Management Of Breast Disorders

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  • Words: 693
  • Pages: 17

Introduction Painful Breast. Inflammatory Diseases of the Breast. Benign Breast Disease. Cancer of the Breast.

MANAGEMENT BREAST DISORDERS. • History: Common symptoms -Discrete abnormality, -Premenstrual discomfort, -Nipple discharge/retraction, -Previous breast complaints/invest., -marital status -Obs/Gyn: Menarche, LMP, Deliveries & Breastfeeding.


-Inspection: Asymmetry, Lumps, Flattening, Tethering, Abnormal fixation, Nipple retraction/altered position. -Palpation: Tenderness, Lumps, LNs (pectoral, axillary, supraclavicular). –Lumps: Position, Consistency, discretness/fixity. –Nipple Discharge: Type, Blood, Clinitest, cytology.

MANAGEMENT OF BREAST DISORDERS…. • INVESTIGATIONS: -FNA –Mammography (High resolution and X-ray of low penetration). –CXR. –Biopsy (Trucut needle or incisional/excition). • TREATMENT: Cause dependent. • PAINFUL BREAST: -Cyclical (predominantly premenestrual or hormonal related). –Noncyclical (inflammatory or Duct actasia). –Invest. Mammography (>35yrs). –Treatment: -severe painBromocryptin 2.5mg BD or clamizol or Tamoxifen. –Cysts :Aspirate -Fibrous nodules: Excision. –Normal –Reassure/psychological support.

INFLAMMATORY DISEASE OF THE BREAST. • Acute : -Mastitis- Antibiotics. –Breast Abscess –I/D +Antibiotics. • Chronic:

BENIGN BREAST LESIONS • Fibroadenoma - soft -excision - giant – complete local excision. • Phyloides tumour (cystosarcoma phylloides) - Rapidly growing unilateral breast mass, common in 40-50yr. - Sarcomatous degeneration occurs in 10%. –Treat: small-wide margin excision; Large- mastectomy with axillary LN sampling.

BENIGN BREAST LESIONS • Cystic Disease and Epethelial Hyperplasia –Cystic disease of the breast lobules :Duct Actasia (dilatation of the duct system); common in late menopause. • Benign Epithelial Hyperplasia -Non neoplastic change of the glandular elements= focal increase in epithelial cell layers (>3layers). -May be mild, mod, severe. -Atypical hyperplasia= Borderline between benign & ca in situ. -Diagnosis: Clinical - Diffuse cystic ds =heavy thickened lumpy breast + pain; Mammography curvilinear shadows) ; FNA ;Biopsy.

BENIGN DISEASE OF THE DUCTS • Nipple Discharge, Duct actasia, Duct Papilloma. • Nipple Discharge: -History: –PE: –INVEST: Microscopy, Cytology, Mammography & Biopsy. –Treatment: -None if cytology & mammography are normal. -Surgery for profuse discharge, patient concern or multiple lesions.

DUCT ACTASIA • Def: Dilatation of major breast ducts which fill with inspissated creamy secretion & associated periductal inflammation. • Pathophysiology: -Dil.+ leakage of secretion= inflammation. –prim inflammation, destruction of breast elasticity, dilatation. • Presentation: asymptomatic or symptomatic –Symptoms: Discharge (Bloody, serous or creamy); Nipple retraction/involution; Acute inflammation in breast segment +/- non lactating abscess or fistula; localized /segmental inflammation. • Treatment: Excision of the involved ducts &surrounding breast tissue; Plastic surgery to restore nipple contour.

DUCT PAPILLOMA • Defn. Growth arising from the main duct epithelium (usually within 1cm of the nipple). • Symptoms: Bleeding from a single point of the nipple. • PE: -Small nodule at the nipple. –Discharge on pressure. • INVEST: Mammography; Ductography (filling defect). • Treatment: Surgical Excision.

CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST. • PREDISPOSING FACTORS: -Environmental: Dietary (especially fat) & social class (high). –Sex –Female has higher incidence; Functioning ovaries; Increased risk with Early menarche ,late menopause, nulliparity & Late 1st pregnancy. –Age: Peak at 50-60 years. -Genetic:1st degree relatives (autosomal dominance trait chromosome 17).

CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST… • TYPES OF BREAST CANCER: -Carcinoma in situ =confined to ducts or acini & within the basement membrane. It has good prognosis but transforms to invasive ca with delayed treatment. –Invasive carcinoma: Ductal (90%) Lobular(10%). –Ductal ca: Medullary (better progn.); Tubular & Mucoid. –Lobular Ca: Cribriform; Solid & Tubular.

CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST… • BIOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR. -Spread: Lymphatic/Haematogenous. –Lymphatic: Axillary (lower, apical, supraclavicular). – Blood :Bone, Lungs, Liver, Brain, Ovaries, Peritonium. • FACTORS INFLUENCING PROGNOSIS (Tumour, LNs & Mets). –Tumour: Size, Contour, Histological type,Grade of differentiation, DNA ploidity (diploid), Degree of elastosis, Presence of necrosis, Oestrogen receptor. Poor prognosis: undifferentiated, aneuploid,ER negative- -LNs: Tumour involvement, No involved & Reactive changes. –Distant Metastases.

CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST… • CURABILITY: <40% with surgery; <20% all cases. • DIAGNOSIS: -History: Painless lump in the Breast; Tingling sensation. –PE: Asymmetry, Nipple fixity/scaling, Dimpling/Peau derange; Examine both breasts & compare. –Lump: Site, Mobility/fixity, Skin ulceration; LNs (size, mobility, matted, fixity). – INVESTIGATION: FNA, Mammography (sensitivity>95%), True cut biopsy.


TREATMENT • Surgery – Breast Conserving: Lumpectomy; Quadrantectomy. -Mastectomy. • Chemotherapy. • DXT • Combination. • Palliative Treatment.

PREVENTION • Predisposing Factors • Early Detection and Treatment: -Education: -Self palpation &Treatment – Mammography, U/S, FNA

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