LYMPHATIC SYSTEM ➦ A network of conduits that carry a clear fluid called LYMPH. ➦ Maintains fluid balance. ➦ Serves a tissue drainage. ➦ Fat transportation ➦ Defends the body against diseases by producing lymphocytes.
➦ Absorbs lipids from the intestine and transport them to the blood. ➦ Collects the interstitial fluid & returns it to circulatory system. ➦ A specialized component of the Circulatory System.
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Is a colorless, mobile fluid connective tissue. It is the tissue that slowly drains into the lymphatic capillaries from the intercellular spaces. It is a milky fluid from the excess fluid surrounding body tissues.
LYMPHATIC CAPILLARIES Are closed at one end and are located in the spaces between cells throughout the body except in the central system and in non-vascular tissues. They are interwoven with the blood capillaries, but are not connected with them.
They are wider than blood capillaries and their diameter is not uniform figure. They have a very thin wall, consisting of a single layer of flat endothelial cells resting on a basement membrane.
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LYMPHATIC VESSELS Are thin walled valve structures that contain carry lymph. Smaller lymphatic vessels unite to form larger vessels
Q u ic k T im e ª a n d a d e co m p re sso r a r e n e e d e d t o s e e t h is p ic t u r e .
2 MAIN LYMPHATIC VESSELS 1. Thoraic Duct, receives lymph from the entire body except the right side of the head, neck & thorax, and the right arm. 2. Right
from the right side of the head, neck & thorax, and the right arm.
LYMPHATIC NODES Acts as filter or traps for foreign particles. A thin bean-shaped gland, located in many areas of the body. It is an organized collection of lymphoid tissues, through which the lymph passes on its way to returning to the blood.
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Tubular vessels transport back lymph to the blood ultimately replacing the volume lost from the blood during the formation of the interstitial fluid. These channels are the lymphatic channels or simply called lymphatics.
LYMPHOID TISSUE Concerned with immune functions in defending the body against the infections and spread of tumors. It consists of connective tissue with various types of white blood cells enmeshed in it, most numerous being the lymphocytes.
Is the largest component of the lymphatic system. It is a large, bean-shaped, vascular, dark-red organ located in the abdomen just below the diaphragm at the tail of the pancreas behind the stomach.
It is composed of red pulp having small patches of white pulp scattered in it’s figure.
-THYMUS • Also a lymphatic organ. • Lies in the upper anterior portion of the chest cavity just behind the sternum. • The main function of this is to provide an area for T lymphocyte maturation, and is vital in protecting autoimmunity.
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TONSILS Tonsils too are lymphatic tissues.
• They are located in the throat. • They do not filter lymph. • They are thought to protect against infection.
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LYMPHADENOPATHY Lymphadenopathy is an increase in the size of a lymph node/nodes, most often as the result of a nearby infection. Less commonly (particularly in children), swelling of the lymph nodes can be due to an infiltration of cancerous cells.
Symptoms: Obviously swollen lymph nodes is one symptoms of lymphadenopathy. There are other symptoms as well. • swollen, enlarged lumps in the neck, back of the head, or other locations of lymph nodes • tenderness of the nodes, although the nodes may not be painful at all • warmth or redness of the skin over the lymph nodes • fever
Treatment: • Antibiotics, to treat any bacterial infections • Antivirals, to treat any viral illness present such as HIV • A lymph node biopsy may be needed to identify cancer. If cancer is diagnosed, chemotherapy will be used to treat the cancer and reduce the lymph node swelling. • Depending on the cause, sometimes the lymphadenopathy is monitored without treatment and eventually resolves on it
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LYMPHADENITIS (ADENITIS) Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph node due to an infection of the tissue in the node itself. In children, this condition most commonly involves the lymph nodes of the neck.
Symptoms: • Swollen, tender, or hard lymph nodes • Red, tender skin over lymph node • Lymph nodes may feel soft and rubbery if an abscess has formed.
Treatment: • Antibiotics to treat any underlying infection • Analgesics to control pain • Anti-inflammatory medications to reduce inflammation and swelling • Hot moist compresses to reduce inflammation and pain • Surgery may be needed to drain any abscess.
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A group of cancers that arise from lymph nodes, these diseases result when lymphocytes undergo changes and start Q u ic k T im e ª a n d a to multiply outd e c o m pof The r e s s o r control. a r e n e e d e d t o s e e t h is p ic t u r e . involved lymph nodes enlarge, and the cancer cells crowd out healthy cells and may form tumors (solid growths) in other parts of the body.
Symptoms: The symptoms of lymphomas are often vague and non-specific. Patients may experience loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and indigestion. The patient may complain of a feeling of fullness, which is a result of enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen. Pressure or pain in the lower back is another symptom. In the advanced stages, the patient may have bone pain, headaches,
Treatment: • Chemotherapy
• Radiotherapy • Antibody therapy • Bone marrow or stem cell transplant
TONSILLIT IS extremely common condition,
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An particularly in common in children, tonsillitis occurs when tonsils, are involved in a bacterial or viral infection that causes them to become swollen and inflamed.
Symptoms: • A very sore throat • Fever • Redder-than-normal tonsils • Chills • A yellow or white coating on the tonsils • A funny-sounding voice • Swollen glands in the neck • Bad breath
• Throat pain and fever may be improved with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, for example) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). • Ease sore throat pain by gargling frequently with warm salt water. • Drink plenty of clear liquids to avoid dehydration. • Get plenty of rest.
LYMPHEDEMA Lymphedema, also known as lymphatic obstruction, is a QuickTimeª and a condition of localized fluid retention decompressor and tissue swelling are needed to see this picture. caused by a compromised lymphatic system. The lymphatic system returns the interstitial fluid to the thoracic duct and then to the bloodstream, where it is recirculated back to the
• Swelling of part of your arm or your entire arm or leg, including your fingers or toes • A feeling of heaviness or tightness in your arm/leg • Restricted range of motion in your arm or leg • Aching or discomfort in your arm or leg • Recurring infections in your Treatment: limb •affected Exercise Hardening your & thickening of the •• Wrapping arm or leg skin on your arm/leg
• Massage • Pneumatic compression • Compression garments
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LEUKEMIA A disease of the blood-forming organs, characterized by an increase in the number of leucocytes and their precursors in the blood, causing enlargement QuickTim eª and aand proliferation decom pressor of the lymphoid tissue of the spleen, are needed to see this picture. lymphatic glands, and bone marrow.
Symptoms: •Fever, chills, and other flu-like symptoms •Feeling tired or weak •Unexplained weight loss •Loss of appetite •Tiny red spots under the skin (petechiae) •Sweating (especially at night) •Headache •Frequent infections •Bleeding or bruising easily •Pain in the bones or joints •Swelling or discomfort in the abdomen •Anemia
Treatment: 1. Chemotherapy to kill leukemia cells using strong anti-cancer drugs; 2. Interferon therapy to slow the reproduction of leukemia cells and promote the immune system's antileukemia activity; 3. Radiation therapy to kill cancer cells by exposure to highenergy radiation; 4. Stem cell transplantation (SCT) to enable treatment with high doses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy; to
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CHILDREN SUFFERING FROM LEUKEMIA QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
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