Lucas Daniel Smith 10.12.09 New Declaration Sacv09-00082-doc (anx)

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Download & View Lucas Daniel Smith 10.12.09 New Declaration Sacv09-00082-doc (anx) as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 25


Plaintiffs, Civil


SACVO9-00082-DOC (Anx)





COMES NOW the Declarant, LUCAS DANIEL SMITH, and states and deposes that the following

declaration is true, relevant to this civil action and needs to be brought to the attention of the Government of the United States of America which is a "government of the people, by the people,

for the people." (Abraham

l. state of

Lincoln, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863).

MynameisLucasDanielsmith. lam2gyearsold(DOB01.04.1980). lwasborninthe

lowa. My hometown is Cedar Rapids, lowa. l'm a Republican. Conservative. Wholeheartedly

against entitlement programs


income-support programs. I believe in a society free of


otherthan that of which we pay (one time)when we initially purchase the said property. I am of sound mind and free of any mental disease or psychological impairment of any kind or condition.


Attorney Orly Taitz asked me (Lucas Smith) to lie under oath and to give false testimony

in the Honorable Judge David O. Carter's courtroom, for civil action SACV09-00082-DOC (Anx).



includes instances where attorney Orly Taitz advised and encouraged me to engage in other illegal


Each instance of attorney Orly Taitz asking me (1)

to provide false testimony in civil action

SACVO!-00082-DOC (Anx) took place on or about the dates of September 05, 2009 thru September 16, 2009.


Attorney Orly Tiatz asked me to give false testimony in open court that attorney Gary

Kreep had contacted me in June and July of this year (2009) during my eBay auctions for Barack Obama's

Coast Province General Hospital Kenyan birth certificate and other related items (The eBay auction listing numbers are as follows, in chronological order: 160344374585,160344928067, 160345002984, L60345151.420,1.60345324422,1,60345795373,160346224684.)

Moreover, Orly Taitz

asked me to testify in open court that attorney Gary Kreep offered to buy, from me (Lucas Smith),

Barack Obama's Coast Province General Hospital Kenyan birth


In addition, Orly

Taitz asked me to give false testimony in open court that l'd ascertained from the wording of

attorney Kreep's eBay messages that he (Kreep)wanted to buy the birth certificate so that he (Kreep) could 'bury' it so that it would never see the inside of a courtroom or news outlet.


Attorney Orly Taitz asked me to upload and play, on my Youtube channel, an illegally recorded conversation of a scheduling conference that took place on September 10, 2009 in downtown Los Angeles, California. Those physically presentatthe conference were the renowned Charles Lincoln




Peyton Freiman, the

Attorney David Anthony DeJute and myself (Lucas Smith). Attorney Gary Kreep was

present telephonically. I

explained to Orly Taitz that I had recently been informed by another attorney that the

said recording was illegal, especially in California. Orly Taitz then told me not to worry and that I would

not be breaking the law or be subject to any civil penalties nor punishments for uploading and playing the recording on my Youtube channel.



On two separate occasions while Orly Taitz and I were having discussions she (Orly Taitz)

brought up the idea that | (Lucas Smith) should give false testimony in open court that it was me (Lucas Smith) that also obtained, in Kenya, the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth

of Barack Hussein Obama


Orly Taitz asked me to give false testimony that it was me (Lucas Smith)

that gave her the color photograph of the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama ll. Orly Taitz told me that she'd been supplied with the photograph of the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama ll by MOSSAD (ha-Mossad le-

Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim or the The Institute for lntelligence and Special Tasks). The word mossod is Hebrew for the English word institute. Orly Taitz went on to tell me that she'd strategically planned from the outset of her

public release of the photograph of the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth

of Barack Hussein Obama ll for the possibility of me (Lucas Smith) vouching (at a later date) for having obtained this birth registration while lwas in Kenya and furthermore that it was I (Lucas Smith)that gave her the color photograph of this birth registration, as well. Listed below is further evidence that Orly Taitz had orchestrated the aforementioned plan for me to vouch for the 1-964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama ll:


l, Lucas Smith, had written an article (dated 08.01.2009) on my Google P





e, http


/ / w w w .eo o el e . co m / p r

ofil e s / 1.100 4 47 66822!03 526 426,

where l, for the first time ever, stipulated to a time frame (August 2009) for the public release of the Kenyan birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama


had obtained in Kenya. "l will be releasing a video in August (yes, 2009) which entails information about the birth place of US President Barack Obama. This (3)


video will include footage of US President Barack Obama's Kenyan birth cenificate. You'll see the birth certificate close up and from different angles. You'll be able to distinguish and make out the embossed (or raised) seal on the certificate. Among

the names on the certificate is a doctor that was present at the birth. " The article lwrote and, posted on my Google Profile, is stillthere and, is untouched and free of any textual

edits. There have been a few instances where other

unknown individuals have hacked the links on my profile and redirected them so

that the readers of mv article cannot access other information that I cite for them

to link to. I don't approve of making undocumented edits to any form of electronic information. I add 'NOTE' to the bottom of articles if there is a need

for corrections or additional information that article was lacking. I also date the 'NOTE.' You can't make undocumented edits to information set down in ink on paper. Undocumented edits of electronic information is addressed in George Orwell's book, Nineteen Eighty-Foul',

at page 35:

"This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-

tracks, cartoons, photographs


to every kind of literature or documentation which

might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance. Day by day and almost

minute by minute the past was brought up to date."


Orly Tiatz released her photograph of the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy

of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama ll, on 08.02.2009. Her release date was in August. Her release date is after | (Lucas Smith) post my article on my Google Profile stating that | (Lucas Smith)will be releasing the Kenyan birth

certificate at some point in August 2009. (4)


Orly Taitz made an online statement on 08.02.2009 along with her public release on 08.02.2009 of the photograph of the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of

Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama


Orly Taitz stated that the color

photograph was provided to her by a "...source wishing to remain dnonymous because he feors




life." (Emphasis is mine.


Orly Taitz told me (Lucas Smith)that by her making the statement that, "...source

wishing to remoin ononymous because he fears for his life." (Emphasis is mine' L.S.),

that advertently many people would assume that it was me (Lucas Smith)

that had supplied the L964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth' of Barack Hussein Obama ll and that that would leave the door open for me (Lucas Smith) to vouch for this document at a later date.


lmmediately after the aforementioned scheduling conference with the honorable


Attorney David Anthony DeJute, in downtown LosAngeleswhich occurred on09.10.2009, l(Lucas Smith) was almost hit by a car when attempting to cross (by foot) the street from the Federal Building

that we, i.e., the renowned Charles Lincoln lll, Peyton Freiman and myself, had just exited. The driver of the car that almost hit me then stopped and presented me with


compassionate look and mouthed the words , "1'm sorry," through the windshield of his car while holding his arms and hands up in pantomime to convey that he was at fault and that he'd not

intentionally tried to hit me with his car. Peyton Frieman and ljoked (a few minutes after the car incident)that the guy in the car was probably a'hitman'that was working for President Barack Obama and that he (the car driver) had

intentionally tried to run me down with his car. We both chuckled and then put the incident out of our minds.


In the following days after the car incident I had a discussion with Orly Taitz about the

scheduling conference that had taken place in Los Angeles on 09.10.2009. I mentioned to Orly Taitz the incident about the car and the subsequent'hitman' joke that Peyton Freiman and myself had chuckled

about. Attorney Orly Taitz then told me that

she wanted me to give testimony in the Honorable Judge

David O. Carter's courtroom that there had been an 'attempt on my life'and that l'd nearly been plowed

down, murdered, within moments of exiting the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles. Orly Taitz

wanted me to testify that | (Lucas Smith) no longer feel safe in public and that I feel that President Barack Obama has

sent'operatives'to kill me before I have the chance to testify in open court about my

travel in and Africa and my procurement there of President Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate(s).

Vll. Attorney Orly Taitz also asked me to give false testimony people in Africa that I had, in fact, never heard of nor spoken


that l'd spoken to specific

Orly Taitz also wanted me to create

fictitious names for other Africans that I had spoken with.


From the time that l, (Lucas Smith), arrived at LAX airport on 09.05.2009 and thru the

09.08.2009 hearing in the Honorable Judge David O. Carter's courtroom in Santa Ana, OrlyTaitz presented herself to me as a person that was apprehensive about my personal safety. After the 09.08.2009 hearing in Santa Ana, her (Orly Taitz) demeanor did an about-face and she was no longer concerned in the least for my personal safety. In the hours after the 09.08.2009 hearing in Santa Ana, Orly Taitz informed me that she

wanted me to stay around for the next court date and for possible depositions. This can be confirmed with the supporters (Bruce and Pattispencer)that lwas staying with because OrlyTaitz asked them later that night, after the 09.08.2009 hearing in Santa Ana, if they could put me up in their house for an extended period of time. The nextday (09.09.09) l, LucasSmith, opted to leave the Spencer's house for good. (6)

From the dates of 09.09.2009 thru 09.16.2009 it became apparent to me that Orly Taitz had

absolutely no intentions of conducting any research or analysis for her civil action case against President Barack

Obama. I made note that she chose not to spend any money to investigate or for research or

analysis into in any aspect of her civil case against Obama. She did welcome the help of others and made statements to her helpers thatthey were welcome to pay for their own costs of investigating, research or analysis into in any aspect of her civilcase against Obama. On severaloccasions lasked Orly Taitz why she felt that no research or analysis was called for, especially when it concerned

authenticating or, at very least, marshaling evidence to back-up her 1964 Kenyan birth certificate of Obama and my 1961 Kenyan birth certificate of Obama. Orly Taitz then told me that it was not

important and that we don't need to do anything and that the burden was now on President Barack Obama to prove that these Kenyan birth certificates are not his birth certificates. At this point it began

to become

clea rer


nd clearer to me that Orly Taitz had no u ndersta nd ing of the


I a lso bega n


note that all filings, in all of Orly Taitz's civil actions against President Barack Obama, were actually being composed by the renowned Charles Lincoln

lll. Charles Lincoln lll is a brilliant man whom I hold in the

highest esteem. He works virtually for free as he puts together and composes the filings for all of Orly Taitz's civil actions against Barack Obama. Orly Taitz often rejects his work or demands that he make

edits and changes to

them. Orly's rejections and demands for edits and changes to Mr. Lincoln's work

appear to be an enigma, of


lt's as if she purposely distorts Charles' work so that her civil case will

meet roadblock after roadblock in court. lt would appear, to any novice, that Orly Taitz intends to sabotage her own civil cases against President Barack Obama. A paradox it is. Charles Lincoln lll is a noble

man. Aside from three days of my twelve days in Califronia for

Orly Taitz's civil proceedings that I spent with the Spencers, it was Mr. Lincoln that put me up, for free,

for the other nine days. I stayed at Mr. Lincoln's house which wos located at 4 Via Corbina, Rancho (7)

Santa Margarita, California 92688. Charles Lincoln lllwasveryopen to conducting research into all aspects of President Barack Obama's birth and into any other related

for just about any expenditure that I needed during my


matters. Charles Lincoln lll paid

He even took me

to Powel Library at UCLA

were I was able to obtain documentation that lends to the authenticating of the Coast Province General Hospital birth certificate of Barack Obama. Mr. Lincoln paid for my meals and, unlike Orly Taitz, he spent his hard earned money while Orly Taitz often (daily) dines at up class eateries with money that has bee n donated


he r




Cha rles Lincoln



rns his money by


lping those who have

fallen into foreclosure on their homes. His websites are and Tierra Limpia



Patriots and concerned citizens wishing to

donate to the cause of saving America and the ousting of Barack Obama from Office of President of the United States should consider making monetary donations to the renowned Charles Lincoln lll.

In the interests of justice l, Lucas Smith, also state and depose that the following declaration is

true, relevant to this civil action and needs to be brought to the attention of the Government of the United States of America which is a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." (Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863).


Let it be now known to all that l, Lucas Smith, fear that Orly Taitz will no longer permit me

to take the stand and testify to my travels in Africa nor details surrounding how I procured US President Barack Hussein Obama ll's Coast Province General Hospital (CPGH) birth certificate while lwas in

Mombasa at

CPGH in February of this year (2009).

On 09.16.2009 lwas at the Amtrak station in Santa Ana, California. I was accompanied by

the renowned Charles Lincoln lll and attorney Orly Taitz. Charles Lincoln lll was practically begging Orly Taitz to please work with me, Lucas Smith, the STAR WITNESS AND KEYSTONE

to this case against Obama. (8)

OrlyTaitz then said to Mr. Lincoln, "This piece of shit put on the internet that I am sleeping

with members of my legal team. I do have my honor to consider! l'm not going to put this piece of shit on the stand, if I put him on the stand he's going to say that l've been sleeping with members of my legal team. What about my honor!" l, Lucas Smith, then said to Orly Taitz, "You lost your honor the moment that you slept

outside of your marriage." Those are the last words that Orly and | (Lucas Smith) spoke to each other.

That particular situation stemmed from postings on my Youtube channel profile (dated 09.15.09),, that contained information about the illicit sexual affair that Orly Taitz and Charles Lincoln lll had been having, which I personally witnessed, at Mr. Lincoln's house at 4 Via Corbina, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688.

Charles Lincoln lll also talks openly about his illicit sexual affair with married

woman Orly Taitz. Mr Lincoln told me, (this


verbatim, not paraphrased) "My

relationship with Orly is definitely a problem in my life. She's crazy. She's a bitch. In fact she's a crazy bitch, but her bitchy craziness is for whatever reason right for me in


lot of ways. And honestly, I think Ben Franklin must have been a very smart fellow. He always recommended older women as lovers (Google it: some fairly funny stuff that the guy on the


bill wrote when he was 40, in 1745,31years before the Declaration of

Independencel)and until now I never

EVER agreed. But really and

truly, Orly's better in

bed than 99% of the much younger girls I've ever met: you name it, hotter, hornier,

wetter, tighter, more of a nympho than I've ever met in fact. Her only limitation is on kinkiness: she won't even bite or let me bite her. Maybe that's part of her craziness---she is very straightlaced, conservative,

"normal" and forthat reason never "got enough" when

she was younger and always had to channel it to other things, and now she's finally

cheating on her husband and totally wants to let loose but doesn't quite know how....." (e)


I have been

told my two other people that Orly Taitz has asked them to lie under

oath and give testimony to events and details that they had no personal knowledge


Both of these

people told me directly, these are not things that I have only seen on blogs or heard from third


One of the individuals has told me that Orly Taitz wanted him to give testimony to events that

he had no personal knowledge of, in the form


" affidavit stating that Google and Yahoo are

who hacked her blog..." This particular individual refused to make the affidavit, at which time Orly Taitz became angry at him.


l, Lucas Smith, often spend my days and sometimes my nights marshaling evidence which

aides in establishing under both standards of evidence, preponderance of the evidence and beyond a

reasonable doubt, that US President Barack Obama was born at Coast Province General Hospital,

Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya and is ineligible to serve as President of the United States. I have searched far and wide



for supporting evidence which would back-up or authenticate

Kenyan birth certificates that have been filed in this civil case against Barack Obama. I've been

tremendously successful in marshaling support for the CPGH birth certificate. However, all investigation, research and analysis of Orly Taitz's 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth

of Barack Hussein Obama ll have lead me to believe that the document

is a fake and

that Orly Taitz has

known that it was a fake from the onset. It's been alleged by a man in Australia , David Jeffrey Bomford, that the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama

llthat OrlyTaitz has presented to

the United States of America District Courts is based off of his (David Jeffrey Bomford's) Australian birth certificate which is displayed on his family's online genealogy website. David Jeffrey Bomford is still living and would no doubt be called as a witness for the

defendants if this civil case were to make it's way to trial. I have reviewed Bomford's Adelaide Australia

birth certificate. lt almost appears

that it itself is a Photoshop of Orly Taitz's 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth

of Barack Hussein Obama ll. At first I was excited and thought that maybe the whole Bomford factor (10)

was part of the cover-up that President Barack Obama and other individuals had started long

ago. However, more investigation, research and analysis was needed to make


determination of

whether the 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth is genuine or not. ln September of this year (2009) | was able to track down another Australian birth

certificate. This birth certificate


from Queensland, Australia and was issued in the

year 1937. The birth certificate is that of Florence Mainz (later Duffy) whom was born in \876. The Florence Mainz birth certificate also looks like Orly Taitz's 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth. The only remaining argument in support of Orly Taitz's 1964 Republic of Kenya Certified Copy of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama ll is that all countries that were British colonies (e.g., Kenya and Australia) had used, and continued to use after independence, the same format of birth

certificates. However, I have found that this is not true. I have attached a copy

of both the l-960's issue of the David Jeffrey Bomford Adelaide

Australia birth certificate (Exhibit AA) and the 1937 issue of the Florence Mainz Queensland Australia

birth certificate (Exhibit BB).


l, Lucas Smith, hereby make it known to the Court and the People of the Government

that I did, on 09.15.2009, place phone calls to the honorable


Attorney David Anthony DeJute.

spoke with DeJute for only a minute or so. I requested a face to face meeting with me what the meeting was




Dejute asked

l, Lucas Smith, informed him that I had information that was pertinent to

civil action SACV09-00082-DOC (Anx) that I felt obligated to share with the United States of America, i.e., the US Attorneys


DeJute was immediately aware of who I was and he made verbal note


the scheduling conference of 09.10.2009 that we were both present at the week before. DeJute told me that he would have

to make sure that a meeting between him and I was even

possible, ethically. He requested a telephone number that he could reach me

supplied him with a telephone number that he could reach me



l, Lucas Smith, then

DeJute then said that he would call

me back soon but, need to verify first if it would or wouldn't be ethical for us to meet. (11)

Afew hours passed and ldecided to callthe honorable USAttorney David Anthony DeJute, again. This time a received his voicemail. I then proceeded to leave a short message in which I stated that attorney Orly Taitz had been soliciting me to give false testimony in civil action SACV09-00082DOC

(Anx). I mentioned the instance of Orly Taitz asking me to lie under oath about attorney Gary

Kree o.

A few hours later I received a call, which went

to my voicemail, from Dejute. In the voicemail

he stated that a meeting between us might not be ethical and that if I would like to share any

information with the


Attorneys Office that | (Lucas Smith)would have to secure another attorney

(not Orly Taitz) and then write a letter which contains the information that I would like to bring to the

attention to the



Attorneys Office and then send the said letterto the

My 09.15.2009 call to the honorable



Attorneys Office.

Attorney David Anthony DeJute stemmed from

a complex and burdensome inner turmoil that l'd been experiencing during the 10 days that lead up to

the 09.15.2009 phone callto Dejute. In the previous months l'd convinced myself that we (Patriots, Birthers, Truthers) need an

attorney such as Orly Taitz. We needed an attorney who wasn't concerned with tarnishing their reputable name that they'd built with the community over the years. We needed an attorney who

didn't rely on their law practice as their main source of income. l, Lucas Smith, have a friend named Jim whom I met through Youtube. He summed the

entire situation up in justthree sentences. lquote (verbatim): " Mostattorneysthat looked intothis know that Obama is hiding something very important. They don't get involved because they know

that doing so is like an "allin" in poker. Most of them can't afford to lose..because "all in" means the end of their legal career if they lose." End quote. Orly Tiatz is independently wealthy and her husband (Yosef Taitz) is a wealthy software

programmer. Orly Taitz also claims to

be a dentist and a real estate


agent. I have visited her dental

office which includes a full staff and regular patients, as well.

OrlyTaitz has neverwon anytype of case (civilorcriminal)in anyvenue or jurisdiction of court, be it federal, state or local. She has no long-time-standing as a reputable attorney nor any clients

that have

reta ined her services

for lengthy


riods of


She has no reputation

to be ta rnished.

No threat of a fundamental loss of income. Orly Taitz earns no money as an attorney aside from

donations that she receives to aide in her various civil cases against US President Barack Obama. (Donations that I have witnessed to be squandered on anything and everything but her civil cases filed against Barack Obama.) I had convinced myself

that this was just the type of attorney that was needed for the

job to be seen through. Orly Taitz had nothing to lose. She had no poker chips to go 'all in 'with, as my friend Jim had mentioned to me. However, from the events that I witnesses during the days that fell between September 05, 2009 thru September 1,6,2OO9,lcame to an exhaustive conclusion that OrlyTaitz just may be the

'Bithers' worst nightmare.


Outside of paying attention to her own voice at length, Orly Taitz has

the attention span of a small child. On a plethora of occasions I tried to hold intellectual discussions with Orly and she failed to pay attention for more than 15 seconds at a time. She also attempted to go over questions she would ask me in open court. She succeeded in not setting down a single question & answer aside from a partial question & answer about my criminal history. She'd jotted down one sentence of


my answer, of which she recorded with great error.


While I was in the witness room at the Santa Ana courthouse during the 09.08.2009 hearing in the Honorable Judge David O. Carter's courtroom I had the

opportunity to speak with three other witnesses that Orly had

brought to testify (minus witness Larry Sinclair who refused to show up because of Orly's solicitation the night before for false testimony at

today's hearing). Each of the three witness had no idea of what Orly was going to ask them or what answers they would give to the unknown

(to them) questions that Orly would ask them in open court. One of the witnesses found this to be highly unprofessional of Orly. Another

witness (female) had the audacity to state that she was now in her second year at school and was studying law and that from what she had

learned in school it was NOT legal for Orly Taitz to go over the questions and answers with her witnesses before



HAD I JUST OVER HEARD? | couldn't believe mv


Even middle

school students that watch Law & Order on television no better than


The same witness (female) went on to state that not only was she

a witness in Orly's case but,

that she was also a plaintiff. When asked

what her claim was she stated that she was a direct descendant of former US President George Washington. She went on to state that she had ancestors, from the same bloodline, that had fought in every

American war since the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). For a moment I

thought I was listening to a Dan Brown audio book or something. She (14)

went further to say that her claim was that her ancestors' honor (and her's and her contemporary family member's) had been shamed and tarnished by the politics of current

US President Barack Obama and by

Barack Obama serving as president when he is actually ineligible to do

so. Now, while I do find her story very noble and I wish that I could say that I was from a family such as hers, her claim is VOID OF MERIT in the said civil case (SACV09-00082-DOC (Anx)). From that point on I was expecting that maybe the next witness to show up would be Captain Kangaroo himself.

Throughout my stay in California (09.05.2009 thru 09.16.2009) | put aside Orly's multiple solicitations for false testimony and figured that if I could demonstrate to Orly that we could win this case with diligent investigation, research and analysis that Orly would, in turn, do the right thing and fight this

uphill battle with facts rather than a flimsy shelter of lies and deceit. My efforts for Orly's come around on this fundamental concern were to no avail. My efforts produced no beneficial or advantageous results. Orly Taitz continued to express no interest or attentiveness to conduct any form of real research. Occasionally she posts online the new information that her supporters dig up about Obama. Orly spends her time on the listening to herself talk on the telephone or eating at upscale restaurants in Orange

County. Asyou can see, she has not made even an infinitesimalamount of effort to authenticate her supposed 1964 Republic or Kenya Certified Copy (1s)

of Registration of Birth of Barack Hussein Obama ll (of which she only has a photograph of, not the actual document). And she still claims that the burden is on Obama, the defendant,

to prove that the certificate is not his. The last

time I checked, the burden of proof in civil cases was still on the Plaintiffs.


The last straw was when (on 09.15.2009) | told Orly that I had a lead on the supposed 'birth announcement' that are supposedly listed in two different 1961 Hawaiian newspapers. l'd already told Charles Lincoln lll about the lead I


Charles was ecstatic over

it! We'd need to travel to Sacramento,

California for a day to investigate the lead. One days work. We were already

in California. This entailed a 437 mile trip by car which would have taken Charles Lincoln (ln his car, not Orly's) and I about 8 and% hours to drive. Charles even offered to pay for the trip, i.e., gas and meals. At this point I was

just aboutoutof any resources. l'd been on the Obama trailsince February 2009 and had been hopping around the globe ever since. l'd even spent

money on the 'Obama trail' that I had saved for documenting another story in Africa about the dinosaur-like creature named Mbembe in the Congo (Africa). However, I couldn't allow Charles to keep paying for expenditures of things

that Orly should be covering. lt's Orly's civil case. And Charles is already working for her for FREE. lf it weren't for Charles, Orly would have no civil cases against Obama. Orly has no understanding or grasp of the

law. How she

passed the bar examination is a mystery that should be added to the list of the

world's greatest enigmas and also something that should be investigated by the proper authorities. In any case, it's now 09.15.2009 and l'm telling Orly (


about the lead I have alreadv discussed with Charles Lincoln


I asked Orly


pay (gas) for the trip to Sacramento so that Charles, his law clerk Peyton Freiman and I could look into the truth behind the supposed Obama birth

announcements. Orly then told me that she had no money and that I should get


job. I then

asked her about her statements to the Honorable Judge David

O Carter about her (Orly Taitz) fearing for my life and how my (Lucas) life was

in such grave danger. I asked Orly where would she consider a 'safe' place for me to work? She said, 'starbucks' since that's where Charles, his law clerk and I

often go to work online with our laptops. I asked Orly, so, even though it

would be very easy for anyone track me down if I was working under my name and social security number, that would be OK then? l'd be safe behind the

counter at Starbucks? | asked Orly if she'd be willing to tell the Honorable Judge David O. Carter about her recommendation that I work behind the

counter at 'starbucks" while my life was in such grave danger because Obama and his'operatives'are after me. I recommended that she tell Honorable Judge Carter at the same time about how she (Orly) had supposedly tracked

down Barack Obama via his social security numbers. She could also then explain to Honorable Judge Carter why she felt that | (Lucas) couldn't be

tracked down by SSN when it was so 'easy' for Orly to track down Obama by

SSN. I then went on to tell Orly that I was highly offended by her lies of her having no money and her remarks (twice now) that I get a job. I told her that

it was l, Lucas Daniel Smith, that has spent over $40,000 dollars on the Obama

trail. lt was l, Lucas Daniel Smith, that

risked my life in Africa to procure the



birth certificate of Barack Obama. lt was l, Lucas Daniel Smith, that

handed Orly Tiatz the 'holy grail'for her civil case, and I did so for FREE. Orly Taitz still refused to pay for the trip or any other research. She also stated

that we didn't need any more evidence and again that the burden of proof was now on Barack Obama to prove that he is eligible to serve as President of the United States and that he was born in Hawaii. lt was at that point that I told Orly that I was done working with

her. l'd had enough of her lies and crooked

traits that she'd probably inherited from her Soviet upbringing. I knew that there was nothing further that I could do to convince Orly Taitz that we should

fight this case with truths and documentation rather than her campaign of fighting Obama lies with Orly lies. Within an hour after Orly and l's conversation I was online letting the world know the truth about Orly Taitz. At

the same time I also put in the call to the honorable


Attorney David

Anthony DeJute.


For the record I want to state that Orly Taitz did send me 5250 via Western

Union on 09.04.2009 which was to cover exit expenses for returning the

United States. This money was sent in her name to my name. Orly also had one of her supporters use their American Airlines Advantage Miles to cover


free one-way ticket for me to enter the United States on 09.05.2009, She did however, back out on her promise to put me up in a hotel upon my arrival in United States on 09.05.2009, at which time she stuck me with some of her supporters who, graciously, put me up in their home on three different nights. (18)

The rest of my 12 day stay in California was at the home of Charles Lincoln



would have stayed longer but, on the morning of 09.16.2009 Orly Taitz came rushing into my bedroom at Charles Lincoln lll's house at 4 Via Corbina, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688 and told me

Charles' house anymore.


that I cannot stay at

told her to get lost and that this was America, not

the Soviet Union and that Charles can let anyone stay at his house that he

wants. (That's anotherflaw in Orly, she's a control freak and she train wrecks any attempt to work with others.) She then went to get Charles. She came back with him a few minutes


She then

told Charles, in my presence,

that if he did not put me out of his house this very minute that she would cease

to act as his attornev in the foreclosure case that was active in court for

this house (4 Via Corbina, Rancho Santa Margarita, California 926880). Charles Lincoln lllwould not need an attorneyto help other people (his clients)

fight foreclosure proceedings in court. He's in the mortgage redemption business. However, he is a disbarred attorney, and this is one of his properties (not a client's property). So in this particularsituation he did need another attorney to represent him in court, even if it was him (Charles) composing all the filings in the said case. Charles then offered to drive me to Los Angeles, where l, LucasSmith, have a family memberand friends. Orlythen told him

that that wouldn't do, and that she wanted this'piece of shit'to be dropped at the curb. At that point Charles Lincoln did put his foot down and said that (1e)

he would do no such thing and that the least he could do was take me to the

Amtrak station and put me on a train to Los Angeles. After I dressed we all

went outside to the car. I attempted to get into Charles'car but, Orly insisted that we take her car. I asked why, she said because she said so. At the Amtrak station Charles Lincoln lll made Orly Taitz pay for my train ticket to


Angeles. Charles Lincoln then trust a wad of cash into my palm and read off his telephone number

to me.


then pleaded with Orly Taitz, practically

begging Orly Taitz to please work with me, Lucas Smith, the STAR WITNESS AND KEYSTONE to this case against Obama. Orly Taitz then said to Mr. Lincoln, "This piece of shit put on the internet that I am sleeping with members of my legal team. I do have my honor to consider! I'm not going to put this piece of

shit on the stand, if


him on the stand he'sgoingto saythat l've been

sleeping with members of my legal team. What about my

honor!" l, Lucas

Smith, then said to Orly Taitz, "You lost your honor the moment that you slept

outside of your marriage". Those are the last words that Orly and | (Lucas Smith) spoke to each other. From that point on I knew that it was more

important to Orly Taitz to preserve her ego and to keep hidden her immoral lifestyle and unethical legal tactics than it was forher to stand up for the American people, in the Honorable Court of Judge David O. Carter, and have the truth heard about the treacherv that's been and continues to be

perpetrated by the biggest miscreant traitor in all the history of the United States of America. And if morals and ethics, of which attorney Orly Taitz lacks, (20)

are no longer paramount or important at allthan what are we fighting for?

What is America? ls America an attorney that squanders patriotic financial donations on

SgOO meals

at upscale restaurants? ls America an attorney that

sleeps outside of her marriage to keep free legal help around that she easily

afford to pay? Perhaps we should alljust share our bodies freely as they do in

the books Brove New Wortd written by Aldous Huxley or The Tomorrow File

written by Lawrence Sanders. ls monogamous marriage only meant for the savages that Aldous Huxley wrote about? A meal around the dinner table with

your family, that's just so un-American isn't


And packing a lunch when you

have a long day planned, that's quite untrendy isn't it, what American would do


By all means,

fellow Patriots, send you monetary donations to

attorney Orly Taitz.

XlV. Charles Lincoln

lt should be duly noted that approximately one week after I left the house of


he (Charles)was evicted, by law, from his home at4Via Corbina, Rancho Santa

Margarita, California 926880. Why was he evicted, unexpectedly to him, from his own home? Orly Taitz, in her incompetence, had some time ago forgot to inform Charles of an upcoming court date in

the Charles Lincoln lllforeclosure litigation. Charles lost the foreclosure suit by defoult because he'd missed the court date and not made the necessary filings on as he found out


This was all a surprise

to Mr. Lincoln

bywayof eviction from his house in September (2009). Lostwas a house worth

hundreds of thousands of dollars....a shame it




l, Lucas Daniel Smith, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and


Executed on

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Lucas DanielSmith



PO Box227

Peoria, lllinois 61605 Lucas_D_Sm ith






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Clerk of Court United States District Court Central District of California Southern Division 411 West Fourth St., Rm 1053 Santa Ana. CA 92701-4516

RE: Civil Action:

SACV09-00082-DOC (Anx)

Dear Clerk, Enclosed please find my 28 U.S.C. 5I746 DECLARATION. one copy for the judge.

I have enclosed

the original and also

Please file my 28 U.S.C. 97746 DECLARATION in the above mentioned civil action 5ACV0900082-DOC (Anx).

Thank you.

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