Manila Times, Mar. 26, 2019, Lawmakers Again Fail To Break Budget Impasse.pdf

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www,manilatimes. net TUESDAY March 26,2019

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ffiffiKeK ffi#mffiffir $ffipessffi to ailempt 1o end the stalemate on the P3.75 7-trillion again toda)'

proposed national budget for 2019. Emerging ftom the meeting at the


lando Andaya lr. of Camarines


LAWMAKERS in Pasay Cit, Sen. Pan-. filo Lacson gave no details on what he and his Senate colSenate

leagues talked about with their counterparts from the House of Representatives.

"Some progress. We're still working op it. We will meet again tomorrow. Hopefully we can

follow through and finalize tomonow," said Lacson, one ofthe three senators designated by Senate President Vlcente Sotto 3rd to meet with the House contingent


to "negotiate" wilh


Senate leadership on the budget impasse.

Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, pan of the three-man panel from the

House, said the meeting at the Senate was a positive development. Apan from Lagman, the House

panel included appropdations committee chairman Rep. Ro-

Sur and San Juan Rep. Ronaldo Zamora. Other members of the Senate contingent were Senate finance committee head Sen. Loren Legarda and Sen. Gregorio Honasan.

A reoresentative ftom the De-


Budget and Management also attended the rneeting. Andaya said both sides agreed

to have the budget passed by March 29 and then submitted to President Rodrigo Duterte. Asked if the conti:ntious issues were addressed, Andaya replied "Yes. We just needed a place to explain to each other" "They have their points, we also have ours, and the bottom

line, we wanted a new budget," Andaya added. The House appropriations committee chairman meant thatwhile the Senate and the House differed

on their presentations ofthe budget measure, both chambers do not want a reenacted 201 8 budget


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