Marketing Plan Shermarn 26650

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  • Words: 1,735
  • Pages: 14
Thai Spa 23 Red Road Bangkok 10000 Thailand Contact info. [email protected]


Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by _______________ in this marketing plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of _______________. It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this marketing plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may cause serious harm or damage to _______________. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to _______________. ___________________ Signature ___________________ Name (typed or printed) ___________________ Date This is a marketing plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary.........................................................................................................1 2. Market Needs...................................................................................................................1 3. The Market.......................................................................................................................1 3.1. Market Trends...........................................................................................................2 3.2. Market Growth..........................................................................................................3 4. The Company...................................................................................................................4 4.1. Mission......................................................................................................................4 4.2. Service Offering........................................................................................................5 4.3. Positioning................................................................................................................5 4.4. SWOT Summary is to Analysis To capture and describe the keys facing within company...........................................................................................................................5 4.4.1. Strengths............................................................................................................5 4.4.2. Weaknesses........................................................................................................5 4.4.3. Opportunities......................................................................................................6 4.4.4. Threats................................................................................................................6 5. Marketing Strategy...........................................................................................................6 5.1. Value Proposition......................................................................................................6 5.2. Critical Issues............................................................................................................6 5.3. Financial Objectives..................................................................................................7 5.4. Marketing Objectives................................................................................................7 5.5. Target Market Strategy..............................................................................................7 5.6. Messaging.................................................................................................................7 6. Product Marketing...........................................................................................................8 7. Pricing..............................................................................................................................8 8. Promotion.........................................................................................................................8 8.1. Advertising................................................................................................................9 9. Service..............................................................................................................................9 10. Keys to Success..............................................................................................................9

Thai Spa

1. Executive Summary

Thai Spa is a full-service massage dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service, quality products, and furnishing an enjoyable atmosphere at an acceptable price/value relationship. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which respects diversity, ideas, and hard work. Thai Spa aims to be the premier spa in Bangkok Thailand .They will quickly gain market share The Business will be set up as a partnership with MS. Sherman and MS. A owning equal portions of the operation.

2. Market Needs

People love to take care themselves especially women who likes to make themselves good-looking and healthy. Thai Spa has become a place for the successful .We address in one of the crowed city in Thailand to assessable to come. We will fulfill the benefits that are important for our customers such as the price that will reasonable relative service offered. This will create a community of growth for us.

3. The Market

Market Analysis 2009 Potential Customers University Students

Growt h 400%

Office Workers


10,00 0 5,000




368.8 5%






50,00 0 20,00 0 2,100

250,0 00 80,00 0 6,300

1,250, 000 320,00 0 18,900

6,250, 000 1,280, 000 56,700

15,70 0

72,10 0

336,3 00

1,588, 900

7,586, 700

C AGR 400.0 0% 300.0 0% 200.0 0% 368.8 5%

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Thai Spa Market Analysis (Pie)

University Students Office Workers Other

3.1. Market Trends

Health Spa has become a feature of people life. Thai spa is a good choice for them that is offered a comfort ability and relaxing. Now a day in Thailand health Spa is growing and there is a high competition because of women like to spend money without concerning cost even though economic downturns in recent years, that why this kind of business is been bright thing for business man even us. but we will keep developing our staffs, location and equipment up to date for competitive advantage and at once we have successful we will create a new plan of downtown, which will make that area become more popular city.

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Thai Spa Market Analysis (Trends)

7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000

University Students


Office Workers



2,000,000 1,000,000 0 2009





3.2. Market Growth

When customers list Thai Spa as the top best place to pamper themselves we will continue locate in downtown even more businesses are looking for a thriving downtown with continual presence of customers. Our growth is according to the chart below.

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Thai Spa Market Analysis (C.A.G.R)

400.00% 350.00% 300.00% 250.00% 200.00% 150.00% 100.00% 50.00% 0.00% University Students

Office Workers


4. The Company

Thai Spa will, upon commencement of operations, serve a wide range of massage services. We will provide quality traditional massage, along with top lines of massage service. What will set Thai Spa apart from the competition is our commitment to providing all of these services in one convenient location. Thai Spa will be located in a center of Bangkok at 1234 Red Road. Thai Spa will utilize 1,000 square feet. The location is strategically situated on one of the busiest streets in Bangkok. It is a high profile area, with easy access.

4.1. Mission

Thai Spa will provide a comforting, yet stimulating, peaceful atmosphere among pollution area in which customers will prefer to relax both their body and mind, reconnecting their daily lives to their true purpose through a wide range of entire massage methods and Thai Spa will establish itself as a dependable destination to which they can always come to escape the stresses of life, and rejuvenate their energies, their souls, and their lives.

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Thai Spa

4.2. Service Offering

Thai Spa offers a wide variety of mind and body healing services and products. The aspect of the business will provide both males and females in each level with any type of massage styling services. Thai spa business is devoted to providing holistic methods of massage such as Feet massage, Hands massage, Facing massage, body work and Aroma Therapy. Here we have offered customers within natural ingredients such as Hot Stone, pure mud and variety Aroma therapy. This is all done in a relaxing Time opening Monday - Friday 11.00 - 19.00 Saturday - Sunday 9.00 - 22.00

4.3. Positioning

Thai Spa we will position ourselves as advance Spa Service that offers unique of treatments and it will achieve in part by influencing Thai Spa’s Competitive edge such as special training of employees by providing course and supply trainers.

4.4. SWOT Summary is to Analysis To capture and describe the keys

facing within company 4.4.1.Strengths . • •

Excellent training Programs that all employees must be participated in. An educated customers base on who can recognize the benefit of Thai Spa offering

4.4.2.Weaknesses •

The ability to attract and keep well trained employees

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Thai Spa •

The inability to perfectly demand of services to the number of employees at any one time

4.4.3.Opportunities • • •

A growing market with a large percentage of target customers who not yet aware of Thai Spa. Increase revenue as more as people who are willing to relax thereby unable to heal their mind and body. As a number of customers served grows, Fix cost are spread fewer over a larger customer base.

4.4.4.Threats •

Competition will establish and develop facilities that improve their service offerings to compete to Thai Spa.

5. Marketing Strategy 5.1. Value Proposition

Our value proposition is that we will bring a unique mode of relaxation and fulfillment to our community. When people are relaxed, comfortable, and happy, they have the ability to work harder, concentrate better, feel physically, emotionally, and mentally balanced, and give that happiness back into their homes, workplaces, and community. Simply put, our value proposition is that we help our community become a better place to live and work.

5.2. Critical Issues

Thai Spa is still a speculative stage of Spa Business. Our critical issues are to continue a small financial approach, expand a reasonable Page 6

Thai Spa rate Not only For ourselves but also our customers and continue to build a brand awareness to get more new customers.

5.3. Financial Objectives • •

A double Growth rate in each future year Reduce the employees training costs, equipment and ingredients while increasing the skills of employees.

5.4. Marketing Objectives • • • •

Substantial sales revenue by end of second year. Profit before tax by end of second year. Have clientele return rate of 90% by end of first year. Become established community destination by end of first year.

5.5. Target Market Strategy

Thai Spa market’s strategy will be based on an advertising effort. We will run in Yellow pages .community website profiles ,our own website and alliance These advertisement will be use to raise visibility regarding and the our service to track the customers who are unaware of us.

5.6. Messaging Target Market Messaging Market Segments University Students Office Workers Other

Messaging Everyone concern about their "LOO" don't you? Be Pampered with our own Spa and treatments for single day This is a place one can truly relax and feel at home with a warm welcome and the sweet fragrance of fruits and Thai herbs

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Thai Spa 6. Product Marketing • • •

Emphasize our name and unique services through advertising. Focus on the convenience of our location. Build community relationships through unique and quality service, friendly and caring atmosphere and establishing absolute dependability of our services.

7. Pricing

Our pricing strategy will be similar to that of our competitors. We will not charge over or under, standard prices for our services. We will be paying our employees a higher straight percentage of their total individual customer sales than our competitors. This will allow us to hire the best employees, and have a built-in motivational factor that will keep them working hard and happily.

Price List Item Foot and hands Massage Facing Massage Body Massage Aroma Therapy

Description Per Hour Per Hour Per Hour Per Hour

Per Unit Price $40 $50 $60 $20

8. Promotion

Our promotional strategy will be • •

promotion will deal with advertising before ,during and six months following our opening Advertising will deal with all long - term advertising.

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Thai Spa

8.1. Advertising

We will utilize health magazines and we will have our own website, Broadcast or community profile and we will place our brochures within the offices of our medical referral clients.

9. Service

Customer will be pleasure at how attractive the Thai Spa is in regard to their needs and wants. The businesses operates on assumption will whatever is necessary to keep customers happy and it will effect longterm profit ensuring.

10. Keys to Success •

Location: providing an easily accessible location for customers.

• Environment: providing an environment conducive to giving relaxing and professional service. • Convenience: offering clients a wide range of services in one setting, and extended business hours. •

Reputation: reputation of the owner and other "beauticians" as providing superior personal service

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