath exists for a purpose and is thoughtful in everything it does. provocative: Sameunderneath makes people think; about themselves, the world and everything between.

TARGET AUDIENCE enlightened rebel Enlightened Rebels are people who care about people, who share the values of Sameunderneath and believe they can change the world with the way they live their lives. They are responsible and thoughtful in the way they purchase products. They are multigenerational, educated individuals who vote with their wallets; make informed decisions about the things they buy, the politics they support and the social areas they engage in. They are no specific gender or race, and although they are very progressive, they are not necessarily politically correct. They enjoy a mix of grit and polish with their everyday lives, and while they may have a penchant for luxury when they can, they do not do so recklessly or without awareness of their surroundings. Enlightened Rebels think Sameunderneath is a sustainable clothing brand, with soft and wearable styles. They know Sameunderneath is a brand committed to sustainable practices, but they’re not really sure of what that means for Sameunderneath and the larger world. They need to know Sameunderneath is more than a clothing company. Our target needs to think of Sameunderneath as one of their own, always striving to be better. To reach this target a thoughtful approach must be taken. Enlightened Rebels respond well to questions and new ideas. They do not respond well to demands and unintelligent advertising. They desire outlets for their art and opinions and Sameunderneath will provide them an outlet in several ways.

CREATIVE STRATEGY Sameunderneath has strong core values, but a very complex brand story that is challenging to successfully portray. This is why a layered, creative approach is absolutely necessary to reach your audience. The creative must come from various angles including online and in-person. The target will respond best to creative that is artistic and plays off their curious nature and inspires them to act. Enlightened Rebels are online. The most convenient and often relevant touch point for consumers is a website and the creative we produce is meant to direct your audience to your website. As opposed to traditional advertising where an audience is spoken to, we have decided it is best for Sameunderneath to let people participate with the brand and tell their own story.

MESSAGING “look beyond” Sameunderneath sells clothes. Sameunderneath makes sustainable products. Sameunderneath sponsors local artists. Sameunderneath is fashionable. Sameunderneath is not just a clothing company. It’s so much more.

your audience is more Your audience is more than a political party. More than race. More than age. More than gender. More than religion. Your audience knows they are so much more than any label can encompass.

“Look Beyond” is a very simple and direct way to explain Sameunderneath and its appeal as a brand. It is best to incite curiosity into what Sameunderneath is all about and let people explore the multidimensional nature of Sameunderneath. The idea of “being more” is consistent in our creative strategy, messaging and positioning. We give Sameunderneath the opportunity to actually show why it’s more, to its audience. In turn, Sameunderneath encourages people to “Look Beyond” the obvious to find a deeper meaning and purpose.

WEBSITE Knowing that the website will be the only point of contact for many people, we have developed an online program to use this touch point to its fullest potential.

The series will give people a reason to return to the Sameunderneath website as new documentaries will be posted on a regular basis. This will add an element of both education and entertainment to increase the value of the website.

WIDE SKYSCRAPER: 160 pixels x 600 pixels

It will feature forward thinking individuals who are passionate about their area of expertise and want to spread ideas on any topic – history, religion, dance, farming etc. They will be factual, but also interesting and inspiring. We want to engage curious individuals and encourage the spread of ideas.

SKYSCRAPER: 120 pixels x 600 pixels

The website will feature documentary shorts that will be used to tell the story of the Sameunderneath lifestyle as well as incorporate the educational aspect of the brand. The series will be used as an information source for your socially aware audience.

HALF PAGE: 300 pixels x 600 pixels

documentary series

Sameunderneath will utilize banner ads on targeted websites to drive online users to its own website. The banner ads will have the same look and feel of the outdoor posters and will remain attractive yet unobtrusive. By placing the ads on targeted sites, Sameunderneath will use its dollars more efficiently and create a more positive awareness of the brand.

MEDIUM RECTANGLE: 300 pixels x 250 pixels

The current website, although attractive, doesn’t give visitors many reasons to return until the new fashion season debuts. We have designed a new website that has an upscale, yet earthy tone that is at the heart of the Sameunderneath experience. The website will act as the central hub for the online Sameunderneath community and will feature an interactive element where visitors are invited to be part of the brand through conversation. With promotions and entertainment features, visitors will have a reason to regularly return to the site. The new website will back up the idea that Sameunderneath is more than just a clothing company; it’s a creative outlet and a way to connect with other like-minded people.

banner ads

SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Search Engine Marketing (SEM) will be utilized for the Sameunderneath website to increase its visibility. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one element of SEM. SEO involves configuring website code and content with keywords associated with the Sameunderneath brand to increase its rankings in the results page of search engines and directories. SEM tools include: • Social Network Marketing • Pay Per Click Advertising SEO tactics include: • Keyword rich web pages • Keywords in the title of pages • Keywords in the domain name • Naming images used in site using keywords • Intrasite linking

BLOG If Sameunderneath continues to have a blog on its website, it needs to be more active. A blog is not intended to report only on events, but is meant to act like a journal for Sameunderneath and its mission. At its best, the Sameunderneath blog can give people a chance to peek behind the scenes and see how Sameunderneath functions. It can also be used to discuss the things that matter to Sameunderneath, whether it is its brand values or local events. Different people can contribute to this blog to help keep it fresh and updated, including a store manager, a sponsored musician or Ryan himself.

CONVERSATIONAL MEDIA This is a simple way to increase Sameunderneath’s reach online and also track what people are saying about the brand. As Sameunderneath starts listening to the conversation online, it can adapt and join the conversation. Listening to the true opinions of the audience is valuable information and a way to truly speak to the customers of Sameunderneath.

Twitter can be used for the following benefits: • Relationship building • Create credibility • Promote events • Provide insight and commentary on an event in real time • Promote sales and daily offers • Website traffic generator

a facebook application (as opposed to a Facebook Group) can be used to: • Create brand awareness • Communicate promotions, contests & events • Drive traffic to the Sameunderneath website • See what others are saying about Sameunderneath • Increase listing favorability in organic search engine search results • Understand Sameunderneath customer behavior • Build early Sameunderneath loyalty • Reach Facebook’s 35 million users

BUSINESS STRATEGY glocalization (think Global. act Local.) Sameunderneath has the distinct advantage of having ties to the community of Portland. These ties help to ground the brand and keep it relevant to its customers. However, Sameunderneath is meant to evolve and expand beyond the place of its birth. To ensure that Sameunderneath successfully spreads, it must develop new stores at a grassroots level while maintaining the brand core values on a national level. Sameunderneath should develop at a natural pace as the company gains momentum and builds a large and strong consumer base necessary to continue expansion nationally. Ideally, each Sameunderneath boutique will maintain a unique identity and attachment to its community. Each boutique should feel like it belongs in the city it is located. To ensure this happens and to help develop the brand, Sameunderneath will utilize Community Directors to guide each local boutique.

community directors Sameunderneath is a successful company because it is unique and offers a quality product with a good message. However, there is the “Ryan Factor”. . . Up until now, Ryan Christensen has been the heart and face of the brand. Ryan is great at connecting with people and communicating his ultimate goals for Sameunderneath which has played a large part in connecting the brand on a local level. For Sameunderneath to be able to remain authentic in areas beyond Portland, Sameunderneath will need a representative in each location to create those all-important local connections. These Community Directors will believe in and uphold the core values of Sameunderneath in addition to being immersed in their respective local communities. They will be able to go out and create partnerships with local schools, artists and community members. They will be able to give a relevant voice to each Sameunderneath boutique. As Sameunderneath expands, Community Directors will be chosen and taken back to the Portland headquarters. During this two-week visit, this person will shadow Ryan and see how he handles Sameunderneath and its brand at a local level. This will help give direction to the new Community Director and inspire them for the development of the new Sameunderneath location.

portland ¥ seattle ¥ austin ¥ NY ¥ chicago ¥ san francisco ¥ madison


look beyond.

PROMOTIONS 30 seconds to speak your mind

t-shirt challenge


We have developed a promotion that will give an opportunity for people to interact with Sameunderneath and each other while spreading the Sameunderneath brand values. People can submit a 30 second video of themselves saying whatever they want about what they care about, whether it be politics or philosophy. The videos will be posted on the Sameunderneath website and YouTube. Website visitors will be able to vote for their favorite and the winner will have their video aired in movie theaters.

To capitalize on the individuality of each Sameunderneath location, a t-shirt design promotion has been developed. The Sameunderneath website will host a competition where designers can submit designs for a local t-shirt. The designs will be voted on by locals, and the winning shirt in each location will be produced and sold only in their local boutique. This creates limited edition t-shirts that have great local value and also supports local artists. In addition, this will create an opportunity to have people in different Sameunderneath communities interact with each other.

Instead of placing ads in a consumer magazine, Sameunderneath will benefit more from producing its own free, branded quarterly magazine, which will be available in Sameunderneath stores. The magazine will focus on local events and features but will also incorporate fashion spreads to display the Sameunderneath line. Local writers will be supported by giving them an opportunity to publish their poetry, fiction and non-fiction work. The editorial content will also be posted on the Sameunderneath website to add another layer of interactivity. As Sameunderneath opens additional stores across the US, the magazine will have regional focuses that will include area specific content, guided by the Community Directors.

This promotion will be publicized through outdoor posters located on the walls of Portland buildings and through passed-out handbills printed on handmade seed paper. In addition, this promotion has the potential to turn into an extremely successful viral campaign because of its presence online, which will in turn increase its publicity. The user’s desire to speak their mind and broadcast their thoughts to the world will be rousing. This has the chance to spread quickly as people will forward the site to friends that have big ideas as well.

pg 14

pg 18

pg 10

outdoor wallscapes We have developed two poster series that have different objectives; however both will direct viewers to The outdoor posters will feature a snapshot of the lives of people living the Sameunderneath lifestyle and will spark the viewer’s curiosity. The posters will be produced in various sizes and will be placed on the sides of buildings in high traffic areas.


The first series will promote the Sameunderneath brand, capitalizing on various Portland locales. These will express the connection between people but still tie in to the local community. This series will be updated with each new fashion season to add visual interest and increase awareness for the clothes line.


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The second series will publicize Sameunderneath promotions, such as 30 Seconds to Speak Your Mind. These are more typographically driven to serve as a distinction from the first series of posters. This series can be updated as new promotions are developed and take place.


As Sameunderneath gains brand awareness and momentum, it should sponsor local artists and place their artwork on the walls of Portland and beyond. This is one more way to support local artists and forge a stronger connection with the community.

SPONSORSHIP/ PARTNERSHIPS Sameunderneath currently sponsors local musicians and artists with events, promotions and company internships. These are excellent ways to connect with the community and develop a loyal customer base. Sameunderneath should continue these sponsorships and partnerships but also seek new and larger opportunities. Sameunderneath would benefit from sponsoring events such as the Portland International Film Festival. This will give Sameunderneath exposure to a wide audience, many who share the creative values of Sameunderneath. Film festivals are a simple way to stay connected to local communities throughout the expansion of the brand. Ultimately, the creation of a Sameunderneath film festival would be a great way to add another layer of interaction for your audience. Sameunderneath will also sponsor the Ignite Lecture Series in order to incorporate the brand’s educational element. Ignite features short, fast-paced presentations delivered by local progressive and forward thinking individuals. Each speaker is allocated five minutes to speak with 20 automatically rotating slides to share their idea, story or experience. Lecture topics are not limited and have ranged from “The Evolution of our Social Brains” to “Making Cranes, Not War”. Each biannual event attracts hundreds of the community’s top idea people. Within Portland, Sameunderneath will host a Community Art Show. The show will be held at the Portland Armory, which is a LEED certified building. This event will serve as a creative center for local artists to present their work and talents including artwork, music, and poetry. The first community art event will be held in Portland and eventually expand to other Sameunderneath cities.

PUBLIC RELATIONS Sameunderneath has a goldmine of PR opportunities, both online and in traditional media. The brand is already invested in social responsibility and will only increase its activities in this area as it grows. It is important to reach out to and forge relationships with local journalists and ultimately, maintain them. Regular press releases are necessary, but Sameunderneath must go beyond this basic PR requirement. Sameunderneath should invite the press to Sameunderneath sponsored events in addition to store events. Be sure to utilize all available resources and attend events involving all the things Sameunderneath cares about, whether it’s a political meeting or an educational fundraiser. There is a huge potential for growth in the online presence for Sameunderneath. By talking about Sameunderneath on blogs, linking the Sameunderneath URL from blogs and commenting on blogs with relevant Sameunderneath topics, more traffic will be generated for the Sameunderneath website. Additionally, the more websites that link to the Sameunderneath website, the more credibility and priority the website will have with search engines. Beyond this however, Sameunderneath needs to create relationships with relevant bloggers instead of just barraging them with information. Sameunderneath already has some exposure with bloggers, but most of the written content is not recent. Sameunderneath needs to make regular efforts to connect and re-connect with bloggers. If they are local, invite them to visit the store and have lunch. If they are not local, try and speak with them on the phone so you can have a more personal interaction. In the end, bloggers have control of the information they post about your company, by making a personal connection with them, Sameunderneath will have the chance to clarify its brand and increase the chances of positive reviews. Community Directors will take the lead in contacting the local bloggers and maintaining these relationships.

one Website Relaunch Outdoor Wallscapes Magazine Documentary Series Local Sponsorships 30 Seconds to Speak Your Mind T-Shirt Challenge Public Relations Banner Ads Community Art Gallery

PHASES We have not developed a strict timeline for Sameunderneath because the business should develop at its own pace. Instead, we have created phases for Sameunderneath activity and expansion. Certain elements in our plan are meant to be built upon. The strategy behind our ideas is that they are all scalable. This means they can start small and local now and grow with Sameunderneath and expand on a national level. Phases will allow for sustainable growth. Each phase will provide a solid platform to launch into the next, larger, phase.

two West Coast Store Expansion Community Directors Iconic Wallscapes Regional Sponsorships

CONCLUSION three National Expansion National Sponsorships Sameunderneath Film Festival Artist Wallscapes

Sameunderneath has the potential to be an extremely successful lifestyle brand that is both grounded in local communities and successful on an international level. However, this sort of achievement will not happen overnight, but with careful brand development and business strategy. The key will be informing people that Sameunderneath is more than a clothing brand. Sameunderneath will invite all people, of all walks of life to realize that they have differences, but the things that draw us together are the most important. As Sameunderneath invites all people to be part of and interact with the brand, Sameunderneath will become an authentic part of their lives in a multidimensional fashion.

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