Lp Science 2.docx

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  • Words: 2,438
  • Pages: 12

LEARNING CONTENT: How the properties of matter relate to their chemical structure LEARNING AREA: PHYSCIAL SCIENCE LEARNING COMPETENCY/IES: The learners explain how the uses of the following materials depend on their properties: a. medical implants, prosthesis b. sports equipment c. electronic devices d. construction supplies for buildings and furniture e. household gadgets KEY CONCEPTS: Use of different materials according to their Properties and Structures: Medical Implants LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The learners will be able to: a. Identify the uses of medical implants; b. Differentiate the properties of the materials used for medical implants; c. Conduct an interview of the person that work in the medical field ( e.g nurse, doctor, and dentist) or someone who has experience with medical implant; d. Cooperative and participative during the activity and class discussion REAOURCES NEEDED: REFERENCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implant_(medicine) https://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/ImplantsandProsthetics/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_replacement https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=hip+replacement&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMzqK58vrTAhUMTbwKHXiMAikQ_AUI BigB&biw=1242&bih=602#tbm=isch&q=hip+replacement+before+after&imgrc=6_MsaP3ajHy3PM: https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=hip+replacement&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMzqK58vrTAhUMTbwKHXiMAikQ_AUI BigB&biw=1242&bih=602#tbm=isch&q=Intraocular+lens+before+%26+after&imgrc=zNEFUXbeD8exmM: http://www.medical-directions.com/10-most-common-medical-implants-and-info/ http://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=2873 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyethylene https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=hip+replacement&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjDsZGss_3TAhXIS7wKHZT3BJI Q_AUIBigB&biw=1242&bih=602#imgrc=p2VrfF_CyZlbQM: https://www.britannica.com/science/lithium-chemical-element

MATERIALS: CG, Internet connection, Laptop, projector, powerpoint prresentation

PREPARATION: Introductory Activity -Review the previous topic, then connect it to the new topic. -Show a picture through PowerPoint presentation and allow learners to express their own ideas & opinion.(5 minutes)

Guide questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What have you observe from figure 1? What have you observe from figure 2? What have you observe from figure 3? Based from the 3 figures presented, what have you observe? - Learners’ answers will vary - allow learners to express their brilliant ideas that will lead to the discovery of the new lesson

PRESENTATION: Learners are group according to their learning style: visual, auditory, & kinesthetic (10 minutes)

Game: Message relay Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The number of members in each group should be equal. The group will form a straight line. The teacher then whispers a same message to the groups. The first member of the line will first receive the message then relay it to the second member, and the second member will passed it to the third member, and so on… 5. The last member in the line will be the one to say the message aloud. 6. The group who can first write the message correctly on the board will have a points.(1 point per message) 7. The group who can have highest points will be the winner.


Learners are group according to their learning style: visual, auditory, & kinesthetic (10 minutes)

Game: Message relay Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The number of members in each group should be equal. The group will form a straight line. The teacher then whispers a same message to the groups. The first member of the line will first receive the message then relay it to the second member, and the second member will passed it to the third member, and so on… 5. The last member in the line will be the one to say the message aloud. 6. The group who can first write the message correctly on the board will have a points.(1 point per message) 7. The group who can have highest points will be the winner. Messages:

1.Types of Medical implant 2.Properties of medical implant 3.Uses of medical implant 4.Materials for artificial hips are Stainless steel, Polyethylene, & Ceramic 5. Artificial hips are used in hip replacement surgeries. 6. Heart Peacemaker treat patients with conditions that cause abnormal heart rhythms with the used of Lithium battery. 7. Stainless steel: higher corrosion, resistance, higher cryogenic, toughness, higher work, hardening rate, higher hot strength, higher ductility, higher strength and hardness, a more attractive appearance, & lower maintenance 8. Polyethylene: low strength, hardness and rigidity, but has a high ductility and impact strength as well as low friction, nonpolar, saturated, high molecular weight hydrocarbons 9. Ceramic: mechanical strength in spite of brittleness; chemical durability against the deteriorating effects of oxygen, water, acids, bases, salts, and organic solvents; hardness, contributing to resistance against wear; thermal and electrical conductivity considerably lower than that of metals; and an ability to take a decorative finish.

10. Lithium floats on water, is highly reactive with it and forms strong hydroxide solutions, yielding lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. 11. Silicone gel: low chemical reactivity. Low toxicity. Thermal stability (constancy of properties over a wide temperature range of −100 to 250 °C). The ability to repel water and form watertight seals. 12. Copper particle: ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. 13. PMMA are strong, tough, and lightweight material 14. Artificial Eye Lenses replace a patient’s natural eye lens during cataract surgery by using PMMA and Silicone. 15. Breast implant reconstruct, reshape or enhance the size of a woman’s breast by using the silicone gel. ANALYSIS: Guide questions: (15 minutes) 1. How did you find the activity? - Learners’ answers will vary - Teacher’s follow-up question depend on learner’s opinion 2. What are the words in the message relay? - Learners’ answers will vary - Teacher’s follow-up question depend on learner’s idea 3. Create a concept from the words in the message relay Table 1. List of medical implant with their corresponding uses, materials, and properties. MEDICAL IMPLANTS


1. Artificial Hips

used in hip replacement surgeries


  

Stainless steel Polyethylene Ceramic


* higher corrosion, resistance, higher cryogenic, toughness, higher work, hardening rate, higher hot strength, higher ductility, higher strength and hardness, a more attractive appearance, & lower maintenance

*low strength, hardness and rigidity, but has a high ductility and impact strength as well as low friction, nonpolar, saturated, high molecular weight hydrocarbons * mechanical strength in spite of brittleness; chemical durability against the deteriorating effects of oxygen, water, acids, bases, salts, and organic solvents; hardness, contributing to resistance against wear; thermal and electrical conductivity considerably lower than that of metals; and an ability to take a decorative finish.

2.Heart Pacemakers

treat patients with conditions that cause abnormal heart rhythms


* floats on water, is highly reactive with it and forms strong hydroxide solutions, yielding lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen gas.

3. Breast Implants

reconstruct, reshape or enhance the size of a woman’s breast

Silicone gel

* Low chemical reactivity. Low toxicity. Thermal stability (constancy of properties over a wide temperature range of −100 to 250 °C). The ability to

repel water and form watertight seals.

4. Intra-Uterine inserted into a Devices woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy

copper particle

*ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity

5. Artificial Lenses

PMMA [Poly(methyl methacrylate)] Silicone

* strong, tough, and lightweight material * Low chemical reactivity. Low toxicity. Thermal stability (constancy of properties over a wide temperature range of −100 to 250 °C). The ability to repel water and form watertight seals.

Eye replace a patient’s natural eye lens during cataract surgery

ABSTRACTION: Lecture-Discussion of Key Concepts: (20 minutes) Medical implant is a medical device manufactured to:  Replace a missing biological structure  Support a damaged biological structure  Enhance an existing biological structure.  Some implants are made from skin, bone or other body tissues. Others are made from metal, plastic, ceramic or other materials. Implants can be placed permanently or they can be removed once they are no longer needed. It’s amazing how often people need to get implants of some sort to help them heal from an injury or ailment. Now-a-days they make implants for just about every part.

1. Artificial Hips -medical devices or joints used in hip replacement surgeries. These are used in partial or full hip replacements. It is composed of:

 

Stainless steel - higher corrosion, resistance, higher cryogenic, toughness, higher work, hardening rate, higher hot strength, higher ductility, higher strength and hardness, a more attractive appearance, & lower maintenance Polyethylene - low strength, hardness and rigidity, but has a high ductility and impact strength as well as low friction, nonpolar, saturated, high molecular weight hydrocarbons Ceramic - mechanical strength in spite of brittleness; chemical durability against the deteriorating effects of oxygen, water, acids, bases, salts, and organic solvents; hardness, contributing to resistance against wear; thermal and electrical conductivity considerably lower than that of metals; and an ability to take a decorative finish

2. Heart Pacemakers

-used to treat patients with conditions that cause abnormal heart rhythms. There are two kinds of heart pacemakers, one that triggers the chambers of the heart and another that sends an electrical pulse to the heart to control the rate and rhythm. Both types are small medical devices that get surgically implanted under the skin near the heart to help control a person’s heartbeat. The preceding implantable devices consist of Lithium- floats on water, is highly reactive with it and forms strong hydroxide solutions, yielding lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen gas.

3. Breast Implants

Breast implants are devices used to reconstruct, reshape or enhance the size of a woman’s breast. One of the most common materials for breast implant is silicone gel. 

Silicone - low chemical reactivity. Low toxicity. Thermal stability (constancy of properties over a wide temperature range of −100 to 250 °C). The ability to repel water and form watertight seals.

4. IUDs (Intra-Uterine Devices)

List of most common implants: An IUD is a small contraceptive device that is inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Copper particle - ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity

5. Artificial Eye Lenses

Artificial Eye Lenses are used to replace a patient’s natural eye lens during cataract surgery.

 

PMMA [Poly(methyl methacrylate)] - strong, tough, and lightweight material Silicone - low chemical reactivity. Low toxicity. Thermal stability (constancy of properties over a wide temperature range of −100 to 250 °C). The ability to repel water and form watertight seals.

Other Medical Implants:

Spine Screws, Rods and Artificial Discs

Spine screws, rods and artificial discs are all hardware used in several types of spinal fusion surgeries where two or more vertebrae are fused together.

Metal Screws, Pins, Plates and Rods

Metal screws, pins, plates and rods are the medical hardware pieces used to repair all sorts of bone fractures. These items are used to help realign fractured bones and hold them together to allow them to heal.

Artificial Knees

Artificial knees are used to replace the real knee cap or joint in a patient who needs partial or total knee replacement surgery. There are several types of artificial knees and joints, so do your research if you need this type of surgery.

Coronary Stents

Coronary Stents are used in patients who have unstable angina or have had a recent heart attack because of blocked arteries. These stents are small tubes that are inserted into any of the arteries

that supply blood to the patient’s heart. They are used to open up the artery to allow better blood flow. 

Ear Tubes

Ear tubes are used to alleviate any severe build up of fluid in a patient’s middle ear that can’t be cured by medication. These are small tubes inserted into the ear drum. There are a variety of ear tubes on the market. Some are used on a temporary basis where others are designed for longterm use to treat chronic conditions.

-Learners are aware on what to do before agreeing to the procedure of medical implant through these guide questions:

1. Will my implant be permanent or removable? If the device is permanent, find out how long it should last. If the device is removable, find out how long it will be implanted in you and what factors will determine when it can come out.

2. What material will the implant be made from? Make sure you are not allergic to any of the components in the implant.

3. How many of these procedures have you done? The more experience a doctor has with inserting implants, the better the outcome may be.

4.What are the complication rates from the procedure? Make sure you understand the risks of the surgery, infection, and device failure.

5. What are the benefits of the procedure? Make sure you understand how the device will benefit you and if it will affect your quality of life.

Learners will learn that there are different types of medical implant depend on its properties & uses APPLICATION: Group Activity: Learners are group according to their learning style (5 minutes) Matching Type: Match the pictures in column I with the types of medical implant in column II, and its materials in column III by sketching an arrow in order to connect the three columns.(3 points each number) Column I

.) Ceramic

Column II

A. Artificial Eye Lenses

Column III

a. Stainless steel, Polyethylene , &


B. Breast Implants

b. Lithium


C. Heart Pacemakers

c. Silicone gel


D. Intra-Uterine Devices

d. Copper particle


E. Artificial Hips

e. PMMA [Poly(methyl methacrylate)]& Silicone

Rubrics: 3 points - if got the right answers in column I, II, & III 2 points – if got the answers in 2 columns only 1 point - if 1 column only

ASSESSMENT: Formative Assessment: (5 minutes)


Direction: Give the use of the following medical implant.

Medical Implants 1. Artificial Hips 2. Heart Pacemakers 3. Breast Implants 4. IUDs (Intra-Uterine Devices) 5. Artificial Eye Lenses 6.Spine Screws, Rods and Artificial Discs

Uses medical devices or joints used in hip replacement surgeries treat patients with conditions that cause abnormal heart rhythms reconstruct, reshape or enhance the size of a woman’s breast inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy replace a patient’s natural eye lens during cataract surgery

used in several types of spinal fusion surgeries where two or more vertebrae are fused together 7.Metal Screws, Pins, used to repair all sorts of bone fractures Plates and Rods replace the real knee cap or joint in a patient who needs partial or total knee 8. Artificial Knees replacement surgery used in patients who have unstable angina or have had a recent heart attack 9. Coronary Stents because of blocked arteries alleviate any severe buildup of fluid in a patient’s middle ear that can’t be 10. Ear Tubes cured by medication ASSIGNMENT: Group assignment:

Conduct an interview of a person that work in the medical field (e.g. nurse, doctor, and dentist) or someone who has experience with medical implants. Try to find out the pros and cons of having medical implants and the proper ways of taking care of them. (Put your outputs in a video clips, PowerPoint presentation or scrapbook)

Criteria:  Accuracy:


Relevance: 2



Timeliness: 2

2 2

2 – if 1 - if 2 – if 1 - if 2 – if 1 - if 2 – if 1 - if 2 – if 1 - if

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