March 2008

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According to media reports, uncovered women in Mersin, who wear shorter length skirts, are in fear of similar attacks.

The Words Words of of Truth-The Truth-The Gospel Gospel The

The Second Annual Carlsbad Eschatology Conference

ISSUE 4 | EDITION 10 | 2008

As part of this year’s program, we will be hosting a debate between Don Preston and Mac Deaver.

Acid Attack On Two Turkish Girls For Wearing Short Skirts A high school senior and an elementary school student were attacked in the Mediterranean town of Mersin with strong acid spray. In two separate incidents within the same hour both girls were approached from behind by a group of young men who commented on the length of their skirts and told them it was too short. The girls were sprayed with acidic substance that burnt and melted their stockings and caused deep lacerations on the back of their legs. The girls were treated in the hospital. The police is searching for the culprits that are believed to be the same ones, in both incidents.

Several years ago, Keith Mathison published a book attacking full Preterism. Mathison’s book - When Shall These Things Be? – featured the biggest names in the Reformed Church; names like Kenneth Gentry, Robert Strimple, Charles Hill, Keith Mathison, Richard Pratt, and R.C. Sproul Jr. Our response is now ready and is scheduled for release at the conference. Many of the contributing authors will be there, including: Sam Frost (Ft. Lauderdale, FL), William Bell (Memphis, TN), Don Preston (Ardmore, OK), and Kurt Simmons (Carlsbad, NM). k For more information :

Postal Regd. No.TEN/8/2008-2010 Posted on 8th, every month

The Words of Truth-The Gospel # 11-4-78, Church of Christ, Chenchupet Tenali - 522 202, Guntur Dist., A.P. INDIA

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Mac Deaver followed his father, Roy, in the ministry. Mac has served for decades in the Church of Christ, and is a veteran debater; he holds meetings regularly across the United States. Mac possesses about as big a name as there is in the Churches of Christ today. This debate should therefore receive a lot of attention. A book transcribing the debate is already planned. To optimize attendance, the debate will be held Thursday and Friday evenings, March 13th and 14th, and conclude Saturday morning 8-12, March 15th. And also this year’s conference will feature the release of the long awaited Mathison Response.

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes... Rom1:16

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Mobile : +(0091) 9440761223 e-mail: [email protected]

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e Exclusive Editor K PRABHU DAS

Staff Writers K Prem Kumar V George Sis. K Vani Prabhu B.A., L.L.B.,

Subscription Rates Annual (Inland) Rs. 50/Annual (Overseas) $20/Patron Rs. 500/Life Rs. 1000/-

Send your subscription through MO/DD/Cash to K PRABHU DAS # 11-4-78, Church of Christ Chenchupet, Tenali 522 202 Guntur District, A P - INDIA

Published & Owned by K Prabhu Das, TNL

֒ѨŠ... ¿Ñl 2Ö’ 3Ö’ 4Ö’ 6Ö’ Printed, Published and Owned by Mr K PRABHU DAS, CHURCH OF CHRIST, # 11-4-78, Tenali 522 202, Guntur Dist., A P, S India Printed at Keerti Offset Printers, 22-12-2, Bose Road, Tenali 522 201 | Editor : K PRABHU DAS | Price : Rs.5/- each. Language : Bilingual | Periodicity : Monthly | R.N.I No. APBIL 2004/14125.

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Section A

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Section B

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Page 2

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Ö’Hõ=Ú =∞iÜ«Ú =¸Åáê~î= ° ÚÅ∞

- Don Preston

Cosmos and Stoichea / World and Elements

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In one of the most intriguing prophetic texts of the Old Testament, the Psalmist said, “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces, and cast away their cords from us.’” (Psalms 2:1-3). This passage speaks of man’s attempt to thwart God’s intent to establishment of the kingdom. In Acts 4:25f, Peter quoted this passage to speak of the crucifixion of Jesus. The thing is, though, that Peter and the church did not think the crucifixion had accomplished what the rebellious leaders had hoped! The church saw the crucifixion, and of course the resurrection, of Jesus as victory, not defeat! Why? Because that is what the prophet had taught. Back in Psalms 2, the writer recorded Jehovah’s response to man’s attempt to thwart His purpose, “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then shall He speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure. Yet have I set my King on My Holy hill of Zion.” (Psalms 2:4-5) God laughed when man attempted to defeat Him! Yet, many people believe that man did defeat, or at least postponed God’s purposes, and that the Cross is proof positive that Satan won, and not God! John Darby said that many people supposed that the Cross signaled the victory of God. However, he said, “It was exactly the contrary. The cross was one grand demonstration...that Satan is prince and god of this world.”(J. N. Darby, Lectures on the Second Coming, 1868). Well, if the Cross is the victory of Satan, why did David say that God would laugh when man rejected His Son? You see, the Bible says that God gave His promise to set His Son on the throne, and he said He would not alter His word. He was not going to be defeated, nor postpone His purpose. Not only

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that, the prophetic scriptures said of Jesus’ mission to establish the kingdom: “He shall not fail” (Isaiah 42:6f). Well, if Jesus came to establish the kingdom, but could not do it because of the Cross, then he failed, and God altered His promises! But you see, the Bible says God would laugh at man’s rebellious acts. He would laugh at the futile conniving of those who imagined “a vain thing,” in thinking they could prevent God’s purposes. God keeps His word, and He keeps His word on time! What a comfort to know that God cannot be thwarted by man’s rebellious efforts! What a comfort to know that Satan is not in control, that God actually used man’s rebellion to accomplish His purpose! Instead of the Cross being “a grand demonstration” that Satan is the prince of this world, the Bible says that it was in the Cross that Jesus triumphed (Colossians 2:15f)! The Cross was God’s plan all the time! It was His means of establishing His kingdom, not the cause for postponing the kingdom! What a great God is He! He turns man’s rebellion to His purposes! He laughs at man’s efforts to foil Him. Don’t you want to serve a God that cannot and will not be defeated? k

The Bible is a book that has been read more and examined less than any book that ever existed. —Thomas Paine

The Words of Truth - The Gospel is a Non-denominational, and NON-PROFITABLE publication helps believers develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, and provides practical help in understanding the Scriptures and applying them to your daily life and ministry. This journal is made possible by the generous prayers and financial support that we receive from the people like you. If you find this publication useful and would like to contribute a voluntary donation of your choice would be greatly appreciated. Please know that every Rupee/ Dollar that you give to our ministry will be used to spread the glad tidings / sound Doctrine. A significant amount of time is spent maintaining and developing this periodical. Make sure that your checks/DD/MO payable to K. Prabhu Das, Editor For mailing address, Please see page 8


Page 3

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