Man In Red (chap 1-10)

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 19,816
  • Pages: 77
MAN IN RED (MIR) Hanamichi : are you MIR.. MIR : about you ? Hanamichi : Me the way , how was your day today ? MIR : Nothing life has never change as it’s always stay the same. Hanamichi : Huh ?? I don’t get it..what do you mean by that ? MIR : Hana..there is something you need to know about me.. Hanamichi : MIR, you make me scared..>.< MIR : Sooner or later, you’ll know. Hanamichi : I .. I don’t know what else to say. MIR : Do you trust me ? Hanamichi : I do.. MIR : The thing is…………………… PROLOGUE

MIR..stands for Man In Red, he’s my internet friend. I used to know him from internet. We’re like online chatting friend. It’s cool because he’s a nice guy. How do I know him ? Long story but thanks to my so-called bestfriend Lee Joon. I don’t know him in real do him. But I know I can trust him. When I thought everything was normal—that is the time when I know that he’s not an ordinary person…He is……….

Chapter one

MIR : Hey Hana..why you act so weird these day ? you don’t want to be my friend anymore ? Hanamichi :’s not like that. Of course I love to be friend with you.. MIR : Lee Joon hurt your feeling again ?

Hanamichi :’s not about him. MIR : Then, your twin brother..did he create any trouble to you ? Hanamichi : Sanghyun ? No…of course he didn’t create anything.Don’t worry. MIR : Then what’s up with you ? I could sense something. Just talk if you want to. Hanamichi : ….please ignore me. MIR : Hana.. ( No response ) MIR : Hana..I know you still there. If you don’t want to be my friend anymore, just tell. I will not bother you anymore. Hanamichi : Wait .. I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. I just feel so confused. MIR : About what ? Hanamichi : I think..I think I already fall in love with someone. MIR : ( Sighed ) It’s Lee Joon again isn’t it ?! Hanamichi : No. It’s not’s.. MIR : It’s ? Hanamichi : It’s you. ~MIR has signed out from this chatting room~ I stare at my laptop screen. Why he signed out all of sudden. Why ? I guess I confessed in a wrong time..and I lose my friend just like I lose Lee Joon. Hana !! what have you done ?!

++ A few month earlier++ ( Before all this happen..before Hana know MIR..Before all this unexpected things happen )

“ pinky..” Lee Joon popped his head into my bedroom door when I was on my way to button my school uniform. “I’d tapped that !!” OH MY GOSH !! Did he just peek and saw me like this ? it’s not that I’m naked or half naked but I still not complete wearing my school uniform. I swear—I know my face were all red. Not just embarrassed but adding with some anger. This brat ! “Joonieeeeeeeeeeeeeee….go away you BABO !!!” I scream my lung out. Ignoring the fact that neighbor will hear it. I don’t care..give me a knife, I will stab him. Give me a gun , I will shot him. DAMN ! “Hey..don’t scream like that. People will think that someone going to rape you..” he jump to me and cover my mouth with his hand. His huge and strong hand but not just that, he have a perfect beautiful finger. Gosh~ “Let—me—go…” I said in muffled voice as his hand still covers my mouth—to prevent me from screaming. “I will” he whispered to me. “Only if you stop screaming”. I could feel my heart’s definitely pumped my whole blood really fast. GOSH—I’m shivering. Why should I feel this way? I can’t let him see me like this. No way~ All of sudden, my door cracked opened. This time, another guy enter my bedroom but he’s not one else but my own twin brother, SangHyun. He looked at both of us and sighed. “If you want to make out—don’t do it know we have to go to school after this. Do it after that” he mumbled and walked to my desk . “I’m here to get my math book THAT YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO GIVE IT TO ME LAST NIGHT..REMEMBER ?” I rolled my eyes in disbelief. How could he say that ?! how could my own twin brother say that ?! how could he just let Lee Joon hold me like this ?! Aishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ “Oh..I make some toast bread today. Let’s eat together. And noona, isn’t that you already wear that bra two days ago ?” he said and closed the door shut—leaving me—unblinking while Lee Joon, started to giggles crazily. AGAIN—jaw dropped ! “Haahahahahahahahahahhaahah” he can’t hold himself and burst into laughed. Heavy laughed and constantly let me go. He throw himself to my bed and continue laughed. “Yahhhhhh~” I glared at him furiously. This time—double embarrassed + anger . Lee Joon covered his mouth with his two hand but he still shaking. Gosh—what is so funny about that? “I hate you Lee Joon” I said and turned around.

“I like you Hana..” he said and get up from my bed—walked directly to me. All of sudden, his strong arm embraced me from behind—making me stunned and frozen. I can’t move—I can’t breathe properly. I can’t do anything. I’m hopeless. “……….” Slowly, he help me to complete connected all button on my uniform from behind without facing me. I mean—he stood behind me but his hand—omo…what the hell he think he doing. “Don’t forget to finish buttoning all of’re going to exposed your two days pinky bra in front of everyone..hahahahaha” he said with laughed and walked away. "And don't make that's not that I'm 'TOUCHING ' you..I'm just helping you.." “WHAT THE..” “I’ll wait for you downstairs..bubye..” he wink to me before closed the door shut. “IT’S NOT THE SAME BRA YOU FREAKIN DAMN HORRIBLE STUPID PERVERT GUY !!!” I shouted again—before gulped—realizing that neighbor might hear my voice for the second time today—shouting and screaming. Somebody please kill me..or kill a guy name Lee Joon. Lee Joon. He’s my friend. We’re know each other since we were born. Funny isn’t it ? but I’m not lying. We first met as soon as my mother deliver me. I was born first—then my twin brother, SangHyun. He was born on the same day like us so technically we shared the same birthday. What a freakin destiny. Our family know each other.. my mother and his mother deliver us on the same day. Doctor even put us in the same babies room—side by side. We go to the same kindergarten.. We go to the same primary school.. We go to the same highschool.. When Lee Joon wants to join ballet class, I was laughing like crazy because I joined a Judo class. What an opposite taste. He always said—by learning ballet, he can control his own flexibility and blablabla with his ballet theoretical and stuff. All I know—his passion in life. Dancing. I know he love to dance. When we were little, he always record a dance competition and force me to dance with him. That time—we were 5 and I still remember how painful it is when we keep stepping on each others feet. When I cried, he will pat my shoulder and brushed my front hair—saying that my eyes look sooo scary when it’s teary so I will stop crying. When we were 10 , he secretly go for dancing class instead of tuition. He use all the money

that his parent gave for pay the fees. SangHyun and me will be the one who covers for him— afraid if his parent find out. But not so long after that, his father know and he got beaten really hard. Lee Joon have a lovely and caring mother but very strict father. I still remember when he came to my house that night—with all the bruisers on his arm and face. Gosh—he look so—I don’t know what to say. The weird thing is—he still put a mile on his face— saying that a hard time will pay..the harder we go through, the bigger he will get in the future. He and SangHyun also closed to each other. They we’re really good friend even though having an opposite identity. I talking about Lee Joon too much ?? Don’t blame’s because we already know each other since we were born..we grown up together. He already become a part of my life for so long…too long until I didn’t realized that I already fall for him. I mean—I didn’t realized that I love him. Since when ? I have no idea when it’s all started. All I know—his caring touch not just making me comfortable, but also making me shivers. His sexy voice are not just to shout and argue with me , it’s making me drowned so I always lose without a fight. His pretty eyes and sweet smiles making me sucked into his charm. I can no longer look at him as my childhood friend. I know there’s another feeling develop into me. I’m not sure when it’s all started but all I know, I—Park Hana—love—my own bestfriend— Lee Joon. I’ve just welcome myself into a forbidden love. You can never fall in love with your own bestfriend..buddy is buddy. Love is love..but I can’t hold my own feeling. I love him. I guess—this is what we call as—I write sins not tragedy ? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Oi” someone tapped my shoulder really hard and make me almost choke my own breathe. “Oi..” I shouted back. “Noona..” SangHyun looked at me. “Stop doing that if you don’t want to lose your own twin. I might just die in heart attack if you continue doing that to me” I mumbled. “Sorry..but can you lend me some money..” he said. “Money? Isn’t that you always borrow it form Joonie?” “He’s busy with some random girls..that’s why I look for you..hurry up” he urged me. “Okay..” I gave him some money from my wallet. As always, SangHyun always forgot where

he put his belonging so I already prepared for it. Wait !! did he just said that Lee Joon is busy with some random girls ? Random ? busy ? girls ? who ? I feel my heart aching. Naaa—what do I care…it’s his personal life so I have nothing to do with it. Still aching..getting deeper. Oh no..I think I need to go to the toilet. Not that I want to stalk him. No way !


“Single and available..” Lee Joon whispered softly to her ears. “Really?” she asked and started to play with his shirt. “Great..” “What so great about that?” “Nothing..” she leaned closer to whispered. “But it’s interesting..” Lee Joon smiles. “ At least—someone actually realized my interesting part..unlike someone..” he sighed slowly. “Huh?” “Nothing..” +++++++++++++++++++++++

From far—I could see them talking but I seriously don’t know what kind of conversation that they had but the girls seems too—closed to him. I grip my fist and stare at them furiously. I don’t know why but it’s hard to inhaled deeply. And what the hell do I care if he was with someone else. He just my friend. But—he’s..

Argghhh….forget it ! I HATE LEE JOON.


+That night+

Knock knock.. I ignore the sound that come from my bedroom door. Knock knock.. “Noona..get yourself out from your room and let’s have dinner” SangHyun voice calling me. “I’m not hungry !!” “You’re eat your own jealousy too much aren’t you?” “Shut up !” I yelled. “Noona..” “SangHyun..just go away. I’m not hungry” Luckily—I lock my door. If not, he will drastically enter my room and drag me to eat dinner. A forceful but loving brother. That’s what you get when you have a twin. He/she know too much about you ! “Whatever..if you feel’s inside the refrigerator..” he said . “…………………” After sitting on my own bed—punching my own purple plushies that Lee Joon gave on my birthday last year, I decided to surf internet. If harming this little cute plushies won’t make you cool down, I should find some other entertainment. Internet !

I randomly type whatever that I have in mind..randomly click on whatsoever link. I’m not really an internet expert because the one who always spend his time on the internet is SangHyun, not me. But tonight, I want to make myself feel happy. As the time goes by, I feel my eyes getting heavier. Not so many interesting sites from the internet but all of sudden—I found a chat room with the name.. Sound interesting so I login and go to it’s main chat room list. Hmm~not so many people here.. “What an unpopular chatting room,” I said while yawned. I guess I should get some sleep. I can’t even saw the laptop keyboard clearly now. But, before I logged out, someone ‘ding’ me.

MIR : DING !! lost or lose ?

Ehh…someone invited me to chat with him/her.. I read the username..MIR ? What a weird name. LOL

Hanamichi : Errr..both. MIR : Both ?? wow—you surely have a bad day today..aren’t you? Hanamichi :’re right. By the way, I feel so sleepy..can we chat later. I will add you. MIR :, it’s nearly 1:30 a.m..I have to go after this. Nice to meet you Hanamichi. I’ll add you back. Hanamichi : Just call me Hana ^^ MIR : Hana ? wow—lovely name.

Hanamichi : Thanks..what’s your name ? MIR : You can just call me Mir ^^ Hanamichi : Nice to meet you Mir. MIR : Me too..have a nice sweet dream. Chapter two That was the time before I manage to collect my strength to confessed my feeling toward MIR. That was the time when everything still going smoothly. That was the time when I started to know him..when my heart shattered because of Lee Joon. He came..I feel like he rescue me even though it wasn’t like that. I always have a great time chatting with him. He’s my only internet friend. The thing is—I feel so comfortable to talk about anything with MIR. This is the thing that happen, before I realized that I might fallen for MIR instead of Joon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hanamichi : I got to to school now..but I want to say hi and good morning to you. MIR : Really ?? hehe..I feel so flattered. Hi and good morning to you too..good luck on your school. Hanamichi : Thanks..wish me luck. MIR : Hey, be careful and smile ϑ Hanamichi : I will. Bye bye.. Yeah..that is MIR. We’re become friend since last month and well—I can say that we’re pretty closed to each other. He’s the only human ( except for my twinny bro who always know what’s inside my heart ) that know my feelings toward Lee Joon. At first, I feel shy to talk about it but MIR is a good friend and he know to make me feel better. So whenever I have something to say..I’ll talk to him. “Yo internet’re early” SangHyun pokes my cheek. “I’m not an internet addict. You are !” I said and poke his cheek back. “Stop touching me” he stated.

“Your cheek is cute and puffy” I playfully tickle him but he keep pushing me away. Park SangHyun. My twin brother. Yes we’re twin and he’s a few minutes younger than me. It’s not that we always have a twin and most important thing is, we’re boy and girl twins. But SangHyun and me are really opposite. We didn’t really share many interest and hobby but we know each other so well. Without talking—we can know what’s on our mind. That’s why it’s hard to keep any secret from this little guy. Haha~ When we were little, SangHyun didn’t talked to much. Until now, he still like that but I don’t mind. I know him as much as he know me. We’re twin sibling after all. “Whoaa…my stomach is sick..I guess I ate too much last night” Lee Joon suddenly appeared from nowhere and definitely makes me surprised. “Since when he’s here?” I whispered to SangHyun. “Since forever..” SangHyun replied. “As if you don’t know him.” “Hi twins” Lee Joon wrapped his arm around me and SangHyun. “Good morning..” “Let me go” I roughly pushed his arm and keep my distance away from him. “Hana..since when you become so rude” mother spoke to me. “Hana always treat me like this..but I know, it’s because she likes me” Lee Joon winks. “So true” SangHyun replied silently but loud enough for me to hear it. I sent him HAVE-YOU-GET-BORED-WITH-YOUR-OWN-LIFE-UNTIL-YOU-WANTDIE-NOW glare. “Aish..grown up kids..sooner or later, you two will be separate..Hana will get married. So were you, Joonie-ah..and you SangHyun” mother pointed to us. “I’m not included in this whole conversation” SangHyun exclaimed. “Hana will get married ?? hahaha…I can never imagine that” Lee Joon purposely teased me. Somehow, his word hurting my feeling. Gosh—since when his teasing word makes me feel so much hurt. As if a knife stabbing my’s all happen since I realized that I have a feeling for him. How I wish I could turn back time.. To the time where we still a good friend and always keep that term. No heart fun without simple ‘bestfriend’ cute argument. I miss all that. “Why are you so silent?” Lee Joon asked. “I’m sorry..” DAMN..why I feel like crying. His soothing voice—when he say he was sorry. I hate myself. I really do. But all of sudden, I remember MIR’s word.

To love someone doesn’t mean you have to own him.her.. All that matter is his/her happiness.. I inhaled deeply before turned my face to him. “No worries..I’m just feel sleepy” “She’s an internet addicts now..” SangHyun said. “Shut up !” I glared at him. “Internet addicts ? interesting” Lee Joon smiles. Knock knock.. Someone knock the door.We looked at each other face in puzzled. “Who is it ?” I asked. “How am I supposed to know” SangHyun said. “I’m not living in this house” Lee Joon said while hands up. A few minutes later, my mother come back with someone. A girl with pretty face and cute style even though she was wearing exactly the same uniform as me. “Hi there” she greets us with smile. Omo—isn’t that ?!! “Mimi..” I quickly jump to her and hug. “Hana..I miss you so much..I’m back” she said. “Hi SangHyun..Joon” “Hi” SangHyun replied coldly. “’re like—so pretty now” Lee Joon praised her. “Thanks..and you look so handsome now..whoaa, getting all taller and” she chuckled. Lee Joon smiles proudly. I feel like to throw up in jealousy..wait ?! did I say jealousy ? “Even my long-lost friend got lil something on me..” he said. Mimi shook her head vigorously. “Unfortunately NOPE. You’re hot but that’s all..” I could see his ego fell down. Way to go Mimi !! Mimi…Itano Tomomi. Mix blood of Korean + Japan. Her mother was a Korean and her father is Japanese.

Her Korean name is Yang Yeon Mi but still she prefer to be called as Mimi.. ^^ I forgot to mentioned about her right ? she’s my bestfriend too. But we only hang out until primary school—after that, she had to continue her school and life in Japan since her father work there. But we still keep in touch. Sometimes via email..Sometimes via letter. Her father work as one of main person in police department. I don’t know how to explained it but yeah—Mimi was lucky. Her family is rich and her mother owns a boutique..that’s why you can see her appearance—always pretty and gorgeous. And last but not least, her elder brother was really handsome. His name is SeungHo and he work as a policeman too just like his father. Live in wealthy and luxury doesn’t make Mimi turned out to be cocky and selfish girl— instead, she’s really nice and happy-go-lucky type of girl. That’s why I’m happy to be friend with her. “What makes you come here?? When did you arrive from Japan ?” I asked. “Two days a go” she replied shortly. “And I’m here because I want to continue my highschool in Korea. I want to be in the same school as you. Don’t you think I already live there for too long. I miss you guys..I miss someone here..” she said and glanced slightly to SangHyun but as usual—my heartless brother. Will he care ? NO. “SeungHo oppa ?” “He also come with us..hey—he’s already being here for half a year. I forgot to tell you that?” Mimi asked. “No..” “Aigoo” Mimi tapped his forehead. “Poor oppa..” “So…” Joon suddenly come forward and wrapped his arm around us. “I’ll accompany you..” “No thanks..” both of us said in unison. Hahaha..his rejected face is priceless. ++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Nothing new? Boyfriend ?” Mimi asked when we’re having a lunch break at school. I just shook my head. “Nope..” “Really? Why should I trust you?” “Because I’m not as pretty as’re so cute and’re like every guys sweet heart. I’m not” . Yes I do have a concrete reason to say that. When Mimi come to our school which is this early morning, her name already spread widely across the whole school

especially among the boys. Gosh—how could she become the next popular girl in not more than 24 hours ? I guess—every guys has their eyes on her. EVERYONE except my SangHyun my twin. I have no idea what’s wrong with his eyes. Mimi pulled my ears. “Who says that..I’m not that also pretty. Can’t you see that ? or you want me to shove a mirror in front of your face to make you believe that”. “Okay okay..” All of sudden, there’s some random guy appear and kneeling down in front of us. “ least ..tell me your name..please..” I rolled my eyes. Wow this guy really brave. From his badges and name tags, I could read that he’s one of first year student. Gosh..even junior and younger guy likes her. “Err..Yang Yeon can call me Mimi..hehe” her soft giggles almost makes the guy fell down and faint—probably. How ironic. As always—nice response. Mimi not just pretty..but nice as well. Totally oppose Lee Joon so-called girlfriend. Well—not really a girlfriend but they seems like a good couple. Am I jealous ? no..why should I ? “So it’s true ehh..Jooniee have a girlfriend” Mimi sudden questioned makes me blur. Why must now..why ? “I don’t know and I don’t care..” I said. “’re jealous aren’t you ? “NOOOOO” I stressed the word ‘NO’. “Yeah if I can’t see that from your eyes. The way you look at him this morning. Tell me—since when?” “Since when—what ?” “Aigoo..I’m not a fool. Can’t you be straight forward ?” “Mimi..” “Oh feel hurt..” Mimi patted me. “Why don’t you just tell him that you like him..” “He’s my bestfriend..he was part of my life just like could I tell him that I love him”. Mimi sighed. “But it’s no use to hide your feeling..we’re already a grown up person. We’re not a little girl anymore. You’re not the same little Hana and he’s not the same little Joon anymore.” “……………”

“Hana..” Mimi called my name softly. I think she saw my too-obvious hurting face right now whenever the vision of Joon and Chaerin across my mind. My eyes—felt teary. I looked away and force myself to hold my tears. Why should I feel so jealous that I wanted to cry. Why ? “I got to go..” “Hana~~~~~~~~~~~~” I ran away and ignored her. This is too embarrassing. Sorry Mimi, it wasn’t your fault. It was mine. +++++++++++++++++++++

That night. MIR : Hey ya.. Hanamichi : Hey ya .. MIR : So how was your day today ? Hanamichi : Average.. MIR : Something bad happen ? Hanamichi : Not really. Mir, can I ask you one question? MIR : Sure.. Hanamichi : Have you fall in love with your own bestfriend..a bestfriend that might looked at you as if you’re one of their family ? gosh—what am I talking about.. MIR : ( Smiles ) that’s cute.. Hanamichi : Huh? MIR : So you fallen for your own bff ? Hanamichi : Let’s not talk about this..I feel so embarrassed. MIR : No need to feel that way. It’s cute ..I mean the way you tell it. You’re one sweet girl. Hanamichi : (Blush )

MIR : See that..that’s why I’m’re so cute. Hanamichi : MIR..can I ask you another question ? MIR : Shoot..just ask. Hanamichi : What’s your name ? Your full name ? MIR :’s late now..I have to go. I’ll be back later. We’ll chat next time. See you..have a nice dream. Oh by the way, if you love him, why don’t you just tell. Who knows what will happen. Plus, it’s better if you try something instead of letting it go and regret for your entire life. You still have a long way to go..You should know my support always be on your side. Hwaiting !! ~MIR has signed out from this chatting room~

I stunned. Wow ! that was too quick. Why he seems to rushed somewhere. I glanced to my wall clock. “1:30 a.m” I sighed. I noticed MIR always signed out when it’s nearer 1:30 a.m..I wonder why. I could hear some noise from the other bedroom. SangHyun..he might playing with his online game whatsoever stuff. *sigh* Perhaps I should get some sleep. There’s a weird energy came to me that making me reached my mobile phone and pressed someone’s number. “…this…” I could tell he was sleeping but it’s nice that he still take this call. I bet he didn’t fully awake. Fun ! “Joonie…” “Chaerin?” I bit my bottom lips. Why you have to mentioned her name at the time like this. “I know..Hana..” “ are you?” lol..what a lame questioned. “Good..” his muffle voice sounds too sexy to my ears. I’m crazy lunatic who love my own bestfriend. Yes it’s me. “Joonie..”

“Hmmmmm..” his muffle voice getting deeper. I guess he was too sleepy. “Joonie..” “Whattttt…” still muffled. How cute. I could imagine how he sleep right now. His baby face. His messy bed hair. “Joonie..” “Hmmmm” “I like you..” I said and quickly pressed the off button on my phone before hide it under my pillow. Gosh—what have I done ?? did I really said that to him? Ohhhh..what will happen if he actually heard what I said. How am I going to face him. I just destroy myself. can take me away from this peaceful world now. Aigooo~~~


“A bunch of serious criminal is everywhere..that’s why I need you to be extra careful..” SeungHo told Mimi. “Huh? Serious criminal ? what did they do ?” Mimi asked. It was already late night and SeungHo was about to pulled her blanket but Mimi still keep asking him so many question. “Everything..killing, robber , hurting other people, violence..” he answered simple and brushed her sister’s front hair. “Now—’s already have to go to school tomorrow”. “Oppa..” Mimi called his name when he was about to closed the door. “What?” “You’re the one who should be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt” A smile occurred on SeungHo face. “Don’t worry..oppa is a strong guy..haha” “No you’re not..if those criminal dare to touch you, I’ll hunt them !!” Mimi exclaimed. “Yeah—sleep” he insisted.

“Oppa..” “What..” “Nothing..” “Oppa..” SeungHo turned and frowned. “What now?” “JJANG !!!” SeungHo shook his head in disbelief. Chapter 3 +Still on past+ “Got to go” I shouted and walked out from my house real fast. I just pray so that I won’t accidently bumped into Lee Joon. Please don’t make me see him..pleaseeeeeee~ “Hey..where do you think you’re going?” SangHyun called me. “I’m off to so many things to do..”I said without looking back and keep walking faster until I accidently hit someone who stood in front of me. My face beam onto his chest. Wait !! this perfume..Oh no~ “What’s make you rush crazily?” Lee Joon stare at me deeply. Oh God !! don’t tell me he remember what happen last night..the confession..that hella confession. Definitely one stupid move and action from me.. “I…” “Are you looks like you seeing a ghost” he asked, still blocking my way. I’m weak. “Good morning Hana..” I saw Mimi waves from behind. “Oh..Mimi~let’s go, we already late” I pushed Joon slightly and ran toward Mimi. “Late?” Mimi glanced to her watch and frowned. “But it’s..” “Bye Joonie..bye SangHyun..bye mom, dad..” I said louder and grab Mimi’s hand. Joon scratched his non-itchy head and turned to look at SangHyun. “What’s with her?”

“I don’t know” he replied shortly.


“Thanks for the ride SeungHo oppa” I said and bows to Mimi’s older brother. “No worries..” he said and smile to us. “ Oppa~be careful..” Mimi said while her hand can’t stop waving to him. It’ cute to see how SeungHo pampered her so much while me and SangHyun..gosh~having a heartless twins is no fun ! “I wish I have a brother like you” I sighed. “My brother is your brother too..right?” Mimi winks to me. “So that mean my twin brother is your twin brother too ? SangHyun?” Mimi shrugged. “That’s a different story.” Obviously , she looks uneasy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“What’s up with Hana?” Lee Joon asked as he noticed Hana keep avoiding him. “Not my business so I don’t know” SangHyun replied and continue staring at his comic book. He frowned and grab the book from the other boy. “Obviously—she acting a lil weird today..I think lately she acts weirdly.” “Really ?” “Yeah..” “Heeeeeeee…….” He continuously ruffles SangHyun hair. “What the hell” as expected, SangHyun avoided his ‘teasing touch’. +++++++++++++++++++

“MIR what?” Mimi frowned. “MIR…username of my close friend on the internet..” I continue explaining about him even though I don’t know too much. “Hmm~” “That’s all ? your response was only that?” I mumbled. I guess ‘MIR’ subject failed to get Mimi attention. “Yeah—by the way, about Joonie..” she stare at me deeply. “What about him?” “You’re avoiding him..something like what happen this morning. Why ?” she asked. “Nothing..I just..nothing” I replied shortly. No matter how close our friendship was—I will never tell her about my stupid confession last night. It’ll make me even more embarrassed. “You’re hiding something” she humming. “Know what..MIR is a nice guy..really !!” I said—trying to change a subject. “MIR again” she sighed. “I really want to know more about him..” “Why don’t you just ask his phone number?” she suggested. “Phone number?? Yeah..why not” I said. At least—it can distract me from my own stupid jealousy. I really need something to distract me from Lee Joon. “Then—ask him..” Mimi said cheerfully. “I will—by the way, how about you..always talking about me. What about you?” I asked. Mimi shrugged. “Nothing special..” I don’t know—is it me or she seemed to have a slightly crush over my heartless she ? “You wait for SangHyun isn’t it ?” I pokes her. “Aigoo—he’s too should make your first move”. Mimi can’t hide her blushing face even though she put so much efforts on it. All of sudden, she raised her eyebrow and pointed to something. “Isn’t that?” I looked to where she pointed and saw them. Now what..why must now? “Joonie..hey wait up..” Mimi ran to get Lee Joon and drag me to go with her.

“Wait Mimi..wait…don’t go there..he’s with his girlfriend,” I forcefully tried to stop her but she’s quite active so it’s hard. “Why not..that is Joonie girlfriend but we’re Joonie bestfriend..” Mimi said and manage to blocked Lee Joon with that so-called ‘prettiest girl’ in school. The thing is—I don’t’ think she’s that beautiful, Mimi was much more gorgeous compared to her. And no I’m not talking because I’m jealous. Seeing him smiles happily with the other girl besides him—I should feel happy for him but I can’t. it shatters my heart and I feel like it broken into pieces. “Joonie-ahhh…introduced her to me..” Mimi said—half bounce. Lee Joon smiles and glanced to me but I tried to avoid his eyes. It’s hard..I don’t want him to look at me like this. “Joonie?” Chaerin pouted in annoying voice. EWWWWH~is this Lee Joon girlfriend ? He should find much better not this trashy.. First of all.. Lee Chae Rin. I’m not calling her trashy for random reason but she is like that. I heard that she’s such a playgirl and use to date many college and university guy. Well—she’s indeed pretty but her attitude is..what can I say. LOW ! I hate her . Lee Joon is blind. How could he choose a girl like this . “Chaerin..thsi is my two best buddy.. Hana and Mimi” he introduced us. Blaaaah---as if she don’t know me. We’re used to be in the same team when I represented school for basketball while she’s there for cheerleading whatsoever. But Lee Joon voice—is soft. He’d never talk to me like that. Only her. Only Chaerin. “Hi Chaerin..”Mimi offers her hand for a handshake. “Joon honey..let’s go there. I’m hungry” she whines. Damn..when I said I hate this girl..I hate her even more now. I could see Mimi facial expression as changed to but Lee Joon keep staring at me as if he want to seek on what’s hiding inside my eyes. “Oh..see you again girls” he said and walked away but he manage to ruffles my hair secretly and wink to me without Chaerin realized it. “Ewwwh…that stupid wanna-be..” Mimi cursed. “WTH !!!” “Now you know” I tried to put a smile on my face as we walked together.


That night

MIR : So—how are you Hana.. Hanamichi : I’m great. How about you ? MIR : Me too. About your bff ? Hanamichi : hahaha..just ignore me. I’m useless and hopeless. MIR : I have a suggestion to you. Hanamichi : Huh? MIR : That girls driving you nuts isn’t it ? Hanamichi : How did you know.. MIR : Haha..I know XDDD Hanamichi : >///< MIR : Have you heard this ?? IF YOU CAN’T BEAT THEM..JOIN THEM ! Hanamichi : What do you mean by that ? MIR : Make him jealous. If he did feel something to see you with other guys, that means something. Trust me. Hanamichi : If not ? MIR : You and I can be a lover.we should go out and have a date..hahaha. JOKESJOKESJOKES. Hanamichi : I don’t mind..haha..JKJKJKJK ~ XPPPPPPPP MIR : You think on your own about the rest of the plans..I’m here to support you all the time. Hanamichi : Mir, thanks..You’re really nice. MIR : No I’m not. Who know someday I might going to ask you for a help ^^ Hanamichi : Don’t worry..I promise I will be here to support you as well. MIR : ^^ Hanamichi : *huggles*

MIR : Oh..I’m sorry but gtg.. Hanamichi : Okay . Bye Mir, see you again later. ~MIR has signed out from this chatting room~

I frowned again. Why he always seems to rush somewhere. Weird Mir. BUT ! OMONA, I forgot to ask his number. I really want to hear his voice. A nice guy like him must have a nice voice to. Someday—I’m going to get it. I throw myself onto my bed and hugs my fave purple plushies tightly. My mind keep processing on what Mir have suggested just now. Make him jealous ? how ? “If you can’t beat them..join them..” I repeated. “Wow, he’s really good playing with words.” I reached my phone and decided to call Mimi. “Yo..” “Yo Hana..what’s up. It’s late now..” she said. “I need to clarify you about something..” with that, I told her everything that MIR told me.


“ still here?” Ji Hoon asked after he saw a younger guy sat down on his desk—thinking. “Yeah..I don’t feel like to go home now” he replied. “Go home..get some rest. You can continue the rest job tomorrow” he said. “Someone reported me he saw someone resemble to this guy today..” SeungHo pointed toward one pictures on the table. “Isn’t that?” “Yes it’s him” “Are you sure?”

“Not sure because it’s not me who saw him..probably someone look alike.” “Wow..after so long..” SeungHo nodded.


“Double date !!!” Mimi suggested. “That’s the only way..” “Huh?” “But can you take it?” “Why not. I love challenge” I said. Actually, I don’t think I can. “I knew love him. Why don’t you just admit it. I’m your friend..” Mimi said. “Keep it as secret. I don’t want Joonie know..” “Okay. Got it..but how are you going to go to double date if you don’t have any boyfriend?” Mimi questioned make me taken aback. She’s right. I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t have many guy friend. Only Joon and MIR.


“Ask MIR then..” she giggles. “MIR ?” Chapter 4 +Still the past+ Should I ask him to go out with me ? I didn’t even know how he looks like..we’re just an internet friend only..hmM~what should I do?

Hanamichi : Hey MIR.. MIR : Hi ^^v Hanamichi : I need your help again. MIR : What’s that? Hanamichi : Can we..go out together ? MIR : Huh ?....... Hanamichi : No..don’t get me wrong. Remember what you told me previously? MIR : Err..what ? Hanamichi : Aigoo MIR..listen, I’ve plan on making a double date. Actually it was Mimi plan. MIR : Girls..haha. How cute. So you’re going to have a double date ? Hanamichi : Yeah. But there’s a big problem now.. MIR : What is it ? Hanamichi : I don’t have a date partner. MIR : And how can I help you ? Hanamichi : Oh gosh..this going to be so embarrassed but can you be my date ? MIR : Hana.. Hanamichi : You refuse ? it’s okay MIR : Sorry Hanamichi : Girlfriend isn’t it ? MIR : No..I don’t have one. I just can’t. Hanamichi : You can’t ? why ? MIR : Long story. But I really can’t go with you. I’m sorry. I have my own reason. Not that I dislike you. I’m not rejecting you..I just can’t. Hanamichi : MIR : Plus, I’m ugly..haha. Dark, fat, huge curly hair, freaking style…so ugly. You don’t want to hang out with me.

Hanamichi : Haha..know what ? I’m so ugly too. I am 130kg, short and less hair , pimples garden on my face and I am so outdated.. MIR : You’re joking. I know you’re pretty. Hanamichi : How did you know ? MIR : I know ^^v Hanamichi : Mir.. MIR : Hana..I’m sorry. I can’t go with you..I really can’t no matter how much I want to. Hanamichi : That’s okay.. MIR : Sure ? Hanamichi : I guess. MIR : Hanaaaaaaaaa~hanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ +comical style+ Hanamichi : Okay I forgive you. Gosh, sometimes you act like Joonie.. MIR : ^^


I leaned my back against the wall and let out a heavy sighed. “I got rejected..” Mimi laughed and patted my shoulder. “Awwww” “Stop it..I don’t need your sympathy” I said. “Unfortunately you did..Because I already set the date for you..all of you. Tomorrow night at Haiku’s,” her word almost make my face drop. “WHAT ??!!!!!” “I said—I already set the date place and Joon agree..” “Mimiiiiiiii” I practically whimpered.

“What?” “Why you did that” if only I could smack her head right now. “Joonie agree ?” “Yeah”Mimi replied. “How come..” “Well—Yang Yeon Mi has her own way to encourage people” she winks to me. “I don’t have a date and you know that too..” “Find” she started to asked some random people but I manage to stop her. Gosh— this is so embarrassing.


Lee Joon stare at his phone with frowned. He kinda confused on what Mimi said just now. Did she ask him for a double date? And why he had to agree without so much protested. Aish that girl~ “Hey—since when Hana have a boyfriend?” he asked SangHyun who were sitting beside him. SangHyun frowned. “She doesn’t have one..But , there’s one person that she likes but that person was too fool to realized it..” Lee Joon raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “She did ?? lucky that guy can be..” SangHyun snorted. “Yeah—how lucky..” “Why she didn’t tell me about it..?”Lee Joon asked. “Are you stupid or what?” SangHyun suddenly hit the table with his palm. Lee Joon stare at him—unblinking. “Did I said something wrong ?” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

( Back to Mimi & Hana ) All of sudden, both of our handphone started to vibrate. “Ehh?” we looked at each other in puzzled. “I got a call from my brother..haha” Mimi said. I looked at my phone. “A message from” I decided to read the message. To : Hanacchi From : Sanghyunnie Noona ! What on earth you think you’re doing ? Double date ? How stupid is that..if you have a crush on Joon , why don’t you just tell him. Why you have to make yourself hurt ?

I can’t hold myself from smiling. SangHyun shows that he care about me. It’s not that he will show that side of him everyday.I’m happy..Hana is happy. Yay~ To : SangHyunnie From : Hanacchi Sanghyun-goo~ Saranghae <333

I chuckled all by myself because I can picture how he going to react after read my replies. He will say something like this : -WTF -Babo -Maniac Yeah—something like that or closer to it. “Jya ne oppa” Mimi said and flipped her phone that filled with many cute mini-teddy and colorful straps. “SeungHo oppa?” I asked. “Yeah..” she replied with a wide smile. “He said he’s going to have one short break tomorrow so that mean he will have a free time and we can hangout together by tomorrow. How cool !!”

“Nice. I bet oppa must work really hard until now isn’t it..” “You have no idea how tired his face looks like..I felt pity. He didn’t even have a time to search for a girlfriend. Aigoo” she murmured but all of sudden, Mimi change her glanced toward me with a deep and meaningful smile. What was that for? Don’t tell me……………… “NO WAY..BIG NO !!!” I refused and continuously said that to her. “And why’s not that you didn’t know him. Do you know how handsome my brother now” she said proudly. “Joonie can’t beat him..” LOL~I know how good looking her brother was. I have met him a few times we’re not that closed. But yeah—he was so handsome even when he still a little kid. And now as a police, you can imagine how charismatic he can be. All girls might want to chase him but—he’s my bestfriend brother. He was like my own brother too. How could you date your brother ? “Hana-sshi” Mimi pokes me. “Mimi..what will SeungHo oppa thinks if he knows our plan. It’s like we’re using him”, I said in a flat voice. Seriously, why we have to involved her brother into this matter ? Mimi shrugged and sighed. “Yaaah...leave it to me” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That night, Mimi keep watching her brother eat the ramen . She rested her head on the table and continuously watched SeungHo eating. “What?” SeungHo asked—frowned. “Nothing..” Mimi replied—simple. “You’re so kakkoi”. ( KAKKOI means handsome in japan ) “Yeah right” SeungHo continue eating the noodles. “I thought you’re going to cook something for me” he teased her. “I will..but not today. I was busy over something..” she answered. “Why do I feel something cheesy going to happen next ?” SeungHo took a sip of water and wipe his mouth with mini towel besides him. Such a polite guy ^^. “Oppa..why didn’t you have a girlfriend? You’re so cute and handsome..and you're my brother. Our genes..thanks to mama and papa” SeungHo frowned even more. “Do I have to answer that?”

“Yes..” “I guess—no one interested in me. Plus—I’m so busy with my work.” Mimi smiles. “Oppa…you like girls aren't you?” SeungHo rolled his eyes in disbelief. “What the… think I’m gay ?” he almost yelled. “Just because I’m alone doesn’t makes me gay..aish” Mimi giggles. “Who knows..” “NO WAY. I like girls. Gosh, why do I have to talk with you. I’m sleepy. I need some rest now..” he stood up and bring the empty bowl to the sink and wash it. “OPPA..” Mimi leaned closer to his side. “Do you remember my friend ? Hana ?” SeungHo nodded. “That girl..who love to tie her hair in pigtail ?why ?” “….hmmmm………..” Mimi don’t kno how to continue without making her brother think he want to match him with her own bestfriend. “I know what’s on your mind. NO !” SeungHo stated. “Why?” “I said no…NO !” “Oppa..” “Why should I go out with her?” “Oppa..” “Mimi..don’t force me..” Mimi pouted. All of sudden, a sound of someone’s handphone ringing echoed and make both Mimi and SeungHo shocked. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

I guess I came here at the wrong time. I was about to looked for Mimi and didn’t know SeungHo oppa was here with her. And I saw the door opened so I randomly came in because I think I heard Mimi voice mumbled.

And I heard everything. Every word that came from Mimi and SeungHo mouth. “Hana..” Mimi looked at me—surprised. “Hi Mimi..Hi oppa..sorry. I knock the door but no one heard it so I came in..I should go back home now,” I was about to turned around when Mimi called my name. “Hana..don’t go..” I don’t know how I feel. Not sad but more to embarrassed. I know what Mimi did was only for me but—somehow I think it’s too much. “See you tomorrow..” I said and quickly leave them. “Hana I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to..” I walked without looking back but someone grab my hand from behind. As I turned around, I saw SeungHo looked at me. He looks miserable. I guess he feel guilty. The thing is—it’s not really his fault. “Let’s talk..” he said and drag me outside—leaving Mimi in the kitchen, continuously tap her forehead. “Oppa..” Okay—this is the first time ever, he hold my hand like this.


Awkward..awkward..oh noooo~ Why do I feel so nervous. Gosh—he’s really grown up man. Not the same teenager that I used to see long a go. Since Mimi move to Japan with her family—I didn’t really saw him. The last thing I remember was—errr..nothing. I don’t really remember anything regarding to him. Oh—I know..there’s a time when we share the same ice cream since Mimi accidently forgot to buy one for me. SeungHo felt pity when I just watch them eating it so he offered me to share with him. But that was a long time a go. I don’t think he remember it anymore. “I’m sorry..” he said to me and stood up—facing me. Gosh—how come he became this tall. “Haha..” I tried to fake my laughed. Seriously—I don’t know how to react. “Don’t worry..” “You heard everything don’t you? wasn’t like that..I mean..” before he finished his sentence, I quickly cut it.

“Nevermind,” “I feel so guilty now. I might already hurt your feeling tonight..” SeungHo stare at me— deeply. “Don’t feel that way. I know Mimi was just trying to help me and she drag you…Oppa, you have nothing to do with this- Stop apologizing” I assured him. “How can I feel okay when your face was like this.. -___-‘ expression. How cute *0*

“ he said and do some mimic

“Stop look funny” I tried to hold my laughter. “But when you did this face—it’s cute.. (^0^)

“Oppa..” “ (*U*)

“……..” “ (@_@)

“Hahahaha..” “Forgive me?” he asked me and make his cute puppy eyes. “Okay..okay..okay..” I sighed. “It’s not even your fault but you keep insisted to asking me for an apology so I have no choice..” “I still feel bad,” He shrugged. “Buy me an ice cream next time..then we’re done..haha” I jokes. “Okay. Ice treat. But I will do another thing for you” he said and looked at me directly in the eyes. Ohooo-please stop doing that. His eyes was indeed mesmerizing and sharp. “Huh?” “Please go out with me” he said shyly but firmed. “Can you be my date tomorrow?”

“………….” JAW DROPPED. Chapter 5 Since today is my peaceful public holiday..and I love Saturday and least I’m not going to face Joon face or his stupid girlfriend. But that’s not too long since I have a double date with him tonight. Gosh—why do all these thing happen to me. I didn’t feel like to go out anywhere so I lock myself in my room and as usual, chat with him. MIR : SeungHo-sshi ? Hanamichi : Hmm, Mimi’s brother. It’s embarrassing. MIR : And why is that ? Hanamichi : Because he is my bestfriend brother.. MIR : It’s nothing wrong if you going out with him right ? Hanamichi : Because you don’t want to go out with me.. TT.TT MIR : Sorry…I want to but I can’t. Hanamichi : MIR, can I have your phone number ? lol..somehow I really want to hear your voice. MIR : …… Hanamichi : Hello ? MIR : I’m sorry Hana..I can’t. Hanamichi : I was joking..haha XDD MIR : Sorry TT.TT ( sighed ) I sighed. I wasn’t joking around. I’m really asking for his phone number.A few minutes after that, he signed out as usual. I wonder, why Mir being so secretive and hide so many thing about him. He is a good friend and someone I feel so comfortable to hang out with. But I can’t deny about one thing, sometimes Mir reminds me of Joon. The way he react about certain things..and sometimes he talks as if he know me. Is he some kind of psychopath? *gulped* “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” someone jumps into my room without even knocking. “Mimi..” I saw Mimi throwiung herself besides me and rolling on the bed. As hyper as she

is…even on Saturday morning. Aish.. “What are you doing ? thinking on what to wear for tonight?” she pokes me crazily and making me blushed. “No..can’t you see it..I was just lying on my bed and lazy around” I replied.Actually, I am nervous but it’s Lee Joon who makes me feel this way. How will he react ? what will it be ?? how my life will turn into in the future ?? somehow, I could feel that something big will change after this..whether it’s good or not, depends. “Oppa loves a girl who appear simple and usual..he doesn’t like a girl who put so much effort to look sexy or pretty. What’s important to him is—naturality ^^ “ Mimi smiles. “Why you have to tell me that?” “ the way, where’s err…SangHyun ?” she asked. “I didn’t see him anywhere ..” “SangHyun ? hmm~I’m not sure..ehhh, you look for him instead of me?” now it’s time for payback time ..haha ( evil laugh ). “No” she quickly deny it. “About the date, I’m here to tell you something, oppa will arrive her around 8 so be prepared.” I closed my eyes shut and shook my head. “Why all this happen to me..” “What? Dating with my brother ??” I didn’t reply. “Hana-ahhh..what’s wrong with dating your bestfriend brother..” she said. I sighed again. “MIR also said the same thing..I mean, what is wrong with dating my bestfriend’s brother..” “It’s MIR again..tell me something Hana, do you prefer to go out with MIR more than my brother ?” “What kind of question is am I supposed to answer ?” I said while my hand keeps pulling the cute purple plushies ear. “Yaaah…I feel thirsty..” she burst out all of sudden and touch her throat. I throw my teddy bear to her. “As if you don’t know where’s the kitchen is..” Mimi pouted. “Okay.Do you want me to get something for you?” “No thanks..” I said and continue lying on my bed—enjoy my peaceful rest and tried not to think about Joon. Why it’s always Joon and Mir that come to my mind. “BAD JOONIE..BAD BAD BAD JOONIE” I talked to my purple plushies. I’m going crazy

if this kind of feeling keep haunting me. ++++++++++++++++++

Mimi opened the refrigerator and saw her favorites drink. Chocolate milk. “Yaaaaaay….choco milk..” without thinking too much, she quickly took it and poured it into a glass before took a sip of it. “Uwaaa…yummy”. That’s Mimi..In her life,she addict with two things. Hair and anything related to chocolate. “Hey that was mine” someone said that from behind. Mimi turned around and gulped. “SangHyun..” “Who give you permission to drink all that? Now I have to go out and buy another one” SangHyun complaints. “SangHyun, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was yours. I feel so thirsty and hungry and this choco milk looks tasty. Hana said I can take anything from the kitchen”. SangHyun shook his head slightly and sighed. “Whatever..” Mimi pouted again. Why SangHyun acted so cold toward her. But he is always like that— treat other people heartless-ly. And Mimi want it to be different with her. She really hope she can get along with SangHyun. “Yaaah SangHyun !!!” she called for his name. “What?” SangHyun looked behind and stop walking. “You know about your sister double date isn’t it? Aren’t you going to do anything about it?” she asked. “Do what? It’s all your stupid plan isn’t it?” “We can stalk them..wouldn’t it be interesting?” “Huh..I’m not a stalker..”he stated. “Even though it’s related to Hana?” “Yeah” he said. “What if something bad happen?” she said. The thing is—Mimi was trying to get SangHyun to go out with her but she was too shy to say it directly.

“What do you want actually?!” SangHyun stare at her deeply. “I…I want you to accompany me tonight..I think we should stalk them. This is Hana first date..and..and..we can go out together” “Why should I go out with you?” SangHyun mumbled and ready to walked away. Mimi bit her lips and grip her fist. “BECAUSE YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS AND YOU HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT !!!” SangHyun rolled his eyes. + Flashback+ SOMETHING THAT HAPPEN 10 YEARS A GO.. “And now…we declare you as husband and wife..” little Joon announced. “Yayyy~” little Hana clap her hand. “What should we do next ?” little Mimi asked. “You may kiss you bride” little Joon told. Without wasting anymore time, little SangHyun leaned forward and kiss the little girl in front of him who was wearing a cute pink gown with tiny ribbon on her hair. He kissed her on the lips and makes Mimi stunned while the others—jaw dropped. The kiss went longer and SangHyun still didn’t want to let little Mimi go. Both little Hana and little Joon could see a tears starts to flow and Mimi started to cry so loud. “Hey SangHyun, enough..I didn’t say that you have to kiss her lips-just give a peck on her cheek you babo !!..”little Joon said—rolled his eyes. “What if SeungHo hyung make Mimi cry....” “Aww Mimi..don’t cry” little Hana said and patted. “tsk…tsk…tsk…tsk….tsk…” little Mimi can’t stop crying and pointed toward SangHyun blurred face. “What?” litle SangHyun confused. +Flashback ended+


“Hana…your date is here..and he feel shy to enter this house. And he is handsome !!” mother shouted so loud and make me feel so damn embarrassed. Why she have to say like that ? why why ? “Noona..” SangHyun called my name. “What’s up ?” I asked. “Do I look good..” SangHyun smiles and looked at me directly—placing his hand onto my shoulder. “Good luck !” “Thanks..” I quickly hug him even though he forcefully try to let go from my hug. “Oh by the way, are you planning to go somewhere?” He quickly shook his head. “No..” and turned around. “Aigoo….” I pokes his cheek. “HANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~~my future son-in-law already wait for you outside..” mother’s word almost make my heart and face drop onto the floor.. SangHyun laughed and walked away. “My future brother ?” I bit my lips and try to swallow my nervous. Gosh. Now—can I really face SeungHo after what mother said just now. Not just talk—she even scream so loud. Even neighbor might heard it. I walked slowly toward the door and saw him stood outside—smiling. OH GOSH—can I just pulled my head off and keep it somewhere until everything return to normal again ? “Hi..” he bows to me. Wait—I’m the one who should bow to him. Gosh—this is so…( lost word ). To be frankly honest, this is my first date ever. There was a time when I try to date my sunbae when I was 15 but Joon and SangHyun screw everything… “Hi..” I replied nervously. SeungHo looked really charming tonight. Different from what I saw yesterday. He was wearing a turtleneck long sleeves white shirt inside and black leather jacket. Wow, he look so handsome. Really !! with his hair styled that way. “You look pretty” he said. Gosh—I’m just wearing a simple beige blouse. Now my confidence getting lower. ( sighed )

“……” I totally lost my word. “Shall we?” he offered his hand softly. Chapter 6 Awkward..awkward.. Gosh…I can’t believe I’m here—a double date with Joon ? and my date partner is Mimi’s older brother. Gosh~~~ Lee Joon sat next to Chaerin but he is now facing me. I seriously don’t want to look at his face but it’s too hard to do it. SeungHo sat next to me and facing Chaerin. Gosh..what kind of situation is this. “I didn’t know you have one handsome boyfriend Hana-shhi..” Chaerin started as our ‘stone’ atmosphere occurred. “Well..errr..” how am I supposed to react. Lee Joon and SeungHo know each other and I could see he look surprised when he saw my date partner but he just ignored it. My heart aching to see Chaerin keep leaning to him and their finger entangled. Gosh—I feel so jealous. So damn jealous when Chaerin appear with her beautiful outfit, gorgeous make-up and she look dazzling. Different than me. Now I know what Joonie saw in her. I have nothing to go against Chaerin. I guess I’m such a loser. TT_TT “Do you want some ice cream Hana?” SeungHo asked me softly. “How about you two..let’s order some ice cream. My treat..” “How romantic..Joonie-ah..I feel jealous” Charin giggles. Ewwwh…I hate ! I hate when she did that..I hate everything about her…I hate her so much that I feel like to stab her with a knife. The way she keep pampered herself toward Joon. Everything..but I could see sometimes she glanced toward SeungHo..such a….asIJKLWEN@$!@%CKO1`JW90I`1EJ:< Joon—on the hand, why he act so strange ? I could see he’s eyeing me curiously but I manage to ignore and act normal ( as if ). Gosh—if this what we call as a date or double date, this is the weirdest double date ever ! Poor SeungHo oppa—why he have to stuck in this kind of stupid date. I’m using him.. Not so much talking—just sometimes hearing this stupid girl named Chaerin whines non-stop and keep asking SeungHo about so many thing. Did she try to seduce him ? I swear if he break Joon’s heart—there’s no hesitate for Park Hana to kill someone ! “Hana..” SeungHo called my name softly. When I turned around, he was ready to spoon feed me with the ice cream. What the !!!

I frowned but he wink at me as if he was telling me to go on with the flow. Did he know the real situation ? did Mimi told him something ? gosh—Mimi !


( Outside Haiku’s ) Mimi giggles as SangHyun arrived there. She bounces slightly and grabs his arm. “Yay~ You’re here.. I thought you don’t want to come” SangHyun stated. “Listen !! please don’t mentioned about the childhood accidently kiss anymore. I promise to go out with you tonight so that you keep your mouth shut. And I’m doing this for Hana as well. You got nothing to do with it..” Mimi facial expression change and she let go of his arm. “Why can’t you say something to me nicely? You already hurt my feeling so many times. And it’s not an accidently kiss—you are indeed kissing me..forcefully !!” SangHyun covered her mouth with her palm. “Where are they ?” “Inside..” Mimi pointed toward Haiku’s. “Let’s go then..”


I CAN’T STAND THIS ! Why Joon keep staring at me and speak no word. He just keep his mouth shut. What’s wrong with him.. Joon-ah..please don’t make things even more complicated. “How long have you two been together?” SeungHo questioned make me almost choke my drink even though the question is not for me. “Huh?” Joon seems confused. “A few month a go..” Chaerin answered. Oh my—this girl—can’t she stop talking ! Lee Joon !

Please stop it !! stop staring at me ..please stop it. You know I can’t take it.. “How about you two?” Chaerin asked back. That questioned make me puzzled because I don’t know how to answer. All of sudden, SeungHo grip my hand tightly. “Well—it’s a secret” he said with smiles. WHAT ?! SECRET ? WHAT WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN… IS HE TRYING TO PROTECT ME FROM THIS FEMALE PREDATOR QUESTION BULLET? The date get backs to it’s original atmosphere..weird and frozen. I feel so bad for SeungHo more and more now. “…………..” wait !! I think I heard obe familiar voice just now. I looked around and found nothing ! “What is it?” SeungHo asked me. While Joon and Chaerin are busy to go all romantic ( T_T )..I leaned closer toward Seungho. “Oppa..I think I heard SangHyun and Mimi voice..” “Really?” he looked at me in disbelief—also whispered. “Yeah..but maybe it was only me..” I scratched my non-itchy head and feel shy as SeungHo face were really close to me. I guess, he realized my already blushing face and he just smiles and touch my finger again. “Don’t worry. That is so Mimi if they really here..” he giggles. AIGOOOOO~why giggles look so cute on him as well . >//< Another awkward moment occurred. *sighed* “Excuse me..” I said—all of sudden and quickly stood up. If only I could ran away from this place ! MIMI…YOU’RE DEAD !


"Stop commenting !!..what if they heard you?" SangHyun told her. Mimi covered her mouth with her palm while her fingers keeps poking SangHyun arms.

“See that..too awkward ! gosh..” she whispered—referring to the double date. “That is because you’re too stupid and plan all this..” he replied and avoid himself from Mimi’s ‘poking attack’. “Oppa did a great job..” Mimi giggles. “Why you have to make SeungHo hyung involved ?!” “Because he’s my brother..” she answered—eyes still on them. “God !!!” SangHyun let go a heavy sighed. “I guess there’s nothing to wait for…so I want to come back home”. He’s ready to get up but Mimi pulled his arm. “Yaaah—don’t leave me promised me already ..because you stole my kiss so this is your punishment !” she stated it. SangHyun rolled his eyes. “Aigoo..why am I stuck with this girl………” he mumbled to himself. “It wasn’t really a kiss after all. Damn~” “Hide..hide..cover your face..” she constantly pushed SangHyun to hide under the table before Hana could see them. “What the..” SangHyun have no choice but to follow her.


I stared at my own image from the mirror ! My own reflection…my eyes look so horrible.. My hair looks like a mess.. My style is so outdated.. I am nothing like Lee Chaerin ! If only Mir is here TT__TT Why do I have to think about him now TT__TT Wait !! I can’t do this anymore. I can’t !! I just can’t !! I wanna go back home more than anything now. I wanna throw myself onto my bed. I want to talk to MIR ~ IT’S ALWAYS ABOUT MIR !

Yes, that’s what Mimi said to it true ? I guess it day won’t be complete without saying hi to him. Even a simple short conversation with Mir already makes me feel so happy. What if Joon is MIR ? “Just leave him alone..can’t you get over it..he’s with me now” a voice come from behind. I quickly turned around and saw Chaerin standing there, with her arm crossed each other. “Excuse me?” I pretend to ask. “I know what’s on your mind..duhhh, bring one hot and handsome guy to have a double date with us, are you completely out of mind?” she said teasingly. “I don’t get it” I lied and quickly walked—gosh—this scenario should be ended. “Know what” Chaerin still continued. “ You’re one poor loser. You lost Joon to me easily. You’ll never know how great his lips taste…you’ll never know how strong his arm when he hugs you tightly and make you feel so insecure..” “SHUT UP !!!” I yelled and glared at her. “Why you have to hurt my feelings like this..we don’t even know each other !” Gosh—why my eyes started to get haze..I don’t want to cry ! I don’t want to..but Chaerin’s word is too deep and hurt my feeling. “Because I like it..I love to be a winner” she announced proudly ! Today ! I OFFICIALLY DECLARE LEE CHAERIN AS MY ULTIMATE ENEMY ! +++++++++++++++++++++++++

“What took her so long…” Mimi tapped her cheek with her own index finger. “You think?” SangHyun yawned and ignored her. “I’m hungry” Mimi complaints. “Let’s eat something..” “Whatever !!” ++++++++++++++++++++ I rushed to my table and saw SeungHo sat there—alone. Where’s Joon ? “Oppa..let’s go home..” I said—practically pulled his arm softly. “Huh?” he looked confused. “Are you okay?”

“Where is Joonie?” I asked. “He go somewhere to answer a phone calls…” GOSH…my eyes were all teary. I try not to look at him. Luckily Lee Joon wasn’t here right now. ( Half an hour later… ) I don’t know why but SeungHo bring me to SuKyunHee beach. It’s not too far from the city but still—it’s a peaceful place to be if you want to calm your mind. How do I feel now ? HORRIBLE. He didn’t talk much..he just let me overcome my feelings. Even though I really want to go home right now and tell MIR everything but being here wasn’t that bad. How ironic—I feel like he’s trying to make me feel relief. T_T “Are you okay?”. Finally, SeungHo asked me. “I guess…I’m okay” I replied bitterly. “I’m sorry oppa..” SeungHo shook his head slightly. “It’s okay..wanna know something, Mimi taste is lame. What’s so special about Haiku’s..don’t you think that place look a little bit boring?” he laughed. I know—he’s trying to comfort me. “I’m sorry..” that’s all I can say. He let go a deep sighed. “If you like him..why don’t you just tell him the truth”. His sudden word makes me surprised. How did he know ? is it too obvious. “Know what—I’ve been a teenager once..I know how it feels when we like someone but we have no urge to tell him or her. But it’s better if you try something instead of letting it go. You’re going to regret and when that time has come, it’s too late” he said and stared at the front. “Oppa..” “I used to like this noona..when I was 17. She’s like the first girl I ever feel that way,” “………..” He took a deep breathe before continue. “We used to hang out and spend our time together all the time..laugh, joy, sad..all of it until I don’t know since when I have that kind of feeling to her. It’s really making me feel can I love my own bestfriend. I don’t want to destroy our friendship.” “Then what happen ?” I asked.

“Then—I just keep that feeling inside me. Swallow everything that I feel—buried it deeply inside me. Live my life and move on..without letting anyone know..” he said. “It’s sad..but what happen after that?” I asked again. SeungHo inhaled again. “One day, I got a card…from her” “A card?” “A wedding invitation..” I don’t know what else to say. Should I stop him from continue the story. I don’t want to bring his past memory back. “She’s married with someone else..” “Did you come to her wedding day?” “Yes..” he replied shortly. “Oh my God..” “Yeah—that is the time when she know my real feeling but it was too late. She’s already being a part of someone else life. Since then, I told myself to move continue my life but still—nothing can stop me from a thought that everything might change if I have a courage to tell her how much I love her. It’s too late and regret is the only thing I can do”. I patted his shoulder with my left hand. “Oppa..I’m’s really sad..” He nodded. “Yeah—that’s why the movie gets a box office record and won several award in Asean film festival..awesome !!!~” “Huh?” I started to get all confused. “It’s one of the saddest love story movie ever..haha~I don’t know how I make myself watch that kind of genre but yeah—the story is deep..I salute Takeshi Kaneshiro..The best !! and the female character was pretty. I think her name is Kyoko Fukada..” I frowned even more. “So—all the things that you tell just now was only a storyline from a movie?” Yaaaah~I could see SeungHo was trying so hard to hold his laughter and I..totally completely believe whatever he said.I even patted his shoulder. How embarrassed ! “Can I …can I ..” his body shaking. “What?” “Can I laugh?” with that—he burst into laughed but somehow, it’s making me laughed as well. Gosh—it was only a storyline from a movie.

“’re so evil !!” I pulled his ears like what I always did to Joon and SangHyun. “Oucch..I’m sorry. I was just trying to make you look so bitter just now. See— you’re smiling. That’s nice..” he pokes my cheek softly. I don’t know why but I’m not really angry with him. At least he make me feel so much better now. “I’m not going to believe you again after this..” I exclaimed. “Sorry” he said—still giggles. Like sister !!!! No wonder Mimi always make everything look funny to her eyes. SeungHo also like that but he always is serious most of the time. I guess—blood relation ? Mimi and SeungHo are just the same unlike me and SangHyun. ++++++++++++++++

“Ahhh---choooooooooooooo” Mimi accidently sneezed right in front of SangHyun face as soon as they came out from Haiku’s. Losing track of Hana , Seungho , Lee Joon and Chaerin. “Hey..” he rolled his eyes—wiping his face. “Aigoo…sorry..I didn’t mean that..sorry” she quickly wipe his face with her tissue. “It’s cold..” “Enough..I’m going home and we already lost Hana track all thanks to you who busy eating he noodles. And now what..I’m leaving !!” he said and turned around—ready to walked away. “’re not going to walked me home?” she asked—trying her best to make a puppy eyes but SangHyun didn’t even turned around to looked it. He keep walking until Mimi yelled. “Yaaah..I hate to say this but since you stole my first kiss, can’t you at least be nicer to me !!!” she said that louder. Making a few people around them started to eyeing these two youngster curiously. SangHyun paused on his track and looked behind. “I mean it !!” Mimi said and glared sharply. She really thought he will continue walked away but nope—he turned around and walked toward her. It was too fast when he grab Mimi on her waist and leaned forward—until his lips touching her. He kiss her—bringing more eyes to looked at them in shocked expression. SangHyun still didn’t let her go instead nibbling her

lower lips. After a few second, he let go the kiss and stare at her deeply. “Now that’s what I call a KISS !!” he stated and walked away. This time—faster. Leaving her stunned and frozen— unblinking. Mimi shivers. “You…you…PARK SANGHYUN !! YOU EVEN STOLE MY SECOND KISS..WAAAAAAAAA !!!”


“Thanks..for everything. I didn’t mean to use you” I said. SeungHo chuckled. “Use me ?’s okay. Plus, it’s been along time since my last date..” “………….” “I’m not joking..” he said. “The last time I date someone, well, let see—highschool..” “Yeah right..what’s the title of this movie?” I jokes. “Yang SeungHo love story is doomed” he replied and laughed. “Oh..another box office” I teased him. “Hana—I’m not telling you a’s really being so long after the last time I date someone. Thanks..I feel happy that you willing to go out with me” he said—become serious all of sudden. “Find a girlfriend you can date her everyday” “I’m trying..” he replied. “You likes noona aren’t you?” He smiles. “Well—long ago..when I was in school—noona is my type but not anymore. I like younger girl” he winks to me. “………………”

“Sorry. I like teasing you” he said. “You always look confused and blur and that's what beautiful about you.. Sometimes, I forgot you still a highschool girl..” “I’m a grown up lady..” I stated. It’s just—I don’t like people keep referring me as a higschool stundet.Aish. “’re grown up lady. That’s why I tend to forgot that you’re the same girl with running nose and pigtails that I used to know..” Aish—I feel shy again. “So, since your mother going to get worried if I still didn’t send you home, what do you think? Wanna go home?” he asked. I nodded. “I still owe you something” he blurted out. “An ice cream” I interrupted. “I knew it !” “Yeah..let’s g eat an ice cream before you’re going’s that?” he suggested. “Nice” I replied with a big grinned on my face. All of sudden, his mobile phone ringing and he answered it. From his tone, I knew something’s going on.. “You have to go aren’t you?” I asked as soon as he finished talking to the caller. SeungHo nodded slowly. “I’m sorry..something came up”. “That’s okay..” I ensured him. “This is one of the reason why I can’t find a girlfriend..haha” he chuckled. I concluded.“I can see that..busy guy..” “So—I’m going to send you home..I still owe you an ice cream so..I wonder if there’ll be a second date..” Yaits…why he always makes me blushed. “I take that as a yes..” he smiles. “Hana, you still have long way to go..don’t burden yourself like because you looks good with it. If you need me, you can just call..I’m here for

you. Good night” he said before leaving. “Thanks…oppa..” I let go a heavy sighed and glanced to my watch. Almost 2:00 A.M. I want to chatting with MIR but no use..he always offline at the time like this. I was about to enter my front gate when I saw someone’s standing right next to it. A familiar figure. He’s wearing a dark outfit that’s why I didn’t noticed his existence at the first place. It's kinda dark..that's why. “Joonie..” He gave me a smiles. “What took you so long?” “I….I….” Wait !! is this a good sign ? is he jealous ?? is he want to confess something to me ?? wait..why am I thinking too much. Gosh.. “ forgot your handphone” he shoved my purple handphone right onto my face. I was puzzled and clueless. “I forgot….” I don’t know why but the probability of losing my beloved handphone are not as high as my nervous feeling right now. After all ‘less-awkward-talk-and-tiger-eye-stare-ofLee Joon’ should I feel ? “By the look cute today. And your date…good looking guy but I know, no one can beat me isn’t it ?” he playfully play with my hair. Gosh—my heart feel so—empty. His jokes are no longer funny to me. “How long you have wait for me here? Why didn’t you just go inside my’s cold” Lee Joon leaned closer to me and whispered. “I didn’t realized my best buddy not the same person anymore..she’s already become a gorgeous and grown up lady..but you will always remain as the same person to my heart”. Remain as the same person in his heart ? Remain as one of his bestfriend… Is that what you mean, Lee Joon? “Aish..I guess I should get going by now..see you tomorrow..” he ruffles my hair one last time before walked away—waving his hand toward me.

My heart feel so—broken. I don’t know why but it’s definitely broken into pieces. I feel so stupid—to have this kind of feelings toward him. Stupid HANA !! BABO ! Is that all you want to say to me, Joon ? Is that all ?? I guess, we’re really not meant to be. TT__________TT Chapter 7 Since that time..I promised to myself that I will completely ignore my feelings toward him. I love Lee Joon but I love our beautiful friendship as well. I can’t bear to lose him so I’m willing to let everything go ..everything related to my heart. I will forget about it. Park Hana will try !! ++++++++++++++++++++++ That morning, all four of us walked together—heading to our school gate as usual but what makes today different from other day is, everyone drowned into complete silents. Including talkative and cheerful girl like Mimi. “Waah, I want more holiday. I feel like time running slow..I want more holiday..” I said— raised my hand up high—trying to get their attention. Gosh—it’s too awkward. I thought it was only me having a weird double date ( including Joon ) but what’s wrong with Mimi and SangHyun ? No response. I let go a deep sighed and glanced to each of their face. Joon look dimmed. Mimi look awkward. SangHyun look—heartless and usual. “Yaaah…what’s wrong with all of you?” I said and constantly blocked their way. “………………….” Still no response. I decided to try this. “Joonie-ahh..” I cling onto him and crazily pokes his cheek.

Mimi and SangHyun rolled their eyes to me but later, they keep walking and ignore me. This time, it’s faster. “My stomach is hurt..that’s why I don’t talk too much” Joon pouted and smiles. Whoa..finally ! one sweet pouty smiles in the morning. I miss that smiles. I think I already non-smiling Joon for about 24 hours or something and it’s killing me. “Stomachache ? what’s wrong ?” I asked—started to feel worry. “Well, I ate too much spicy noodles last night. Omma force me to eat. Hahaha” The way he talk—still awkward but I don’t mind. His smile still look sweet even though it was only a force smile. “Joonie..” I called his name. “Hmm?” “I don’t know what will happen if I lose you..” He smiles again . “Me too. I don’t want to lose you..” TT__________________TT Don’t cry Hana…please don’t cry TT_______TT All of sudden, he grab my hand and run. “One minutes late—we’re going to get punishment from discipline teacher…let’s go” he said while running. I just nodded and follow him. Deep inside , I really hope time will froze so that he can hold my hand like this. “Guys….quick !! we’re late” I manage to shout while running. Mimi and SangHyun surprised and run as well but unluckily—they were late for a few second and Sir Kim already wait with a furious smiles. “Yaaah !! it was your fault ?!” she blames him. SangHyun frowned. “What was that supposed to mean. It’s your fault !!” “You !!” Mimi yelled. “BABO” “ENOUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Sir Kim shouted louder than them . “You two..since you already come to school this late, I have special punishment that suits you. Clean the toilet.” “What?” Mimi protested. “But we’re only 2 seconds late from Lee Joon and Hana”.

“I don’t care…..!!!!” the older guy bursted. Both of them sighed heavily.


He let go of my hand and rubbed his chest. “I think my stamina getting lower. Gosh..that was close..haha” “Me too..” I said—trying to catch my breathe. “Poor SangHyunnie and Mimi..hahaha” he laughed. “Yeah..” “Luckily, we’re save” Joon exclaimed. “Thank Joonie..” It’s weird ! he didn’t ask much about SeungHo. Lee Joon always being a busy body when it comes to my life. Like I said—the time I was about to date my sunbae, he came to me with 1001 question and finally, he planned something with SangHyun to screwed my date. I don’t mind though..haha. Hana is weird isn’t it ? +++++++++++++++++++++++

MIR : So how was everything going? Hanamichi : Awkward. MIR : SeungHo-sshi is a nice guy isn’t it? Hanamichi : Yes he is.. MIR : Are you okay ? Hanamichi : ………………… MIR : Okay..we should change our subject. But you can borrow my shoulder if you want to cry ^^v …It’s not that comfy but at least, it’s cushiony..hehe xDDD

That is MIR. He knows how to make me feel comfortable. That’s why I love to talk to him about anything. I really hope someday, I’m going to have a chance to meet him. I don’t mid if he’s really ugly and hideous. He still the same MIR. And what important is—MIR manage to distract me from thinking about Joon too much. It’s been a few month already and I still don’t know anything about him except that—he will offline when it’s getting late and the time shows 1:30 a.m. I wonder why ? He is really mysterious but that makes him more interesting. Hanamichi : are you MIR.. MIR : about you ? Hanamichi : Me the way , how was your day today ? MIR : Nothing life has never change as it’s always stay the same. Hanamichi : Huh ?? I don’t get it..what do you mean by that ? MIR : Hana..there is something you need to know about me.. Hanamichi : MIR, you make me scared..>.< MIR : Sooner or later, you’ll know. Hanamichi : I .. I don’t know what else to say. MIR : Do you trust me ? Hanamichi : I do.. MIR : The thing is...... Hanamichi : MIR, just tell me the real you. I trust you but you didn’t trust me isn’t it ? MIR : wasn’t like that. Hanamichi : Then ? MIR : Sorry Hana.. Hanamichi : At least tell me your name. MIR is not your real name isn’t it ? MIR : Yes. It’s not my real name.

Hanamichi : Then, what’s your name ? MIR : If I tell you this, will you continue our friendship ? Hanamichi : Yes I do. Why should I cut off our friendship just because of your name. MIR : The thing is.. Hanamichi : MIR.. MIR : It’s already late. I have to go but my name is.. Hanamichi : Just tell. MIR : Bang Chul Yong. I really gtg, sorry .. ~MIR has signed out from this chatting room~ Bang Chul Yong ?? Wait..Bang Chul Yong. I think that name sounds familiar. Aish..Hana !! refresh your mind…refresh !! Now, where did I heard his name..I better ask SangHyun. ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Knock..knock !! “Come in..” SangHyun shouted from inside. “Hey..” I said and quickly sat at the corner of his bed. “What are you doing?” “ if you can’t see that for yourself” he mumbled and continue reading his ‘COUNTER STRIKE GAME’ magazines. SangHyun with his online game addict..aish~ “I WANT TO ASK YOU SOMETHING” I said. “Go long as it’s not a stupid question.” “Have you heard this name..wait,errr..Bang Chul Yong..” “Bang Chul Yong ?” he repeated the name. “Nope..but that name sound familiar..” “Yeah—me too. That’s why I’m asking you. Did you know anyone from our school with that name?” I asked.

SangHyun didn’t quickly answered. “I don’t know anyone with that name from our school”. “Then why it sound so familiar?” I seriously started to feel weird now. I know I’ve heard that name before I forgot where and when. “What’s with that name anyway..your secret admirer ?” he shot me with a question. “NOOO..I’m just asking. Nevermind, you’re not helping” I said and leave his room. “Good night dongsaeng ^^” Where’s my brain when I need it the most ?!


SangHyun put the magazines aside and walked toward his PC. He know he’d heard that name before but he forgot. Somehow, the way Hana reacts make him feel curious and SangHyun hate curiosity so he decided to search something on the internet. “Now let see..” he started to open the search engine. “Bang..Chul..Yong…” At first, not so many information regarding to that name but later, after a few more googled action, he manage to find something . The interesting one. But not just that—it’s scary with slightly interesting value. “Why would noona asked about this guy?” he wondered and stare at the monitor.

and it was two years ago news..and pictures.

Chapter 8 “Where’s Joonie?” I asked SangHyun as soon as I entered the kitchen, for breakfast. The boy shook his head. “I don’t know. “ “Hmm” I hummed while chewing my bread. “Noona..” SangHyun called my name softly. “ About Bang Chul Yong..” Okay—that name captured my attention. Because it’s Mir’s name. “And?” “I found this..thought you might be interested” he shoved a piece of a paper to me. I take a look at it and spit out my drink. What the.. “Oh my..” that’s all I can say.

“Noona, who is he anyway?” SangHyun asked me. “Are you hiding something from me?” I didn’t really hear my twin question. My mind keep refreshing and think about ? is this MIR ? Is this the same MIR that I used to chat every night ?? “Noona” SangHyun pokes my shoulder. “Are you okay? You look pale and shocked.” “No..I’m okay” I replied—nervous still take control of myself. Gosh—what is happening ? is this the same MIR ?? He is a missing person ? He also a wanted person ? but for what ? and why ? and…and…there’s too many question running through my mind. “I think he looks familiar..” SangHyun word definitely bring me back to reality. “Huh? You mean?” “He looks familiar but I can’t remember ..But I am positive that I saw him long a go..” “Long ago?” “Wait..there’s a time when..” SangHyun tried to recalled his memory. +FLASHBACK+ ( SOMETHING THAT HAPPEN TWO AND A HALF YEARS A GO ) “Noona..wait up..” SangHyun called her name and chased her. “Quickly SangHyunnie..we’re going to be late for tuition.” SangHyun were busy fiddling his file until he accidently bumped into someone and both of them fell backward. “Sorry..” the guy said and help him to stand up. SangHyun looked up and saw his tag name. BANG CHUL YONG. He could see he was wearing a school uniform under his red jacket but definitely not from his school. “Sorry. I didn’t look in front when I was running..” “SANGHYUNNIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hana shouted. “I’m coming..” SangHyun said and ran to her. +FLASHBACK ENDED+ “Yeah..that was the time” SangHyun said. “I didn’t really look at his face but I saw his name on his uniform tag name.”

I—totally lost my word. I don’t know why but there’s a a lightly scared feeling occurred inside me. Why do I feel that mysterious MIR definitely hide something from me.. The police were looking for him ? But what could he possibly done until the police looked for him ?? And no wonder he always hide about himself. Who is he anyway? Somekind of stalker ? A criminal ?? A stranger ?? Oh GOD. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

( MEANWHILE..AT THE POLICE STATION ) “What about Kim SangBae?” SeungHo asked Jihoon. “He still in coma..nothing change,” SeungHo inhaled deeply. “It’s been two years already. For how long Chul Yong want to hide..” “I know..we need him” “We need him..SangBae need him. If he’s not guilty, why would he disappear just like that. Got anything from his family?” Jihoon shook. “I could see they lost in hope. Where is he anyway. Gosh~” “Let’s visit SangBae today. I want to see the doctor—perhaps there’s a good progress of his condition”. “Sure”. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

WHO IS HE ?? “Okay class.. I need you to submit the essay two days later. Make sure I get those work before that?” Mrs Jyeong Hwa , my English teacher announced. “Understand” all the student said in unison..everyone except me. My mind is drifting somewhere else.

“Park you hear me?” the teacher called my name. “Huh..” Mimi step on my feet slightly. “We have to submit what??” Mrs Jyeon Hwa repeated the question. Gosh—how can I answered it. I didn’t hear anything at all. “Errr….submit..errr..” I looked around. They were all looking at me as if I’m a guilty person in charge. Yes I am—because I should focus on what the teacher said. Haaaaaih…what should I do. Even Mimi can’t help me. Help me…someone…everyone know how ‘dangerous’ dealing with this woman…T_T “Answer me now, Park Hana-sshi !!!” she repeated—this time, more firm. OH NO. I’m doomed. “Err…errr…” It’s the ‘CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TECHNOLOGY’ essay that you have to submit within two days.. Ehh..I could hear that voice. Someone help me..YAY~ “CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TECNOLOGY essay..two days from now” I said to Mrs Jyeon Hwa and she looks satisfy with it. “Okay then..I want to see all of your work on my table !! Especially you Hana”. I nodded my head. Finally, she get out from the class and the surrounding turned chaos again. Everybody was talking—everybody was chitchatting—everybody was doing some random stuff..some of them even randomly took a pictures of themselves. Haha~ “Hey Inseok..thanks” I said to the person sit behind me. “Thanks for helping me out..” Obviously, the boy look confused. “Huh?” “I said..thanks for telling me about the answer..” I repeated. “I didn’t tell you anything” Inseok spoke out. “Ehh…but I heard a voice..” “What’s up?” Mimi asked me in a confused face. Inseok answered her. “Hana thought it was me who told her about the essay”.

Mimi looked at me. “It’s not Inseok. Because teacher was standing right besides him that time..”. Okay—this is more complicated. “Is it you Minho?” I asked to the person who sat next to Inseok. He quickly shook my head. “Why would you say it was know how scary Mrs JyeonHwa can turned into..” “’s not both of us..” Inseok stated. “I swear I heard a voice !!” I told them. I didn’t lie..I know what I heard.. Mimi patted my shoulder. “Hana—relax..calm down okay”. “But..” I sighed. No use. They won’t believe me. Is this some kind of prank ?


There’s something that brings me to this library. Well, this is not my favorite place anyway. But I don’t know what brings me here. “Excuse me” I ask the librarian. “Yes” “Can I ask something?” “Sure.” “If there’s a missing person or a wanted person news..and we want to look for it—what should we do ?” The librarian looked a little confused. “Huh?” “Aish..I don’t know how to put it in word..err, for my essay..I need to search something..regarding ..err..” The librarian finally smiles to me. “ mean an article from newspaper and magazines ??” I just nodded even though it wasn’t really what I want right now.

“Sure. You can go inside that room..there’s a tons of old newspaper and stuff. You can check it by their directory..” she said with smiles. “Thanks you miss..” I bows to her. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Where’s Hana?” Lee Joon asked Mimi. “She told me she wanted to go to the library” “And why didn’t you follow her?” he asked. “Because I have t go home early. Oppa want me to come home early” Mimi answered. “Oh..hyung” Lee Joon nodded. “See you again then..” “You want to go to The library as well?” Mimi asked. “Yeah..” “Joonie..” Mimi called his name and makes Lee Joon’s paused on his track. “Do you feel jealous?? About Hana dating my brother?” “Why should I feel jealous..nonsense !!!” he whacked Mimi’s head softly and walked away. Mimi smirked. “You’re jealous..I know”. Lee Joon walked faster until his mobile phone vibrated. There’s a message came in. From : Chaerin honey To : Joonie baby Hey..let’s go back home together ^_~

Lee Joon sighed. So he canceled his plan to look for Hana. ++++++++++++++++++++++

TEENAGER MISSING : STILL A MYSTERY Young teenager, Bang Chul Yong were reported to disappear since July and he is nowhere to be found. heart beat really fast to read all this.I didn’t search what Mrs JyeonHwa asked me to do but I look for something else. All the 2007 newspaper are now in front of me.

BANG CHUL YONG !! WHERE ARE YOU ? Everybody was looking for this boy..have you seen him? Anywhere ?

TWO TEENAGERS MESS UP WITH THE POLICE ? Kim SangBae was in the hospital—coma and his friend, Bang Chul Yong disappeared. I gulped. What is this ? Why everybody looking for him ?? Who is he ? What did he do ? I re-collected all my strength and read again. IS HE ALREADY DEAD ? Police believe BANG CHUL YONG already dead due to some reason and assumptions but his body still missing.

“Dead?” I closed my eyes shut. WHERE ARE YOU BANG CHUL YONG ? KIM SANGBAE NEED YOU !! Kim SangBae still remain unconscious and this case still on the police investigation. The only witness, Kim SangBae didn’t show any sign to wake up. Doctors already try so many thing. Does this mean, only Bang Chul Yong can help him ?

“Who is Kim SangBae ?” I stare at the pictures provided along the articles.

This is too much !! I decided to stop reading and went back home.


At the hospital.. “I’m afraid if these things continue, we have to stop giving this boy a medical help. It’ll only bring worse side effect to him IF he woke up” the doctor said to both SeungHo and Jihoon. “He’s already stay like this for two years..” Jihoon sighed. “Did you mean you have to ‘kill’ him by stop helping him?” “But there’s a few days a go, I can some positive wave from his heart beat. It’s getting normal and not too slow anymore” the doctor said again. “Really?” SeungHo asked. “That’s good.. “ Jihoon agreed. “Not really. But at least it’s the best thing that happen in two years..”


I looked outside—through the bus window. Why does the journey seems too long. My house wasn’t this far. My mind keep spinning on the time Joon hold my hand. It makes me happy. EHH..what are you thinking Hana..STOP IT ! I touch my necklace that Joon give it to me. The Saturn necklace. MIR..Bang Chul Yong ? Kim Sang Bae ? Who are they ? All of sudden, I got this weird vision.. I feels like it sucked me into it.

+Vision IN+ “Another red outfit ?” SangBae teased. “Yeah” Chul Yong said proudly, “You and your red stuff..” Chul Yong giggles. “Well, I love’s my favorite color..” “Yeah shoes..everything that you wear will contains at least one red color..AIGOO..are you MAN IN RED ?” SangBae complaints. “MAN IN RED?” “Yeah..Man In Red..MIR. I should call you by that name now..Hey yo Mir” the cute boy wink to him. +Vision OUT+

Wohh..what was that? I saw them..I heard them. Kim SangBae and Mir.. So that is how he got that name ? Mir ? MAN IN RED ??!!

Chapter 9 I tried to throw away all my scared + curiosity + uncormfortable feelings and weird thought of Mir. I trust him so that’s why I’m ready in front of my laptop—ready to chat with him. But !! “Ehh..he’s not online ?” Mir didn’t online. That was weird. I looked at my wall clock—still early. He always online at the time like this. Why wouldn’t he ? Did he know that I already found out about him ?? As a missing and wanted person ? Wait !! how could he possibly know ? Did something happened to him ? I hope not. Mir !! where are you ? All of sudden, my mind keep refreshing about the weird vision that I got today. Two young guys…both of them on the pictures that I saw today at the library. One is Bang Chul Yong which is Mir..and the other one is Kim Sang Bae. One is missing..the other one is coma ? What the hell is happening? Slowly, I drifted into my sleep. Everythings went dark and haze……until I started to dream about something. +Hana’s dream+ “Hello?” I looked around but it’s too dark. But I could feel someone is here as well. Where am I ? “Hello ? anybody here?” I repeated and looked around. For some reason, there was a slightly light appear and I could see one figure standing in front of me. His back facing me and he was wearing a red jacket and covered his head with the hoodies. “Err..excuse me?” No response. Red..he was wearing something red.. “MIR ?” Still no response so I decided to walked closer to him. “MIR ? is that you?” Slowly, I touched his shoulder and he turned around to looked at me but… “……………………….”

No face..just a simple plain and flat head but no eyes, no mouth , no nose..nothing. It’s too… empty and scary. “OMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..” He grab my wrist and I struggled to let myself go. He was too strong. I couldn’t bear to look at his ‘empty’ face. “Hana..?” a sudden voice echoed the whole atmosphere. It was Lee Joon’s voice. “Joonie..Joonie..please help me” I begged and still trying to let myself go from this faceless red jacket guy. “Hana..” “Hana..” +End of Hana’s dream+ “Omma…” I quickly rubbed my chest and tried to catch my breath. I could feel my heart beat really fast and it keeps beating faster and faster. Someone hold my hand and I was too shocked that I quickly turned around to look at it. “Joonie..” I saw him. Lee Joon. He was looking at me with surprised expression. “Are you okay?” he wipe my sweat that filled all over my face. “Joonie..” I quickly hugged him and beam my face onto his shoulder. I’m not dreaming anymore. The nightmare is over. God—how relief I am right now. “Hana..calm was only a nightmare ^^” he patted my back. I didn’t want to let go the hug. I really feel scared. My heartbeats still the same. It moves too fast. I bet he could hear it as well. After a few minutes, I manage to calm down and breathe properly and of course gained back my insanity. Why do I hug him ? “Sorry..I didn’t mean to jumps on you but ..but I was too scared..” I apologized and tore my eyes away from him. Oh—he saw my messy moment.. Lee Joon giggles. “ What? It’s not that we can get a girls to hug you automatically when he woke up..isn’t it ?” he teased me. “Why you’re here?” I looked to my wall clock. “OH NO…I WAS LATE !!!”

“Yes you are..and that’s why I’m here, to wake you up but since you love me so much—I get the strongest hug from sweet” he winks to me with smiles. I shot him a deathly glare. “Can you get out from my room now ? I want to change and have a bath”. Lee Joon shook his head with pouted. “ Nope..I want to see you..” What the !!! “JOONIE..GET OUT !!” “ can’t force me..” “Joonie..please…you know I already late..I don’t want to get punishment from discipline teacher..” “Nope..I don’t hear you..” “Joonie-ahh..” I begged him. “ still didn’t give me a morning kiss..” I rolled my eyes onto him. “Since when do I give you a morning kiss?” “Since today..gimme !!” “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H”


Downstairs. Mimi and SangHyun were awkwardly silence. “Hi looks cute with that ponytail today” Mrs. Park gave her a praised. “Thanks auntie..” Things went back to silent. Mim grip her fist and gave SangHyun a furious glare. “I’m not going to forgive you !” she said—hald whispered. “Oh yeah—who says I want to ask for an apology?”

Mimi greeted her teeth. “Blockhead !” “Female monkey..” SangHyun replied with teasing smiles. “Urghhhhhhhhhh..” “Bleeeehhhh” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I was inside the toilet when I heard this stupid and pitiful conversation between Chaerin and her so-called second wanna-be. “How was your pretty boy Joonie?” Hyejin asked. “That toodle? Great..on the tip of my finger !!” Chaerin said proudly. “You call him toodle? Hahaha” “Yeah..wait till I got his virginity then you guys should ready for the payment” Chaerin announced. “How did you feel so confident with his ‘status’?” “I know” Chaerin flicked her finger and continue laughing. OH GOD..are they really human ? Those…stupid..ugly..YHUI*EE$#%V$#$%U&V$ are going to pay for this..if they makes fun of Joon, they have to mess with me. Joon !! wake up..she was using you. TT___________TT +++++++++++++++++++++++++

That evening.. “Joonie” I called his name when I saw him walking opposite direction. “Where are you going ? let’s go home”. He looked at me and pokes my cheek. “Sorry Hana..I have to accompany Chaerin

somewhere..” I was taken aback. All of sudden—the whole conversation that I’ve heard inside the toilet hunt me. Joon—can’t you see it !! she’s not a good girl for you. I feel the urge to tell him everything but I know—it’s no use. Will he believe me ? No. Why ? Because I’m not Chaerin. As simple as that. “Joonie –ah..why you always throw me asides..Does Chaerin really important to you?” I asked him. He looked surprised with my sudden question but later—he laughed. “Hahaha..that was cute Hana. You know I will never throw you aside..NEVER !! “ But that’s what you always do..just like now. “Joon..what took you so long” Chaerin cling on him and wink to me. DAMN ! “Sorry..” “Hi are you ? your hot boyfriend?” she asked me cheerfully. Obviously—faking cheerful tones. “ hot boyfriend? He’s okay..well, being know—a guy with awesome will definitely leads you to a better future…” I snorted. “Ohh..” Lee Joon word make me stunned. Wait !! I didn’t mean it to him. I was only teased Chaerin. Why does he have that hurt look on his face now? “Joonie..” I really want to apologize but my mouth froze. “See you again..later Hana” he waves to me. I only looked at those two as they walked away from me. My heart shattered again. Why is it so hard to live my life as usual? Joonie..I’m sorry T_T +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I stare at the ceiling. Feel so—bored. 24 hours without talking to MIR. I feel like I already lost a part of me. Plus—with all the Joon x stupid Chaerin heart is sad. I can’t cry. I feel so tired that my tears won’t came out from it’s place. Wait !! Perhaps I should search something regarding my school work. could I forgot about

that. First of all..I have to change my header subject to my chat username. Hanamichi = I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE THIS LIFE !!!!

Done ! I smiles proudly. I was searching randomly when he ‘DING’ me. MIR : Hi.. Okay..I feel scared all of sudden. My heart started to beat faster and I could feel an eerie feeling took control of my body. MIR : You scared of you? Fuuuh..I should think positive !! Mir is a nice guy. Why should I change my thought of him just because of that random article ? Relax can do it ! Hanamichi : Hi Mir.. Why should I feel scared of you? MIR : Because of all that articles that you’ve read.. I gulped. How did he know ? Hanamichi : haha..don’t talk nonsense Mir. MIR : Hana..I know everything about you. I gulped again. And the memory of my nightmare came and run into my mind. Ohhhh..please help me GOD T_T Hanamichi : Why didn’t you online last night? MIR : I have something else to do. For my friend. I have to see him. Hanamichi : Is it.. MIR : Yes it is..Kim SangBae.

Oh gosh.. I feel like he can read my mind.. >.<” Hanamichi : Mir..who are you ? And how did you know so much about me? MIR : scared of me isn’t it ? I don’t want you to feel that way. You don’t want to my friend anymore isn’t it ? Hanamichi : I will try not too but all of this are too shocked for me. At least tell me, how you knew so much about me. MIR : I know everything about you.. Because I can see you but you can’t see me. Hanamichi : Huh ? what do you mean? I swear ! this eerie feelings getting deeper. MIR : Hana..I think it was about the time for me—to ask for your help. I really need your help. Chapter 10 He said he needs my help but before he could say more, he already signed out. As usual.. 1:30 a.m Seriously all these things are crazy ! I look at the ceiling again and let go a deep sighed. Why all this thing happen to me. T_T +++++++++++++++++++++

That morning..Mimi’s house. “Kawaii~who is this cute guy?” Mimi grab a photo from SeungHo file and bounced. “Hey , give it back to me..” SeungHo insisted. “Aish this little girl..” “He’s cute..” Mimi stared at the photo longer in every angle. “Who is he?” SeungHo sighed. “Kim Sang Bae..” “Kim Sang Bae?” Mimi questioned him again. “How dare you didn’t introduced me to this cute guy..hehehe” SeungHo chuckled and ruffles his younger sister hair. “Since when you’re so interested on guys..”

“Since I’m already a grown up girl..not a baby anymore” she stuck her tongue out. “Yeah right..” “Oppa..what are you doing with his pictures?” she asked. “Haha..can’t you see this ? A file ? I’m doing my job to complete this report..” “Whoa..cop..I don’t understand..but why Kim Sang Bae report ?” SeungHo pokes her nose. “Because he’s one of my case..” Mimi rolled his eyes. “A criminal ?” “Not really” SeungHo shrugged. “ He’s probably a witness or someone who involved in something but we can’t just assumed things without further investigation. It’s a little unfair to unconscious guy like him”. “Unconcious?” “He’s in coma..for two years already” SeungHo’s word make Mimi almost choke her own chocolate milk. “WHAT ? two years ? For real ? Oppa..what happen ? tell me..I wanna know” SeungHo sighed again. “Since this case related to a cute guys—now my sister are so damn interested to it..okay,. I tell you a bit but don’t bring you big mouth everyway. It’s not good for us and for SangBae-sshi” “Okay..I promise” she raised her pinky finger. “It’s like this..aheemmm” SeungHo cough a bit before continue. +++++++++++++++++++ “Joonie didn’t come today” Hana sighed. “Mimi didn’t come today..” followed by SangHyun. Wait !! did SangHyunnie just sighed and mentioned Mimi’s name ? I quickly looked at him with my eyes widened and he realized it—so my cute little twins tore his head away. “Waaah, what a hot morning. Where’s Joon and your hyper friend..” I smirked. “Going to change subject ehh” I wrapped my arm around him. “No skinship please !!” he warned.

“Aww..I’m your sister. Your twin sister, why can’t I touch you a little bit more?” sometimes, it’s great to tease this boy. He’s cute when he gets all shy and nervous. Well, I learn teasing skill from Joon after all. Lee Joon.. Is he still mad at me? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Oh my GOD..” Mimi—jaw dropped. “Poor him..” SeungHo nodded. “Even it wasn’t for Bang Chul Yong reason, I want him to get up. He’s been sleeping like that for too long. The doctor said things will get worse if he still didn’t wake up. Sooner or later, they’ll have to stop all the treatment. No use to make him suffer.” “Oppa..we should do something. You can’t just kill him. If he want to die, he already give up two years ago but he’s not” Mimi said with confidence. “What else can we do..just pray and hope” “No” Mimi stated. “We can do something. I ‘ll help you..all Kim Sang Bae needs is love and care..he need someone. He need a courage and support.” “Huh?” “Oppa..” Mimi leaned to her brother. “That’s what you get when you grown up and live a life in Japan. Their education are pretty different from Korea”. “Huh?” SeungHo still confused. “You look so adorable with that jaw dropped..hehehehe. Oppa, I’ll help you !! I want to. Since I feel so bored and got nothing much to do…and I don’t have a boyfriend YET so I will help you”. “Mimi..this is my job..don’t get yourself involved !” “’s your job to search and find the other guy but it’s my job to help Kim Sang Bae..I’ll prove to you my theory isn’t wrong..gimme me a chance..pleaseeeeeeeeee” Mimi practically show her puppy eyes. “Just because Kim Sang Bae is cute…isn’t it?” “’s not like that !” “Hmm..” “Oppa..”

“Okay..I think we’re going to need your help regarding Sang Bae..” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I was walking at the school lobby when I saw him. Lee Joon. I want to called his name but..I’m afraid he still angry for what happen yesterday. “Joonie..I’m sorry” I whispered slowly and touch my Saturn necklace. A sudden feeling crept over me and I got this weird vision again.

+ VISION IN + “Appa..Omma..I promised to live my life !!” SangBae cried in front of his parent grave. Chul Yong patted his shoulder in sympathy motion. “ I’m sure your parents will proud of you !!” SangBae quickly wipe his tears before turned around. “It’s embarrassing..why should I cry like this..haha” Chul Yong smacked his head. “Of just lose your parent ! who says boy don’t cry..” The other boy nodded. “SangBae-ah..even though we’re same age but I will take you as my little dongsaeng so you won’t feel alone’s that?” “Ehh?” “Just be my dongsaeng. After all, your birthday was later than me..haha. Call me hyung !!” the guy who wear red shirts exclaimed. SangBae nodded. “Chul Yong hyung”. “Let’s go back..” SangBae nodded. “I hope—I won’t die because of accident. I don’t mind no matter how terrible I died but please don’t make me die due to car accident..” Chul Yong smacked his head again. “Babo one request that way and this is not the suitable place after all..gosh”.

“Hyung, don’t you miss you parent ?” Chul Yong didn’t quickly answer, but his face turned sad. “You’re lucky than me. At least you know who your parents are..I don’t” +VISION OUT+ “Huuuhh..” I feel like something blocking me from breathing. The same things happen when I get the first vision as well. Kim Sang Bae and Mir again. Why do they appear on my vision…and since when do I have this freaky whatsoever psychic stuff ? Mir is an orphan ? so do SangBae ? Both of them lose their parent ? So that’s how they become so hyung +dongsaeng relationship.. But why all that vision come to me..why ? And both of them in this vision looks a little bit younger than my first vision.

I looked around but everything seems normal. Is it just me or I could feel someone is watching me. ++++++++++++++++++

Mimi knocked the door slowly and popped her head inside. She could see someone lying on the hospital peacefully. He looks like he was asleep except that there’s a few wires connected to him. She looks at the tag record besides the bed and saw a name. KIM SANG BAE. She nodded and smiles to herself. “So this is Kim Sang Bae..he looks even more cute in real life.” Mimi studied the unconscious guy in front of her carefully. SangBae has a nice pair of skin but it looks slightly pale. And his hair a little bit longer than the pictures she saw this morning. “So cute. Just like a baby” she whispered to herself. There’s a sympathy came from the bottom of her heart as she looks at him. She decided to introduce herself. “Hi there. My name is Yang Yeon Mi. You can call me Mimi ^^. Youmust be Kim SangBae right ?” Silence~ “Listen, I know you can here me. I will call you SangBae, Is it okay for you?” Silence~

“Yay~I know you will say okay. From now on, we’re friends. I will accompany you until you get your health back..SangBae-sshi, when the time is has come, you can open your eyes. The world is waiting for you. There’s so much thing change within this two years. It’s something that you shouldn’t miss. I know you understand what I’m saying..right SangBae-sshi ?” He looks stiffened. “Can I ask you something ?” Mimi asked him. Still, he closed his eyes shut. “You’re such a cute’s been a waste if you stay here. Open your eyes and go outside. Know what, there’s a lot of girl might line up just to be your girl !!” This time, Mimi could see a little..well, really tiny change from SangBae face. Mimi rubbed her eyes. Nothing really changes but Mimi could feel as if he was smiling. “Now that’s strange..but a positive one.” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

That night. Wait a minute..wait a minute !! Why I can’t connected to internet. I re-try over and over again. FAILURE TO CONNECT. Aigoo..why all this happen at the time like this. I really need to chat with Mir..he needs my help and there’s so much to ask. God !! why now ?! I ran to SangHyun’s bedroom and knock him door crazily. “Yaaah…yaaaah Sanghyunnie !!” “Oi..can you slow down” SangHyun opened the door with annoyed expression. “Internet went down?!!” “Yeah..”

“Yeah ? what happen?” “Ask omma..not me !!” Aish~this little kid.. I ran to my parent’s room and knock the door. “Omma..Omma..appa” She opened the door slowly. “Yes? What happen ? you look so panic.” “Got chase by a dog ?” my father teased from the inside. “Why I can’t connect to the internet ?” “Oh” there’s a small ‘o’ formed on her mouth. “There’s a damage on the modem so I ask someone to fix it tomorrow..” “What ? why now…” I complaints. “Hey Hana..since when you’re so ‘connected’ to the internet. I thought it was only SangHyunnie..” “When it’ll be fixing?” I asked. “Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow” I let go a heavy sighed and went back to my room. So that means no MIR for today. My curiosity over him getting deeper but there’s nothing I can do. Sorry Mir, I can’t go online tonight. T_T As usual, I throw myself onto my bed and touch my Saturn necklace again. I always do it when it’s hard to sleep. Again—a weird vision came to me.

+VISION IN+ The sound of police siren echoed the streets. He kept running until he lose his breathe. “Hyung !! yourself” SangBae word keep replay on his mind as well as the image of badly injured SangBae. Blood running all over his face including his mouth and nose. Bruises appear..he look so weak and he can’t even stand up. Sang Bae’s body was shaking and his voice shivering. Chul Yong

know—how deep pain the other boy felt right now. He wanted to help but SangBae kept telling him to go. “Ignore me..go !!” He almost tripped on his foot several times but Chul Yong kept running without looking behind. Until he reached to the Han River bridge. He stop and rested his palm on his knee— trying to catch his own breath. “Hyung..go !!” SangBae word keep playing on his mind. Chul Yong couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to come back to him but all of sudden, the siren of police getting louder. Did they manage to track him down? “Why am I running away?” he questioned himself. He tore his eyes around and decided to come back for SangBae. “Hyung…go !!” He paused for a while. Wiping his own sweat with his shirt, Chul Yong know, it’s hard to change everything. “I shouldn’t run away like wasn’t my fault !!” And he know, the police getting even louder. It’s too scary and Chul Yong have no choice but to jump from that high bridge into the river. He was too afraid that police will caught him alive and put him into the jail. He can’t think properly and he can’t do anything. He had no choice but to jump !! “I’ll come back again..wait for me SangBae..I promised, when that time has come, I’ll be back and prove that I’m not guilty at all !!” he said to himself and jumped .


Wooh.. I looked around in terrified. What was that ? Why did he jump ? What happen to SangBae ?? Why did they separate away from each other ?

Okay—the vision make me so confused but it feels like—someone is trying to tell me about something. Is it Mir ? Is it SangBae ? I remembered the last news and article that I’ve read—SangBae still in coma. Does that mean —he still coma for two years ? I feel so scared that I almost cry. It’s hard for me to sleep so I got an idea. KNOCK KNOCK !! “What now ?!!!” SangHyun protested as he opened the door. “SangHyunnie..can I come in?” I asked. “What for ?” I quickly stepped inside and closed the door. “I wanna sleep here. I’m scared..” SangHyun frowned. “Are you crazy ?” “’re my brother, you should know how scared I am right now” I said—nervous still appeared through my voice. “Please..” “You should sleep at Joon’s room. Not mine” he mumbled. “WHAT ?” “Nothing..” he shrugged. “Noona, what’s wrong with you. Your face—as if you’re just seen a ghost”. “…………….zzzzzzzzz……………….” SangHyun checked and saw his twin sister already fallen asleep. “So easy..” he sighed and pulled the blanker all over her body. He just slept on his mini couch next to his study table.

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