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  • December 2019
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LEARNING COMPETENCIES ENGLISH I LISTENING 1. Adjust listening strategies (marginal, selective, attentive, critical) in relation to the main purposes of listening, one’s familiarity with the topic and level of difficulty of a text describing a process and narrating short accounts 1.1

Determine the type of listening suited to a given text and employ appropriate strategies called for to make sense of the text


Listen to determine steps in a process in informative texts 1.2.1 Listen to explanations of specific processes noting sequence and cause-effect relationships


Determine the information map suited to different text types, e.g. flowcharts








classifications and enumerations), and Venn diagram or grid (for comparison) 1.4

Identify the persons speaking and addressed, and the stand of the speaker on issues pertaining to the home and family 1.4.1 Identify the stand of the speaker based on the explicit statements made


Listen closely to determine what to do and what not to do as indicated in announcements, instructions and cautions given orally in emergency situations, weather bulletins, etc. 2.1

Listen to and carry out instructions given

2.2 Distinguish what to do and what not to do in emergency situations (fire, typhoon, earthquake, etc.) 3.

Determine the content and feeling levels of utterances 3.1 Identify the speech event, interlocutors and objectives of the speaker


3.2 Identify attitudes and feelings signaled by prosodic features (e.g. intonation and stress) 4. Get information from rapid and distorted speech (e.g. commentary on a game, broadcasts on current events, etc.) 4.1 Supply words not heard in a listening text 4.2 Listen to clues to enable one to tune in to the topic 5.

Express appreciation for entertaining texts (anecdotes, jokes, fables, tales) in sharing sessions 5.1 Listen to appreciate the plot, character development, and theme in narratives 5.2

Listen to single out the punch lines in jokes, anecdotes, tales and fables SPEAKING

1. Speak in clear correct English appropriate to the situation and adjust rate, volume, and choice of register to suit the audience 1.1

Observe correct pronunciation of critical vowel and consonant sounds


Use correct prosodic patterns: intonation and stress, pausing and blending 1.2.1 Respond to offers made (accept, turn down or negotiate changes in offers made)


Give clear commands, requests and directions to get things done 1.3.1

Give instructions, prohibitions, warnings

2. Give information and express needs, opinions, feelings and attitudes in explicit terms 2.1

Formulate responses to questions noting the types of questions raised (yes-no, wh-questions, alternative, modal, embedded)



Convey, using visual aids (e.g. graphs, charts, etc.), information on topics dealing with science and mathematics


Relay information obtained over the telephone and from radio broadcasts

3. Observe social and linguistic conventions in oral interactional and transactional discourse (e.g. interview, asking, and giving directions, etc.) 3.1

Ask and answer different types of questions when conducting an interview


Use communication strategies (e.g. paraphrase and translation) to make up for inadequacies in the use of English


Observe appropriate turn-taking and turn-getting strategies in oral discourse

4. Arrive at a consensus by citing proof statements 4.1

Agree/disagree with assertions and observations made in radio broadcasts and when sharing information on topics dealing with Science and Mathematics 4.1.1

React to information shared in small group discussions READING

1. Get information from the different parts of a book, current information from newspapers and data from general references in the library



Use the card catalogue to locate references in the library


Get information from the different parts of a book


Gather current information from newspapers and other print media

Use different reading styles (scan, skim, read closely, etc.) to suit the text and one’s purpose for reading 2.1

Scan for specific information



Skim rapidly for major ideas using headings as guide


Read closely to find answers to specific questions, note sequence of events, etc.


Use non-linear visuals as comprehensive aids in content texts 3.1.1 Transcode orally and in writing the information presented in diagrams, charts, table, graphs, etc. 3.1.2 Use illustrations to activate background knowledge and to get a pictorial representation of what is discussed in the text 3.1.3 Give the meaning of signs and symbols used (e.g. road sign, prohibited signs, etc.) and evaluate their effectiveness 3.1.4 Locate places and follow directions using a map

4. Use ideas and information gained from previous readings and personal experiences to better understand a text 4.1

Use background knowledge or schema as basis for conjectures and hypothesis made while reading a text

4.2 5.

Synthesize previous learnings with new insights

Conduct a covert dialogue with the writer as a basis for formulating and modifying hypotheses



Formulate and modify hypotheses based on information


Distinguish fact from opinion, fantasy from reality


React to assertions made in the text


Make predictions and anticipate outcomes

Use varied text types to develop extensive reading skills 6.1 6.2

Interpret instructions, directions, notices, rules and regulations correctly Make generalizations and significant abstractions from different text types



Use structural, lexical and contextual devices in deriving the meaning of unknown words and ambiguous and information-dense discourse 7.1

Identify the sense and reference of words in reading texts for a better understanding of a selection


Show recognition of collocations and semantic relationships by arranging words in clines and clusters


Single out cohesive markers that signal relationships WRITING

1. Give personal information in school forms and write announcements of school events 1.1

Fill out forms such as: 

Library card

Enrolment/registration forms

Information sheet

Application form


Write announcements of school events

2. Present information in graphic and non-linear texts 2.1

Take down notes utilizing information maps 

Linear and cyclical flowcharts

Two-level tree diagrams

Three columnar grids


Use two - step word and phrasal outlines to organize ideas


Make a write-up interpreting charts and graphs

3. Produce different text types, narrative (diary entries), expository (process explanation, interviews, etc.) and descriptive (comparison and contrast)



Write well-constructed paragraphs utilizing the macro-discourse patterns (PSn) Problem-Solution or (TRI) Topic-Restriction-Illustration suited to the discourse type


Use cohesive devices and appropriate rhetorical functions and techniques to express one’s ideas, needs, feelings and attitudes


Use key idea sentences, support sentences, transition devices and restatements in texts

4. Edit one’s written work (e.g. composition, reports, journals) following guidelines concerning content, format and mechanics 4.1

Add details, explanations, examples where necessary


Delete unnecessary information

5. Acknowledge resources used 5.1

Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotations from resources


Use expressions like “according to . . .” to indicate citations made

6. Express thoughts and feelings effectively in writing book reports and correspondence for specific social purposes 6.1

Write personal letters •


Thank you





Make diary entries of significant events


Write summaries in book reports


LITERATURE 1. Show understanding and appreciation of various literary types e.g. stories, poems, essays, drama (with emphasis on Philippine literature) 1.1

Identify the elements of a literary form which distinguishes it from other literary forms: short story, poem, essay, drama


Explain the characteristics of fables, legends, myths, folktales 1.2.1

Single out events that form the plot of a short story


Point out the author’s technique for characterization


Determine the text structure of essays


Explain poetic devices, use of local color, figurative language and sensory images in literary forms 1.4.1


Express appreciation for sensory images in poems

Discover literature as an art form serving as a means of developing better understanding of the human condition and the environment. 2.1

Express appreciation of one’s identity and cultural heritage 2.1.1 Show appreciation for worthwhile local traditions and practices expressed in Philippine literature and the values they represent 2.1.2 Show appreciation of literature specifically Philippine literature as a means of highlighting human rights in varied genres 2.1.3 Express appreciation of literature expressive of the Filipino identity

2.2 Determine the conflicts presented in literature (man vs. man, man vs himself, man vs. institutions) and the need to resolve those conflicts in a non-violent way 2.2.1 Infer motives, attitudes and values of a character from what the person does (action/manner), says and what others say about him/her



Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s global village 3.1

Take note of Filipino cultural values underscored in Philippine literature

4. State whether a literary piece affirms, modifies or changes one’s value system 4.1

Note the values underscored by the writer in literary pieces


Distinguish literature as a means of gaining vicarious experiences



Employ varied listening strategies (marginal, selective, attentive, critical) to suit the listening text and task 1.1

Employ projective listening strategies (e. g. making predictions, noting the dramatic effect of sudden twists, etc.) when listening to longer stories


Listen to determine conflicting information aired over the radio and television


Listen for clues to determine pictorial representations of what is talked about in a listening text


Determine if the speaker is neutral, for or against an issue pertaining to the community


Determine the persons addressed in an informative talk, the objective of the speaker and his attitude on the issues



Note clues and links to show the speaker’s stand and assumptions


Listen for clues and links to show the speaker’s trend of thought

Identify prosodic features: stress, intonation and pausing serving as carriers of meaning that may aid or interfere in the delivery of the message in stories and informative texts 3.1

Identify changes in meaning signaled by stress, intonation and juncture


Listen for points the speaker emphasizes as important signaled by contrastive sentence stress


Process speech delivered at different rates by making inferences from what was said 4.1

Use syntactic, lexical and context clues to supply items not heard in a listening text


4.1.1 Anticipate what is to follow considering the function of the statements made 5.

Express appreciation for oral interpretations noting harmony, unison, and rhythm 5.1

Listen to appreciate the tune and narrative structure of ballads


Listen to appreciate harmony, unison, and rhythm in choric interpretations SPEAKING


Deliver a short, informative talk using appropriate registers to suit the intended audience, and variation in intonation and stress for emphasis and contrast 1.1

Express feelings and attitudes by utilizing contrastive stress and variations of tone and tempo

1.2 2.

Use stress, intonation, and juncture to signal changes in meaning

Ask for and give information, and express needs, opinions, feelings, and attitudes explicitly and implicitly in informative talk 2.1

Distinguish between informative and rhetorical questions, core and follow-up questions



Use the telephone to make inquiries


Give information obtained from mass media: newspapers, radio, television


Highlight important points in an informative talk using audio-visual aids

Use appropriate turn-taking strategies (topic nomination, topic development, topic shift, turn-getting, etc.) in extended conversation 3.1

Interview to get opinions about certain issues 3.1.1

Respond orally to the ideas and needs expressed in face-to-face interviews in accordance with the intended meaning of the speaker


Use communication strategies (e.g. paraphrase, translations, and circumlocution) to repair breakdown in communication


Give instructional information and constraints



Infer the function of utterances and respond accordingly taking into account the context of the situation and the tone used


Arrive at a consensus on issues by assessing statements made 4.1

Agree/disagree with statements, observations, and responses made when discussing issues READING


Gather data using library resources consisting of general references: atlas, periodical index, and periodicals to locate information 1.1

Use periodical index to locate information in periodicals


Gather data using the general references: encyclopedia, dictionary

1.3 2.

Get and assess current information from newspaper and other print media

Adjust reading speed based on one’s purpose for reading and the type of materials read 2.1

Scan rapidly for sequence signals or connectors as basis for


the rhetorical organization of texts 2.3

Skim to determine the

author’s key ideas and purpose by answering

questions raised after surveying the text 2.4

Read closely to select appropriate details from a selection for specific purposes


Interpret textual relationships using non-linear forms and graphics 3.1

Interpret orally information presented in tables, charts, graphs, etc.


Illustrate understanding of thought relationships in a given text using the appropriate chart (flow chart, tree diagram or grid)


Organize information obtained from a text into a concept map



Activate background knowledge to better understand a text 4.1 4.2

Relate ideas from previous readings to a given text Use advance organizers, illustrations, comprehension questions, titles, etc. to better understand a text


Utilize varied reading strategies (covert dialogue with the writer and the sectional approach) to process information in a text 5.1

Identify propaganda strategies used in advertisements and consider these in formulating hypothesis


Distinguish between facts and opinions 5.2.1


Note expressions that signal opinions (e.g. seems, as I see it)

Note the function of statements made as the text unfolds and use it as basis for predicting what is to follow

5.4 Express emotional reactions to what was asserted or expressed in a text 6.

Abstract information from the different text types by noting explicit and implicit signals used by the writer 6.1


Read different text types for information, pleasure and appreciation

Develop strategies to make sense of unfamiliar words, ambiguous sentence structures, and information-dense discourse 7.1

Differentiate between shades of meaning by arranging words in a cline


Guess the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting keywords in expressions, context clues, collocations, clusters, etc.


Get the meaning of complex sentence structures by deleting expansions to come up with the kernel sentence



Accomplish forms and prepare notices 1.1

Write the information asked for in forms ( school, evaluation, survey, bank, bill, telecom, order slip, etc.)

1.2 2


Write notices (e.g. posters, slogans, advertisements) for school drives

Use non-linear texts and outlines to show relationships between ideas 2.1

Transcode ideas from texts to concept maps


Make a write-up of ideas presented in concept maps


Use three-step word, phrasal and sentence outlines to organize ideas

Communicate thoughts and feelings in write-ups of summary results, notes, etc. using appropriate styles (formal and informal) 3.1

Write well-constructed texts employing alternative forms of the overall macro discourse patterns: P-Sn (Situation, Problem, Attempted SolutionResult-Evaluation) and TRI (Topic-Restriction, Topic-Illustration, and TopicRestriction-Illustration)


Use appropriate modes of development to express one’s ideas, needs, feelings and attitudes


Use a variety of cohesive devices to make the flow of thought from one sentence to another smooth and effortless


Do peer editing using a set of criteria 4.1


Acknowledge citations by indicating in a bibliography sources used 5.1


Draw up a set of criteria for self and peer editing of written output

Observe correct format in bibliographical entries

Communicate thoughts, feelings, and one’s needs in letters, journal entries, book


reviews, interviews, write-ups, etc. using appropriate styles (formal and informal) 6.1

Employ the interaction functions of language in pen-pal letters, letters of invitation, and “yes” and “no” letters


Write reflections on learning experiences in diary and journal entries


Summarize books read or movies seen


Write reactions to books read (book reviews) or movies seen (movie reviews)


Prepare interview guides


Make a write-up of an interview LITERATURE


Demonstrate understanding and appreciation of the different genres with emphasis on types contributed by Afro-Asian countries (i.e. haiku, tanka, etc.) 1.1

Distinguish between the language of science and the language of literature


Select appropriate details from an essay (i.e. contrasts, illustration, etc.) used by an author to attain his objective (to persuade, to inform, to call attention, to entertain, etc.) 1.2.1 Determine the author’s tone and purpose for writing the essay


Point out the elements of plays and playlets


Point out how the choice of title, space allotment, imagery, choice of words, figurative language, etc. contribute to the theme 1.4.1 Explain figurative language used 1.4.2 Express appreciation of sensory images in literary forms 1.4.3 Show understanding of the text by paraphrasing passages


Discover literature as a means of having a better understanding of human being and the forces they have to contend with 2.1

Discover through literature the symbiotic relationship between man and his environment and the need of the former to protect the latter



Demonstrate a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others for a better understanding of man


Discover through literature the links between one’s life and the lives of people throughout the world

2.4 3.

Highlight the need for a more just and equitable distribution of resources

Discover Philippine and Afro Asian literature as a means of expanding experiences and outlook and enhancing worthwhile universal human values 3.1

Express appreciation for worthwhile Asian traditions and the values they represent


Assess the Asian identity as presented in Asian literature and oneself in the light of what makes one an Asian


Identify oneself with other people through literature taking note of cultural differences so as to get to the heart of problems arising from them


Point out the role of literature in enabling one to grow in personhood 4.1

Discriminate between what is worthwhile and what is not through literature


Distinguish as positive values humility, resourcefulness, self-reliance and the ability to look into oneself, and accept one’s strengths and values



Shift from one listening strategy to another depending on the text and one’s purpose for listening 1.1

Use attentive listening with informative texts and analytical and critical listening with argumentative texts


Single out reasons cited in argumentative texts and assess the worth of ideas presented based on a set of criteria 1.2.1 Determine whether arguments and conclusions are logical or illogical 1.2.2 Determine the stand of a speaker on a given issue 1.2.3 Determine the assumptions underlying the arguments of a speaker 1.2.4 Pick out discrepancies and inconsistencies in supporting ideas 1.2.5 Determine the effectiveness of closing statements in arguments


Determine the information map suited to informative classificatory texts (tree diagrams), informative process texts (flow charts) and contrastive argumentative texts (grid)


Listen to get the different sides of social, moral and economic issues affecting the nation presented in panel discussions 1.4.1 Identify the speaker’s stand on an issue by noting explicit and implicit signals (e.g. choice of words to highlight or downplay assertions made) 1.4.2 Compare the stand and attitudes of newscasters and panel discussants


Demonstrate openness when listening to statements contrary to one’s beliefs



Take into account the context and situations that gave rise to statements contrary to one’s stand 2.1.1 Take note of cultural differences underlying contradictory views


Explore opportunities for obtaining varied views on a given issue by listening to debates and talk shows


Listen to important points signaled by pausing and a slow rate of speech 3.1

Identify explicit signals given by the speaker (e.g. “ this is important…”) to underscore a point


Process speech at different rates when listening to informative and argumentative texts 4.1

Determine what was left out and highlighted in informative and argumentative texts

4.2 5.

Supply gaps in a listening text caused by acoustic disturbance

Express appreciation of award-winning protest and patriotic songs and radio plays 5.1

Listen to appreciate the sound effects and dramatic interpretations employed in radio plays


Listen to appreciate the melody, rhythm, and lyrics of award winning songs used as musical themes in movies SPEAKING


Give a persuasive talk on an issue adjusting one’s rate/volume of speaking and register to suit the topic, audience, and setting in a communication situation 1.1

Use pausing and a slow rate of speech to signal important points in one’s talk


Use explicit signals (e.g. “This is important…”) to underscore or highlight a point in one’s talk



Express needs, opinions, feelings, and attitudes implicitly through analogy using information transfer strategies 2.1

Elicit and give information using different types of questions to seek clarification and verification of responses made


Present arguments in debates and argumentative texts


Give information obtained from varied sources: talks, periodicals, mass media


Convey information using technological aids (e.g. projectors, LCD, etc.)


Negotiate using the telephone and other communication gadgets


Use verbal (paraphrase, translation, circumlocution) as well as non-verbal communication strategies in extended oral reports/discourse


Use conversational gambits in face-to face interactions to obtain information, express modified agreements, etc. 3.1

Conduct interviews to determine opinion on issues affecting the nation


Use verbal (paraphrase, translation, circumlocution) as well as non-verbal communication strategies and communication check to forestall and repair breakdown in communication


Arrive at a consensus by reconciling views on national issues and/or issues raised 4.1

Agree/disagree with assertions made by justifying one’s stand in open forum, informative talks, panel discussions, and debates on national issues READING

1. Gather data using library resources, newspapers, other print materials (periodicals, brochures, pamphlets) and non-print resources like audio and video tapes 1.1

Use general references in the library to gather data


Classify data from general sources of information



Get information from print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals and audio-video recordings


Adjust and vary reading styles to suit the text, one’s background knowledge of the topic discussed and one’s purpose for reading 2.1

Scan rapidly for sequence signals or connectors as basis in determining the macro discourse pattern and rhetorical organization of texts


Skim to determine the key ideas, author’s purpose, and citations made


Read intensively to select appropriate details for a specific purpose from a given text


Interpret and transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa 3.1

Interpret and match information presented in diagrams with their corresponding write-ups


Use varied ways of organizing information (outlining, graphic representation, etc.) 3.2.1 Take down notes from a reading text using abbreviations

3.3 4.

Organize information from a written text into an outline

Use titles and subtitles as a means of getting an overview of the text and linking it with previous knowledge of the topic 4.1

Assess a text in the light of previous readings


Assess advance organizers, titles, sub-titles, illustrations, etc. in the light of information given in a text


Use varied approaches to make sense and develop appreciation of different text types (covert dialogue with the writer, the sectional approach, discourse analysis)



Re-structure original hypothesis to incorporate new information and to use them as basis for modifying or affirming hypothesis made.


Note the use of emotion-laden terms to express opinions


Express emotional reaction to what has been read


Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation by reacting critically to what is read


Show discrimination in the choice of different text types designed to give information and pleasure and develop appreciation for reading 6.1

React to and interpret the content of different text types (narrative, descriptive, exposition)


Employ varied strategies to make sense of unknown words (word derivations, context clues, word analysis, etc.) and ambiguous sentences (e.g. processing kernel and embedded clauses) 7.1

Identify the derivation of words


Arrive at the meaning of words through context clues, word analysis (root words, affixes, compounds)


Use structural analysis of word, sentence, and discourse to make sense of a text


Note the strategies employed (restatement, definition, synonyms, antonyms) to clarify meanings in a given selection WRITING


Fill out forms in line with business promotions and give information concerning group undertakings and activities 1.1

Accomplish business promotion forms •

Warranty return forms

Raffle contest forms




Prepare notices, agenda and minutes of meetings


Call attention to school events and drives

Use outlines, maps and other non-linear texts to present information 2.1

Use concept maps (linear, bubble, tree diagrams, grids) to show relationships between and among ideas abstracted from texts


Use different types of outline (word, phrasal, clausal) to organize ideas

2.3 3.

Make a write-up of non-linear texts used to present information

Demonstrate imagination in writing different text types: narratives both in text and script forms, description, definition, critiques of a movie or play 3.1

Write texts with the overall text structure (P-Sn or TRI) and generic structure in mind suited to the text type


Suit the rhetorical techniques and functions to the objective and purpose of the written discourse


Produce a unified text by using cohesive devices, coordination and subordination to enhance clarity of ideas, and the appropriate microdiscourse signals to establish meaning relationships


Give and respond to feedback on written output 4.1


Acknowledge citations made and resources used on written output 5.1


Move ideas around for clarity of development

Cite resources used on a written output in a bibliography

Express opinion in writing (e.g. stand on certain issues, complaints, etc.) and write summaries of survey reports on a given issue) 6.1

Call attention in writing to good/objectionable practices in open letters, letters of commendation and letters of complaint



Express in writing satisfaction or dissatisfaction over services, performances, etc. (e.g. plays, movies, etc.) in journal entries, reviews


Prepare survey forms


Make a write-up of survey results


Write a library research paper on a national issue LITERATURE


Demonstrate understanding and appreciation of varied genres focusing on the contributions of British and American literature (i.e. sonnets, short stories, etc.) 1.1

Note the form and functions of different types and subtypes of literary texts 1.1.1

Point out relationships of time, place, cause-effect, general concepts, examples, analogy, etc. used by the writer to underscore the theme of the selection


Point out the sequencing of details and account for such sequencing


Trace the development of character and conflict in narratives and dramas, and discuss the devices used to achieve unity of effect


Differentiate comedy from tragedy, and formal from informal essays 1.3.1

Determine the objective of the author and the means

employed to attain them 1.4

Explain the use of dramatic devices


Single out the devices employed in fiction and non-fiction works (foreshadowing, flashbacks, figurative language, etc.) used by the author for intellectual, emotional and aesthetic purposes


1.5.1 Interpret and explain figurative language used to achieve certain effects and assess it in the light of its contributions to the overall theme of the selection 1.5.2 React critically to the author’s choice of words 2.

Discover literature as a means of understanding mankind (e.g. the bonds/links between individual and society) as presented in Philippine, English, and American literature 2.1

Derive from literature values that last in spite of changes brought about by science and technology


React to the experiences or actions of characters in relation to real life situations


Express the belief that people can change their ways depending on their motivation and determination as shown in literature


Analyze how the environment influences a person’s character and actions

2.5 3.

Deduce recurring themes underscored in literary pieces

Pick out worthwhile human experiences underscored in Philippine, English, and American literature 3.1

Single out the Eastern and Western cultural values evident in our heritage as a result of historical development 3.1.1 Express appreciation of Filipino cultural values and their similarities to or differences from English-American values


Underscore the Western values of candid frankness and humor as presented in British and American literature


Stress the importance of task-orientedness and efficiency as values worth emulating



State the effect of a literary piece on one’s value system 4.1

React to the worthwhile human values underlying responses to the situations in literary pieces


Point out how attitudes influence one’s behavior



Assess the effectiveness of listening strategies employed considering text types, the listening task and one’s purpose for listening 1.1

Demonstrate flexibility in switching from one strategy to another in accordance with the situation and text type


Employ analytical listening in problem solving


Listen to take down information from detailed reports, lecturettes and discussions of issues 1.3.1 Utilize outlines and concept maps when taking down notes from lecturettes or oral reports 1.3.2 Determine when to listen and when to take down notes from lecturettes or oral reports 1.3.3 Listen to determine what further elucidation is needed in a report or a lecture 1.3.4 Determine the content and functions

of statements in a

lecture 1.4.

Listen to get different viewpoints on global issues in talk shows and global television newscasts


Show courtesy while listening to the ideas and feelings of others 1.5.1 Listen attentively to what is uttered 1.5.2 Allow a speaker to expound on a the topic before reacting to what was said


Derive information that can be used in everyday life from news reports speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc. 2.1

Point out the effectiveness of the devices used by the speaker to attract and hold the attention of the listener



Identify the roles of discourse markers (e.g. conjunctions, gambits, adverbs) in signaling the functions of statements made


Identify implicit and explicit signals -- verbal as well as non-verbal -- used by a speaker to highlight important points 3.1

Single out direct and indirect signals used by a speaker


Note the intonation used by the speaker to signal key points in a talk

4. Process speech at different rates when evaluating tasks texts and taking down notes 4.1

Assess the effectiveness of a material listened to taking into account the speaker’s purpose and assessing whether it was achieved or not 4.1.1 Analyze and evaluate listening texts in point of accuracy, validity, adequacy and relevance


Show appreciation for songs, poems, plays, etc. 5.1

Listen to appreciate varied types of dramatic oral interpretations (e.g. chamber theater, readers theater) and songs with emphasis on protest songs


Describe the emotional appeal of a piece SPEAKING


Speak clearly and spontaneously adapting one’s speech to situations, circumstances and people addressed 1.1

Use accompanying non-verbal cues (e.g. gestures) to highlight significant points in extended discourse

1.2 2.

Employ alternative ways of expressing speech acts and functions

Use appropriate language, idioms, figurative language, analogy to express one’s feelings, thoughts and ideas



Ask and respond to questions raised in different situations, e.g. interviews, open forums, giving directions, etc.


Express varied outlooks on a given issue 2.2.1 Analyze and react critically to ideas presented in speeches, news reports, discussions, etc.


Give information obtained from the Internet and other sources


Convey information using interactive media as aids


Distinguish between social calls and business transactions over the telephone and other communication gadgets

2.6 3.

Use idioms in expressing one’s feelings and attitudes

Observe conversation strategies in face-to-face extended oral interactions 3.1

Interview resource persons to determine policies and social orientation of business and educational establishments


Forestall and repair communication breakdown using verbal and nonverbal communication strategies


Arrive at a consensus by resorting to varied strategies: assessment, negotiation and accommodation 4.1

Indicate affirmation of or objections to ideas expressed in discussions on global issues 4.1.1 Agree/disagree





outlooks on a given issue READING 1.

Derive information from various text types (journalistic, literary, scientific, practical, technical, etc.) and sources using the card catalogue, vertical file, index, microfiche (microfilm), CD-ROM, Internet, etc. 1.1

Use locational skills to gather and synthesize information from general and first- hand sources of information


1.1.1 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources of information 1.2

Get information from websites through the Internet


Extract accurately the required information from sources read and reject irrelevant details


Adjust and vary reading speed and style to suit the text, one’s background knowledge and purpose in reading, and the content of the material read 2.1

Scan to determine specific meaning and information


Skim to get the main idea and author’s purpose by noting the title, thesis statement and space allotted to concept

2.3 3.

Read closely to get explicitly and implicitly stated information

Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, information maps commonly used in context area texts 3.1

Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa


Explain illustrations and schematic diagrams in Science and Technology texts

3.3 4.

Organize information illustrated on tables, graphs and maps

Use previous experiences as a scaffold for processing information in a given text 4.1

Test new insights against previous learnings


Note the effectiveness of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. in activating background knowledge relevant to the selection


Employ approaches best suited to a text 5.1

Note the functions of statements as they unfold and consider the data that might disconfirm hypothesis


Examine opinions for bias



Determine the validity and adequacy of proof statements to support assertions


React critically to the devices employed by a writer to achieve his purpose


Utilize knowledge of the differences among text types (technical, journalistic, literary) as an aid in processing information in the said text 6.1

Assess the content and function of each statement a text with a view of determining the information structure of the text


Develop strategies for coping with unknown words and ambiguous sentence structures and discourse 7.1

Identify the derivation of words


Define words from context and through word analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes)


Use collocations of difficult words as aids in unlocking vocabulary


Arrive at the meaning of structurally complex and ambiguous sentences by separating kernel sentences from modification structures and expansions WRITING


Fill out application forms (school, job, bank, etc.) and write project proposals 1.1

Prepare school project proposals, on-going project evaluation and end-of-the-project reports



Write a short paragraph about an experiment performed in class

Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa 2.1

Employ concept mapping (circle, bubble, linear, etc.) as aids in taking down notes and organizing ideas


Use outlines to sum up ideas taken from or to be expanded into texts



Use non-linear text outlines and notes as aids in the preparation of a research paper


Produce different text types and sub-types (e.g. descriptions, essays, critiques, reviews) 3.1

Organize information in texts bearing in mind the overall macrodiscourse pattern and generic structure suited to the objective of the written discourse


Utilize alternative forms that may be used with the different rhetorical functions and techniques (e.g. varied types of definitions; different micro-discourse signals for cause-effect)


Expand ideas in well-constructed paragraphs observing cohesion, coherence and the appropriate modes of paragraph development


Give and respond to feedback on one’s paper in the revision process 4.1

Use grammatical structure and vocabulary needed to effectively emphasize particular points


Show respect for intellectual property rights by acknowledging citations made in reports and research


quotation marks or hanging indentions for direct quotes

internal footnoting

bibliographic entries of text cited from books and periodicals

Organize one’s thoughts and adopt the appropriate writing style in letters, resumes, critiques, etc. with the addressed audience in mind 6.1

Write letters of application (job and/or admission to a university) and the accompanying documents (e.g. resume)


Use the interactional and transactional functions of language in letters of appeal, inquiry, etc.



Write in journal entries reflections and insights resulting from “growthin-personhood” experiences


Write a research paper on a global issue 6.4.1 Analyze, choose and synthesize information from varied resources 6.4.2 Employ varied strategies (condensing, deleting, combining, embedding) when summarizing materials read LITERATURE


Show the difference in the generic structure of various literary types (narratives, drama, essays, etc.) across world cultures 1.1

Differentiate between the text structure of journalistic, literary, and scientific selections


Point out the interdependence of plot, setting and characterization in narratives to achieve the author’s purpose 1.2.1 Note the time line in narratives: historical, flashback, and juxtaposition 1.2.2 Describe the various types of conflict evident in the selection 1.2.3 Deduce the themes from narratives


Determine the information map used by an author in essays 1.3.1 Determine the rhetorical functions and techniques used in essays


Pick out the elements that distinguish drama as a literary form and explain the dramatic devices used by the writer


React to the literary techniques and styles (e.g. choice of symbols, imagery, juxtaposition) adapted by an author to achieve his purpose 1.5.1 Appreciate the use of imagery and poetic devices (e.g. figurative language, rhyme, etc.) for unity of effect


1.5.2 Identify flashback, foreshadowing, juxtaposition and their contribution to the text structure 2.

Show appreciation for the significant human experiences expressed in various types of literary genres in world literature 2.1

Identify the values reflected in various text types in world literature


Show value and respect for diversity evident in world literature


Point out how writers build a system of values through their selection of words and details and the way they shape reality


Express the belief that people can make a difference as highlighted in literature 3.1

Abstract from literary works how local and global are interconnected in our daily lives


React to the idea of “cultural imperialism” in the global scenarios presented in literature


Stress the universality of generosity and service to others as reflected in world literature


Show a keener sense of value for what is worthwhile through exposure to literature 4.1

Discriminate between positive and negative values


Indicate commitment to values pertaining to humanity e.g. social justice and equality as portrayed in world literature, and concern for the environment for sustainable development

Submitted by: Mayette and Pol Edited and approved by the consultant October 04, 2004


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