Marathi-english Dictionery

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# Command line: -u -n 1 -i m4 -o m5 # Date: Tue Feb 17 10:07:28 US/Eastern 1998 # a.ngikaaruu = give shelter a.ngii = in one's self a.njaneviiNa = collyrium a.nta = end a.ntakaaLii = at life's end a.ntaraa = to the heart a.ntaraate = in the heart a.ntarii = in the heart a.ntarii.n = in the heart aMbaR^ishhii = Ambarishi(a king by that name) akasmaata = unexpectedly akraa = eleven akha.nDiita = unbroken agaadhuu = incomprehensible ajaameLa = Ajamela aNuureNu = atoms and miuter matter atarkaasi = beyond logic ati = excess atii = greatly adR^ishya = invisible adhomuukha = downward-facing ananyaasa = to one in total communion anaachaara = bad conduct anaathaa.n = orphaned anaathaasi = orphaned anirvaachya = indescribable(Truth) aniitiibaLe = due to the power of evil character anekii = among differences anNi = and anna = food annadaataa = giver of food abhaagyaa = unfortunate abhaagyaasa = unfortunate abhaave = without faith abhya.ntarii = inside out artha = money alpa = trace avasthaa = state avaGYaa = insult avidyaa = not knowledge(ignorance) avidyaaguNe = due to ignorance avyakta = invisible asa.nkhyaata = innumerable asaa = like ase = is asenaa = is not aha.nkaara = egoism aha.nkaaravistaara = expansion of ego aha.ntaa = egoism aha.ntaaguNe = egoistically ahaMbhaava = egoism ahalyaa = Ahalya ahalyesatiilaagii = touching Ahalya, the ideal wife aho = Oh! listen! akshayii = undecaying aGYaana = ignorance aa.ngii = in self aakaLenaa = understand not aakaarale = took form aagaLaa = unique aagaLe = unique aacharaave = conduct oneself aachchhaadile = covered aaTalii = shrink/evaporate aaThavaavaa = remember aaThavuu = memory aaDhaLenaa = find not aaNiika = and aaNuu.n = bring aataa = now aatmabuddhi = soul awareness(as final Reality) aadare = with respect aadaresii = respect

aadhaara = support aadhii.n = before everything aana.nta = infinite aana.nda = joy aapalii = our aapulii = ours aapule = one's own aapulese = one's own aayushhya =lifespan aaraMbha = start aaraNya = forest life aaraNyapa.nthe = during the journey in the forest aaropaNaa = accusatory aarjavii = beseech aarta = yearning aalaksha = invisible aalaa = came aale = came aavarii = restrains aashaa = desires aahe = is ishhTa = desirable result ihii = with these iisha = Lord uchchaaritaa = pronouncing uThe = arises uDaalaa = flew away uDaalii = flew uDii = jump uttamaachaa = in best accordance uda.nDe = plentiful udaasiina = dispassionate udaasiinataa = dispassion udelaa = arose uddharii = uplift,liberate,save uddhare = uplift udyaapane = ? shelters for mendicants unmatuu = insolent unmanii = transcending mind upaadhii = affliction upekshaa = neglect ubhaa = standing umesii = Parvati uraavii = should leave urenaa = remain uugamaachaa = of the Primordal Origin(truth) uugamii = in the source uupamaa = simile uupamaanii = Upamanyu uupaasanaa = service uumajenaa = comprehend not R^iNii = indebted eka = one ekanishhThaa = singular focus ekaruupaasi = indivisible form ekaa.ntakaaLii = in solitude ekuu = one aikataa = listening aikya = unity aisaa = thus oLakhaavaa = recognise oLakhiimaaji = recognition aushhadhaa = medicine(antidote) kathaa = story kadaa = ever kapaaLii = forehead karaa = do karaavaa = shoud do karaavii = do karaave = do karaave.n = ought to do karii = in the hands karma = action karmayoge.n = as a result of actions kala.nkii = Kalki kalpakoTii = millions of aeons

kalpakoDii = millions of aeons kalpataruu = wish-fulfilling(tree) kalpanaa = idea kalpanaalesha = trace of desire kalpanecheni = ideas kalpavR^ikshaataLii = at the foot of the wish-fulfilling tree kalpaa.ntakaaLii = end of time kalpitaa = think kalpitaahii = even thinking kalpilaa = thought kalpiita = think kashhTa = labor kashhTalaa = distressed kashhTaviilaa = distressed kaLiilaagi = in the Kali yuga kaLe = understand kaLenaa = understand kaLo = understood kaa = why kaa.ntaa = wife kaaMbi = sound of the bow-string(when stretched and relesed) kaachakha.nDe = broken glass pieces kaaNii = despised kaama = work kaamadhenuu = wish-fulfilling cow kaamanaa = desires kaamasa.ngii = attached to lust kaamaa = benefit kaamaasa = lust kaaya = what kaayasii = how kaayaa = body kaaraNii = in the cause of (god) kaaraNe = sake kaaryakartaa = doer of actions kaahii = whatever kaaLa = time kaaLamuukhii.n = death's jaws ki.nkaraa = servant kitii{e}ka = countless kiije = take kiirti = fame ku.nTaNii = Kuntani ku.nThiita = confounded kuDaavaa = protection kuDii = crooked kuurmaruupe = in tortoise form kuusarii = sagaciously kR^ipaa = grace kR^ipaaLuu = compassionate kR^ipaaLuupaNe = with compassion kelaa = did kelii = did kele = made kele.n = did kevaa = daring kevi = how kaichaa = whence kaichii = whence kaiche = whence kaivalya = liberation kaivalyadaataa = granter of liberation kaivalyadaanii = giver of 'moksha'(liberation) kaisaa = how kaise = how kaiseni = how ko.nDile.n = imprisoned ko.ndalese = pervade ko.ndaaTale = pervading koTii = millions koTyaanukoTii = millions and millions koThe = anywhere koNa = who koNii = anyone koda.nDadhaarii = armed with the bow named 'kodanda' kopa = anger

kopalyaa = angered kramii = spends kramuu.n = follow kriyaa = action kriyaapaalaTe = with changed actions kriyeviiNa = without kriiyaa = actions krodha = anger kharaa = ass khare = true khaataa = consume khu.nTatii = obstructed khuDaave = cut khuNe = by sign khuuNa = sign kheda = misery khedakaarii = grief producing khede = sadneness khoTe = false khote = false khyaati = fame gaMbhiira = profound gaje.ndruu = Gajendra(an elephat of that name) gaNaadhiisha = Ganesha(Chieftain of Shiva's attendants) gatii = course gatiikaaraNe = for the sake of salvation(ultimate goal in life) gadyaghoshhe = with booming voice gamuu = follow garbhavaasii = embryonic sac garbhavaasii.n = embryonic sac garva = pride gaLenaa = thins not gaaje = thunders gaaThii = in one's lap gaataa = singing gaato = sings giriika.ndarii = on mountains and in valleys guNaa.ncha = virtues/qualities guNaavegaLii = beyond the qualities guNii = in virtue guNe = byqualities(sattva,raja,tama) guNeviiNa = without qualities gupta = hidden guru = teacher guruu = teache guruuviiNa = without a teacher guuja = secret guuDha = profound guuNa = virtues guuNii = with attributes gelaa = went gelii = went gele = went goDii = liking govile = bound gauriiharaachaa = Shankar gra.nthiche = stored ghaDii = moment ghaDiine = by moment ghaDe = happen ghaDenaa = happen ghanashyaama = complexioned like a cloud gharii = at home ghaatalii = took ghaalito = takes ghaalii = strike ghaava = strike ghetale = took ghetaa = taking ghete = takes gheto = takes ghe{u.n} = take ghe{uu}na = take away ghora = terrible ghoshha = proclaim loudly ghyaavii = take

ghyaave = take cha.ndanaache = sandalwood cha.ndramaa = moon cha.ndramauLii = Shankar chakrapaaNii = Vishnu chakravaakaasi = to chakravaka( bird ) chaDhe = climbs(grows) chatvaara = fourfold charmachakshii = physical eyes chaLenaa = moves not chakshune = eyes chaa.ngale = good chaa.nchalya = unsteadiness chaa.nDaaLa = wicked chaaturya = adeptness in daily affairs chaapapaaNii = Rama(holding the bow in His hands) chaala = walk(act) chaalaNe = conduct chaalataahe = walks(conducts oneself) chaale = walks chaahuTii = gossiping chaaLakuu = deceitful chi.ntaa = worry chi.ntaamaNii = wish-fulfilling gem chi.ntitaa = thinking chi.ntiyelaa = thought constantly chi.ntiita = meditate chi.ntiitase = meditates chitta = mind chittii = in the mind and heart chira.njiiva = immortal chii chii = utter disgust chukenaa = miss chuukale = mistake chuukavii = escape cheTakii = sorcery cheTake = sorcery choralaase = hiding choralese = stolen(hiding) chha.nda = hymns jagii = in the world jaDe = attracts jana = people janaa = to people janaa.nkaaraNe = for the sake of people janaasaarikhe = like people janii.n = among the people janma = birth janmachi.ntaa = worry of birth janmataahe = takes birth janmadaarid{}rya = born in poverty janmale = born janmaasa = born japuu = repeating god's name with reverence jape = worships jayaa = which jayaachaa = whose jayaachii = whose jayaache = whose jayaacheni = by which jayaate = of whom jayaalaa = to whom jalpa = vain talk jaachii = troubles jaaNa = know jaaNataa = wise jaaNaa = know jaaNije = know jaaNivechii = ego-awareness jaaNiiva = egoistic pride of knowledge jaaNe = knows jaata = going jaataa = going jaatii = go away jaate = goes jaate.n = goes

jaanakiinaayakaachaa = Rama's(Janaki's husband) jaanakiivallabhaachaa = Rama(Janaki's husband) jaalaa = became jaalii = occurred jaale = became jaale.n = happened jaavaa = go jaavii = go jaave = go jaave.n = shuld go jaahalaa = bacame jaahale = happened jaaLito = burns jaaLilaa = burned jaaLii = burns jaaLuu = burn jaa{ii}je = go away jaa{ii}la = will go jiNaavaa = conquer jiNaave = conquer jiNe = life jitaa.n = while alive jiye = by which jirenaa = digest jivaa = individual jivaa.nche = creatures jiirNa = ancient jiiva = individual jiivadaanii = life-giver jiivaa = to the creatures jiivii = in the breath/heart jiivii.n = in one's heart june = ancient je = which jeNe = who jeNe.n = who jethuuni = whence jethe = where jaisaa = such jo = who joDii = joins joDe = accumulates joDela = commune jyaa = whose jyaachaa = whose jyaache = whose jvaaLa = fire jhaale = became jhaale.n = happened jhijaave = suffer for others' sake jhije = sacrifice TaLenaa = escape Taakitaa = giving up Thaakuuni = followed Thaava = whereabouts Thelaa = stayed Thelii = kept Thele = remained ThevaNe = wealth (eternal truth Thevije = keep DhaLe = move DhaLenaa = cannot shake off tatkaaLa = instantly tattvachi.ntaanuvaade = meditating on the Supreme Reality tattvajhaaDaa = search for truth tattvataa = in essence tattvaGYaane = philosophy tattvaadike = philosophic principles tadaakaara = merging in that tamaachaa = of tamasic qualities tayaa = in him tayaakaaraNe = for his sake tayaachaa = of that tayaache = his tayaacheni = due to him tayaate = to them

tayaalaa = to him tayaalaagi = to Him tayaaviiNa = without it tayaasaarikhe.n = accordingly tayaahuuna = more than him taye = of that tayemaaji = in that (place) taraa = cross tarii = then tarka = argument tarkashaastre = science of argumentation tarkii = logician talliina = immersed taaka = buttermilk taatkaaLa = instantly taanamaane = knowledge of music taapasii = ascetic taaraa.ngaNii = in the galaxies taaraa.ngaNe = galaxies of stars taarile = saved taarii = float taaruNyakaaLii = in youth tinhii = all three tishhThatuu = waits tii = those tiinhii = three tu.nchii = yourself tujhaa = you tujhii = your tujhe = yours tuTe = breaks tuTenaa = snaps not tumhaa.n = you tulaa = to you tuvaa = by you tuvaa.n = you tuLenaa = compares tuu.n = you tuu.nchi = youself tuuchi = yourself tuuja = to you tuujapaasii = with you tuujalaa = to you tuuTe = breaks tuuTonii = broke tuuLaNaa = comparison tuuLitaahii = even trying to compare te = that te.n = that techi = that alone techii = that itself teNe = by that tethe = there tethechi = there itself tehii = even they taisaa = thus taisaachi = just as before taisechi = as before to = he tochi = only he toDarii = an ornament(worn on legs) toDii = removes toshhalaa = feels happy tohi = even that tohii = eben that tyajaavaa = abandon tyajaavii = give up tyajaave = abandon tyaa = to him tyaa.nchaa = theirs tyaaga = sacrifice tyaagita = give up tyaagii = abandon tyaachaa = his tyaache = his tyaate = to that

tyaasi = to him trivaachaa = with conviction tvare = speedily tvaa.n = you tvaa.nchi = yourself thakkiita = wonder-struck tharaarii = tremble thora = great thoralaa = great da.nDadhaarii = Yama, God of Death daMbha = hypocrisy daMbhadhaarii = hypocritical dayaa = compassion dayaadaksha = ever compassionate dayaaLuu = compassionate darshane = seeing daksha = attentive daana = charity daavijeto = shows daasa = devotee daasapaaLuu = protector of servants(dependents) daasaabhimaanii = proud of His devotees dinaa.nkaaraNe = for the sake of the humble dinaachaa = of the humble dinaanaatha = lord of the humble dilaa = gave divya = illumined dishaa = directions disa.ndiisa = day by day disaa.n = days dise = appears disenaa = appears not diije = give diidhalii = gave diise = seen duHkha = grief dukhaachii = of grief dujaa = someone else dujii = another dujeviiNa = without a second duraatme = evil selves duraashaa = malefic wish duraashaaguNe = wicked desires durjanaachii = wicked durbharaate = insatiable dushchitta = sinful mind dushhTa = evil dustaraa = difficult to cross duuje = second duuNe = double duuri = far dR^iDha = firm dR^ishya = visible dR^ishhTaa.nta = simile dekhataa = seeing dekhavenaa = could not bear to see deta = gives deto = gives deva = god devakaajii = in the cause of god(Rama) devadevaa = Rama devaraaNaa = king of gods devaraayaasi = to the king of gods devaasi = God/essence deha = body dehadhaarii = in bodily form dehabuddhi = body awareness dehasa.nsaarachi.ntaa = anxity about the body's fate life dehaa.ntii = at death dehaachaa = body's dehaatiita = transcending body(awareness) dehaadiika = related to maintenance of the body dehii = in one's self dehe = body deheda.nDaNeche = physical penance deheduHkha = bodily afflictions

dehebuddhi = body awareness dehebuddhichaa = of body awareness dehebuddhiche = body awareness dehebuddhiite = body awareness(as the final Reality) dehebhaana = body consciousness dehebhaavanaa = body awareness deherakshaNaakaaraNe = for the protection of the body daitya = demonic daityakuuLii = in demonic lineage dainyavaaNaa = pitiable dainyavaaNe = pitiable do = two donhii = both even doshha = faults doshhe = flaws dyaavaa = give dyaavii = give dyaave = should do dyaave.n = give dravya = wealth dravyadaaraa = wealth & woman dravyabho.nduu = greedy for wealth draupadiikaaraNe = for the sake of Draupadi dvaadashaaditya = twelve suns dvijaa.nkaaraNe = for the sake of Brahmins dvitiiyesi = phase of the moon on the 2nd day(after new moon) dvaita = duality dhanaachii = of wealth dhanya = blessed dharaa = earth dharaavaa = keep dharaavii = keep dharaave = hold dharii = keep dharma = virtuous acts dhaakaasi = threat dhaatamaataa = who weave fantastic tales dhaama = place dhaaraNaa = concentration dhaarishhTa = courage dhaavataahe = runs dhaavato = runs dhaave = runs dhiiTa = obstinate dhiira = courage dhu.nDaaLitaa = searching dhuruu = Dhruva dhyaato = meditates dhyaana = meditation dhyaasa = yearning na = no nako = want not nanaa = various nabhaacheparii = like the sky nabhaasaarikhe = like the sky nabhii = in the sky nabhe = in the sky namuu.n = bow in reverence namra = humble naraa = human narka = hell navhe = unwanted nashhTa = destructive nasaavaa = not be nasaavii = not be nase = not naso = let not nahii = not naa = not naaThavaavaa = not forget naaDhaLe = not remove naaNe = coin naatuDe = achieve naatha = lord naanaa = various naanaaparii = in different ways

naanaavikaarii = differnt ailments naama = name naamaghoshhe = loud utterance of the name naamavishvaasa = faith in the name naamii = in the name naame = name naaraayaNaacheni = Narayana (son's name) naavaDe = not like naave = name naahi = not naahii = is not ni.ndakuu = reviling ni.ndya = objectionable niHsheshha = without a trace niHsa.nga = non-attachment nijadhaama = one's true nature nijadhyaasa = yearning for own Self nitya = unbroken nityakaaLii = at all times nidhii = wealth nimaalaa = extinguished nirakshe = appears niraakaara = without form niraabhaasa = intangible nirodhe.n = suffocate nirguNaacha = attributeless Reality nirguNaalaagii = in the attributeless nirguuNa = attributeless nirdva.ndva = transcending duality nirmaaNa = created nirmitaa = creator nirmilii = created nirmuuLa = rootless nirvikalpaasi = unthinkable nivaaDaa = selection nivaarii = give up nivaalaa = calmed nivaalii = calmed nivaale = calmed down nishaa = night nishaaNii = as a sign nishchayaasii = determination nishchayo = determination nishchita = definitely nishchiita = certainly nishhkaama = desireless niikaraa = destry niicha = downgrading niiti = moral conduct niirasaava = removea niiruupaNii = during the discourse niivavaave = offer joy niivavii = calms niiLa = blue nupekshii = disregard neNataa = ignorant neNatii = know not neNaa = takes neto = takes away nema = rigorously scheduled nemasta = eternal nemilaa = vowed neme = discipline neme.n = discipline nyaaya = logic pa.nchakarNe = scientific analysis of the elements pa.nDiita = learned pa.ntha = way pache = exists paDenaa = fall patii = husband (Madan=Cupid) padaa = hymn padaarthii = objects padii = at the feet OR in the hymns paradravya = others' wealth parabrahma = supreme truth

paraa = vast paraavii = of others parii = but pariiksheviNe = without examination parehuuna = beyond even the supreme partaa = supreme(Transcendent) pahaato = oversee pahaave = should see paksha = side paa = dear one! paa.n = dear paakhaa.nDa = atheism paapa = demerit paapabuddhii = sinful thoughts paaparuupii = evil incarnation paapasa.nkalpa = sinful motives paapiNii = sinful paapii = sinful paamaraa = pitiable one paaya = feet paarvatii = Parvati paarvatiishe = Shankar paalaTaavaa = change paalaTaavii = should change paalaTiije = change paalaTe = change paavanaa = reach paavije = attains paavijetii = attain paavijeto = blesses paave = bless paashhaaNa = stone paahaNe = sight paahataa = watching paahataa.n = seeing paahataahi = seeking paahavenaa = appears not paahije = want paahii = see paahe = observes paahe.n = see paaho = see pi.nDa = body pi.nDaGYaane = knowledge of body pitaa = father pipaashaa = thirst piita = yellow puDhe = in future puNya = merit puNyagaaThii = store of merit puNyaThevaa = accumulation of merit puNyaraashii = storehouse of merits putrakaame = desiring a son pudhe.n = thereafter puraaNaa = mythology puraaNii = in mythology puraaNe = mythology puraaNe.n = mythlogy purii = city purenaa = unfulfilled pusaavaa = should ask puse = asks puujitaahe = worships puuDhilaa.nche = of others puuDhilaa.nsii = others puurNakaame = granting all wishes puurNaprataapii = completely majestic puurvajaa.nsii = ancestors puurvapaape = past sins puurvasa.nchiita = gathered from past puuse = asks pR^ishhThabhaagii = on the back poTii = in one's self prataape = power prapa.ncha = living prapa.nchiika = worldly

prabodhe = awakening prabhaate = in the morning prabhuu = mighty pramaaNaa.ntare = evidence(of Self) in the heart pralhaada = Prahlada prashna = question praaNii = creature praapta = attain praarthanaa = prayer priiti = love priiya = dear premakhaaNii = mine of love premapaashaa = bond of love premaLuu = loving phukaachaa = free of cost phukaachii = needless phukaache = at no cost phuTenaa = breaks not ba.nDa = mutiny ba.ndii = imprisoned baraa = well barii = well bare = well bahu = much bahutaaMparii = many and various bahuu = much bahuutaa.n = many bahuutaaMparii = like many others bahuusaala = many baLe = with power baa.ndhale = tied baaNa = arrow baaNe = imparts baadhije = afflicts baadhijenaa = affect adversely baadhuu = afflict baapaa = dear one! baapuDe = helpless baaLakaasii = to the child buDaalaa = drowned buDaalii = drowned buDaale = drowned buDaale.n = lost buddhi = intellect buddhii = intellect bodhaviije = advise bodhitaa = advising bodhitaahe = advise bolaNe = talk bolaNyaachaa = of talk bolaNyaasaarakhe = conforming to speech bolaNyaasaarikhe = in accordance with one's speech bolataa = saying bolatii = say bolije = speak bolijete = talk bolitaa = saying bolilii = said bolile = said bolilyaasaarakhe = conforming to speech bole = say bolo = speak bauddha = Buddha brahma = brahman(the supreme reality) brahmachaarii = celibate/in constant communion with Brahman brahmaraakshasa = ghosts of Brahmins brahmaa.nDa = universe brahmaadikaa.nchaa = of Brahma and others briida = vow bha.nge = destroy bhakta = devotee bhaktariipuushirii = aimed at the heads of the enemies of the devotees bhaktaabhimaanii = proud of devotees bhakti = worship bhaktipa.nthe.nchi = way of devotion bhaktipa.nthechi = by the path of devotion

bhaktibhaavaartha = meaning of faithful devotion bhaktibhaave = with faithful devotion bhaktima.nduu = without devotion bhaktimaargechi = by the path of devotion bhakt{U}Ne = without devotion bhajaa = worship bhajaavaa = worship bhajaave = worship bhaje = worships bhayaatiita = beyond fear bhayaate = from fear bhaye = fear bhayo = fear bharaa = fill bharaave = should fill bharaave.n = fill bhavaa = birth-death cycles bhavaachii = of life bhavaache = birth-death cycles bhavaachyaa = cycles of birth & death bhakshitaa = eating(dissolving) bhakshilii = ate bhaa.nDatii = quarrel bhaakitaa = beseecing bhaara = weight bhaarii = overwhelms bhaaru = overwhelming bhaargavuu = Parasuram bhaava = feeling bhaavanaa = state of mind bhaavijeto = worship bhaave.n = emotion bhaashhaNe = by speech bhaasale = with a semblance of bhaase = appears bhaaLii = on the foreheads bhinnabhaave = attitude of separateness bhiitosa = afraid bhute = elements bhuutii = creatures bhuuma.nDaLii = earth's inhabitants bhuuli = forgetfulness/wrong perception bheTavii = bring to meet bheTi = meeting bheTii = meeting bheda = separation bhede = division/separation bhoga = enjoyment bhogaNe = experience bhogaNe.n = experience bhogatyaage = giving up of enjoyments bhogii = enjoys bhogiita = experience bhojanaachii = of a meal bhojanii.n = while eating bhrama = delusion bhramaachaa = delusion bhrame = due to delusion bhraa.nti = delirium ma.ntraavaLii = incantations matii = opinionated matiima.nda = dim-witted matsaraate = jealousy matsaruu = envy matsare = envy matsya = fish madaalasya = insolence and laziness made = haughty manasvii = with mind under complete control manaa = = oh, mind! = Oh, my Mind! = Oh, my Mind! manaachaa = of the mind manaachii = of the mind manaatiita = dispassionate manaasaarikhe = according to the mind

manii = in the mind manii.n = in the mind mane = by the mind manovaasanaa = mental desires mare = dies mavaaLuu = tender mahaakaaLa = death mahaakruura = greatly cruel mahaaghora = most terrible mahaathora = exceedingly great mahaaduHkha = great grief mahaadoshha = great faults mahaadhiira = most courageous mahaanashhTa = great destroyers mahaabhakta = great devotee mahaaraja = emperor mahaaraaja = emperor mahaasa.nkaTii = great danger mahii = earth makshikaa = fly maa.nDuu.n = deliver maagataa = asking maaguta = again maagutaa = beseech maage = asks maajhe = my maanalaa = regarded maanalii = regards maanavaa = to the human maanavaachii = of people maanavaalaa = human being maanavii = human being maanasii = in the mind maanasiichaa = mental maanitaatii = think maanii = considers maaniita = accept maanuu = think maayapoTii.n = in mother's womb maayaa = power of unreality maarutii = Hanuman maarta.nDa = sun maavaLenaa = not disappear mithya = falsehood mithyaa = false miLalii = merged miLenaa = not found mii mii = I, I miipaNaachaa = of egoism miipaNaasii = to the egoistic miipaNe = egoism miimaa.nsake = scriptures of human duties mukta = liberate mukti = liberation muktikaa.ntaa = the 'bride' of liberation muktidaataa = giver of liberation mukhii = in mouth mukhe = by mouth mukhya = chief muLaaraMbha = root beginninning muLii = originally muukhe = by mouth muuDha = dim-witted muurkha = stupid muuLa = origin mR^ityupa.nthe.nchi = death's course mR^ityubhuumii = mortal world meghamaalaa = cloud formations merumaa.ndaara = mountains named Meru & Mandara mele = died meLii = associating mokaLii = free moThii = great moThe = great moDii = destroys moDe = breaks

moha = infatuation moksha = liberation mokshabhaagii = partner in liberation maunamudraa = mute countenance maunaavalaa = silenced maunii = ascetic (with the vow of silence) mhaNaa = say mhaNaave = should be called mhaNe = says mhaNenaa = utter mhaNoni = therefore mhaNonii = = therefore yatna = effort yathaasaa.nga = in full accordance with scriptures yadarthii = in any matter yama = Yama, god of death yaa = this yaatanaa = pain yaate = this ye = come to be yeka = one yeta = come yetaa = coming yete = comes yerajhaaraa = repeated cycles of birth-death ye{ii}la = will come ye{U}ni = coming yoga = physical/mental penance yogayaage = asceticism and sacrifice yogiraaNaa = royal among truth-seekers yogii = seeking divine communion yoge = in company yogeshvaraa.nchaa = of great ascetics yogya = fit yonii = species(birth in) raghuunaayakaa = Rama raghuunaayakaachaa = Rama's raghuunaayakaaviiNa = without Rama raghuunaayakaasaarikhaa = the like of Rama raghuuraaja = Rama raghuuraajayoguu = communion with Rama(King of Raghus) ratiinaayikechaa = lust(feminine leader of all desires) ramaakaa.nta = Rama (husband of beautiful Sita) rahaato = lives rahaave = live rakshaNaakaaraNe = for the sake of protecting rakshavenaa = cannot be protected rakshitaa = protecting rakshiitase = protects raakhe = keeps raaghavaachaa = Rama's(Raghu's descendant) raaghavaachii = Rama's raaghavaache = of Rama raaghavaasii = to Rama raaghavii = in Rama raaghave = by Rama raaghave.nviiNa = without Rama raaghaveviiNa = without Rama raajya = kingdom raama = Rama raamanaamaavaLii = Rama's name in an unbroken chain raamanaamii = Rama's name raamanaame = with Rama's name raamapiise = mad love for Rama raamabodhe = knowing Rama raamabheTii = meeting with Rama raamamuukhe = uttering Rama by his mouth raamaruupii = in Rama's form raamavishvaasa = faith in Rama raamii = in Rama raamii.n = towards Rama raavaNaa = to Ravana(the tyrant of Lanka); raashii = heap raahataa = remaining raahavenaa = stays not raahilaa = remained

raahe = remain raaho = abide ritaa = empty ruchii = taste rudra = Rudra rupe = forms ruupa = form re = alas! dear la.nDii = coward lapaave = hide laksha = ateention lakshaNii = qualities lakshavenaa = cannot be seen lakshitaa = observing lakshe = appears laagataa = on touch laagalii = felt laagale = touched laagavege = instantly laage = achieves laajaviite = ashamed laavaNyaruupii = of lovely form laaviita = put forth laavuuni = focussing laahe = gets liMpe = mired in lilaa = playfulness liinataa = humility liilaavataarii = playfully incarnates liihito = writes le.nkaru = child lesha = trace loka = worlds lokatrayaachaa = of the 3 worlds(waking,dream,deep sleep) lokaa.nsi = people lokii = among people lokuu = people lochanaasii = to the eyes lochanii = in the eyes loTataa = pasing lobha = greed vakra = crooked vajrapaaNii = Indra(holding diamond weopon in the hand) vadaa = speak vadaavaa = speak vadaave = say vadaave.n = say vade = says vadenaa = says not vandya = adorable varNitaa = in describing varNitii = describe vasaavaa = should reside vasaavii = stay vase = lives vasenaa = not possess vaso = rest vasti = live vastuchii = essence vasvaruupii.n = one's own true Self vahaate = carries vaLenaa = change vaauge = trivial vaakya = spoken word/sentence vaachaa = words vaachaaLataa = excessive talk vaache = in speech vaachya = speakable vaaje = sounds vaaTa = way vaaDa = a lot vaaDhataahe = grows vaaDhavaa = increase vaaDhaviite = increases vaaNii = speech vaada = argument

vaadavevaada = argument & counter-argument vaade = argument vaanuu = describe vaamanuu = Vaman vaayaa = fruitlessly vaayusutaachaa = of Hanuman(son of Wind God) vaaraaNasii = Kashi vaarii = give up vaavare = move about vaasanaa = desire vaasudevii = in Vasudev(god, who pervades all existence) vaahaNe = carry vaahilaa = carried vaahilii = carried vaahe = carries vaahena = carry vaa{u}gaa = futile vaa{u}gii = trivial vikalpii = doubting vikalpe = doubt vikaarii = affliction producing vikaare.n = bad effects vikraaLa = frightening vichaaruuni = inquiring vichaare = thoughtfully vichaare.n = thoughtfully vichitre = wonderful viThone = Vitthala vitta = wealth videhiipaNe = bodiless consciousness videhiipaNe.n = bodiless awareness vidhii = god Brahma vidhiikaaraNe = for the sake of god Brahma vibhaagii = separation(of body and soul) vimaanii = in the airplane viyoguu = separation viyoge.n = separation viraktiibaLe = by the power of dispassion viraagii = dispassionate viraamii = without Rama virenaa = dissolve virodhe = due to contradictions viva.nchuuni = thoughtfully vivarNe = discourses vivartaa = transforming power(maya) vivaade = counter-argument vivekii = inteelectual vivekuu = thought viveke = with discrimination viveke.n = with discrimination visheshhe = especially vishraama = resting place vishvamaataa = mother of the universe vishvaasa = faith vishvaasataa = keeping faith vishhaa = poison vistaaralaa = expanded vistiirNa = infinite viGYaana = intuitive knowledge viikalpa = doubts viichaara = thoughts viiTa = disgust viitaraagii = dispassionate viirakta = dispassionate viishaaLa = huge viishha = poison(of sensory pleasures) viishhayaa.nchii = sensory indulgences viishhayii = pleasures viishhayo = pleasures viisaraa = forget viisaraavaa = forget viisaraavii = should forget vR^itti = attitude vR^ittiruupe = attitude formation vR^ittivishvaasa = attitude of faith vR^ittii = attitude

vR^ithaa = vainly vegaLe = different vegii = speedily vegii.n = speedily veche = lose veda = Vedas vedavaachaa = Vedas vedavaaNii = Veda mantras vedashaastraa = vedas and scriptures vedashaastrii = in the vedas and scriptures vedaa.ntavaakye = vedanta philosophy(identity of human and universal soul) vevaada = futile argumentation veshhadhaarii = wears dress vesanii = indulging in vices veLa = time vaikharii = audible speech vairaagya = dispassion vosaNaave = chatter vyakta = visible vyartha = unnecessary vyaapakuu = all-pervading vyaapile = filled vyaasavaaNii = Vyasa's speech(writings) vyutpanna = learned vyoma = space/ether vrate = vows sha.nkaraa = Shiva shake = able shakenaa = unable shakta = mighty shakti = power shakraa = Indra shate = hundrweds(verses) shabda = word shashii = moon shaa.nti = peace shaaradaa = Sarasvati shaashvataachaa = of the eternal shaastra = scriptures shaastrabodhe = scriptural studies shaastre = scriptures shaastre.n = scriptures shiNaave = work to exhaustion shirii = on the had shiLaa = stone shiikavuu = teach shiighra = speedily shiiNa = exhaustion shiiNalii = exhausted shiirii = forefront shukaakaaraNe = for the sake of Suka (a great sage) shuddha = pure shuunya = zero(non-existence) shuulapaaNii = Shankara(holding the trident) shevaTii = in the end shevaTii.n = in the end sheshha = serpent(with thousand tongues in mytholgy of creation) shailajaa = Parvati(daughter of Himalaya) shoka = grief shokasa.ntaapahaarii = remover of grief and rage shokaapahaarii = remover of grief shodhalyaaviiNa = without searching shodhitaa = searching shodhitaahe = search shodhiita = searching shodhuuna = search shodhuuni = search shyaama = dark blue shravaNe = listening shraapitaa = cursed shriivaraa = Vishnu(husband of Shree=Laxmi) shriiharii = an epithet of the Lord shrutii = vedas shreshhTha = great shlaaghyataa = greatness

shlaaghyavaaNe.n = laudable shveta = white sa.nkaTii = in danger sa.nkaTe = risks sa.nkalpa = desire sa.nketa = signal sa.nkhyaa = count(numbers) sa.nga = attachment sa.ngatii = company sa.ngatiichii = association sa.ngatiine = company sa.ngabaadhuu = whose company is an affliction sa.nge = company sa.nchalaa = pervading sa.nchale = pervasive sa.nta = sage sa.ntapta = angered sa.ntasa.nge = company of sages sa.ntaa = sages sa.ntaapa = agitation sa.ntoshhavaave = give joy sa.ndeha = doubt sa.ndehakaarii = producing doubt saMparka = contact sa.nvaada = dialogue sa.nshayo = doubt sa.nshayohii = any doubts sa.nsaara = creation-dissolution cycles sa.nsaarataapaa = troublesome life sa.nsaarashatruu = cycles of birth-death as an enemy sa.nhaarakaaLii = time of destruction saguuNii = God with form sajjanaa = wise sajjanaachaa = of the wise sajjanaachii = of sages sajjanaacheni = with the saints sajjanaalaagi = to saintly sajjanii.n = among saints sattaa = rule satya = true satyavaadii = speaking truthfully satyasa.nkalpa = truthful aims sad.hguruu = authentic teacher sad.hbuddhi = virtuous intellect sadaa = always sadaachara = truthful conduct sadaana.nda = perpetual joy sadaashiiva = Shankar sanniidha = near sanmaarga = way of truth samarthaachiyaa = all powerful samastaaMmadhe = in all samaadhaana = contentment saraa = go away saraavii = remove sarva = all sarvaguuNe = all virtues sarvatra = everywhere sarvathaa = at all times sarvathaahii = absolutely sarvadaa = at all times sarvabhaave = with all heart sarvabhuutii = all beings sarvasa.ngaasa = all (undesirable) attachments sarvasaakshii = all-witnessing sarvasuukhii = completely happy sarvahii = all sarvaa = all sarvaa.n = all sarvai = altogether sarvottamaachaa = of the best of all persons(Rama) sarvottamaache = of the best of all(Rama/Supreme Reality) saa.nga = tell saa.ngataa = telling saa.nge = tells saa.ngoni = saying

saa.nche = accumulates saa.nDi = give up saa.nDilii = gave up saa.nDii = abandons saa.nDiita = without attaining saa.nDunii = neglecting saa.nDuu = drop saa.nDuun = drop saa.nDuuna = give up saa.nDuuni = abandoning saa.nDuuniyaa = drop saa.nDoni = giving up saagaraate = ocean(of life) saacha = true saachaa = honest saachaara = truly saache = verily saajire = beautiful saadhakuu = aspirant saadhanaa = penance saadhanaa.nchii = of penance saadhanaachaa = penance saadhaneviiNa = without penance saadhusa.ngii = in the company of saints saadhuu = sage saanuraage = with love saapaDe = find saamarthya = power saamyataa = equal saayaasa = service saara = essence saarthakaachii = of the supreme meaning of life(liberation) saahe = exist saaksha = witness saakshine = as a witness saakshii = witness si.nha = lion sukhaachii = of joy sukhaana.nda = beatitude sukhaana.ndakaarii = giver of supreme happiness sukhaalaagi = for the sake of happiness sukhii = happy suvaachaa = auspicious speech suvidyaa = true knowledge suukha = joy suukhasa.nvaada = joyful dialogue suukhii = happily suukhe = happily suumatii = good attitude suurya = sun sR^ishhTibhartaa = protector of universe sR^ishhTiliilaa = drama of the universe sR^ishhTiisa = created universe sevakaa = servant sevakaa.nchaa = of servants(devotees) sevi = tastes seviita = consume sevoni = serving sairaaTa = wild soDavaavaa = give up soDavii = liberate soDi = abandon soDitaa = release soDile = released soDii = abandon soDuu = release soDuu.n = abandon soDuuna dyaave.n = give up soDuuni = abandon soDoni = abandoning soduu.n naye = must not give up sope = simple soshii = endure soshhiita = endure saukhya = happines striyaaputramitraadike = wife, children. and friends

sthaanabhrashhTaa = wavering sthaapile = established sthiira = dumb-founded snaanasa.ndhyaa = bath & ritual worship(at sunrise & sunset) snehaaLuu = friendly sparshane = touching spashhTa = clearly sphure = inspires smare = remembers smR^itii = mythology svadharmechi = in accordance with one's duties svabhaave = naturally svabhaave.n = by His nature svaye = oneself svaye.n = by oneself svaruupa = true nature svaruupii = in the Self(true self) svalpa = short svasvaruupii = in one's own true nature svaathabuddhii = selfishness svaami = master svaamiprataape = power of the master(Rama or teacher) svaarthabuddhii = selfish motives haraa = Shankar haraamaanasii = Shankara's mind haraavii = take away harii = Hari hariikiirtanii = musical eulogy of Hari hariichi.ntane = meditation on Hari hariinaama = Hari's name hariibodha = wisdom regarding Hari(Truth) hariibhakta = Hari's devotees hariibhaktichaa = of the worship of Hari haruu = Shankar haa = this haa-this haaNii = harm haani = harm hi.nDataa = wandering hiMpuTii = sadness hitaakaaraNe = for the sake of welfare hiita = well-being hiitakaarii = welfare hiina = lowly hR^idayii = in the heart he = this hechi = this alone hemadhaamii = place of gold hevaa = jealousy ho = (listen!) hoi = become hoNaara = will become hotaa = hotii = become hote = happens hoto = becomes hovonii = become hosii = become ho{i}je = will become ho{I}je = becomes ho{ii}la = become ho{U}na = happens ho{U}ni = became kshamaa = forgiveness kshamaava.nta = full of forgiveness kshayaatiita = transcending decay kshiirasi.ndhu = ocean of milk kshobha = anger GYaana = wisdom GYaanachakshii = sight of knowledge GYaanabodhe = by true knowledge(of Self) GYaanashastre = by means of scriptural knowledge GYaaniyaa = realised GYaanii = wise

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