Maranatha Eastern Himalaya Mission Work

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  • June 2020
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Greetings once again in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! In my earlier news update in June I had mentioned of my visit to Darjeeling in North East India from 16th to 21st May. Nestled among rolling mountains, Darjeeling is unique and one of the most beautiful places in the world, it being rightly called the Queen of the Hills. Geographically, there are difficulties in traveling around and the means of communication has its problems, too. The Christian population in Darjeeling is very small During my last visit we were able to organize a 3 day training seminar through our coordinator Pastor Dirgha Bhatta from Darjeeling. The topic for the seminar was 'Building up the Christian Character'. Our 13 missionaries from that area and about 150 leaders from different mission organizations from Assam, North Bengal, Sikkim and Darjeeling were present. There was a special anointing and everyone was refreshed and I returned to Chennai with a great fulfillment in my heart. After going back to their fields many of them have shared their experience of attending the conference. The pastors have been refreshed, encouraged and now have a clearer vision for their churches and the areas surrounding them. There has been a great revival in these areas and here are a few feedbacks we received from the churches

REACHING THE UNREACHED AND SHARING THE GOOD NEWS IN THE HIMALAYA REGION! * Ps. Shankar Rai is Pastoring a church at Avongrove – Molat Dist – Darjeeling. There was a paralyzed man, from a Buddhist family at Mallat village on the mountain and Ps. Shankar Rai prayed for him, God healed him gradually and now he is a great testimony.. * Miss Kausila Chettri recently visited two more villages of Darjeeling district and hopes for the gospel to be shared to different people. She also has a house church in Dhotria Balason * Churches have been planted in Avongrove T.E – Piply Gown and Mangarjung Sangkhaman Gown of P O Nagri Spur and Mangarjung T.E – Bich Gown – Darjeeling. Many from these fellowships have accepted the Lord Jesus and have been baptised. * Ps. David Kulang, pastors a church at Malli Kerabari – S.Sikkim He has introduced two more Hindu families to the Lord Jesus. He continues to train them on a discipleship. * Ps. Kulung started a house church at Bamandang where around 4 families attend and worship the Lord every week. * House churches have been started at Kamerey Basty – Dist Namchi – S. Sikkim – * This month, Kesab Chettri of Jharbari, had a communion service for the believers at Jharbari, Assam, Bhutan borders where the coordinator Pastor Dirgha Bhatta was also present. * Churches have also been established at Naojan and Uriamghat Dist – Golaghat in Assam * Miss Sunami Subba continues to teach and help the children at Kachugoan Assam. These children attend Sunday School on a regular basis. * Stephen Rai and Kumar Subba work in the upper part of Assam in Kachugaon Kokrajhar BTC. A few more new Hindu's have attended church at Kachugoan. Stephen Rai and Kumar Subba have visited 5 more new villages this month and shared the Gospel. * Ps.Singh Basumata takes care of his two churches at Satali as well as at Mondal Reraching out to the unreached souls and giving them the good news. Bhola Nath Rai, stationed at Sambuk visited Turuk village with his team. They distributed literatures and shared the gospel door to door while going around Turuk village. They also

prayed for two sick people whom God healed

instantly. * Ps. Gopal Basumata has brought a family of 3 members to the Lord at South Mendabari village in North Bengal. He organises Sunday school for the children of the tea estate at Nimti. He has also started a house church at Mathura tea garden area. Our coordinator for the area, Pastor Dirgha Bhatta visited Ps. Samson Chettri's church at Sedar and shared the word of God and thereafter they went to the church at Munda village to minister to the people there!

Eastern Himalaya Mission Work




PEOPLE BY ...... Starting new kinds of churches for all kinds of people in all kinds of places.

Equipping a congregation to identify, train and support

church planting leaders and teams, and ... …………..Partnering with congregations to achieve church multiplication goals

Hope that this update has been inspiring and encouraging. We thank you all for your faithful prayers and your interest in the work here. It is indeed

In our last news updated we had mentioned about the program To plant of

great what God is doing in North East India through Maranatha Ministries.

3000 branch churches. By the grace of God we have been able to launch the

Our prayer is that God will Enable and empower us to fulfil our Vision and

program and have started the program in 4 areas. On 3rd of August the first

make Us a blessing to this Nation and around the world. We pray that He

inaugural meeting was held at Pastor Ponpandian's church at Sivanthipuram (South Zone) at 11.00am. The pastors and trainees from the surrounding cities were present. Also on 3rd August was the inaugural meeting at Pastor M.J. Xavier's, Madurai

will bless you too for all your love and support in standing with us! Close with Christian love and prayers. Yours in His service, Charles Finny Joseph

(Central Zone) at 11.00am. Pastors and trainees from the cities around Madurai district attended the meeting. On August 10th the inaugural meeting

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at the Maranatha HQ church in Chennai (North Zone) was also started. 75 Pastors and trainees attended the meeting. On August 12th the inaugural meeting at Pastor Sam Packianatha's church at Coimbatore (Western Zone) was held at 10.00am. Pastors and trainees from around the district attended.

No 91, Dr. Alagappa Road, Purasawakam, Chennai- 600 084. India Tel: 26443073, 26600131,26442220 Fax : 91-44-26441353 E.Mail: [email protected]

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