Mark The Man's Ethics Reader

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MARK THE MAN’S ETHICS READER BOOK REVIEW COMPILATION Created by: Mark Justin B. Lumantao This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoncommercialShare Alike 3.0 Philippines License.

Preface My book contains the 3 books that my professor Mr. PAUL PAJO, gave to us as a task for his requirements, so the 3 books named CYBERETHICS which is a rare book, than the HANDBOOK OF CYBERETHICS and lastly the book name THE FORTUNE OF THE BOTTOM OF THE pyramid. The book reviews is made by chapter by chapter by each book and it is a summarization of each chapter, which contained the learning expectation, reviews and insites about the chapter and what I have learned while doing the book review

Dedication I dedicate this book to all my fans out there Especially my mom, and my family my cousins and the people out there that knows me I dedicate to all of my friends from Don Bosco Mandaluyong and in the College of Saint benilde. I dedicate my work to the millions and millions of people out there that need inspiration from me, Lastly to all of my friends out there GOD BLESS always A quote to remember always “JUST DO IT” - NIKE

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethics and Information Revolution Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Humans are in charge for there own decisions”. This quote that I have found in the chapter talks about human beings own decision because as we know that it is a free country or a free world so that is why decisions of people are very well been just for them alone. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the first chapter in cyber ethics book and also to learn the basics of ethics and information revolution. Review: To start of with the chapter the chapter first talks about computers and how computers can help people in there every day life. Computers are logically malleable in that they can be shaped and molded to do any activity that can be characterized in terms of inputs, outputs and connecting logical operation. Because logic applies everywhere, the potential applications of computer technology appear limitless. The computer is the nearest thing we have to a universal tool. Indeed, the limits of computers are largely the limits of our own creativity. Then also computer ethics has been used to refer to applications by professional philosophers of traditional Western theories like utilitarianism, Kantianism, or virtue ethics, to ethical cases that significantly involve computers and computer networks. “Computer ethics” also has been used to refer to a kind of professional ethics in which computer professionals apply codes of ethics and standards of good practice within their profession. In addition, other more specific names, like “cyberethics” and “Internet ethics”, have been used to refer to aspects of computer ethics associated with the Internet.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

I learned about basics of computers Basics of cyberethics What significance of computers to ethics More information about information ethics. The future of computer ethics.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is cyber ethics What is difference of cyber ethics to information ethics What is the importance of computers to information ethics What is the significance of computers to ethics What is the future of computer ethics.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethics online Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Ethics online is very important in life” The quote that I have just created is a quote that is very important in life because ethics is very important in life because without ethics people will just what ever that they want without even knowing that they are doing things in the wrong ways, Especially in the ethics in the information system because for me as future I.T practitioner information ethics is very important for me to be in the right way to do my work well because I believe that information ethics is important for me to lead me in a successful life. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about ethics online and the different kinds of ethics that is given in life, also for me as a I.T practitioner I should learn this kinds of ethics. Plus I also believe that in real life I will be able to use the information that is given in the book for me to learn lots more information about technology. Review: The chapter talks about computer ethics and also show how important it is for people to follow good computer ethics at all times. If people don't obey these basic rules, the Internet will become either an anarchic wasteland, or a super regulated government tool without the freedom that the Internet needs to grow and improve. The Internet is a useful tool, and amazing communication device, but it will only stay this way with good computer ethics. It is important that all of us, and regular users of the Internet, obey computer ethics and make sure that it will continue to stay such a wonderful place for years to come.

What I’ve learned: 1.) online ethics 2.) I learned about the values of online ethics 3.) I learned about the things to be done in the cyberworld Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is online ethics What is ethics What is cyber ethics What is the difference between cyber ethics in ethics What values to we learn in cyber ethics.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Reason, Relativity and Responsibility and Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “2nd Generation is arising” The quote is telling us people to be aware about the 2nd generation because as we know that technology is fast growing so that is why people should know that technology one day will over come use humans and mainly do lots of works for us. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn the reasons relativity and responsibility of computer ethics. Review: The logical malleability of computer technology, said Moor, makes it possible for people to do a vast number of things that they were not able to do before. Since no one could do them before, the question never arose as to whether one ought to do them. In addition, because they could not be done before, no laws or standards of good practice or specific ethical rules were We need thoughtful analyses of situations in which computers have an impact, and we need to formulate and justify policies for using them ethically. Although we need to analyze before we can formulate and justify a policy, the process of discovery often comes in the reverse order. We know that computing technology is being employed in a given situation, but we are puzzled how it should be used. There is a policy vacuum. For example, should a supervisor be allowed to read a subordinate’s email? Or should the government be allowed to censor information on the Internet? Initially, there may be no clear policies on such matters. They never arose before. There are policy vacuums in such situations. Sometimes it may be simply a matter of establishing some policy, but often one must analyze the situation further.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

I learned to become responsible in computer ethics More information about computer ethics More aware of the damages in computer ethics. Reasons why there is computer ethics Relative information about ethics.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What are the responsibilities in computer ethics What are the damages if you do not follow computer ethics What is computer ethics What is information sharing What is file sharing.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Disclosive Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Cheating and fraud is a crime” This quote tells about the in appropriate use of ethics in the computer ethics field because some point in time ethics is not used by people because all they want to do is are things that they want to do, like just to make money. Learning Expectation: I would like to learn in this chapter is the different kinds of disclosive ethics, in the computer ethics field. Review: The moral problems considered by computer ethicists. At one end of the spectrum are those who believe that, essentially, there is nothing new or special about ethical issues involving the use of computers. Proponents of this view claim that privacy violations are privacy violations and that theft is theft whether or not the particular privacy violations or particular thefts happen to involve the use of computers. If one starts from the vantage point of technology, for example, one is drawn to the uniqueness of many of the features of computers. On the other hand, if one starts with ethics, one focuses more broadly on human behavior and human values. What brings the two starting points together, she argues, is the recognition that technology provides the instrumentation of human action Clarifying conceptual confusions surrounding those issues, and then formulating and justifying new policies for those areas in which either there are no existing policies or where existing policies cannot be adequately extended. These convergences, moreover, are supported by structures of ethical pluralism that help articulate both important differences and agreements in Internet research ethics.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

I learned more about information ethics I learned about the disclosive ethics I learned about the cheating and frauding of people. I learned more about internet ethics

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is internet ethics? What is the difference between privacy and public What is the advantage to know ethics? What is the autonomy in ethics? What kinds of people do not do ethics?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Gender and Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Women are equal to men” The quote is saying that women are equal to men in term of work skills, sometimes it is true that women are more mature of a thinker than men, but skill the skill level of a man is more of dominant than females. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the equality of women in the cyber ethics field, because in my experience people sometimes discriminate women due to there skill level and how they do there works. Because as we know that men are more dominant than women so that is why men often get good futures than women. Review: This chapter is saying that professional ethics serve to enshrine male expertise at the expense of women making their voices heard. In addition to the studies outlined above, the relatively few papers which have tackled ethical questions from a feminist point of view tend not to take a consistently philosophical approach to the ethics they question. In other words the question posed is rather whether it is ethical, in a broad sense, to treat women in the computer industry in one way or another Another is feminist concerns have some part to play in the continued development of computer ethics. It also brings these issues to a mainstream computing audience. However I argue that calls for ethical conduct in relation to women's issues will not carry the debate as far as it could fruitfully be taken. A potentially more far reaching approach would be to ask how far the development of feminist ethics could be applied to computer ethics, to use feminist ethics to criticize the traditional ethical view implicit in computer ethics

What I’ve learned: 1.) equality of male and female 2.) I learned that gender issues is not an issue 3.) I learned that women can match up to men Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What are the different gender issue covered. Who is adam What is the morality between men and woman? Which is more dominant man or woman? Which has the more capacity man or woman?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: is the Global Information Infrastructure Democratic Technology Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “The Law is very important” The quote that I just created is mainly about the chapter because as we know that the chapter that is on review is about the law making in cyberspace, the law is very important because without the law people will just may trouble and will not be that disciplined . Law making is important for the discipline of people because without discipline people will just make excuses and just do what ever they want even it is wrong, plus ethics play an important factor in this chapter because ethics is somewhat connected with the law. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the different ethics in the cyber space, and the different laws ins the cyberspace field plus, the different black-holes and the decentralization process in the ethics field. Review: This chapter talks about the importance of computer ethics show how important it is for people to follow good computer ethics at all times. If people don't obey these basic rules, the Internet will become either an anarchic wasteland, or a super regulated government tool without the freedom that the Internet needs to grow and improve. The Internet is a useful tool, and amazing communication device, but it will only stay this way with good computer ethics. It is important that all of us, and regular users of the Internet, obey computer ethics and make sure that it will continue to stay such a wonderful place for years to come. Also this chapter talks about the individuals to stop prying into other peoples' business. If people respect the online privacy of others, there would be no need for encryption or fear. This is where the question of ethics comes up. It is important that private emails sent online stay private, or else the Internet will be a much more fearful and less useful tool.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)

Black holes in ethics The decentralization in ethics. Law making in cyberethics. Different types of laws in cyberethics. Advantage and disadvantage of ethics More information about ethics.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What are the black-holes in ethics. What is decentralization in cyber ethics? State 4 laws in cyberethics What are the advantage of laws in ethics What are the disadvantage of laws in ethics.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Applying ethical and moral concepts and theories to IT Contexts: Key Problems and Challenges Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Cyberethics is important in I.T infrastructures” As we know that ethics is very important in every field of a person because ethics is like the commandments, we should have our ethics to become good people because if do not value our ethics people will just be lost in real life they will just become corrupt officials and bad people to. The importance of cyberethics for us i.t practitioners ethics is important because as we know that i.t is very essential due to technology of today i.t people can just hack and steal from cyberspace so that is why information ethics is required for the people in the cyber world. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn more information about cyber ethics and example in applying ethics and moral concepts to i.t contexts, plus also to learn more about the ethical theories in information ethics. Review: This chapter talks about Even when a job is not eliminated by computers, it can be radically altered. For example, airline pilots still sit at the controls of commercial airplanes; but during much of a flight the pilot simply watches as a computer flies the plane. Similarly, those who prepare food in restaurants or make products in factories may still have jobs; but often they simply push buttons and watch as computerized devices actually perform the needed tasks. Plus in this chapter in this way, it is possible for computers to cause “deskilling” of workers, turning them into passive observers and button pushers. Again, however, the picture is not all bad because computers also have generated new jobs which require new sophisticated skills to perform What I’ve learned:

1.) More information about ethical theories 2.) More knowledge about moral concepts in ethics 3.) Applying ethics in real life. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

How do ethics effect life? What is the importance of ethics in real life? What are the different moral concepts in ethics? How can you apply ethics in real life a student? What are the different ethical theories?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Just Consequentialism and Computing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: Computer ethics is important to IT practitioners Well this quote talks about the different kinds of computer ethics because as we know that people doesn’t value ethics anymore I can understand them because life is very hard now, so that is why people are being practical in life were they get the opportunity, they will definitely grab it. Money is always the objects in life, as we know that money can move mountains and definitely can move people, so here ethics comes into place people should be well trained in ethics while they are young to avoid people who doesn’t even value there ethics. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to know the meaning of “Consenquentialism” because it is a new term for me, so that is why I am interested in learning its meaning. Plus to learn more about ethics especially the kinds of ethics that can move people to inspire them not to do bad things. Review: Well this chapter is saying that, there is nothing new or special about ethical issues involving the use of computers. Proponents of this view claim that privacy violations are privacy violations and that theft is theft whether or not the particular privacy violations or particular thefts happen to involve the use of computers. At the other extreme are those such as Walter Maner who hold that computer use has generated a series of new and unique ethical issues that could not have existed if computer technology had not been invented. Maner argues that the "failure to find satisfactory non-computer analogies" for moral issues involving computers "testifies to the uniqueness of computer ethics." Plus this chapter also talks about the new policies in response to certain vacuums generated by computing technology. On Moor’s analysis, then, computer ethics is the specialized field of identifying policy vacuums created by computers, clarifying conceptual confusions surrounding those issues, and then

formulating and justifying new policies for those areas in which either there are no existing policies or where existing policies cannot be adequately extended. What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

I learned the meaning of Consequentialism. More information about ethics. Different policies in ethics More knowledge about ethics.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Consequentialism? What are the different polices in ethics? What are the laws in cyber ethics? What is privacy violation? What can people do to avoid unethical people?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The internet as public space: Concepts Issues and Implications in Public Policy. Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Internet is open to the public.” Well this quote talks about the internet being open to the public as we all know that it is true because, internet and internet information is very open to the public due to the reason of privacy but there some sites that do not give access to the public, but for example for the company alone. But generally the internet and all of its information is open to the public, this is why people can easily research about the projects and just lets the internet do the research for them, rather than going to the library to research they it can take you ages trying to research about it. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter based from the title I would expect to learn more about the internet and the concepts and issues behind it, plus more knowledge about public policy, with the internet. Especially to learn why the internet is very open to the public, and also what are its advantages and disadvantages. Review: The chapter talks about the various points of convergence, finally, make it possible to begin articulating a series of guidelines for Internet research that appear to reflect both shared agreements on basic norms and values and a recognition of the ethical legitimacy of more than one interpretation or application of those norms and values. While a complete guide to Internet research ethics that reflects these convergences is beyond the scope of this introduction, it may be helpful to close with a brief indication of at least five elements such an ethics will likely include.

in the specific contributions collected here. These convergences, moreover, are supported by structures of ethical pluralism that help articulate both important differences and agreements in Internet research ethics. What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

More information about ethics. More information about the internet. More laws about the internet. The concepts and issues about the internet. What is public policy.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is public Policy? What the law ins the internet? What is privacy? What is internet privacy? What is internet hacking?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Law of Cyberspace Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “The law is important” As we know that the law is very important in our lives because without the law people will just cause trouble and with that there will just be chaos in world because of people who are not using the law properly. The law is important because it is the reason for people to become more discipline, and to learn more things about the law, the can make people follow other people. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is learn about the law of cyberspace and the different ethical issues behind cyberspace plus more information about the cyberspace. Plus to learn more information about the internet and also cyberethics to help me in my growth for the better good. Review: This chapter seems pretty clear that the applicants knew -- or reasonably should have known that they weren't supposed to see the status of their applications, and that the portion of the ApplyYourself website they went to wasn't supposed to be accessed by the public. In that regard, not only did they open themselves up to ethical retribution, but to potential criminal prosecution under both federal and local law. But that doesn't answer the entire question. Plus the chapter talks about website developer may know what he or she wants to be available to the public, this may not always be the same as what had been made available to the public. Even an innocent surfer may not always know whether information floating around is intended to be public, or just happened to become so. The ordinary rules of behavior tend not to apply in cyberspace.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

More information about cyberethics I learned the some parts of the law of cyberspace. The importance of law of cyberspace The advantage and disadvantage of the law of cyberspace.

Integrative Quesitons: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the law of cyberspace. What are the different laws of cyberspace? How important is the law of cyberspace? What are its advantage and disadvantage? How can the law of cyberspace a help for people?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Of Black holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “The Law is very important” The quote that I just created is mainly about the chapter because as we know that the chapter that is on review is about the law making in cyberspace, the law is very important because without the law people will just may trouble and will not be that disciplined . Law making is important for the discipline of people because without discipline people will just make excuses and just do what ever they want even it is wrong, plus ethics play an important factor in this chapter because ethics is somewhat connected with the law. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the different ethics in the cyber space, and the different laws ins the cyberspace field plus, the different black-holes and the decentralization process in the ethics field. Review: This chapter talks about the importance of computer ethics show how important it is for people to follow good computer ethics at all times. If people don't obey these basic rules, the Internet will become either an anarchic wasteland, or a super regulated government tool without the freedom that the Internet needs to grow and improve. The Internet is a useful tool, and amazing communication device, but it will only stay this way with good computer ethics. It is important that all of us, and regular users of the Internet, obey computer ethics and make sure that it will continue to stay such a wonderful place for years to come. Also this chapter talks about the individuals to stop prying into other peoples' business. If people respect the online privacy of others, there would be no need for encryption or fear. This is where the question of ethics comes up. It is important that private emails sent online stay private, or else the Internet will be a much more fearful and less useful tool.

What I’ve learned: 7.) Black holes in ethics 8.) The decentralization in ethics. 9.) Law making in cyberethics. 10.) Different types of laws in cyberethics. 11.) Advantage and disadvantage of ethics 12.) More information about ethics.

Integrative Questions: 6.) What are the black-holes in ethics. 7.) What is decentralization in cyber ethics? 8.) State 4 laws in cyberethics 9.) What are the advantage of laws in ethics 10.) What are the disadvantage of laws in ethics.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Fahrenheit 451.2: Is Cyberspace Burning? Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Cyberspace can have its limitation” Well in this quote it is telling us people that cyberspace has its limits because as I’ve been though in my subject last term that the internet is only limited I didn’t quite recall the term used but it is said that the internet can loss its hosting some point in time. Plus the internet is very useful to us people because the internet is the life now of the world because communication, information can be gathered using the internet, even entertainment can be used in the internet, the internet has many functions and people will just have to develop its functions for people to use it as publicly as possible. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn more about the cyberspace, and also to learn that is the cyberspace really burning. Review: The chapter noted that Federal and state governments are already vigorously enforcing existing obscenity, child pornography, and child solicitation laws on the Internet. In addition, Internet users must affirmatively seek out speech on the Internet; no one is caught by surprise. Also in this chapter tells that Many sites offering commercial transactions on the Net contain warnings concerning the security of Net information. Sites containing sexually explicit material often begin with a statement describing the adult nature of the material. Chat rooms and newsgroups have names that describe the subject being discussed. Even individual e-mail messages contain a subject line. What I’ve learned. I learned that the reasons of the cyberspace is burning because of the miss use of the internet, such as developers creating porno sites that are not

suitable for all ages and also the use of hacking of people and the miss use of the e-mail. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the cyberspace? Is the cyberspace really burning? What are porn sites? What are the actions used to avoid this kind of behavior What is digital Fahrenheit?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Filtering Internet in the USA: Is Free Speech Denied? Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Fight for your right” Well this quote talks about the freedom of every person to do actions that are not against the law, it is true because people should definitely fight for there rights because it is Gods given grace that every people has the right for there rights. If people doesn’t practice using there rights they will just be ended up being bullied by lots of people because people that does not practice there rights will just be outcast, they must learn to fight for there rights. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is how the united states of America can filter out the content that definitely does not belong to the internet, and also to learn about the different rights of people as a human being. Plus ways and explanation in dealing with the internet and the content that they don’t what lastly, ethical theories about the internet and how to resolve it. Review: This chapter tells about our privacy is motivated mainly by the increasing competition among various entities who view us mainly as consumers of their products or services. Thus the internet is still at its infancy; and yet, if you look closely, you will find that the "800-pound gorillas" in each sector of the industry want to annihilate the competition. Lasly this chapter talks about the freedom to speak our mind also requires the responsibility to be sensitive to the feelings and rights of others. We forgot that we exist not solely as individuals but also as members of a community.

What I’ve learned:

I learned about the freedom of speech, I learned how ways to block malicious content site I learned more about morality/ Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is trade-off? What is the freedom of speech? What is freedom? What is speech? What is privacy?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Censorship: The Internet and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Child pornography is a crime” As we know that child pornography is a crime, that is a fact but, we cannot avoid this kind of matter because will just pay people to the jobs for them, then money is always the object here, so that is why people don’t hesitate to do thing that are out of there league. Plus people should teach there children proper sex education for there children not to end up in, sexually active children Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is how people can censor this kind of mentality, and how people can avoid pornography, plus how people can adopt to the law without pornography. Review: The chapter tells that the telephone communications analogy was the one most often cited by the judges in the Supreme Court and in the earlier district court case. The reason for the use of this analogy over the other was the acceptance that clicking on a hyperlink is like dialing a telephone number; in other words, positive steps on the part of a person must be made to access the information. This analogy also leaves the option open that the Internet could be regulated as a common carrier, that is, as a telephone company. The law was attached to the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 and passed by congress on February 1st of the same year. It was signed by President Clinton the following week. On the same day the bill was signed the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit in Philadelphia on the ground that that the statute banned speech

protected by the First Amendment and subjected the Internet to restrictions that were out of line with regulations faced by other mediums. What I’ve learned: I learned about different kind of pornography I learned about how people blocks certain websites. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is pornography? What do people think of porn? Is childporno legal? What are the laws behind child porno? What do people can do to avoid child porno?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: PICS: INTERNET ACCESS CONTROLS WITHOUT CENSORSHIP Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Censorship is important especially to minors.” Much of the literature on such endeavors is pitched in terms of technologies of freedom, with an expectation that public-spirited experts in advanced economies will provide tools for use by human rights activists and ordinary people in repressive economies. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn how people can control censorship, and how internet access can be controlled. Review: The chapter tells about when attention was focused on the US Communications Decency Act, the theory was generally accepted without question. Few people stopped to consider the power of the technology; that, in fact, technology which empowers parents to control the access of their children, equally empowers governments to control the access of their adult citizens By then Since that time, many of the original PICS advocates have become alarmed by the extent to which PICS makes the Web censor friendly. Increasingly, PICS is said to be the devil. Then the chapter tells about by late 1997, PICS developers had become less inclined to attempt to gloss over the fact that PICS provides a helpful tool for government censorship. Nevertheless some, if not all, of those people regard the issue as being neither their concern nor responsibility. That, however, is cold comfort to the people who are forced to use the technology they have created. Lastly this chapter tells that less than twelve months after PICS was announced, indications arose in Australia and shortly thereafter in the UK, that governments would enforce or coerce the use of PICS facilitated systems. The probability of mandatory self-rating and prosecution for inadvertently mislabeling, or failing to label, became obvious.

What I’ve learned: I learned about PICC and how people can control censorship, and how internet access can be controlled. Plus I learned a lot of things in how the people can control the internet and how they can block certain sites in the internet to protect there privacy and also mainly to protect there children from bad education. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the communication act? What is pornography? What are the charges behind child porno? What is censorship? How can privacy be maintained?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS AND DEFAMATION: NEW STANDARD OF LIABILITY Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Technology is rapidly evolving” As we know that technology is rapidly evolving and we are in the 2nd generation because as we know that technology is fast growing so that is why people should know that technology one day will over come use humans and mainly do lots of works for us. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is how is the internet service providers gets the liability for people who are miss using the internet plus, what is defamation and what are the different service providers. Review: The chapter is telling that the institution has taken reasonable care in relation to publication of the statement in question, the defense is likely to be available to the institution. Upon receipt of notice of a claimed defamation, the institution should, of course, remove the posting straight away. Plus the internet service provider liability overview paper considers the extent to which institutions are responsible for content which is made available on their computer systems. And in this chapter it has been in the highly confrontational area of defamation law where litigation has determined where legal responsibility lies for the online hosting, publishing and possession of unlawful and illegal content. The general rule of UK defamation law is that the publisher of defamation faces liability and this applies to institutions as publishers in the same way as to any other publisher. So where an institution maintains control over what its users publish, it is likely to be considered a publisher of this material for the purposes of defamation. What I’ve learned:

I learned a lot in this chapter, about defamation and how the ISP can be liable in the content of people are showing over the internet. Integrative questions: 1.) What are ISP? 2.) What is the purpose of an ISP? 3.) Why is the ISP liable? 4.) What is defamation? 5.) What are moderate content?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Intellectual Property, Information and the Common Good Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Information can always be bad nor be always be good” In this quote it is saying that people can always be good or bad, but information will always be information, but still people should always accept the fact that information weather in real life or in cyberspace, it can always be good or bad. Information must always be for the common good, and people should always respect the fact that people can only accept always the good part in life. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the intellectual property of ethics Another is about the information for the common good. Review: The chapter talks about the labor theory is often used today, implicitly at least, to justify claims to intellectual property rights. For example software developers who want to discredit "pirates" who use their products without paying, cite the enormous time and effort that goes into developing a piece of commercial software and the unfairness of others benefiting from it without compensating the developer. But still in the chapter it is saying that the extension is obvious. It takes much thought, time and effort to create a book, a musical composition, or a computer program. Those who worked to create it have the strongest claim to the benefits of its use, over anyone else who contributed nothing to the project. Plus the product becomes his. He can use it as he wants, whether to sell or to heat his house, and, more importantly, he can exclude others from its use. This theory works well in a commercial environment. Not only does it offer a credible justification for private property, but it also provides incentives for people to work hard and therefore create wealth. What I’ve learned:

I learned about the different information to do the common good, and mainly about more about ethics online, and what and what not to do about ethics, especially in real life. Integrative Questions: 1. What is Hegelian? 2. What is intellectual property 3. Who is Hughes, Justin. 4. What is the common good? 5. What is information?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Is copyright unethical? An examination of the theories, laws and practices regarding private properties of intellectual work in the United States Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Ethics will always be ethical” This quote is telling the importance of ethics in everyday life because as we know the ethics is really important in life because ethics I like the 10 commandments and it give people the sayings not to do things inappropriately because ethics teaches people what and what not to do in life. Plus people will definitely value ethics because in some point in time ethics is like a success tool in life because if people value ethics they can definitely be a success person in the near future. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn a lot about ethics and to know the reason why copyright ethics is un ethical, plus I believe that I can learn in the chapter the different theories regarding ethics Plus the different law and practices regarding private properties of intellectual work in the united states. Review: The chapter talk about copyright has never protected facts or ideas. It only protects expression. Therefore a scholar who has labored for years to research a subject such as Lincoln’s death may find his work utilized without credit and have no recourse under law Also this chapter conclude, in view of the findings we must hold there was not a sufficient copying to amount to an infringement.” In short, plagiarism may be unethical but it is not illegal if it can be justified by fair use, which does not specify that the source of work used by must be cited Plus the chapter talks about while many circuit courts incorrectly interpreted the 1909 Copyright Act as protecting compilations of information

based on labor this was clearly found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Feist v. Rural Telephone , What I’ve learned: I learned about the different examination of theories in ethics. I learned about the different theories in ethics I learned about why copyright and what they are saying is unethical I learned about the different practices of intellectual work. Integrative Questions: 1.) What is intellectual work? 2.) What are the different theories in ethic? 3.) Why are they saying the copyright is unethical? 4.) What are the different examinations in ethics? 5.) What is a copyright?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Piracy Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Plagiarism must be never used” Plagiarism is a crime that almost every people in the right mind already committed, because people doesn’t some times noticed that they are doing plagiarism, like for example for students plagiarism is very rampant especially in examinations in quizzes etc. Same situation goes for the I.T practitioners plagiarism is definitely a crime but for them they value the copyright piracy issue, people in the it industry never forgets to copyright there works because without copyright people will just easily plagiarize there works and say that they are the people who originally created the piece of work. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the different matters about plagiarism, and to have a more clearer knowledge about the copyright piracy issue, and also more information about the web, and why plagiarism matters more than copyright piracy. Review: This chapter talks about that there are always questions about the reliability and the precision of those figures as they are usually exaggerated. This chapter gives n example is that a common Chinese who buys a pirated American CD at the price of $0.50 may not pay $20 for the original copy. Thus the publishers or the owners of the works may not suffer losses from such pirates. Plus more information about plagiarism is talks about that plagiarism presents claims without any trace to their provenance. That chapter is telling that this is a form of cheating the public which is similar to creating false histories. It is easy to see that copyright piracy just harms the owner alone and for some limited period of time. While plagiarism harms all

the readers and the whole academic and journalistic communities, and the negative effects may last very long or they even cannot be solved.

What I’ve learned: I learned about more information about plagiarism. More information about copyright piracy More information about copyright. More information about the web. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is copyright? What is piracy What is the web? What is plagiarism? What is plagiarism matters more that copyright?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Towards a Theory of Privacy for the Information Age Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Theories and privacy is very important in life” This quote talks about the real life importance of theories and privacy because sometimes in life theories are some what connected with real life even though people sometimes doesn’t prove the ethical theory but still people can say that does theories are correct in some point in time. But still people are still looking for answers about the different theories in different walks about life and one is the theory of privacy, people and especially the IT practitioners are looking for answers in the theory of privacy because as we all know that the privacy theory is very important in life because privacy is a right that God has given us. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the privacy theory and to learn about its key components as well as the people who are trying to answer the particular theory. Review: This chapter talks about . In contemporary, technologically advanced societies, it is commonplace for large sectors of populations to participate, in varying degrees, in electronically networked interactions. Governments, as well as individual and institutional agents of the private sector, This people encourage such participation by their explicit expressions of approval, by progressively increasing the ease of access, as well as speed and declining prices And also Information like email addresses, system characteristics, and a trail of network-based activities are not only effortlessly recorded, but easily combined with information from the physical world. Plus in this activity information technology is doubly implicated as it acts as the medium for transactions as well as repository for the information.

What I’ve learned: I learned about the privacy theory I learned about the components of the privacy theory I learned about what privacy is all about I learned about how people can destroy other peoples privacy Integrative Questions: 1.) What is Privacy 2.) What is the theory of privacy? 3.) What is the importance of privacy? 4.) What can people do to protect there privacy? 5.) How can people destroy other peoples privacy.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS

Book review: The Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/ec on the Protection of the individuals with regard to the Processing Personal Data and the free movement of such Data Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “The computer is the one not to blame” As we all know that the computer is the one not to blame in internet hacking because the computer is just a tool in doing those kinds of deeds, that is why people are so immature to blame the computer for hacking. Maybe in the near future there will come a time where computers can think like a human being, but still in our point of time people cannot still have the right to blame computers for the reason of hacking personal information, hacking in a series of databases, the one’s that are in really at fault is the people who uses the computer for there evil intentions. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the structure of rights in directive 95/46/ec, to know that meaning of that and also the protection of the individuals with regards to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. This chapter has a very long title so that is why I want to learn all about what the chapter can give to me. Review:

To give a short history about the chapter I search the internet and found in the information that I need to give a short and brief history of the chapter the information are In 1990 works on relevant directive were started. They resulted in the issuance of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 (95/46/EC) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The deadline for its implementation in the legal orders of Member States was set for 23 October 1998.

But this chapter talks about however, with time discrepancies in legislations of particular EU Member States caused the need to harmonise them. The fundamental task to be fulfilled by this regulation was to ensure minimum and at the same time uniform for Member States level of protection of personal data collected in the filing systems and to ensure a free flow of personal data between Member States.

What I’ve learned:

I learn about the structure of rights in directive 95/46/ec on the protection of the individuals with regard to the processing personal data and the free movement of such data.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is a directive? What is 95/46/ec? What is processing of personal data? What is the structure of rights? What is the chapter talking all about?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Toward and Approach to privacy in public: Challenges of Information technology Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Maintenance is important is every walk of life” As we know that maintenance is important in life because maintenance is very essential, life for technology people somewhat maintain there gadgets everytime right period of time when people just maintain there gadgets people just takes care of it. It is essential for people for maintain because it is in our nature to maintain valuable things in life, because money is very hard to earn this days. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about toward and approach to privacy in public challenges of information technology

Review: This chapter talks about public information would include any information observed and recorded in a public place, in keeping with Reiman's suggestion that the social practice of privacy "does not assert a right never to be seen even on a crowded street. It would be reasonable to conclude, therefore, that information harvested in a public place is "up for grabs" and not covered by norms of privacy. And also the existing theories that limit the scope of privacy to a personal zone or to intimate and sensitive information fail to capture elements of common real-world judgments. Public reaction to Lotus Marketplace: Households and similar computerized databases of non-sensitive information indicates that, by contrast, our common notion of privacy is not thus limited.

Lastly neglecting the broader sphere will rob from people the ease and comfort of anonymity as they stroll through actual town squares as well as electronic town squares, conduct trade, socialize, and engage in political and recreational activity both on and off line. It will deprive them of privacy in public. What I’ve learned: I learned about the toward and approach to privacy in public challenges of information technology. And also I learned about more information about ethics. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the private realm? What is the public realm? What is privacy? What is the public challenges? What is information technology?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: KDD, PRIVACY, INDIVIDUALITY, AND FAIRNESS Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “the 4 titles are very important” The quote is saying that KDD, PRIVACY, INDIVIDUALITY, and FAIRNESS is important in life because, the internet and all of its information is open to the public, this is why people can easily research about the projects and just lets the internet do the research for them, rather than going to the library to research they it can take you ages trying to research about it. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation is for more knowledge and to know the meaning of 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)


Review: The chapter tells about the meaning of KDD and that is KDD is the enormous scale on which data can be processed and profiles can be produced. Relatively new. also, are the ever growing possibilities of discovering hitherto unnoticed relationships between characteristics and features of persons, created by KDD. But however this may be, one can be sure that the profiles will be used more and more as a basis for policy-making by public and private organizations. Although many uses of the products o fKDD are morally acceptable, and even desirable, many other possible applications are at odds with commonly held values regarding the individuality of human persons. And lastly information in the broad sense lies in a careful assessment of the ways in which the profiles are in fact used and can be used. By meticulously investigating and evaluating these applications, one may hope to find starting points for restrictions of the purposes for which these data and profiles may be produced and applied.

What I’ve learned: I learned the meaning of:    


Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is KDD? What is privacy? What is individuality? What is fairness? Are all this important in cyber ethics?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Data Mining and Privacy Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Data mining and Privacy is somewhat connected with each other” As we know that technology is rapidly evolving and we are in the 2nd generation because as we know that technology is fast growing so that is why people should know that technology one day will over come use humans and mainly do lots of works for us. Learning Expectation My learning expectations is to learn about 1.) Data mining 2.) More information about privacy Review: This chapter talks about the privacy concerns, while not originating from the Internet, can be enhanced by the Internet. On the other hand, certain specific concerns, which not possible before, now can be made possible by the Internet. And also the chapter is saying that that the Internet is becoming an emerging frontier for data mining. Thus, when we consider privacy threats related to data mining, it is important to explore what characteristics of the Internet facilitate the process of data mining and how data mining with the Internet can exacerbate privacy. 2 reasons about data mining and privacy one is fairness and the other is openness in consent. First, because data subjects are often “not informed” during the data collection or data mining, sometimes it is impossible for them to set up a new normatively private situation regarding the data. Secondly, But also stated in this chapter because the personal data that data subjects may have willingly granted for use in one context is often subsequently mined for another context different from the original situation.

What I’ve learned: I learned in this chapter the meanings and more knowledge about 1.) Data Mining 2.) Privacy Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is data mining? What is privacy? What can data mining do for you? What are the importance of privacy? How can privacy programs protect important informations?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the net Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Internet environment” The internet as we know has its own environment so as well as people they have there own environment, to choose from that is why there are blog sites in the internet, in where people can set up there own blogs and join a community of bloggers in the internet world. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is learn about the politics of intellectual property, and the environmentalism for the net. Review: The chapter is popularizing complicated ideas is hard work. There were brilliant books like Silent Spring and A Sand County Almanac, television discussions, documentaries on Love Canal or the California kelp beds, op-ed pieces in newspapers and pontificating experts on TV. Environmental groups both shocking and staid played their part, through the dramatic theatre of a Greenpeace protest, or the twenty respectability of the Audubon society. And also this chapter suggests a strategy for the future of the politics of intellectual property. In both areas, we seem to have the same recipe for failure in the structure of the decision-making process. Decisions in a democracy are made badly when they are primarily made by and for the benefit of a few stakeholders. Plus this chapter thinks of the costs and benefits of acid rain producing powergeneration or -- less serious, but surely similar in form -- the costs and benefits of retrospectively increasing copyright term limits on works for which the copyright had already expired, pulling them back out of the public domain. There are obvious benefits to the heirs and assigns of authors whose copyright has expired, in having the Congress put the fence back up around this portion of the intellectual commons.

What I’ve learned: I learned about more information about ethics. More knowledge about intellectual property More information about environmentalism More information about information technology. And about the politics of intellectual property. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is intellectual property. What is environmentalism? What is information technology? What are the politics of intellectual property? What is the reason for environmentalism?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Privacy and its varieties is important in ethics” Privacy as we know is very important in life because without privacy people cannot hide there deepest secrets, because as we know that privacy is very important for business men because information of different companies is very important and we all know that. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the privacy and varieties of informational wrongdoing. Review: This chapter talks about the order to prevent this the 'art of separation' of spheres has to be practiced and blocked exchanges between them have to be put in place. If the art of separation is effectively practiced and the autonomy of the spheres of justice is guaranteed then 'complex equality' is established. And also this chapter talks about he meaning and value of information is local, and allocative schemes and local practices that distribute access to information should accommodate local meaning and should therefore be associated with specific spheres. Many people do not object to the use of their personal medical data for medical purposes, whether these are directly related to their own personal health affairs, to those of their family. Then also perhaps even to their community or the world population at large, as long as they can be absolutely certain that the only use that is made of it is to cure people from diseases. They do object, however, to their medical data being used to disadvantage them socio-economically, to discriminate against them in the workplace, refuse them commercial services, deny them social benefits Lastly They would also object to these informational cross-contaminations when they would benefit from them, as when the librarian would advise them a book on low-fat meals on the basis of knowledge of their medical record and

cholesterol values, or a doctor poses questions, on the basis of the information that one has borrowed a book What I’ve learned: I learned about privacy and varieties of informational wrongdoing. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is privacy? What is varieties? What is informational wrong doing? What is informational inequality? What is inequality?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: Terrorism can be in the real world or in the cyber world. As we know that terrorism is very rampant almost in every part of the world because as we know that terrorism is very easy to do, weather in the real life or in the cyber world but the difference between terrorism in real life people uses guns to do terrorism while in cyber terrorism, people uses hacking and computer to do there terrorism Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about : 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Terrorism Civil disobedience Hacktivist And more information about ethics.

Review: This chapter talks about the proponents of civil disobedience have offered a number of reasons for thinking that the law should not, as a general matter, punish even unjustified acts of civil disobedience. First, acts of civil disobedience, even unjustified ones, can call attention to laws that ought to be changed because they are unjust or because they lack sufficient support among citizens. Like any other form of speech, acts of civil disobedience Then also talked about in this chapter is the motivation for committing an act of civil disobedience is typically a laudable one. Since acts of civil disobedience are characteristically motivated by conscience, it is not entirely clear what the legitimating point of punishment would be. One might think, for example, that someone who commits an act of civil disobedience does not need to be either rehabilitated or segregated for the protection of other people And more emphasis on civil disobedience do not typically result in morally significant harm to other persons. A sit-in at a local restaurant might inconvenience other patrons, but minor inconvenience does not justify punishing participants.

What I’ve learned: I learn a lot in this chapter about: 1) 2) 3) 4)

terrorism civil disobedience hacktivist and a lot mo information about ethics

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is terrorism? What is civil disobedience? What is hacktivist? What is information ethics? What is hacking?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “An American Perspective is respected by all” Well this chapter talks about the perspective of an American because as we all know that Americans are dominant in the world because America is the most and I mean the really power country now in the world because America is a super power, that is why Americans perspective is respected by all. Another is American has also the technology to prove anything that they have invented because America has the budget to do so. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about. 1.) Web security? 2.) More information about privacy 3.) And also to learn more about the American perspective. Review: The chapter will start with a review of the literature on privacy and security, which will support the contention that these are ethical concepts. In a subsequent step it will discuss the concept of ideology and critical research. This will lead to a critical discourse analysis of a text from a commercial software vendor, which will provide evidence of the ideological use of the terms privacy and security The chapter also discusses about sector because it has the potential to determine the success or failure of many business ventures, most obviously ecommerce activities. The location of privacy and security on the fault line of a variety of discourses is one of the reasons for some of the problematic use of the concepts that this paper will discuss. This chapter also talks about the issues of security which have a moral side. Security in computing is a major cost factor with estimates of overall cost of security (or lack thereof) varying widely but always ranging in the billions of Dollars, Euros, Pounds etc. Such costs are of course a moral issue from a utilitarian point of view and they also prevent society from investing these

resources in other worthy causes. Security issues also play a large role in computer crime and digital forensics. The ubiquity of computing in modern society renders them an important ingredient of many types of. Hacking and viruses are a major concern. What I’ve learned: I learned in this chapter about:  Web security?  More information about privacy  And also to learn more about the American perspective. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is web security? What is privacy? What is the significance of privacy? What is the American perspective? What is the world wide web?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Anonymous is everywhere” As we know sometimes when we check our e-mails we see people who writes aliases and sometimes put there names are anonymous, because there is a reason behind it, the privacy issue is behind all of it because privacy is a major factor in life, people has the choice to let them to known in public or not or a choice to let them in the privacy world: Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

The meaning of anonymity? What is the information age? More information about ethics? Is anonymity important in life

Review: The chapter talks about Should anonymity be protected in electronic interactions and communications? Would this be a good thing for community, responsibility, free expression, political participation, and personal fulfillment. Also this chapter , agreed that what is importantly at stake in anonymity is the capacity to be unreachable in certain situations, then we must secure the means to achieve this. This will include a dramatic reversal of current trends in surveillance, as well as a relentless monitoring of the integrity of systems of opaque identifiers. And example of which is people may be identified with a high degree of probability when various properties are compounded to include a smaller and smaller set of individuals who satisfy them all. If an unnamed individual, who regularly contributes to America Online discussion groups for Corvette owners and stamp collectors, reveals that he shops at Safeway,

Then also whereas in the past, the most direct and effective way of getting at a person was through his name, the electronic medium now offers many points of entry, some of which may be even more effective than a name What I’ve learned: I learned in this chapter about:    

The meaning of anonymity? What is the information age? More information about ethics? Is anonymity important in life

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is anonymity? What is the meaning of anonymous? What is the information age? In anonymity really important in life? Why do people stay anonymous?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Written on the Body: Biometrics Identity Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Biometrics can define identity” It is a fact that people can define ones identity with just the use of biometrics because in the states there are a lot of software that can determine ones identity, most commonly used are the software in the hospitals in where there are DNA testing among people, and also the software in IP tracking. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about: 1.) Biometrics 2.) How biometrics can reveal an identity. Review: This chapter is saying that computer system it is usually turned into a digital representation of your physical trait. The physical trait needs to be readable by the computer. Current systems do much to make this impossible with encryption and hashing of biometrics. Also talked about in this chapter that biometric systems are already being compromised. People can easily defeat fingerprint scanners with gelatin or other substances. Other methods and techniques will arise in the future. Again, the biggest problem with this is that you cannot change your biometric identity like you can your forgotten password. Biometrics may become the future SSN. The problem of the SSN is magnified with biometrics. Your biometrics will not change no matter how much you complain. Once your biometrics are compromised, your identity will forever be untrustworthy to all biometric systems. As with the SSN, you don’t have the option of changing your DNA once compromised. Passwords or account numbers are used for the same purposes but when something goes wrong, they are easily changed. Once your SSN is

compromised, you don’t have the option of clicking on a button that resets your SSN as you do with a password. What I’ve learned: I learned in this chapter is: 1.) Biometrics 2.) How biometrics can reveal an identity. Integrative Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is biometrics? How can biometrics reveal a persons identity? What kind of software can use biometrics? What is the meaning of SSN? What is the meaning of DNA?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved! Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Software Engineering is essential in ethics” As we all know that software ethics is needed in everyday life because in ethics life is to short, so that is why people should do there works as neatly as possible and as good as possible Now in this chapter the quote is saying that software engineering is very essential in ethics because of the reason of ethics is need everywhere so that is why people tend to have corruption every where in life so that is why ethics is very well need in software engineering. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about: 1.) The essentials of ethics 2.) Then what is software engineering Review: The chapter talks about the difference between virtue ethics and right/obligation ethics? Adherence to these behaviors could be clearly measured. This is the Kantian moral law; moral principles were categorical and were true and independent of personal or local circumstance. Then the members of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions were participant observers, supported by a pilot grant from the National Science Foundation. After receiving the Call for participation email, CSEP director Vivian Weil contacted co-chair Donald Gotterbarn of the Software Engineering Ethic Institute at East Tennessee State University and expressed interest in observing the process. Gotterbarn assigned the IIT research team of Weil, Michael Davis CSEP Senior Fellow, and Ilene Burnstein Computer Science, IIT to the professional competence working group, the group that was to write the first draft of the code of ethics. Then this chapter talks about some of the disagreements that arise in computer ethics are based on approaching ethics from two apparently

contradictory directions; one a virtue based ethics and the other a rights-duty based ethics. What I’ve learned: I learned in this chapter the meaning of Software Engineering Code of Ethics And I also learned more information about ethics, and what it can do for us. Integrative Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is information ethics? What is software engeneering? Who is burnstein? Who is Donald gotternbarn? What is the meaning of CSEP?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethical Considerations for the information professions Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Information can always be bad nor be always be good” In this quote it is saying that people can always be good or bad, but information will always be information, but still people should always accept the fact that information weather in real life or in cyberspace, it can always be good or bad. Information must always be for the common good, and people should always respect the fact that people can only accept always the good part in life. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the intellectual property of ethics Another is about the information for the common good. Review: The chapter talks about the labor theory is often used today, implicitly at least, to justify claims to intellectual property rights. For example software developers who want to discredit "pirates" who use their products without paying, cite the enormous time and effort that goes into developing a piece of commercial software and the unfairness of others benefiting from it without compensating the developer. But still in the chapter it is saying that the extension is obvious. It takes much thought, time and effort to create a book, a musical composition, or a computer program. Those who worked to create it have the strongest claim to the benefits of its use, over anyone else who contributed nothing to the project. Plus the product becomes his. He can use it as he wants, whether to sell or to heat his house, and, more importantly, he can exclude others from its use. This theory works well in a commercial environment. Not only does it offer a credible justification for private property, but it also provides incentives for people to work hard and therefore create wealth. What I’ve learned:

I learned about the different information to do the common good, and mainly about more about ethics online, and what and what not to do about ethics, especially in real life. Integrative Questions: 6. What is Hegelian? 7. What is intellectual property 8. Who is Hughes, Justin. 9. What is the common good? 10. What is information?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: No PAPA: why incomplete codes of ethics are worst than none at all. Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Internet environment” The internet as we know has its own environment so as well as people they have there own environment, to choose from that is why there are blog sites in the internet, in where people can set up there own blogs and join a community of bloggers in the internet world. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is learn about the politics of intellectual property, and the environmentalism for the net. Review: The chapter is popularizing complicated ideas is hard work. There were brilliant books like Silent Spring and A Sand County Almanac, television discussions, documentaries on Love Canal or the California kelp beds, op-ed pieces in newspapers and pontificating experts on TV. Environmental groups both shocking and staid played their part, through the dramatic theatre of a Greenpeace protest, or the twenty respectability of the Audubon society. And also this chapter suggests a strategy for the future of the politics of intellectual property. In both areas, we seem to have the same recipe for failure in the structure of the decision-making process. Decisions in a democracy are made badly when they are primarily made by and for the benefit of a few stakeholders. Plus this chapter thinks of the costs and benefits of acid rain producing powergeneration or -- less serious, but surely similar in form -- the costs and benefits of retrospectively increasing copyright term limits on works for which the copyright had already expired, pulling them back out of the public domain. There are obvious benefits to the heirs and assigns of authors whose copyright has expired, in having the Congress put the fence back up around this portion of the intellectual commons.

What I’ve learned: I learned about more information about ethics. More knowledge about intellectual property More information about environmentalism More information about information technology. And about the politics of intellectual property. Integrative Questions: 6.) What is intellectual property. 7.) What is environmentalism? 8.) What is information technology? 9.) What are the politics of intellectual property? 10.) What are ethical codes?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Subsumption ethics Quote: no significant quotations. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn a lot in this chapter especially in the milestones and the history of the information and computer ethics, I also want to know more about it because it is in my field or in my career in short it is an obligation for me to know about it because me as an information management student I must know the ethics because information technology because for me I need to graduate in benilde that I have my integrity and my dignity when I go to real world. Review: This chapter obviously talks about the information ethics and what it is its milestones that it has achieved and the history behind it. Well as I’ve research in the internet about the history of information and computer ethics Computer ethics as a field of study was founded by MIT professor Norbert Wiener during World War Two early 1940s while helping to develop an antiaircraft cannon capable of shooting down fast warplanes. One part of the cannon had to “perceive” and track an airplane, then calculate its likely trajectory and “talk” to another part of the cannon to fire the shells. The engineering challenge of this project caused Wiener and some colleagues to create a new branch of science, which Wiener called “cybernetics” – the science of information feedback systems. The concepts of cybernetics, when combined with the digital computers being created at that time, led Wiener to draw some remarkably insightful ethical conclusions. He perceptively foresaw revolutionary social and ethical consequences. In 1948, for example, in his book Cybernetics: or control and communication in the animal and the machine With the information gathered I say and also what I’ve read in the chapter is that it is important for us information systems people to know about the milestones and the history of computer ethics because with that we have the foundation that we need to back up our knowledge about information ethics.

What I’ve learned:

I learned a lot in this chapter because this chapter can back up our knowledge in the information systems ethics that we know it can back us up in the information that we know about ethics in the information systems field, and also it is important for us to know this because us information systems practitioners we must know these for us to teach to other people the values of ethics. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What can sumsuption do? What is the subsumtion of ethics When did information ethics started? Who started Information Ethics? What is subsumption?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethical Issues in business computing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “file sharing can be good sometimes” There are lots of disadvantages of file sharing sometimes because file sharing sometimes can cause plagiarism because people whom you shared the file with tend to be tempted in just copying the file because In the society today people becomes more lazy when people are just being a helpful person to then and just gives all the work to the other person. But file sharing can be helpful to, like with open source communities, file sharing is a essential part in the community because with that programmers can help fellow programmer in fixing bugs in open source software and also in handing out different ideas In the online community. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn more about the legal and moral challenges of online file sharing and also to know the ethics behind the said topic, plus to know what and what not to do, with online file sharing and have more and clearer knowledge in the advantage and disadvantage of online file sharing. Review: This chapter basically talks about the legal and moral challenges of online file sharing, this chapter elaborates about the advantages and the disadvantages of online file sharing and what can happen to people who are not responsible enough to share files without any talks anymore. But with online file sharing people can easily gain access to any bit of information on the internet market for example in the research area people can easily research in things that they need for there projects and what are the missing parts of there project also, what information they need to cope up with the projects that they do in the future. Another is online file sharing is an advantage especially in the online community because people can easily gain access on the information about a certain topic because topics are well organized and just a mouse click away.

What’ I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in the legal and moral challenges in the file sharing category, and also I learned about the advantages and disadvantages of online file sharing. Integrative Questions: 1. What is a business? 2. What are the ethical issues in business? 3. What is computing ethical issues? 4. What are the different factors in a business? 5. What can people do to carry over there business?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The practitioner from within revising the virtues. Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Morally good for affluent persons or nations to help impoverished persons or nations” Well this quote talks about the domino effect of people who are morally good to people and with that it helps people in being more assertive that they will follow the morally good person in terms of his/her doing because they will be enlighten because of the graces that the morally good person is having rather than the person who is not morally good. Learning Expectation: My Learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the digital divide and what are the ethics behind it and what it can do. The also to learn about the perspective of the future because as we know we as people have dreams for the future and with that we want to have a good future for our future family and our future offspring if we were to have. Review: This chapter talks about the future and what will likely to happened in the future if people will stop being responsible in the future and also ethics becomes a big player in the future because with people who have proper ethics in life those are the people whom will be successful in the near future because in little way ethics can be keys for success. This chapter also gives al thru out discussion about the ethics because as we know that ethics comes into play many times in life because this chapter also talks about the poverty issues of people and also the information systems gap in world. But still ethics can help people as clearly elaborated in the chapter because ethics if people can do there ethics well people will likely to survive because with ethics people will gain more friends and there jobs will still be there’s because if people will not follow moral ethics people will just likely become people with no future and just people with no place in the community because there pride, soul, dignity, integrative will just be eaten by hell.

What I’ve learned: I’ve learn a lot in this chapter especially about ethics because as I learned ethics is very well needed in life because ethics is a key for success and people should know that. Integrative Questions: 1. What are virtues? 2. What are the ethical virtues? 3. What can people do to protect there virtues? 4. What is a practitioner? 5. Why do people need to revise there virtues?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Foundations of Information Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “An information ethics should be able to address and solve the ethical challenges arising in the infosphere” The quote tells about what will happened if people in the industry don’t have the knowledge in ethics, because without the ethic knowledge the people cannot solve the challenges that goes with technology because as we know that technology always, becomes more and more advanced each and every day because, people every can acquire more and more new knowledge to other people. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn a lot in this chapter, because the title speaks for itself the foundation of information ethics, why is that I want to learn ethics in the technology level because it is related to my course and as we know I can be a programmer or an analyst one day, with this new knowledge in information ethics I learn the what and what not to do in the information systems area. Review: This chapter emphasizes about the information society, mainly this chapter talks about the foundation of ethics, as we know in every book the first chapter always talks about the introduction to the topic being discussed about the book. To start of with the review what first is information ethics, well as my research in the meaning of information ethics is the field that investigates the ethical issues arising from the development and application of information technologies. It provides a critical framework for considering moral issues concerning informational privacy, moral agency whether artificial agents may be moral, new environmental issues especially how agents should one behave in the infosphere, problems arising from the life-cycle creation, collection, recording, distribution, processing, of information especially ownership and copyright, digital divide. Information Ethics is related to the fields of computer ethics and the philosophy of information.

That is the meaning of information ethics as found in the site so the book mainly talks about the information ethics in what and what not to do in the information systems field why is that for the people who needs there integrity and dignity first of all the must have ethics because without the ethics that they need they will just end up as people without dignity and integrity because they will just be corrupt and will just do the things that the people what just for the sake of money. What I’ve learned I’ve learned a lot in this chapter especially the information ethics the us information systems people needs to life there career with dignity and integrity especially in our daily lives. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is information ethics? What is information society? What is the site in where I got the information about information ethics What will happened to people without ethics What is the infosphere.

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics* Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: no significant quotations. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn a lot in this chapter especially in the milestones and the history of the information and computer ethics, I also want to know more about it because it is in my field or in my career in short it is an obligation for me to know about it because me as an information management student I must know the ethics because information technology because for me I need to graduate in benilde that I have my integrity and my dignity when I go to real world. Review: This chapter obviously talks about the information ethics and what it is its milestones that it has achieved and the history behind it. Well as I’ve research in the internet about the history of information and computer ethics Computer ethics as a field of study was founded by MIT professor Norbert Wiener during World War Two early 1940s while helping to develop an antiaircraft cannon capable of shooting down fast warplanes. One part of the cannon had to “perceive” and track an airplane, then calculate its likely trajectory and “talk” to another part of the cannon to fire the shells. The engineering challenge of this project caused Wiener and some colleagues to create a new branch of science, which Wiener called “cybernetics” – the science of information feedback systems. The concepts of cybernetics, when combined with the digital computers being created at that time, led Wiener to draw some remarkably insightful ethical conclusions. He perceptively foresaw revolutionary social and ethical consequences. In 1948, for example, in his book Cybernetics: or control and communication in the animal and the machine With the information gathered I say and also what I’ve read in the chapter is that it is important for us information systems people to know about the milestones and the history of computer ethics because with that we have the foundation that we need to back up our knowledge about information ethics.

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter because this chapter can back up our knowledge in the information systems ethics that we know it can back us up in the information that we know about ethics in the information systems field, and also it is important for us to know this because us information systems practitioners we must know these for us to teach to other people the values of ethics. Integrative Questions: 6.) Give 1 milestone of information ethics. 7.) What is a Milestone 8.) When did information ethics started? 9.) Who started Information Ethics? 10.) What is MIT?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Moral Methodology and Information Technology Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Ethics Without Principles”, This quote is a very powerful one because it is surely possible because people without ethics is bound to also without any principles because ethics is some how connected with principles, we need these principles in life because without this principles there lives will just be a waste because life is in need of a principle because without principles people will just be like robots that just do thing that there masters want them to do. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is for me to learn about the moral methodology in the information technology track because for me it is important to learn this things because I am an information systems student, also to learn the principles as an information systems student for me to have the dignity and integrity that I need to survive the real world. Review: In this chapter 1 thing that I’ve noticed is the word Generalism which means the possibility of a moral though and judgement depend on the provision of a suitable supply of moral principles, the meaning that I came up with is when I researched the word on the internet but still it still focuses on the methodology in information ethics. Another thing that I noticed in the chapter is that the information that is gathered in the chapter is that focuses mainly on information and computer ethics and discusses about the methodology behind it and also discusses about the cognitive content and truth of meta ethical work with different means those are what are being emphasized in the chapter. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned a lot in this chapter especially the part in where the people can adopt well in the information and computer ethics field because with that

people can simple look at the internet and research about the methodology of information and computer ethics and also a new word that is now being added in my dictionary of words is generalism. And the different cognitive content, and the truth about the meta ethical work. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Generalism? What is cognitive content? What is the methodology of information and computer ethics? Can people adopt well in the information ethics? What are meta ethical works?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “information ethics is needed everywhere” Since I didn’t found any quotes in the chapter so I though of a new quote that I can do. So basically it is true because information ethics is need everywhere in every parts of the world because technology now is now being so advanced that people cannot even keep track on the things that they need to know about technology because as we know that technology just keeps getting better and better every time passes. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is the for me to learn about the value sensitive and information systems, because I believe that it is important for me as a information systems student to know the value sensitive design in the information systems because I believe that I can use this as time passes by when I go to the real world. Review: The topic mainly in this chapter is the Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems. Which means about the technological values that people thought about and created a design with the information system there are many example in where the design of the people are created with the design of the people who made the information system value Sensitive design. Then also involved is the theoretical ground approach which involve the church or any part of the religion groups because ethics also comes from the religion in where people treat the design as the 10 commandments because they also follow it as well as ethics. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in the value sensitive design and the information system because, I can really put the learning’s that I got In

reading the chapter to good use because the chapter focuses on the ethics that people do for a living. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Ethics? What is Value Sensitive Design? What is information system? What is theoretical grounds? What is information ethics?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justications of Intellectual Property Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Patents yield the strongest form of protection” This line is a powerful line that grants the person using the patent the copyright that they need to protect there product. And also it is applicable to real life because people can use this to protect there properties, the book that they made and the poems the videos the music that they made to clearly state that they are the people that originally made the piece of art.

Learning Expectation: I expect to learn a lot in this chapter because I want to know who is Adam in this chapter and also I noticed that the book is becoming more and more interesting with that people can really learn what is to become a programmer that has the copyright law behind them. And also help me to know what is more better for me in the future, because I can gain more knowledge in this chapter. Review: The chapter basically talks about personality-based, rule-utilitarian, and lockean justications of intellectual property of a person. To start I will just give the meaning of the words stated above so with the help of the internet my research will just be more easy for me. Personality-based, well personality based simply talks about and even just looks at the personality of the person being looked at Rule-ultilitarian, well it just talks about utilitarianism and it s functions. Intellectual Property, these are properties that is being owned by someone legally

So with this I am able to learn the value of ownership because ownership has a big value in the real world because for us to know who really made the piece of art and what kind of people who made it because it is important to know the original maker for him to be the originally be praised by the people. What I’ve learned. I learn a lot in this chapter because people can now know the value of ownership because people know has there eyes opened in this kind of matter because people can just leave there works and other people just fork it, must know the value of copyright. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is intellectual Property? What is Rule-Utilitarian? What is Personality Based? What is Utilitarianism Who is Adam D. Moore

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “We demand recognition of our right to privacy, we complain when privacy is invaded” This Quote is very striking when I saw this while reading the handbook because it is a very natural mentality among us people that when our privacy is invaded we tend to complain because as a matter of fact that our privacy is invaded that it is a very very big deal to us because every human being has the right for there own privacy and this goes well also with companies that want to protect there privacies, especially with very confidential components of there company that they want to protect. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is that I would likely to learn about the information Privacy concepts and the different theories and controversies that people who wrote the book I particularly the chapters point of view with the title of the chapter Review: The book clearly talks about the Information Privacy, because as I read in the book and based on my own understanding that privacy is very important among companies and especially people because every people in his right mind has the right for there privacy to be protected because it is clearly stated in the law the people has the right to have there own privacy. But the chapter talks in a different approach because the book talks about the privacy of companies, that want to protect the company image and anything and many more things the companies wants to protect for themselves and don’t want others to especially there competitors, to know about there products. And also talked about the chapter are the different theories about the privacy issue and the different controversies the set aside the privacy issue of the chapter.

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter because I learned how to value my privacy because every human being has the right for there privacy to be private and you the person who owns the privacy has to only right to violate it. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Privacy? What are Theories? What are Controversies? How can you violate ones privacy? What is Information Privacy?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Online Anonymity Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: What is the area, the content of privacy, what is outside that area. This quote talks about privacy also because in this quote privacy is emphasized because this quote talks about what privacy is all about because as we know that privacy is very hidden based from the word itself privacy means private and that means we don’t know the meaning of the in short it is top secret confidential etc. so I thought that many people are thinking of new ways to talk about privacy because privacy is a term the literally means private and people who only know the meaning of that can be the only people can has the access to the privacy issue Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to widen my learning in the privacy issue because with that I can learn about more privacy and can keep my things the information that I know private. And with that I can gain the trust of people with the privacy issue that I can give them. Review: This chapter talks about online anonymity, spontaneous anonymity, cyberspace and many more. With that it is a privacy issue because with the information that has been given people can easily know what privacy to public means because with the people in the right mind knows the difference of public to private And also anonymity, is like being anonymous to put in to short words that to let people reading your e-mail that has been send to for them not to know who you are, because you are anonymous What I’ve Learned I learned a lot in this chapter because this chapter talks about the different kinds of anonymity in short it teaches us how to be anonymous in some point in

our lives because keeping your identity secret is very important because mainly you must always make your identity as clean as possible. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Cyberspace? What is anonymous? What is Anonymity What is the chapter all about? What is Privacy?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counterhacking Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: Sometimes hacking is good. Yes it is true that sometimes hacking is good because hacking can be a great help sometimes when in comes of criminal issues are involved because hacking personal information of criminals is a great help for police people like the FBI and the CIA to know the backround of there criminals But sometimes hacking is being put to wrong use like when people are hacking personal information of other people like credit card and ATM numbers then hacking personal information of other people to black mail the and also hacking a companies database, because although hacking can be good but the effect of hacking can be very bad because companies can be bankrupt because of hacking and people can be accused of offenses that they didn’t even do. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the good and bad effects of hacking because as I read some parts of the chapter it just emphasizes on the different effect of hacking because as we know that hacking has a good and bad side because hacking have some negative effects on people and some positive effects on some people because hacking can be good nor bad some time in life. Review: This book clearly talks about hacking, and gives emphasis involving Computer Security Hacking, hacktivism, and counter hacking this chapter talks about the different forms of hacking because as we know that this chapter talks about hacking. And also talks about the ethics of people in terms of hacking because this book talks about hacking and with the some people can loose there dignity and there integrity because they are using hacking to do crimes and to use it just for themselves

Because as said so in the book the ethics in hacking has a mentality for people because hacking can be very easy to use it for work for the hacker to gain recognition. What I’ve Learned: I learned in this chapter the values of hacking because if I become a hacker I can loose my integrity but if I use my hacking ability for the good there I cannot loose my integrity. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Integrity? What is Hacking? What is counterhacking? What is computer security? What is a Hacker?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Information Ethics and the Library Profession Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “An information ethics should be able to address and solve the ethical challenges arising in the infosphere” The quote tells about what will happened if people in the industry don’t have the knowledge in ethics, because without the ethic knowledge the people cannot solve the challenges that goes with technology because as we know that technology always, becomes more and more advanced each and every day because, people every can acquire more and more new knowledge to other people. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn a lot in this chapter, because the title speaks for itself the foundation of information ethics, why is that I want to learn ethics in the technology level because it is related to my course and as we know I can be a programmer or an analyst one day, with this new knowledge in information ethics I learn the what and what not to do in the information systems area. Review: This chapter emphasizes about the information society, mainly this chapter talks about the foundation of ethics, as we know in every book the first chapter always talks about the introduction to the topic being discussed about the book. To start of with the review what first is information ethics, well as my research in the meaning of information ethics is the field that investigates the ethical issues arising from the development and application of information technologies. It provides a critical framework for considering moral issues concerning informational privacy, moral agency whether artificial agents may be moral, new environmental issues especially how agents should one behave in the infosphere, problems arising from the life-cycle creation, collection, recording, distribution, processing, of information especially ownership and copyright, digital divide. Information Ethics is related to the fields of computer ethics and the philosophy of information.

That is the meaning of information ethics as found in the site so the book mainly talks about the information ethics in what and what not to do in the information systems field why is that for the people who needs there integrity and dignity first of all the must have ethics because without the ethics that they need they will just end up as people without dignity and integrity because they will just be corrupt and will just do the things that the people what just for the sake of money. What I’ve learned I’ve learned a lot in this chapter especially the information ethics the us information systems people needs to life there career with dignity and integrity especially in our daily lives. Integrative questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is Information System? What is library Iibrary Profession What is the site in where I got the information about information ethics What will happened to people without ethics What is Information Ethics?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: The best source of Information is Open Source. Even though that I didn’t see any quotation in the chapter I decided to create my own quote to satisfy the blank that needed to be filled. So based on the chapter that the chapter discusses is about free or open source software or information because as we know as programmers open source software are the best in the market because open source software just like eclipse and tomcat apache those kinds of open source software has a community of people that gives continuous development on the system that is the advantage of open source software than software that is not in open source category. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is the for me to learn about the value sensitive and information systems, because I believe that it is important for me as a information systems student to know the value sensitive design in the information systems because I believe that I can use this as time passes by when I go to the real world. Review: This chapter talks about open source software, from what I’ve read about open source software is that the community inside the open source category is very friendly because in the people who blogs a lot and those people who are also programmers can easily give out what they have recently learned about the open source software that they have, in particular they can give information about the bugs that they have encountered while using the software and they can also give out the source code to people who needs the codes that they have and use it for future projects And with the community the different versions of open source systems can be easily perfected because the programmers for example on ruby on rails the team of programmers that create ruby on rails. Gets the help of other people that

people can give out there comments and suggestions to the people who are using the ruby on rails engine to perfect the system. What I’ve Learned. I’ve learned a lot in this chapter because this chapter talks about the different open source software in the market and how the open source community are helping out one another in creating there system of choice to make it the best open source software in the market. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is open source What is OSS What is information ethics What is the purpose of open source software? Is the open source community friendly?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Critical Issues must be stated in every chapter” I made the quote by my self because I didn’t see any striking quotation in the book because the chapter talks about the field and its critical issues, with the internet research ethics, because in internet research ethics the chapter talks about what ethic values will a person will do in order to do what is right while browsing the internet. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is with the title itself I tend to learn about the meaning of internet research ethics and the fields behind It and also the critical issues the internet research ethics has And also I want to learn about this topic because it can affect my growth for me as a kid in the 21st century its been half of my life that I have been using the internet for by schooling options especially for researches and project to be done in school. Review: Well to start of with the review of the chapter, I would like to make an emphasis on the title of the chapter which is internet research ethics because in this chapter as I read about it in the book cyberethics. The chapter talks about the ethical values behind the internet research field the book talks about what and what not to do while researching in the internet also it talks about the internets flaws as a system and can lead people into hacking other peoples personal information. But now because of the internet, people can easily access any given information in the world wide web.

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in reading this chapter because I learned in what and what not to do in browsing the internet and also I learned the consequences in hacking other peoples personal information in the world wide web. Then I also learned how to use the internet more properly in the future with me as a frequent internet user I now know what and what not to do in the internet when I am conducting my researches. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is internet research ethics? What is the field? What are the critical issues? Who is Jeremy Benthan? What is the World Wide Web?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: : Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Health also is need in the cyberethics field” I created this quote because I didn’t found any quotes inside the chapter but instead I created this quote to match the title of the chapter because the chapter talks about that health information technology is also need in cyberethics. In any given date we know the ethics is everywhere in every kind of subjects there is always ethics, because as we know the ethics is the study of what and what not to do or the difference between good and bad ethics, it gives people the choice to choose what is good for them and also the choose to do what is bad for them, ethics basically is like the 10 commandments because to do or not to follow the commandments is a sin but to follow it, it can give you grace same goes for ethics because in ethics if you follow it your dignity and integrity stays but if not your dignity and integrity disappears from you. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is about the health issues in the book cyber ethics because also a we know the health is an important factor in life because without health there will be no people behind it so in the book it is important include health issue in ethics because even though people are following the right ethics but still there health is not there priority that will be a problem for the people. Review: The chapter clearly talks about the health information Technology and talks also about challenges in ethics, science, and uncertainty behind the health ethics. Because of these kind of publicity why it is so hard to trust people nowadays, people can view your profile in your account which can help them know personal information but also why are you willing to put an information which you do not want others to see it.

Now with the use of the social networks people can easily look at other peoples profiles and see what is there status. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter because nowadays people are being health conscious because sickness can be easily obtained nowadays in any short in life. I learned to value my health in the information ethics field and also the value for the information that I give in the WWW. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Health information Technology What are its advantage? What are its disadvantage? What can it do for the society? Who is Kenneth Goodman?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Ethical Issues of Information and Business Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Ethics is everywhere” I just created this quote because in the chapter there is not striking quotation that I can find because in the chapter it just talks about everything usual everything about ethics. Well to start of ethics has been a big factory in the real life because as we know that ethics is everywhere as been said so in the quote because ethics has been found to be needed everywhere to make people learn what and what not to do in there field of interest weather it is in the business filed in the information systems field or anywhere else. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in the said chapter is for me to learn about the different kinds of ethics that can be found in the business and information ethics field. With this I can gain lot of useful information and more knowledge for me to gain my knowledge in ethics because in ethics it just basically what and what not to do in the field that you are in so if you have the knowledge of ethics in your chosen field it will be easy for you to know the difference between the right and wrong in the field that you are into. Review: So this chapter basically talks about the different reviews in the business and information ethics, so it clearly states that the information inside the chapter talks about business ethics To elaborate about the business ethics in my reading in the chapter that I saw that the chapter just talks about the different ethics behind the business field it just teaches and gives people knowledge in what and what not to do in the business field and also it give the advantage and disadvantage in the business ethics. Also the chapter talks about the 2 kinds of level with pertains to the macro and micro level

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in the business side of ethics because as we know that the book just talks about the information systems of ethics and majority of the lessons that can be learned in the chapter is about information ethics. It can be a big factor in my life to learn business ethics because I am also dreaming to become a business man someday so with the information that I have learned in reading this chapter say that I have the values of a good business man. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Business Ethics? What are the values of Business ethics? What are the advantage of business ethics? What is information ethics What can be done with ethics?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: Ethics can be used on the internet. This quote that I found in some part of the chapter is that I learned that ethics is a major part in using the internet because there are some responsibilities that is need with using it. Like in the religious beliefs that porno is bad it goes as well in ethics but in ethics there are the good and bad ways of using it, for example hacking based from the word that hacking is bad but in ethics hacking can used for the good and obviously can be used with the bad, so that is why it is important to have ethics when using the internet because ethics can be a major role in the internet industry. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is for me to have more responsibility in using the internet because my use of the internet is not that responsible enough now with the use of this chapter I can now know what and what not to do in the internet filed It gives me the responsibility in using the internet because the internet is a crucial part in life because almost every information can be seen in the internet classified or not I can be easily been seen on the internet. But now with the New knowledge that I have acquire in using the internet I can say that I am now a responsible internet user. Review: This chapter focuses on the responsibility of people in using the internet because now in the industry internet is now being well used because internet can be very helpful in the industry because internet can be used to easily gain access to everything like the information needed in researches and many more uses of the internet.

Also it give moral responsibility to people who are reading it to gain more responsibility in using the internet especially for there own purposes. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter because it teaches us readers to become more responsible in the using of the internet and also It gave me more ethical values in the information systems field. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the internet? What is Responsibility? What is Information? What can be done in the internet? What is Hacking?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: What is the area, the content of privacy, what is outside that area. This quote talks about privacy also because in this quote privacy is emphasized because this quote talks about what privacy is all about because as we know that privacy is very hidden based from the word itself privacy means private and that means we don’t know the meaning of the in short it is top secret confidential etc. so I thought that many people are thinking of new ways to talk about privacy because privacy is a term the literally means private and people who only know the meaning of that can be the only people can has the access to the privacy issue Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to widen my learning in the privacy issue because with that I can learn about more privacy and can keep my things the information that I know private. And with that I can gain the trust of people with the privacy issue that I can give them. Review: This chapter talks about online anonymity, spontaneous anonymity, cyberspace and many more. With that it is a privacy issue because with the information that has been given people can easily know what privacy to public means because with the people in the right mind knows the difference of public to private And also anonymity, is like being anonymous to put in to short words that to let people reading your e-mail that has been send to for them not to know who you are, because you are anonymous What I’ve Learned I learned a lot in this chapter because this chapter talks about the different kinds of anonymity in short it teaches us how to be anonymous in some point in

our lives because keeping your identity secret is very important because mainly you must always make your identity as clean as possible. Integrative Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is Simulation? What is cyberspace? What is Virtual? What is Virtual Reality? What is Computer Simulation?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “the concept of civil disobedience expressly calls for the use of “nonviolent” means.” Well to put it in lay mans terms that the use of violent means cannot answer anything, but instead it just make the situation far more worst than it was before because in my own experience violent means just make the situation more worst to put in the boys point of view and even worst in the girls point of view. But the use of non-violent means is far better than using the violent mean because using it can save relationships of friends, love ones etc. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the different ethical issue involving genetic information, and epistemological, and also to know the meaning of each terms used in the chapter because it is so new to my dictionary, then also to widen my understanding in ethics and also to enhance my knowledge in ethics because in ethics I tend to now what is right and what is wrong in life. Review: To start of with the review first of all what is the meaning of epistemological, well as I research over the internet the of epistemological is theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. It addresses the questions: • • • • •

What is knowledge? How is knowledge acquired? What do people know? How do we know what we know? Why do we know what we know?

Well that is the meaning that I found out in researching the meaning well back to the review the chapter talks about now about knowledge not anymore about information ethics because now with the knowledge that we have for information ethics we can now say that it is not enough not just to learn about the information ethics but it is more likely to be more practical to know the different ethics there is. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned a lot in this chapter especially for me that I learned new words that words that I don’t even know and words that I have already seen just now I learned in this chapter the value of knowledge, and also the knowledge to know everything that I get possibly pick up in my future life. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Epistemological? What is Genetic Information? What are the ethics Issues? What is civil disobedience? What is knowledge?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: What is the area, the content of privacy, what is outside that area. This quote talks about privacy also because in this quote privacy is emphasized because this quote talks about what privacy is all about because as we know that privacy is very hidden based from the word itself privacy means private and that means we don’t know the meaning of the in short it is top secret confidential etc. so I thought that many people are thinking of new ways to talk about privacy because privacy is a term the literally means private and people who only know the meaning of that can be the only people can has the access to the privacy issue Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to widen my learning in the privacy issue because with that I can learn about more privacy and can keep my things the information that I know private. And with that I can gain the trust of people with the privacy issue that I can give them. Review: This chapter talks about online anonymity, spontaneous anonymity, cyberspace and many more. With that it is a privacy issue because with the information that has been given people can easily know what privacy to public means because with the people in the right mind knows the difference of public to private And also anonymity, is like being anonymous to put in to short words that to let people reading your e-mail that has been send to for them not to know who you are, because you are anonymous What I’ve Learned I learned a lot in this chapter because this chapter talks about the different kinds of anonymity in short it teaches us how to be anonymous in some point in our lives because keeping your identity secret is very important because mainly you must always make your identity as clean as possible.

Integrative Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is cyber ethics? What is hack back? What is strike back? What is hacker defense?? What is a hacker?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment—A SoDIS Inspection Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: ““Protect public health, safety, and welfare.” This quote is very striking because in this quote it talks about public health and safety and welfare of other people because it is a essential part in life in where health becomes an issue. When ethics becomes an issue It goes a long way because there are different kinds of ethics like ethics in health issues and also ethics in the business issues and also the ethics in the information systems issue so there are lots of ethical issues being toggled in the first place. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is very simple is just that I believe that I can learn in this chapter the knowledge that there is in the health ethics because me as a guy health safety and welfare is my priority because health is very important in life, with poor health people will just die and cannot live there lives the way that they want to. Review: Well this book talks about the ethical risk assessment as we know that risk assessment is very common nowadays because now in life there is always a choice in weather you will take the risk or not. And also stated on this chapter is that people must always be ready and will to be secure to do all of this on hand, because with out safety and always just taking the risk people can always end up in disasters and event that will not be good to see. And also this chapter talks about the health issues in ethics in pertains to the ethical risk assessment because in risk assessment it teaches us readers what and what not do in terms of risk management and can lead us to the good life.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Good Ethical Values Safety precautions in risk managements Proper way of dealing with safety Broader knowledge in risk assessment

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Ethical Risk Assessment? What is risk management? What is Safety? What is SoDIS What is SoDIS audit processing?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Regulation and Governance of the Internet Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Vicarious liability is the imposition of liability on one person for the actionable conduct of another” This quote tells about the liability of person in doing one thing that has been assigned to him because sometimes in life that people are being assessed with there liability just based from the title of the chapter it keep good and regulated and good governance over the internet Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter to learn more about the good governance of the internet and the regulations behind it and also the things the people need to know in using the internet as responsible as possible. Review: This chapter talks about the different regulations and governance of the internet it give people the knowledge to become more of a responsible user of the internet because as we know people are just using the internet just for the sake of fun because internet is very entertain and for children it is okey but for us adult it is something to be talked about. Because as we know people now are using internet for evil deeds like hacking and going to sites that not good to enter and creating viruses to hack other computers there are lots and lots of things that people especially the hackers can do with the internet. But know in the society today, there has been laws and regulations that people needs to follow in using the internet because the internet is a very sophisticated type of engine that bad deeds can be done with the help of the internet. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially the different rules and regulations behind the internet and also I learned how to become a responsible user of the internet and also how us the internet in a good and responsible way because

internet I very much need in the society now plus I learned how to give good governance in the using of internet because internet must be very well looked upon because bad deeds can be created with the use of the internet. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the internet? What is a Main frame? What is Regulation? What is Governance? What is Content Regulation?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Information Overload Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: Faster more better This quote for me is very useless because as we know that a more faster approach can lead to a disaster because careful thinking is needed in every step of the way in life, without careful thinking what will happened to a project it will just end up in a way that people will not appreciate the output because it was done as fast as possible and also with that kind of mentality it is better to think first than to act fast because acting fast can always lead to a big problem in the future. Learning Expectation: My expectation in this chapter is 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)

To learn about information overload. More knowledge about ethics More knowledge about people in the same industry To gain information about real life scenarios in using ethics To become more responsible To become more aware in the society today.

Review: So the definition of information over is stress induced by reception of more information than is necessary to make a decision or that can be understood and digested in the time available and by attempts to deal with it with outdated time management practices, that is with the help of the internet because to clearly help the review people must know about the meanings first for them to know what they are reading about. The chapter also talks about how to evade information overload because with the use of the internet information is unlimited and also discussed in the chapter about the ethical issues regarding information overload to think of it that there are ethics behind information overload. Give also information about real life scenarios of people dealing with the information overload matrix.

What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

I’ve learned about information overload Real life scenarios regarding info overload. The causes of information overload What to priorities in information overload

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is information Overload? What is information? What are the causes of information overload? What are the remedies of information overload? What is perception?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Email Spam Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “What gender issues are involved in computer ethics” Well now this quote is very striking because in this quote it give out the gender issues in email spamming because as we know that in spam mail there are always gay people who sends spam mail to there crushes and people who are anonymous This quote also tells about the gender issues that have now been a topic in this chapter because gender issues are now being discussed in the chapter because ethics is also involved in the chapter. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter to learn more about spam mails and the ethics behind spam mails to know weather it is right or wrong to send out spam mails. And also to know the ethical issues behind genders in spam mails and also the ethical issues behind it. Review: Well spam mail in my on mind is a set of mail that has been errors in the sending for example you send an e-mail using yahoo mail or google, mail when it failed the message will become useless and will be lost in the world wide web of e-mail so that is the mentality in which people always see mails inside there spam folders. Then also talked about in the chapter is the real life scenario about e-mails because the system obviously cannot handle that much e-mails in a day to tendency there will always be errors in the e-mail so that is why sometimes emails arrive late or sometimes doesn’t even go to the people whom you send you e-mail.

What I’ve learned: I’ve learned the importance of e-mail spamming and the ethical issues behind it and also what people thinks about e-mail spamming Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is UCC What is spamming? What is Spam Mail? What are the ethical issues in e-mail spam? Is spam mail useless?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why and If Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: Plagiarism is very bad. Well as I can say that plagiarism is very bad because it is like violating he copyright law for people who created there masterpiece in a long period of time and there will be just one person who will just steal his/her works Plagiarism can be defined also as stealing because it is like copying the idea of a person without proper consent therefore people who have been plagiarized can report directly to the law and demand the person who copied the work without prior notice especially with enough evidence. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to widen my knowledge in the plagiarism field and to know the ethic values behind plagiarism likely to know more about the demand issues in plagiarism and also the boundaries weather it is in fair use or not. Review: This review is very essential to many people because in the real world there are lot of people who plagiaries work every day so with this review I can give people the knowledge that they need In order to avoid using plagiarism. Plagiarism Is a crime as said so in the chapter and there are lots of advantages and disadvantage in plagiarizing like the advantage is people can know you from the work that you plagiarized because you where the first person who published the book or the novel. Without the original author knowing it Then another advantage is people can give you lots of money because your work will be famous especially if the content is very good Then the disadvantage of plagiarism is that plagiarism is punishable by law, with the proper evidence being seen to the person who copied the work he/she can be sentenced to prison with an ample time to think about it.

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially the ethics behind plagiarism and also the advantages and disadvantage in plagiarism. I also gained new knowledge in copy right infringement and also what and what not to do in plagiarism. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Infringement? What is the copy right law? What is the ethics behind plagiarism? What is plagiarism? What are the advantages and disadvantes?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Intellectual Property: Legal and moral challenges of online file sharing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “file sharing can be good sometimes” There are lots of disadvantages of file sharing sometimes because file sharing sometimes can cause plagiarism because people whom you shared the file with tend to be tempted in just copying the file because In the society today people becomes more lazy when people are just being a helpful person to then and just gives all the work to the other person. But file sharing can be helpful to, like with open source communities, file sharing is a essential part in the community because with that programmers can help fellow programmer in fixing bugs in open source software and also in handing out different ideas In the online community. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn more about the legal and moral challenges of online file sharing and also to know the ethics behind the said topic, plus to know what and what not to do, with online file sharing and have more and clearer knowledge in the advantage and disadvantage of online file sharing. Review: This chapter basically talks about the legal and moral challenges of online file sharing, this chapter elaborates about the advantages and the disadvantages of online file sharing and what can happen to people who are not responsible enough to share files without any talks anymore. But with online file sharing people can easily gain access to any bit of information on the internet market for example in the research area people can easily research in things that they need for there projects and what are the missing parts of there project also, what information they need to cope up with the projects that they do in the future.

Another is online file sharing is an advantage especially in the online community because people can easily gain access on the information about a certain topic because topics are well organized and just a mouse click away. What’ I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in the legal and moral challenges in the file sharing category, and also I learned about the advantages and disadvantages of online file sharing. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Moral? What is Legal? What is File sharing? What are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Censorship and Access to Expression Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Censorship is always necessary” I created this quote because as we know that censorship is very necessary nowadays because information can easily be leaked everywhere especially in the internet days as of today. Information can be brought to other people in many ways now weather it is from e-mail or in yahoo messenger it is still necessary for people to value the censorship of there information. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn more about censorship and also based from the title of the chapter to learn the ethical theories behind censorship and the do’s and don’ts behind censorship. Review: In this chapter it basically talks about the censorship issue behind information ethics because as we know the censorship is very important because in ethics it is wrong to be to vulgar in ways that people will not be pleased with you, so that is why the value of censorship is very well elaborated in the said chapter. So as we know about censorship is, there are like limitation criteria like in the movies or in television it blocks the limitation of the movie and does not let people see things that are not supposed to be shown on television because it is against the law to show content that are not PG material more over to porno movies. Also the chapter talks about the value and importance of censorship today especially to the minors that love to watch things or minors that are very curious.

What I’ve learned: I’ve learned a lot in this chapter especially the value of censorship to the masses, and in the internet world I’ve learned that censorship is very important in ethics because censorship can give value to people who value there prides. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Censorship? Who is cohen? What is expressions What is PG? Is censorship important to people?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “feminist ethics” Well this quote that I have just created speaks for itself because in this chapter it talks about the gender agenda in computer ethics clearly talking about women and there characteristics. Basically as we know that women are caring by nature and that supports them in the computer ethics field why is that because if a woman in her right mind has the knowledge about ethics she will tend to value her ethics and preserve them because as we know that women are caring by nature and it is there role as women to value information that has been seen on the internet. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the gender agenda in computer ethics and also to identify the ethics behind it and also do never ending do’s and don’ts in the ethics in this type of category. Review: Well the chapter starts over the history of women because as we know well that women has lesser rights than us men because women are just being looked like as mothers of people’s offspring and also women rights are lesser in the old days. And also this chapter talks about the capabilities of women back in the days where there power is lesser and just there characteristic of being caring just been the point of it all But the chapter talks about everything about women changed because now in the 21st century women are being some what equal to men because women can now compete with men in the intellectual level because experts say that women are more hardworking than men. Then this chapter also talks about the poverty and many more things related to the issue of gender issues in computer ethics.

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in not to discriminate women and the different do’s and don’ts with women, I learned to respect women because my mother is a woman And also I learned that woman are not just caring but nature but they are smart as us guys and more hard working. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is a Woman? What are woman rights? What is feminist ethics? What do you mean by gender agenda? What is cyberstalking?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the Future Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Morally good for affluent persons or nations to help impoverished persons or nations” Well this quote talks about the domino effect of people who are morally good to people and with that it helps people in being more assertive that they will follow the morally good person in terms of his/her doing because they will be enlighten because of the graces that the morally good person is having rather than the person who is not morally good. Learning Expectation: My Learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the digital divide and what are the ethics behind it and what it can do. The also to learn about the perspective of the future because as we know we as people have dreams for the future and with that we want to have a good future for our future family and our future offspring if we were to have. Review: This chapter talks about the future and what will likely to happened in the future if people will stop being responsible in the future and also ethics becomes a big player in the future because with people who have proper ethics in life those are the people whom will be successful in the near future because in little way ethics can be keys for success. This chapter also gives al thru out discussion about the ethics because as we know that ethics comes into play many times in life because this chapter also talks about the poverty issues of people and also the information systems gap in world. But still ethics can help people as clearly elaborated in the chapter because ethics if people can do there ethics well people will likely to survive because with ethics people will gain more friends and there jobs will still be there’s because if people will not follow moral ethics people will just likely become people with no future and just people with no place in the community because there pride, soul, dignity, integrative will just be eaten by hell.

What I’ve learned: I’ve learn a lot in this chapter especially about ethics because as I learned ethics is very well needed in life because ethics is a key for success and people should know that. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is Ethics? What is Digital Divide? What is poverty? Who is Kenneth Einar Himma? What are perceived failures?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Intercultural Information Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Moral claims lack truth-value and are merely expressive of human emotions of approval or disapproval” This quote talks about the moral claims of people and clearly make there understanding much more broader, and also with the truth0value and the human emotions, people still needs the approval or disapproval of other people. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn more about intercultural information ethics, what are the ethics behind it and what are the do’s and don’ts behind intercultural information ethics, plus to know the ethical issues behind the said chapter, also to know the real life scenarios of people that gives them an example in the intercultural information ethics fields then to know the people who created the book more often and to value the knowledge that I gathered especially the information that I have gathered will reading the said chapter. Review: This chapter talks about more clearly about morality because as we know that ethics really speaks about morality because ethics is need by the society and more often than that the chapter talks about people in the intercultural level. This chapter discusses about the different ethics theories and the different ethics issues being covered in the chapter because as we know the it is an ethics book so that is why people must know the different theories and different ethical issues that has be covered in the said chapter. Plus the different real life scenarios in the chapter is very touching because with that people can gain the value of ethics more and more because the examples of the book make the reader feel that they are within reach of the example. Then lastly it talks about the pros and the cons of intercultural ethics based on the title the pros and cons will always be there and also the advantages and disadvantages of intercultural ethics.

What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially the value of ethics in the country and especially in the information and computer ethics area. I learned the different kind of ethics that people should know in order to be a moral person and lastly ethics is everywhere. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is information ethics? What is Intercultural? What is Intercultural information ethics? Who is Lorenzo magnani? Who is Rafael Capurro?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “There is a big market at the bottom of the pyramid” Well this quote tells us about the big market definitely at the bottom of the pyramid because every business man who just started his/her business must accept the fact that he/she will definitely start from the bottom but still the bottom of the pyramid still has its big player of customers. There is still a wide range of varieties of opportunities for businessmen who just started there business, because the bottom of the pyramid has the biggest share in the profit sharing. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the knowledge that there is in the bottom of the pyramid, and also how to market at the bottom of the pyramid, I would like to learn a lot in this chapter because it could help me in my growth as a benildean because I for once is dreaming to become a successful businessman in the near future. Review: Well first of all the topics in this chapter in the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid says about the people or the markets at the bottom of the pyramid and talks about different business strategies in the bottom of the pyramid, and it helps its reader to gain more knowledge in what to do in the business world. And also this chapter offers a high variety of strategies to do in the bottom of the pyramid market, but still gives the enjoyment of reading, plus the chapter give the proper motivation for future businessmen or even businesswomen, and gives them tips and tricks in the business world. Plus this chapter gives readers advices on how will they sell there products and services to other people give the reader the necessary knowledge in how make business talks because as we know in every business people should always start from the bottom,

Because the bottom as said so in the chapter is always the stepping stone for success. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in the business area I learned new knowledge on how people can sell and give out information on there products and also I learned that the bottom of the pyramid can be the best stepping stone for a business success. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is a business? What is the bottom of the pyramid? What are business strategies? What is the economic pyramid? What is the value for money?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Products and Services of the Bottom of the Pyramid Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Sell Sell Sell” Well this quote that I just created because I didn’t see any striking quotations in the said chapter so I created my own quote, so well this quote is saying sell sell sell because in the minds of a profit based businessman sales the priority because it is a mentality that why will you open up a business because you don’t want profit that is just a waste of time. But now businessmen just think about profit because profit is very much needed in the business world because without profit and revenue the business will not be a success. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn different business strategies in selling or in analyzing the situation of the products and services. Then also in creating new innovations to sell to people in order to gain profits and revenues and more broader knowledge in business statistics and business analysis Review: Well this chapter talks about the practically of a product and services because it is telling us reader that if you want to start a new business there should be practicality like the products and services that is being offered must be very useful to people. Because if the products and services is not useful to people chances are the business will not be a success and with that money will just be wasted and you will be haunted with the horror of the business being forfeited. Another thing being talked about in the chapter the issue between products and services in where which is more successful to sell products or to sell services but in my own opinion services is the much more successful business because in service there will be lesser work than in products because

of the inventory delivery rather than in the service field all you new is people just like in the BPO kind of business. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter especially in the products and services field and also I learned that people must be practical in setting up his/her own new business. Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What are products? What are services? What are the difference between products and services? What is deskilling of work? What is innovation hybrids?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Bottom of the pyramid Global Opportunity. Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Globalization is a factor” Well in this quote as we know globalization is a key factor in the business industry because in globalization it means the whole world is your market I mean the meaning of making your products become an international brand, because sometime in life business men tend to venture in there surroundings like, opening business in terrains that have not been explored. In short people who are risk takers because sometime in life people should take that risk rather than being stuck to one place to another because risk sometimes becomes money like if you take the risk in opening a new business in terrains that have not been ventured and turn out okey then that is a good risk but if not, try again just never give up Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is learn about global opportunity to learn new skills in my business mind and also to know the bottom of the pyramid more well. Then to gain new knowledge about the global market for me to know what and what not to do in the global market. Review: Well the main topic of this book really is to hand out knowledge in making money, in ways that people don’t even think that it is possible now in this chapter the author is saying that people must try going to new ventures in there business because to try out new ventures means that there is more risk involved, likely to happened in every business. Risk is always a factor in every business so that is why the first two parts of the book talks about being practical in selling products and services because that is a stepping stone in a businessman success, a businessman must first be practical in the product line or the service that he/she offers because if the products is useless then better go for bankrupts and say that it is a bad way to waste precious investments.

What I’ve learned: I learned the value or products I learned the value or services I learned to be practical I learned to be careful in my investments Integrative Question: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is opportunity? What is global opportunity? What is capital intensity? What is sustainable development? What is innovations?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Develop Develop Develop” Well developing is an important part in a business because it is where customer satisfaction comes into place because with developing people will love your products and as well as people will recognize your business as a business that give the satisfaction for customers. Then another issue in developing is developing your system because wil developing a business system, the business will be able to run in a more an systematic way and the procedures will be mo smooth transactions will be more audited more well and inventory will be easily monitored. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about wealth creation and also to learn more the ecosystem plus to learn more about the bottom of the pyramid, then also to learn about the international marketing of people mainly to become more successful. Review: Well this chapter is all about the ecosystem and how to look at the ecosystem for wealth creation, and also this chapter talks about how the market can be caught if the ecosystem of the community will be taken by the businessman. And also this chapter talks about the different companies that people set upped to handle the ecosystem different companies has been made to satisfy the people of the ecosystem like companies that makes, pig, beef, companies that produces foods and vegetables and many more. Then lastly the chapter talks about the pricing of people to satisfy the peoples budget because as we know people are not all that rich to be able to afford anything that they want, so that is why it is the job of the company to satisfy the products and services to people that they are or people will be able to afford them, because pricing is a critical factor in the business world because if the pricing is to high tendency is people will not be able to buy there products

and services all the time but if it is low people will be able to buy there products and service s all of the time. What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Proper pricing Wealth creation The ecosystem Different companies.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is proper pricing What is wealth creation What is the ecosystem What is bank capital What are investments?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Reducing Corruption: Governance Capacity Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “Corruption should be lessen” This quote talks about the corruption that in every business and in every government always have, as we know that corruption cannot be avoided corruption is always there even though people or government officials fire or kicks out the corrupted employee or the official that is corruption other people will most likely to take there place. A lesson in this corrupt people will never go away but corruption can always be lessen because if people have the heart to lessen corruption and just take small amounts of there kick backs, the company or the government will have no problems in promoting projects and human resources will be utilitized. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about corruption governance because in as always stated in my mind is corruption will never go away but corruption may still be lessen in some point in time because people will never be able to control themselves if big money is at there finger tips. Plus I hope to learn in this chapter the tricks that corrupt people do to get there kick backs for in the future I know what they are doing. Review: To start of with the review I search the internet for the meaning of corruption and also with the help of Corruption is essentially termed as an "impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle; depravity, decay, and/or an inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means, a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct, and/or an agency or influence that corrupts, so that is the meaning that I found out in the internet. Then second I learned that there is technical side of corruption, will my research also told me that the corruption in the technical side is when a system does not work the way it is supposed to be.

And also this chapter also resembles the ethics that is need for people for not be that much of a corrupt person. What I’ve learned: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

Corruption TGC Technical side of corruption Tips and tricks Corruption governance.

Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is corruption? What is corruption governance? What is TCG? What is eseva? What is governance?

Mark Justin B. Lumantao BS-IS/ IT-ETHICS Book review: Development as Social Transformation Library Reference: N/A Amazon: N/A Quote: “knowledge is power” In this quote is just created it because I can’t see any relevant quotes in the chapter. As we know knowledge is definitely gives us power because with knowledge people can easily think of ways or different ways to do things or sets up business that are successful. And also because knowledge is essential in life because without knowledge you are nothing in life you have no purpose so that is why people treat education as everything because it is mainly for there own good. Learning Expectation: My learning expectation in this chapter is to learn about the social transformation and what it really is also to clear my definition of development because as I said in the different chapters development is an essential factor in life of the business because it make the business much more easier to handle. Review: This chapter talks about on how to become a better business because business can definitely give investors, business men lots of money if the business is handled well by the owners. And still business can be successful if the pricing is right and the products and services is affordable to people in all people classes especially in the C below level. Another is this chapter talks about on how to develop business skill to suite the peoples satisfaction and also to transform there society for the business to be recognized by the people who uses the products and services. Lastly in this chapter it talks about everything from chapter 1 of the bottom of the pyramid bits and pieces in the chapters are merged in the chapter to give more and broader meanings to the reader.

What I’ve learned: 1.) to develop a business 2.) proper pricing 3.) social transformation Integrative Questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is social? What is social transformation? What is pricing? What is a business? What is development?

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