Magical Advice -- Pt. 2, From Mysticalgod

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A large number of people are being intellectually misguided as to appropriate teaching of magical pupils. For this reason, I believe it necessary to enlighten the minds of those seeking higher spiritual knowledge There is a body of teaching which seems to hold a lot of knowledge, and therefore useful power, and it seems to come from many reliable sources, but it actually originates from only one. The Freemasons. From them, you get different groups, but many fall under the same structure. The most influential group I want to awaken you of is called "the Golden Dawn" (the hermetic order of the golden dawn, the A-A, or/and Ordo Templi Orientis). Here you'll find Aliester Crowley, Israel Regardi (jewish, born in London), Author Edward Waite, MacGregor Mathers, and Franz Bardon (who had been arrested for publishing the same material I publish today) . I'll explain a little more about this group, and I highly suggest you, my students, research these names and these groups further. Their stories are very fascinating, and magically seem to link to the same mythology. But first back to my opinion. Freemason magic was very likely inspired by the methods, psychology, and practices of Egypt and Africa. The Freemason magic is best termed "Western Magic" (or magick). It is a magic which spews for from "desire" rather than devotion. Hence, it has the right ideas (sometimes) but is in part motivated by the wrong principals.

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As a result, not only is there a failure in magical operations, but a sense of incompleteness. This is why this type of magic has so many books (smile). There are good methods to practice, especially from Franz Bardon, but I am here to warn against being overcome by that massive wave which may drown/suffocate either you or your magical/spritual ambitions. In truth, I have even questioned whether their intentions were to discourage magical knowledge rather than promote its success. Keep in mind, that these were secret societies, who probably wanted to retain the best powers for themselves. Have you ever read some of Crowleys books. I had paid 60$ for a Crowley book once, and I couldn't grasp the full meaning of a single paragraph in it, despite the fact that I was extensively skilled in english grammer. I still enjoyed the entertaining prose. (smile) I understand, and you should too, that there is a psychological tendency for people to be drawn towards beliefs, of any kind, that come from either "people reguarded with higher authority ", or from a "majority of people" (a group). If your father told you all jews were theives, or your your church told you that wearing a pentacle was evil, you might just believe it as truth, and later teach other people the same. Well, what a delemna. We're like fish who simply follow the bait or go with the flow of all the other fish. In magic, that won't be good enough. Well, how can we escape this primitave human mode of behavior? Your first step would be to stop believing something simply because you heard it from someone else. (remember this) Next, look to your dreams for the answer. Did someone tell you what to dream last night? well...did they...?? Trust your deepest innermost thoughts on any magical subject matter, then act upon it. This is not exactly a

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thought. It's a feeling translated to thought without feeling. (*note: if you don't get this, and find it impossible to do, for your own safety, stick to light, safe operations, and find where your talents lie. It may not be easy, but don't give up. Not every bird was meant to fly, but may have another significant purpose.) If you read or hear something, on magic practice, then just act on it, you're as good as a monkey learning a new trick. It may work based on the power of another wizard, but not quite of yourself, and neither shall you grow inwardly concerning that which you do. I confer a very beautiful thing to you. There are subjects that relate to your nonmagical reality, governed by either social beliefs or by laws of math and physics, which are controlled by face values (what you see is what you will get:: if you want a watch, you simply build one). If I could reveal how much above physics magic actually is, you would say that I am insane. Clarifying: Does God or Goddess perform magic or follow laws of physics. Don't try to answer, because you can't. Just have trust/faith. So, let's try following these instructions on learning and practicing magic. And please be careful and selective on your approach to "western magic" of the Freemasons and Golden Dawn, some of which is utterly silly, some of which is borrowed truths, useful indeed. I would wish to ever properly intruct the masons. But even they shall in time learn and be transformed by us and those those who are yet to come. They will learn that diamonds are hidden dirty, remote places. People will stop looking upon others with the notion that "this person could not possibly ever have purpose", and they will understand that anyone, regardless of their status or past, may possess unbelievable potential.

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Now I must provide a last bit of advice, or a warning. If anyone should happen to use this knowledge to deliberately bring unjust harm to anyone, whether discomfort, or something worse, a creature you can't exactly see will skilfully return the misdeed upon the one who does the harm, I guarentee it. (no smile)

Info About the Golden Dawn.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or, more commonly, the Golden Dawn) was a magical order of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, practicing a form of theurgy and spiritual development. It was possibly the single greatest influence on twentieth century Western occultism. Concepts of magic and ritual that became core elements of many other traditions, including Wicca, Thelema, and other forms of magical spirituality popular today, are drawn from the Golden Dawn tradition.

The three founders, Dr. William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.), an appendant body to Freemasonry. Westcott, also a member of the Theosophical Society, appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn.

The Golden Dawn system is based on an initiated hierarchal order similar to that of a Masonic Lodge, however women were admitted on an equal basis with men. The "Golden Dawn" is properly only the first or "outer" of three Orders, although all three are often collectively described as the "Golden Dawn". The First Order taught

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esoteric philosophy based on the Hermetic Qabalah and personal development through study and awareness of the four Classical Elements as well as the basics of astrology, tarot, and geomancy. The Second or "Inner" Order, the Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (the Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold), taught magic proper, including scrying, astral travel, and Alchemy. The Third Order was that of the "Secret Chiefs", who were said to be great adepts no longer in incarnate form, but who directed the activities of the lower two orders by spirit communication with the Chiefs of the Second Order.

Influences on Golden Dawn concepts and work include: Christian mysticism, Qabalah, Hermeticism, the religion of Ancient Egypt, Theurgy, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Theosophy, Eliphas Levi, Papus, Enochian magic, and Renaissance grimoires.


Nature, God, Goddess, or whatever term you choose, has provided every creature the means to adapt to survive. Humans are inclined to destroy themselves because they are not Fully behaving on the talents provided them. The drive for self service (self-centered ambition) is destructive by nature, although it seems to serve the purpose of preserving oneself for survival. But we are NOT animals. (right?)

Does this connect to the advice? Indirectly. But take one step at a time, and, in time, you shall understand.

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Broaden your studies, for magic comes from all places on earth, not only from the minds of educated men, or those from ... well you know..... (smile).



Mysticalgod 12.22.08

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