Managing Career

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,214
  • Pages: 37


TABLE OF CONTENTS: Concept Of Career Career Anchors Elements Of A Career Planning Program Benefits Of Career Planning Issues In Career Planning Career Development Cycle Career Objectives And The Career Path Model For Planned Self-Development Succession Planning

CONCEPT OF CAREER : What is career ? Career : Sequence of positions, roles or jobs held by one person over a relatively long time span. OR An organized path taken by an individual across time and space with a horizon.

Contd.. Career Path : A sequential pattern of jobs that form a career . Career Goals: Future position that an individual strives to reach as a part of career. Career Planning : Refers to the process by which an individual selects career goals & the path to these goals.

Contd.. Individual Career Planning : Process whereby each employee personally plans career goals. Organization : Process where by the organization plans career goals for its employees. Career Management : Process of designing & implementing goals , plans & strategies that enable HR professionals and managers to satisfy workforce needs and allow individuals to achieve their career objectives

CAREER ANCHORS: Autonomy/Independence : Individuals who have these characteristics desire to have freedom to operate an autonomy to take their own decisions. Security/Stability : Individuals who desire security and stability want to be free from any anxiety of uncertainty or insecurity.

Technical/functional competence : They exhibit strong inclination to develop something which they can call their own . General Management: They have good planning ,organizing ,managing and controlling skills. Entrepreneurial Creativity: They enjoy jobs where they are given enough freedom to “create” and are not bound by organizational frameworks.

Service : It drives individual to take up jobs in not – for – profit service organization. Pure Challenging : They are attracted to challenges that do not follow any pattern or style. Life Style : They have a disinclination to sacrifice life style solely for career advancement .

ELEMENTS OF A CAREER PLANNING PROCESS: Individual Assessment and Need Analysis Organizational Assessment and Opportunity Analysis Need-Opportunity Alignment Career Counseling

Individual Assessment and Need Analysis Basic Elements : Understanding the career aspirations Determining knowledge , skills , competencies and attitudes. Identifying areas that need training inputs Communicating results of analysis

Organizational Assessment and Opportunity Basic Requirements: Goals should be realistic and achievable in terms of one’s capabilities and organizational possibilities. Information about options and opportunities – career directions, possible paths of career advancement and specific job vacancies. Analyzing prospects vis-à-vis own competencies and setting realistic

Need-Opportunity Alignment Basic Requirements : Make alignments to match employee aspirations with organizational opportunities. Analyze prospects and plan career path in organization. Information about future prospects especially when job involves high degree of specialization and limited growth.

Career Counseling What are the opportunities available , given my current abilities and skills ? What are my actual needs , as far as work is concerned ? What training will I require if I choose to pursue a certain career objective ?


Ensures Availability of Resources for Future Enhances Organizational Ability to Attract and Retain Talent Ensures Growth Opportunities for all Handles Employee Frustration


Helps understand strengths & weaknesses vis-à-vis objectives. Enhances knowledge of career opportunities. Enables to choose a career which suits lifestyle, preferences, self-development plans etc. Success in achieving career objectives and a sense of Satisfaction &



Exploration Stage : It Involves : Identify likes and dislikes. Discover inclination towards different kind of work. Consider values ,interest and work preferences and seek information about jobs, careers and occupation.

Organizations perspective , induction and socialization help in making a new employee comfortable with new job, colleagues and hence contribute to effective achievement of organizational goals.

Establishment Stage: Employee has identified his job , is satisfied with it and try to settle down. He takes more responsibility ,makes independent contributions, achieves financial success and establishes a desirable lifestyle. Company develops policies that support employee in balancing work and nonwork roles.

Maintenance Stage : Employee strives to maintain a reputation and likes others to perceive him as a major contributor. He tries to update his knowledge and skills, involves in review and development of organizational policies or goals. He can be a good trainer or mentor for a new employee.

Disengagement Stage : Employee equips himself for a change , to balance work and non work activities. It starts with retirement and pursuit of his hobbies , social work etc.

CAREER OBJECTIVES AND THE CAREER PATH: 1) Promotion : Advancement of an employee to a better job – better in terms of greater responsibility more prestige or status, greater skill & especially increased rate or pay or salary.

Types of Promotion : Merit Based : They are awarded to those employees who have consistently produced excellent performance. Seniority Based :They are given to employees who have been loyal to the organization for long years and have served at a particular level for a specified period.

Merit cum Seniority : They are given to those employees who work for long years with the organization and also deliver good performance consistently. Another classification : Time Bound Vacancy Based

Contd… 2) Transfer: A transfer involves horizontal movement from one job to another at the same level of organizational hierarchy. It is the reassignment of an employee to a job with similar pay, status, duties and responsibilities, but in a different place and unit.

Types of Transfer : Employee Initiated : They are primarily in the interest of the employee, to match his needs. Company Initiated: They are undertaken mainly to cater the changing demands & requirements of the company. Public Initiated: They are initiated by the govt./ politicians for various reasons like disciplinary action or special assignments.

Reasons for Transfer : Employee Needs Organizational Needs

PLANNED SELF-DEVELOPMENT MODEL: Self Assessment Opportunity Analysis Decision-Making Leverage Network Venture Continuous Assessment

SUCCESSION PLANNING: Continuity Long-Term Perspective Organizational Need Perspective Turnover Management Emphasis on Results

Continuity Management should create an environment to facilitate continuous succession” thinking” .Regular and continuous communication can help management in reaching a better stage of organizational development.

Long Term Perspective A ready pool of talent should be available in the organization to provide resources for immediate replacement. Development of the employees in general has to match high standard to ensure ready availability of replacement , when the need arises.

Organizational Need Perspective Organization should develop a culture where external recruitment for key positions is normal in the absence of internal talent. In case an organization needs some fresh or external talent , the employees of the organization should be in a position to accept it as natural and justified decision.

Turnover Management Appropriate action plans to generate turnover have to be developed to avoid positions becoming blocked. A normal and healthy turnover rate ensures a free flow of manpower across the length and breadth of the organization.

Emphasis on Results Measurements to evaluate succession results have to developed. The measurement can include factors like percentage of key posts filled externally , percentage of developmental action plans implemented or extent to which the process contributes positively to business results.

Thank You !!!

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