Manila Standard, Mar. 26, 2019, Death To Drug Traffickers - Pdea.pdf

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Death to drug

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PDEA PHIUPPINE Drug Enforcement Ageocv ChiefAaron Aquino on Vonday batted for the renrm of the deatb penalty asainst drua traffickers.


ive FiliPinos commit drug violatioos in otber countries,. tbe law is much hanher. Filipilos are killed there,'l Aquino told dzNfir4 radio.

''Here lil our country], we only have life impriionment lagainst foreign drug

traffickelsl." Aquino made his statement even u( a Housg leader expressed concem over



the handling and storage of the biltions of pesos w-orth of illegal drugs eonfiscated in the past ieveral days, saying the illicit substances mLrst not hnd their way back into the market. Marinduque Rep. Lord Allan Velasco said the seizure of the illegal drugs. mostly merhamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu, was an affirmation of President Rodrigo Duterte's campaign against illegal drugs. "While I view with deep concern the recent entry_of billions of pesos worth of illegal drugs into the country through our controlled. bordei, I am more concerned with what will happen to

the.pieses-of evidence confiscated during drug bustsly'elasco, chairman of the House comhittei on energy, said.


Aquino said he backed the proposals of


death penalty Senators Manny pacquiao and panfilo Lacson*DI'g traffickers sent to the [New] Bilibid fpris_ onl would just continue their businesi inside. They get more connections, and the more their business flourishes,'l he said. lthey just continue enjoying business [while in prisonl." With Maricel V. Cruz


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