Marketing Strategy Plan

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 875
  • Pages: 8
Market Strategy Plan Shweta Aggarwal [Pick the date]


Go to Market Strategy Plan Table of Contents 1 Go to Market Strategy details........................................................................................ ...........................3 1.1 Major Goals....................................................................................................................................... .3 1.2 Offering specifics.................................................................................................... ...........................3 1.3 Value proposition.................................................................................................... ...........................3 1.4 Customer Value...................................................................................................... ...........................3 1.5 Partnerships and Alliances for service offering........................................................ ..........................3 1.6 Differentiators......................................................................................................... .....3 1.7 Market research................................................................................................................... ..............3 1.8 Target Market...................................................................................................................... ...............4 1.9 Lead generation plan.................................................................................................... .....................4 1.10 Pricing................................................................................................................................... ...........5 1.11 Sales forecasting......................................................................................................................... .....5 1.12 Delivery Capability....................................................................................................... ....................5 1.13 Service and support.......................................................................................................... ...............6 1.14 Training........................................................................................................................... .................6 1.15 Risk analysis ...................................................................................................................... .............6 1.16 Sustainability and growth strategy in brief.................................................................................. ......6 2 Deliverables checklist...................................................................................................... ........................7

Go to Market Strategy Plan

1 Go to Market Strategy details 1.1 Major Goals 1.2 Offering specifics •


Type -Best practice solution; new service offering; bundled package; jump start kit, General

What customer need is proposed to be fulfilled

Offering overview/details

1.3 Value proposition •

What is our value proposition?

How your solution/ service differs from those that are now or will be available in the market

Is it winning value proposition/ Innovativeness, uniqueness of the offering

Ability to protect/ sustain the innovation in processes or service offering

1.4 Customer Value •

What are the benefits to customer?


1.5 Partnerships and Alliances for service offering 1.6 Differentiators 1.7 Market research •

Industry overview

Current Size

Growth trends and forecasts/ Maturity -What’s the maturity of this space?

Competitor’s offeringsHow are they positioned?

Positioning of competitors offering-How are our competitors positioned?

Our experience -What is our experience level? How does it compare with the competition?

SWOT analysis

Go to Market Strategy Plan •

Demographic/ geographic profile

Buying sensitivities and behavior

Purchasing patterns/ requirements

Influencing factors that will have an impact on your business

Vulnerability to economic factors

Seasonality factors

Technological factors

Regulatory issues 1.8 Target Market •

Who is our target customer?

Which markets offer the best opportunities for profitable growth?

Who is the right contact person to target?

1.9 Lead generation plan •

Definition of qualified lead for this service offering

Special strategies required to reach out to the segment

How many leads need to be generated ?What’s the breakup of leads that need to be generated for each lead generation mechanism Lead generation mechanism

Sales Telemarketing Referrals Tradeshow/Event Email campaign Press releases

Industry closure to

No of Qualified leads to

lead ratio

be generated

Go to Market Strategy Plan

Web 2.0 Marketing(linkedin,Blogs,nymz,Facebook 1.10 Pricing •

Pricing strategy plan

Would we need to adjust pricing based on different vertical markets?

How do want to position ourselves on price? Mid – high? •

What’s the profit margin we want to make?

1.11 Sales forecasting •

Potential revenues targeted in each market segment (based on past conversion ration and extrapolation)?

What is our annual forecast for sales? How was this determined?

Revenue target from existing customer

Revenue target from new customer

No of deals that need to be closed

How is this broken down by: •

Direct Sales Team



1.12 Delivery Capability •

Current capability-How many customers can you handle?

No of resources -How many resources do you currently have?

No of resources need to be added -How many do you plan on adding?

Training needs and requirements to do the same-How long would it take to get them up to speed in training?

Best practices-What are the best practices followed by industry

Process redefinition /recommendation document -Please come up with the process recommendation document

In how many phases process recommendations can be achieved?

How much time it will take to implement the process recommendations for each phase?

Go to Market Strategy Plan 1.13 Service and support •

Will we provide a standard service level agreement to enhance customer satisfaction?

Do we need to set up infrastructure for calls or email requests that come in?

1.14 Training

How do you plan on training the sales teams (direct and LMG)

Do we need to provide training to our partners?

1.15 Risk analysis •

Market risks

Competition risks

Technology risks

Regulatory risks

Financial risks

Management risks

Prepare best-case and worst-case scenarios involving key parameters of the business to help assess •

Measures proposed to counter these risks

Sensitivity analysis of key factors in the assumptions to simulate the impact of changes

1.16 Sustainability and growth strategy in brief •

Service offering’s long term goals

Growth Strategies

Milestones & achievements

How to sustain and innovate service offering

Go to Market Strategy Plan

2 Deliverables checklist Item Basic Collaterals Customer Presentation Case Study/Success Story Customer Reference Solution Slick/Brochure

Solution Brief (from slick) Web Content Update Audience specific Collaterals White paper Red books Best practices for Service offering Client Demo Webinars files Lead generation Management Lead Generation plan LMG Scripts LMG Training Delivery Resource ramp up training plan Process recommendation and implementation plan Sales Sales strategy plan Sales Primer


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Go to Market Strategy Plan

Item Sales Training Corporate Communication Public relations plan Internal Announcements


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