Marketing Levis

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 5,873
  • Pages: 48

Primarily thanking ALLAH Almighty for giving us such a bright opportunity to learn and polish our extravagant abilities.

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Acknowledgments  Executive Summary  Introduction  History  Market segmentation, targeting and positioning  Marketing mix • -Product • -Price • -Place • -Promotion  SWOT analysis  Conclusions

 Recommendations


INTRODUCTION: Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&CO.) is one of the world's largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 110 countries. There is no other company with a comparable global presence in the jeans and casual pants markets. Today, the Levi's® trademark is one of the most recognized in the world and is registered in more than 160 countries. The company is privately held by descendants of the family of Levi Strauss. Shares of company stock are not publicly traded. The company employs a staff of approximately 8,850 people worldwide, including approximately 1,000 people at its San Francisco, California headquarters. Levi Strauss & Co currently makes jeans in approximately 108 sizes and 20 finish fabrics. With 2007 net sales of $4.1 billion, the company is committed to building upon strong heritage and brand equity as they position the company for future growth.

BRANDS: The products of Levi Strauss & Co are sold under three brands:


Since their invention in 1873, Levi's® jeans have become one of the most successful and widely recognized brands in the history of the apparel industry.



Dockers® brand, which pioneered the movement toward business casual, has led the U.S. khaki category since the brand's 1986 launch, and is now available in numerous countries.

Levi Strauss Signature™: In 2003 the launch of the Levi Strauss Signature™ brand, giving value consumers highquality and fashionable clothing from a company on which the consumers trust.


Levi Strauss & Co. is a worldwide corporation organized into three geographic divisions:

Levi Strauss, North America (LSNA) Based in the San Francisco headquarters

Levi Strauss Europe (LSE) Based in Brussels

Asia Pacific Division (APD) Based in Singapore Levi Strauss & Co.'s Asia Pacific Division is comprised of subsidiary businesses, licensees and distributors throughout Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. The Division sources, manufactures and markets Levi's®, Dockers®, and Levi Strauss Signature™ products through 14 affiliates. The company employs approximately 2,500 talented people working together to ensure that the apparel brands are leaders in this part of the world. The division is comprised of both wholly owned-and-operated businesses, licensees and distributors throughout Asia and the Pacific including Pakistan.

COUNTRIES: Levi's® brand of products are sold in 49 countries, Dockers® brand in 31 countries and our Levi Strauss Signature™ brand in 4 countries:

Asia Pacific:

Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand.

Middle East:

Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates


An Botswana,


Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa.

Latin America:

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela

VALUES: Levi Strauss & Co. has four major core values. These are • -Empathy • -Originality • -Integrity • -Courage Levi Strauss & Co. says, “Our corporate values -- empathy, originality, integrity and courage -- are the foundation of our company and define who we are. They underlie how we compete in the marketplace and how we behave.” behave.”

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Levis Strauss & Co. is to sustain responsible commercial; success as a global marketing company of branded apparel. We must balance goals of superior profitability and return on investment, leadership market positions, and superior products and services. We will conduct our business ethically and demonstrate leader ship in satisfying our responsibilities to our communities and to society. Our work environment will be safe and productive and characterized by fair treatment, teamwork, open communications, personal accountability and opportunities for growth and development.

ASPIRATION STATEMENT : They want a company that make them proud of and committed to, where all employees have an opportunity to contribute, learn, grow and advanced based on merit, not politics or background. They want their people to feel respected, treated fairly, listened to and involved. Above all, they want satisfaction from accomplishments and friendships, balanced personal and professional lives, and to have fun in our endeavors.



When LS & Co. they are talking foundation they of their gaps that may practices and to reflect

describe the future of Levi about a building on the have inherited: affirming best Company’s tradition, closing exist between principles and updating some of their values contemporary circumstances.

HISTORY Today, the Levi’s® brand is an authentic American icon, known the world over. Levi Strauss started it 150 years ago & forever earned a place in history. In 1847, Levi Strauss, his two sisters & mother sailed for America where they joined half-brothers Jonas & Louis in New York. Levi joined their dry goods business. In 1853, Levi sailed to San Francisco to join dry goods business and started selling clothing, bedding & linen to small stores in California. In 1902, Levi died and his two nephews inherited the business. In 1910’s, LS&CO. received “Blue Ribbon” highest award for waist overalls in Panama. One-piece garment for women was introduced to work and play. In 1930’s, the Great Depression stroke & demand for Levi’s jeans, shirts and jackets declined. . In 1991, the first original Levi’s store was opened in United States. In 1994, Dockers brand was introduced in Europe. It launched its first website in 1995.In 1996; it introduced its Slates ® brand, a new style for men wearing. In 1999, classic 5 pocket pants were reinvented. In 2000, LS&CO. introduced Levi’s ® engineered jeans TM, the reinvention of jeans for the new generation. It named No. 2 for America’s best companies for minorities. In 2003, it celebrated its 150th anniversary of its founding and 130th anniversary of invention of blue jeans.

Products, Positioning, and Market Segmentation Advertising professionals realize that the heart of any campaign is the product and the position it holds in people's minds. Products and their brand names are newsmakers themselves. Understanding the complexities of a brand identity and its position is no easy task. One of the most controversial areas of product concepts is the brand extension. A new product gets to share the name of an older, established brand. Early theorizing suggested that brand extensions would sap market clout from the established product, but these fears proved groundless. Today brand extensions occur not only within the company, but companies are licensing their brand names to all kinds of products in the hope of increasing brand awareness.


Like other successful companies, Levi’s also has realized that the marketing environment presents a neverending series of opportunities and threats. The major responsibility for identifying significant changes in the macro environment falls to a company’s marketers. More than any other group in the company, the marketing managers of Levis are the trend trackers and opportunity seekers. Many opportunities are found by identifying trends (directions or sequences of events that have some momentum and durability) and mega trends (major social, economic, political and technological changes that have long-lasting influence). Within the rapidly changing global picture, the marketers of Levi’s are monitoring the following six major “Environmental Forces”:      

Demographic Environment Economic Environment Natural Environment Technological Environment Political-Legal Environment Social-Cultural Environment

Market Segmentation Market segmentation is the selection of groups of people who will be most receptive to a product. The most frequent methods of segmenting include demographic variables such as age, sex, race, income, occupation, education, household status, and geographic location; psychographic variables such as life-style, activities, interests, and opinions; product use patterns; and product benefits. Much segmentation involves combinations of these methods. No matter how segments are defined, however, they are characterized by considerable change over time. The readings in this section exemplify areas of rapid change.

BASIS OF MARKET SEGMENTATION  Demographic Segmentation

 Geographic Segmentation  Psychographic Segmentation  Behavioral Segmentation

Target Market: 501® JEANS targets its market by evaluating the wants of customers. Mostly Levi’s targets its market among the following classes: •

Upper Class

Upper Middle Class

Target Market Strategy: Target market strategy adopted by Levis is basically on having long-term relations with their customers and to provide them with better product.

Benefits of Segmentation: Levis has got customer oriented approach by segmentation. Company is promoting its products effectively within segments by print media as well as electronic media, e.g. Newspapers, Signboards, Television commercials, Internet, etc. Company is providing their customers with stylish better quality and different product keeping in view its cost.

Conditions for effective segmentation: 501® JEANS is fulfilling the conditions for effective segmentation.

Segments are strong enough to make profit. Segments of company are measurable.

Limitation of Segmentation: Because of segmentation, Levi’s faces some limitations. Lack of awareness in middle class. Company has to pay extra cost for multi-advertisement. In Pakistan they have to face several Cultural Barriers.

Marketing Research: According to Levi’s marketing logistic manager, their company conducts a research to know •

What’s in trend?

What are the needs of customers?

Sources of Data: Levi’s gathers data from both primary and secondary sources. Secondary data is already available in the company. To gather primary data, they organize radio shows and music concerts by sponsoring.

MARKETING MIX: The marketing mix is the set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market. Marketing-mix decisions must be made for influencing the trade channels as well as the final consumers. McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place and promotion. Note that the four Ps represent the sellers view of the marketing tools available for influencing buyers.

Marketing mix



Product variety Quality Design Features Brand name Packaging Sizes Services Warranties Returns

Channels Coverage Assortments Locations Inventory Transport

Target market



List price Discounts Allowances Payment period Credit terms

Sales promotion Advertising Sales force Public relations Direct marketing

PRODUCT: “Product means set of tangible and intangible attributes which may include packaging, color, price, quality and brand plus the seller’s services and reputation. A product may be a place, service, good or promotion.”

BRANDS Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design that adds value to the products. LS & CO. earns remarkable revenues throughout the year coz its products are considered to be the world’s largest quality products.

LS & CO. is basically divided into 3 sub brands i.e. Levi’s, Dockers and Levis Strauss Signature. All the three brands are providing different quality products.

LEVI’S® Invented in 1873, Levi's® jeans are the original, authentic jeans. They are the most successful, widely recognized and often imitated clothing products in the history of apparel. Levi's® jeans have captured the attention, imagination and loyalty of generations of diverse individuals. As the inventor of the category, the Levi’s brand continues to define jeans wear with widest range of products available from quintessential classics, such as the famous Levi's®501® Original jean to favorite fits and styles in our Red Tab™ and Levi's® Premium collections.

DOCKERS® Launched in 1986 in the United States, Dockers® brand products and marketing played a major role in the creation of a new apparel category for men's pants and the shift to casual clothing in the workplace. Dockers® Khakisquickly became the No. 1 khaki pant brand in the United States . In 1988, the brand launched Dockers® for Women, a feminine interpretation of Dockers® brand apparel. The offers fashionable tops, dress and casual pants and a full of accessories — designed to fit a variety of different types and sizes. Today, the Dockers® brand has expanded to more than 50 countries in every region of world with a complete assortment of stylish and innovative products — including a full line of tops, footwear, outerwear and accessories — for a broad of consumers


line range body the range

The Levi Strauss Signature™ brand was launched in 2003 exclusively for consumers who shop in the mass channel. The brand gives value-conscious consumers access to high-quality, affordable and fashionable jeans wear from a company and name they trust. The Levi Strauss Signature™ brand includes a collection of denim and non-denim pants, shirts, skirts and jackets for men, women and children all designed with the high quality.

PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES Products are usually considered to be the No.1 factor contributing towards building goodwill of a firm. A product should be unique, durable, reliable, comfortable and economical. Following are some of the basic attributes of LS&CO.’S products

    

Variety Features Design Color Size

VARIETY Levi’s products today are perceived by many as a symbol of youth, freedom, confidence, individualism, independence & comfort. LS & CO. provides a wide variety of products including :

 JEANS Levi’s jeans have been present at nearly every pivotal moment in history and culture for the past 150 years.








SHOES Business Casual shoes and Casual shoes are offered by Dockers both for men and for women


Features are competitive tools that differentiate the company’s products from its competitor’s products. Following are some of the main and distinctive features of Levi’s products.

Comfort Levi’s jeans and other products are comfortable enough to be worn even at the times of protest, war, cultural revolution, relative peace and pure fun.

Durability The two figures on the patch of Levi’s jeans with whips in hand pulling in opposite directions, yet the jeans remain intact; symbolize the strength and durability of the ‘Patent riveted clothing’.

Style Clothing means more than just fabric, thread and rivets. To clothe oneself means to put on something that symbolizes who you are. Levi’s jeans are available in different styles for men and women.

LEVI’S PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS Levi’s corporate strategy involves a number of businesses, so managers can manage this collection or portfolio of businesses by using a corporate portfolio matrix.

BCG Matrix “A strategy tool that guides resource allocation decisions on the basis of market share and growth rate of SBU’s.” Boston Consulting Group introduced the idea of BCG matrix that an organization’s businesses could be evaluated and plotted using a 2*2 matrix to identify which ones offered high potential and which ones were a drain on organizational resources.

Horizontal Axis: The horizontal axis represents market share which is evaluated as low or high.

Vertical Axis: The vertical axis indicates anticipated market growth which is also evaluated as low or high.

CATEGORIES Based on its evaluation, the LS & CO.’s businesses are placed in the following:.

STARS (High Growth, High Market Share) “Stars include the businesses which are in a fast growing market and hold a dominant share of that market.” Dockers® come under the head of stars as it is the major source of income for the company.

CASH COWS (Low Growth, High Market Share) Businesses in this category generate large amounts of cash, but their prospects for furure growth are limited.” The women apparels has got a low growth and high market share so it comes under the Cash Cows head

QUESTION MARKS(High Growth, Low Market Share) “These businesses are in an attractive industry but hold a small market share percentage.” Levi’s jeans come under the head of question marks with respect to Pakistan.

PRICE: It can be simply defined as: “The currency value charged to a Client by the company for a product or service”. Is one of the most important elements of the marketing mix, as it is the only mix, which generates a turnover for the organization. The remaining 3p's are the variable cost for the organization. It costs to produce and design a product, it costs to distribute a product and costs to promote it.

List Price: Our all products are sold at listed price, which are settled by the Company (Singapore). There is no discount to offer.


Credit Sales: We also deal with credit sales, but we don’t overcharges to the customers, we pay it our self to the bank (3 Products are only sold for cash or on credit cards


Discount: We don’t give the discount to our customers, even to employees of the Levis. Our prices are fixed.


Payment Period & Credit Terms: Payment Period & Credit Terms settled by the company.

Price Determination:


During the determination of the price company not considered the competitors, but the standard that is used is considered . Our price is influenced by the following factors: Cost of the product  Affordable for the target market  Demand of the product Uniqueness and innovative features of the products

Competitors: We are much proud to say with surety that our products completely satisfy our consumers, that’s why we don’t face much competition in our business. But yet there are some competitors e.g.  Pepe Jeans  Leeds (US Apparels)  GAAP Jeans  Cambridge •

Our prices are not influenced by the competitors.

Such a stuff, design and fashion which don’t have the enough sales are recall back to the company. Again company issues this stuff to their own outlets for sale at discount prices at 14 August.

PLACE: Placement objectives:-. • • • •

To equalize the demand and supply of products at all places. To provide desired products at proper place. To fulfill the requirements of every locality according to the taste of the people. To increase the brand equity by reaching every corner of the world.

Channels:Channels of Distribution: LEVIS distributes JEANS by the Channel Members that is through retailer and wholesalers. Retailers: HKB: Defence, Liberty Market , Mall Market Raja Sahib, Link Road

Pace, Gulberg Sheikh Innayat Ullah, Anarkali

Strategy: Levi’s Strategy for Choosing channels is according to Product: Mostly Levis is limited to his wholesalers, because the unit value is high and cost related issues occur.

Location:As mentioned earlier the Levi's® brand of products are sold in 49 countries, Dockers® brand in 31 countries and our Levi Strauss Signature™ brand in 4 countries:


These countries are Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan , Thailand. Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia , South Africa. Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.


In Pakistan it operates in the following cities:Lahore, Fasilabad, Islamabad, Karachi, Multan, Peshawar, Rawal pindi and Sialkot. In Pakistan there are total 24 outlets. 10 in Lahore, 1 in Faisalabad, 1 in Islamabad, 7 in Karachi ,1 in multan,2 in Peshawar, 1 in Rawal pindi and 1 in Sialkot. 1. LAHORE OUTLETS :


STRATEGIES: LS & CO. placed its products according to following strategies.Placing according to Class and Attributes: LS & CO. Positioned its products according to different classes and genders.

Placing according to Competitors: LS & CO. Keep in mind the price and quality of the products and try to make its products better.

Placing according to Price and Quality: LS & CO. introduces best quality at different prices to its clients.

Placing according to Technology:LS & CO. has tried to build its image as an innovator by coming in Pakistan with their Jeans having new and latest style and look

PROMOTION: Promotion objectives: o o o o o o

To inform, persuade and remind the potential customers about its products Increase awareness and build primary demand To build strong brand equity. Build Company’s image as innovator. To create bonds between public and Levi Strauss by helping the people. To create the importance of its products

Sales promotion:For the promotion of sales adopt a very effective but strategy. Levis pays publicity of its products. promotion of levi’s is done relations. The sales targets the end consumers. JEANS are in growth therefore, the promotional persuading of prospective buyers.

Levi’s uses the following promotional strategies to promote its product.

 Personal selling

Levi Strauss & Co. comprehensive attention to the The major source of by creating public promotion of LEVIS Since the Levi’s stage in Pakistan, strategy is based on

Personal selling by the representative of the organization takes place face to face with final consumers.

 Mass Selling Levis does mass selling to inform a bulk of persons by advertising.

Advertising:The type of advertising used by LEVIS.

 Competitive advertising The advertisement given by the LEVIS stresses on the demand of the product and enhancement of its features.

 Institutional advertising Levis uses institutional advertising to promote company’s image by saying Many Copy the Red Tab No One can copy the Origina

Advertising mediums:The advertising media used by the company are    

Television Fashion Magazines , Newspapers Internet. Bill boards ,banners etc

Television & Radio: Advertisements of Levi Strauss & Co. are very innovative and eye-catching. Buyers are attracted towards the product. The advertisements are placed at the international level.

Fashion Magazines & Newspapers: For fashion magazines and newspapers LS&Co. is a target due to its grand brand equity ,it has become a benchmark for all the others to follow. The newspaper gives a coverage to the social events in which LS &Co takes part with great interest. Whereas fashion magazines are always dealing with the gorgeous models working with LS& Co and the unique outfits of the models

Internet.:Levis provides up-to-date information to their customers through electronic media i.e. from their websit

Billboards & banners:Billboards and banners are also used for the advertisement purpose.

Sales force:Levi’s holds a very big sales department as it is working in many countries.

Level of Distribution Intensity: Levi’s is using selective but intensive distribution level for the distribution of its products . For example in Pakistan Levis has opened its outlets, sales offices and sales branches in major cities like Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi.

Sales Offices and Sales Branches: Sales offices for Levis act as a display center for their Products from where the customers can get information about latest designs and up to date fashion introduced. While the actual sale of the products take place at the sales outlet of the company.

Public relations:The sales promotion of LEVIS also includes such activities as event sponsorship. Levi Strauss & Co. says ,

“ Our corporate values enable our vision of the future and reflect the legacy of our founder, Levi Strauss, who devoted substantial time and resources to charitable and philanthropic activities. ”

GUIDING PRINCIPLES: There are three guiding principles present behind the global giving programs :-The first is a belief in empowerment - the right of women and youth to identify their needs and to participate in solving problems that affect them. -The second is a resolve to address social biases and their impact on youth and women whether due to racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia or HIV/AIDS status.

-The third is a commitment to work collaboratively with other funders and to encourage joint efforts by our grantees.

ISSUES: These principles are applied to two interrelated issues:

Preventing the Spread of HIV/AIDS In 1985 the Levi Strauss Foundation became the first U.S. corporate foundation to address this epidemic, and has since contributed more than $26 million to organizations in more than 40 countries. The Foundation and company-supported programs seek to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS

Increasing Economic Development and Education Opportunities To alleviate poverty, individuals must have access to resources and possess the skills to acquire and manage financial assets -- yet youth and women continue to struggle against social norms and financial institutions that limit this type of access and discourage education and training. Focusing specifically on indigent women and youth (age 10 to 25).

For Example 1. Philanthropy includes a focus on strengthening workers' rights and ultimately improving working and living conditions in communities where third-party contractors make LS&CO. products. The Levi Strauss Foundation provides innovative "sourcing" grants to local, regional or global nonprofit organizations

2. LS & Co. ‘s commitment to equal employment opportunity and diversity pre-dates today's programs

and began in the 1940s when factories were desegregated in California. 3. For the past four years, LS &Co has been ranked as one of "America's 50 Best Companies for

Minorities" . 4. In 1991, LS &Co became the first worldwide company to establish a comprehensive ethical code of conduct for manufacturing and finishing contractors working with the company 5. In 2003, LS &Co received the Corporate Philanthropy Award for our leadership in giving and volunteering in san Francisco area. 6. In 2000, LS &Co inaugurated Volunteer Day at San Francisco headquarters and have since expanded it beyond the United States and Canada to include sites throughout Latin America and Asia. In 2004, employees volunteered more than 50,000 hours to charitable organizations around the world and provided $1 million in philanthropic support to local nonprofit groups 7. In 1998, LS &Co received the U.S. President's Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership for outstanding achievements in employee and community relations. LS &Co was recognized for creating Project Change, an initiative of the Levi Strauss Foundation that combats institutional racism. 8.In 1968, LS &Co pioneered an employee volunteer effort called "Community Involvement Teams" or CITs. There are now 78 CITs worldwide. 9.LS &Co has played a leadership role in educational programs and policies regarding AIDS in the workplace 10.LS &Co have made more than $27 million in grants for AIDS care and prevention. in the last two decades and have received numerous awards and recognition for our efforts to combat the HIV epidemic.


The philanthropic funding is divided into two categories:

The Levi Strauss Foundation The Foundation is an independent legal entity that provides grants to community-based organizations working to create meaningful social change. The Levi Strauss Foundation funds programs worldwide where LS&CO. has a business presence and gave approximately $10 million in 2004. The Foundation also funds disaster relief efforts, makes charitable donations to organizations where employees volunteer, matches cash donations by employees to local charitable organizations, provides grants to community organizations located in LS&CO.'s sourcing communities, and funds college scholarships for the dependents of LS&CO. employees

Employee Community Involvement Our employees are a big part of how we give back to our communities -- we invest in what is important to them. We encourage employees globally to give back to their communities through employee-led Community Involvement Teams and through the sponsorship of an annual volunteer day.

The Levi Strauss Co. & Foundation: The Levi Strauss Co. & Foundation provides grants to local, regional or global nonprofit organizations. The grant areas are divided into two:

1) Core Grants The core grant includes the following: Corporate Social Responsibility Economic & Educational Opportunities HIV / AIDS

2) Non-Core Grants Animals Arts & Culture Civic Disaster Relief Environment Food, Shelter & Emergencies Health & Human Services Holiday Grants Recreation & Athletics Youth Empowerment

Employee Community Involvement: LS&CO.'s Employee Community Involvement program has been an integral part of the corporate social responsibility efforts for more than 35 years, and offers employees and retirees a variety of ways to get involved. LS&Co encourages employees around the world to join one of the 72 Community Involvement Teams (CITs). Founded in 1968, CITs are company-sponsored and employee-led groups that partner with local charitable organizations to identify needs, plan activities, and create volunteer and donation opportunities for LS&CO. employees and retirees. They also help to raise awareness among employees about important issues in their communities. In 2000, LS&CO. inaugurated Volunteer Day at the San Francisco headquarters and has since expanded it to more than 40 locations in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Asia and Europe. On Volunteer Day, LS&CO.

employees engage in a variety of community activities ranging from painting murals at schools to planting gardens at community centers.

LS&Co : A Leader in Social work In 1991, we became the first multinational company to establish a comprehensive ethical code of conduct for manufacturing and finishing contractors working with the company. This code, known as the Global sourcing and Operating Guidelines, directs business practices, such as fair employment, worker health and safety, and environmental standards, among others. We also work with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) for input and recommendations to improve our worldwide internal monitoring process. For example, we participate in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

Red Tab Foundation: We Share A Common Thread The Red Tab Foundation (RTF) is a unique nonprofit organization that assists Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&CO.) employees and retirees who are unable to pay for life's basic necessities due to unexpected emergencies. RTF provides financial assistance, education and preventative programs to help individuals in their own efforts to maintain their financial, physical and emotional health. Founded in 1981 by Jerry O'Shea, a former LS&CO. sales manager and marketing executive. The Red Tab Foundation's overarching goal is to

"strengthen the lives of its core clients and their families through economic assistance and empowerment."

STRATEGIES: The Foundation's efforts to accomplish this goal are guided by two key strategies: (1) Providing eligible participants with a financial safety net. (2) Enhancing economic self-sufficiency via financial literacy and asset-building programs. The foundation received national attention for programs in both of these areas when it was featured in a 2004 National Public Radio broadcast regarding innovative services for hourly wage earners.

Global Financial Safety Net Funded by LS&CO. employees to help fellow employees and retirees in need, the Red Tab Foundation puts food on the table and provides shelter and other basic necessities when individuals have nowhere else to turn. During the years 1990-2004, the foundation provided more than 5,750 LS&CO. associates with grants totaling over $5.3 million.

Financial Literacy and Asset-Building Programs: In addition to its safety net program, the Red Tab Foundation has introduced proactive educational programs designed to enhance employees' financial skills and abilities. Workshops developed by the foundation with

other nonprofit entities have enabled RTF to bring basic economic information and resources to employees in manufacturing and distribution facilities throughout the world. Current examples of RTF's workshops and asset-building programs include the "Money School" and a Philippines’ Micro-enterprise Loan Progra

Happenings:Now- a-days for promotion following offers are present for the customers. 1) For every purchase of Rs. 3000/ on the new brand –5 the customers get a coupon. And customers can win a new LG air conditioner. 2) 501® Scarred What's your story? The best story wins an iPod. 3) Levi's® Lady Style Get a Swarovski designer tattoo with every purchase of "Levi's® Lady Style" 4) Father's Day Purchase Dockers Product worth Rs.2000 and above to get a branded Dockers Cap

Tools used by Levi Srauss & Co. for measuring Customer Satisfaction: We use different tools for measuring the customer satisfaction e.g.  We conduct different surveys just to know the views of our consumers.  We have a very quick complaint system  We ask our consumers for new ideas and their needs

SWOT Analysis: Strengths :  Levi’s enjoys high brand equity. People all around the world recognize the brand name.  Levi’s products are unique and innovative in the style.  A lot of variety is offered by Levi’s ranging from sunglasses to skirts and shirts.  The products are renowned and are considered as the most durable i.e. the long lasting products.  Levi’s follows a high standard of quality.


 Levi’s products are considered as very expensive. Therefore a large percentage of people are reluctant to buy the products.  As no discounts are present and products are sold at fixed prices many customers are lost.  Levi’s does not provide any services like free delivery etc.

Opportunities:  Levi’s can do more well in the women section. This section is give less importance as compared to the men section.  The kid’s section, which has been started from few years, should also be given proper attention to gain customers.  Sales promotion can be increased by increasing the advertisements expenses so as to enjoy a large number of customers.


The threats that Levi’s faces are the competitors. Although it does not have any competitor in Pakistan but it does have some competitors at the global level.



CONCLUSION: Along with the collection of above data , we also did a personal survey from the customers of Levi’s. A questionnaire was generated which was then distributed among the customers. The questionnaire appeared like this:

Survey : Name(optional): Q#1 : State the extent to which you agree with the following statement: “Levi’s products provides a lot of satisfaction?”     

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Q#2 : Do you give preference to Levi products over other company’s similar products?     

Very unlikely Unlikely Neither likely nor unlikely Likely Very likely

Q#3 : What is the competitive advantage that Levi’s has over others? 


     

Brand name Durability Variety Style Innovativeness Any other ? please specify:

Q#4: Levi’s lacks:       

Comfortability Durability Variety Style Innovativeness Price Affordability Any other ? please specify:

Q#5: You mostly buy products from levi’s:   

Men section Women section Kids section

Q#6: Please, give us your suggestions and recommendations for Levi Strauss and Co. with out any hesitance:

Thank you for your cooperation!  By the help of above data we can conclude that Levi Strauss & Co. is no doubt a benchmark for the jeans makers all around the world.

From the survey we got the following statistical results: A) B) C) D)

60% of customers were completely satisfied 17% were somewhat satisfied 15% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5% were somewhat dissatisfied

E) 3% were completely dissatisfied

The pie chart we obtain from the data is :



completely satisfied


somewhat satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

60% 17%

somewhat dissatisfied completely dissatisfied

RECOMMENDATIONS: From the survey results and the data we collected from various peoples, sites we recommend levi’s to work on following areas  First of all the Levi’s products are considered as the most durable product. Therefore that area is secured. But the areas which levi’s lacks are comfort ability and inexpensiveness.

 If levi’s lower down its prices to some extent the sales volume could be increased to a very large extent. As we saw in the survey that people who are somewhat dissatisfied or who are completely dissatisfied gave the reason of high prices.

 The brand name of Levis is well recognized. We saw in the survey results that most people just to maintain their high status buy Levi’s products.

 Levi’s pays its maximum attention to the men’s wear. Although the women section and kid’s sections are present but they are not full filling the requirements much.

 The kid’s section, which is just in start, should be given attention to attract more customers.

 A lot of importance should be given as far as the advertisement is concerned. They should stress on promoting their products especially through TV media


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