�������ٴDz��Ƕ�裡������������������������������������������������ ��� ���������ϸ�(1866��) ��һλ�����д������ȥ������(maggie)�ģ� maggie�����ѧ����4������u��飬 ������Ϊmaggie��� ������һ�������ȥ������ ���º�� ܸ ˣ���������� ܶ �����汾:(�����ַ�ص roger wagner - when you and i were young, maggie mms:// slam - maggie eh choo uk mms:// moon jung sun - maggie eh choo uk mms:// ��ʺ �ʱ�İ 汾�� http://lpokeh.com/~psyborg/ch/galchi.wma Ӣ�İ�ĸ�ʣ� when i first said i loved only you, maggie the violets are scenting the woods, maggie displaying their charms to the bees when i first said i loved only you, maggie and you said you loved only me the chestnut a robin sang when i first and you said
bloom gleams thru the glade, maggie loud from a tree said i loved only you, maggie you loved only me
the golden row daffodils shine, maggie and danced in the breeze on the lee when i first said i loved only you, maggie and you said you loved only me the birds in the trees sang a song, maggie of happier transports to be when i first said i loved only you, maggie and you said you loved only me our hopes they have never come true, maggie our dreams, they were never to be since i first said i loved only you, maggie and you said you loved only me