Managing Reputation In A Global Downturn (presentation)

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  • Words: 1,919
  • Pages: 27
MANAGING REPUTATION IN A GLOBAL DOWNTURN Hill & Knowlton Middle East Corporate Reputation Watch 2009


KEY FINDINGS Identify and plan for business risks, listen carefully to stakeholders and communicate openly: these are just some of the lessons that Gulf Gulf-based based companies can take from the global economic crisis.

Less than a fifth (18 per cent) thought their company had put out the right level of information to the media about the crisis. The survey findings also underscore the importance of thorough research in a rapidly changing market.

At the peak of the crisis this year, Hill & Knowlton and Real Opinions conducted a study involving more than 250 Gulfbased business leaders who were facing the challenge of managing in a time of turmoil. turmoil The results are revealing revealing.

More than half of the senior executives surveyed (54 per cent) did not feel they had enough information about the global financial crisis and its impact on their business. business

Only one in six (16 per cent) of the senior executives surveyed said they had a plan fully in place to deal with the economic crisis. Only a quarter (26 per cent) strongly agreed that their organisation is well prepared to deal with a crisis if it occurs.

While 89 per cent felt that it is important to have research data on how a company’s stakeholders would react to news of a crisis, only half (52 per cent) said their organisations have this kind of research data.

However, of those executives whose organisations were prepared, more than three-quarters (77 per cent) said having a plan in place helped their company manage the downturn.

ABOUT THE STUDY The online survey of 254 C-suite level employees (CEO, CFO, CIO or similar position) was conducted from 25 February to 25 March 2009.

An overwhelming majority (85 per cent) of respondents agreed that h communication i i is i either i h extremely l iimportant or very important during a crisis.

The survey respondents were based in the UAE, KSA, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman.

Yet only 36 per cent of executives believed their organisation had enough resources fully in place to manage communication g – for example, profit downgrades g or staff of difficult messages retrenchments – during a crisis.

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you feel that you have received enough information about the global financial crisis and the impact on your business?



6.67% Yes, I feel that I understand what No, I feel there is conflicting has happened and the information and the situation is implication for my business not clear © 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


No, I did not feel that the situation was clearly communicated to me Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: As the global crisis unfolded, did you feel that you had access to all the information you needed?


22.13% 12.77%

Yes fully Yes, © 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

Only partly 3

Not at all Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you think that your organisation put out the right level of information about the impact of the crisis on your organisation for EMPLOYEES? 44.98% 34 93% 34.93%


3.06% Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 4

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you think that your organisation put out the right level of information about the impact of the crisis on your organisation for CUSTOMERS? 37.99%




Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 5

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you think that your organisation put out the right level of information about the impact of the crisis on your organisation for SHAREHOLDERS? 37.12%

27.07% 21.40% 14.41%

Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 6

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you think that your organisation put out the right level of information about the impact of the crisis on your organisation for the MEDIA? 32.31%



Yes fully Yes,


Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 7

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Is your organisation holding back on releasing positive news to the media as it is felt the timing is wrong to make such positive announcements? 50.22%



Yes © 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No 8

Don'tt know Don Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Did you have a crisis and issues plan in place that helped deal with this significant market downturn?




Yes fully Yes,


Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 9

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you feel that having a crisis and issues plan in place helped deal with the situation?


29.65% 15.49% 7.08% %

Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 10

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC with a full Base (C-Suite levelissues employees GCC): 1 254 or part crisis and plan ininplace): 68

Q: Overall, how important or unimportant do you think communication and media management is during a crisis? 46.02% 39.38%


Extremely important

Very important

Slightly important

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd




Not important

Don't know

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Which of the following statements BEST describes your current approach to EXTERNAL communications?

31.98% 28.38% 24.32%

9 91% 9.9 5.41%

Do nothing and wait to see what happens

Increase None of the above Monitor and react Maintain ongoing communications communications to only when get the company absolutely necessary message across

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Which of the following statements BEST describes your current approach to INTERNAL communications?

35.45% 27.73%

25 00% 25.00%

10.00% 1.82% Do nothing and wait to see what happens

Increase None of the above Monitor and react Maintain ongoing communications communications to only when get the company absolutely necessary message across

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you think you had enough resources in place to manage communication of these difficult messages within your organisation? 45.91% 35 91% 35.9


Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

7.73% 773%

No not at all No, 14

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Do you generally trust companies that say nothing when faced with bad news announcements?




5.45% Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 15

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Rumour and speculation occurs when an organisation does not release information to the media in a timely fashion.” 60.09%


5 05% 5.05% Strongly agree

Slightly agree

Neither agree nor disagree

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd




Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “It is important to be seen as proactive in a time of crisis.”




Strongly agree

Slightly agree

Neither agree nor disagree

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd




Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “It is important to research how stakeholders would react in a time of crisis so communication is targeted effectively.” 54.84%



Strongly agree

Slightly agree

Neither agree nor disagree

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd




Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “In the absence of information people are more inclined to think the worst.”


28 44% 28.44%

7.34% 734% Strongly agree

Slightly agree

Neither agree nor disagree

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd




Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “My organisation is well prepared to deal with a crisis if it occurs.”


26.73% 21.20%

9.68% 3 69% 3.69% Strongly agree

Slightly agree

Neither agree nor disagree

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Stakeholder sentiment is vital to business interests, particularly in a crisis.”




Strongly agree

Slightly agree

Neither agree nor disagree

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd




Slightly disagree

Strongly disagree

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Faced with bad news announcements, who do you generally think should be the spokesperson? (Please select all that apply) 45.34%


18.65% 8 65% 9.32% 1.61% Chairman


© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

Sector Head


Communications Manager

No one (make no comment)

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Have you or your organisation formally communicated internally or externally about the current economic downturn? 54.84%

26 27% 26.27% 13.36% 5.53% Yes internally Yes,

Yes externally Yes,

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 23

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Does your organisation have research data which will provide guidance on how your key stakeholders would react to a crisis affecting your organisation? 33.49% 26.05% 21.86% 18.60%

Yes fully Yes,

Only partly

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd

No not at all No, 24

Don'tt know Don

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

Q: Generally, how important or unimportant do you think it is to have research data on how your key stakeholders would react to news of a crisis affecting your organisation?


22 33% 22.33% 17.21% 8.37% 2.79% Extremely important

Very important

Slightly important

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


Not important

Don't know

Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254


Brian Shrowder Director, Crisis & Training Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL PO Box 50653 Dubai United Arab Emirates +971 4 334 4930 brian shrowder@hillandknowlton com [email protected]

© 2009 Gulf Hill & Knowlton WLL and Real Opinions Ltd


Base (C-Suite level employees in GCC): 254

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