Marketing Project Choice Plus

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,532
  • Pages: 47
Q: 1 Are you Male

Fe Male

Q: 2 Are you child



Q: 3 Are you using choice-plus shampoo. Yes


Q: 4 If yes on what bases. Style

Silky hair

Q: 5 Are you satisfied with it Yes


Some what


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, we would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving us the ability and strength to complete this project. Secondly, we are also thankful to our respective parents for providing us with the opportunity to receive higher education in such an accomplished institution that required us to carry out such projects that expand the dimensions of our mind. We are definitely not forgetting to recognize the efforts and support of our teacher Sir ADEEL ATIF without whom this project would not have been possible. Who give us the opportunity to work on a project, which not only enlarged our vision but also show, us the real picture of the market. Our special thanks to the group members, who have whole-heartedly work for the completion of this report. All of us have earned a valuable and worthy experience during the project.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Introduction Procter & Gamble started its operations in Pakistan in 1991 with the goal of becoming the finest global local consumer goods company operating in Pakistan. With commitment came growth, and in 1994 we acquired a soap-manufacturing facility, a sprawling 7-acre land at Hub, Balochistan. Over the past nine years, the plant achieved state-of-art manufacturing technologies and quality assurance processes. With a recent strategic investment of 5 million dollars, the bar soap production capacity jumped threefold. As a company they have always believed in the potential Pakistan has as a country and a nation to develop and excel. No wonder P&G Pakistan, within the last 12 years, has reinvested over $100 million in Pakistan and has contributed close to seven billion rupees to the Pakistani government's revenues over the last 5 years in the form of sales tax, customs and excise duties. That is also why Pakistanis hold 99% of the jobs that P&G Pakistan creates in Pakistan. All this makes P&G a more locally involved company than many companies actually headquartered in Pakistan. Since the inception of P&G Pakistan, they have always committed ourselves to business growth, consumer satisfaction and community development. CHOICE-PLUS is a shampoo that focuses on the Style and silky. It is basically the product of Proctor & Gamble that is a multi national company. It is recognized from the England institute of research, which is the world famous institute of research.

Executive Summary In the report we choose a product for survey. We behave our self as marketing manager of P&G product CHOICE-PLUS. We want to know the value of our product in people and how many using our product and what changes are we can do in it through we can satisfy our customer. For this purpose we conduct a survey and focus on the every level of generation. Through this survey we find out our proms and croons of our product. Then we compare our product with other brand after we make conclusion and recommendation to improve our product for the purpose of customer satisfaction

Segmentation and targeting In this repot we chose a product that is CHOICE PLUS for the opinion of the people for this purpose we make a questioner and distribute it to people and collect their opinion the questions we distribute in people and their opinion are ass follows.

Q: 1 we ask them that are they satisfied with this shampoo? In the respond of this question e find that 70% are satisfied and 21% are not satisfied and 9% are somewhat. 70% 60% 50% Satisfied


Not Satisfied



20% 10% 0%


Not Satisfied


Q: 2 we ask them why they satisfied with this shampoo? So in the respond of this question we find that 25% of the says that they satisfied and this satisfaction is due to its grace ness and other 57% says because of quality and others says that because of its reasonable price.

60% 50% 40% Satisfied on Graceness


Satisfied on quality


Satisfied on price

10% 0%

Satisfied on Graceness

Satisfied on price

. Q:3

In this question we ask the people about the affordability of the shampoo for the

people in which 71% of them says that they are satisfied with its price and remaining says that the price of the shampoo are not affordable for them .

80% 70% 60% 50%




30% 20% 10% 0%

Satisfied DisSatisfied

Q: 4 In this question we ask the people about our product which is CHOICE-PLUS that why they are not using this product?

In the response of this question 9% says that this is not affordable for them 72% says that they are not satisfied with it and remain says that there is another reason.

80% 70% 60% 50%





Other reasons

20% 10% 0%


Other reasons

Q: 5 In this question we ask the people about the improvement or changing in the product then 25% of them says that there are changes required and other says that ere is no need of improvement

80% 70% 60% 50%



Not Required

30% 20% 10% 0%


Not Required

. Q: 6

In this question about the flavors of the shampoo then 80% people satisfied with

the current flavors but other says that there is need of more flavors.

Q: 7

The question is about the expectation of this shampoo we collect many responses

in which mostly says that P&G will maintain the quality and tried to reduce the price that all people can afford.

Q8: In this question we focus our customer on the base of gender. We find that how our customers are male and female. 40% female are using CHOICE-PLUS and 60% male are using CHOICE-PLUS. The reason of low rate of female using because they are much conscious about their long hair.

60% 50% 40%

Fe male



20% 10% 0%

Fe male


Q9: In this question we focus that 80% young people are using CHOICE-PLUS and reaming 13% are middle to old age and remaining 7 % are children.

80% 60%


40% Middle to Oldage

20% 0%




Q10: In this question we ask about the on what bases they are using CHOICE-PLUS. We find that 80 % are using for change color and remaining for silky hair.



Level of product: We will discuss main three level of this product in this phase. 1. Core product: It means that the main purpose of the product and the main purpose of this product are to change colors of hairs and make silky and stylish. 2. Actual product: The second level of the product is the actual product. Packaging: The packaging of the CHOICE-PLUS is in the big and small bottle and also it is available in the small sachet that should save it from the germs and other environmental factors and also it used to attract the customers. It is available in different colors. Features: It is available in different flavors which are menthol, plain, silky black. It s core purpose is the good hair but these are the extra features that add the value in it and more satisfy the customer.

Design: It should be necessary that the designing of the product is according to the customer need and according to our view the designing of the CHOICE-PLUS is good because it is available in family pack and also available in small pack.

Quality level: The quality level of the CHOICE-PLUS is very good because when we ask about the quality of this product to the customer who use it then most of them answer that they use this shampoo because it creates hairs silky in a few days and also it changes the color by using first time so we can say that the quality of this product is good. Brand name: Brand name is according to the target segment and in this product we segment we target the young generation and we think that the brand name of this shampoo is very well according to the segment of the product.

3. Augmented product: Installation: The installation of this product is that the deliveries of this product to the market is without any extra price which is the extra feature of this product basically there is a dealer of P & G in every District level or Tehsile level who deliver the product.

After sale service: As such there is no after sale service so this value added feature in this product is not included. Warranty; If this shampoo expires in the shop then there is the facility that the company of this product changes it. Delivery and credit: It is available on credit and delivers it where it has the demand and where to place it. Product classification: It; has two main heads. •

Consumer product

Industrial product

Consumer product: People use this shampoo for the personal consumption. The first head of the consumer product is Convenience product: The purchase decision of this product is not taking too much time because it is available at low prices. Customer utilizes it frequently.

Shopping products: This head is not applicable on this product. Specialty products: This head is not applicable. Unsought product This head is not applicable. Industrial product; The CHOICE-PLUS is not an industrial product it is basically the consumer product. Individual product decisions: This phase include the all decisions that help us to attract our customer. Product attributes: It means the combination of the product and services. Our product is the CHOICE-PLUS and the service of this product includes the delivery of this product to the shops and to the end customers. Branding: The brand name of this product for the target customer is good because the target customer of this product is the young generation and according to this targeting the brand name is very well.

Packaging: The packaging of the CHOICE-PLUS is in the big and small bottle and also it is available in the small sachet that should save it from the germs and other environmental factors and also it used to attract the customers. It is available in different colors.

Product support services: These are the extra features of the product and the extra feature of the CHOICE-PLUS is its free delivery to the market and also the other feature of the product is its expiry that its expire then company change it . The service profit chain: The things, which are coming under this phase, are as follows Healthy service profit and growth: CHOICE-PLUS provide the best services to its customers that it increases the profit of the company and also help out in growth of the company. Satisfy and loyal customer: Due to the high quality of the product the company satisfies its customer and due to the satisfaction of the customer they cannot switch to the other company. Greater service value: The company provides the greater services as compare to its competitor who helps the company to increase its customer and make the existing customer more loyal with the company. Satisfied and productive service employees: The company can provide the best services to their employees that they can more productive and work hard for the organization. Internal service quality: In the internal environment of the company they can hire the more expert people and also trained the existing employees to make them more productive.

New product development and product life cycle: New product development and strategies: First of all there are two persons named as proctor and gamble start this company and started making the products. These products include so many things and one of their product is the CHOICE-PLUS and then make the patents of their formula of the products and then get the license of the product then launch the original product which need the so much improvement then improved its quality and when customer come towards this product then make the more brands of this product that customer satisfied and attract towards the CHOICE-PLUS

New product development: This include the eight steps which are as follows

Idea generation: CHOICE-PLUS is used for silky and color changes then the company think that there is the need of the other flavor of the shampoo which is the new idea generation.

Idea screening: They have the different ideas that they start the flavor as with silky black and for long hair and change the color of hairs. Then from these ideas the company selects the best idea, which is the menthol.

Concept development: Then develop the concept at the place of the customer that customer satisfied from it or not. For this purpose check the concept to apply it on the group of the target customer.

Marketing strategy: After the concept development define the market strategy for a new product. First of all check its positioning and market share and also profit. Then see the market budget and also see the distribution channel then after this we see towards the marketing mix strategies and sales and profit goals.

Product development and business analysis: Then make the projection that the product satisfy the customer and also satisfy company objectives if yes then move to the product development stage and if no then again go towards the concept development.

Test marketing: Then in the test marketing the company uses the standard marketing that it provide the product to all of its customers at full price then check the feed back.

Commercialization: If the feed back of the product is good then go for the commercialization the advertisement of the product.

CHOICE-PLUS in the life cycle: In the product development life cycle the CHOICE-PLUS is at the last phase of the commercialization but the different new brand of the CHOICE-PLUS company started is also on the first or the second step.

which the

Product life cycle: CHOICE-PLUS in the product life cycle is at the place of the maturity because at this time the company sale is slow down and it attract the potential buyers.

Pricing product: Pricing consideration and approaches Price: Now the current price of the CHOICE-PLUS is afford able for its customer and if we see the benefit in term of values which are as follows Product design: The design of the bottle CHOICE-PLUS is attractive for its customer Distribution: CHOICE-PLUS has the strong distribution channel, it can be available everywhere and customer cannot find out any difficulty to buying this product. Promotion: Promotion of CHOICE-PLUS is also very strong, because of the advertisement of the it is on the large scale Non-price image: Image of CHOICE-PLUS is also very good in the market

External factors that effecting pricing decision Market and demand: Demand of the CHOICE-PLUS in the market is very high if the price of the CHOICEPLUS is increase very less then it not effect to much on its demand but if its price largely increase then it effect the demand

Other external factors: Pricing decision of CHOICE-PLUS is also based on other external factors such as economically condition which are not as much favorable for the company also the pricing decision based of the reseller needs Elastic demand: The demand of CHOICE-PLUS is elastic because the small change in its price becomes the large change in its demand but the demand of CHOICE-PLUS is also inelastic for those who have brand conscious.

Pricing product pricing consideration and strategies: New product pricing strategies: Market skimming CHOICE-PLUS not use the concept of market skimming because of it can not increase its price to high generate maximum revenue there price is stable And if any changes come its price then its maximum two to three increase. Market penetration: This concept is not implemented on CHOICE-PLUS because they do not reduce the price form their competitors. Product line price: Product line of CHOICE-PLUS includes the different brand but the price of the entire brand is same this shows that CHOICE-PLUS give extra feature to its customers to attract the customers with out any change in the price

Price adjustment strategies: For the adjustment of the price make the strategies. These include six strategies, which are the situational, and we can change these strategies according to the condition. These strategies are as follows Cash discount: Provide discount directly to retailers if it purchase the product in bulk quantity. It is a strategy adopt in the case of high market competition and to increase market share . Quantity discount: On the purchases of high volume of quantity the company reduces the price of the product, which is also the strategy for gaining the market share. Functional discount: A price reduction offered by the seller to trade channel members to perform certain functions such as selling, storing, record keeping such as the proctor and Gamble provide to its intermediaries. Seasonal discount: This type of discount is not applicable on CHOICE-PLUS because its sale not depends on the season. Its sales remain constant throughout the year

Allowance Proctor &Gamble use this pricing strategy to sale CHOICE-PLUS to their retailers in response to an agreement of sale volume Segmented pricing: Not applicable on the CHOICE-PLUS because the price of the CHOICE-PLUS remain the same throughout the country and if we see its price on international level then there is also a very little difference in its price. Psychological pricing: In this strategy the price of the product become the higher because of that the customer think that the quality of the product is also good as compare to its price but this factor is also not implemented on the CHOICE-PLUS

Geographical pricing strategies: Uniform delivery pricing: This strategy include that the company bear the all charges of the transportation and proctor and Gamble also bearing the charges of transportation and freight charges.

Zone pricing: Proctor&Gamble have the same pricing strategy on all the zones in the country. International pricing: This strategy includes the difference in the price of a product in different countries and Proctor&Gamble also charges the different prices at different countries. The price of this product, which is in Pakistan, is different as it is in the other countries

Distribution channels and logistic management Levels of distribution channels: A layer of intermediaries that play a role to place our provide product from manufacturer and customer. There are four levels of market channels, which are as follows 1. Direct marketing channel In this channel the product reach from manufacturer to consumer directly. In it there is no involvement of any other intermediaries in it. In different geographical condition Proctor&Gamble deliver the product CHOICE-PLUS to their customer without involvement of intermediaries. 2. Direct marketing channel In this type of marketing channel only one intermediary involves. First of the entire retailer buy the product from the production point of Proctor&Gamble on the whole sale and then provide it to the customer. 3.Selective distributive channel: These are the distributive channels in which the product first comes to the wholesaler then from wholesaler to retailer and then retailer to customer

4.Intensive distributive channel: In this distribution channel the product comes form the Proctor&Gamble to the whole seller then whole seller to jobber then jobber to the retailer and then retailer to the customer.

Vertical marketing system: Vertical marketing system is that systems in which the company such as on their transport provides all the things include the banner of the product and also the separate placement for that product. The concept of the vertical marketing system is implemented on the product of Proctor&Gamble, which is CHOICE-PLUS Conventional marketing system: This is that type of marketing system in which the product come from manufacturer to wholesaler then wholesaler to retailer then retailer to customer. The proctor&Gamble use this marketing system for its product, which is the CHOICE-PLUS

Integrated marketing communication strategy: The marketing communication mix: In marketing communication mix we will discuss the blend of advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion public relation and direct marketing of CHOICE-PLUS by proctor&Gamble. Advertisement: In advertisement proctor&Gamble has been started strong advertisement campaign of CHOICE-PLUS by using different media channel such as television, newspapers and magazines Personal selling: Proctor&Gamble also involve in personal selling through sales force to enhance sales indifferent locations and in rural areas as well. Sales promotions: Proctor &Gamble provide incentives to wholesalers and retailers to promote the sale of CHOICE-PLUS

Public relations: To increase sales level of CHOICE-PLUS P&G involve in building public relations with different companies. Direct marketing: Proctor & Gamble also involve to targeted individual customer to obtain the individual response to cultivate the lasting relationship with the customers.

Comparison: We cannot compare with another because only CHOICE-PLUS has such facilities like changing of the color of hair after using first time Extra features: Other brands of shampoo has some extra feature for example dandruff control and also help to long hair, but our shampoo is only for change color and make hair silky so our female and male customers are much conscious for their stylish hair color and silky hair

Price: Price is the major factor that can help to retain and attract out customer. Our price is same to other. Quality: As well as the concern of quality our quality is good than others.

Steps in developing in effective communication

Steps in developing in effective communication: Now we are discussing how we develop the effective communication for the customer.

Identifying the targeted audience: First step is identifying the targeted audience in this step the clear target of audience that we are segmented should be in mind. Proctor & gamble fuscous on the young generation to sell and promote the product P&G

Determining the communication objectives: Awareness: Proctor & gamble use the counter to aware the people about the product it also use the poster to create the knowledge about the product. Linkage: Proctor & gamble link with their customer if a customer see the poster if he inspire the poster or model then that customer buy the product it create the link with customer and company. Knowledge: Procter & gamble create the knowledge in consumer mind through advertisement and other communication medias. Preference: Proctor & gamble use the different type of advertisement for the promotion of the product that creates the attraction for customer and customer prefer that product. Conviction: Proctor & gamble use different type of techniques to convince the customer to by their product.

Purchase: After all the process the customer prefer the product and purchase that product. Choosing Media: After identification company chose the media in which company advertisement. Personal communication channel: Proctor & gamble use the sales force channel to communicate with customer. Word of mouth influence: Procter & gamble use the media if a employ satisfied the product then he tell about the product that the product is good then other person buy that product. Non-personal communication channel: Proctor & gamble use the different type of media like TV, newspaper, posters, bill boards to communicate the customers.


Promotion Mix Strategies: In promotion mix strategies use the two types of strategies Pull strategies and second is push strategies. Pull strategies: Procter & gamble use the pull strategies for example he produce the menthol shampoo then the company advertise on different type of channel to create the demand, mostly consumer switch to that product. Push strategies: Proctor& gamble make the large quantity of product and then the market advertise about the product on different communication channel. Advertising clutter: Different ways of advertising is discussed under this phase. Television: P&G is using the television for the purpose of communication>P&G infact place all types of advertisement mostly on the television. Radio: The second type of the telecommunication media is the radio.But P&G is not mostly use this media to communicate with their customers. Magazines: Magazine is the telecommunication media and P&G also used the magazine for the promotion of its products and for the communication with the customer

Newspapers: Another type of media is the newspaper and P&G also use this type of media for the communication purpose. Billboards: P&G also use the billboards for the communication purpose with their customer. Internet websites: This media is also used for the communication purpose the web site of the P&G is as follows

Marketing plan: To establish marketing plan the following aspects that P&G keep in mind. These are as follows

Situation analysis: To analyze the situation of the market when make the plan. Also see the demand of the market and the geographical location. Marketing objectives: To see the objective of the market that what we want to do and what we are going to convey to our customers. Marketing budget: P&G see the budget of the marketing of the product and on the base of this budget he make the strategy for their plan. Market strategy: P&G also see its market share, which is nearly about to30% .It also see its competitors and then make the strategy on the base of market share and on the base of competitor. Marketing tactics: P&G use different market tactics to promote its product that is an aspect of marketing plan. Evaluation: At the end evaluate it.

Conclusion: From this survey we found that there are few brands of shampoo that are famous in the market and people want and demand of them. There are number of reasons that the people are bound to purchase that particular brand available in the market. According to result of survey we found that near about 1/3 of the population use CHOICE-PLUS and large no of population uses other brands. Most of the people satisfy from the brand they are currently using, but the no of the people are not satisfied from the quality packing and price as well. A large no of people want to reduce in the price of family pack according to the customer point of view it is easily available in the market in the same price. People want innovation in these kinds of products. Most of the people are brand conscious .A reasonable no of people are not satisfied from its quality

Recommendation: According to conclusion of survey that has been conducted we recommend as follows.  The price should be affordable.  The packing should be improved.  It should be available in different kind of packing.  Flavors should be changed.  The quality should be improved. 

Strong awareness cam pain should be started that people can to understand the feature of the product.

 it should available in different flavors.  It should not be harmful for eyes Some innovative features should be added






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SUBMISSION DATE: REMARKS:


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