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- Paolo Castandiello, CO2E

“I voted for Bais Because of his good platforms and I believe in his leadership towards Lasallian students.”

- Cristy A. Somo, BSMT3B

“As KAUSAP supporter, I voted for Joven Ledesma for I believe in KAUSAP in molding students for leadership.”

- Juan Paolo Serame, BN4K

“I voted for Ledesma because I believe in his leadership skills. I can confidently say that he can manage our University Student Government well this S.Y. 2008-2009.”

- Ghia Pamela Potestad, BE2

“I voted for Bais because I believe that he is a good leader.”

- Andrew Lagtapon, BN1

“Since I am one of the KAUSAP members, I voted for Ledesma for I truly believe that he can lead well the students of this University.”

- Jeanie Marie Pampliega, COHM2A

“I was not able to vote last election because I was not feeling well. But I know that all of them are good leaders and really has potentials.”

- Kim Jarloc CO2

“I voted for Mark Bais because I think he has the potential to rule the student government.”

- Andrew Matulac BN1F

“I never voted because I have so many research papers to tackle and I don’t even care about the election.”

- Althea Gay COHM2A

“I voted for Joven Ledesma. First of all, I believe in the leadership of KAUSAP and how they mold the students. I know that he’s responsible enough of leading Lasallians.”

- Frances Dawn Montoya, BEEN3A

“I voted for Mark Bais because I find him responsible and I think he fits in the position. That’s it.”

hospital exposure.”


8963 2958



Voters’ turn out

siya sang una mo…”

- Nadrev Jereza ENEC5

“Mark! Why? Because he deserves it. Klasmeyt ko

- Kathryn Anne Talon BN2D

“I was not able to vote last Friday because we had our

- Isabel de Leon

“I voted for Bais because I feel that he is a good leader.”

- James Desnacido CO2E

“I did not vote last Friday because I was afraid that our next president might be involved in graft and corruption.”

Who did you vote for the President? Why?


Controversies storm General Elections * COMELEC admits mistake, says sorry I won the election – Bais, Ledesma * University Student Government Official Results Lasallians Speak: Who did you vote for President? Why?

The Spectrum General Elections Special


March 18, 2008





MARCH 18, 2008

Controversies storm General Elections COMELEC admits mistakes, says sorry By Manuel Jeffrey O. Sistoso and Neslie Faith V. Sianson

The protest of the Sectoral Action Group for Empowered Students (SAGES) in the “strongest terms possible on attempts to alter, tamper, and exchange the official and duly signed Election Returns” was just among the many controversies that stormed the 2008 University Student Government General Elections held last March 7. Incumbent USG President Amy Grace Gargar revealed that SAGES Secretary General Regelmarie Abelarde wrote a letter addressed to Dean of Student Affairs Roger Marapo last March 11. The letter was a prelude to SAGES’ plans on filing a protest “regarding the conduct of the [last] elections.” Student Activities Coordinator Lormi Rio’s alleged involvement in the resolution of election matters was also mentioned in the letter. “We also protest the involvement of SAC [Student Activities Coordinator] Ms. Lormi Rio in [the said] election mess. We would like to point out that the office of the SAC has no jurisdiction over the student elections,” Abelarde said in the letter asking Marapo to inhibit Rio from any involvement on the matter. Rio denied allegations of involvement. “I don’t influence the decision of the COMELEC. They have minds of their own,” Rio said. The Root

The issue started when COMELEC officials corrected their admitted error on the entry of two data in the College of Arts and Sciences Election Return (ER). At first, the votes of Claire Bird and Joven Ledesma were interchanged in the CAS ER, giving Ledesma a total of 1,206 votes, Bird with 245 and Bais with 1,216. Before it was corrected, both parties’ representatives affixed their signatures making the CAS Election Return valid for canvassing, in which Bais was ahead of Ledesma by 10 votes. KAUSAP representative Mary Joy Castor later noticed that CAS ER did not coincide with their own tally and discovered that the votes of Ledesma and Bird were actually interchanged. Castor reported the matter to COMELEC and she received an immediate action. The COMELEC Commissioners contacted their Chairman Ma. Concepcion Mascuñana, who was at that time absent, about the error. Mascuñana authorized them to change the results for President in the CAS ER to “stick with the truth.” Both parties’ representatives affix their signatures again to revalidate the ER. There were no signatures near the corrected figures. The corrected ER will make Ledesma the winner of the presidential race. Meanwhile, Dean of Student Affairs Roger Marapo said that

GREEN VOTE. The University Student Government Elections are stormed with controversies.

it was an error committed by COMELEC due to lack of manpower. “It was an honest mistake on the part of these students who volunteered for COMELEC. It was not malicious and their only intention was to reflect the truth in the tally that is why they corrected the erroneous data that were earlier written in the ER,” Marapo said. The story goes on until SAGES filed a case before the Student Court stressing the lack of due process.

On the Conduct of Elections Rumors spread out about the alleged violations of COMELEC against the Omnibus Election Code. One was COMELEC’s failure to start on time. The Omnibus Election Code states the election should start 9am. Polling precincts opened at around 9:45am, says COMELEC due to lack of manpower. Another alleged violation was the polling precinct of the College of Education being so near to campaign materials of some

candidates. “It was the fault of the candidates themselves. They know it was going to be the voting area, they still did not remove their posters,” Mascuñana said. Students also complain about the setting of the polling areas having seats with no tables, arranged closely together that almost “disregarded the value of secrecy.” Some students also noted COMELEC’s lack of knowledge about the election rules.

All of these were attributed by COMELEC to lack of manpower. Mascuñana in an interview said that they admit their mistakes and shortcomings and they apologize for the delayed results. COMELEC however rejects any call for failure of elections. “There was no failure of elections,” Commissioner Kristoffer Niño Ballenas said. The Commissioner added that in the next election, they will try to automate the voting process to avoid similar problems.

I won the election—Bais, Ledesma Ledesma


Presidential candidates Mark Bais and Joven Ledesma both claimed they won the presidential election held last March 7. “I won the election and I based that claim primarily on the provisions of the Omnibus Election Code and considering the statements of persons who know what is legal and who believe in the rule of law,” Bais said.

Ledesma meanwhile said everyone should wait for the decision of the COMELEC but asserted he won the elections. “I believe I won. But since the final statement will be from the COMELEC, then let’s wait for their decision. But personally I believe I won and I know a lot of students believe in my potential to run the Student Government

(SG)” Ledesma said. The KAUSAP Presidential Candidate added that no matter what, he will fight for the votes rendered to him by the majority of the students claiming it is also one way of fighting for student rights. COMELEC said in an unofficial statement that Ledesma won the race by 67 votes ahead of Bais considering the corrections they

did in the CAS Election Return. COMELEC Chairperson Ma. Concepcion Mascuñana is still waiting for the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) imposed by the Student Court to be lifted before they can proclaim Ledesma as the legitimate winner of the presidential race. Mascuñana said they will side with the truth no matter what.

The Spectrum hosts Presidential Debate By Arthur Jason Javellana

Three presidential candidates faced off during a debate hosted by The Spectrum last March 4 at Café De La Salle. Independent candidate Claire Bird, KAUSAP’s Joven Ledesma and SAGES’ Mark Bais showed up to draw their differences in terms of policies, opinions and manner. Discussions include platforms, advantage over the other presidential candidates, activities that the candidates are looking forward to initiate, among others. Other topics involve defending student rights, reaction to university travesties, promoting information dissemination, Clean As You Go Policy and administration policies they wish to change. Ledesma mentioned some of his achievements including his being a representative of the University to various activities such as the National Symposium of Young Lasallians (NSYL), being a Balayan Volunteer, and

leadership seminars and trainings attended. Ledesma wants to apply his learning’s in the university to be involved as well as to grow maturely. Bais meanwhile stressed his being a Political Science major who has served in the Senate. Bais also is a member of the Ayala Young Leaders Alliance or AYLA and co-founder of Batang Negros. He said his number one priority is to protect student rights. Claire Bird is majoring in BS Biology and has experienced her own share of studentadministration politics during her stay. She believes information dissemination is her top priority. When asked on their respective platforms, Ledesma considers his experience as a BALAYAN volunteer and Nursing Senator as a backgrounder to him. “My experience is an edge for me to create changes and if given the opportunity to serve the USG, it would be a greater venue for

me to apply all my learning’s from the various trainings and seminars that I have attended” Ledesma said. Bais on the other had STRIKE which stands for Student Rights, Trustful service, Rule of Law, Information Dissemination, Keen observation, and Experience. Bais believes in “First among Equal” which states that someone is task to embody the majority to formulate, carry out and express the will of the majority. The candidates were asked on their advantage over the other candidates. Bird said age and life experience would make her the better president. For Bais it is time management over Ledesma, a Nursing major and age over Bird since the former can relate to constituents in his age group. Ledesma’s edge is sense of understanding and knowledge in handling and disciplining people. The proceedings of the debate

Official Student Publication of the University of St. La Salle * USLS Coliseum Ground Floor, La Salle Ave., Bacolod City, Philippines 6100 * Volume 51 Number 15

continued as some spectators raised questions directed to the three candidates. One question raised by the audience is the issue on transvestites. Bais believed that if you give them respect they will pay you in kind. Bird said it is a matter of freedom of expression while for Ledesma it is just a matter of respect. University offices have praised the efforts of The Spectrum in holding the event. Editor-in-Chief Jepoi Sistoso however claimed that the audience members had the tendency to debate more with the candidates. The purpose of the debate was to have candidates debate against one another according to the Editor. He said the debate was good enough for a first time. The Spectrum has decided to host the presidential debate for students to know their candidates three days before Election Day.


MARCH 18, 2008



Rule of law must prevail - SAGES

Stand by the truth - KAUSAP

On March 9, 2008, the Board of Election Inspectors changed the duly signed Election Return containing the votes for the College of Arts and Sciences based solely on the undue and unlawful pressure, influence, and insistence of KAUSAP. This alteration was done in violation of duly established rules and procedures as provided for by the Omnibus Election Code and without the notice to SAGES. The alteration, had it been granted, would gravely affect the results of the Election in favor of KAUSAP. Mr. Jojo Bayona, OSA Representative, noticed the alteration and informed the BEI that such change was contrary to the Omnibus Election Code, as that law provides that any student party could contest an ER but only within 48 hours after the conduct of an election and only through a formal written petition (Section 88). The ACT of KAUSAP in UNDULY INFLUENCING THE ALTERATION / CHANGE in the election returns is QUESTIONABLE ACT. The ACT of the BEI in following KAUSAP and changing the election return BEHIND OUR BACK is a GRAVE BETRAYAL of the students’ trust and MAKES A MOCKERY of our Election Law. THESE ACTS OF DISHONESTY AND DECEIT ARE HEINOUS AND CONDEMNABLE. IT SHOULD NEVER BE TOLERATED BY THE LA SALLIAN COMMUNITY AT LARGE. We, the members of SAGES, faithfully stand true to our ideals in promoting students rights and upholding the rule of law. In our service to the students and to the La Sallian community in defending and seeking for truth and justice, we have been maligned, pressured, ridiculed, and harassed. Despite these condemnations, we strive and persevere to defend the rights of the students to peaceful and honest elections. We stand firmly on righteousness and the rule of law. We have filed a petition in COMELEC for the immediate proclamation of Mr. Bais as the winner of the last presidential race based on the duly signed authentic untampered official election returns last Friday, March 14, 2008. We challenge the Lasallian Community to ask itself: Should we allow the disregard of our laws? Should we allow ourselves to be led by a leader whose claim to victory is not through the voice of the students but through fraud as engineered by a political party? Should we do nothing despite what we know? NO! WE CAN DO SOMETHING. WE CAN DO THE RIGHT THING.

Last March 9, 2008, during the counting, one of our watchers learned that the Election Return from the CAS Precinct is erroneous—the votes of Ledesma and Bird were interchanged. This was brought to the attention of the COMELEC commissioners and they too attested that it was erroneous; they consulted the COMELEC chairman, who also attested that the tally was not correct and so requested one of them to correct the ER. They explained to us that having been awake for nearly 24 hours they very tired and sleepy while writing the tally in the ER and committed the error by mistake. Unfortunately, at that time, our watchers signed the ER before the tally was erroneously put in. When the correction was being done, watchers from the other party claimed that altering the ER was against the Omnibus Election code. Joven Ledesma won the presidential election. That is the truth and even COMELEC attests to that. But if the erroneous CAS ER will not be corrected, then Joven Ledesma loses by around 10 votes. We point out that there was fault on the part of the COMELEC and the watchers of both parties for signing the ER before the tally was reflected therein. We understand that some people contend that correcting the erroneous ER would be denying the candidates procedural due process. These are just mere technicalities. A greater injustice would result if we were NOT to correct the ER, as this would lead to impeding the voice of the students and their right to suffrage. If we do NOT allow the correction of this error, we would be putting into office the candidate who did not get the plurality votes. “Vox populi vox dei”, it means the voice of the people is the voice of God. We have come across a blog on the internet and heard from friends about accusations that KAUSAP cheated the elections, that we tampered votes, and that we paid the COMELEC. We have done no such things. We also have reports that there are faculty members who announce in their class that Mark Bais won as president, when in fact no election results were yet announced regarding the presidential race. We feel that these are all tactics of some students and teachers to plant malice in the minds of students. We feel that it is sad that some people would resort to dishonesty in order to protect their political interests. We urge the Student Court, the COMELEC, and all the students to stand by the TRUTH! For 25 years, we have consistently provided the students with servant leaders. Today we continue to serve with a purpose and lead with a vision. We stand for an HONEST and responsive leadership, to protect the students’ rights, promote their voice, and preserve their power. In Unity and Service, KAUSAP

- Sectoral Action Group for Empowered Students

I am the legitimate President - Bais Automated Elections?

theSpectrum: Do you accept the truth that they’re telling, that Ledesma got more votes than you? BAIS: The question presupposes that the other party’s presidential candidate obtained more votes than me. This is declaration of truth is self-serving and should be ignored. As rational people, we should look to unbiased facts. What are the legal and factual bases? Mine? I base my plurality votes on the original returns submitted, the same returns prepared in the legitimate and regular course of election process, done in public and accessible to those who wish to witness our democracy in action. This return is a public document, authenticated and the veracity of which attested to by the signature of KAUSAP, the Commission on Election and the SAGES. This is my basis, the original, authentic and untampered election return, bearing the sovereign voice of my student-electorates.” What is KAUSAP’s basis for truth? They base it upon the same election return, only upon subsequent alteration done by one member of the COMELEC upon the order of KAUSAP, behind the closed doors of their private offices, uninviting to the inspection of the public. Now, Do I accept the truth? Their version, I do not accept, nor should

our student-electorates. The will of the students is not a matter for compromise but a mandate that as student leaders we should learn to accept, whatever our prejudices.” theSpectrum: Are you hoping that COMELEC will proclaim you the winner? BAIS: “That is indeed my hope and the hope of our party. It is one that is bolstered by the statutory authority of our Omnibus Election Code and emanating from the principles of justice and fair play our government should strive to perfect. Should COMELEC look to our laws, the very laws they swore to safeguard, they shall see that their course of action is clear and has been clear from the time they have received that original and authentic return and saw the unequivocal will of my constituents. Their course of action has been paved for them by our laws and they leave no room for political considerations.” theSpectrum: If you are proclaimed as the winner, are you ready on day 1? BAIS: “Yes. I never go into battle unprepared. My platform and agenda has always been for the protection and promotion of students’ rights and movement of government action pursuant to those rights. These were the issues I saw unreflected in our student

government policies. These were the issues I planned to address when I get elected. This election controversy has been the first test of my convictions and my resolve to champion students’ rights and echo the students’ voice.” theSpectrum: What will you do on day 1? BAIS: “On my first day as your President, I plan to hold a dialogue with our Bro. President, Ray Suplido and lay down the reforms I wish for my administration in order to effectively serve our body-politic, with the aid of the university on our side. It will be a free discussion and exchange of ideas. It is always prudent to hear from those who have come before us and see what we can learn from their experiences.” theSpectrum: Now, what are you fighting for? BAIS: “As the Chief Executive of our student government, I will ensure that this government is for the students. I shall see that their interests are reflected in our legislation and their will executed in our programs. This will entail a lot of surveys from our students in order that their will is carried out in my administration. I plan to start with a clean slate and to ensure that my policies are tailored to their current needs and sustained in the policies of our future student leaders.”


Lasallians Decide 2008

VOL. 51 NO. 15 MARCH 18, 2008

Editor-in-Chief Manuel Jeffrey O. Sistoso Managing Editor Arjay D. Solitario Reports Chief Neslie Faith V. Sianson Layout Editor Timothy A. Escopete Asst. Graphics Editor Jumpee P. Tipon Newspaper Writers

Arthur Jason I. Javellana Kathreen Joyce I. Tubid John Alexander M. Cuyoca Epi Ma. Kassandra A. Dajao

Layout Artist Mark Romulo C. Tumbagahan

Photojournalists Hector Gregory A. Benedicto Krazelle M. Escarrilla Paolo Trio

Hi there mortals! I’m back… I’m sure you missed me sooo much. Where have I been? Secret! I won’t tell you unless you tell me the truth! What truth? Hahaha. The truth about the election. Is it true that you guys there at CAS do not have desks or writing tables for the voters? Eeeew. Are we poor na? And how about the alleged incompetency of

Sugar Says Sugar

“Ay butangan pa ni gali thumb mark?” ang drama sang lola mo COMELEC volunteer.

the COMELEC people? Hmmm… I was making rampa in one of the voting precincts and this girl was ngarag because she forgot what to do. “Ay butangan pa ni gali thumb mark?” ang drama ng lola COMELEC volunteer. So the sad ending was the others who voted first failed to put their thumb mark. Overall, the election was so chaka. Ok, so I voted, as in… So many things went so wrong. The process started late. There was no place to sit (Did COMELEC consider the floor as part of the seating?) and if I could find one, I sat so close to my seatmates that I could copy off their ballots like I would on examination day. Ano answer mo sa number one girl? Ay! Isli na… Sala answer mo.. It’s nice when we help each other noh? Anyway, I have to bid farewell to all of you until next school year as I am off to party and flaunt my beauty in Bora for the Summer. Want to come along? Sure, sure, just make sure you’re not chaka and you leave your ka-echosan at home. Maricon! Swim ta ya girl. Next time automated na kuno ang election… so dontcha worry.

KAUSAP’s Ledesma ready on day one, expresses willingness to appoint Bais By Manuel Jeffrey O. Sistoso With Reports from Neslie Faith V. Sianson

I will start my presidency with a convention of the new set of SG leaders to know one another deeper so that it will be easy to work for the next school year and the planning will soon follow. This was the response of Presidential Candidate Joven Ledesma when asked about his

readiness to accept responsibility on day one of his presidency, if ever proclaimed. “I have already prepared myself to whatever outcome and I am expecting the worst thing to happen. With that, it gives me the confidence to win. I know I prepared well for the Elections with the help of the Almighty God,” Ledesma added. Ledesma commits himself to

Editorial Assistants Regi Joseph B. Arguelles Mervin G. Vera Charmae Labao

Moderator Ms. Hannah Papasin-Mariveles The Spectrum is the Official Student Publication of the University of St. La Salle. Its editorial office is located at the USLS Coliseum Ground Floor, La Salle Ave., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental 6100; it can be reached through the telephone number, (034) 432-1187 local 172 and e-mail address, [email protected]. All rights reserved. No part of The Spectrum may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publication. All contributions become The Spectrum property and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to edit all articles for publication.

Member: National Alliance of Lasallian Campus Journalists.

Official Student Publication of the University of St. La Salle * USLS Coliseum Ground Floor, La Salle Ave., Bacolod City, Philippines 6100 * Volume 51 Number 15

fight for his votes and win the Presidential Seat. He also said if Mark Bais, presidential candidate of SAGES, permits to be under his cabinet then he would be willing to include him. “I believe Mark has the potential in leading the SG and if he’s willing to serve the SG, positions will not matter but the desire to be a servant leader,” Ledesma concluded.

MARCH 18, 2008















as of March 14, 2008

SENATORS: Arcamo Canong Chua Montelibano Vinson

485 186

236 139 447 370 447


GOVERNOR: Cervantes Frias

277 328

399 264 SECRETARY: Fajardo Garcia

203 361

VICE GOVERNOR: Cunanan Villa

TREASURER: Ramirez Rojo

2ND YEAR BATCH REP: Gamugda 116 Ledesma 79 3RD YEAR BATCH REP: Grano 154 4TH YEAR BATCH REP: Chan 129

324 265 166 182 249

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SENATORS: Alipin Esmillarin Severino Padios Villaceran

SECRETARY: Fernandez


MARCH 18, 2008

2nd YEAR BATCH REP: Felix Buendia


92 109

157 189 183 179 172 139 133

369 153


SENATORS: Abelarde Arellano Antolo Morancil Tayo Gallena Planas

161 58 137

GOVERNOR: Maravilla Paleromo

TREASURER: Fulgencio

GOVERNOR: Decinal Guilaran Lipa

147 119 84

2ND YEAR BATCH REP: Eudela 106

VICE GOVERNOR: Dumaap Indoma Tan


301 163

387 296 122 308 202 193 151 318


100 207

VICE GOVERNOR: Formilleza Parohinog

SENATORS: Allegato Bilbao Cannonizado Jaro Martinez Sales Sarcauga Servano

510 203

TREASURER: Oquendo Tui

5th YEAR BATCH REP: Alvares







GOVERNOR: Parreño Yap

242 390

2ND YEAR BATCH REP: Estrella 60 Montanio 43

212 214


286 284

TREASURER: Villanueva Nabor

Treasurer: Gorosin Ventura

318 289

217 214

SECRETARY: Masa Nicdao

104 82

SECRETARY: Libo-on Vega

316 264 191 148 154 103

4th YEAR BATCH REP: Say Zamora

66 196

81 59

SENATORS: Jochico Juen Magalona Magbanua Masadia Tongson


3rd YEAR BATCH REP: Lanes Pico

43 29

GOVERNOR: Lagunday

292 133

Source: Commission on Elections

4TH YEAR BATCH REP: Cañon 89 Julagay 18


VICE GOVERNOR: Miguel Serran

2ND YEAR BATCH REP: Delgado Nietes 3RD YEAR BATCH REP: Aquino Enchero

General Elections 2008 Official Results

University Student Government


Lasallians Decide ‘08

Results for President



Unofficial as of March 14, 2008










PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES LEGEND: First result without correction Second result with correction


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