Main Memory Database Systems

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  • Words: 1,195
  • Pages: 16
Main M i Memory M Database Systems Behnam Dezfouli Fall 2006

M i M Main Memory D Database t b „

Using physical memory as primary storage and p probably y a disk subsystem y for backup p


Primary copy lives permanently in Memory

Main Memory Database


Main Memory Databases Vs. Disk Resident Databases „

MMDB : the primary copy of data live permanently in main i memory DRDB : the primary copy of data is permanently disk resident


MMDB : there can be a backup copy, resident on disk DRDB : data can be temporarily cached in main memory for access speed up

Main Memory Database


Main Memory Databases Vs. Disk Resident Databases (Differences) … Access

time of MMDB, orders of magnitude less than for disks … MMDB is normally volatile „

Nonvolatile memory possible (at some cost)

… Disks

have high fixed cost per access independent of the amount of the retrieved data (Block Oriented) … Sequential access is not important in MMDB, while is important in DRDB … MMDB data are more vulnerable to software errors, since they can be directly accessed by the processor Main Memory Database


Why y and when to use MMDB? „

Motivations: … In

some cases when DB is of limited size. … Requirement of short Access/Response time and better transaction throughput … Applications handling high traffic of data, e.g. Router. … Real-Time applications : Telecommunication, Radar tracking

Main Memory Database


Why and when to use MMDB?


When DB does not fit in memory: There might be different classes of data (e (e.g., g satellite image data) Hot data: frequently q y access,, low volume Cold data: accesses rarely, voluminous So partition data into logical DBs Possibility of Migration In Telecommunication:


R ti ttable: Routing bl H Hott


Fast Path

„ „ „ „ „ „

C Customer’s t ’ d data: t C Cold ld

Main Memory Database


MMDB Vs. DRDB with a very large cache


Not taking full advantage of memory … index

designed for disk access (B (B-Tree) Tree) … Access through Buffer Manager „

Better to use memory addresses (optimization)

Main Memory Database


Special hardware for nonvolatile memory? Is that reliable? „

Even if special hardware can enhance MM reliability (by UPS, battery, error detection) , periodic backup is necessary


Several Factors: 1.

MMDB is vulnerable due to direct access by processor, content is lost if system crashes


If a single memory board fails, the entire machine must be powered down , so loosing all data. Need to recent backup


Battery backed memory or UPS are active devices. Disks are passive devices: Don’t have to do anything to remember data

Main Memory Database


Concurrency Co cu e cy Co Control to „ „ „ „

Lock based, used in MMDB Faster transaction completion, lock contentions may not be as important as DRDB Advantage of small lock granules is removed (contention) If entire DB : „


„ „

serial execution (desirable), like TPK in Princeton, but not practical in long transactions Less cache flushes

Conventional systems: hash table for locked objects In MMDB: IMS uses two bits in each object

Main Memory Database


Commit Processing „ „ „ „

Necessary to have Backup and Log (in stable storage) Before commit, activity records written to log Ö Affects on response time and throughput (bottleneck log) Solutions: „



Small amount of stable main memory for log (special processor), MARS and MM-DBMS Pre-committing: Pre committing: releasing locks as soon as log records are in log, without waiting for propagation to disk Group commit: reduce log bottleneck, single operation commits multiple transactions

Main Memory Database


MMDB Access Methods


Index structures like B-Trees designed for block oriented storage. Not useful is MMDB. Hashing: … Fast lookup & updating … Not as space efficient as a tree MMDB trees need not to be short and bushy.


Trees such as T-Tree designed for MMDB.

„ „


Index structures store pointers to indexed data, eliminates problem of storing variable length fields in and index, so saves space


Pointers are of fixed short lengths

Main Memory Database


MMDB Data Representation „

S Space consuming i d due tto d duplicate li t values l (i (in conventional ti l systems) t )


In a MMDB: … Relational tuples can be represented as a set of pointers to data values … use of pointers is space efficient when large values appear multiple times in the database „ the actual value needs to only be stored once … Pointers also simplify the handling of variable length fields since variable length data can be represented using pointers into a heap

Main Memory Database


MMDB Query y Processing g

„ „

Query processing for DRDB focus on reducing disk access costs Query processing techniques based on fast sequential access lose that advantage


Query processing for MMDB must focus on reducing processing costs … Operation costs vary from system to system … No general optimization technique


Example: a p e jo joining g relations e at o s R a and dSo over e a co common o att attribute bute

Main Memory Database


Recovery y „ „

„ „

In MMDB: Checkpointing and recovery are the only reasons to access to the disk resident copy of DB Application pp cat o transactions t a sact o s never e e require equ e access to d disk s resident es de t data Disk access can be tailored to suite the needs of checkpointing alone „


After failure: „ „

„ „

Disk I/O using g very y large g block size

restore data from disk resident backup Update using the log

Load blocks of the DB “on demand” Disk striping or disk arrays Main Memory Database


Application pp Programming g g Interface and Protection „ „

In conventional systems: application calls database system, giving the object id and address of a private buffer in its address space In MMDB: using the actual memory position of object „ „

„ „

First time by relation name and primary key S b Subsequent t accesses by b memory address dd

Eliminates translation and buffer copying Commits the system to leave the object in place


Potential problems: Direct access causes unauthorized access S t System has h no way off knowing k i what h t has h b bees modified difi d


Solution: run transactions compiled by special DB system compiler

„ „

Main Memory Database


Conclusion „

Main Memory has short response time, and its decreasing cost makes it affordable and suitable for real-time applications


as memory becomes cheaper, it becomes cost effective to keep more and more data permanently in memory. This implies that memory resident database systems will become more common in the future


mechanisms ec a s s and a d opt optimizations at o s we e have a e discussed d scussed in tthis s pape paper will become commonplace

Main Memory Database


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