Madagascar Movie Finder 1. List the two main destinations where this film
takes place. Africa and New York. 2. What is the Reserve? It is where the animals are safe from hunters and other threats. 3. Describe, in detail (this means 3-5 sentences), some of the Geographical elements of the Reserve (what does it look like). It has lots of shrubs. It has a few scattered trees. It also has tall weeds in some places. 4. What elements of the Reserve make it a good place for the animals to live? The animals are safe in their natural habitat with no hunters. 5. Name 5 animals seen in the film that are considered wildlife in Africa. Zebras, Hippos, Lions, Giraffes, Elephants 6. Why wouldn’t the animals you listed be able to survive as wildlife on any other continent? Support your answer with Geographical evidence. Because all the things that are needed for them to live are in their natural habitat which is Africa. 7. Why was Marty the zebra disappointed when he realized that all of the zebras appeared to be exactly the same and there was nothing unique about him? Because Alex thought that another zebra was Marty. 8. In Collaboration, why is it important for all learners to be unique and bring different strengths to the team? So they can all help the team in different ways. 9. Name 5 aspects of Collaboration that you observed between the 4 main characters (animals) in the film.